The BBNP Programme is a partnership between WWF Sweden, WWF ...

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results framework for Baltic component has Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) in river basins strengthened ... Technical a
The BBNP Programme is a partnership between WWF Sweden, WWF Russia and Coalition Clean Baltic and is implemented in the Russian part of the Barents and Baltic Sea regions. The Programme was launched in January 2016 and started on July 1st after a six-month inception period. The core of the Programme’s theory of change is that through capacity development of civil society the Programme will contribute to a vibrant debate regarding natural resources sustainability and ecosystem resilience, improving relevant policies, holding both public and private sector accountable and driving a change in management of natural resources towards sustainability. The results framework for Baltic component has Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) in river basins strengthened through increased civil society and community participation as one its two major outcomes at the medium-term level OUTCOME 1. Ecosystem based management (EBM) in river basins is strengthened through increased civil society and community participation Outcome 1.1. Civil society is engaging in Ecosystem based management (fishery management, forest management, protected areas, floods protection, etc.) with other relevant stakeholders

Fig. 1 Geographical areas of the Baltic component, Outcome 1 and 2.

The Luga river basin Establishment of contacts with authorities and between partners In Leningrad oblast (LO) reliable and stable contacts were established with regional and municipal authorities related to Ecosystem based management of the Luga River: two letters of support were received – from the Regional Committee of Ecological Control and the Committee for Education. Good cooperation with Commission on the Agriculture, Entrepreneurship and Environment of the Public

Chamber of the Leningrad Region, as well as with Public Environmental Council of Leningrad region, was established, and a common multi-stakeholder roundtable was organized. Local deputies in the Luga, Kingisepp, Peterhof and other places expressed intention to cooperate within the environmental field. Cooperation with local activists in Luga town and common activities on the local level have started. Direct contacts which were established with Public Environmental Council of Leningrad oblast helped to organize the Luga River Festival. Cooperation among public organizations in the region was strengthened. “Clean Luga” organization, using the experience of Friends of the Baltic, is expanding its activities by testing wells and springs in Luga town, and planning to organize wells monitoring as main part of their regular activity. This became a successful example of how raising capacities for cooperation partner can be arranged.

Fig. 2 Luga River Festival, Kingisepp, Leningrad region, May 2017

River Watch activities Technical and methodical support for youth River Watch (RW) investigations/expeditions was provided for schools in the Luga River Basin. Youth was involved in Pubic River monitoring through RW youth expeditions and youth investigation conference on eco-monitoring. Five local schools in Luga district and Centre for Creative development (network of all 18 Kingisepp district schools) are involved in cooperation in LO. Forming the RW coordination team is continued. 15 lectures for schoolchildren, teachers and municipal specialists in Ecocentrum were carried out during the year, incl. 8 outdoor lectures, covering more than 500 participants (schoolchildren as well as adults) being involved and informed about the Baltic Sea ecosystem, challenges, and simple measures to reduce the nutrient impact on the Baltic Sea. The aims are to raise awareness about water quality, introduce simple measures to reduce nutrient loads on the Baltic Sea, and reduce the impact on the climate among wide range of stakeholders (children, adults, and older people). The Neman and Pregolya river basins Seminars on water quality, river basin monitoring and opening of Resource and Water Centres Through the arrangement of seminars, KO local actors including representatives of regional authorities and academia, became familiar with BBNP project, its aims and objectives, plans and activities on river monitoring within the Neman and Pregolya basins as well as on wells monitoring (analysis of nitrates content). Belarusian NGOs from another CCB Programme were involved as experts. One Resource Centre for popularization of environmental education was opened in Rybachiy Township in KO, located in a local school. Outlooks on further development of the Resource Centre are defined and co-funding application submitted to maintain the Resource Centre in future. Four educational ecoroutes have been designed with the purpose of outdoor environmental education.

“Water Centres” in three schools located in towns within the Neman and Pregolya river basins (Zapovednoe, Gvardeisk, Sovetsk) were established; hydro biological and hydro chemical equipment for public water monitoring was transferred to centre/school coordinators.

Fig. 3 Children testing water hydro biological and hydro chemical qualities in newly established Water Centres in Kaliningrad region.

Publications produced  

The overview baseline report on ERBM in Neman river basin, including description of current status of public participation in it was prepared. Stakeholder analysis for Neman basin PART was done and amended, plans for round table and PARTs discussed with partners.

Outcome 1.2: River basin management is strengthened by voluntary nutrient load reduction commitments and flood protection measures, based on source mapping and climate change adaptation strategies

Luga and Neman river basins Testing of nutrient concentrations Programme partners held testing of nutrient concentrations at Luga River and two main drinking water sources of Luga town and discussed with residents about how to reduce the nutrient impact on water sources. Other activists received test materials for continuing investigations on the South shore of the Gulf of Finland. A mobilization of pilot communities for testing sustainable approaches was launched through local visits, working meetings, consultations, methodical support (farm, gardening community, small-scale local municipality). A media tour for journalists was arranged about the best practices of water management in agriculture within the Luga river basin and the Baltic Sea in order to popularisation of the information about pollution in the Luga river and promoting sustainable solutions. The Eco-centr held two campaigns “Youth for clean rivers” and “Wells without nitrates", with the aim to raise awareness about the water quality in the region and health protection. Partners in KO agreed about joint work on nutrient sources mapping in Kaliningrad region. The survey and interviews with local population were done jointly by KO partners in order to assess an engagement of local residents in environmental problems of Neman river basin. The survey covered various social groups and took into account social status, age and gender. CSO vision on climate change General approaches in the Baltic Sea region, Russia to climate adaptation measures/climate adaptation plans were reviewed and gathering the information on flood risks in the project area has started. CSO vision for climate adaptation in focus of flood protection and climate mitigation measures for the river basins has been elaborated. A booklet on NGO vision of regional climate adaptation challenges, opportunities and actions was developed and a discussion with experts /partners organized in LO.

Dissemination of CSO vision through media, own publication, presenting to decision makers and other stakeholders was carried out in LO. Publications produced During the first year of implementation, a number of different publications have been produced:      

Analysis of flood protection measures in the Neman river basin is published in KO Baseline report about the situation in the KO and sources of nutrient runoff is prepared for publishing; proposals for public monitoring was developed in KO Review of previous trans boundary basin management initiatives and agreements, Legislative and legal instruments of relevance for Neman river basin including trans boundary experience Overview of general climate adaptation challenges and strategy in the focus of flood protection - in the Baltic Sea region, Russia, and other countries with similar nature conditions The Publication "Climate change. What can regions do?"

Outcome 1.3. Nature conservation within river basins is strengthened by local communities through environmentally sustainable tourism and entrepreneurship Kurgalsky Peninsula Dialogue with stakeholders about EBM was initiated Researchers, wetland nature reserve rangers, CSO community and decision-makers met to discuss the local actions in nature conservation and planned collaborative actions in future in Kurgalsky Nature Reserve. Surveys and discussions with the tourists about the conservation value of the Kurgalsky Nature Reserve have been conducted and information from those was processed. Understanding of typical visitors is important to develop nature-friendly mechanisms of reducing the unorganized wild tourist load. Programme partners participated in all discussions and public hearings about potential construction of Nord Stream 2 through the Kurgalsky Nature Reserve. The tourists were interviewed in Kurgalsky Nature Reserve and were informed about Nature Reserve and its value. Preliminary agreement for cooperation with tourist centre at Kurgalsky Nature Reserve was concluded. Public involved in discussions of different aspects of ecosystem-based management aside just spatial planning during the CCB’s round table on ecosystem-based approach in integrated river basin and coastal marine areas management at Baltic Sea Days Forum in LO. Curoninan Lagoon Workshop and seminar for local community living at territory of National Park Curoninan Spit on the fundraising: Two-days seminar «Agricultural tourism: start your business» held in KO and united about 50 persons, created interaction with local communities, provided education of participants; drafts of businessplans were prepared. As an outcome of the seminar the “School for junior guides” was created and launched to involve young generation living at the territory of the National Park into sustainable tourism activities. The students of Rybachiy village showed great engagement into nature conservation activities through participation in ecological actions; creation of positive relations to National Park. The seminar “Rural tourism: how to write a successful project” was organized at territory of National Park was performed during two days. Participants were trained by invited experts in approaches and methodological steps to prepare the project applications. Seminar combined not only adult, but also youth from Club Friends of Curonian Spit. Five project applications were drafted and one submitted in the competition of social and cultural projects of LUKOIL in Kaliningrad region. It was an outcome from the seminar “Rural tourism: how to write a successful project”. Opportunities for financing from the Baltic Sea Nature Conservation Foundation were presented to local partners, several project ideas launched.

Luga and Neman river basins Addressing the problem of water pollution by agriculture A group of farmers from LO and NW Russia feel that their successful experience of running the small private farms in a traditional nature-friendly way is on demand for others; project volunteers understand that small private farms are a good way of development of nature-friendly agriculture in the region through the particular examples. Seminar on organic farming was organized together with the organic fair in KO which helped to attract public attention.