Data visualization Definitions, Introduction. Benefits of Data visualization.
Success Stories, Techniques. Display DV in our website using statistical eXplorer
The beauty of statistics Using interactive data visualization
The 5th international seminar on "Innovative Approaches to Turn Statistics into Knowledge"
Preparation: Haitham Zeidan Sep. 2012 1
Contents Data visualization Definitions, Introduction Data visualization Pipeline Benefits of Data visualization Success Stories, Techniques
Display DV in our website using statistical eXplorer Using GIS in Statistics, Statistical Atlas of Palestine Using DevInfo: PalInfo and CensusInfo in PCBS 2
Definitions of DV Visualization: A graphical representation of data or concepts. The process of representing data as a visual image. The transformation of abstract data to a visual representation, which is
rapidly understood by the user.
Information visualization presumes that "visual representations and
interaction techniques take advantage of the human eye’s broad bandwidth pathway into the mind to allow users to: see, explore, and understand large amounts of information at once.
The use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of
abstract data to amplify cognition.
Introduction Problem: HUGE Datasets: How to understand them?
Solution: Take better advantage of human perceptual system. Convert information into a graphical representation.
Issues: How to convert abstract information into graphical form? Do visualizations do a better job than other methods?
Data Visualization Pipeline
Benefits of Data Visualization Allow the user to gain insight into the data and come up with new
Draw conclusions, and directly interact with the data. Also have a high potential for exploring large databases. Can easily deal with highly inhomogeneous and noisy data. Enables users to get information quickly, put it in a meaningful shape. To make decisions in a relatively short time. Tell stories about the data. Is intuitive and requires no understanding of complex mathematical or
statistical algorithms or parameters.
Overcome limitations of traditional text-based systems.
Visualization Success Stories Start out going Southwest on ELLSWORTH AVE Towards BROADWAY by turning right. Turn RIGHT onto BROADWAY. Turn RIGHT onto QUINCY ST. Turn LEFT onto CAMBRIDGE ST. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto MASSACHUSETTS AVE. Turn RIGHT onto RUSSELL ST.
Visualization Success Stories Mystery: what is causing a cholera epidemic in London in 1854? Illustration of John Snow’s deduction that a cholera epidemic was caused
by a bad water pump, circa 1854.
He marked the location of deaths with dots and of water pumps with
He observed that cholera occurred
almost entirely among those who lived near (and drank from) the Broad Street pump.
DV in our website using statistical eXplorer We added some stories to our new website using statistical eXplorer. We formed two team to follow up the DV in PCBS using statistical
Customizable Statistics eXplorer features: Use any regional or national map (geographical regions) All map projections are supported Publish using our maps and data (with Statistics Publisher) Customize and categorize our input data using our Data Wizard with Unicode,
Excel, PC-Axis or SDMX
Multilingual support
DV in our website using statistical eXplorer PCBS application contains two maps. First is one of the governorates
with census and migration data available for it. The second maps of West Bank & Gaza Strip and contains data for average monthly expenditures and consumer price index.
This application allows for loading of PCBS statistics data in either
Unicode or excel format and is the foundation for creating the stories to be published.
The application loaded with census data for the governorates showing
the distribution of the population See the Story in Slide 12
The map displays in red where the areas with the highest population are
The bar chart displays the order of the regions for the population size. The scatter plot shows the ratio between the male and female.
Population, which in this case is very even for all regions. The size of the bubble in the scatter plot is the size of the region 11
DV in our website using statistical eXplorer Educational data from 1994-2010 story The map shows that there is a higher amount of schools in the West
Bank than Gaza Strip. See the story in slide 14
The time shows how the amount of students in school has increased in
all the regions (light blue the Gaza Strip, dark blue the West Bank and red for Palestine).
The scatter plot shows that over time the amount of schools (x-axis) has
increased as the amount of students increase.
But it also shows that the amount of student per class (y-axis) has
decreased. So the rate of increase for new schools is higher than the increase of students.
DV in our website using statistical eXplorer PCBS migration flow map The PCBS Flow map consists of migration data for the governorates
combined with regional statistics on the migration.
It can be used to show the biggest global flows of migration, top flows
within a region, and flows between chosen regions.
The background map can be colored according to regional data.
In this case the map shows that the highest total flow is between Gaza
and North Gaza. See Map in slide 16
Why Using GIS in STATISTICS? Preparation and Planning (Designing Sample Frame, Working Areas,
Working Headquarters, Preparing Plan and Budget)
Data Collection, Entry and Editing (Field workers walking Path,
Supervising and Monitoring, Data Entry)
Data Production, Dissemination Using GIS: Connected to Geographical
Location Easy to Understand Gives a lot of information Comparison Through Time Many Presentation Ways Analyzing, Spreading Data Widely Multi-user
Documentation (Saving and Managing Data), GID: monitoring,
analyzing, Easy to store and mange, Time series, Producing maps, Dissemination.
Web Based Statistical Atlas
Using GIS in Statistics - Statistical Atlas of Palestine New features in Statistical Atlas of Palestine and Statistical Maps of
Population, Housing and Establishment Census 2007.
Developed the Atlas to be Interactive and Dynamic, the user can filter
which indicators to represent and display (it will published at the end of 2012).
Published maps on more detailed Geographical Levels and more
Finished Establishing the Geographical Database (GD). Use the GD in: Analytical statistical reports and in conducting surveys
and censuses.
16 maps of Statistical Divisions of Governorates were published on this
Link: Statistical Maps of Population, Housing and Establishment Census 2007.
Statistical Atlas of Palestine
Statistical Atlas of Palestine (Census 2007)
Using PalInfo
Using PalInfo
Using CensusInfo
Using CensusInfo
Thank You 25