The Bengal Muhammadan Marriages and Divorces ... - CommonLII

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The Bengal Muhammadan Marriages and Divorces Registration Act, 1876. Act 1 of ... Thls ACI cxrcnds only ro dislricls nolified under scc~ion 1. 'Subziiiu~cd lorĀ ...
The Bengal Muhammadan Marriages and Divorces Registration Act, 1876 Act 1 of 1876

Keyword(s): Muhammadan Registrar, Inspector-General of Registration and Registrar, Parda-Nashin

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BengaI Act I of 1876 [THE BENGAL MUHAMMADAN MARRIAGES AND. DIVORCES ICEGISTRATION ACT, 1876.1 CONTENTS. Section. 1 . Local exlenl. 2. Inlerpretation. 3. Slate Governmen1 may grant Iiccnses to register. . 4. Muhammadan Registrars to use seds. 5. Government lo providc scat and books. 6 . Muhammadan Regiswar to kcep regisrcrs. 7. Enuics to be numbered. 8. Applications, by whom lo be made. 9. Duties of Muhammadan R e g i s m on applicarion. 9A. Dutics or Muhammadan Regisuar in certain casts. 10. (Repea1c~l.j .I I. Enrries by whom to be signed. 12. Copies of enlry Lo be given ro parties. 13. Index to be kept. 14. Particulars to be shown in index. 15, Index may be inspected and copics OF entries in registers laken. 16. Fees for searches and copies. 17. Muhammadan Regisuar 10 be subjecl to control of Districr R e g i s m 18. Inspcctor-General of Registalion lo exercise general superintcndence. 19. Rules io bc approved by State Government and published in Gazerte. 20. Refusal to register to be recorded. 2 1 . Appeal against reFusal lo register. 22. Copies of entries to be sent monthly to Registrar of disuicl. 23. Registers ro be given up. 24. Slate Government may prcscribe rules. 25. Muhammadan Rcgist~ara public officer. 26. Saving clause. Schedule-Form A, Book I. Schedule-Form B, Book II. Schedule-Form C, Book Ill. Schedule-Form D, Book IV.






Ben. Act VI of 1932. B c a ACL1 of 1935. Ben. Acr XVI of 1946. (a) The govern men^ or India (Adaptation of Indian Laws) Order, 1937.

(b) The Indian Indcpcndence (Adaptatian or Bcngal and Punjab Ach) Order, L948.



(c) The Adaptation olLaws Order, 1950.

A I I Acr ro pmviclc for the volrr~rroqregislrariotl of M~rlran~rrrodnrl Marriages utld Divorces. WHEWS it is expedien~to provide for h e v o l u n t q regislration OF marriagcs and divorces among Muhammadans;

1. This Act shall commence and take effccl in those districts in L C I C ~ l[West Bengal. Bihar or Orissa lo which thc S1ale3 Government con- ~ ~ ~ n l . cerned] shall cxlcnd it by an order published in the '[Oficial Gazette]; and thereupon this Acr shall commence and takc cffcct in [he disrricrs . named in such order, on the day which shall bc in such ordcr provided

for the comrnenccment thereof. 2. In this Act, unless thcrc be sornelhing rcpugnaril in [he subjecl or conlext,-


"Muhammadan Regisrrar" mcans any person who is duly authorizcd undcr this Act totregister marriages and divorces;

"Muhanmdul RcghYU"



'SHDKTm.-This sham tilIc was given by [he Amending Act. 1903 (I of 1903). L E G I S M ~P MA ~ S . - F o rSraremnl olObjecrs and Rwsons, w e Ihe Calc~rrtaGo;ette o f 1873. PI. W.p ~ g c1526: and for Proceedings in Council. Jee ibid 1 R73, Supplemenr, p g c 1586: ibjd. 1875, Supplemenr, pages I. 55, 1 19, 175. 407. 437 and 1358. LOCAL ~ m - r . - T h l s ACI cxrcnds only ro dislricls nolified under scc~ion1. 'Subziiiu~cdlor ihc words "~hcprovinces subject lo Ihe Provincial Govcmmcn~~ r B e n p l IDuhich the said Provincial Covernnwnt' hy paragraph 3(1) oirhc Indian lndeprndcncc (Adapwlion o f Bcngal mil Punjab ACE) Ordcr. 1948. 'The word "Siarc" was subs!itutcd for rhc word "Provincinl" by p m . 4 0 ) 01 rhc Adnpmlion or Laws Ordcr. 1950. 'Thcsc words were substilurcd for the words "Cnlc~r~ru Cuzer~r".by p m . 4(1) of thc Govcrnn~cnlof India (Adaplarion of Indim Laws) Ordcr, 1937.


The Berrgal Mrrlrarrlr~ladarrMam'ases atld Divorces Regisrration Acf. 1876.

[Ben. Act I

"Inspector-General of Regisration" and "Regislrar" respectively mean the officers so designated and appointed under [he Indian Rcgisuarion Act, '[I9081 or olher law for the lime being in Force for the regisration of documents;

"dislricr"means a dislric~formed under h e provisions Rcgisualion Act, 1[1908];

OF the Indian

"parda-rrashb"means a woman who, according lo the cuslom of thc country, m i g h ~reasonably object lo appear in a public ofice.

3. It shall be lawful for Ihe2[State] Government to grant a liccnse to any person, being a Muhammadan, authorizing him lo regisler Muhammadan marriages and divorces which have been effected within cerlain specified limits, on application being made lo him for such regismalion; and in like manner il shall be lawrul for thc said2[Srare] Government to rcvoke or suspend such liccnse: Providcd [hat no more lhan ~ w persons o shall be licensed lo exercise the said function within [he same limib; and provided further thar, when two persons are sn licensed to act within the same Iimirs, Ihc onc shall he a member of chc Sunni, and h c orher of !hc Slriu, sect.

4. Every Muhammadan Registrar shall use a seal bearing the following inscription in the Persian charncter and language: "The seal of thc Muhammadan Regisuar of. . ." Govcmmni roprovidc

s d and books.

5. The 2[Slatc] Govcmmcnt shall supply for the ofice OF every Muhammadan Rcgislrar h e seal and h e books necessary for the purposes of this Act.

The pages OF such books shall be conseculively numbered in print, and h e numbcr or pages in each book shall be cerrilicd on the Mepage by the Officer by whom such books are issued. 6. Every Muhammadan Registrar shall keep up the following register-books:-

BOOKI.-Regis~er of marriages j[including marriages of women who have effected divorces of the kind known as Talaq-i-tafiveez], in he Form A conlained in the schedule to this Acl. 'This figure was substirurcd lor thc figurc "1871" by s. 2 of h c Bcngd M u h u h Marriages and Divorces Regismion (Amendment) Act, 1934 (Ben. Act 1 of 1935). 'See fool-nolc 3 on pagc 225. unfe. .'These words were inscned by s. 3(n) of h e Bengd M u h m n d m Mniages and D i v o w Regisintion (Amendmenr) Acr, 1934 (Ben. Acr Io f 1935).

w10r 1908-


The Betigal Mtrl~asmradanMarriages arld Divorces Registratio11Act. 1876.

(Sections 7. 8.) '

BOOK n.-Regism of divorces other than those of the kind known as ki~rrla'[or Talaq-i-tafiveez]in h c Form B conmined in [he schedule to this Aci. BOOK 111.-Register of divorces of the kind known as kllrila, in h e Form C contained in the schedulc to his Act. 'BWK 1V.-Rcgisler of divorces of the kind known as Talag-i-ta$veez in [he Form D conraincd in the scheduIe lo this Act. 7. All cnlries in each regisler prescribed by he last preceding sccrion shall be numbered in a consecutive series, which shall commcncc and terminale with the year P fresh scries bcjng commenced at the beginning



of cach year. 8. Every appljcalion for regislnlion under this Act shall bc madc to thc Muhammadan Registrar orally a s follows:-

Appliaions, by whom l o bc mdc.

iJ the applicatio~tbe for tlre r e g i m rioa of a n~arriageJ[ir~clridir~g the registralio~~ of a ~trarriageof a tvorrra~~ wlro ltas effected a divorce of the kitid know11 as Talaq-i-talfweezlby the parties lo the marriage jointly: providcd ;ha[ iT h e man,or he woman, or bolh, be minors, applicalion shall be made on heir

bchalf by their respcccive lawful guardians: and provided further ha[, if the woman be apardo-noshiti, such application may be made on her behalf by her duly authorized vakil; $ rlre appIication be for registration of a divorce orher tl~arrof ftte kirzd h?ro~vr~ as Khula '[or Talaq-i -tafweez]-by the man who has effecled [he divorce;

if tlre applicatiott be for the registrution oJ a divorce of the kirrd known as Kbula-

by the parties to h e divorce jointly: provided that, if the woman be a parda-mashin, such applicalion may be made on her behalr by her duly authorized vakil; 'Thcsc words wen: insened by s. 3(b) of the Bengd Muhammadan Mnrriagcs md Divorces Regismuon (Amendmcnr) Acr, 1934 (Ben. Act I of 1932). T h i s pmgnph was added by s. 3(c). ibid. 'Thcsc words were insened by s. 4(1), ibid. 'Thcse words wcrc hcncd by s. 4&). ibid.


The Ber~galMrr/ran~~~~adan Marriages arld Divorces Regi~trarionAcr, 1876. [Ben. Act I

'[if tlre applicariotr be for the registratio11 of a divorce of rile ki~ld bwbvtl as Talak-i-lafweezby the woman who has cifccled ihe divorce:

provided that, if the woman be a pari-nashitr, such applcalion may be madc on her behalf by her duly aulhorizcd vakil.] 9. On applicalion being made to a Muhammadan Registrar for regisvation under this Act of a marriagc or divorce wilhin one monrh of Ihc rnarrjage or divorce being cffcctcd, and not otherwisc, and ?[on paymenr of the fee specified i n this bchalf by rules made undcr sccdon 24,] [he Muhammadan Rcgistrar shall(a) salisfy himself wherher or not such marriage or divorce was effected by [he person or persons by whom i t is represented to have bccn cffccled; (b) satisfy himself as to the identily of chc persons appearing before him and alleging ha1 marriage or divorce has bccn effected; (c) in h e case of any pcrson appearing as representacivc of the man or woman (whether he "appears] as guardian or vakil) satisfy himself of the righr of such person to appear. If the Muhammadan Regisuar be satisFed on the abovc points, and not olhcrwise, he shall make an enrry of ~ h cmaniage or divorce in the proper register: Provided that no such cnlry shall bc made olhenvise than in thc presence of every person wha, by scction 1 1 of h s Acl, is required to s i p such entry. Duties ol Muhnmadm Rcgistm in ccnin c m .

'9A. The Muhammadan Regislrar shall not registcr(a) a marriage of a woman who has effected a divorce of the kind known as Talaqi-i-rafweez-

(i) except on rhe production of a docurncnt registered under the Indian Regismtion Act, 1908, or under any other law for the time bcjng in force for the registration of documents, or of a terrified copy of such document, or of a certified copy of the ordcr of [These words wcrc inscncd by s. 4(c) o i the Brngd Muhammadan Mmiagcs and Divorccs Rc,gismuon (Amcndrmnl) Aa, 1934 (Ben.Act1 or I935). =Thesewords wett subsriturcd Tor ihc w& "on payment ro him oia iee ofonc rupcc" by s. 2 of h c Bcngal Muhammadm hiarringcs md Divorces Rcgisu;ruon (Amendment) ACI. 1932 (Ben.Act V I or 1932). 'Subsiiiuicd by s. 2 nnd h e Rrsr Schedule o i Ihe Bengal Repealing and Amending ACI. 1946 (Ben. Act XVI of1916). lor ihe word " a p p " . aSccrion 9A was inserted by s. 5 or the Bengal Muhammadan Marriages and Divorces Rcgisntion (Arncndmnl) A a , 1934 (Ben. Acr I of 1935).

The Bnrgol Mrrhaniniadar~Marriages atid Divorces Regisrration Act, 1876. [Ben. Act I

(2) by the witness who identifies the man who has effected rhe divorcc; (3) if hc man bc of h e Shia sccl-by two wiinesses 10 the divorce being effected; (4) by the Muhammadan Regislrar; 8 r I 1 e e l l ; q be o j a divorce oJrhe kirrd bro\vrl as Khula itr a regirter in rlre Fontt C c o r r ~ a i t ~ eilld rfre sc~tedrrlero this Acr,(1) by h e parlies 10 the Kl~ula:provided that, if the woman be a porda-naslrin, the entry may be signed on hcr behalf by her duly authodzcd vakil; (2) by the person who idenlifies the man; (3) by the person who identifies the woman; (4) if [he application for registration has been made by a cakil on behalfof the woman-by two witnesses to thc fact of rhe vakil having been duly aulhorized to represent her; (5) iT thc man bc of thc Sl~iaseci -by two witnesses lo the divorce being effecred; (6) by [he Muhammadan Regisrrar; '[if the e n i y be of a divorce of 11ie kitld ktlo\vti as Talaq-i-tafwecz i ~ ta regirtcr irr rile F O ~ I D I I conlained in the scl~edrrleto this Act,(1) by h e woman who has effecled the divorce; (2) by h e person who iden~ifiesthe woman who has cffccted the divorce; (3) if he woman be ofthe Shia sect-by two witnesses to rhe divorce being effected; (4) by the Muhammadan Regiswar.] Copics of entry to k


Index ro be kept.

12. On compIetion of h e regislration of any marriage or divorce, the Muhammadan Regispar shall deliver to each of thc applicants for registration an attested copy of the enrry; and for such copy no charge shall be made. 13. In cvery office in which any register hereinbefore mentioned is kept, there shall be prepared a current index of the contenls of such register; and every entry in such index shall be made, so far as practicable, irnrnedia~elyafier the Muhammadan Registrar has made an enry in any such regisler.


'Thcsc words ~d figures wirhin s q u m bncktls am instned by s. 6[b) o f the Bcngal Muhammadan Mmiagcs and Divorccs Rcgistm~ion(Amendment) Act. I934 (Ben. Act 1 of 1935).

The Bengal Mul~ornr~~adur~ Marriages atrd Divotres Reg isrrutio~iAcr, 1876.

14. The index mentioned i n ihc last preceding sccuon shall conrain Ihc name, place of residence and farher's name of cach party lo every marriage or divorce, and [he datc of regislralion.


11 shall also contain such other particulars, and shall be prepared in such form,as h e '[Statc] Govcrnmcnt may dircct. 15. Subjec~10 Ihe previous payment of h e fees prescribed, the index, whether i t be in the ofice of the Muhammadan Regislrar or of the Registrar of [he disdcl, and h e copies of cnrries in such index, which are filed in the officc of thc Registar or the dis~ictunder thc provisions of scclion 22 of his Act, shal be at all times open to inspection by any person applying lo inspect h c same; and copies of cnuics in any of ihe registers, and of the certified copies of such entries. which q e filed in the office of h e Regism of the disvict under section 22 of his Act, shall be given 10all persons applying for such copies. Such copies shall be signed and sealed by the Registrar of the district or by thc Muhammadan Regism, as Ihc c a c may be.

Index myL inspoctcdmd

COPiESOr cnvicsin



Evcry Regismar of a disuicr and cvcry Muhammadan Registrar shall, for the purposes oilhis Acl. be enlirled (o levy the following fees:for cvcry scarch or permission to scarch in any indcx or register under his charge--four aatras: for every cenilied copy of any enrry in a regisler orherihan the first copy rcfcrred to in section 12 of this Acl-onc rupee.

FE, for

17. Evcry Muhammadan Registrar shall perform he durics of his ofice under he superintendence and conml of the Regismu in whose disuict the oCficc of such Muhammadan Registrar is siruale. In the town of Calcutta every Muhammadan R e g i s m shall perform the duties of his ofice under thc supcrintendcnce and conlrol of [he Inspector-Genctal of Registration. Every Regisuar, and in the town of Calculta h e Inspector-General of Rcgisualion, shall have authority to issue (whether on complaint or otherwise) any order consislenr w i h this Act which hc considers necessary in respccl of any act or ommission of any Muhammadan Registrar subordinate lo him.



18. The Inspector-Genenl of Registration shall exercise a general superintendence over officcs of all Muhammadan RcgisWars, and shall have powcr from time lo lime to frame rules consislenr wilh [his Act, for h e guidance of he said Muhammadan Registrars and h e regulaljon or their offices generally. 'See fool-noa 3 on page 225,arrlc.



Regismlo be subjccr to

conirol or Dislricr


Genrnl or Rcgismlion loucrcisc

gene* ,,Fnn-


Tlre Bellgal M~iha~~unud~ti Marriages m ~ r lDivorces Registmriorr Act, 1876.

[Ben. Act I

Rulcs lo bc

publishrdin Guellu.

19. All rules hamed in accordance with the lasr preceding sec~ion shall bc submilred r o thc '[S~ale]Government for approval and altcr rhcy have been approvcd they shall bc published in the Oficiol Gazerre, and shall then havc the same forcc as if they were insertcd in this Acl.

Kcfu~d IU ~rgistcriohc nrordsd,


approved by Sialc GO^^^^^^^^ and

20. Every Muhammadan Rcgis~arrufusing lo register a marriagc divorce shall makc nn order of rufusal, and record his reasons for such order in a book to be kep~Ibr [hat purpose.

21. An appeal shall lie agains~an ordcr of a Muhammadan Rcgislrar rufusing 10 rcgistcr a marriage or divorce, to he R g i s ~ a rlo whom such ag,unst , ~ , , ~ , , MuhammadanRegis~rarissubordina~e,iFprcscntedtosuchRcgistrar re~i51~1. within 20 days from thc dare of the order, and the Regisvar may reverse or a l ~ e rsuch ordcr; and rhc ordcr passed by h e Rcgislrar on appeal shall be final. APP~

Capizsor cn~ricslo bc wntnlonlhly 1oRzsixlm uCdis~rict.

22. Every Muhammadan Registrar shall, aL h e expiration of every monlh scnd certified copics of all entries made by him during ~ h cmonh in !hc rcgislers mentioned in seclion 6 ofthis Acl, and also of ~ h cnlrics c which have been made in ihe index rcrerred to in scctions 13 and 14 ~f this Act, lo thc Registrar of [he district within which such Muhammadan Registrar has bccn authorized lo acr, and [he Regisuar, on receiving such copics, shall file rhem in his office.

Kegislers lo k!3'Cn

23. Every Muhammadan Rcgisrrar shall keep safcly each register until thc same shall be filled, and shall then or carljer if he shall leave the dislrict or cease to hold a license, make over the same ro rhe Regiskar of thc disrrict for sarc custody, or to such othcr person as the Registrar may direcr.


Slalc Covcrnrncnl

]my pmcrih N~U.

W. The l[Stare] Govcrnmenl may from time lo lime prescribe such rules as ?[it] ~hinksfit, provided rhal such ruIes be nor inconsisten( with any provision of this Acr,(a) for delcrmining the qualificarions to be requircd from persons ro whom licenscs under sec~ion3 of h i s Act may be granled; '(aa) for regulating ~ h cfee payable l o a Muhammadan Regisrrar undcr seclion 9; This word was subs~iturcdfor the word "hc" by p m g n p h 5(2)oTthc Governmenr of India (Adap~alionof lndiln Laws) Ordcr. 1437. 'Clirose (CIA)was inscncd by S. 4 o i ~ h cBcngnl M u h m d u l Marriages and Divoacs Registmuon (Amendmcnl) Act. 1931 (Ben. Act VI or 1931).

Tlte Berrgal Mrrl~arrrrrrodamMarriages arrd Divorces Regi~lrarionAcr, 1876.

I(aaa) for regulaling the forms, contents and other pmiculars of nolices undcr scclion 9A; (b) far regulaling [he arlendance of Muhammadan Regisuars al the celebration of marriages, and their remuneration for such auendancc; (c) for rcgulating rhc gram of copies by Registrars and Muhammadan Registrars; (d) for regularing the paymcnt by [he Muhammadan Registrars of the cost o f rhe scals, forms of registers, stalioncry and any other articlcs which may be supplicd lo hem by [he Government; (c) for regulating the application of the fces levied by Rcgisuars of dislricrs and Muhammadan Rcgjstrars under this ACI; and (C) for regulating such orhcr nlallers as appcar lo thc 2[S~nte]Government n c c c s s q to effect [he purposes or this Act. Thc '[Srate] Government may from time to timc canccl or alter any such rules. 25. Every Muhammadan Registm shall bc, and be deemed to he a public officer, and his dulies undcr this Act shall be deemed to bc public duties.

26. No~hingin his Act contained shall be consu-ued 10(a) render invalid, merely by rcason of its not having been rcgistcred, any Muhammadan marriage or divorcc which would olherwise be valid; (b) rcnder valid, by reason of ils having bccn rcgislercd any Muhammadan marriage or divorce which would otherwise be invalid; (c) authorise the atlendancc of any Muhammadan Registrar a1 h c celebraiion of a marriage, except at thc rcquesr of all the panics conccmcd; (d) affect the religion or religious riles and usages of any OF '[Citizens of India];

(c) prevcnt any person, who is unable to wrirc. from putting his mark instead of the signature required by h i s Act. 'Clausc (ma) ww inscned by s. 7 ollhc Bcngal Muhmmrlnn Milrriqes and Divorces Rcgislnlion (Amcndmcni)Act. 1931 (Ben. Act I of 1935). ?Setfmt-note 3 on page 225,unre. 'Subsli~u~cd Tor rhr words "His Majcsly's subjeca in India" by pm. 3 and ha Elcvcn~h Schrdulc of h c Abpmiion o f h w s Order. 1950.

Saving ctaux.

The Berrgal Mrilratt~tt~adae Marriages a ~ i dDivorces Regisrratior~Act, 1876.

p e n . Act I

SCHEDULE. (See sectio~rs6 arrd I ] . )

Regisrer of Marriuges '[indudirlg rrlarriages of l v o l l ~ e r who ~ have effecred divorces of rlre kirid knolvtt as Talaq-i-tafweez] (as prescribed by secriori 6 of the Acr for the volta~raq~ rcgislrarion of M~rltan~nradaa Marriages mrd Divorces]. Consecutive number. 2. Name of the bridcgroorn and rhal of his father, with thcir respective residences. 3. Namc ol h e bride and h a t of her father. with lhcir respeclive rcsidcnces. 4. Whether the bridc is a spinster, a widow or divorced by a formcr husband2[orhas effected a divorce of the kind known as ralaq-i-rafiveez], and whelhcr she is adult or otherwise. If the bride has effected a divorce of [he kind known as 5 Talaq-i-raJiv-eez, particulars of [he document produced to prove the same. If thc bride has effecred a divorce of [he kind known as $56. Talaq-i-tuftveez,the date on which and place where the same was regislered, w i ~ hname and residcnce of the previous husband. $7. tName of the guardian of the bridegroom (if the bridegroom be a minor) and h a t of rhe guardian's Falher, with specificauon of the guardian's residence, and of the relationship in which he stands to the bridegroom. $8. t N m e of the guardian of he bridc (if she be a minor) and that of his father, wilh specification of his residence, and he relationship in which he stands lo the bridc. $9. *Name O F the bride's vakil and of his father, and thcir residences, with spccificauon of the relauonship in which the vakil slands to the bride. $10. "Names of the witnesses to the due aurhorization of the bride's vakil, with namcs of rhcir fathers and residences, and spccificaiion of the relationship in which they stand to the bride. 1.

'Thcsc words wcn: inxncd by s. 8LnXi) OF Ihc Bcngd Muhammadan Marriages md Divorces Registration (Amendment) Act, 1934 (Eicn. Act I of 1935). 'Thesc words wcre insencd by s. 8(n)(ii), ibid. 'Enlrics 5 md 6 were inscded by s. 8(3)(iii), ibid. $Entries 5 to 20 wcrt rcnunikrcd consccutivcly by s. 8(a)(v), ibid. ~hesccolumnswill be blank if rhe bridcmd bridegrmm, mpfftivcly, an:nor represen~cd by guardims. &Thesemlumns will bc blank whcn h e bride is not represented by a t ~ ~ k i l .

Tlie Bengai M~rl~amnradan Marriages and Divorces Reg isrrariot~Act, 1876.

$1 1. Date on which ~ h cmarriage was conlraclcd,-lo be given according to [he English style and according lo the era current in the



12. Amount of dowcr. $13. How much of the dower i s r~ru'ajjal(prompt) and how much nlrr 'lvajul (defcrred). $14. Whether any portion of the dower was paid al h e momcnl. If so, how much. $15. Whether any properly was given in lieu of rhe whole or any portion of the dower, with specificadon of the same. $16. Special condidons, if any. 1 7 Names of village or town, police jurisdicdon and district in which he marriage took pIace. $1 8. Name of the pcrson in whosc house thc manjagc ccrcmony took place, and h a t of his falher. t119. Whether he husband has delegated the power of divorce to rhe wifc. $20. Date of registration,--to be given according to the English srylc.

Register of D i v o ~ e sorl~er . rlrair tlrose oJ the ki~rdX-so\vrl us Khula 2[or Talaq-i-tiifweez](prescribed by sectioil 6 of rhe Acr for tfre

volrwruty regisrration of Mulrammadan Marriages and Divorces). 1.

Consecutive number.

2. 3. 4. to [he

Names of he husband and of his father, and heir residences. Names of the wife and of her Father, and (heir residences. Date of divorce--according to he English style and according era current in the dis~rict. 5. Descripuon of divorce. 6. Manner in which [he divorce was effected. 7. Nanles of the village or rown. poIice jurisdiction and district in which the divorce taok place. 'This entry was insenrd by s. B(a)(iv) of the Bengal Muhmmadan Marriages md ~ v o r c c Regismlion j (Amendmcnrl Act. 1934 (Bcn, Acl I or 1935). words were inserted by s. 8(b) ofthe B e n d Muhmnmndan Mmiagcs and Divomcs Regisrntion (Arnendmcnr) AcL 1934 (Bcn. ACI I of 1935). $Eniries 5 to 20 werc re-numbcrcd consccurivcly by s. 8(a)(v) of thc Bcngal Muhunmndm M d a g e s md Divorm Regislmtion (Amendment) Act. 1934 (Ben. ACI 1 or 1935).

The Berrgal Muhonmradan Marriages mrd Divorces Regisfratiori Act, 1876. [Ben. Act X

8. Name of he pany in whose house the divorce took place, and of his farhcr. 9. Namcs of witnesses to thc divorce, it any, thc names OF rheir farhers, and their respeclive residences. ID. Name of par~yidentiFying the husband before thc Muhammadan Regiswar and lhat of his ralhcr, and heir residcnces. 1 I . Dale of registration.-lo be given according to the English style.

Register of Divorces of the k i d ktiown as Khula (prescribed by section 6 of rke Act for rfre volrrrrta~regisfratiotrof Mel~an~~tradar~ Mu ri-iages arzd Divorces).

Consecutive number. Name of thc husband and that or his faher, and thcir residenccs. 3. Name of Ihc wife and [hat of hcr falher, and lhcir residences. 4. Date oi Kllrrla-according to he English stylc and according LO the era currcnt in the district. 5. Amount of dowcr. 6. Whelher Khlrln was acknowledged by the wife in person before rhc Muhammadan Rcgisrrar. 7 . l i so, name of the pmy idcnrifying her hcfore h e Muhammadan Registrar, and that of his farhcr, and their residcnccs, with spccifica~ion I or !he relationship which he bears to hcr, if any. 8. *If [he Khula be acknowledged beforc the Muhammadan Rcgislrar by the wile's.uaki1. his name and that or his rather and heir residences. w i h specificalion of h e reladonship which rhc vukii bears lo the wife, if any. 9. Names of rhe two witncsscs LO [he due authorization of the wife's vakil, and those af (hcir fahers, with their rcsidences. 10. Name of villagc or town, police jurisdicrion and district where Ihc Klrrria took place. I I. Namc of the person in whose house the Kl~vlalook place and that of his father. 12. Names of the witncsscs, if any, to the divorcc bcing effeclcd, thc names of rheir fathcrs and [heir residences. 1. 2.

*This c ~ l u m n ~ w ibe l l blank il !he wonun is no1 rrpresenred by a vakil,

The Berlgal Mrrhatrrntadnrr Marriages artd Divorces Regisrra~ior~ Act, 1876.

13. Name of h e pcrson identifying hc husband, and that of h s fahcr and [heir residences. 14. Dalc of rcgis~ration,-10 be givcn in Ihc English style.

Register of Divorces of rlre k i d ktrolvtl as Talaq-i-bfweez (asprescribed by secrio~r6 of l l ~ Ae ctjor {he V O I ~ I I I Iregistratio11 LI~~ of Mirftanl~~ladatl Marriages arrd Divorces). 1. Consccu~ivenumber. 2. Name of thc husband and h a 1 of his Carher, and heir rcsidcnces. 3. Name of !he wife and hat of her faher, and h i t residences. 4. Name ofrheparty indcntiiying the wife beforc the Muhanunadan Regiswar, and that or his fathcr, and their residenccs, with specificarion of [he relationship which he bears lo hcr, if any. 5. Paniculars of documents produced to prove delegarion of power 10 lhc wife to divorce thc husband. 6. Date of Taiaq-i-tafiveez-according ta !he English slylc and according to the era currcnt in the diswicl. 7. Amounl of dower. 8. Name of the villagc or town. policejurisdiction and disuict wherc the Talaq-i-rofiveezrook place. 9. Narnc of the person in whose house Ihe Tulaq-i-tafiveezlook place, and thai of his rolher. 10. Names of the witnesses, if any, lo the divorce being crfecled, the names of their Fathers and h e i r residenccs. 11. Dale of registrarion-to be given in rhe English style.

'Form D,, Book lV, w x added by s. 8(c) or the Benfd Muhvn~nadmMarriages m d D i v ~ w e s R c ~ m l i o(Amendment) n Acl. 1934(8en. Acl I or 1975).