United Kingdom ... Magazine Internet Edition on the World. Wide Web is: .... The
organization which this vast empire will assume, when fully developed, is ...
Vol 11. Issue No. 1.
July 1997
Vol. 11. Issue No.1.
July 1997 Pub Mail Reg Number 10053
Publishing Editor: Paul Billington Phone/Fax: (250) 962-6178 Editorial Address: The Bible Magazine Box 2004 Prince George, B.C. V2N 2J6 Canada e-mail:
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The Bible Magazine Internet Edition On-Line The address to access The Bible Magazine Internet Edition on the World Wide Web is: http://www.netbistro.com/~ biblemag/ LOCAL INFORMATION
Russia’s Coming Image-Empire Over 100 years ago John Thomas wrote of Russia’s coming domination of Eurasia. Today we are seeing events that are leading in this direction.
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John Ramsden shows how Rome’s iron rule was carried on in western Europe through the Holy Roman Empire and Germany. Today that iron rule is appearing again in the form of the European Union.
Page 4. Page 7.
An update on Milestones To The Kingdom (an Annual Review) by Don Pearce.
Editorial: “The Truth” & Prophecy. Saving Truth is a complete package.
Page 8.
THE KING Graham Pearce takes us through Scripture, showing how the Roman power that ravaged God’s Land and people is to reappear in the latter days when it will be judged by Christ. In its latter-day form this power will be led by Russia and the Vatican. Page 10.
ÒLet There Be LightÓ The second part of this article by Don Pearce continues to discuss the characteristics of light, and interestingly, how these are developed by those who walk in the light of God’s Word.
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THE APPROACHING HOUR OF DARKNESS Events in Europe (including Russia) have ominous undertones that remind some of the days of Nazi Germany. When viewed in the light of Bible prophecy, as Paul Billington does here, these gathering clouds are signs of the times which should not be missed. The darkest hour of human history must yet come upon this evil world before the glory of Christ appears to dispel it. Page 16.
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”— John 17:17. Page 2
RUSSIA’S COMING IMAGE-EMPIRE y turning to a map of Europe and Asia, the reader may trace out the territory of the Kingdom of Babylon as it is destined to exist in its last form under the King of the John Thomas. 1805-1871 North in his Gogian manifestation. The names of Babylon may worship the work of its creator’s power.... National countries furnished by Ezekiel (38) will lead him to a just leaders are all wrong in supposing that “the age of conquest is past conception of its general extent. Besides “All the Russias”, it will for ever”, and that they will succeed in establishing the freedom take in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, and independence of Europe. There never has been such an age of Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Prussia, Austria, conquest as that which will soon open upon the world; and as to Turkey, Persia, Tartary, Greece, the Roman Africa, and Egypt. the establishment of European freedom and independence, the war This will be a dominion of great magnitude, extending from the to be initiated is the setting in of an overwhelming inundation that North Sea to the Wall of China and Afghanistan, and from the Icewill submerge them under one of the most terrible and scorching Sea to the Deserts of Africa and Arabia. despotisms that ever wrung the heart of nations. England’s ally, in The organization which this vast empire will assume, when fully whom she now glories, and by whose aid she proposes to do such developed, is represented in the second chapter of Daniel by a great things for Europe, will eventually prove but a broken reed... Colossus in human form, which as an apparition flitted before the unless Britain can form some alliance beyond the limits of the mind of Nebuchadnezzar in a dream. Daniel says that the scene of Kingdom of Babylon, she will have to fight the battle of freedom which it was the subject, was representative of what should be “in and independence alone, and at the price of her own existence if the Latter Days”. This being admitted, it follows that what is she fail. France is recorded in that chapter is Gomerian; and as such yet in the future. The scene must come into exhibits a Colossus standing confederacy with the on its feet in unrivalled great Cossack Ruler of brightness of glory, and the Gogian Image; and terrible to behold. This then, though not as a scene has never been principal, she will send exhibited before the eyes of her conquered and crestthe world, because the fallen hosts to do battle constituents of the Colossus for the Autocrat against have never yet been put Britain on the mountains together so as to form the of Israel’s land. Image of the scene. These It is impossible that constituents are represented Nebuchadnezzar’s image by the different metallic can represent any other parts, as the Chaldaeoimperial confederacy of Assyrian golden head; the M e d o - P e r s i c - A s s y r i a n Shaded area shows the extent of the Dominion foreseen by John Thomas nations than that under the King of the North in silver arms and breast; the the time of the end. The names given in Ezekiel’s list of Gog’s Macedo-Assyrian belly of brass; the Greco-Assyrian, and Grecoarmy, are representative of the countries known to have existed Egyptian, northern and southern thighs of brass; the Latinounder the dynastic rule of the gold, the silver, the brass and the Assyrian and the Greco-Assyrian eastern and western iron legs; iron. Besides, no two such empires as that of the Image and the and the Russo-Greek Assyrian and Latino-Assyrian iron and clay Northern Gog could coexist in the latter days; there would be feet and toes. Now, while the head, breast and arms, belly, thighs, neither population nor space for them in the Kingdom of Babylon. legs and toes, have all existed, the feet have not yet been formed; As then the time and place of their existence are the same, they so that it has been hitherto impossible for the Colossal Image to must, therefore, be one and the same confederate power, the image stand erect, as Nebuchadnezzar saw it in his dream. It is, therefore, being symbolical or representative of the gogian dominion of the the mission of the Autocrat (i.e. Russia) to form the feet and set up King of the North, or Autocrat of Russia. the image before the world in all its excellent brightness, and Extracted from Exposition of Daniel. terribleness of form; that all men subject to the Kingdom of
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AN IRON RULEE OF EUROPE commentators alike are talking about the impending renaissance of the “Holy Roman Empire”. BABYLON What was the “Holy Roman Empire.? MEDO-PERSIA So what was that empire? How did it come into being? When did it end, and in what GREECE sense is it being revived today? The Bible provides the basic clues and independent historians and political ROME commentators provide—no doubt quite unwittingly—the necessary confirmation that the Bible has By John Ramsden, London. been right all along. ne of the most significant The Bible prophecies of Daniel and items not to make the Revelation provide the starting points for news headlines following our study. The well known dream of the the Amsterdam E.U. Babylonian emperor, Nebuchadnezzar, Summit in June, was the recorded in Daniel chapter two, presents us failure of ministers to with an image symbolising the whole agree to launch the European Union not kingdom of mankind. Its division into four merely as an association of independent main metallic sections represent a sequence nation-states, but rather as a fully of those powers which are relevant to the fledged independent State in its own message it is trying to convey about what right. Had that proposal been agreed, will prevail in “the latter days”, rather than then the E.U. would, as a single “national entity”, have made its own separate application for a place in such world organisations as the United Nations and similar bodies. Thus would emerge onto the world scene a European Power at last united by the voluntary agreement of its constituent members—a phenomenon never seen before. But the point will not have been missed by Bible readers who are looking for the fulfilment of the words of Revelation chapter 17 verse 17 referring to Europe: “For God hath put it into their hearts to fulfil his will and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast.” No wonder, then, that politicians, religious leaders and newspaper Charlemagne with Iron Crown
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merely providing a list of future world empires (see far left). There is no argument as to what these metals represent as the Bible interprets itself. The gold represents Babylon; the silver, Medo-Persia; the brass, Greece; the iron, Rome. As any history
Prague Vienna
Above: The Royal Throne of The Holy Roman Empire is still kept at Aachen Cathedral in Germany.
Christ’s return. But that is factually incorrect! One has only to think of the Ottoman, Russian, Habsburg and British empires to name but 4! The Iron shall be There All these explanations miss the point of chapter 2:41 where, in the context of the European scene, we read that at the time of Christ’s return “there shall be in it of the strength of iron”. Whilst noting that iron was the particular symbol of Rome we observe also that the other metals such as gold, silver and brass are not mentioned. Moreover the iron has done something which taxes credibility —namely it has “mingled” itself with clay. Or to put it another way the Roman power is undergoing an almost unbelievable metamorphosis in the last stages of its existence, and in doing so takes on a new form whilst having many of the characteristics it always had. The purpose of all this is to help us to identify correctly important signs we should be looking for, not to give us a history lesson list of world powers. Now it is not our current task to trace the connections between the empires shown of the Image of Chapter 2 and a corresponding vision recorded in chapter 7 wherein the same powers were
book will confirm, the Roman Empire split into two “legs” as indicated in the image. Around A.D. 320 the Roman emperor Constantine moved the capital of the empire from Rome in Italy to Byzantium and called it “New Rome”—subsequently Constantinople, and known today as Istanbul. It is at this stage in trying to explain the prophecy that problems arise—mostly it seems from the basic failure to grasp that the iron legs of Rome will still be around when Christ (symbolised by the Stone) will return to put an end to all the various kingdoms of men and to set up His kingdom as indicated in Daniel chapter 2:44. For example: some say that when
The Jesuit church in Vienna. On the balcony seen here, a proclamation was made ending the Holy Roman Empire. Inset can be seen the woman with 12 stars. Jesus came in the time of the Caesars he represented as beasts. However, no careful created his kingdom then—in the form of Bible reader can possibly miss the point that his Church. Others say that as there have not the fourth of the beasts envisioned by been any great empires since the time of the Daniel virtually corresponds to the same Caesars there is no great significance about power of Rome, as shown by the legs of the iron-and-clay nations which are simply Nebuchadnezzar’s image. From then on it weak and strong powers at the time of undergoes further metamorphoses and the THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
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book of Revelation reveals what happens to it from the time of Christ onwards; how it changes its nature as it passes through history. It does so in a way which is very hard to understand until we consider a very simple example taken from nature. It took this writer a lot of believing before he could accept that a distinctly unattractive “creepycrawly” creature such as a caterpillar would, with absolute certainty, over a period of time, most assuredly “metamorphose” into, say, a scarlet butterfly. But it did! So in Revelation chapters 12 to 18 God reveals to his believers the course of history through which the unattractive (Roman) beast of Daniel chapter 7 would change its style and nature and is described variously as a beast of the sea, beast of the earth as a scarlet beast, and so on. Some of the phases of these changes were described in The Bible Magazine for July 1996. Charlemagne at Aachen But to revert to the western leg of the former Roman Empire—when in the 4th Century AD it began to crumble and was overrun by predominantly European hordes out of the north, its power and influence passed over to Charlemagne who came from north west Germany. Building on the achievements of his predecessors Charlemagne proclaimed himself King at Aachen, and in AD 800 went to Rome where, on Christmas Day, Pope Leo III crowned him as “Emperor of the Romans”. Assured of Papal support he then went on to conquer most of western and central Europe (see maps on previous page). After his death his sons were not able to exercise the necessary authority in order to keep the empire together, so there arose a new dynasty of German kings called Otto. They formed what has been called the First Reich. These kings were first crowned using the same stone throne as Charlemagne which can be seen in Aachen Cathedral (pictured previous page) and thereafter they went to Rome to be crowned formally as “Emperors of the Romans”. In doing so they used the 8sided Imperial crown which is now on view at the Hofburg Palace museum in Vienna. Incidentally, when Otto 1st was crowned on August 7th, AD 936, such was the rejoicing at the emergence of a new strong ruler that the assembled crowd raised their right arms in salute and cried “Victory and Salvation”, or “Seig und Heil” as Hitler put it when raising his own right arm in salute of his creation of what is called “The Third Reich”! However, it is generally agreed that the Holy Roman Empire was formally established on February 2nd, 962 AD, when Pope John XIII gave Otto the title of “Emperor of the Romans”. Page 6
No sooner had the Holy Roman Empire come to an end than Prussia (North Germany) began to assert itself. The Prussian King Frederick decided that the highest award of his realm would the IRON CROSS, later to be used by the Kaiser in the 1914-18 war and Hitler in 1939-45. Why did they not use gold, or silver or brass? But no, it was, very appropriately, to be IRON! Thereafter European history becomes a very complicated story and for further welldocumented information the reader should consult a number of excellent books on the matter.* In AD 1273, the Habsburgs came to power with their own first Emperor again being crowned in Aachen, and also being described as “King of the Romans”. The habsburg dynasty dominated the European scene right up to the 20th Century. Eventually however at the end of the 18th Century, as the book of Revelation makes clear, the time had come for the final phase in the time of the kingdoms of men prior to the return of Christ to the earth. There emerged great conflict between the various religious and political leaders culminating in 1789 in the veritable earthquake of the French Revolution—of which we read in symbolical form in Revelation chapters 11 and 16. This in turn led to the rise of Napoleon who, seeing himself as the true legitimate heir to Charlemagne set out to overthrow the existing powers in Europe. But first he summoned Pope Pius VII to the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris for a special crowning ceremony on December 2nd, 1804. Having marched up the aisle and reached the altar the 34 year old Napoleon snatched the crown from the Pope’s hand and crowned himself, giving due notice to the Pope that in future all crowning ceremonies would take place in Paris and not Rome. The End of the Empire So successful was Napoleon in his invasion of central Europe that the then Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Franz THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
II, ruling in Vienna, conceded defeat. In a dramatic proclamation from the balcony of the Jesuit church of the Choirs of Nine Angels at the Am Hof Platz in Vienna—a market square just off the main tourist track—on August 6th, 1806, it was declared that the Holy Roman Empire was at an end (pictured on page 5). Not for nothing therefore did Napoleon feel he had a perfect right to take of the mantle of Charlemagne and become a French rather than German Emperor of Europe. Accordingly another crowning ceremony was arranged this time using the Iron Crown of Lombardy—the very crown as used by Charlemagne and which is now stored as a religious relic at Monza Cathedral in Italy. Thus emerged a new Iron Emperor ruling—albeit only briefly—over much of the territory of the former empire of Old Rome. Although therefore, the Holy Roman Empire as a formal entity no longer exists in the way it did for some 900 years, we can still see at work today the inherited power and influences of a sort of combination of the iron power of the image’s western leg and the fourth beast of Daniel’s vision. They are once again “metamorphosing” and mingling with the clay type democracies of western Europe to form what very nearly at Amsterdam in June, would have been hailed as a new European State which, in terms of its religious allegiances, would have been almost entirely toward Rome. Just how these changes have been going on have been described in earlier editions of The Bible Magazine—the last issue containing a description of how the European Union had adopted as its flag a symbol taken straight out of Revelation chapter 12! The circle of 12 stars as a halo surmounting statues of the Virgin Mary can be found in various places throughout the former territories of the Habsburg dominated empire, such as Bavaria and Wurtemburg in Germany. But nowhere is there a more significant—and indeed even poignant example—than right there, in the Am Hof Platz in Vienna. For standing right opposite the Jesuit Church (pictured on the previous page) where the end of the Holy Roman Empire was proclaimed stands the Immaculata Monument of the Virgin Mary complete with the twelve stars which the latter day successors to that Empire have now adopted as their flag! The Empire is dead...long live the Empire! Or as Rome prefers to put it: “Semper Eadem”— “Always the same”! * For Example: The Holy Roman Empire by Professor Friedrich Heer: ISBN 1— 85799 367 5: also The Habsburgs by Andrew Wheatcroft published by Penguin Books 1996, 380 pages.
MILESTONES UPDATE By Don Pearce hen we are travelling by road, we are very thankful for the many signs that have been erected to indicate where the roads are leading to. Bible students have always been looking out for signs in the political heavens that the coming of the Lord Jesus is near. We believe that to God, tomorrow is as known as yesterday. In the pages of Scripture He has left His servants indications, pointers to look for. We can never know the day nor the hour, but because we want the Lord’s return, it is good that we constantly look for those signs. Milestones is an annual review of current events in the light of Bible prophecy. What we are planning, God Willing, is to bring you updates, by looking at events since the last issue of Milestones, which was written at the end of 1996. There have been many exciting events in the past few months, but I want to concentrate on the growing power of the Roman Church. Britain has just elected a Labour government with a staggeringly large majority. Tony Blair’s charisma has hit the headlines around the world. The Sunday crowd of 700,000 young people. Is it a coincidence that the date following his election victory he attended Mass with his wife and chosen—Sunday 24th August, just happens to be the 425th children. Although he is not a Roman Catholic, his wife and children anniversary of the dreadful Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, are. He often attends with them. There has been speculation that he when many thousands of Protestants were butchered by the Catholic might one day “convert” to Rome. A picture in the Catholic Herald Church? Bells were rung and medals struck to commemorate their carried the headline Blair gives thanks for election triumph. victory over the so called “heretics”. (The Reformer July/August The parish priest is a close family friend. It is not surprising that 1997). It was last year that President Chirac became the latest holder Mr. Blair is looking forward to working with his Socialist European of the 390-year-old title of “Sole honorary canon of St. John counterparts, most of whom are active members of the Roman Lateran’s”. This is awarded by the Popes to French presidents in Church. return for “keeping Protestantism at bay”. Reports from Canada and France, confirm the fears of those who Interestingly, the Russian Orthodox Church is also flexing her watch with dismay at the growing power of the Roman Church. muscles against religious minorities. The Daily Telegraph, on 20th Behind the affable smiles, lies an organisation that seeks world June carried a report headed Kremlin to put clamp on minority power, that brooks no rival, where it has the power to suppress those religions. A bill which has been who would witness against her false overwhelmingly approved by the lower teachings. The report from Canada was house of parliament is soon set to become of the efforts of a French Canadian law. This establishes the primacy of the Baptist to establish a church in Russian Orthodox Church as an “inalienable Outaouais in Quebec. He arranged to part of the Russian historical, spiritual and use the chapel of a Funeral Cooperative. cultural heritage.” It goes on to say: Just before the first Sunday, the Funeral “The new text cements the warm Parlour was visited by several priests relations between the Orthodox Church and trying to prevent the use of the chapel. the Communist Party...which, despite its Others phoned, threatening to withdraw atheistic origins, sees the priesthood as an their business from them, whilst others threatened to picket the place. Not The St. Bartholomew Medal struck in 1572 to ally in turning back the tide of Western commemorate the massacre of the influence.” surprisingly, in the face of these French Huguenots Only those religious groups who can pressures, the offer of the use of the prove to have existed for at least 15 years in Russia will be chapel was withdrawn, and another venue had to be found. The recognised, otherwise they will not be able to organise public minister even received death threats over the phone! This was not an worship or publish literature, or even own property. As religious incident in the last century, but last year! (The Reformer, sects weren’t recognised by the Soviet Communists, this effectively July/August 1997). The boycott threat is being used very rules everyone else out. The Catholic Church will be allowed to “effectively” against Protestants in Northern Ireland. operate as long as it does not proselytise. Judaism, Buddhism and The other item of interest was the news that in France, Protestant Islam will also be recognised. denominations as well as evangelical churches have been labeled as At a stroke any preaching efforts in Russia by Christadelphians sects in a government publication. It is increasingly difficult to carry or any Protestants will be halted. Freedom to worship is a precious out door-to-door or open-air preaching. The Pope plans to visit Paris heritage—how much longer will we be able to enjoy it? to attend the World Youth Day and to hold a Mass before a hoped for
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“The Truth” & Prophecy his issue of The Bible Magazine contains a great deal of material that comes within that category known as Bible Prophecy. There is reason for this in that much is happening around us that shouts out for attention — things that the Bible has said would happen are being seen in current events and we are brought to the conclusion that time is fast running out. There is little time left if we are to seek the way of salvation which God, in His mercy, has provided. Prophecy is a part of “the Truth” which Scripture places before us. The Truth of God as we have it revealed to us in the Bible stands as a complete whole, and we are commanded not to take away from it, or to add to His words— Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32; Proverbs 30:5-6; Revelation 22:18,19. This clear commandment is vital to our salvation—and for the reason stated in 2 Thessalonians 2:13, namely, “because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth.” This vital role of “the Truth” is emphasized by the late Ron Abel in a video recently produced by The Bible Magazine. To quote his words: “This book is probably still the world’s best seller, and yet it is perhaps the least understood book of all time. The Bible contains the prescription for eternal life. For example the Word is able to work effectually in those who believe. It is able to build us up and give us an inheritance amongst all those who are sanctified.” He continues: “Look at Jesus. Jesus said ‘I am the Truth,’ but he had no form and no comeliness that he should be desired, said the prophet Isaiah. We have to value Truth, friends, for its own inherent worth.” Ron proceeds to quote 1 John 1:6,7, showing that: “the Bible teaches a doctrine of closed fellowship of people that highly value the Truth—and because believers who meet together share this common basis, they have fellowship; they have communion with Jesus, and so Christadelphians, throughout over a hundred years of their history, have had this high regard for Truth that they have attempted to cherish, to preserve and on this
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basis they have fellowshipped one another. But they do not have a part with the ecumenical movements in the world that would sacrifice Truth, and nor do they share the spirit that would reduce the number of doctrines to be believed. We must uphold the Truth, for God says in the Word, that He has chosen to save those who would believe by belief of the Truth.” A Statement of Faith One way in which Christadelphians have sought to preserve the Truth so that it might not be reduced by taking away from it, or neutralized by adding theories to it, has been by expressing the first principles of the Truth in a document entitled: A Statement of the Faith Forming Our Basis of Fellowship. This Statement of Faith consists of two main parts—the first under the heading Truth to be Received and the other, Doctrines to be Rejected (a third section concerns the commandments of Christ). The obvious
the very Gospel itself is prophecy, declaring what God will do.
intention of this document is to safeguard the first principles of the Truth which are revealed in God’s word. Over many years this Statement has been reasonably successful in its objective. “One Hope...One Faith” The Truth is that there is only one gospel, and consequently one true Faith (Ephesians 4:4,5). The apostle Paul disqualifies any alternative saying: “If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed” (See Galatians 1:8, 9). This one Gospel he terms “the gospel of Christ” and says “it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth...”—Romans 1:16. In Acts chapter 8, various expressions are used in order to convey what was preached. Verse 4 says they were “preaching the word”. THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
In verse 5 they “preached Christ.” In verse 12 we find Philip “preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ.” In verse 25 they “preached the word of the Lord,” and “preached the Gospel”. In verse 35 Philip preached “Jesus”. We are not to suppose from this that different messages were preached —all these expressions refer to one and the same thing. What was being preached in all these instances was the things to be believed as a necessary prerequisite for salvation. When we put together the substance of all these expressions, it is clear that the Word of the Lord taught the Gospel (or “good news”) concerning the Kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ as the King through whom salvation could alone be sought (see also Acts 4:12). This is not the place for us to enter into details but there are many given in Scripture which identify and tell us about the kingdom of God that is to be established upon earth. There is special meaning and much to understand concerning Jesus Christ and his name—see for example, Luke 24:27 and verses 44-47. Once we become aware of what is involved in these essentials, it is virtually impossible to separate them from the subject of prophecy—indeed, the very Gospel itself is prophecy, declaring what God will do. Prophecy: A First Principle? We are sometimes asked whether or not the interpretation of prophecy involves first principles. When this or similar questions are posed it is always well to clarify what the questioner has in mind—what does he mean by “prophecy”? If he has in mind the Promises of God to Abraham and David, or the prophecies of Israel’s restoration and future kingdom—then yes, these concern first principles and have always been recognized as such by Christadelphians (The Statement of Faith, referred to above, includes these with the Truth to be Received, it comprises almost half of the section). On the other hand, if the questioner means by “prophecy” time periods such as those given in Daniel 12 (of which even the
prophet says “I understood not”); then obviously we do not consider that item to be an essential first principle! We may see from this that there are prophetic matters that we can be certain about—and then there are other details that we must be content to ponder in our hearts. Furthermore, it is wise that we do not seek to define as essentials, those things which ought to be left to private judgement—“but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith”— Romans 12:3; Luke 12:48; 1 Cor. 4:5. Bible prophecy is a part of “the Truth”— a part of the whole counsel of God—and whilst we cannot expect everyone to have the same grasp of it, neither must we set up our own level of understanding as being the limit attainable. Those who love Truth will want to grow in understanding, not seeking to bring everyone else down to the lowest common denominator. “The Truth” Shown The heavenly messenger that came in response to Daniel’s prayers (Daniel 10) informed him that: because “thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to humble thyself before thy God...I will show thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth” (verses 12 and 21). He continues: “now will I show thee the truth” (chapter 11:2). In showing “the truth” to Daniel, this messenger tells him of events which were then all in the future, and which involved Persia, Greece and certain other powers which were to develop out of the Greek kingdom—a king of the north and a king of the south. Daniel is told that these things would continue until “the time of the end” when a crisis-point would arise. During this “time of trouble” there would be a resurrection of the dead, a judgement and an outcome reached whereby the “wise” are to attain everlasting life and occupy positions as “stars” or rulers. Another part of “the truth” shown to Daniel was that the scattering of “the holy people” (that is Daniel’s people, Israel) would be finished. In other words, the people of Israel would be restored to their ancient homeland from which they had been taken captive by Gentile powers.
These things comprise “the truth” as it was shown to Daniel by the messenger from heaven—and it would seem that there is a completeness about the Truth which involves both doctrine and what we call prophecy. The events concerning Greece and the kings of the north and south are as much a part of “the truth” as is the resurrection or the end of Israel’s scattering. The heavenly messenger presented the whole package to Daniel as the Truth. The New Testament gives the same idea, for Jesus told his followers that “the spirit of truth...will show you things to come” (John 16:13). Of the things written in the book of Revelation we are told: “These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the
holy people” (verse 25). And of great concern to anyone who values “the Truth” is the fact that this enemy is to “cast down the truth to the ground” (verse 12). This is clearly an enemy of the truth and of those who live it out in their lives. Further, and because we are plainly told that this enemy was to take away the daily sacrifice and cast down the sanctuary (or temple), we know that it is speaking about Rome—because that is what the Romans did. From verses 13 and 14, and in the light of Jesus’ words in Luke 21:24, we see that Rome would destroy the temple and that Jerusalem would be trodden down for a long period— “until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” In Daniel 8:26 it is re-emphasized that the vision “is true”—it is the Truth. We find the same emphasis again concerning the vision of chapter 10, “the thing is true, but the time appointed was long.” What we learn from all this is that Rome would do violence to the people of God, oppose His Truth and trample the Holy City under foot over a long period of time. The other point to be noted is that this enemy continues its existence in some form until the end of the visions when it is destroyed and Israel is restored. With such an enemy as this at large, we must consider whether or not it matters if we are able to recognize it in the contemporary world. Is it essential that we are able to identify the enemy of the Truth in our time? Perhaps we should think about this—as well as of the possible consequences of not doing so. It is difficult to believe that God had no purpose in revealing these things to us—we ignore them at our peril. Let us be thankful that God has enabled us to understand the world in which we live and that we may “watch” by His help and with the guidance that He has given us in the word of prophecy. Understanding these things, it becomes our responsibility to alert those around us as to the true nature of things, and so it is that we say (as true believers all down the ages have said), “Come and see!”
...of great concern to anyone who values “the Truth” is the fact that this enemy is to “cast down the truth to the ground”
holy prophets sent his angel to show unto his servants the things which must shortly be done...” (Rev. 22:6). As Daniel was shown “the Truth” by the heavenly messenger, so also the servants of God are shown the truth by the angel here. The prophecy of the Revelation is thus a part of what is called “the Truth”. The “Truth” About the Enemy When the prophet Daniel was shown a vision of four great beasts, he asked “the truth of all this” (Daniel 7), and in particular he wanted to know “the truth of the fourth beast” and its horns (verses 16 and 19-21). Daniel’s interest in this fourth beast was not merely academic, for he says that he “beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them” (verse 21). How could any saint not share Daniel’s interest in this—how could anyone remain unconcerned about such an enemy? In Daniel chapter 8 we again read of a power that is to “destroy the mighty and the
NEW VIDEO SERIES PLANNED Having now obtained sufficient equipment, we are embarking upon a new video series, the first tape of which should be available later this year, God willing. The planned series will bear the title: “For Zion’s Sake!” The latter-day restoration of Israel, and the various forces that have been at work to bring it about (including that of a Protestant Britain) will be the focus of the first tape. The second tape is to focus upon the great enemy of Zion (Rome and its later counterpart in Europe),
showing developments today that are leading to the formation of the confederacy of Gog, as described in Ezekiel 38. The final tape takes us to the coming of Christ in judgement so as to establish God’s righteousness in Israel, and then in the world. In all these undertakings we are very conscious that the Lord’s blessing and approval is fundamental, for “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” — Psalm 127:1.
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By Graham Pearce USSIA is seen as the great aggressive power of our time. How will she act in relation to Europe and the Middle East? What can the Bible tell us? Most think in terms of Ezekiel chapter 38 regarding Russia. But there is much to be learnt from the book of Daniel. Daniel is the basic book concerning the affairs of the nation of Israel and of the saints through history and at the time of the return of Jesus Christ. Daniel’s theme is the hostility of the kingdom of men towards God’s people. It is for the most part a conflict between the great Roman power and God’s people. It is a conflict through centuries, reaching its climax when Christ comes and the Roman
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power in its last phase over-runs the land of Israel and then receives the first blow of God’s avengement for the evil done to His people. It is Russia that will revive the last phase of the Roman power and lead the great confederacy against Israel. Let us briefly follow this in Daniel’s prophecies. God’s Indignation and the Avenging Daniel chapter 8 to the end of the book, is concerned with Israel and their land. The vision in chapter 8 concerning Israel’s downtreading is a theme that continues to the end. In Daniel 8:23 the Roman power is described as “a king of fierce countenance”. The KING is not a single person, but represents a dynasty or rulership. This KINGpower was destined to “destroy the mighty THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
and holy people” (v. 24). Earlier in the chapter (vv. 10-12) it is said it would suppress the army and leaders of Israel; put to death the “prince of the host”, Jesus Christ; take away the daily sacrifice and break down the temple; and oppose the truth set out by Jesus and the apostles. This power, not in existence in Daniel’s time, was to pour out God’s ‘indignation’ against Israel; also termed their ‘downtreading’. This indignation was to last for a long time (v. 26), but Daniel was assured there would be an end. “I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be” (v. 19). The end of the matter is given in verse 25: after prospering through deceit, “He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be
“Neither shall he regard the Go his fathers knew not shall he ho with precious stones, and plea picture both Constantine and gifts to the Virgin. Justinian Sophia” in Constantinople, sho shows a model of the C
broken without hand.” Let us appreciate what this means. It means that the same power that trod down Israel in the first century was to continue and to be in existence when Christ returns; and that it would at that time oppose him and be destroyed miraculously—‘broken without hand’. It is fitting that this should be so. God is a God of judgement. A proper recompense awaits the power that has done this evil to God’s people for so long. In this chapter it is called the “avenging”. In verse 14 it says that after the downtreading, “the holy shall be avenged” (the Hebrew word expresses justify, avenge, rather than ‘cleanse’ as in the A.V.) Here then is one clear guide. In some way the diverse elements of Europe are to be united under one head, as the final phase of the Roman power, the KING, and will stand up against Christ. The King to Invade Israel In chapter 10 the ‘appointed end’ of the indignation is expressed in the words: “Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days” (10:14). Chapter 11 follows with this information, particularly in its last section concerning the ‘Time of the End’. The part of the chapter concerns events INE first a short way ahead from Daniel’s time, when a king of the north (the Seleucids) and a king of the south (the Ptolemies) would bring devastation to the land of Israel as they warred against each other. The second part of the chapter (verses 36-39) interests us because it concerns the chief power of chapter 8, the KING. These verses tell us two things: first that the KINGpower was to prosper until the indignation of God against Israel is accomplished; and secondly this power was to change its religion. This second point refers to the change from paganism to christianity under the Emperor Constantine. The text reads: “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,” and, “a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.” Justinian, a later emperor in the 6th century, was outstanding in building fine churches and
od of his fathers... a god whom onour with gold and silver, and asant things.” In the top right Justinian are shown offering offers a Cathedral (“Sancta own right, While Constantine City (Constantinople).
“Sancta Sophia‚ Cathedral in Constantinople (Istanbul) THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
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Grecian power; and the ‘dreadful and honouring the Catholic religion. system that has endured from the time of terrible’ fourth beast, the Roman power. The last section of chapter 11 concerns Christ’s first coming. Russia’s history and This last beast was seen by Daniel at a time the Time of the End when the land of Israel national characteristics make her the power when it had ten horns, at the time when the is overrun and Jerusalem taken. At this to lead the revived Roman empire. northern barbarians invaded the western critical point Michael, the great Prince, Both Daniel and Ezekiel describe the Empire in the 5th century and settled down stands up for his people. This invasion of the final invasion of the land, and we must add as independent rulers, yet acknowledging land is the last element of the divine together what they both say. It is not just the Roman emperor. Daniel watched and ‘indignation’ against Israel and its land. As Russia coming to take a spoil, but also the the KING-power prospers until the beginning of Divine judgment on the Roman saw a little horn come up among the ten; and indignation is accomplished, the KING-power power for its oppression of God’s people it is this little horn that dominates the rest of must be prospering at this time. the chapter. This horn was peculiar in that it from the first century onwards. We can look Now the power that carries out this final for the following developments: had “eyes like the eyes of a man, and a indignation is described as ‘the King of the mouth speaking great things”. This 1. The development of two hostile north’ so we must conclude that the KING- powers north and south of the land; describes the development of the Holy power and the King of the north are the Roman Empire and its support of the 2. Russia taking control of the whole of same. This is confirmed from chapter 8, Europe, and welding it into a mighty Papacy. This horn “made war with the where, we remember, it is the KING-power confederacy including the Catholic Church, saints, and prevailed against them; until the that stands up against the Prince of princes with enmity against Israel; Ancient of Days came, and judgement was and is destroyed by him. given to the saints, and the saints possessed 3. The coming against Israel and their Why should the KING-power be called land as the last act of God’s ‘indignation’ the kingdom” (vs. 21, 22). The beast and its the King of the north? little horn were The reasonable destroyed. answer is that when Turning to chapter 8, this last invasion of a little horn comes up on the land takes place a horn of a goat. This may there will be a similar seem a strange way of situation to that of the representing the Roman earlier historical King power. But there can be of the north/King of no doubt that this is the the south: two powers Roman power if we study hostile to each other the catalogue of its north and south of the doings in verses 10-13. land (as we see Why should the Roman developing today!) power be represented by As in the original different symbols in situation under chapter 7 and 8? Between Antiochus, the King chapter 7 and chapter 8 of the north is there is a clear break in The Roman Empire: Divided into East and West is shown in a history book. victorious and also Daniel’s prophecy. takes Jerusalem. How, then does the KING- against His people; Chapters 1 to 7 were written in the Chaldee power become the King of the north? Verse language; whereas chapters 8 to 12 were 4. Michael, Israel’s great Prince, 40 tells us. After a pushing by the King of delivering his people and the invader being written in Hebrew. Chapters 1 to 7 deal with the south (Allenby in 1917, or a future ‘broken without hand’. (This is the same events among Gentile powers; chapters 8 to event?), the King of the north comes against occasion referred to by Isaiah when the 12 concentrate on the nation of Israel and its him—the KING-power of the preceding terrible overthrow at Bozrah is declared to land. verses—and the King of the north is be “The day of the LORD’S vengeance and This way in which the power of Rome obviously successful as expressed in the the year of recompenses for the controversy developed explains why it is represented as words that he shall come “Like a whirlwind, of Zion” 34:8). a horn springing out of the Grecian goat (v. with chariots, and with horsemen, and with 9). After the tribes of Italy united, about BC 5. To complete the picture after the many ships: and he shall enter into the avengement in the land of Israel, a final war 300, the nation started expanding to the countries and shall overflow and pass over.” taking place in Europe, described in south and west—North Africa, Spain, etc. In this language we see the future described Revelation as the ten horns of the beast During this time Greece was the major when Russia comes from “thy place out of making war with the Lamb and the Lamb power and had control of the near East— the north parts”, and before descending on overcoming them (17:13, 17; 19:19-21). Syria, Asia Minor, and Egypt. The Roman the Middle East and the land of Israel, takes power moved eastwards in the last century Daniel’s ‘Two Little Horns’ over the KING-power position. The KINGBC, taking over the countries occupied by Daniel’s prophecy has two little horns, power and the King of the north are merged one in chapter 7 and one in chapter 8. They Greece. The Grecian empire was highly together; they become one power, with represent different aspects of the same civilised and the Romans did not destroy it Russia as the leader—“Be thou a guard unto Roman power. In chapter 7 there are four but largely absorbed Grecian civilisation them” as Ezekiel says. into itself. Hence the Roman power in its beasts, equivalent to the four metals in So when Russia moves into Europe it Nebuchadnezzar’s Image—the lion, the eastward aspect is quite correctly presented will be the reviving of the Roman power— Chaldean Babylonian power; the bear, the as a horn on the Grecian goat. Though it bringing into being the final phase of that Medo-Persian power; the leopard, the started as a “little” horn, it soon “waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and
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toward the east and toward the pleasant land” (v. 9). The centre of government of the Roman empire for the first few centuries AD was in the West, at Rome. Then Constantine moved the centre of government eastward to ‘New Rome’, as Constantinople was called. The empire was governed from Constantinople for over 1,000 years, with Rome as a secondary centre. During this time the West gradually separated from the East, with the Roman emperor continuing at Constantinople, and with the West under the more immediate influence of the Papacy and the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire. So our two horns have different fields of action. The little horn of chapter 7 belongs to events in the western part of the Roman empire, while the little horn of chapter 8 covers the Roman power in its eastward activities—we may call it the Greco-Roman power to distinguish it from the Latin-Roman power. Because the symbols of chapter 7 are extended into the book of Revelation, we are generally more acquainted with the western aspect of the Roman power, and particularly with the part played by the Papacy in later centuries. But as we have seen in chapters one and two the Roman power in its eastern aspect is no less important. Daniel 7 & 8 Harmonise The Roman power, the KING, must be revived at the time of Christ’s coming and this power will oppose Christ and be destroyed by him. This is an important guideline for us and it is useful to see that the conclusion arises from a reading of Daniel chapter 7. It is clear in Daniel chapter 7 that the fourth beast and its terrible little horn and mouth speaking great things is in existence when Christ comes. Thus verse 22 says the saints take the kingdom from the fourth beast; verses 26 and 27 say that the saints take away the dominion of the little horn; verse 11 describes the Ancient of Days (in the person of the son of man) sitting in judgment while the fourth beast is slain, his body destroyed and given to the burning flame. Biblically the enemy of Christ, when he comes, is the Roman power. Chapter 7 provides us with two more items of interest.The fourth beast destroys with its great iron teeth and stamps the residue with its brazen claws. So the last phase, the stamping of the residue, is done with brazen claws. This indicates that the military power of the revived Roman beast is Grecian—in the East. This is the position Russia will occupy when she moves south and west into Europe. Further, the dominant element at this time is the little horn’s mouth. Verse 11 says at the time of
judgment, “I beheld then because of the voice of the great words that the horn spake.” So the Papacy is not to decline, but is to continue its present progress. Chapter 7 requires at the coming of Christ a GrecoRoman military power and the papal mouth as the important elements of the Roman beast. As they are on the same beast, we must expect cooperation between these military and religious powers. (The book of Revelation, chapters 17 and 19, tell us that the papal voice is strongest at the end when it makes its last stand along with the ten horns.) Daniel 11: The King and His God Verses 36 to 39 in this chapter again emphasise the close linking of the military and civil power with the religious. The new god of these verses is not Jesus Christ or the Almighty (he is ‘God of gods’), but the bishop of Rome as he emerged as Pope. Emperor Justinian made him head of ALL the churches, east and west; and so it will be again, the Vatican having control of the Orthodox church. In verse 38 the King honours ‘the god of guardians’, that is, the high priest who directs the ‘worship’ of the
Biblically the enemy of ‘ Christ, when he comes, is the Roman power. ’ Virgin Mary and the guardian saints in heaven and implores their protection and mediation. Again in verse 39 the KING honours the strange god “whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory”. ‘God on earth’ has been the claim of the Pope through the centuries. So the head of the christian churches is an associate of the KING-power. And as it has been the chief persecutor of both saints and Jews, it appropriately is part of the system at the Time of the End in order to receive the recompense for the evil done. The Vatican and Russia will be in alliance. (For further reading on this subject, see Exposition of Daniel, John Thomas, sections 18 and 19). The Controversy of Zion In Revelation 18 the sins of Babylon the Great “have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities”. The saints are told to render to her double for all her works. The evil done to the saints is graphically expressed as the harlot drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Graphic too is the vengeance poured out— Europe a lake of fire and brimstone in which the beast and the false prophet are tormented THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
(19:20). This is the last phase of the recompense and vengeance. But there is an earlier aspect of this recompense when Christ comes. It is described in Isaiah 34. This happening is more concerned with the nation of Israel and events that take place in the land of Israel— at Bozrah. All nations are gathered there (v. 2) and it is a terrible judgment. God’s ‘fury’ is poured out on the assembled nations; mountains are melted with blood, the land soaked with blood (vv.3, 7) are the figures used. And the purpose is clearly stated; “For it is the day of the LORD’S vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion” (v. 8). The phrase “the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion” is equivalent to that in Daniel 8:14, “Then shall the holy be avenged”. The words “the controversy of Zion” is the heart of the matter. ZION stands for all the holy things of God—His city, His land, His people, His promises, His Son as the foundation stone of Zion. These are the things the Gentiles have despised and hated through the christian centuries. It is at Bozrah that God inflicts his first blow of recompense. This requires the perpetrators of the wrong to be there. The Roman power, civil, military, and religious, must be there, in other words the little horn of the goat, the KING and his new god the Papacy. The KING-power takes the initiative in standing up against the Prince of princes (Daniel 8:25), and no doubt the religious element will play its part. It will be a ‘christian’ crusade as well as a coming to take a spoil. Resurrection Before Invasion In the vision of Daniel chapter 8, Daniel is in a deep sleep with his face toward the ground; then he is touched and set upright. This represented resurrection from the death state. It is after this that the angel says, “I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation” (vv. 18, 19). So the invasion of the land described at the end of Daniel chapter 11 as the last act of God’s indignation against Israel comes after the resurrection. Chapter 12 speaks in literal terms of the resurrection, “at that time” (that is at the time of the previous section, the Time of the End), without specifying exactly at what point in the sequence of events. Michael the great prince of Israel is associated with the resurrection. MIY — KA — EL Who like God Jesus Christ is the great Prince of Israel. He comes as God’s representative. From “Milestones” 1983. Page 13
ÒLET THERE BE LIGHTÓ By Don Pearce — RUGBY, U.K. e catch a glimpse of that glory to come by the fact that Moses, in contact with the angelic presence, had to veil his face because it shone. (Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Cor 3). Jesus also experienced a foretaste of this glory on the Mount of Transfiguration: “And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.” Matthew 17:2 In the Kingdom Age God’s immortal saints will reflect God’s glory. God spoke of this time in Numbers 14:21, “But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.” The stars and planets in the heavens even now reflect the Divinity of their origin: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” (Psalm 19:1) So in the Kingdom Age both the “heavens and the earth” will have
their lives. accomplished God’s aim at creation, — to The three primary colours are red, bring honour to His Name of Yahweh — I yellow and blue. Red speaks to us of flesh, will be (revealed) in whom I will be. As the the human nature that we have which has to angels sang at the birth of the “Sun of be kept under control. Adam was so named righteousness”, there is to be a time of peace because he was formed from the reddish and blessing, which will bring glory to God. dust of the ground — adamah. Yellow “Glory to God in the highest, and on speaks to us of the colour of gold, a symbol earth peace, good will toward men.” in scripture of tried faith. Purified in the Luke 2:14 crucible of life, the dross purged out (1 Pet Pure sunlight is white light. White at the 1:7). Blue reminds us of the heavens, where first glance would seem to be the absence of God dwells and from whence comes the any colour — but that in fact is black. White Word of God. So blue is a symbol of is in actual fact the presence of the seven holiness and the Word of God. The Israelites basic colours — the colours of the rainbow. had to have a ribbon of blue on the hems of Probably at school we were shown that a their garments to remind them not only to spinning disk, painted with these seven walk in holy ways, but to remind them to colours appears white. When light shines on remember all the commandments of the to raindrops it enters into the raindrop and is LORD, and to do them. (Num 15:38-41). We reflected and refracts the light into these mix yellow and blue to get green. Green colours. The rainbow first appeared in the speaks to us of resurrection, the fresh growth days of Noah. It seems that before his day every Spring, life coming from death. See rain was unknown, a mist went up to water also Psa 1:3. Red and blue mixed give us the earth (Gen 2:6). So after the Flood would be the first occasion to see a rainbow in the sky. God gave it as a token (same word as signs in Gen 1:14 where speaking of the functions of the sun, moon and stars as signposts in the skies). We observe the rainbow when light coming from behind us is reflected back by the raindrops in front of us. In the Kingdom Age the mortal population will see the glory of God’s light reflected in the saints. They will exhibit the character of God in THE PASSAGE OF LIGHT IN A RAIN DROP THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
purple, which speaks of royalty and priesthood. And so with the seven colours of the rainbow we have a wonderful unfolding of the transformation brought about by the light of the Word of God, entering each rain drop. On the outside of the rainbow arch is red — flesh, human nature. On the inside is purple, the promise of kingship and priesthood (Rev 5:10). We have to take on these facets of the journey to the Kingdom. It is through tried faith (yellow), that we have the hope of the resurrection (green), and the promise of a reward for the keeping of the commandments of God (blue), even immortality and honour and glory in the Kingdom. When Moses wanted to see the glory of God on Mount Sinai he had revealed to him The Name of the LORD -—Yahweh. How fitting that there were seven characteristics. 1) merciful 2) gracious 3) longsuffering 4) abundant in mercy and truth 5) keeping mercy for thousands 6) forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin 7) by no means clearing the guilty Seven is also used in scripture as a symbol of perfection. The God-given seven day week which has its origins in the Creation Week, is an endless cycle. It is one of natures laws, in other words, God’s Laws, that six circles will precisely fit around a seventh to form another, larger circle. Try it with any sized coin. What a wonderful picture of the six day working week of man, with a seventh day when man could concentrate on the inner things of life, the things of God. This was a miniature of God’s larger scale plan. Six thousand years of man’s rule on this earth, which is shortly to end with the thousand year reign of Christ, when God will be at the centre of society. How we thank the great God for His infinite wisdom and mercy. How powerful the light of His word can be if we let it shine into our hearts. The greatest of the raindrops is the Lord Jesus. Here we have a perfect
Seven: The number of perfection. Six circles will precisely fit around a seventh to form another, larger circle. reflection of God’s glorious character. As Jesus said, He that hath seen me hath seen the Father (Jn 14:9). It is the most wonderful partnership that there can be — walking with God. In conclusion, let us see a practical expression of that partnership, in the provision, by Israel of the oil to illuminate the tabernacle.
Three primary colours: Red Green Blue, on a screen overlap making secondary colours CMY. All three make white. There were several layers of heavy skins over the inner woven curtaining that covered the boards of the tabernacle. Within the Most Holy Place shone the glory of God, shining from between the cherubim. Some
of this light would probably penetrate through the vail into the Holy Place. The main provision for light here was from the seven branched light-stand—the Menorah. The oil for this light-stand had to be provided by the Israelites. “And thou shalt command the children of Israel, that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamp to burn always.” Exodus 27:20 The finest olive oil came from a gentle pounding of the olives. It had to be thoroughly strained so that there were no impurities. This fine olive oil gives a bright pure light with negligible smoke. It was essential that there should be no smoke from a practical point of view, there were extensive areas of white linen with colourful embroidered work upon it. It was also essential from the spiritual aspect. The Holy Place was illuminated by this light, a figure of the illumination that comes from the word of God. The call to the gospel is a call to be like the priests, to be on active service in the House of God. The light that is our source of illumination is very pure. There is no imperfection in it. The Words of God are pure and righteous altogether. “The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.” Psalm 19:8 Notice that the Israelites had to bring the oil. An olive berry hanging on the tree can’t give light without being the subject of effort. The Israelites had to gather the olive berries and work on them, carefully extracting the oil, straining it of all impurities, until it was in a fit state for God’s service. This is the task ahead of each one of us. To take this God given source of light, mere black and white print in a book, and of no value to us if left closed up. We have to gently pound away at it, to bring out the oil of the word of God, allowing it not only to illuminate our lives, but to shine forth in our words and deeds, to the glory of God. The One who said,“ Let there be light.”
The Image Empire & Fruits “Meet For Repentance.” THE FUTURE MOVEMENTS OF RUSSIA are notable signs of the times, because they are predicted in the Scriptures of truth. The Russian Autocracy in its plenitude, and on the verge of dissolution, is the Image of Nebuchadnezzar standing upon the Mountains of Israel, ready to be smitten by the Stone. When Russia makes its grand move for the building-up of its Imageempire, then let the reader know that the end of all things, as at present constituted, is at hand. The long-expected, but stealthy,
advent of the King of Israel will be on the eve of becoming a fact; and salvation will be to those who not only looked for it, but have trimmed their lamps in believing the gospel of the kingdom unto the obedience of faith, AND THE PERFECTION THEREOF IN “FRUITS MEET FOR REPENTANCE.” John Thomas, Elpis Israel, 1848. Relevant words in view of recent news from Russia! — Ed.
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s the modern world continues the relentless search for pleasure, thinking that the powers of darkness have disappeared with the collapse of Communist Russia, it pursues its path oblivious of the dark shadow that is arising today from the European continent. As our world is busy planning great things for the new millennium, it scarcely seems to notice that the freedoms and way of life that have been known for over four hundred years, are gradually being eroded away—and that a terrifying image of despotism, uniting all the diabolic systems of rule known in history, is being constructed out of the fragments of Communism, Nazism and Fascism. A growing number of observers and writers are beginning to catch the scent of the Beast. A number of recently published books are pointing out that whilst the collapse of Communism has been heavily advertised, the political reality consists of a merger— a convergence—of Capitalism and Communism, creating a Christian-Socialist philosophy that is taking over both eastern and western Europe (including Russia). It is also moving into North America and has been described as the basis of a New World Order, stretching from Vancouver to Vladivostok. If it were not for the blessing of Bible prophecy which declares that the God of Heaven will intervene on behalf of His people, Israel and the saints, one could expect that the New Dark Age would last for a thousand years. A Just Judgement If we try to look at the situation from the Divine perspective, it is not that difficult to understand why God would allow something like this to happen. Consider: At the close of the Second World War, and after much hardship and pain had been suffered, King George VI (the last king of the British Empire) publicly thanked Almighty God for a great deliverance. The world had indeed been delivered from the terrible Nazi monster. The “great deliverance” however, was soon forgotten and society turned away from the values that had been known over many generations and entered an age of wickedness, godlessness and evil unparalleled since the time of the Genesis Flood. Now the principles upon which God deals with nations are clearly set out in the Scriptures—and there is no reason why they should not stand firm today, just as they have in the past. Perhaps two examples will be sufficient here. First, the general principle stated in Isaiah 48:22, “There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked.” Secondly, there is the clear statement of Psalm 9:17, “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” On this basis—and in view of the state of modern society—we would have to conclude that judgement of some kind is inevitable. In the absence of a mighty and thorough reformation there can be no escape. An Evil Empire Daniel the prophet was given what amounts to a preview of history, and this is recorded in his second and seventh chapters. In the image prophecy of chapter 2 he details the empires of history as they would affect his own people, the Jews. Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome are seen in this vision, with Page 16
the iron legs of the image answering to the Roman Empire. The fitness of the graphic depiction may be appreciated when we note that Rome’s empire consisted of two halves, east and west, as seen in two legs. This division continues into the feet and toes of the image which represent a later European development. Likewise, in chapter 7, four beasts are said to represent four kings, or kingdoms (see verses 17 and 23), and again correspond to the empires of history as in the image prophecy. Here, it is the fourth beast that represents the Roman Empire—and we may take note of its character, “dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly.” It “devours” and breaks in pieces and stamps upon its enemies. Now the Roman Empire Above: Nazi Germany’s Plan to Unite Europe. in its greatest territorial extent stretched from the Atlantic Ocean in the west through to Azerbaijan and Muslims in 1453, Russia laid claim to the the Caspian Sea in the east. This was an whole Byzantine world, declaring its amazing phenomenon for those days when mission to plant the cross again upon the the horse was the fastest form of dome of St. Sophia in the fallen capital. The re-appearance of Russia’s emblem, transportation. If the territorial extent of the the double-headed eagle complete with Roman Empire amazes us, even more so is crown, orb and sceptre (as was seen at the its duration over many years—for Daniel’s prophecy requires its existence to continue in Yeltsin inauguration in 1996), has fuelled some form until “thrones were cast down, speculation about a future role for the and the Ancient of days did sit...(and) the Russian Royal family. The re-instatement of judgement was set.” In other words, until the the Romanovs (with the blessing of the Russian Orthodox Church) would doubtless coming of Christ in judgement. re-establish Russia’s historic link to A Long Pedigree Many emperors have claimed to be Constantinople and the seat of Caesar. In successors to the Roman Caesars—Christian other words, the pedigree would be there for emperors in the west, Byzantine emperors in all to see! The claim of the Roman Catholic the east, Russian Czars, Napoleon, Hitler, Church is somewhat different. One of the Mussolini and the Pope. Many of these titles of Caesar, Pontifex Maximus (High claimants could prove (at least to their own satisfaction) a degree of legitimacy. Many Priest) can be seen inscribed on the front of did in fact dream of reviving the Roman St. Peter’s in Rome. The Pope claims the Empire, and sought to conquer Europe to spiritual leadership of Europe and of the that end. We must not be too surprised if the world—he also claims a pedigree going back to the days of the Roman Empire. quest continues today. As the late author Avro Manhattan has The Roman Empire took upon itself the shown in many of his books, the papal name “Christian” during the time of system has been supported over the Constantine the Great (called the first Christian emperor). He moved the seat of centuries by the Catholic kings and empire from Rome to Constantinople, which emperors of western Europe—and became known as the “new Rome”. It is particularly by the emperors of the through this eastern “Rome” that Russian Germanic Holy Roman Empire. When that Czars trace their pedigree back to the empire fell, attempts to revive it led to the Caesars. When Constantinople fell to the First and the Second World Wars. In fact, THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
the objective of Hitler’s Germany during the Nazi era—and with the support of the Vatican—was to weld together the eastern and western halves of Europe—re-creating as it were, the Roman Empire which had stretched from the Atlantic to the Caspian. Kiev fell to the Nazis in September of 1940, then followed Sevastapol, Rostov and finally they reached Stalingrad (Volgagrad). The Nazis had virtually occupied the whole of Europe, both east and west. The Nazi failure was not the end of the story however. A European Union Several books appearing in Britain today are projecting the horrific picture of a revived form of Fascism gaining control of the nations of Europe. The following is a quotation from the back cover of Europe’s Full Circle: “Europe’s Full Circle by Rodney Atkinson shows how the European Union is built on the Nazis’ 1942 blueprint for a “European Economic Community,” inspired by the anti-democratic and anti-Anglo Saxon politics of the fascist 1930s and supported then as now by establishment figures and corporate elites in Britain, the USA and Europe. “As the Left has moved right and the Right has moved left they have met in social and economic corporatism. The individual, the family, the community, the rule of law, personal property and the nation itself have fallen prey to the politicised institutions of the State and the collective powers of labour and capital. The supranational powers of the
A Recently published book shows us that the objectives sought by Germany during World War 2 are still being pursued today! Page 17
European Union, founded by anti- Centre in General Franco’s Fascist Spain. modern, unified sovereign state and the democratic corporatism, built on the 1941 Atkinson writes: redistribution of its powers to multilevel Nazi model and imposed by directives and “The Madrid Geopolitical Centre hierarchical structures remotely resembling regulations which bypass parliaments, have continued its mission in the early 1950s, the structure of the Holy Roman Empire in effectively destroyed the British realising (like Hitler) that the authoritarian the late medieval period.” Constitution...” nature of the Roman Catholic Church was a Quigley, citing De Gaulle, believed that The book poses the question: “Have vital ingredient in the creation of a new nonBritain could be accepted into a West Germany’s intentions since 1945 been democratic Europe.” European federation “only if Britain fundamentally different from those they The essence of these objectives was becomes clearly a European Power and pursued in the wars since 1870? Or has the advocated by Carroll Quigley in his 1966 renounces its special relationship of close same basic strategy been pursued by other book Tragedy and Hope. Quigley, a collaboration with the United States and if it means?” The writer concludes: “Europe has professor at the Jesuit-run Georgetown is also willing to subordinate its position as come full circle. The United Kingdom faces University in the USA, applauded Christian leader of the British Commonwealth of the same political crisis as in the 1930s. We Socialist and Social Democratic political Nations to its membership in the European have a choice between on the one hand groups who were willing to work towards system.” appeasement of supranational corporatism European unity. He saw great virtue in the When this was written in 1966 Britain and an imperialist continental power built on fact that the founders of the European idea remained free of this new Holy Roman the suppression rather than the expression of were Catholics: Adenaur, Schumann, and Empire—today she is so bound up with it public opinion, and on the other hand the Alcide de Gasperi:— that one fears that only the use of force will British family of nations with its open “The Catholic religious background of regain her independence. worldwide trading system and rule of law...” all three was a significant factor in their Divide & Conquer Readers of this magazine will recall, willingness to turn from nationalistic to The bonds which have united Englishonce again, that when the Russo-European international economic methods.” speaking nations in the past, and which have Gog finally invades the land of Israel in the The undemocratic nature of the Europe enabled them to contain Europe, have not latter days (Ezekiel 38), he is disintegrated by accident or opposed by a group of trading chance. It has been a deliberate nations—“the merchants of policy that has been inspired and Tarshish, with all the young lions influenced by Vatican and German thereof...” (verse 13). It is interests. The Anglo-Saxoninteresting to see this division American Alliance has thwarted the being outlined by the author plans to re-create the Reich above. As these issues rise to the (Empire) for an entire century. surface, we believe that they will Today however, that alliance has lead to a terrible crisis. The been greatly undermined and is in character of Nazism and Fascism urgent need of repair. How well it is well enough known—it is that of could come together in a crisis is Daniel’s fourth beast, the Roman worth thinking about—and that Empire, “dreadful and terrible...” such a crisis will come is the issue Enemies of Freedom that prophecy lays before us in In his book, Rodney Atkinson Ezekiel 38; Daniel 11:40-45 and describes the Nazi intention to other Scriptures. liquidate the British Empire and to As Britain has been greatly establish German domination over weakened herself, the enemies of the former colonies. He also points freedom have been at work in other out the identical interests of related countries also—not least of Germany and the Vatican in Canada’s Constitution “brought home” by the Jesuit trained which is Canada. opposing democracy—especially Just as Britain’s constitution has Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau. as it has been practiced in the been consigned to history by her predominantly Protestant North American being advocated and developed may be seen treaties with Europe, so also Canada’s continent. The efforts to gain these from what he says about the European constitution has been “brought home” objectives did not cease with the Third organisations in place at that time: complete with Amending Formula. Reich, they were pursued under the guise of “These organisations have some of the Although this was achieved in 1982, the a united Europe: aspects of sovereignty from the fact that importance of this move has yet to be “Today, where once British aid and their decisions do not have to be unanimous, appreciated by the vast majority of investment was welcomed in our former are binding on states and on citizens who Canadians. The “patriation package” as it colonies, the ‘European Union’ marches in to have not agreed to them, and can be was called, was rushed through the British Africa with its “help”, its propaganda and its financed by funds that may be levied Parliament (with Catholic Prime Minister flag—mostly financed by the annual British without current consent of the persons being Trudeau warning Britain not to meddle in budget contribution to Brussels of £7,500 taxed. On the whole, the supranational Canada’s internal affairs), whilst at home million (rising to £10,000m by 1997).” aspects of these institutions will be debate was muzzled at almost every stage. A After the war, Nazi and Fascist objectives strengthened in the future from provisions much vaunted “Charter of Rights” permits a continued to be furthered from several in the treaties themselves. All this is very future Canadian government to invoke the centres, including the Madrid Geopolitical relevant to... the disintegration of the War Measures Act should it see fit to do so, Page 18
overriding fundamental rights and freedoms. Just two months before the Queen arrived in Canada for the ceremony, the editorial in a Southam newspaper pointed out that the federal cabinet had quietly passed an order-in-council spelling out what was involved:— • “The government has given itself the authority to regulate the movement of the country’s work force, and is able to shift man power from one locale to another as needed. • In certain situations, the government has the power to implement censorship controls. • Citizens who actively object to or oppose government policy may be sent to civilian internment camps.” (Prince George Citizen, March 1, 1982). This as-yet dormant legislation is all in place for the day when it is needed. So the freedoms which Canadians believe that they possess have in fact already been legislated away. Catholic Social Doctrine Before Canadians lost their heritage, the objective of cutting loose from the social and economic pattern of the past had been strenuously advocated by Canada’s Catholic bishops in a 1977 Pastoral Message entitled A Society to be Transformed. Under the subheading Heritage of Capitalism, the bishops paint a picture of “a woeful system” operating in Canada—“our country is still profoundly marked by the founders of liberal capitalism... their ideas have become our institutions... an economic religion... a culture... ways of thinking and behaving, alien to God’s purpose.” The “woeful system” which the bishops saw as being so evil, was that same AngloSaxon-American trading system which had withstood the brute force of Nazi Germany during the Second World War—and which Scripture calls “the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof.” What the Catholic bishops of Canada wanted, was a break from that connection, and a Canadian society which—like that of the European Union—would be founded upon Catholic Social doctrine. This doctrine was revealed to the world in the early 1960s through the Second Vatican Council—it brought together existing Church teaching and blended it with Marxism. A 1974 Report by The Institute for the Study of Conflict entitled Marxism and the Church of Rome, described the resultant doctrine and how it had come about. Quoting the words of the head of the Vatican State Secretariat, Monsignor Casaroli, the Report said: “...in the social sphere the Christian doctrine has many common aspects with the social divisions of Marxism and other progressive
movements, which ought to allow the formation between them of solid and organic links in many domains.” The magazine Esprit is quoted in the report and puts into words what we have seen taking place: “The priest’s duty is to contribute to the construction of the socialist world.” “Communism contains a part of the Kingdom of God...” A “kingdom” no doubt that is designed to stretch from Vancouver to Vladivostok! The Third Rome Another recently published book, The Tainted Source by John Laughland (1997), shows yet again that “the tainted source” of the European Union is in fact Nazism and Fascism. But he goes a step further in pointing out the broader picture:— “It is seldom realized that the plan to
Two pillars of a pan-European “security” system? Are we not seeing the actual construction of the legs of an image? That of Daniel chapter 2?
integrate the states of Western Europe around a single currency, grandiose though it is, is only part of an even larger plan. ‘European integration’ is not an exclusively Western European affair. Indeed, the very purpose of suggesting the institutional restructuring of Western Europe around a hard core, according to the plan’s German authors, is to permit the creation of a common (Western) European foreign and security policy, which will in turn be based on a ‘lasting partnership with Russia’. The German government has repeatedly stressed that it is ‘the advocate of pan-European, not just West European, thinking’... “The idea is then to construct a panEuropean security architecture with Russia. In other words, the institutional reforms which are being undertaken in Western Europe, especially the institutionalization of the hard core through monetary union, are the necessary prerequisite for the larger vision of one single politico-military system for the whole European continent. As the former German president, Richard von THE BIBLE MAGAZINE VOL. 11. ISSUE No.1.
Weizsacker, said: ‘A common foreign policy can be created only via the single currency. Getting used to a single currency is the only possible means of achieving a single foreign policy.’ The hard core in the West is to be the Western ‘pillar’ of a pan-European security structure, of which the Eastern ‘pillar’ will presumably be Russia and her associated states.” Two pillars of a pan-European “security” system? Are we not seeing the actual construction of the legs of an image? That of Daniel chapter 2? When the darkness descends there will be the need for “security”—or rather, a means to enforce it. The plan to build European “security” on the basis of an alliance with Russia will provide that necessary touch. In harmony with what Scripture teaches us to expect was the historic announcement from Madrid (reported in The Daily Telegraph on July 10, 1997) that Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic are to join NATO. A security pact was also signed with the Ukraine (a parallel to the one signed between Russia and NATO in May 1997). The secretary-general of NATO, Javier Solana spoke of “the Europe of the future: a united Europe; a Europe in which East and West are partners.” That is what the prophets foresaw 500 years before Christ! Piece by piece we watch as the picture forms—a picture painted centuries ago by the prophetic Scriptures, warning all who have ears to hear of the impending hour of darkness and crisis. As all this is before us we watch the march of events: Large-scale military reforms are announced with plans to transform the 1.8 million-strong Russian forces “into a flexible fast-moving corps able to deal with regional conflicts” (Russia Today, June 12, 1997. Via Internet). “Time is the main factor” says Russia’s Defence Minister. “He expected a massive armaments and technical overhaul to be carried out between 2001 and 2005.” Ezekiel had written: “Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and all thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them.” As the hour of darkness approaches, we must appreciate the urgency of the times— we do not have long before the Lord Jesus Christ will come as judge of the living and of the dead whom he will raise. The door of opportunity; the opportunity to seek salvation and mercy from the God of heaven will not be left open for ever. May these things stimulate us all to turn to Almighty God, for He alone can deliver us from the dreadful and terrible time of trouble that is about to descend upon this world. Page 19
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