The Big Circle - literacymalden

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The Big Circle. Discuss comprehension questions as you read. Read: Class Paper: Miss Bell and Class take Trip (pgs 106-109 in text). Students will recognize ...
The Big Circle 1st Grade Schedule

© 2008 Salemwood School; Grade 1 Incorporated, All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright and permission is to be obtained prior to any reproduction.


8:00-8:30 Whole Group

Monday Morning Activities Lunch Count Math 2D.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Tuesday Morning Activities Lunch Count Math 2D.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Wednesday Morning Activities Lunch Count Math 2D.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Thursday Morning Activities Lunch Count Math 2D.2 Pledge of Allegiance

Friday Morning Activities Lunch Count Math 2D.2 Pledge of Allegiance






ORAL LANGUAGE: Morning Warm-Up Sing with Me Book pg 10 “Mama Newt Said”

ORAL LANGUAGE: Morning Warm-Up Big Book “A Frog in the

ORAL LANGUAGE: Morning Warm-Up Big Book “A Frog in the



ORAL LANGUAGE: Morning Warm-Up Read Aloud Anthology: “Grandma Elephants in

ORAL LANGUAGE: Morning Warm-Up Read Aloud Anthology: “Grandma Elephants in



Amazing Words:

Amazing Words:

Amazing Words:

Amazing Words:

Enemy, extinct, protect

Crater, holler


Bluff, boisterous

Phonemic Awareness Disntinguish long/short vowel sounds

Phonemic Awareness Blend and segment phonemes

Phonemic Awareness Blend and segment phonemes

Phonemic Awareness Identify and isolate phonemes

Word Work Long 0 (cvce) Sound Card 24

Word Work Contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘ll

Word Work Long o and contractions Phonics Songs and Rhymes Chart 10: A Baby Dinosaur

Blend/Build Words Build long o words (cvce)

Blend/Sort Words Words with Contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘ll

Sorting Words

Long o and contractions Introduce Spelling

ELA 7.4B,7.5A,7.6,7.7A, 7.7D/G,8.6,1.1,1.2

Spelling Read sentences

ELA 7.4B,7.5A,7.6,7.7A, 7.7D/G,8.6,1.1,1.2

Spelling Building Background Audio – CD Discuss Dinosaurs using a classify chart- T-rex and triceratops Vocabulary Selection Words:

High Freq Words: Review this weeks word list Review Phonics: Digraphs and long I Word reading Read decodable and HFW T/E/ T.E. 106d Spelling

ELA 7.4B,7.5A,7.6,7.7A, 7.7D/G,8.6,1.1,1.2

Amazing Words: Review all Phonemic Awareness WORD WORK Review Phonics:

Long o and contractions High Freq Words: Review this weeks word list Spelling Test Scott Foresman Reading Test

ELA 7.4B,7.5A,7.6,7.7A, 7.7D/G,8.6,1.1,1.2

Triceratops, meat, herd, baby and circle High Frequency Words On-Level

Decodable Reader 19 Review go, her, put, said,

Decodable Reader 20 Review be, go, I, want,

there, to, where, work


Read Nuts for the Cake Comprehension: story

Read A Ride to the Lake Comprehension Story

ELA 7.4B,7.5A,7.6,7.7A, 7.7D/G,8.6,1.1,1.2 Read: The Big Circle

Discuss comprehension questions as you read

Progress Monitoring: Read: Class Paper: Miss Bell and Class take Trip (pgs 106-109 in text) Sentence Reading Set B Comprehension Students will recognize text

The Big Circle elements, long o, quotation marks Strategic

Reread for Fluency Word Work:

elements, contractions

structure: nonfiction

Reread for Fluency

Decodable Reader 20

Word Work: Long o and contractions SI Decodable Reader 10: Time to Swim Review hfw there, down, now, inside, together

there, to, where, work

A Ride to the Lake

Read/Listen to:

Reread for Fluency

Reread for fluency

The Big Circle Discuss comprehension questions as you read

Long o Decodable Reader 19

Nuts for the Cake Re-read high frequency words: go, her, put, said,

Word Work Contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘ll

Pre-teach hfw (down, inside, now, there, together)

Word Work:

Long I and digraphs wh, ch, tch ReRead: Strategic Intervention Decodable Reader 9 “We All Work”

Progress Monitoring:

Sentence Reading Set A Comprehension

Read: Class Paper: Miss Bell and Class take Trip (pgs 106-109 in text) Students will recognize text structure: nonfiction


Word Work:

Long o Read Advanced Selection 10: Mammoths Review Amazing words:

enemy, extinct, protect Leveled Reader: Dinosaur Detectives Week Project: Have children chose 2 animals that live in groups and compare/contrast Whole Group

Building Background Knowledge:

Discuss communities in nature 84-85 Discuss: what they see in pictures and use amazing words Using a Word Web children will discuss how animals work together. Read to students: A Clever Trick (pg. 85b)

Word Work: Contractions n’t, ‘m, ‘ll Read A Frog in the Bog, silently. Discuss repeating words in a story. Extend Concepts through inquiry Self-selected project

Silent Read The Big Circle Discuss: sequence

Read: Progress Monitoring: Class Paper: Miss Bell and Class take Trip (pgs 106-109 in text) Sentence Reading Set C Comprehension – Students will recognize text Retelling structure: nonfiction

Optional: Brainstorm what triceratops might say to convince T-Rex to find a different lunch.


Extinct, Swamp, Crater, Protect, Enemy

Leveled Reader: Dinosaur Detectives

Leveled Reader: Dinosaur

Leveled Reader: Dinosaur



Interactive Writing: Writing a Description

Writing Workshop: Trait of the Week:

Writing Workshop: Write a Journal Entry


Brainstorm Children will pretend to be explorers in Africa. They will imagine they are watching a group of elephants . Discuss the things the elephants might do.

High Freq Words pg 8687

Brainstorm.: We will use A Frog in the Bog to encourage a discussion about what frogs eat. Share the Pen: Children will write a list of things the frog eat

Students will recognize and use ideas from The Big Circle to think about how the author organizes big ideas. (next, then, finally, etc) Students will retell the main ideas of the story using time order words.

Share the Pen: Have children participate in writing a journal entry about their day watching elephants.

Wrap Up The Week Recall this week’s question

The Big Circle Writing:Workshop: Writing Advice Class will recall a time when they worked together in a group and write advice as to how to work together in a group.

using number words and sequential order.

Independent Writing: Children will continue to write the list from above using number words and sequential order.

Independent Writing: Students will write their own statements of advice which will go in a class book called “How to Work Together”

Writing Transparency 10 Grammar:

Grammar Transparency 10: Days, Months, Holidays 11:0011:45 11:4512:30 12:30-2:00 Whole Class & Small Group 2:00-2:45 2:45-3:15
















Centers 1. Computer: Dino Sentences. Children will use at least 2 of their vocabulary words (baby, her, circle, meat, triceratops) in a sentence 2. Word Work: Dino Bone Sort (sorting long and short o) 3. Fishing Center – Using this week’s amazing words, students will “fish” for words and practice using those words in sentences 4. Writing: Write about other ways animals protect themselves. Illustrate. Respond to text. 5. Spelling: Varied activities to practice/review weekly spelling words (Buddy-Study) 6. Partner/Independent Reading on the Rug 7. Create Flip Books – Students will use this week’s vocabulary words to create flip books (students will write word, use word in a sentence, and illustrate their sentences) 8. Listening Center – Responding to Text / Comprehension 9. Retelling – Retell story using story cards 10. High Frequency Words Concentration: Write this week’s high frequency words on index cards (2 index cards per word) and children flip the cards over and try to make a match. 11. Science Connection- Sort Carnivores and Herbivores using leveled non-fiction text

The Big Circle