The Biosignature Modulation Technique for Bodybuilders. "Forensic Nutrition
based on Hormonal Influence and Fat Storage"- Charles Poliquin. By AustinĀ ...
The Biosignature Modulation Technique for Bodybuilders "Forensic Nutrition based on Hormonal Influence and Fat Storage"- Charles Poliquin By Austin Dossey What is forensic nutrition? Forensic nutrition is feeding the body what it is lacking. What the body is lacking is much like a crime. Like any crime there is always evidence and where people store fat is one of the best indicators of what is causing fat gain. Let's take a journey into the science of Biosignature. The most widely accepted and most widely researched fat storage correlation to bodyfat is the hormone cortisol and how it influences fat accumulation near the umbilical. But there are 11 other skinfold sites that have hormonal correlations. They are the chin, cheek, pectoral, triceps, subscaplua, midaxilla, suprailiac, knee, calf, quad, and hamstring. The reason why some people look like an apple and others look like a pear is because of the hormones they have in their body. Of course if they eat a healthy diet and exercise appropriately they will most likely be lean, but they still have the propensity to put fat on in a certain location. For those people their limiting factor to obtaining 4% bodyfat for males or 6% for females is their physiology. Physiology is simply the hormonal status of that individual. To bring someone into peak contest shape I recommend using the Biosignature Modulation as a tool. For many individuals addressing their hormonal limiting factor without decreasing calories can bring about all time best results. The chin and cheek skinfolds are the only skinfold sites not associated with a hormone. They are great indicators of when to really start using the Biosignature protocols. They will decrease to a certain point and then plateau. When this happens that means the diet and exercise program has reached its limit to improve. With no way to improve body composition via diet and exercise other methods must be addressed. When a certified practitioner measures someone, the program software will take all skinfold measurements into account and give a "priority". The priority is what needs to be addressed to continue losing bodyfat at an acceptable rate. The most common skinfold priorities are estrogen management, insulin management and cortisol management. The subscapula and suprailiac are the two skinfold sites most associated with insulin. If these sites are above 10mm, increasing, or stalling the most appropriate step is to decrease carbohydrates or any dairy product as they have the biggest influence on insulin levels. If this method does not work it could be an insulin sensitivity issue that may require supplementation with products such as Fenuplex and/or Glucose Disposal Px. Preventing a stall in bodyfat loss is an even better method and a good coach will nip it in the butt before it becomes an issue so fat-loss is smooth. The Quad and Hamstring are the two skinfold sites most associated with estrogen. If the Quad is above 5mm for males or 15mm for females or the Hamstring is above 9mm for males and 17mm for females estrogen could be a priority. The most appropriate step is to decrease environmental estrogen exposure. Environmental estrogens are everywhere, in fact we are swimming in them. Scents, toiletries, plastics, and food can contain toxic estrogens that can be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Removing as much of these offenders as possible is a great way to decrease bodyfat. If this is not working it could be a detoxification problem and supplements may be required. The best
supplements for estrogen metabolism are DIM, Sulphurophane, Calcium-D-Glucarate, Probiotics, and fiber. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, nip this in the butt before it stalls fat loss. The Umbilical as stated earlier is associated with cortisol management. If this skinfold site is above 5mm then cortisol could be a priority. Stress causes the hormone cortisol to elevate and this hormone is what is associated with the negative belly fat side effect. Stress is all around us, in fact, psychologists have estimated that we have 100x more stress than our great grandparents. We cannot control all stressors in our life but we can control how we let them affect us to some degree. For instance even slight dehydration will increase cortisol, so drinking enough water daily is a good start. Stimulants also influence cortisol and the adrenal glands, competitors who abuse stimulants for energy will tend to store more bodyfat in the stomach. Cortisol and Insulin are intertwined, in fact, about 2.5 hours after a large insulin spike there will be a large cortisol response. So decreasing the insulin load can decrease cortisol and belly fat. When addressing cortisol as a priority rule out dehydration, controllable stress, stimulant misuse and insulin load stress. If that is not working some nutritionals can help, such as: magnesium, phosphotydleserine, yin builder and vitamin c. Foreseeing this as an issue may prompt a practitioner to address cortisol before it becomes an issue. When a competitor is using the Biosignature method the practitioner will start by testing the HCL status and Zinc status of that individual. If a failure of one or both of those test occurs (98% failure rate) that means the body is not absorbing all the nutrients it could be. By simply supplementing with HCL and Zinc appropriately many imbalances will start to correct themselves quickly. Then the practitioner will start the client on a fish oil, multi-vitamin, probiotic, magnesium, and vitamin D3. Each of those supplements will have a great influence on the top 3 (insulin, cortisol, estrogen) hormonal limiting factors. Not only is this just good health practice for anyone but it will 90% of the time prevent any fatloss stalls in a competitor.