Patron: HRH The Prince of Wales Officers and Committee from March 2007 President:
R.W. Sykes, Ormandy House, Crosthwaite, Kendal, Cumbria LA8 8BP E-mail:
[email protected] Vice-Presidents: R.J. Cooke, M.S. Porter General Secretary: Dr Y.C. Golding, 7 Grange Road, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 6NH E-mail:
[email protected] Committee Secretary: R.G. Ackers, Deersbrook, Horsham Road, Walliswood, Dorking RH5 5RL Mrs G.J. Smith, Rookwood, 1 Prospect Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, Treasurer: Suffolk NR32 3PT; E-mail:
[email protected] Membership Secretary: M.G. Taylor, Westlea, Kyleakin, Isle of Skye IV41 8PH E-mail:
[email protected] Meetings Secretary: P.J. Acock, 13 Star Lane, St Mary Cray, Kent BR5 3LJ E-mail:
[email protected] Conservation Officer: Dr H.S. McHaffie, 180 Granton Road, Edinburgh EH5 1AH E-mail:
[email protected] Conservation Officer:Dr F.J. Rumsey, Dept. of Botany, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, & Recorder London SW7 5BD; E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] A.C. Pigott (address above) E-mail:
[email protected] Project Officer: Publications Secretary M.H. Rickard, Pear Tree Cottage, Kyre, Tenbury Wells, Worcs. WR15 8RN & Editor of Pteridologist (from Jan. 2008): E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Editor of the Bulletin: Miss A.M. Paul, Dept. of Botany, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD; E-mail:
[email protected] Editor of The Fern Gazette: Prof. M. Gibby, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR; E-mail:
[email protected] Editor of BPS Website – A.C. Pigott, Kersey’s Farm, Mendlesham, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5RB; E-mail:
[email protected] Elected Committee Members: A.R. Busby, Prof. J.A. Edgington, R. Golding, Dr M. Hayward, Dr S.D. Martinelli, H.W. Matthews, F. McGavigan, M.J. Stribley Booksales Organiser: Dr F. Katzer, 13 Hawdene, Broughton, Biggar ML12 6FW E-mail:
[email protected] Horticultural Information Adviser A.R. Busby, 16 Kirby Corner Road, Canley, Coventry CV4 8GD & Archivist: E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Merchandise Organisers: Mr B.D. & Mrs G.J. Smith, Rookwood, 1 Prospect Road, Oulton Broad Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 3PT; E-mail:
[email protected] Plant Exchange Organiser: Mr J.P. Crowe, Kellys Cottage, Tredilion, Abergavenny, Gwent NP7 8BB; E-mail:
[email protected] Spore Exchange Organisers: Mrs A. Wright, 130 Prince Rupert Drive, Tockwith, York YO26 7PU; E-mail:
[email protected] Trustees of Greenfield & Centenary Funds: President, General Secretary & Treasurer The BRITISH PTERIDOLOGICAL SOCIETY was founded in 1891 and is still a focus for fern enthusiasts, its wide membership including gardeners, nurserymen and botanists, both amateur and professional. It provides a wide range of information about ferns through its publications and website, and also organises formal and informal indoor meetings, field meetings, garden visits, a plant exchange, a spore exchange and fern book sales. The Society’s journals, The Fern Gazette, Pteridologist and Bulletin, are published annually. The Fern Gazette publishes matter chiefly of specialist interest on international pteridology, the Pteridologist, topics of more general appeal, and the Bulletin, Society business and meetings reports. Website: Membership is open to all interested in ferns and lycophytes. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (due on 1st January each year) are Full Personal Members £20, Personal Members not receiving The Fern Gazette £16, Student Members £10, Subscribing Institutions £33. Family membership in any category is an additional £2. Applications for membership should be sent to the Membership Secretary (address above) from whom further details can be obtained. (Remittances in currencies other than Sterling are £5 extra to cover bank conversion charges.) Airmail postage for all journals is an extra £4, or for those not receiving The Fern Gazette £2.50. Standing Order forms are available from the Membership Secretary and the BPS website. (Front cover: Asplenium platyneuron. Illustration from: J.K. Small (1938) Ferns of the Southeastern States.)
Back numbers of The Fern Gazette, Pteridologist and Bulletin are available for purchase from P.J. Acock, 13 Star Lane, St Mary Cray, Kent BR5 3LJ; E-mail:
[email protected]
FIBREX NURSERIES Ltd Honeybourne Road, Pebworth, nr Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire CV37 8XT Hardy and tender ferns Begonias, Gloxinias, Hederas, Hydrangeas, Primroses, Arum Lilies and plants for the cool greenhouse Catalogue on request
WORLD OF FERNS (trading name of Rickards Ferns Ltd) Wonderful variety of indoor, conservatory, garden and tree ferns from around the world Ferneries created, conservatory and atria planting and Wardian cases Lôn Rallt, Pentir, Bangor LL57 4RP, North Wales Visitors by appointment. Ring to request brochure: 01248 600385.
FANCY FRONDS North American and British hardy ferns US orders only E-mail:
[email protected]
HARDY FERNS R.N. Timm The Fern Nursery, Grimsby Road, Binbrook, Lincolnshire LN3 6DH Please send stamped addressed envelope for list
MONKSILVER NURSERY Oakington Road, Cottenham, Cambridge CB4 8TW Hardy British and foreign ferns (together with over 700 choice herbaceous and woody plants) Please send six first class stamps for catalogue
The British Pteridological Society BULLETIN VOLUME 6
2007 º
Retiring President’s Address ............................................................................ A.F. Dyer 441 National Field Meetings Alpes Maritimes, South France ................................................ P.H. Ripley et al. 447 North-West Wales ..................................................... B. Dockerill & M.H. Rickard 450 Peak District, Derbyshire ................................................................. R. Ennos et al. 453 North Lincolnshire .......................................................... P.H. Ripley & P.J. Acock 455 Texas, USA ......................................................................................... P.J. Acock et al. 456 Lecture Meetings & Day Visits Spring Meeting, RBG Edinburgh .................................................. A.C. Wardlaw 468 ‘For the love of monstrous ferns’, RHS, Wisley, Surrey ...... J.M. Ide et al. 470 Regional Meetings Yorkshire Fern Group .... A.J. Evans, K. Trewren, B.N. Brown, B. Wright, B.K. Byrne 472 South-East ............................................................................... P.H. Ripley, P.J. Acock 478 East Anglia ...................................................... M. & G. Winder, T. Pyner, B.D. Smith 481 North-West ....................... B.N. Brown, R. & D. Copson, M.S. Porter, P.J. Campion 484 Botanical Cornwall Group ................................................................... M.J. Stribley 489 Scotland .................................................................................................... F. McGavigan 491 GEP Excursion – Czech Republic ................................................................. P.J. Acock 496 Horticultural Shows Southport Flower Show ........................................................................ M. Hayward 497 Society News Secretarial Notes ................................................................................................................ 499 Minutes of 2007 AGM .................................................................................................... 503 2006 & 2007 Accounts .................................................................................................... 512 Reports of Officers & Committee Appointees for 2007 .................................... 515 Awards: Honorary Membership – C.N. Page ..... A.F. Dyer & H.S. McHaffie 521 Honorary Membership – J.T. Mickel .......................... M.H. Rickard 522 523 Honorary Membership – A.R. Smith .............................. M. Boudrie In Memoriam ....................................................................................................................... 523 524 Meetings Programme 2008 ............................................................................................ Full Membership List .......................................................................................... Centre insert Copyright © 2008 British Pteridological Society. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means) without the permission of the British Pteridological Society.
The Bulletin Volume 6 Number 4 was published on 14 March 2007 Published by THE BRITISH PTERIDOLOGICAL SOCIETY, c/o Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD ISSN 0301-9195 Printed by Metloc Printers Ltd, Old Station Road, Loughton, Essex