May 13, 2012 - The theme of this year's pro- gram will be âThe Great ... The deadline to apply for this year's camp wa
Bartlesville Public School District’s Weekly Email Newsletter
Leaders Bruins Education Volume 6, Number 37...Friday, May 11,
The Bruin
Annual Summer Food Program for Children set to begin next month
Photo Special to The Bruin
Members of the Bartlesville High School varsity girls tennis team show off the 2012 Class 6A academic state championship trophy which they recently earned.
Bruin tennis teams earn academic state titles Boys and girls squads each boast sterling cumulative grade-point averages of 3.97 The Bartlesville High School varsity boys and girls tennis teams have each earned Class 6A academic state championships. The teams were recently informed of their status, and trophies accompany the titles. The girls squad claimed its hardware during the girls
state tournament last weekend in Oklahoma City. The boys were due to receive their trophy at their state tournament this weekend in Oklahoma City. Both squads are led by head coach Brent Massey and assistant TENNIS - Continued to Page 13
The Bartlesville Public Schools Child Nutrition Department will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program for Children again this year. Free meals will be served to children 18 and under in the cafeterias of four schools within the Bartlesville Public School District – Hoover, Jane Phillips, and Woodrow Wilson Elementary Schools as well as Central Middle School. There are no qualifications or registration requirements for children to take part in the program, which will be in its 22nd year within the BPSD. The Summer Food Service Program for Children is sponsored by the district and funded by the United States Department of Agriculture. The program’s serving schedule is Mondays through Fridays from June 4 through July 20. Breakfast will be served from 8:30-9:30 a.m. and lunch will be provided from 11:00 a.m.-1 p.m. The Summer Food Service Program was initially established to ensure low income children FOOD - Continued to Page 13
Photo Special to The Bruin
The 2012 Bartlesville High School and Bartlesville Mid-High School Spring Orchestra Concert is set to unfold on Tuesday evening in the Fine Arts Center auditorium on the BHS campus. The BHS Orchestra (pictured) is led by Rhonda Carr (shown second from the right).
Everyone invited to BHS, Mid-High School Spring Orchestra Concert on Tuesday evening The 2012 Bartlesville High School and Bartlesville Mid-High School Spring Orchestra Concert is scheduled to be held on Tuesday evening in the Fine Arts Center auditorium on the BHS campus. The concert is entitled “Cinema Paradiso” and is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Admission is free and everyone is invited to attend.
The concert will offer selections of classical music featured in movies such as “Eyes Wide Shut,” “Lord of the Rings” and several Pixar animated films as well as “American Idiot: The Musical.” The BHS Orchestra is led by Rhonda Carr while Greg Carr guides the Bartlesville Mid-High School Orchestra.
Enrollment underway for Pinwheels & Popcorn summer program Enrollment is currently underway for the annual Pinwheels & Popcorn summer enrichment program. The week-long program for students from pre-kindergarten through the sixth grade will be housed at Hoover Elementary School, which is located at 512 SE Madison Blvd., and is scheduled to span from June 4-8.
Did You Know?
The theme of this year’s program will be “The Great Ocean Adventure.” Activities will focus on ocean life, wind and waves, dissecting ocean specimens, pirate activities and several other fun subjects. Students are scheduled to visit the Oklahoma Aquarium in Jenks as part of the program as well. The program is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. each day and wrap at
3 p.m. Those who would like to learn more about this year’s Pinwheels & Popcorn program – including details on enrollment – can go online to Information can be gathered by sending an email to Todd Rhoades at rhoadesta@bps-ok. org or calling the main number at Hoover at 918-333-9337.
While five inclement weather days have been built into the Bartlesville Public School District’s calendar for the current 2011-12 academic year, none of them have been used. Thus, with the weather warming, all five will be returned. Classes weren’t in session on Good Friday (April 6), Friday, May 4, or Friday, May 11 and that will be the case on Friday, May 18 and Thursday, May 24 as well.
Retirement ceremony for Kane custodian Jim Walker set for May 24 A longtime custodian at Richard Kane Elementary School, Jim Walker will be celebrated with a special retirement ceremony later this month. The ceremony is scheduled to take place on Thursday, May 24 in the library at Kane Elementary, which is located at 801 SE 13th Street, from 4-5:30 p.m. All of those who would like to wish Walker well are invited to attend.
BHS junior Austin Raatz selected to attend prestigious ISyTE camp Bartlesville High School junior Austin Raatz is one of just 25 students from across the state chosen to attend the 2012 Information Systems Technology Exploration camp. The prestigious camp, which is for students from grades nine through 11, is a product of Oklahoma State University’s Department of Management Science and Information Systems and will be held on the OSU campus in Stillwater from June 10-15. During the camp, the youngsters will stay on campus and have the opportunity to interact with current OSU students and faculty members. In addition, they will participate in field trips and study information technology exploration modules. The deadline to apply for this year’s camp was April 12, and each of the selected 25 students earned a scholarship to attend sponsored by ConocoPhillips and the Kerr Foundation. The focus of the ISyTE camp is to provide a unique educational experience for those interested in connecting technology, problem-solving and people. Austin, who is the son of Steve and Jessica Raatz, was initially made aware of the camp by BHS counselor Marsha Fouts.
Stellar Sites
The Bartlesville Public School District offers a wide array of useful tools for students as well as parents. For some extra educational insight, give these web sites a look:
PowerSchool Click on the PowerSchool link toward the top of the home page. · Parents and legal guardians can check with office personnel at their student’s school to find out how to access PowerSchool. · Information on students - such as grades and attendance records available via PowerSchool.
Study Island Use the “Member Login.” · Student login information must be obtained from teachers. Facebook!/ BartlesvillePublicSchools or BartlesvilleHighSchool · Everyone can keep up with what’s going throughout the BPSD or at Bartlesville High School by becoming fans of these pages, which are updated regularly with news and events.
District Word of the Month: Self-Discipline Every month during the academic year, the Bartlesville Public School District designates a word or words which students and staff members are encouraged to incorporate into their respective lifestyles as habit. The word of the month for May is “self-discipline,” which means “the training and control of one’s self and one’s conduct, usually for personal improvement.” The Bartlesville Public School District releases a new habit word (or words) monthly from August through May.
TENNIS - Continued from Page 1
coach Michelle Brown. The cumulative grade-point averages of the two teams were the same as well, a sterling 3.97. The Bruins are no strangers to academic state championships. During the current 2011-12 academic year, BHS had earned titles in football, girls basketball, and now boys and girls tennis. Since the 2007-08 academic year, Bruins squads have grabbed nine academic state championships. “It’s exciting,” says Tim Bart, the Bartlesville Public School District athletic director, of the Bruins’ latest titles. “It shows that academics and athletics can co-exist. I think the honors that we have received in the last few years show the kind of dedication that we have for academics. “It’s a total group effort. It’s a testament to the students and how serious they are about academics as well as the support of their parents, teachers and coaches. We’re very proud of them.” Officials with the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association notified representatives within the BPSD athletic office of the Bruin tennis team’s achievement. The Bruins’ cumulative grade-point average bested all of the other 6A varsity squads throughout the state in both varsity boys and varsity girls tennis. FOOD - Continued from Page 1
could continue to receive nutritious meals when school was not in session during the summer months. All meals served through the program meet federal nutrition guidelines. Last year, the program served 15142 meals within the BPSD during the months of June and July for an average of 445 provided per day. Through the program, $42,040 in federal funding was brought into the community. Last year, the Summer Food Service Program for Children coordinated with various summer programs to provide educational and recreational activities to Bartlesville children with a side benefit of providing part-time work for an estimated 12 to 15 school and student employees. The Summer Food Service Program for Children is an equal opportunity program. In accordance with federal law and United States Department of Agriculture policy, it is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Those who would like to learn more about the Summer Food Service Program for Children within the BPSD can call 333-7966. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to: United States Department of Agriculture; Director, Office of Civil Rights; 1400
Independence Ave., SW; Washington, D.C. 20250-9410. Those who would like to call can dial (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382. The United States Department of Agriculture is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 2012 Summer Food Service Program for Children Schedule June 4 - July 20 (Closed July 4th) (Serving Mondays through Fridays at Hoover, Jane Phillips, and Woodrow Wilson elementary schools and Central Middle School) Sites Here are the addresses for each of the five sites within the Bartlesville Public School District which will take part in the 2012 Summer Food Service Program for Children: Hoover Elementary School (512 SE Madison Blvd.) Jane Phillips Elementary School (1500 SW Rogers Ave) Woodrow Wilson Elementary School (245 NE Spruce Ave.) Central Middle School (408 SE 9th St.)
Adkins, Layman chosen for spots in Oklahoma Indian Student Honor Society Bruins Dylan Adkins and Katy Layman have earned spots in the Oklahoma Indian Student Honor Society and are thereby eligible to receive scholarships through the Oklahoma Council for Indian Education. Students must apply to be part of the OISHS and qualifications include a cumulative grade-point average of 3.9 or better. Applying students must be in grades nine through 12. The Oklahoma Council for Indian Education sponsors three scholarships. To apply for the scholarships,
students must be members of the Oklahoma Indian Student Honor Society. The established scholarships are for one year and are $500 each. The OISHS was established in the fall of 1989 to recognize outstanding American Indian student leaders. Its purpose is to recognize and honor Oklahoma Indian students who achieve the highest standards in academics, leadership, service to tribe and community, and moral character.
Bartlesville Public School District Activities (May 11-17, 2012) Friday, May 11 *** Teacher Appreciation Week (May 7-11, 2012) *** *** No classes in session throughout BPSD due to unused inclement weather day *** Track: Varsity boys and girls in Class 6A state meet at Yukon (TBA) Tennis: Varsity boys at Class 6A state tournament (8 a.m.)
Fourth and 5th grade Super Readers party (11:30 a.m.) (Wilson) Tryouts for 2012 Central Talent Show in school auditorium (3 p.m.) Basketball: Girls 7th-11th grade tryouts at BHS Fieldhouse (3:30 p.m.) Varsity boys and girls all-sports physicals at JPMC (5:30 p.m.) 2012 BHS and Mid-High School Spring Orchestra Concert in Fine Arts Center auditorium (7 p.m.)
Saturday, May 12 Middle school band contest at Frontier City in Oklahoma City (TBA) Tennis: Varsity boys at Class 6A State Tournament (TBA) Track: Varsity boys and girls at Class 6A State Meet in Yukon (TBA) Show Choir rehearsal in Fine Arts Center (10 a.m.) Show Choir Concert in Fine Arts Center auditorium (7 p.m.) Sunday, May 13 2012 International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pa. (TBA) Monday, May 14 Central Quarterly Assessments Week Central Bruin Bash tickets on sale 2012 International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pa. (TBA) AP exams (TBA) (BHS) Madison 8th graders visit Mid-High School (8 a.m.) Wayside Parent Support Association meeting (9:15 a.m.) Third grade program (9:20 a.m.) (Kane) 2012 Madison Eighth Grade Awards Assembly in school auditorium (10 a.m.) Second and 3rd grade Super Readers party (11:30 a.m.) (Wilson) Third grade program (1:20 p.m.) (Kane) Basketball: Girls 7th-11th grade tryouts at BHS Fieldhouse (3:30 p.m.) 2012 Bruin Soccer Banquet at Adams Boulevard Church of Christ (6 p.m.) (BHS) Freshman band orientation event in Mid-High School auditorium (6:30-8 p.m.) Bartlesville Band and Orchestra Booster meeting (7 p.m.) Central play production of “Almost Treasure Island” in school auditorium (7 p.m.)
Editing, writing, design and photograTuesday, May 15 phy by David Austin, Bartlesville Public Central Quarterly Assessments Week School District community relations Central Bruin Bash tickets on sale volunteer, unless otherwise noted 2012 International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pa. (TBA) AP exams (TBA) (BHS) Fourth and fifth grade Reading Counts field trip to Air and Space Museum (TBA) (Wayside) Bruins for Christ in library (7:25 a.m.) (Madison) Third grade visits Bartlesville History Museum and courthouse (9-11:45 a.m.) (Kane) Gilbert and Mathes classes visit Will Rogers Museum (9 a.m.-1:45 p.m.) (Kane) 2012 Madison Seventh Grade Awards Assembly in school auditorium (10 a.m.)
Wednesday, May 16 *** Super Kids Day at Ranch Heights and Wilson *** Central Quarterly Assessments Week Central Bruin Bash tickets on sale 2012 International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pa. (TBA) AP exams (TBA) (BHS) English II Boot Camp celebration (TBA) (TBA) Central 8th graders visit Mid-High School (8:45-10:15 a.m.) 2012 BHS Academic Recognition Assembly in Fine Arts Center auditorium (9:12 a.m.) 2012 Madison Sixth Grade Awards Assembly in school auditorium (10 a.m.) Third grade Reading Counts lunch at McDonald’s (11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.) (Wayside) Tryouts for 2012 Central Talent Show in school auditorium (3 p.m.) 2012 Kane Senior Alumni Day (3:30-5 p.m.) Basketball: Girls 7th-11th grade tryouts at BHS Fieldhouse (3:30 p.m.) 2012 Ranch Heights Senior Alumni Day (3:50-5 p.m.) 2012 Wayside Senior Alumni Day (4 p.m.) Retirement celebration for Gayla Curtis in school library (4 p.m.) (Hoover) Thursday, May 17 Central Quarterly Assessments Week Central Bruin Bash tickets on sale 2012 International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pa. (TBA) AP exams (TBA) (BHS) Second graders visit Woolaroc (TBA) (Kane) 2012 Mid-High School Awards Assembly in auditorium (9 a.m.) Second graders visit Sooner Park (9 a.m.-1:30 p.m.) (Ranch Heights) 2012 All-Schools Track Meet at Custer Stadium for 4th and 5th graders (9:30a.m.1:30 p.m.) 2012 BHS Senior Awards Program in Fine Arts Center auditorium (1-3:04 p.m.) Mandatory dress rehearsal for 2012 Central Talent Show in school auditorium (3 p.m.) Varsity boys and girls all-sports physicals at JPMC (5:30 p.m.) 2012 BHS and Mid-High School Show Choir Concert in Fine Arts Center auditorium (7 p.m.) 2012 Bruin Bash for 8th graders in Mid-High School gymnasium (7 p.m.)
“Leaders In Education”