The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories - English Center

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The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories c Pearson Education Limited 2008. The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories - Answer keys 2 of 4. Answer keys LEVEL 4.
Answer keys

PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme


The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories Book key 1 Open answers 2 a Open answers b ambassador, chiromantist, dean, duchess, duke, lawyer, twins c carriage; armour; sword; candle 3 a Pinkerton’s Wonder Stain Cleaner b Smith’s Rising Sun Oil c Dr Dobell’s Medicine d Gardener’s Grass Grower 4 a (for an American): c, d, g, i, j, k, n b (for a British person): a, b, e, f, h, l, m, o 5 a large pillows b peas from peashooters c They put a white sheet and a hollow vegetable on it, so it looks like a ghost. d strings e butter f a bucket of water g BOO! 6 a Lord Canterville is talking about the Canterville ghost. b Washington Otis is talking about a bloodstain on the library floor. c The Canterville Ghost is talking about the terrible modern Americans, the Otis family. d Virginia Otis is giving advice to the ghost about her family. e The Canterville Ghost, Sir Simon de Canterville, is talking about his wife, Lady Eleanore de Canterville. (He killed her!) f The ghost is talking about the Garden of Death. g Mrs Lucretia Otis is talking about her daughter, Virginia, who has returned to the family through a secret door. h Virginia is talking about the ghost, who is now dead and rests in peace. i Mr Hiram Otis is talking to Lord Canterville about the jewels that the ghost gave to Virginia. j Cecil, Duke of Cheshire, is talking to his wife, Virginia, Duchess of Cheshire. He is saying that he doesn’t need to know everything about Virginia’s life before their marriage. 7 a The ghost put his skeleton hands on her shoulders. b The ghost smiled at them through the curtains of their small bedroom. c The ghost knocked at his window with a green hand. c Pearson Education Limited 2008

d The ghost burnt the mark of his five skeleton fingers into her white skin. e The ghost’s laugh frightened them. f The ghost appeared as ‘Rupert the Headless Lord’. g The ghost appeared as ‘The Ghost of the Moonlit Murderer’. 8 a The ghost plans to make ghost noises at him, then cut his own throat to the sound of low music. b The ghost plans to place an ice-cold hand on Mrs Otis’s face. c He plans to whisper the terrible secrets of death into his ear. d He plans to whisper a few soft ‘Aaaaghs!’ from behind the curtains, or perhaps make a feverish movement of the blanket with his ghostly fingers. e He plans to stand between their beds and appear like a green, icy-cold dead body. Then he would throw off the white sheet and move round the room in his famous ‘Skeleton Dance’. 9 –12  Open answers 13 a  Lady Windermere  b  Lord Arthur Saville c  Mr Podgers  d  Duchess of Paisley e  Sir Thomas  f  Sybil Merton g  Lady Clementina  h  Lord Surbiton i  Dean of Chichester  j  Winckelkopf 14 a  4  b  7  c  1  d  3  e  6  f  2  g  5 15 a Travelling in Venice-Ravenna-Venice b At Pestle and Humbey’s c At Lady Clementina’s house d At Sybil Merton’s house e At his club f At Lady Windermere’s party g At home in Belgrave Square 16 a Clocks seem a perfect place for hiding a bomb. b Rouvaloff is a friend of Lord Arthur Saville’s. He knows about bombs and where to get them. c This is the figure that Winckelkopf puts on the top of the clock with a bomb inside. The Dean of Chichester and his family think it is on the clock because of the Dean’s book, What Is Liberty? d This is the amount of money that Lord Arthur Saville pays Winckelkopf for making the clock bomb. e Jane Percy is the Dean of Chichester’s daughter and one of Lord Arthur Saville’s cousins. Her amusing letter gives Arthur the information about the bomb. It didn’t work and the Dean didn’t die.

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PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme


The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories 17 a Their fortunes, according to Mr Podgers b Murder c Poison d He travels with his brother and waits for news of Lady Clementina’s death. e A clock bomb f Lord Arthur Saville throws him into the river and he dies. g She thinks it is silly for Lord Arthur to believe that his happiness comes from chiromancy. 18 Possible answers: a Lady Windermere is clever and amusing. She is confident and in control. b Lord Arthur is not very intelligent and rather silly. He believes in chiromancy. He murders Mr Podgers because he thinks that he believes in duty. 19 –21  Open answers 22 a  Oxford  b  green  c  two  d  in a carriage e  unmarried and rich  f  doesn’t meet g  ask her to marry him  h  her handkerchief i  no  j  London  k  three  l  pretends to have 23 a Possible answers (all about her beauty and/or mystery): Lady Alroy is tall and beautiful with long hair and large secretive eyes. She wears very expensive clothes and lives in the best part of London. Her face is full of mystery. She is a beautiful sphinx. After Lord Murchison sees her, he can’t stop thinking about her. She is like something from a dream. When he visits her, she is pleasant and mysterious. b–c  Open answers 24 a He feels pleased to see his friend, but he is anxious and worried. b He feels that he is falling in love. c He feels pleased and excited. He falls madly in love with her. d He feels unhappy and quite confused. e He thinks she is always pleasant but mysterious. He loves her, but the mystery around her worries him and makes him angry. f He feels confused, and perhaps angry. g He feels crazy – completely out of control. h He feels very sad. He shuts himself in his rooms and sees nobody for days. i He feels unsure, confused and sad. 25 –35  Open answers

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Discussion activities key 1–5  Open answers 6 Possible answers: a They have a lot of money to buy big houses in Europe and everything in them. b They are not afraid of ghosts. They do not believe in them. c They have practical solutions for all problems. 7 Open answers 8 Possible answers: • Washington: he planned to make ghost noises at him and cut his own throat to the sound of low music. • The Ambassador and his wife: he would place an ice-cold hand on her face and whisper terrible secrets of death into his ear. • The twins: he would appear like a green ice-cold dead body in the middle of their beds. Then he would move around in his Skeleton’s Dance. But none of this happened because he was frightened by a ‘ghost’ made by the twins. 9 –16  Open answers 17 Possible answers: Examples that show why this is a ‘study of duty’: Mr Podgers reads Lord Arthur’s hand and tells him he will commit a murder. So Lord Arthur, who has a strong sense of duty, sets out to kill someone. This sense of duty makes Lord Arthur do all sorts of things: give Lady Clementina poison to cure her stomachache, send a clock with a bomb to the Dean of Chichester and when he fails to do his duty, that is to say, to kill a relative, in order to do his duty he throws Mr Podgers into the river. It is also his duty not to marry until this has been done. 18 Open answers 19 Possible answers: The Sphinx is an image of a lion with a human head in Egyptian and Greek mythology. This word is also used to describe a mysterious person. 20 Open answers 21 Possible answers: – When Lord Murchison told her he had seen her in Bond Street, Lady Alroy became pale and, in a low voice, asked him not to talk so loudly, as if she didn’t want anyone to know she had been there. – She spoke in a low voice, as if afraid of something.

The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories - Answer keys  of 4

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PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme


The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories

– When Lord Murchison asked if he could visit her, she looked around to see if anyone had heard him. – When Lord Murchison visited her at the time they had arranged, Lady Alroy was not there, she had just gone out. – Lord Murchison got a letter from Lady Alroy asking him not to write to her house again. – Lady Alroy asked Lord Murchison to send her letters to the Whitaker’s Library to a Mrs Knox. – Lord Murchison was walking to Piccadilly one day and took a poor little street. Just in front of him was Lady Alroy, her face hidden by a large hat. When she came to a house she took a key from her bag and went in. 22–23  Open answers

Activity worksheets key 1 2

a bloodstain b haunted c skeleton d Ambassador a 3 b 3 c 7 The Otis say they come from a very modern country. d 3 3 Mrs Umney looked after the house. (After she fainted,) she got a raise in salary. Virginia Otis was kind to the ghost and helped him find peace. She got valuable jewels as a present. The Twins liked to play tricks on people and were often punished for it. The Duke of Cheshire was in love with the Otis daughter. When they married, he let her keep her secret. Sir Simon killed his wife and afterwards disappeared mysteriously. 4 a Because the suit of armour fell off and he was in pain. b Nobody was afraid of his noises or appearance now. c In the ‘Garden of Death’. d Because she was plain, she was ugly and she couldn’t cook. e He was left to die of hunger. 5 a  3  b  1  c  4  d  2

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6 7

Lady Windermere: c; e Lord Arthur Saville: f; j; m; o; s Mr Podgers: k; n; p; q; r Sir Thomas: a; d; h; i The Duchess: l; t a Because all her guests did what she wanted them to do. b Because Lord Arthur would send him a cheque to his office. c Because he had no right to marry her until after the murder. d Because he had to choose who he would kill. e Because he wanted her to take the poison. 8 a 7 They spent two weeks in Venice. b 3 c 3 d 7 The old lady died in her sleep after dinner with the Duchess. e 3 f 7 She found it but did not eat it. g 7 He was very unhappy because now he had to plan another murder. 9 Lady Alroy was short tall and beautiful. She had long hair and small large secretive eyes. The faint smile on the lips looked very much like the smile of the Greek Egyptian Sphinx. Her hats clothes looked very expensive. Lady Alroy was a widow: her husband had died, and she lived in a beautiful house in the most expensive part of Paris London. 10 a Because he was very angry and wanted to get away. b About Lady Alroy’s death. c Because he had doubts. He wanted information. d Nobody. e She had no secrets. She only rented a sitting room to read and keep a mystery. 11 a 3 b 3 c 7 Lady Alroy asked Lord Murchison to send letters to a Mrs Knox at the Library. d 7 He decided to ask her to be his wife, but he only wrote asking her to see him the following Monday, at six o’clock. e 3 12 Open answers

The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories - Answer keys   of 4

Answer keys

PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme


The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories Progress test key 1 a  2  b  3  c  1  d  3  e  2 2 a True. b True. c False. The Ghost asked her to pray for him to sleep and have peace. d True. e False. She went with the Ghost near the church and she did not come back for tea. Her family was worried. 3 a  4  b  7  c  1  d  6  e  3  f  8  g  5  h  2 4 Lord Arthur Saville was affected by Lady Clementina’s death and he blamed Lady Windermere Mr Podgers for her death. Before she died, Lady Clementina made her will: she left her London house and all her hats furniture to Lord Arthur.

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One day Lord Arthur and Sybil were sorting burning old papers in Lady Clem’s house when Sybil found a little gold silver box. She loved the little box and asked Arthur if she could have it and if she could destroy eat the sweet in the box. Arthur went white: Lady Clementina never ate the capsule with the aconitine liquid. She had died a natural death! 5 a Lady Alroy’s face. b Lady Alroy and Lord Murchison. c Lady Alroy’s handkerchief. d Lady Alroy’s letter. e The sitting room which Lady Alroy rented in Cumnor Street.

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