The Carnation: Pub. for the Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity, Volume 17 | ... Dante Ursini Alpha Phi Kappa and Sigma Iota. ...
The Carnation: Pub. for the Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity, Volume 17 | Survey Of Campus Programs Reveals Outstanding Progress, assistant to the dean of students, will ap- pear in the journal of Sigma Phi Kpsilon. The essay is a study of what creates changes in a frater- nity. The essay states that those who ignore changea.will ha left be- hind and forgotten. Black Greek 101: The culture, customs, and challenges of Black fraternities and sororities, the first Indiana University student was initiated into a fraternity in 1845, but the first chap- ter, that of Phi Delta Theta. By the year 1870 there were four fraternities on campus.13 Around the time that fraternities became present on the campus, the town of Bloomington. A. fStrru (! tqriatmas nub Ifappy Nrm IDn All, phiSig The campaign was culminated. with the crowning of Bryant's queen, seems to have balanced their dub, and By ANN MOORE Mary Cavalier~ at the Sno' Ball dance Saturday.night. present a strong threat. Dante Ursini Alpha Phi Kappa and Sigma Iota. The Campus Chat (Denton, Tex.), Vol. 36, No. 1 Friday, January 16, 1953, tools / Downloads. Get a copy of this page or view the extracted text. Politicos Submit Vote Proinises, miss Warrington was presented with a gold Iovin$' cup and a crown of white carnations. 6. Establishment of an annual all-University open house for high school seniors.' 7. The fostering of school s;ph·it by the establishment of a rally committee. Construction To Begin On Fine Arts Addition Vol. 45, moulton, Carole A. Warren, Mary Rose Calo, Karen J. Bartel, Joanne M. Ediriger, Ca- rol H. Thomas, Susan Kelly, Mol- ly J. Reach, Susanne Ficrling, Bar- bara. The Idea that ketchup smells in a small town are a reality, rather than a figment of the author's imagination. Chi Omega, Phi Mu, Alpha Phi Take Quota As 292 Women Are Pledged To Eleven Sororities, written by Terence, this is a Roman comedy in modern translation. It consists of two love plots, the father of each boy trying to break up the amorous affairs. Murray is producing- this play as a part of a requirement for his master's degree in speech. Beta Gammas Lead Fraternity Grades For Combined Pledge, Active Average, masters of ceremonies for the evening will be Jim M. Zak, James H. Andrews, and Jack A. Har- baugh. During in- termission will be furnished by Glenn E. Meikle, doing a Shelley Herman skit; Marlyn J. Gelo and Judy I.. Perry, doing a dance act; and the Phi Mu Dixieland band. Phi Delts, Sigma Chi's top pledge list-fraternities take 211 men in formal rush, 29, in the Carnation Room. It now bears the name of Rogers High School in memory of his early efforts. Mr. Rogers was sales manager for the Champion Spark Pltsg Com- pany in Toledo, and was a member of the Board of Trustees at the Toledo and Flower Hospitals. REW Week Ob: PtfOH set e Set To Begin Sunday, and assemblies; Mor- ried Sanderson, bull sessions; Rich- ard Hi e it bail, seminars; Joan Meg- rew and Ron Fark, programs; Bar- bara Weiser. Mar. 17. 1141 From an editorial Bowling Green State University has been caught napping in the planning of a new student. oi: SS Blood MvWKAw Q» ota; From University 130 Donations Are Accepted, such areas are the Univer- sity Dairy Bar, Broske's, Colonial, and the 900 Restaurant Associ- ation may also occur in fraternity houses from 7 am to 8 pm during. GROUP HAS DISCUSSION At the last meeting of the Stu- dent Education Association, a group discussion. 78-0 Slaughter of Flagsta f ks, 1 ⠢ SAl Sponsors Show Sigma Alpha Iota. It's hard to understand how a man could take so much punish- ment from the underworld, only to be crucified at the stake of a Ho.op- (ll' rating. I thought that Truman cut off the pollsters' water for good, but apparently. For Week-End Activities, w know that iho Carnation Room was planned: and wo roalixod that Iho Grotto would clow when the Union was completed. said Mrs. McKay. Bowdouris Staff Makes Old KEYS Available To Students A limited number of back edi- tions of The Key, yearbook. Annual Recognition Day Program Set For Ballroom At 10: 30 AM Tuesday, mr. Mercey is a writer and edi- tor, and is vice president of Mer- kle Press, Inc., a Washington pub- lishing .house. Earlier this year Mr. and Mrs. Mercey established a memorial fund for the purchase of books for the journalism department. LOBO, periods by the AssQ'clated S~udent~ qt the University of· New Mexico, ·Entered ag se~ond elMs matter at the J)ost office, .Albuquerque,: AugQst 1, 1918, under the act of March a, 1879. l'rinted by the University l'ri!Jtlng :Plant. Uje &ottmba, mrs. C. Kristine Harbour. Chapter Advisor, received the Regional Advisor of the Year award and was presented a testimonial award of excellence during an awards luncheon held at the confer- ence. At the Banquet and Rose Ball. Mrs. Harbour was surprised once again. Isch, Greenberg Named Top Seniors Of Class, paper next year. To the elections committee nnd the maintenance department, which seem to have been the sub- jects for a number of our disserta- tions, the road should be more smooth the next time around. The general student. Cije%, educational Improvement Sought segolls Across frWB new Mule BaDdloj Bowling Green'* Finest Dry Cleaning Really Fait Service For the Best Quality Available In The State W* are a branch of 111* Aoroos fr*s* Nw Masle -PETTI'S Alpine Village Restaurant 117 N. Main. 1959 Greek Week Biggest In Years;'A Light Unto Unity'Chosen Theme, gamma Phi Beta, reigned as Ve- nus for a Day. Robert Keener, Phi Delta Theta, was chosen the first Outstanding Greek, but the feature attraction of the whole Greek Week that year was Billy May and his orchestra. Kenton Featured la 'S3 To put the final touches. Nominating Committee's Announcement Reveals The Minor Election Candidates, she looked so cute, I just had to hug her! These were the exclamations of Dottie Ray Dawson when asked how she felt when Sara Welch, president of the Athletic Association, tapped her with a green carnation, signifying that. She has been a member of the Y Cabinet.