The Child Is Father of the Man? - ATS Journals

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Aug 15, 2014 - Early childhood risk factors in the first years of life are especially important during the time of rapid lung development and growth. During that ...
EDITORIALS Stefano Guerra, M.D., Ph.D. Arizona Respiratory Center University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona and CREAL Centre Barcelona, Spain

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Copyright © 2014 by the American Thoracic Society

The Child Is Father of the Man? Establishing the origins of diseases such as asthma is one of the most important goals of research today. Asthma affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It is the most frequent disease in childhood for which parents visit their doctors, yet the origins of asthma are still mainly unclear. In past decades, epidemiologic studies have provided better insights into the etiology of asthma and provided several risk factors that can contribute to this airway disease. Both developmental risk factors in utero and in early childhood, such as environmental tobacco smoke exposure, and genetic factors contribute to disease development, and these risk factors may interact (1). Early childhood risk factors in the first years of life are especially important during the time of rapid lung development and growth. During that period, all children are exposed to viruses that are inhaled in the respiratory tract and that can affect epithelial cells, underlying tissues, and the immune system. As a consequence, many respiratory wheezing episodes occur in that time of life after an early-life lower respiratory illness (LRI). It has been shown that these LRIs, especially when induced by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), can be followed by asthma-like symptoms (2), and later on, by a physician diagnosis of asthma with additional lung function measurements in childhood (3), a risk that tends to diminish toward adolescence (4, 5). This risk is especially increased in children with severe RSV-LRI who needed hospitalization in early life (6). Gern and Busse distinguished two nonexclusive relationships between RSV-LRI and wheezing (7). They postulated that RSV bronchiolitis, as can occur after RSV infection, may interfere with


normal lung development or immune maturation. This then leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing. Alternatively, RSV infection might constitute the first stimulus for wheezing in children who are predisposed to wheeze by genetic susceptibility or preexisting abnormal lung function at birth (7). However, observational studies cannot determine whether RSV infection is the cause of recurrent wheeze or the first indication of preexistent pulmonary vulnerability in preterm infants. Therefore, a prospective study was designed by Blanken and colleagues (8). A double-blind study with palivizumab, an RSV immunoprophylactic agent, during the RSV season showed that active treatment resulted in a significant reduction in wheezing days during the first year of life in preterm children, a finding that remained present even after the end of treatment. These findings implicate RSV infection as an important causal mechanism of recurrent wheeze during the first year of life in such infants. It remains to be determined whether these protective effects on wheeze are also present in term infants at risk for the development of asthma; a study to investigate this was recently recommended (9). Of interest, wheezing episodes after an RSV-LRI have been shown to reduce by adolescence, suggesting this is a childhood risk only (3–6). This also would suggest that RSV-LRI is not an asthma risk but, instead, a wheezing risk in the first decade of life. In this issue of the Journal, Voraphani and colleagues (pp. 392–398) showed that this is indeed the case; that is, objectified RSV-LRI in children of the Tucson birth cohort followed up to 29 years of age did not relate to an increased risk for asthma at that age when RSV-LRI had taken place in the first years of life (10). However, the authors

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 190 Number 4 | August 15 2014

EDITORIALS did a second important finding in that current smoking at age 29 years, a factor regarded as a risk for asthma by itself, also was not associated with asthma, but having had both an RSV-LRI in the first 3 years of life and being a current smoker at age 29 years increased the risk of current asthma 1.7-fold at that age. Thus, it may well be that an RSV-LRI at time of fast somatic growth may impair airway development and increase the susceptibility to noxious agents such as active smoking (10). The strengths of this study are the objective measure of RSV virus infection in childhood and the prospective design of the study, where asthma at age 29 years could be associated with earlier measurements without important influence of recall bias, as well as the follow-up in an outpatient setting, preventing the selection of the most severe RSV infections requiring hospitalizations. As usual in long-term prospective studies, there was dropout at follow-up (74% had complete data at follow-up), which limited the interpretation of their findings. The authors did not compare lung function variables early in childhood between children with and without RSV-LRI, and thus an important role of lung developmental changes in utero may still have confounded the observed findings of the interaction between smoking and RSV infections. Interestingly, the association found was only present for asthma at age 29 years and not for wheezy periods or cough, showing the selectivity of the findings to more severe symptoms among smokers. These findings were supported by a similar interaction between RSV-LRIs and active smoking, with enhanced peak expiratory flow variability at age 26 years, another marker of disease severity in asthma. There are two things that need to be addressed in future studies. First is the remaining question of whether this interaction directly contributes to asthma or simply reflects individual susceptibility to RSV infection in early childhood and asthma by smoking. A recent community-based birth cohort study by Zomer-Kooijker and colleagues (11) suggests this may be the case because a premorbid increased resistance in the airways and decreased compliance at the age of 2 months were independent predictors of post-RSV wheeze in children who developed RSV-LRI. Taken together, this would suggest that both premorbid lung function as well as insults of RSV-LRI to the developing airway may play a role in susceptibility to wheeze and asthma later in life. Second, it should be determined whether this interaction of RSV-LRI and adult smoking also predisposes toward the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adult life among active smokers. This then would link early childhood factors to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease development (12). The current paper by Voraphani and colleagues has given us food for thought but also shows that there exists a window of vulnerability to develop disease, a window that may perhaps be earlier than anticipated, given their findings combined with other recent observations (10). Nevertheless, it clearly shows that adult asthma may be a result of early detrimental factors in interaction with adult smoking, a factor that can be prevented with vigorous smoking cessation programs (13). n Author disclosures are available with the text of this article at


Dirkje S. Postma, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Pulmonology University Medical Center Groningen Groningen, the Netherlands Gerard H. Koppelman, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatric Allergology Beatrix Children’s Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands

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Copyright © 2014 by the American Thoracic Society