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The Clarion, Vol. 80, Issue #18 - Brevard College

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Feb 4, 2015 - check out her blog at on Friday, Feb. 13 from 1-3p.m. in front of Beam. Adminis


Volume 80, Issue 18

Web Edition


Follow us on Twitter @ BCclarion February 4, 2015

Tornados blow out the weekend Both BC Basketball Teams find victory against Lenoir-Rhyne By Lizzie Graham Staff Writer

If you weren't able to attend the televised basketball game this weekend, you missed out! Our women's and men's team gave it their all down to the last minute and walked away with outstanding victories. The televised games were sponsored by Ingles and the athletic staff, who helped create an incredible atmosphere for all that attended. The Lady Tornados came through with an 8372 victory over the Lady Bears of Lenoir-Rhyne. The women’s team had a few players that stood out. Katie Williams made history for the Lady Tornados by scoring a career-high 35 points this weekend. It was the most points scored by a Lady Tornados in one game. Williams had 31 points during an overtime victory earlier this season against Carson-Newman on Jan. 15. Another teammate, Shelby Wolfe, played in her first game since Jan. 3. Wolfe, who had previously suffered an injury to her hand, finished the game with a double-double: 11 points and 10 rebounds. Also notable, Sophomore Madison Lenox put 23 points on the board with 7 rebounds, four steals, and three assist. The men’s team walked away with a victory of 74-63 over LR. The Tornados now stand 9-11, and 7-7 in the SAC. Miles Leathers showed up for the Tornados, scoring 20 points. Following closely behind him, with 17 points, was Darius Moose. Adding to the duo running the floor for the Tornados was teammate Trevon Shaw, adding 15 points to the board for the men’s team. Both Tornado teams will return with a home game this Wednesday against rival team Mars Hill. Women’s tip off is at 6 p.m. We encourage everyone to come out and support the teams by cheering them on to another victory!

Courtesy of Lizzie Graham

Courtesy of Lizzie Graham

Campus News Lecture series comes to BC Beam lobby The Clarion

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By Jordan Laws Staff Writer

The Great Decisions lecture series will begin for Brevard College on February 4th. The discussions will cover everything a student in the twenty first century needs to consider On February 4th the lecture will begin with Syria’s Refugee Crisis presented by Nora Nassri of the University of South Carolina in Columbia. She will discuss a topic that has been on the global stage since March of 2011, when a civil war displaced Syrians from their homes. Four years have passed and the crisis still exists for the Syrians who aren’t fortunate enough to have a stable home. To become more familiar with the background of the Syrian Refugee Crisis feel free to go to the website and read the short three paragraphs of information on the global humanitarian issue. Nora Nassri is a Doctor of Philosophy, Political Science and Government and also has a B.A. in Politics and History according to her LinkedIn profile. Her educational background isn’t the only thing that qualifies Dr. Nassri to lead this discussion; her close ties to Syria also make her a prime candidate for discussing this topic. This lecture is not to be missed. The second lecture will be led by Liliana Castro of Buncombe County Schools and she will discuss Brazil’s Metamorphosis on February 11th. The lecture will cover Brazil’s transformation after an economic downfall in the 1990’s to one of the world’s emerging superpowers. Like any superpower, Brazil is starting to experience income inequality, weak civic institutions, and poor regional leadership according to an article posted on Blue Ridge Community College’s website Privacy in the Digital Age is the third lecture presented by Jagdeep Bhandari of Mars Hill University on February 18th. He will discuss a topic that affects all citizens who are invested in the digital age. Privacy is an important issue for current times and the gravity of this issue will remain apparent well into the future. This lecture will explore this idea of privacy in contemporary times. Dr. Jagdeep Bhandari is a Professor of Business and Economics at Mars Hill University and his educational background stretches to 1973. If students and faculty attend no other lecture in the series this would be the one to sit in on. It is an issue that hasn’t been explored much, even though we all are ‘on the grid’. The fourth lecture will be led by Steve Solnick of Warren Wilson College and he will discuss Russia and the Near Abroad on February 25th. Anyone who has watched the news or read news articles recently will know that Russia has played

a pivotal role in geopolitics. Russia has even tested the waters in regard to NATO airspace by sending bombers to U.S. airspace, as well as U.K. airspace. Russian bombers have been intercepted by fighter pilots over one hundred times by both countries in the past year. The current issue of sovereign nation Ukraine being invaded by Russian supporters remains an important issue of security in the modern world – it is even speculated that Russian forces themselves have invaded Ukraine. Students with Political Science degrees and Communications degrees should pay special attention to this lecture, because it is a current issue that shows no sign of leaving the global political platform. The penultimate lecture will be presented by Keya Maitra of the University of North CarolinaAsheville on March 4th. She will discuss the India Changes Course lecture. Keya Maitra holds two doctoral degrees in Philosophy. She received one from the University of Connecticut and the second from the University of Hyderbad in India. She is also the Chair and Associate Professor for the Department of Philosophy at UNCA. It is estimated by the United Nations that India will be the most populated country in the world around the year 2028, surpassing China. India is among the largest democracies in the world alongside the United States and Indonesia. Given this information, it is irrevocably clear that India is becoming an important factor in global affairs for current times and for the future. The final lecture presented by David Hudleson of National Security will discuss Sectarianism in the Middle East on March 11th. Since September 11th, 2001 the Western World has certainly become more familiar with Middle Eastern philosophies and ethics. This lecture on sectarianism will discuss that even in the Middle East there are several sects, more than several even, that vie for control over the minds of their populations. David is going to point out that the sectarianism of the Middle East is political, not religious. There isn’t a better discussion to wrap up current issues in the twenty first century. I will be writing individual articles on the separate lectures in a six-part series that will discuss these topics in more depth. These articles will stretch from February to March, and will discuss the complex issues that affect the world as a whole. The lectures will start at 3:30 p.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. in MG 125, considering that the occupancy doesn’t exceed 80 people. If the occupancy grows beyond 80, Laura Rain Tree will look into moving the venue to accommodate everyone. Students and faculty can attend the lectures for free but anyone else will have to pay $10 per lecture or $35 for the whole lecture series. To pre-register or for more information contact Laura Rain Tree at (828)-884-8251 or email her at [email protected].


February 4, 2015


By Calum McAndrew Staff Writer

The Beam Residence Halls saw its communal area closed on January 27th, following a series of occurrences of vandalism over recent weeks. Four couches on the second floor had suffered severe structural damage, and all the furniture on the first floor had been overturned. This all occurred in a short period of time, as well as damage being done to a door in the building. The door to the second floor lobby of Beam was bolted shut last week as a result, preventing access to the popular gathering spot. The furniture from the first floor was also removed, and locked upstairs with the damaged couches. Campus Life have received notice as to who the possible offenders may be, and are set to look into the matter, before returning the lobby to student usage. In an interview with Director of Residence Life, Michael Cohen, and Director of Housing Operations, Beth Abrams, it was projected that the damage in the second floor lobby of Beam alone could cost somewhere between $4000 and $8000. “If we were to replace the couches, it would have to be of commercial quality, as to withstand future abuse, which could amount to $1000 per couch,” said Abrams. “The question then arises, would we have to bolt down the couches?” said Cohen, who went on to say that Campus Life are looking into ways that they could return the lobby into use. “A student came forward and suggested that we look into some type of rotational use of the lobby, where they have to check in,” Cohen suggested, before going on to say that this system would require students to leave their ID with a Resident Advisor, and would only allow certain students to be in the room at certain times. Cohen also confirmed that, “Campus Life are looking to return the lobby to students this semester, but it will not happen until we are completely comfortable returning it.” It appears that the removal of the furniture from the first floor lobby may also coincide with these plans, as according to Cohen, it will be easier to look after the couches if they are relocated upstairs. “We can’t lockdown and protect the furniture on the first floor, but we can do that on the second floor if we introduce the system where a student checks in to the lobby. Until that point, as long as students are abusing the furniture, it is in a safe place where it cannot be overturned or damaged.” The removal of the furniture however, has See 'Closed' page 6

February 4, 2015

Arts & life

| The Clarion

‘The Imitation Game’

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Sherlock at his Best

By Michael Heiskell Staff Writer

A startling glimpse into the secretive life of Alan Turing, “The Imitation Game” is a wonderful biopic that delivers an Oscar worthy performance from Benedict Cumberbatch that lead to 8 Academy Award nominations. “The Imitation Game” is set during WWII and is about code breaker Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) who volunteers to break an unbreakable code called ‘Enigma’. Turing, however, is a socially trepid loner who prefers to work alone instead of with the crew he is assigned. Breaking ‘Enigma’ seems to be an impossible task, but Turing believes he may be the one to do it and end the war. So many aspects of this film work well. You could throw a dart at any department and compliment it thoroughly. Particularly, I believe this film has one of the best screenplays of the year. Written by newbie Graham Moore, this script is emotional and exciting. The dialogue is sharp and the pacing feels like the work of a seasoned pro. It is hard to believe that this is Moore’s first major motion picture.

The real:

The cast in this film is incredibly impressive. Cumberbatch and Kiera Knightley were both nominated for Academy Awards for their remarkable performances, particularly Cumberbatch. I like to make fun of Cumberbatch since he is universally adored by every John and Jill you run into, specifically because I thought he did a terrible job as Khan in “Star Trek into Darkness”. However, he has completely changed my mind and I respect him more for it. Knightley also does a fantastic job although it is unlikely she will be receiving the award herself at the end of this month. This film also touches on the discriminatory nature in which gay men and women were treated during that time. Turing, who happened to be gay, was indicted for indecency and given the choice of time in prison or to be given estrogen injections in an attempt to “cure” him. It is hard to believe that Turing was treated in such a way, or that other people who are simply doing what their heart says, would be treated likewise. While as a people it can be said we have become more

caring and open minded, all one has to do is look around to see the hate and prejudice that Turing himself faced. “The Imitation Game” was a fantastic film and one of the best of the Oscar season. A touching film that ends with a sad reminder that we aren’t as accepting as we need to be as a society. I would give this film a 4 ½ out of 5 stars and recommend anyone see it.

Wendy Jones By Alex Webster Arts & Life Editor

This has been quite the year for the newest voice teacher in the music department. Wendy Jones has been a key player in the performance season. At Brevard, she has directed the opera scenes, performed in fall 2014, and is currently the musical director for the musical “Some Enchanted Evening”. In October of last year, she took students to the National Association of Teachers for Students of Singing, and had a student advance to regionals. She has also been keeping up with her professional career as a performer, voice teacher, vocalist, and arranger. She attends not only teaches at Brevard, but also at the University of North Carolina Asheville. There, she is able to get her hands into jazz arrangements while directing the jazz vocal ensemble STUDIO 18. Some of her professional jobs have been on the stages of Flat Rock Playhouse, Blowing

Rock Stage Company and Florida Reperatory Theatre. She also performed in Tokyo Disney for three years. When asked about what her career and her job at Brevard mean to her, she says, “I’ve spent the better part of my adult life performing professionally and being able to bring that knowledge to students who are eager to carry on the tradition of great stage work thrills me and makes me look forward to coming to work everyday.” She also says she doesn’t have a “favorite” when it comes to teaching and that she has, “an equal passion for opera, musical theatre, and vocal pedagogy”. Jones notes that she is constantly excited to be working with different students who are training in different directions because it, “allows [her] to be involved in all three of those areas, opera, musical theatre, and vocal pedagogy, and work

Photo by Scott Treadway

Wendy Jones

with so many truly talented vocalists.” In late 2014, Jones continued in her comfort field of jazz and released her album PERFECT DREAM alongside artist Michael Jefry Stevens. The album is a well composed jazz album with intreaguing twists and pristene execution that is heartfelt and capuring. It is available on Amazon mp3, CD baby, and iTunes.

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The Clarion


Your voice changes things By Emily Crowley Contributing Writer

As I watched President Obama deliver the State of the Union address on television and read the articles in every paper about last year’s congressional elections, I found my brain wandering to thoughts about the power of our individual voices. I mean, think about it. Every large-scale movement that I can think of in history has happened because of the voices of people just like us. The civil rights movement, the opposition to the South African apartheid, the American Revolution,the Abolition movement, and many others like them would not have happened, and would not have changed the course of history, without the voices of people with a common goal driving them. Then, my mind wandered to BC, to the opportunities institutions like ours give people every day. Opportunities like unique courses, a club for every person on campus, and faculty and staff who show us the way to succeed. Opportunities that allow these institutions to become leaders in this world,

February 4, 2015

Divestment Rally held at BC allow them to set examples for the rest to follow. Young adults have the drive, will, and opportunity to start movements. We are the ones who have the ability to ignite the fire in others to do something, to use their voices, to start movements. Our voices draw attention, change lives, and make people listen. I am calling on the students of BC to use the powerful, inspirational, and life-changing voices they have to ignite change on this campus, to start a large-scale movement for divestment in NC. I am calling on all of you to support and drive the divestment movement in its most important time. This year has started a campaign to take place on Feb. 13 called Global Divestment Day. They are encouraging institutions like ours to divest once and for all from fossil fuels, to take the power away from fossil fuel companies, and start the fight against climate change. There will be a Divestment Day rally on campus

on Friday, Feb. 13 from 1-3p.m. in front of Beam Administration. Local news teams, newspapers, and several publications will be present to document our students using their voices for a cause that is important to our school, the nation, and each of us. There will be faculty speeches and student speeches. The Board of Trustees will be meeting on Feb. 19 in Beam Administration to vote on whether BC will divest by 2018 or not. Come out and support this rally to show the Trustees and the state that we care about our environment, future generations, and our campus’s image! Bring your friends, noisemakers, and signs! BC Greens is working on sponsors to also be present. We need each and every student to come out and use their voices so that our school can be the leader in North Carolina for the divestment movement; so that our school can change the course of history.

BC cycling alumni sees success By Hannah Cook Staff Writer

BC alumni of 2014, Erica Zaveta, or “Derryl” as her former collegiate teammates lovingly nicknamed her, has come to the end of yet another successful season of professional cycling. Zaveta was lucky to be chosen for the Amy D. Foundation rider sponsorship, which honors Amy Alison Dombroski. Dombroski was killed while training in Belgium in Oct. 2013. In Dombroski’s memory, her family began the Amy D. Foundation - a nonprofit organization that touches the lives of many who love what Dombroski herself loved to do so much - riding and racing. Zaveta explained that there was a lengthy waiting process, including interviews, to apply to race for the Amy D. Foundation. “The stress did build quite a bit,” Zaveta remarked. After an extremely successful and rigorous ‘cross season spent in both the U.S. and abroad in Europe, Zaveta is currently enjoying a very short rest period back at home to recover before starting her training for road season, which lasts from Mar. to Aug. Zaveta’s preparation for cyclocross season began early with a structured training plan while maintaining a consistent effort to stay focused and positive. As Zaveta explained it, “I had raced road bikes at the start of the season and then transitioned to mountain bike nationals as my focus at the end of July. I then got in some longer

Erica Zaveta

miles and as the season came closer I got in some higher intensity work. I focused on being healthy and staying positive and optimistic. Also I found the things in life that made me happy and enjoyed things and smiled a lot.” Her training paid off, as Zaveta won the Gateway Cross Cup in St. Louis, Mo. and performed very well achieving top 10 results at other races. Overall, Zaveta said she felt confident about the outcome of the season. “I am most proud to have raced not only with overall consistency throughout the whole season, but I also progressed

and learned a great deal,” she said. Zaveta also explained that she picked up more skills over the course of this season, such as how to create a race plan based on the style of the course and gauging which tire pressures she should run based on the course conditions. Overall, Zaveta was very pleased with this season. “Obviously I wanted to make worlds, but I got pretty darn close,” Zaveta recalled. “I won my first UCI race, and finished top 20 in my first European world cup; I was 9th in a major Belgian cyclocross race in the Bpost Bank Trofee series. I was consistently in the top 10 all season in the pro races in the US and I made great friends along the way. It was a good year.” Next season Zaveta will work towards making the U.S. cyclocross world championship team. She’s also set a goal to be in the top five at nationals in Asheville next year. “Mostly, I want to keep progressing as an athlete.” To follow up such an excellent ‘cross season, Erica is looking forward to shifting gears into road riding. “I have just recently signed with a professional women's road team for the summer season. We will race the NRC, national race calendar, races which are held all over the U.S. My 'cross season ended the second week of Jan. so I have time for a short break before getting ready for the road season starting in Mar.,” Zaveta said. To follow Zaveta’s cycling journey as she continues to train, compete and grow as an athlete, check out her blog at

February 4, 2015

| The Clarion


Cultural Currency A journey through almost skipping the Super Bowl

By Burton Hodges

Campus News Editor

With the passing of Super Bowl XLIX, 2015 is officially underway. Now that the score has been settled between the American and National Football Conferences, the pressure and tension of the NFL season slowly dissipates into the reality of another slow workweek. In what is being heralded as “one of the most exciting Super Bowls of all time,” The New England Patriots, led by veteran quarterback Tom Brady, mounted a 10-point comeback in the fourth quarter to overcome the Seattle Seahawks. Down with two minutes remaining, quarterback Russell Wilson marched the Seahawks offense down the field for a game winning drive but was intercepted on a goal line pass by undrafted rookie Malcom Butler, sealing the Patriots win in a dramatic fashion. This was almost the first Super Bowl that I didn’t watch. For the first time in my life I don’t have cable and it’s been hard to watch football since the Carolina Panthers postseason run was cut short. But more importantly, I was tired of the event before it even began and I’d been wrestling with the idea of what would happen if I didn’t watch the game. The combination of football and social media is toxic. Ripe with hosts of amateur analysis, couchcoaching and would’ve-could’ve scenarios, every corner of the internet the past few weeks has been cluttered with theatrics and cyber warfare regarding the supremacy of our personal favorite teams,

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leaked or banned advertisements, predictions, premature conclusions, and some strange bullshit about deflated footballs. None of this brings the Panthers season back to life, nor the other 29 teams eliminated from competition and our speculations are as arbitrary as those of the writers who get paid to do it, so I try to avoid this digital feeding-frenzy, but it’s everywhere. The hype that surrounds the Super Bowl is so tremendous and absurd that it seems to detract from the excitement and mystery of the live event. The Patriots are cheaters. People don’t really like Tom Brady. People definitely don’t like Bill Belichick. Russell Wilson is just too nice of a guy. Richard Sherman is just too arrogant. Marshawn Lynch is… strange. There are more important things going on in the world. The commercials are boring these days. And Katy Perry… really? Football is dangerous. It’s just a game. Indeed these ideas seemed to be as pervasive to this Super Bowl Sunday as Bud Lights are. In an attempt to get the best spin on the game and it’s events, our Internet generation and 24-hour sports news channels have a lot to say about one 60-minute game. This year, more than ever, it seems hostility has surrounded the Super Bowl from those who weren’t watching. The idea that millions of people can derive pleasure from watching a ball game seems to offend those who aren’t interested,

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and those who are can’t escape the media circus surrounding it or the Facebook renegades who decided to embark on a marathon Netflix binge or re-read a favorite novel and publicize these alternatives like it’s the ‘cool’ thing to do these days. Somehow we are losing the heritage of our nonofficial holiday. The tradition that is Super Bowl Sunday is losing its grip as the one thing we just simply do; I couldn’t avoid catching the bug of apathy this Super Bowl season either. As I watched time in the first quarter elapse on my laptop however, I couldn’t help but think about the Super Bowls of the past. Steve McNair’s pass coming up one yard short in 2000, my parents covering my eyes so I wouldn’t be exposed to Janet Jackson’s breast in 2004, the first time Peyton Manning finally won it all in 2007, wishing that The Who had retired with dignity during the halftime performance in 2010. All of these moments, trivial as they sound, are moments spent with friends and my family, moments that I’ve archived as special without really dwelling on its deeper significance. Make no mistake; there is an underlying value to it, which created this guilt complex when I attempted to avoid the game this year. This four hour event of American cultural communion which leave some elated, some devastated and all of us who watch entertained, is something that we should perhaps, not let fade into irrelevancy like the World Series. The results of the Super Bowl are certainly irrelevant in the scheme of things but the tradition is not. Whether or not we care about professional football, the idea that we should watch this one game, when a massive amount of the world also does, is powerful. Indeed people died on Sunday night. There were rapes and murders and acts of senseless violence See 'Currency' page 6

by Andrew Gunnin

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caused a problem for the buildings Resident Advisors, who often used the space as a base for nightly rounds. One of which was quoted as saying, “It’s definitely an inconvenience. It feels like we are being punished for something we didn’t do.” This semester has also seen the introduction of security cameras into the Beam Residence Halls, but at this point it seems that the vandalism problems and the cameras are completely unrelated. “The security cameras are for the safety and security of the students,” confirmed Cohen. Abrams went on to add to this comment, by saying, “The cameras are the first step in a project of introducing cameras across campus. Beam was simply an easy building to introduce them to, and this has nothing to do with recent events.” Despite the severity of the situation, both


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that consistently occurred without falter. But, for a few hours millions of people stopped talking and started watching. An ordinary Sunday night instantly transformed into a day of celebration. Why is this the case? Why do we, or at least why do I, feel compelled to watch the Super Bowl? Maybe it’s the chance to turn-off the constant cycle of speculation and witness the results. But, perhaps it’s an opportunity to participate in a cultural tradition that has endured for 50 years now and incorporates people of all types, shapes, and sizes. From the advertisements to the halftime entertainment, the whole spectacle is a form of cultural currency. A strange construction of our society that draws complete strangers together, makes adults cry, and (as typically advertised by the NFL) reaches roughly a billion viewers each year across 200 countries. Sure, some think that we are wasting time watching men play with leather balls, but the question begs to be asked? What else should we do on a cold Sunday night? Some people have to work, some people have to study, and some people don’t have access to a television. But the idea that watching three hours of Netflix or spitefully engaging in some ‘superior’ form of entertainment is a misguided attempt to flow against the current. It’s one thing to simply not be interested but another to proselytize against watching the game. Plenty of people think that the Walking Dead, for example, is poor television- a money-making enterprise with little artistic value- but when 15

Back Page Abrams and Cohen admitted that this year has seen less problems in terms of damage than in years gone by. “This year has seen the least amount of structural damage in recent years,” said Abrams. Cohen went on to add that this year however, there, “seemed to be a trend of disrespect, and to prevent further damage, we’ve made spaces unavailable. We aren’t prepared to let these spaces suffer further damage.” Both Cohen and Abrams were both quick to add that they would like to return the common areas to the students, but not while they continue to be damaged or disrespected. “Campus Life is here to serve student needs, not to regulate the students. We can’t serve those needs if the actions impact the entire student population,” said Cohen. For the time being, the lobby will remain locked and out of use, but as things stand, this seems to be a temporary restraint, rather than a permanent closure. people want to congregate and watch it together, what personal satisfaction are we gaining by missing out? The Super Bowl can be viewed as a simple game wrapped up in something special, a cultural legacy that we can leave behind as Americans, and as people, that reflects at a minimum our desire to witness something special together. Whether it’s Tom Brady ascending into football immortality or the collective gasps at the atrocious play call by Seahawks’ head coach Pete Carroll; the Super Bowl gives us a reason to talk about something that doesn’t monger hate. It doesn’t have to be about the game of Football. It’s that one special night that your parents let you stay up past your bedtime, that first Super Bowl party you attend as a teenager, and the bag of frozen pizza rolls you buy last-minute after failing to make something edible for the Super Bowl potluck. Does the substance of the event matter if it’s something that we can enjoy together? At the end of the day, the Super Bowl is incredibly special simply because it is one tradition that ideological preference hasn’t sought to destroy. The days leading up to the game will always be sensationalized and analyzed to exhaustion, that’s part of the tradition that has developed over time, but the attempt to find alternative solutions to the Super Bowl is something I’m now committed to avoiding. I don’t really care who wins (unless the Panthers are playing) but I do think that each year as January fades into February, paying my respects to the Super Bowl is something that shouldn’t be overlooked. Life is too short to condemn this tradition as if we are missing out on something far more important or substantial in the few hours the Super Bowl is broadcast, just like life’s too short to talk about it on the internet like the Earth revolves around it’s importance.

The Clarion


February 4, 2015

Courtesy of Calum McAndrew

Notice, reads "Until Further Notice: 2nd Florr Lobby is CLOSED Due to innapropriate use of Space and Vandalism -Campus Life

After all, it’s just a game. But surrounded by a plethora of things that are more important and complex threats knocking on the door, there is this short period of time on a Sunday night in January where all of this seems to goes away.


the the Clarion larion Senior Staff Editor in Chief . . . . Sam Blakley Managing Editor . . . Joshua Cole Copy Editor . . . . . . Kayla Leed Opinion . . . . . . . . Gabby Smith Arts & Life . . . . . . Alex Webster Sports . . . . . . . . Savannah Cox Campus News . . . . Burton Hodges Staff Photogrpher(s) . Ashley Lowe . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah Fonger Faculty Advisor . . . . John B. Padgett Other Staff

Hannah Cook Lizzie Graham Andrew Gunnin Michael Heiskell Jule Hermann

Jordan Laws Calum McAndrew Sami Quri Casey Whitmire

The Clarion is a student-run college newspaper produced by student journalists enrolled at Brevard College. Unsigned editorials represent the collective opinion of the staff of The Clarion. Other opinions expressed in this newspaper are those of respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the faculty, staff or administration of Brevard College.

All correspondence should be mailed to: The Clarion, Brevard College, One Brevard College Drive, Brevard, NC 28712, or send E-mail to [email protected]  Letters Policy: The Clarion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit letters for length or content. We do not publish anonymous letters or those whose authorship cannot be verified. E-mail: [email protected].