The Conversations of Performance Management for Individual ...

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The 4 Conversations of Performance Management for Individual Contributors. Purpose. This one-day workshop will cover four conversations that are essential to ...

The Conversations of Performance Management for Individual Contributors

Improving the quality and frequency of those workplace conversations that are critical to your learning, performance and success in your organization.

The 4 Conversations of Performance Management for Individual Contributors Who Should Attend Any individual contributor who is interested in taking greater control of her or his own learning, performance and success in your organization.

The Four Conversations This one-day workshop will cover four conversations that are essential to your growth and success in your organization. The conversations that will be covered are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Talking About Business Goals: Tips and Tools for Achieving Exceptional Results Development Conversations: Maximizing Your Vitality at Work Seeking and Receiving Feedback: Accelerating Your Journey from Good to Great Results Reviews: Minimizing the Stress—Maximizing the Value

Purpose To equip you with the tools and conversation skills that you need to: • Set (or revise) business goals that will ensure greater personal contribution and superior business results. • Use development goals to maximize your growth, satisfaction and performance at work. • Secure the direction and ongoing support you need to achieve your goals. • Get the candid day-to-day feedback you need to accelerate your learning, reach your goals, and move your career from good to great. • Ensure that your results reviews (interim, mid-year, year-end) are accurate, balanced, fair and free of major surprises.

Course Outline Module 1 — Talking About Business Goals: Tips and Tools for Achieving Exceptional Results Setting goals is good. Achieving them is even better. This module will show you how to get the direction and support you need to achieve your business goals and expand your contributions to the success of your company. • How to achieve more by moving from an individual process to a collaborative process for setting goals. • How to use goal-setting conversations to clarify direction, secure management support, and make a greater difference at work—for yourself and the organization. • Why SMART goals really are smart, and how to set SMARTer goals. • The agenda and preparation necessary for a “Quality Goals Conversation.” • Preparing to discuss and revise (if necessary) your goals at the mid-year review. • Using ongoing conversations to achieve exceptional results.

Module 2 — Development Conversations: Maximizing Your Vitality at Work Today’s economy demands that people learn more in less time than ever before. This module will introduce you to strategies for accelerating your growth in ways that will improve your performance, employability and job satisfaction. • How to create development plans that will enable you to learn more in less time. • How to ensure that your development goals will have the greatest possible impact. • How to make your job the primary vehicle for growth, while simultaneously improving performance and job satisfaction. • How to prepare for and then engage your manager in an effective development conversation.

Module 3 — Seeking and Receiving Feedback: Accelerating Your Journey from Good to Great Just as a plane’s navigational instruments reveal crucial information to help the pilot reach the intended destination, feedback in the workplace is a navigational tool that can help you achieve your goals more effectively and efficiently. In this module you will learn how to seek and receive the kind of feedback that will dramatically increase your effectiveness at work. • What research has to say about the connection between feedback and personal success. • Overcoming the fear of feedback. • How to find value in all feedback—even vague, inaccurate or unfair feedback. • Who, when, and how to ask for feedback so that you can get the information you need—when you need it. • How to ensure that you’re the first, rather than the last, to know when someone has a concern about your performance. • How to overcome the resistance of those who are uncomfortable giving candid feedback. • How to receive criticism with less anxiety and frustration. Continued…

Course Outline (Continued) Module 4 — Results Reviews: Minimizing the Stress—Maximizing the Value Discomfort with results reviews is not a recent phenomenon. Seventeen hundred years ago, during China's Wei Dynasty, the following observation was made concerning the man appointed to rate the performance of members of the imperial court: “The Imperial Rater evaluates people not according to their merits, but according to his likes and dislikes.” In this module you will learn how to reduce the stress and subjectivity associated with results reviews, and increase the value of this process. • The costs of being under-prepared for results reviews (and the benefits of being prepared). • The preparation necessary to take out the stress and maximize the value—for you and your manager. • How to engage in effective results reviews (mid-year, year-end and in-between).

706 E. Technology Ave., Orem, Utah 84097-2352 E-mail: [email protected] • Phone: (801) 235-9414 • Fax: (801) 235-9424