The Deceived, , Tyndale House, 1994, Bill Myers, 1994 ...

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On the Deceptions of the Deceived: Lelia and the Pleasures of Play, lelia, a young woman cross-dressed as a page named F
The Deceived, , Tyndale House, 1994, Bill Myers, 1994, 9780842313520 A definition of deceiving, according to this new definition, deceiving is nec- essarily intentional, requires that the deceived person acquires or continues to have a false belief, and must involve the agency of the deceived person; furthermore, the deceiver must know or truly believe that the false belief that. On the Deceptions of the Deceived: Lelia and the Pleasures of Play, lelia, a young woman cross-dressed as a page named Fabio, is the female protagonist of the anonymous comedy Gl'Ingannati, performed as the main attraction of the festive giuochi of Mardigras during Carnival in Siena, in 1531. 1 The cross-dressing of a female character. The acceptability of deception as a function of perceivers' culture, deceiver's intention, and deceiverâ deceived relationship, this study explored the degree to which deception is perceived to be a socially acceptable form of communication. It was suspected that a liar's motivation for deceiving, a perceiver's cultural background, and the type of relationship between a liar and the target. A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America's Brightest Students. The Templeton National Report on Acceleration. Volume 2, a Nation Deceived Endorsed by the National Association for Gifted Children 1707 L Street, NW, Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 785-4268, www. nagc. org © 2004 The Connie Belin & Jacqueline N. Blank International Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development. Deceiving oneself or self-deceived? On the formation of beliefs' under the influence, how does a subject who is competent to detect the irrationality of a belief that p, form her belief against weighty or even conclusive evidence to the contrary? The phenomenon of self-deception threatens a widely shared view of beliefs according to which they do not regularly. The influence of experiential and dispositional factors in phishing: An empirical investigation of the deceived, phishing has been a major problem for information systems managers and users for several years now. In 2008, it was estimated that phishing resulted in close to $50 billion in damages to US consumers and businesses. Even so, research has yet to explore many. DO THE SELFâ DECEIVED GET WHAT THEY WANT, two of the most basic questions regarding self-deception remain unsettled: What do self-deceivers want? What do self-deceivers get? I argue that self-deceivers are motivated by a desire to believe. However, in significant contrast with Alfred Mele's account of self. Be not deceived: The sacred and sexual struggles of gay and ex-gay Christian men, in Be Not Deceived, Michelle Wolkomir explores the difficult dilemma that gay Christians face in their attempts to reconcile their religious and sexual identities. She introduces the ideologies and practices of two alternative and competing ministries that offer solutions. The moral presumption against lying, the first inherent disvalue is the immediate restriction of the deceived's freedom. The following analysis, however, applies primarily to suc cessful lies: statements which are indeed false and believed true by the deceived. This may seem unduly restrictive, so that what. Alcohol and the balanced-placebo design: The role of experimenter demands in expectancy, view larger image > in this page > in new window| Thumbnail view > Download slide. that among the deceived subjects, those told that they were to receive alcohol but did not reduced their estimates of alcohol intake after the computer breakdown, and those told they were. Altruism among non-relatives: alternatives to the 'Prisoner's Dilemma, the deceived offspring perceive those who feed them as kin and later help raise their kidnapper's offspring. Helpers should prefer to recruit young relatives as allies because kinship deceivers will suffer the cost of having their offspring deceived in return. Rams and billy-goats: A key to the Mediterranean code of honour, by combining structural with historical analysis, this article tries to demonstrate that the meaning of the horn-symbol as a disgraceful attribute of the deceived husband or cornute provides a key to an originally pastoral code of honour predicated upon virility and strength. Who is being deceived? The experimental demands of wearing a backpack, a growing literature argues that wearing a heavy backpack makes slopes look steeper and distances seem longer (eg, Proffitt, 2006). To test for effects of experimental demand characteristics in a backpack experiment, we manipulated the experimental demand. Is only seeing really believing?: Sources of the true belief in the false belief task, hypothesis 3 It does not matter whether the deceived actor's false belief was generated by visual experience or testimony, but it may well matter how the subject's true Page 3. Sources of True Belief. Subjects were then asked where the deceived actor would look for the object. Loose women or lost women? The re-emergence of the myth of white slavery in contemporary discourses of trafficking in women, how does the deceived sex worker fit into the myth of innocence in peril. From tales of deceived innocence to reports of the poor selling their daughters, contemporary accounts of trafficking in women make use of the many discursive foundations of the white slavery myth. Rational cooperation in the finitely repeated prisoners' dilemma, rOW will play Tit- for-Tat until near the end of the game, hoping that COL will be deceived. And COL will pretend to be deceived even if he is not, as this improves his lot as well. Or consider a four state case. In state 1 ROW is the Tit-for-Tat player-in states. The effects of social misdirection on magic tricks: how deceived and undeceived groups differ, characteristics of perception and cognition in our daily lives can be elucidated through studying misdirection, a technique used by magicians to manipulate attention. Recent findings on the effects of social misdirection induced by joint attention have been disputed. When representations conflict with reality: The preschooler's problem with false beliefs and false photographs, page 2. t where the deceived ut their fourth birthday. Page. Now when the child (the copytheorist) is asked what the deceived actor believes, he should correctly respond location x, since that's the event which the de&v&d actor has a copy of in his bucket. Demand characteristics and three conceptions of the frequently deceived subject, experimentally naive undergraduates participated either in 1 of 5 groupadministered attitude-change experiments or in all 5. Of those who took part in 5, some experienced the experiments in 1 sequence while others experienced them in the reverse sequence. Can mate choice strategies explain sex differences? The deceived persons' feelings in reaction to revealed online deception of sex, age, and appearance, online deception is a phenomenon on the Internet, facilitated by restrictions on communication channels. As communication on the Internet is largely exchanged in textual form, deception about personal data such as sex, age, and appearance can be difficult. by D Zaitchik