Artificial Intelligence Review 8: 431-445, 1994-5. © 1995 KluwerAcademic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
The DenK-architecture: A Fundamental Approach to User-Interfaces R. M. C. AHN, R. J. BEUN, T. B O R G H U I S , H. C. B U N T and C. W. A. M. VAN O V E R V E L D *
Abstract. In this paper we present the basic principles underlying the DenK-system, a generic cooperative interface combining linguistic and visual interaction. The system integrates results from fundamental research in knowledge representation, communication, natural language semantics and pragmatics, and object-oriented animation. Our design incorporates a cooperative and knowledgeable electronic assistant that communicates with a user in natural language, and an application domain, which is presented visually. The assistant, that we call the cooperator, has an information state that is represented in a rich form of Type Theory, a formalism that enables us to model the inherent cognitive dynamics of a dialogue participant. Pragmatic issues in man-machine interaction, concerning the use of natural language and knowledge in cooperative communication, are central to our approach. Key words: multimodal interaction, knowledge representation, natural language semantics, pragmatics, type theory, object oriented animation.
1. INTRODUCTION In 1989, the universities of Tilburg and Eindhoven initiated a joint research p r o g r a m that aims at the d e v e l o p m e n t of a multimodal cooperative interface for interactive knowledge acquisition and -analysis. Multimodality refers here to a combination of linguistic and visual interaction. This 8-year program is called 'Dialoogvoering en Kennisopbouw', abbreviated DenK, 1 which means 'Dialogue Management and Knowledge Acquisition'. The program combines fundamental research in knowledge representation, communication, natural language semantics, pragmatics and object-oriented animation to develop generic user interface techniques. These techniques are applied in the prototypical DenK-system. The design of this system reflects a cooperative situation where two participants can exchange information about a shared application domain and where both participants can point at, observe and manipulate objects within this domain (cf., Grosz 1978). The point of departure is that, from a user's point of view, a computer application should present itself as a combination of an 'electronic assistant' and a tangible model of the task domain. The electronic assistant should interact in an intelligent and cooperative way with the user, using a combination of linguistic and visual modalities, and acting on the user's intentions as understood in the context of the interaction,
R. M. C. A H N E T AL.
In this paper we discuss the basic motivation and principles that underlie the architecture and functionality of the DenK-system. We concentrate on the three pillars on which the system rests: • an approach to cooperative dialogue based on an analysis of communicative acts as operations that change the cognitive state of the participants; • the use of a particular ('constructive') form of the rich and solid mathematical formalism of Type Theory to represent the cognitive state of the electronic assistant, which is a prominent aspect of the dialogue context; • a novel object-oriented animation system, called the Generalized Display Processor, to model and visualize the task domain.
Underlying the combination of linguistic and visual modalities in the DenKsystem is the recognition that humans interact naturally with their environment in two ways: symbolically and physically. On the one hand, if there is an intermediary agent (human or electronic assistant), humans can interact symbolically and use language to give commands, ask for or provide information, etc. On the other hand, physically, one picks up objects, moves or fastens them, or observes them by seeing, feeling, hearing, or smelling. The essential difference between the two types of interaction is that actions of the first type (for instance, speech acts) need an interpreter who can bridge the gap between the symbols and their actual meaning and purpose, while actions of the second type are related in a more direct manner to human perception and action (Hutchins 1989, de Souza 1993). The two types of interaction are clearly distinguished in the DenK-design, where two components play a crucial role: a. the so-called cooperator who interprets symbolic messages from the user, is capable of reasoning about various aspects of the domain and the user (e.g., discourse information, mutual beliefs, presuppositions) and produces communicative behaviour adequate with respect to the user's beliefs and goals, and b. the task or application domain, modeled by the Generalized Display Processor, in which spatio-temporal components and graphical tools for representation and visualization of the domain are implemented. The user can interact indirectly with the application domain through linguistic communication with the cooperator, who has internal access to the domain, and can interact directly through input and output devices, such as mouse and screen. This is depicted in what we call the triangle metaphor (Figure 1). It should be noted that the basic architecture of the DenK-system deviates from the architecture of other intelligent multimedia systems, such as AIMI (Burger and Marshall 1994), WIP (Wahlster et al. 1993), MMI 2 (Wilson et al. 1991) and CUBRICON (Neal and Shapiro 1989), where a direct link between the user and the application domain is missing. An important advantage of our approach is that particular complex aspects of the interaction, such as the visualization of autonomous motion behaviour of objects, do not have to be considered by the cooperator and can be left to the interactive components of the application domain. 268
Fig. 1. The triangle metaphor: user, cooperator and application domain.
The view underlying the design of the cooperator in the DenK-architecture is that dialogue participants use language to perform communicative acts, primarily aimed at changing the addressee's cognitive state in the direction of the speaker's goals (Bunt 1989, 1993). In line with Searle (1969), two aspects are distinguished in the communicative act: its semantic content and its illocutionary force, or, what we will call, its pragmatic function. The semantic content is related to the truth-conditional aspects of the action, such as the existence of particular objects, their properties and relations in the application domain. The pragmatic function determines, together with the semantic content, the effects of the communicative act on the cooperator's cognitive state. The cooperator's (communicative) behaviour is controlled by the pragmatic rule interpreter (see Figure 2). To produce simple cooperative behaviour, the interpreter exploits three types of contextual information: 1. the cognitive state of the cooperator; 2. the most recent (communicative) action by the user; 3. the current state of the application domain. First, the interpreter analyses the user's utterance within the current context and, if no communication failures are noticed, it updates the cognitive state of the cooperator with the new information. If the pragmatic function of the user's utterance was a command, a domain-related action is performed; if the function of the utterance was a question, the question is appropriately answered. Since we consider the cooperator as an expert about the domain, he accepts no new domain information from the user, and consequently all declaratives about the domain are interpreted as questions (see Beun 1990). The cooperator's cognitive state - which is represented in Type Theory consists of a sequence of mental objects that can be very diverse in both origin and kind. For instance, mental objects may refer to real objects in the application domain, may occur as discourse referents resulting from natural language 269
434 Application Domain
r" . . . . . i
Evaluator ~
Natural Language input from User
Pragmatic Rule Interpreter B •,,,.
Output to User
Cognitive State
Fig. 2. The design of the cooperator. interaction with the user (cf., Kamp 1981), and may even occur as so-called 'proof-objects', representing formal proofs of particular propositions. In line with Kamp and R e y l e (1993), we call a discourse referent that is connected with a particular real object in the application domain an anchored referent, i.e. the result of the evaluation of the discourse referent yields a concrete object in the application domain. It is important to note that not all discourse referents have to be anchored and thus may exist as abstract mental objects without real counterparts. Vice versa, real objects may exist without having a mental correlate. Two types of belief are distinguished in the cooperator's cognitive state: a. the cooperator's private beliefs (B) and b. the cooperator's belief about mutual beliefs of the cooperator and user (BMB). The cooperator's belief about mutual belief is, by its very nature, a subset of the cooperator's private belief. The distinction between the different types of belief enables the cooperator to adapt and modify responses in accordance with the believed cognitive state of the user. For instance, the cooperator is not allowed, in accordance with the Gricean maxim of quantity (Grice 1975), explicitly to provide information that he believes to be mutually believed (Beun 1991). We will return in the next section to the formal aspects of the dynamics of the cooperator's cognitive state and its communicative behaviour in response to the user's questions.
4. TYPE THEORY To model the cognitive state of the cooperator and particular aspects of the communication process, we do not use predicate logic, but a formalism that is 270
more versatile and more powerful: Type Theory. Type Theory refers to a whole class of formalisms, including Automath (de Bruijn 1980), Intuitionistic Type Theory (Martin-L6f 1984) and the Calculus of Constructions (Coquand 1985), which are all based on similar ideas (see also Barendregt 1991). These formalisms function as logical frameworks in which almost any form of mathematical reasoning can be expressed. They find their origin in foundational mathematical research, and have a strong constructivist flavour. We will use Type Theory not only as a formalism to model the cooperator's (private or mutual) belief about the application domain, but also as a semantic represe,ntation of the utterances that are exchanged in the dialogue between the cooperator and the user. In Mfienp/i/i and Ranta (1990) it was already pointed out that Type Theory is very useful as a semantic representation for natural language. Among the many advantages of Type Theory over other formalisms to represent the semantics of natural language utterances in a dialogue, there are two we will emphasize here: a. the inherent dynamics of the formalism and b. the build-in notion of justifications of propositional information (cf., van Benthem 1991).
Dynamics. A central notion in Type Theory is that of a context. A context is a sequential structure that contains the current information and can be extended in different ways to incorporate new information. The extension of contexts is laid down in a number of rules where two categories are clearly distinguishable: introduction rules and inference rules. Introduction rules describe how a context may be extended to accommodate new information. Inference rules describe how information may be combined in a sound way so that implicit information within a context can be made explicit. In a similar way, mental objects (e.g., discourse referents) are constantly introduced and added to the discourse structure in a dialogue. It has been shown in Ahn and Kolb (1990) that type theoretical contexts can even be regarded as natural generalizations of Discourse Representation Structures (Kamp 1981).
Justifications. Another important notion in Type Theory is the concept of proofs. Proofs are considered as mental objects, have concrete representations, and are completely integrated within the formalism itself. This means that within Type Theory we are not only able to represent what the cooperator believes, but also how he: comes to believe it. Type Theory does not concern itself with truth, however. It records which information is present and what has been shown to follow from this information. This means that partiality is an inherent feature of the formalism.
4.1. Cognitive states as contexts in Type Theory In this section we show, by means of an example, how the cognitive state of the cooperator can be represented by a context in Type Theory. Throughout this paper we use a simple 'block-world' as our application domain, where pyramids, cubes and the like can move around and have prop271
R . M . C . AHN ET AL.
erties like colour, size and so on. For our example, we assume the cooperator to have the following information about the 'block-world': • there may exist pyramids and colours in the domain (the cooperator is familiar with the notions 'pyramid' and 'colour'), • there is at least one particular pyramid, • 'small' is a predicate on pyramids, and 'bright' is a predicate on colours, • all pyramids have a colour, and every small pyramid has a bright colour (these are 'rules' that hold in the domain). In Type Theory, a context is a sequence of (mental) objects, in which all objects have a type. Objects and types are denoted by expressions, and the infix operator ':' is used to relate objects and their types; 'O : T' should be pronounced as: 'O is an inhabitant of T'. Expressions of this form are called 'entries'. The entries in a context are separated by commas, and the beginning and end of the context are marked by '[' and ']' respectively. To represent the cooperator's cognitive state, we start with an empty context and gradually introduce the information listed above. First, we have to introduce the necessary types, i.e. 'pyramid' and 'colour'. In Type Theory, new types may be introduced whenever they are needed. They must be introduced as the inhabitant of the supertype, denoted by the symbol '*', which functions as the 'type of the types'. Accordingly, we obtain a context with two entries: [pyramid : *, colour : *] After a type has been introduced, one may introduce inhabitants of that type. In this case we introduce an anchored specimen of a pyramid, by extending the context with the entry: p318 : pyramid The introduced pyramid is labelled by the expression 'p318' (all introduced objects must be uniquely identifiable). In Type Theory, predicates are represented as functions to propositions. Viewed in this way, the predicate 'bright' is a function that given a particular colour, such as yellow, yields a proposition: 'Yellow is bright'. Within Type Theory propositions are introduced as types, i.e. they exist at the same level as the types 'pyramid' and 'colour' in the example; propositions have type '*'. An inhabitant of a proposition (type) represents a proof of that proposition. Proofs and other objects may be combined, in order to construct new proofs and new objects. The inference rules of the type system will restrict the way in which this can be done, and guarantee that all reasoning is sound. 2 Given this interpretation of propositions, we can express the predicate 'small' as a function from pyramids to propositions, and the predicate 'bright' as a function from colour to propositions (objects of type '*'). These are added to the example context by extending it with the entries: small(M) : * ~ [M : pyramid] bright(C) : * ~ [C : colour] These entries need some clarification," since they are not of the form 'O : T' 272
specified earlier. In Type Theory these functions can be expressed in the required form, but in order to avoid a long and formal exposition we adopt a simplified Prolog-like notation. In this notation a limited fragment of Type Theory can be expressed in a rather intuitive way. The symbol ' ~ ' corresponds to the Prolog turnstile ':-'. Note how the two functions are expressed as Prolog-like clauses in this notation. Using the clause notation and the predicates, we can express the last two pieces of information possessed by the cooperator. First, we extend the context with an entry representing a function, 'c', that associates a colour to every pyramid: c(M) • colour ~ [M • pyramid] Finally, we have to express that every small pyramid has a bright colour. To do this we introduce a function (represented by the object 'ax2') that, when given a pyramid (M) together with a proof that this pyramid is small (object 'P' of type 'small(M)'), returns a proof ('ax2(M, P)') that the colour of this particular pyramid is bright: ax2(M, P) : bright(c(M)) ~ [M : pyramid, P : small(M)] Combining all the above entries results in the following context, which represents the beliefs the cooperator has about the domain: [pyramid : *, colour : *, p318 • pyramid, small(M) : * ~ [M : pyramid], bright(C) : * ~ [C : colour ], c(M) : colour ~ [M : pyramid], ax2(M, P) : bright(c(M)) ~ [M : pyramid, P : small(M)]
] Once the information is represented in the form of a type theoretical context, the cooperator can make inferences by constructing new objects using the entries in the context. In fact one can extend the Prolog-like notation used in this article in such a way that it supports an effective proof construction method for Type Theory, combining resolution style proofs with natural deduction (Helmink and Ahn 19!91). The cooperator contains a theorem prover based on this method, that solves queries that resemble the antecedents of a clause. 4.2. Communication in Type Theory In communicating with the user, we want the cooperator to interpret the user's utterances and to generate responses, according to particular pragmatic principles) To achieve this, the cooperator can make use of three main information sources, to wit: • the application domain; • the mutual beliefs as represented in Type Theory; 4 • his private beliefs as represented in Type Theory. 273
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In the current DenK-system, the cooperator distinguishes between the kinds of belief by maintaining two contexts: a p r i v a t e context representing his own beliefs, and a c o m m o n context representing the mutual beliefs. Since the cooperator's mutual beliefs are also private beliefs, the entries in the common context are a subset of the entries in the private context. Recently, an extension of Type Theory has been developed which allows representation of and reasoning about different kinds of belief in one context (Borghuis 1993). We present two cases in which the cooperator generates a pragmatically correct reply to an utterance of the user, using the information sources. In the first case the user makes a statement, in the second she asks a question. In both cases, we assume that the cognitive state of the cooperator is the one represented above, and that all beliefs of the cooperator are mutual beliefs except for the 'domain rule' that every small pyramid has a bright colour, which is a private belief of the cooperator. Remember that we assumed that the cooperator behaves as an expert about the domain and that all declaratives about the domain uttered by the user are interpreted by the cooperator as questions. After having inspected the image on the screen, the user might utter the following sentence: "The pyramid is small." In order to interpret this utterance the cooperator first has to figure out which pyramid is meant. Due to the definiteness of the noun phrase, the cooperator may consult both the application domain and the mutual beliefs to find the particular pyramid. The cooperator's private beliefs are irrelevant here, because the user is unaware of those, and hence cannot refer to these beliefs in the utterance by means of a definite reference. Therefore the cooperator will assume that the user refers to the pyramid about which a mutual belief is stored in his common context ('p318 : pyramid'). He will interpret the user's utterance as saying that the user has evidence that 'small(p318)' holds. After checking the truth of this proposition in the application domain, the cooperator extends his c o m m o n context with the following entry; e435 : small(p318) (where e435 represents the 'evidence' the cooperator has found for the proposition 'small(318)' in the domain). The cooperator will give the answer "yes", to indicate that he understands the utterance and agrees. The effect of the user's statement is that the proposition the pyramid is small has become a mutual belief of cooperator and user. Suppose that the next utterance of the user is: "Is the colour of the pyramid bright?" The pragmatic function of the utterance is a yes/no-question and the user's goal is to signal to the cooperator that the user wants to know whether the proposition the pyramid is bright holds. The cooperator complies with this wish of the user by trying to construct an object for the proposition ('bright(c(p318)'). 274
Using the theorem prover, the cooperator succeeds in constructing such an object from the entries in his private context: ax2(p318, e435) : bright(c(p318)) Because the question was a yes/no-question, only the existence of a proofobject matters. The cooperator has found a proof-object, hence the question will be answered affirmatively. If the user had asked: "Why is the colour of the pyramid bright?" the cooperator would be under the obligation to communicate how he came to believe 'bright(p318)'. This is recorded in the proof-object 'ax2(p318, e435)', but by the Gricean maxim of quantity the cooperator should only communicate those ingredients of the proof that are not already among the beliefs of the user. By checking the common context, the cooperator can find out that the user already believe, s that there exists a pyramid ('p318 : pyramid'), and that it is small ('e435 : small(p318)', this information became a mutual belief after the user's previous utterance). Hence, the cooperator generates an answer from the only ingredient in his proof (ax2(M, P): bright(c(M)) ~ [M : pyramid, P : small(M)]) that is in the private and not in the common context: "Because every small pyramid has a bright colour". This answer is satisfactory since it provides the user only with the new information (the 'domain rule') needed to infer how the cooperator came to believe that the pyramid was bright. In answering WH-questions, other complications also occur. It is particularly difficult to communicate the identity of an object, even if it occurs in the common context, because in the message to the user we can only refer to the properties of an object. This means that the cooperator has to find a unique description that carl be interpreted by the user. Which description is actually most appropriate is a complicated matter, depending on aspects such as the difference in saliency of the properties of the objects, previous utterances or domain focus (Cremers 1994). We have not yet implemented the generation of such answers. In the current implerntentation the cooperator will simply 'point out' the desired object by highlighting it in the graphical representation of the domain on the screen.
5. THE APPLICATIONDOMAIN: THE GENERALIZEDDISPLAYPROCESSOR The predominant requirement for the domain representation module is, of course, that it c,an represent the application domain. In general, the application domain will have essential visual (spatial) and dynamic (temporal) aspects, so an intuitive representation of this domain should consist of a convincing, real-time view on this changing domain. The domain-representation module is therefore implemented as an animation system. 275
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For our purposes, an animation system that can serve as the domain representative of the cooperator has to meet with the following requirements: to support a generic platform to simulate a large variety of application domains: 1. instructions have to exist to create objects 5 (both their geometric shape and their autonomous motion behaviour) and to pass messages to objects to alter their properties and behaviour; objects also have to be able to pass messages to each other; 2. to facilitate programming complex behaviour (e.g., the motions of mechanicai devices, walking, grasping objects) a library of versatile built-in motion methods has to be available. to support multi-modal interaction: 1. interrogation of the domain status has to be allowed at any time, i.e., asynchronously with respect to the time evolution of the animation; 2. the display image has to be refreshed continuously, so that the user has visual feedback of the animation irrespective of the state of the dialogue; 3. the user has to be able, at any time, to refer to aspects of the graphical model both via the cooperator (i.e., symbolic constructs that are translated from natural language into database interrogation instructions) and via direct manipulation, using a mouse and a 3-D simulated pointing device. In order to meet with these requirements, we introduced the GDP-architecture (Generalized Display Processor (van Overveld 1991); see Figure 3). The GDP is a (virtual) processor consisting of a parser, an interpreter, rendering support, and a database.
cooperator -~Looks
interpreter~-k~ renderer
I. . . . .
Input devices , for direct control
Fig. 3. The Generalized Display Processor.
The parser provides for the communication with the cooperator; it checks the incoming information and, if necessary, sends messages back from the interpreter to the cooperator. The interpreter calculates the values of the attributes of the objects (e.g., position, speed) in order to generate a new frame of animation, which is displayed on screen by means of the renderer. 6 The behaviour of the objects may be autonomous, or dictated by the cooperator or by input devices for direct control (e.g., the mouse). At any discrete time, a complete description of all geometric attributes of a 276
moving scene is stored in the database. The database consists of two tables: the class table and the object table. The class table contains the class definitions that state which attributes exist for a particular class as well as which methods it may execute. 7 The object table contains the (real) objects in the application domain, i.e. instantiations of an existing class. 5.1. The Control Language LOOKS In order to program the GDP (i.e., in order to define what classes of objects will inhabit the application domain, to create these objects, to program the motion methods, to pass messages and to execute several other types of statements) the language LOOKS has been defined (Language for Object Oriented Kinematic Simulations (Peeters 1994)). LOOKS supports a variety of object-oriented features, such as data hiding, abstract data types, strong typing, genericity and multiple repeated inheritance; it implements (quasi-)parallellism to facilitate the specification of concurrent motions. At any time, fragments of LOOKS texts may be passed to the parser. Such a fragment can be either a class definition, an object definition or a message. If this fragment is successfully parsed, and if it was a class definition, then an entry is created in the class table. Apart from the userdefined classes, LOOKS supports a variety of pre-defined classes, including integers, reals, vectors, movable geometric objects, cameras, (coloured) lightsources, windows, etc. object definition, then an entry is created in the object table, message to an object, then the corresponding method is handed to the interpreter to be executed. Since the cooperator interacts via LOOKS with the GDP (see Figure 3), there is a close relation between LOOKS and the Type Theory formalism that was introduced previously in this paper. Virtually, type theoretical expressions are semantically grounded in LOOKS and the translation procedure comes down to a standard evaluation process 8 where complex type theoretical expressions are expande, d into basic expressions that can be interpreted in LOOKS (Ahn 1994). 5.2. Frame Generation In order to generate a frame of animation, the interpreter installs a method it receives from the parser into the list of active methods and executes the methods it encounters. Most active methods can be fully executed (e.g., assignments, expression evaluation, object transformations), after which they are removed from the list. Methods may, however, also contain a 'synchronize' statement (typically within the body of an (infinite) loop). Execution of an active method proceeds until it 277
R . M . C . AHN ET AL.
is either fully executed, or until a 'synchronize' is encountered. In the latter case, execution stops, but the method is kept in the list; it will again receive the interpreter's attention when preparing the next frame. Since several methods may contain a 'synchronize', several of which may be kept in the active method list simultaneously, the synchronize mechanism may serve to achieve quasiparallellism. Also, the execution of a method, due to passing an asynchronous message, may invoke the execution of another method by calling this method. The latter method is also put into the list of active methods, and it will be executed as well during the preparation of the frame. If no more active methods can proceed any further, the preparation of the frame is complete, and a snapshot of the objects is rendered into the active window(s) with respect to the active virtual camera(s), making use of the active light sources and simulated material properties (colour, shininess, etc.). Part of the preparation of each frame is also the taking into account of user interaction. Via mouse events and appropriate LOOKS system methods, the user may interact with the ongoing animation (e.g., selecting an object and calling the mouse notifier method that has been assigned to this object). The current GDP-implementation is designed to run on a high-end graphics workstation where it produces a flicker-free display of shaded images, illuminated by simulated light sources, consisting of several hundreds of polygons with a frame update rate between 15 and 20 frames/sec. It covers most of the requirements and functionality as described above (direct manipulation interaction tools and versatile built-in motionmethods are presently under construction).
6. CONCLUSIONS In the first four years of the program (1989-1993), most of the effort has been spent on formal pragmatic aspects of understanding and generating natural language dialogue, such as formal context modelling, representation of the beliefs of the dialogue participants, and rule-driven generation of dialogue acts. A first, provisional prototype of the DenK-system has been built and its architecture reflects the above view on the conceptual relations between user, cooperator and application. A central issue in our approach was to develop an architecture for userinterfaces that enables us to formulate and to implement rules for cooperative behaviour, independent of a particular application domain. The design of the interface did not originate from the desire to model particular natural language phenomena, but from the need to establish natural communication between the application domain and its user, independently of the surface structure of the message. It is our opinion that phenomena well known in natural language semantics and pragmatics - such as context-dependency of the message, Gricean maximes, (in)definite reference, deixis - follow naturally from the fundamental properties of communication, even within the relatively simple model that has been presented in this paper. 278
In the n e x t f o u r y e a r s , a p a r t f r o m i m p r o v i n g the n a t u r a l l a n g u a g e c o m p o nent, w e w i l l f o c u s on the r e f i n e m e n t o f the c o g n i t i v e state o f the c o o p e r a t o r . W e w i l l e s p e c i a l l y s t u d y the e x t e n s i o n o f T y p e T h e o r y w i t h t e m p o r a l a s p e c t s and m o d a l i t i e s that are e s s e n t i a l for d e s c r i b i n g a d e q u a t e c o m m u n i c a t i v e b e h a v iour, such as different t y p e s o f b e l i e f and intentions. In c l o s e c o n n e c t i o n with this, w e h a v e p l a n n e d to d e v e l o p a n d e v a l u a t e d i f f e r e n t rules for c o o p e r a t i v e b e h a v iour, b a s e d on the n o t i o n s that w e r e i n t r o d u c e d in this p a p e r and s u p p o r t e d b y e x p e r i m e n t a l w o r k in d i a l o g u e r e s e a r c h (in l i n e w i t h G r o s z ( 1 9 7 8 ) ) . F i n a l l y , the a p p l i c a t i o n d o m a i n w i l l b e e x t e n d e d b y a s o - c a l l e d ' c o n s t r a i n t - s p e c i f i c a t i o n m e c h a n i s m ' that d e s c r i b e s the p r o p e r t i e s o f the d o m a i n that r e m a i n v a l i d d u r i n g the interaction. O f c o u r s e , in the future the c o o p e r a t o r s h o u l d b e a b l e to r e a s o n a b o u t these constraints.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT W e w o u l d like to thank the a n o n y m o u s r e v i e w e r for his or h e r v a l u a b l e c o m m e n t s on e a r l i e r v e r s i o n s o f this paper. T h e p r o g r a m is p a r t l y f i n a n c e d b y the T i l b u r g E i n d h o v e n O r g a n i s a t i o n for I n t e r - U n i v e r s i t y C o o p e r a t i o n .
NOTES * Authors' addresses: R. M. C. Ahn and H. C. Bunt, Institute for Language Technology and Artificial Intelligence (ITK), Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands, e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]; R. J. Beun, Institute for Perception Research (IPO), P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands, e-mail:
[email protected]; T. Borghuis and C. W. A. M. van Overveld, Eindhoven University of Technology, Den Dolech 2, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]. 1 The word denk in Dutch means think. 2 This ingenious idea is known as the Curry-Howard isomorphism (Curry and Feys 1958). 3 It should be stressed here, however, that in the current implementation there is no natural language output (see Figure 2) and that all reponses are provided in Type Theoretical formulas. 4 Note that besides the mutual beliefs, the cooperator also shares the first information source with the user: the user has direct visual access to a graphical representation of the application domain. 5 Here, we use terminology from object-oriented programming. An 'object' is a variable containing both data (its 'attributes') and optionally some program fragments (its 'methods'). Calling a method of an object is referred to as passing a 'message' to that object. An object is an instantiation of a 'class'; the class definition lists all available attributes and methods for all objects to be instantiated in this class. For a more complete introduction to object-oriented programming, we refer, e.g., to Meyer (1988). 6 Provided the time granularity of the animation is sufficiently small and the renderer is sufficiently fast, the impression of a moving display results. 7 A class may be defined from 'scratch' or it may inherit attributes and/or methods from other classes. The types of its attributes, as well as the types of the formal parameters in its method headings and the return types of its methods may either be earlier defined classes or generic types. g See also the 'evaluator' in Figure 2.
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