Apr 16, 2013 - The Development of Complex. Problem Solving and its Relalon to. Reasoning, Age and Gender. Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff. & Sascha ...
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Rela:on to Reasoning, Age and Gender. Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• The Development of Complex Problem Solving (CPS) - Introduc:on Ø Theory Ø Research Ques:ons
- Methods Ø Design and Procedure Ø Sta:s:cal Analyses
- Results - Discussion
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Introduc:on - How do cogni:ve abili:es develop in general? Ø cogni:ve abili:es progress from birth un:l the end of late adolescence (NeSleback & Burns, 2010) Ø Development of basic cogni:ve skills (e.g. Processing speed & Working Memory) enhance the development of more complex cogni:ve skills (e.g. Reasoning Ability; Fry & Hale, 1996)
PS = Processing Speed; WM = Working Memory; RA = Reasoning Ability Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Introduc:on - Implica:ons for CPS development Ø CPS skills progress with students growing older Ø Development of CPS may rely on less complex cogni:ve abili:es (e.g. Reasoning abili:es) Ø Age plays an important role in CPS development
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Research Ques:ons (RQs) - RQ 1: How does CPS develop over :me? Ø CPS should develop linearly over :me (Stelzl et al., 1995)
- RQ 2: Predic:on of CPS by Reasoning Ability (RA) Ø RA should show posi:ve rela:ons to ini:al CPS skills (Wüstenberg, Greiff & Funke, 2012) Ø b) RA should predict CPS development posi:vely
- RQ 3: Age and Sex differences in CPS & CPS development Ø a) Older students should have beSer CPS skills but show less CPS development (NeSleback & Burns, 2006; Molnár, Greiff, & Csapó, in press) Ø b) Males are expected to show beSer CPS performance than girls, regarding development no specific assump:ons were made (Wüstenberg, Greiff, Molnár, & Funke, submiSed) Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Methods - Par:cipants: 277 students (56.0 % female, M(age) = 13.6) - Measures: Ø CPS: 8 MicroDYN Tasks Ø RA: Culture-‐Fair Test (CFT); Cogni:ve Abili:es Test (CAT)
- Design: Ø 3 Measurement Points (about a year apart) Ø CPS was assesed at all measurement Points Ø CFT on first measurement point; CAT on second measurement point Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Methods - Statsi:cal Analyses Ø CPS development was analyzed with latent-‐growth curve models (LGCM; Muthen & Khoo, 1998) and RA, age and sex as :me invariant predictors
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Results - Measurement Models (MM) Ø For CPS MMs were computed with the scores of all items aggregated to three parcels Ø For RA the MM was computed with global scores of CFT & CAT MM
χ 2 /df
KAcqu (1)
KAcqu (2)
KAcqu (3)
KAppl (1)
KAppl (2) KAppl (3) RA
0.059 1.638 0.546
1 1 1
0.08 0.20 0.46
0.06 1.64 0.55
1.000 0.997 1.000
1.000 0.991 1.000
0.000 0.053 0.000
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Results RQ 1: Development of CPS Model Fit: χ2(149) = 205.715, .337** p < .01, CFI = .962, RMSEA = .037 (.021) IKAcqu - CPS developed linearly over :me (Mean linear slopes -‐ L) - Ini:al CPS performance was .755** related posi:vely (Correla:on (.065) betwenn Intercepts) - CPS development was related .224** posi:vely (Correla:on between (.021) linear slopes) IKAppl - Ini:al Performance in CPS was related nega:vely with CPS development à Discussion
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
-.382** (.104) .125** (.031)
-.015 (.013)
.406** (.136)
.078* (.033)
.004 (.014)
- .338** (.106)
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Results
- .729**
RQ 2: Rela:on of RA to CPS and its development Model Fit: χ2(205) = 261.111, p < .01, CFI = .965, RMSEA = .031 - RA predicted ini:al CPS performance posi:vely - RA predicted CPS development only partly (due to large standard errors)
.564** (.093)
.513 (.330) .523* (.266)
.466** (.096)
LKAppl - .587 **
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Results
- .729**
RQ 3: Rela:on of age and gender to CPS and its development Model Fit: χ2(205) = 261.111, p < .01, CFI = .965, RMSEA = .031 - Age showed posi:ve rela:ons to ini:al CPS & partly nega:ve rela:ons to CPS development - Sex showed small mostly non-‐ significant rela:ons to ini:al CPS and CPS development
.196* (.079)
- .110 (.117) - .342* (.140)
- .106 (.079)
- .174 (.108)
- .194* (..082)
.170* (.085)
sex - .082 (.100)
LKAppl - .587 **
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Summary of all Results - RQ 1: CPS showed linear development over :me - RQ 2: Predic:on of CPS by Reasoning Ability (RA) Ø a) RA posi:vely predicted ini:al CPS skills Ø b) RA partly predicted CPS development posi:vely
- RQ 3: Age and Sex differences in CPS & CPS development Ø a) Older students had beSer ini:al CPS skills but showed less CPS development Ø b) No gender differences were indicated in present results
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
• Discussion - Nega:ve Rela:on of CPS Intercept and Slopes Ø Students with beSer ini:al CPS showed less CPS development Ø Nega:vely accelerated development
- Large standard errors Ø Popula:on is maybe too small Ø Replica:on is needed
à Nevertheless the present inves:ga:on showed some promising results regarding CPS development Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender.
Thank you very much for your aSen:on! Further Ques:ons?
Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013
The Development of Complex Problem Solving and its Relation to Reasoning, Age and Gender. References
Fry, A. F., & Hale, S. (1996). Processing Speed, Working Memory and Fluid Intelligence. Psychological
Science, 7(4). Molnár, G., Greiff, S., & Csapó, B.. (in press). Iduc:ve reasoning, domain specific and complex problem solving: rela:ons and development. Thinking Skills and Crea:vity. Muthén, B. O., & Khoo, S.-‐T. (1998). Longitudinal Studies of Achievement Growth Using Latent Vaiable Modeling. Learning and Individual Differences, 10, 73-‐101. NeSelbeck, T., & Burns, N. R. (2010). Processing speed, working memory and reasoning ability from childhood to old age. Personality and Individual Differences, 48, 379. Stelzl, I., Merz, F., Ehlers, T., & Remer, H. (1995). The Effect of Schooling on the Development of Fluid and Cristallized Intelligence: A Quasi-‐ Experimental Study. Intelligence, 21, 279-‐296. Wüstenberg, S., Greiff, S., & Funke, J. (2012). Complex problem solving -‐ More than reasoning? Intelligence, 40, 14 Wüstenberg, S., Greiff, S., Molnár, G., & Funke, J. (submiSed). Determinants of cross-‐na:onal gender differences in comlpex problem solving competency. Learning and Individual Differences. Authors: Gidon Frischkorn, Samuel Greiff & Sascha Wüstenberg
Szeged, 15th – 16th April 2013