31 May 2011 ... The series is named after Ryszard Kapuscinski, a Polish reporter and writer who
was a. “Voice of the Poor” in his famous reportages and books ...
The Dublin Kapuscinski Lecture – 'Climate Change and Development'
on 31st May 2011 at 5-7pm in the UCD John Hume Global Ireland Institute. The series is named after Ryszard Kapuscinski, a Polish reporter and writer who was a “Voice of the Poor” in his famous reportages and books covering the developing world. The lecture series is organized jointly by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Programme and partner universities, in this case TCD and UCD. Ms Barbara Nolan, Director of the European Commission's Representation in Ireland will open the Dublin Kapuscinski Lecture 2011 on 'Climate Change and Development'. Professor Dirk Messner will deliver the keynote lecture. Jan Szczycinski (UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre) will chair. Professor Messner is the Director of the German Development Institute, Bonn, Professor of Political Science at the University DuisburgEssen and a Member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU). A panel discussion will follow, chaired by Prof. Patrick Paul Walsh (UCD Chair of International Development Studies). Panellists include Francis Jacobs, (Head of the European Parliament Office in Ireland), Cliona Sharkey, (Trócaire, Environmental Justice Policy Officer), Tara Shine, (Head of Research and Development, Mary Robinson Climate Justice Foundation, Joseph K.Assan, (TCD-UCD MDP Lecturer in Development Practice) and Frank Convery , (UCD Earth Sciences Institute). The lecture series offers citizens of the European Union an unprecedented opportunity to learn and discuss development, and issues related to development cooperation.
Contact: Jan Szczycinski, UNDP, Email:
[email protected], Website: http://ec.europa.eu/development/services/events/kapuscinski, http://europeandcis.undp.org/go/lectures Patrick Paul Walsh, UCD, Email:
[email protected]