The effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and

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Analyze the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and ..... commercial expertise (CE) of the firm for gaining the consumer loyalty and satisfaction. The .... consumer have in his/her mind about the company and its brand, is defined as ...

Analyze the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Commercial Expertise (CE) on Consumer’s Loyalty(CL), Mediated by Consumer’s Satisfaction(CS)

Muhammad Sohaib Ur Rehman, Abdullah Abbasi & Ihtisham Ali MS Scholar Department of Management Sciences, Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Islamabad Pakistan

Research supervisor Dr. Bakthiar Ali Department of Management Sciences Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Islamabad Pakistan

Table of Contents Abstract................................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5

1. 1.1.

Significance of the study .......................................................................................................... 6


Aim of the study....................................................................................................................... 6


Research objective ................................................................................................................... 7


Research question .................................................................................................................... 7


Delimitations of the study......................................................................................................... 7


Literature review.......................................................................................................................... 8


Concepts & definitions................................................................................................................. 8


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): .................................................................................... 8


Commercial Expertise (CE):..................................................................................................... 9


Consumer’s Satisfaction (CS): ................................................................................................ 10


Customer’s Loyalty (CL): ...................................................................................................... 11


Theoretical reflections................................................................................................................ 13


Research gap .......................................................................................................................... 13


Substantiating evidences from the literature ............................................................................ 14


Critical analysis of the literature ............................................................................................. 15 Theoretical framework ............................................................................................................... 16

3. 3.1.

Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................. 16 Proposed Research Methodology ............................................................................................... 17

4. 4.1.

Sample selection .................................................................................................................... 17


Population frame .................................................................................................................... 17


Unit of analysis ...................................................................................................................... 17


Type of study ......................................................................................................................... 18


Time horizon.......................................................................................................................... 18


Instrument development/selection .......................................................................................... 18


Measurement Variables .......................................................................................................... 19


Proposed data collection procedures ....................................................................................... 19


Data analysis techniques......................................................................................................... 19 Data Analysis............................................................................................................................. 20

5. 5.1.

Demographic.......................................................................................................................... 20


Descriptive Analysis........................................................................................................... 21


Reliability Analysis ................................................................................................................ 21


Correlation ............................................................................................................................. 22


Regression Analysis ............................................................................................................... 23 Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 27

6. 6.1.

Finding .................................................................................................................................. 27


Implications ........................................................................................................................... 29


Theoretical ......................................................................................................................... 29


Managerial ......................................................................................................................... 30


Contributions ......................................................................................................................... 30


Limitations ............................................................................................................................. 31


Future Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 31


Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 32


References ................................................................................................................................. 33


Appendix ................................................................................................................................... 37

Abstract Consumer satisfaction and consumer loyalty continue to receive increased attention in the domain of business and marketing strategies. It is the duty of researchers, practitioner and policy makers to continuously identify factors that can affect the satisfaction and loyalty of consumer to use/buy the particular product or service again and again in future times. The concept of consumer loyalty is a broad concept which covers multicolored topics where the possibility of a clear definition is bleak; however, the theme of the debate boils down to the adoption of economic and social practices in the present with a social concern for the future. There is a research gap regarding the understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and commercial expertise (CE) of the firm for gaining the consumer loyalty and satisfaction. The purpose of the study is to examine the contribution of CSR, CE on loyalty and satisfaction. To achieve the research objective a survey method was adopted by using convenience sampling. Data is analyzed using liner regression analysis. From the results of the study it is evident that CSR and CE can affect the loyalty of the consumer. The results of the study also illustrate that consumer satisfaction mediates the relationship CSR, CE and CL. This study provides a valuable insight and sound ground for academicians who are interested in studying consumer loyalty in concerned with corporate social responsibility (CSR) and commercial expertise (CE). It also presents valuable insights for practitioners and policy makers and it has revealed important findings and implications for aforementioned context. Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Commercial expertise (CE), consumer satisfaction (CS) and consumer loyalty (CL).

1. Introduction Many People have intended the concept of Corporation social responsibility and the basic challenge for today’s manager is to maintain the balance between two basic goals of the Organization that is making profile and Corporate social responsibility (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & del Bosque, 2013), on the other side, corporation social responsibility entails heavy costs in short time and this is problem for that manager that stopped them for taking decisions regarding CSR events/Programs (Brown, 1998), except essentially, CSR and being beneficial are not two brazening out concepts, because consumer loyalty might be gained through the corporate social responsibility and Commercial Expertise (Kreng & Hunag, 2011) but yet it needed to be cleared and settled down for those manager who feel entrusted while investing money in corporate social responsibility and Commercial Expertise because they feel fear that is financing these type of activates will be profitable or not. From decades a growing trend has been increased between practitioners and researchers that for creating the strong image they understanding customer loyalty in different sector. Corporate Social Responsibility is all about the organization doing some social welfare works for the sake of building the nation/society and increasing and enhancing their image in the society and building the social image through corporate social responsibility and Commercial Expertise that is owned by the organization. Literature has proven that Corporate Social Reasonability and Commercial Expertise will lead companies towards better outcomes (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & Del Bosque, 2013). According to some of marketing researchers “the customer loyalty decreases with the passage of time” (Kapferer, 2005). Furthermore, it looks like an unsure period(s), it is even more essential to keep the consumers attached with the brand or company’s product(s) by implementing those steps that really intended to get the consumer’s trust, more especially, in the

past decade as the world have experienced the so many international and national scandals in financial fall down . Today, the basic purpose of corporate is also to recover the each and every dimension of corporate representation. In this regard, in the past era, the larger sums of researches have been conducted to examine the positive relationship of corporate image on consumer’s belief, judgment and also the response towards the company’s product/servcies (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2003).

1.1. Significance of the study For the creation of effective marketing strategy in Pakistani Cellular companies, the cellular service provides required to gain the long term customer loyalty and understanding of how customer satisfaction (CS) creates the significance relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Commercial Expertise (CE) and consumer’s Loyalty (CL).

1.2. Aim of the study This research was conducted on the basic Object of any organization that is Consumer loyalty, especially when they are in an economic state of affairs especially in Pakistan. So the basic objective of the Study is to analyze the relationship of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Commercial Expertise (CE) and customer’s loyalty (CL) while also studying the medicating role of Customer’s Satisfaction And to contribute some potential .

work in knowledge world.

1.3. Research objective This study was conducted to find out the result and to understand the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Commercial Expertise (CE), and mediating role of customer satisfaction (CS) to accomplish customer’s loyalty (CL).

1.4. Research question 

What is the consequence of Corporate Social Responsibility on customer satisfaction (CS) and customer loyalty (CL)?

What are the consequences of Commercial Expertise on customer satisfaction (CS) and customer loyalty (CL)?

What is the consequence of customer satisfaction (CS) on customer loyalty (CL)?

1.5. Delimitations of the study This concept of studying corporate social responsibility, Commercial Expertise and Customer’s loyalty is multidimensional and multi-phenomenal but we limited this particular study about customer satisfaction and customer loyalty because of limited time we have got for this study.

2. Literature review

2.1. Concepts & definitions

2.1.1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Over the past decade, all the general and generic information that an in individual or consumer have in his/her mind about the company and its brand, is defined as Corporate Association, it has been analyzed that corporate reputation and corporate image have been associated to term “corporate associations” (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2003). If you mean that conception, it is very much possible to find at least, two dimensions of analysis and from them, the one is related to the marketing associations and corporate ability and the one linked to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), which means business’s effectiveness in fabricating and delivering the social obligatory product or services (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & del Bosque, 2013). The communication with trade and business partners, suppliers, employees and social commitments are could be named under the term that is corporate social responsibility (CSR). Consequently, let’s assume the multidimensional characteristics of the corporate social responsibility and commercial expertise. With regard to CSR, this gives information about the norms and values of the organization (Pivato, Misani, & Tencati, 2008) and so increasing the general perception and trust towards organization, Corporate Social responsibility is very useful (Aaker, 1996). Therefore, Corporate Social Responsibilities are very much precise in sentimental influencing the consumer responses, such as satisfaction. Respectively, in the past previous authors and researchers

have established that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one from the most effective strategies in promoting the satisfactions of the consumers ( Marin & Ruiz, 2007; Lichtenstein, Drumwright, & Braig, 2004). By using CSR, the company can project an uniqueness in characterized values mainly by the existence of prosocial values, which are close to those that define the consumer as a citizen (Marin & Ruiz, 2007; Lichtenstein, Drumwright, & Braig, 2004). Another author represent the CSP as, at the age of industrial revolution, the work force was distributed into two major classes, rich people that who have money to invest and worker class whose who have skills of working, few of workers were replaced with the machines and factories, that help capitalist to make more money and the money difference and class gap was increasing with high intensity, that lead to social justice , and rich people those who were capitalist class started investing and spending their money for corporate social responsibility and n last few year this CSR was focused as important as working processes (Raman, Lim, & Nair, 2012).

2.1.2. Commercial Expertise (CE): The concept of Corporate Social Association is combination of two dimensions these are corporate social reasonability and commercial expertise and they have major inflectional role in building the consumer’s loyalty (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & Del Bosque, 2013). In consumer judgments corporate associations and actions which have found a propensity of commercial expertise (CE) of an origination to firstly manipulate consumer behavior and than foremost by means of the estimates the product and services of the company carried out by the consumer (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & Del Bosque, 2013). In addition,

the affective responses of the consumer can be altered by Commercial Expertise associations, in the sense, specifically the daily relationship of the higher consumer satisfaction and identifications are derived feelings. (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & Del Bosque, 2013). In association with ,product consideration and marketing association are referred as the commercial expertise associations when the company experiences the production of services and/or products and distributions of its services and/or product is called commercial expertise associations (CE).

2.1.3. Consumer’s Satisfaction (CS): The concept of Consumer satisfaction (CS) is defined, one as an overall estimation based upon the consumer’s total purchase and consumption experience related to the product or the service over period of time (Ali, Alvi, & Rana, 2013) In the literature of marketing discipline , consumer’s satisfaction has been predictable as a main focus part of corporate strategy (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008), and is has been also examined as company’s main key driver of the long term profitability and the market share (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2003), Why should a firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) proposed an strong lead to greater customer satisfaction (CS) from the product or services? In the references to this evidence, for the influence of customer satisfaction on consumer loyalty that is also with our first hypothesis that is measuring the relationship of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on loyalty with a mediating role of customer’s satisfaction (CS), from the literature of variables (Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Commercial Expertise (CE), Consumer Satisfaction (CS) and Consumer Loyalty(CL)) it has been

supported that the linkage of these variable might be logically expected. So the CSR may affects customer satisfaction, in turn affects of corporate social responsibility and the achievement of consumer’s satisfaction will resultant the affect on the market value of the firm. In other words, customer satisfaction (CS) represents the meditational pathway through which corporate social responsibility (CSR) actions affect consumer loyalty (CL). Nonetheless, there may be some non-customer routes and because of which CSR affects market value of the company or company’s product and service. For example, both, the textbook (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008) and academic articles (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & del Bosque, 2013; Bhattacharya & Sen, 2003; Brown, 1998) have pointed, that the CSR (Corporate social responsibility) should impact on multiple stakeholders, e.g. employees and investors and also the customers. In picky situation, if the moral Capital is positive then it shown that corporate social responsibility can/may be directly affect market value of the organization by consumer identification, Employees productivity, motivation and perceived quality. In the resultant, this will predict the partially mediating role of customer satisfaction (CS) on the collision of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on consumer Loyalty (CL).

2.1.4. Customer’s Loyalty (CL): (Chaffey, 2008) a desire of a consumer that make him/her continued to use the same product/service under the same organization over the period of time is called consomer’s loyalty. (Raman, Lim, & Nair, 2012) indicates that consumer loyalty for a particular brand by uses the idea of cyclical buying patterns. Through the verbal promotions they are incumbent the consumer over currently used/using services or product and also the rest of others, who have not yet decided to try a particular service or product.

There are three different factors defined these are 1) Hardcore, 2) Soft-core 3) Switcher (Raman, Lim, & Nair, 2012; Kotler & Armstrong, 2008), hardcore are those customers who they only buy one product, they are the more loyal consumers of that particular brand or company, soft-core are those customers who they buy couple of specific brand and Switcher are those consumer who they have no loyalty for any brand (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008). According to (Aaker, 1996) brand loyalty is the association and affection of customer with particular brand. Loyalty is attitudinal both in term of intent to purchase and communicative through word of mouth, references and repeat purchase. Brand equity is one from core concepts of marketing, while in the past era, the largely wide research has been conducted on area/topic of brand equity, bat on the other hand, the literature on brand equity is largely and highly fragmented, uncertain and indecisive. It is also important to keep in mind that loyal customers show positive response toward brand, which will help in developing positive brand equity. Loyal customers are those who considered only a specific brand, repurchased that specific brand and did no information seeking regarding alternatives available (Raman, Lim, & Nair, 2012) According to (Kapferer, 2005) “consumer’s loyalty is described as a consumer’s deep commitment to re buy a favorite product or the service again and again in the coming future times, regardless of marketing situational or conditional influences and efforts by the other market players, which are having potential to be the reasons of switching the consumer actions or intentions”.

2.2. Theoretical reflections In this study we will be studying the relationship of following variables and will be analyzing the effect of IVs on DV:We have studied the Corporate Social Responsibility significantly effects consumer’s loyalty along with we have also studied the Commercial Expertise significantly effects consumer’s loyalty, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) significantly affects consumer’s satisfaction and Commercial Expertise significantly affects customer satisfaction. We have also analyzed the Customer satisfaction significantly affects consumer’s loyalty. In the end this study we have analyzed Consumer’s satisfaction mediates the relationship of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and consumer’s loyalty and Consumer satisfaction mediates the relationship between CE (Commercial Expertise) and consumer’s Loyalty.

2.3. Research gap The growing trend of cellular services competition and the products offering by different competitors superficially influenced the behaviors of customer with the passage of time due to its importance. The literature of marketing identified that the behavior of customer changes and this will lead towards decline in repeat purchase (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2003; Aaker, 1996; KRENG & HUANG, 2011; (Lichtenstein, Drumwright, & Braig, 2004) these researchers presented model to support their arguments. Customer loyalty gain and dominated over the literature of services due to satisfaction through perceived quality and customer orientation, there is also many researchers have worked on this before they have expertise the corporate social responsibility and commercial expertise effects on loyalty mediated by identification (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & del Bosque, 2013). This research

work highlighted the customer loyalty in Cellular sector based on Corporate Social Responsibility and Commercial Expertise. For the formulation of strategy in cellular sector, it is necessary to understand the trend of cellular services in Pakistani’s markets. This gap captures the attention to integrate CSR and Commercial Expertise and satisfaction to gain customer loyalty in Pakistan.

2.4. Substantiating evidences from the literature The multidimensional characteristics of the commercial expertise (CE) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) are assumed. From the previous research in connection with CSR, this give the knowledge and shown the information regarding the organizational norms and values (Pivato, Misani, & Tencati, 2008) and it is useful for improving general trust of the consumers towards the organization and its product or services (Aaker, 1996) and consumer judgments Corporate associations and actions have found a leaning of commercial expertise of the organizations to manipulate customer behavior or intentions, first and foremost by means of the estimates the product and services of the company carried out by the consumer (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & del Bosque, 2013) the affective responses of the consumer can be altered by Commercial Expertise associations, with support of previous researches and in the light of this, consumer’s feelings resulting from the daily relationship with higher Consumers satisfaction and identification (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & del Bosque, 2013). The literature of marketing identified that the behavior of customer changes and this will lead towards decline in repeat purchase (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2003; Aaker, 1996; KRENG & HUANG, 2011; (Lichtenstein, Drumwright, & Braig, 2004). there is also many researchers have worked on this before they have expertise the corporate social responsibility and

commercial expertise effects on loyalty mediated by identification (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & del Bosque, 2013).

2.5. Critical analysis of the literature We have reviewed the available latest literature available on online libraries, on our four variables that are corporate social responsibility, commercial expertise, customer satisfaction and loyalty. In previous available data we have found the gape of this study , because in few they have worked on identification, perceived value, customer orientation and brand equity (Aaker, 1996; Bhattacharya & Sen, 2003; KRENG & HUANG, 2011; Pivato, Misani, & Tencati, 2008; Marin & Ruiz, 2007), there is one author have worked close to the area this study will study but the context of that paper was somewhere in Iran and he did that study for specific organization (Ahmadi, Akbari, & Moezzi, 2013). Literature has proven that Corporate Social Reasonability and Commercial Expertise will lead companies towards better outcomes (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & Del Bosque, 2013). According to some of marketing researchers “the customer loyalty decreases with the passage of time” (Kapferer, 2005). Furthermore, it also looks like in an unsure period, it is yet also more essential to retain and stick to-gathered the Clients/consumers/subscribers by implementing those measures and actions that really intended to get the consumer’s trust, even especially after so many national and international financial crises and scandals that we have witness in the past era.

3. Theoretical framework Corporate Social Responsibility Customer’s Satisfaction

Consumer’s Loyalty

Commercial Expertise

3.1. Hypothesis H1: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) significantly effects consumer’s loyalty (CL). H2: Commercial Expertise (CE) significantly effects consumer’s loyalty (CL). H3: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) significantly affects consumer’s satisfaction. H4: Commercial Expertise (CS) significantly affects consumer’s satisfaction (CS). H5: Consumer’s satisfaction (CS) significantly affects consumer’s loyalty (CL). H6: Consumer’s satisfaction (CS) mediates the relationship between CSR and consumer’s Loyalty (CL). H7: Consumer’s satisfaction (CS) mediates the relationship between CE and consumer’s loyalty (CL).

4. Proposed Research Methodology 4.1. Sample selection We have tested this model on Cellular Service Sector of Pakistan, so that service providers can make sense of making decision for establishing the long lasting relationship with the subscribers because cellular sector is widely spread in Pakistan. We have conducting this research in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. For gather the data, we have used closed questionnaire, which were adjusted based on dimensions and standards of variables in our model and for every question there were five likert scale (from 1 to 5) (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agreed). We have used questionnaire and approximately 92 sample size will be conducted (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & Del Bosque, 2013).

4.2. Population frame We have studied the effect of CSR and Commercial Expertise on consumer Satisfaction and consumer’s Loyalty of cellular network, so that’s why our population frame was be cellular subscriber, due to the limited resources (time, finance, facilities) we were limited to the cellular subscribers of Islamabad, Pakistan.

4.3. Unit of analysis The unit of analysis of this study was cellular service subscriber, who was already using the service of mobile phone service. And we were studying the effect of CSR and CE on consumer loyalty mediated by consumer Loyalty for the cellular services and cellular service provider(s).

4.4. Type of study This research study was casual study as the objective of the study is to enlarge the clear understanding of casual relationship between CSR, CE, CS and CL (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & del Bosque, 2013)

4.5. Time horizon The study of corporate social reasonability, Commercial Expertise effects on consumer’s loyalty, mediated by consumer satisfaction will be cross sectional study due to be the limited time frame.

4.6. Instrument development/selection Questioner was used as an instrument to collect the relevant data. The questioner was comprised of two sections. Section one was contains the demographic question including age, gender, marital status, income occupation and education. Section two was analyzing the Customer Loyalty in response to CSR, CE and Customer Satisfaction. The questions used in the questioner will be measure by likert scale from 1 to 5 (Strongly Disagree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly disagree). All questions were close ended in the questionnaire (Pe´rez, de los Salmones, & Del Bosque, 2013).

4.7. Measurement Variables To measure the constructs well established scale was adapted from literature. All the items were measured on the basis of five point Likert scale. CSR is operationalized on the basis of Legal responsibility and Ethical Responsibility (Maignan, 2001 ; Salmones & Bosque, 2001). Legal Responsibility was measured on two items and ethical responsibility was measured on 4 items, based on measurement of (Maignan, 2001 ; Salmones & Bosque, 2001) (e.g. Makes sure that its employees act according to the law). CE was operationalized as branches, employees, and services were measured on 2, 5, 3 respectively items adapted from measurement scale of (Parasuraman, et al., 1998) (e.g. Agile employees when attending the customer). CS were measured on 4 item adapted from (Swean & Vanhamme, 2004; Soderlund, 2002; Oliver, 1980) and CL were measured on 6 items that were adapted from (Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996; Salmones, & Bosque.Respondent’s profile were measured with the help of four items e. g Gender, Age, Occupation and Educational background.

4.8. Proposed data collection procedures Questioners were used as an instrument to collect the relevant data; a survey method was used to gather information from the general public. .

4.9. Data analysis techniques We have used the Regression for the data analysis.

5. Data Analysis 5.1.


The responses we have received through the questionnaires were total of 92 (n=92) and the demographic of the respondents are as followed:Table 1. Demographic Analysis





Noted: n=92
























Public Service


















5.2. Descriptive Analysis Descriptive analysis helps us to explain the large number of data in a reasonable and solid way. The Mean is the most commonly used method of describing the central tendency, standard division is a more precise estimate of dispersion because an outlier can greatly exaggerate the range (McDowall & Saunders, 2010). Table 2. Descriptive Statistics Min



Std. Devi































Noted: n=92

5.3. Reliability Analysis It is important to calculate the internal consistency of the items. Cronbach’s Alpha values indicate the internal consistency constructs. The estimated Cronbach’s alpha for all the constructs were greater than 0.70 shows the reliability of the scale (O’Leary-Kelly & Vokurkay, 1988), except Consumer satisfaction (CS) which is greater than 0.60 that are also acceptable (Skeran, 2006). That means all the items are internally consistent. The results of reliability analysis are depicted in Table 2. The value of Cronbach’s alpha above 0.60 is acceptable (Skeran, 2006).

Table 3. Reliability of constructs Variable

Number of Items

Cronbach’s Alpha













5.4. Correlation To determine the alliance between independent and dependent variables we use the Pearson correlation. So the results of the correlation shown in table 4 illustrate that correlation exist between variables. The correlation between CSR and CE is 0.310** which illustrate that CSR has a positive and significant relationship with CE. The correlation between CSR and CS is 0.710** illustrating that CSR has a positive and significant relationship with CS. The correlation between CSR and CL is 0.631** illustrating positive and significant relationship between CSR and CE. The correlation between CE and CS is 0.616** illustrates that CE has a positive and significant relationship with CS. The correlation between CE and CL is 0.607** illustrates that CE has a positive and significant relationship with CL. The correlation between CS and CL is .575** illustrating a positive and significant relationship between CS and CL.

Table 4. Correlation Analysis of constructs Constructs



















Notes: n= 92, **Significant at p