The Effect of High-Stakes Exams on Reading Strategies

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ferences between strong and weak students in their use of reading strategies. ....., accessed 3 April, 2016. ... the B2 reading comprehension examination in English”, in Language Testing ...
Monográfico II 2017


Reading for a Test: The Effect of High-Stakes Exams on Reading Strategies Andrej Stopar Gašper Ilc

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Received: 28 March 2017 / Accepted: 21 July 2017 ISSN: 1697-7467

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a study which investigates the reading strategies em-

ployed by Slovenian EFL students whose classroom context is influenced by a high-stakes, curriculum-aligned national examination. The findings show that there are only minor differences between strong and weak students in their use of reading strategies. The results are discussed in light of the washback effect and the development of the reading skill/strategies in the classroom. The discussion suggests that educators should be aware of the limitations of high-stakes examinations, and introduce reading tasks not directly linked to such examinations, in order to minimise their potential negative effect in the classroom. Keywords: reading strategies, national examination, washback effect, EFL reading, reading tasks. Lectura para una prueba: El efecto de los exámenes de alto riesgo en las estrategias de lectura RESUMEN: Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre las estrategias de lectura de los estudiantes eslovenos de ILE cuyo contexto del aula está influido por el examen nacional de alto impacto, añadido al currículo. Los resultados muestran que hay solo diferencias mínimas entre los estudiantes competentes y los incompetentes en el uso de las estrategias de lectura. Los resultados se discuten a la luz del efecto rebote y el desarrollo de la habilidad/las estrategias de lectura en clase. La discusión propone que los educadores deberían ser conscientes de las limitaciones de los exámenes de alto impacto e introducir tareas de lectura indirectamente relacionadas con tales exámenes para minimizar su potencial efecto negativo. Palabras clave: estrategias de lectura, examen nacional, efecto rebote, lectura en ILE, tareas de lectura.

1. Introduction


Literature Overview

It is difficult not to agree with Carrell’s (1998: 1) observation that many EFL students find reading to be the most important among the four skills. For them, solid reading proficiency in English is a prerequisite for their future careers in the world of globalisation and digitalisation. It often seems, however, that both the learners and their instructors are slightly less familiar with the complexity of the cognitive processes involved while reading. Exhaustive studies in the field of reading and cognitive processing (Anderson, 1999;

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Cohen, 1994; Koda, 2005 among others) suggest that developing L2 reading skills is quite challenging, since L2 learners have to process the text and construct a meaning out of what they have read in their non-mother tongue. As a consequence, their reading comprehension performance may be impeded by factors that are not typically present in an L1 situation, for example: weaker linguistic skills, narrow vocabulary and different cultural backgrounds (Hong-Nam and Page, 2014: 196; also see Mijušković and Simović, 2016). To overcome these difficulties, L2 readers may resort to different reading techniques than those that are characteristic of L1 readers (Abbott, 2006). Investigating potential connections between reading abilities, metacognitive awareness, and reading strategies, Sheorey and Mokhtari’s (2001) study establishes that there is a direct correlation between low/high ability readers and their low/high metacognitive awareness, as well as their reading strategy. Drawing on these results, the same authors develop and test a special instrument, the Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS), for measuring the metacognitive awareness of L2 readers, in particular for determining “the type and frequency of reading strategies that adolescent and adult ESL students perceive they use while reading academic materials in English” (Mokhtari and Sheorey, 2002: 4). The SORS is comprised of three groups of reading strategies: (i) global reading strategies (different techniques to keep the purpose in mind, to manage the reading process, etc.); (ii) problem solving strategies (different actions/procedures used while reading, to improve comprehension, for example, adjusting the speed of reading, rereading, etc.); and (iii) support strategies (activities aimed at aiding the reader in comprehending the text, for example, taking notes, underlining, etc.). The complete list of these strategies is given in Appendix 1. Mokhtari and Sheorey (2002: 4-6) point out that the SORS is not only beneficial for L2 learners, but also for teachers, since it can be used as an instrument for identifying the reading needs, as well as making readers more conscientious about the reading process. In fact, the authors (2002: 6-8) accentuate the practical value of SORS, and the importance of teachers in raising learners’ metacognitive awareness, as well as introducing different reading techniques into their teaching practices, inevitably resulting in higher reading abilities among learners. 1 It is noteworthy that Sheorey and Mokhtari’s (2001) and Mokhtari and Sheorey’s (2002) recommendations pertain mostly to teaching reading comprehension. Little reference is made to language testing which has, however, become somewhat dominant and omnipresent in L2 classrooms, a situation triggered by an ever-increasing demand for statistically manageable results obtained from more or less uniform tests that are externally administered, evaluated and validated. Therefore, it is imperative that the question of a potential correlation between the reading strategy use and test performance be adequately addressed, especially in light of the well-reported examination effect on L2 teaching—the ‘washback effect’—i.e. the (positive or negative) impact of high-stakes tests on classroom practices (see, for example, Buck, 1988, and Ahmad and Rao, 2012). It seems, however, that whenever we try to connect reading strategies and testing, we enter a slippery slope. In his ground-breaking and statistically well-supported research on the relationship between the cognitive and metacognitive strategy use and L2 test performance, Purpura (1997) concludes that this relationship is extremely complex, with neither set of strategies bearing direct consequences on the test performance. Rather, it appears that metacognitive processing “exert[s] an executive function over” cognitive For instance, some positive effects of explicit metacognitive strategy instruction have been reported by Tavakoli and Koosha (2016). 1


Andrej Stopar and Gašper Ilc

Reading for a Test: The Effect of High-Stakes Exams on Reading...

processing (Purpura, 1997: 314), and that the two work in unison. Moreover, Purpura (1997: 315) claims that the test-taking style also influences the test performance: in speeded L2 testing, product-oriented strategies (e.g., using the text only to retrieve information) may increase performance, whereas process-oriented strategies (e.g., using the text to learn) may hamper it. Last but not least, the extent to which a particular strategy is advantageous in a test-taking situation is also determined by the task-type (ibid.). In his book on assessing reading, Alderson (2000: 307) clearly points out that tests cannot be taken as good measurements for reading strategies, mainly because (i) the testtaking process is a stressful situation for test-takers, so they may resort to different reading strategies than they would in a real-life situation, and (ii) the frame of a test is rigid, limiting evaluators to rate responses according to a given scale. In addition, the selection of a reading strategy is, to some extent, subjective: readers should be able and, indeed, allowed to select a strategy that they find useful, rather than being forced to apply a strategy targeted by item-writers/test developers (ibid.). Another potential problem in linking reading strategies with testing is the fact that L2 reading comprehension tests tend to focus more on lower level cues, such as scanning for details and identifying key vocabulary items, which consequently also require less complex, mostly data-/detail-driven reading strategies (Abbott, 2006; Carrell, 1983; Purpura, 1997). As a consequence, a proficient test-taker cannot display the real use of different strategies. Given now the fact that reading strategies cannot be measured effectively and exhaustively in a formal test format and testing situation, a question arises as to what happens in an L2 classroom that is influenced by external examination and its potential washback effect? In particular, do L2 teachers try to minimise this effect and pay more attention to stimulating the use of different reading strategies, which will eventually turn their students into proficient readers, or do they tailor their reading activities to strategies which help their students become good test-takers, but not necessarily proficient readers? In other words, are L2 teachers teaching reading strategies or test-taking strategies? In this paper, we hypothesise that a student’s level of proficiency influences their selection of reading strategies2 when completing various reading tasks. We test the hypothesis on a sample of secondary school students from Slovenia, who have to take the external national school-leaving examination. The study participants were asked to complete three reading comprehension tasks in order to determine their level of proficiency, and the SORS questionnaire to establish which reading strategies they most frequently pursue in general. The results are discussed with regard to types of reading strategies, the frequency of their use, and the differences between strong and weak performers as measured by the reading test employed in the study. Finally, some practical implications are presented.

2. The Study 2.1. Participants and Context The participants in the study were 115 secondary school students, with Slovenian as Different profiles of strategy use among different types of readers have been previously attested in the literature— see, for instance, Chevalier, Parrila and Ritchie (2017). 2


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their native language. When the experiment was conducted, they were in the final year of their studies, i.e. 17-19 years old. Their expected language proficiency levels ranged from CEFR B1 to B2, which describes the so-called ‘independent users’ at the intermediate and upper intermediate levels and is in accordance with the nationally-prescribed curricular standards (for more on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages see Council of Europe, 2001). On completing their final year of secondary education, they were to sit the national school-leaving examination, which also serves as an entrance examination for tertiary education, and is thus a high-stakes exam. The sample included six groups of students of approximately equal sizes, from six secondary schools. 2.2. Instruments and Procedure The reading subtest of the General Matura (GM) in English was the basis for the study. The GM in English is a national (Slovenian) school-leaving examination that consists of subtests on reading comprehension (20%), language use (15%), listening comprehension (15%), written communication (two parts, 10% and 20%), and oral communication (20%). The examination is conducted in English. According to the examination specifications, the reading tasks require the task-taker to understand the gist, the main ideas and specific information in various text-types. In the present study, the respondents were asked to complete three tasks from the reading subtest of the GM: a 10-item short answers task, a 10-item gapped sentences task and an 8-item multiple choice questions task; each answer scores one point (see Appendix 2 for examples). In line with Freedle and Kostin’s (1999) classification of reading items, the 28 items can be categorised as targeting explicit details and gist (14 items), text structure and organisation (10 items), and implicit details and gist (4 items). The tasks are based on newspaper articles from a British quality daily newspaper. As the GM is a high-stakes examination, the tasks have been previously administered to thousands of candidates, and have been proven reliable and valid. Additionally, the same tasks have been aligned with the CEFR level B2, with the cut score of 75 percent. The alignment has also been externally validated (Ilc and Stopar, 2015), and the test has also been studied with regard to item and task difficulty (Stopar and Ilc, 2016). The cut score for B1 was not set during the alignment project; therefore, we label the participants below the B2 cut score as ‘sub-B2’ readers. In order to eliminate the affective factors that may influence the test results (see Alderson, 2000 above), the participants were assured that the test results would bear no high-stake consequences for them. The test was administered in accordance with the test specifications (e.g., time limits). After completing the three reading tasks, the respondents were asked to fill out the SORS questionnaire (Mokhtari and Sheorey, 2002) based on their approaches to reading in general. The SORS was opted for over Purpura’s (1997) system of cognitive and metacognitive processing, because it exclusively focuses on reading strategies. For the purpose of the study, the questionnaire was translated into Slovenian. The thirty statements were comprised of thirteen pertaining to global reading strategies, eight to problem solving strategies, and nine to support strategies (cf. Mokhtari and Sheorey, 2002, and Appendix 1).


Andrej Stopar and Gašper Ilc

Reading for a Test: The Effect of High-Stakes Exams on Reading...

The respondents were asked to indicate how often they use the strategies described by the statements, using the 5-point Likert scale. The results were collected in an Excel file and statistically analysed. The analysis of the reading section relied on simple descriptive statistics: the results were calculated for individual students (mean score) and individual reading items (difficulty and discrimination indices). For the SORS questionnaire, the 1-to-5 Likert scale was analysed, in line with Oxford and Burry-Stock (1995), where the mean of 3.50 or higher counts as high strategy use, a mean in-between 2.50 and 3.40 as moderate, and a mean at or below 2.40 as low. A paired two-sample t-test analysis was employed to compare the data collected from the two groups of students. Obviously, recall bias represents a limitation to the study. 2.3. Research Questions RQ1: Which reading strategies are perceived as useful by the participants? RQ2: Are there any differences in the use of strategies between strong and weak performers (B2 and sub-B2 students)? RQ3: Which are the most/the least frequently used reading strategies? 2.4. Results 2.4.1. The Reading Test The mean facility value (i.e. the proportion of students who answered the reading items correctly) for the twenty-eight reading items is 0.69, with the difficulty of individual items ranging from 0.37 to 0.95. The mean discrimination index (i.e. the index showing the differences between strong performers and weak performers) is at 0.54, with all the items in the positive range. According to the test-provider (cf. Section 2.1.3 of the 2015 Annual Report on the General Matura, published by the National Examinations Centre, 2015), such statistics indicate that the test is of moderate difficulty, and that it consistently shows the differences between strong and weak performers. A comparison of the mean facility values for individual reading items obtained in the present study, and the facility values obtained when the tasks were administered at the national level, shows a high correlation of 0.79, indicating the validity of our sample. The CEFR B2 cut-score of 75 percent was achieved by 59 (51.30%) participants in our study; their mean facility value was 0.88 (24.6 out of a maximum score of 28). In contrast, 56 participants (48.70%) were identified as sub-B2 learners. The mean facility value observed for this group was 0.49 (13.7 out of a maximum score of 28).


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2.4.2. The Reading Strategies Table 1 presents the results pertaining to the use of reading strategies. Table 1. The test performance and the use of reading strategies by all/strong/weak students. Mean facility value All participants (N=115, 100%) B2 participants (N=59, 51.30%) Sub-B2 participants (N=56, 48.70%)




All strategies

Global strategies

Problem solving strategies

Support strategies

























The participants in our study perceive themselves to be moderate users of reading strategies, although it is noteworthy that the overall mean of 3.29 on the 1-to-5 Likert scale is close to the mean of 3.50, which is interpreted by Oxford and Burry-Stock (1995) as indicative of the beginning of the high range. The most frequently used reading strategies are problem solving ones (falling into the high range, with the mean result of 3.74), followed by global strategies and support strategies in the moderate range (the means of 3.35 and 2.80, respectively). The respondents claim that, when reading, they rely on having a purpose in mind, guessing the content, and thinking about what they already know about the topic (top three global strategies, with the mean scores in-between 3.99 and 4.10). The readers also commonly use the strategies of re-reading, paying closer attention when the text becomes difficult, and adjusting the speed of reading (the top three problem solving strategies, with the mean scores between 3.96 and 4.03). The most popular support strategies are: thinking about the text in both English and the mother-tongue, reading aloud, and going back and forth in the text, to identify relationships between ideas (their means are between 2.91 and 3.57). Among the least-used reading strategies are: taking notes, using reference materials, and paraphrasing (the mean scores of these support strategies are between 1.95 and 2.64). Rather rarely reported are also the global strategies that involve critical analysis and information evaluation, checking to see whether the guesses about the text are correct or not, and examining the length and the structure of the text (their mean scores are between 2.62 and 2.87). Problem solving strategies are more commonly used—the one reported as the least frequently used has the mean of 3.1—and it involves stopping from time to time, to think about what is being read.


Andrej Stopar and Gašper Ilc

Reading for a Test: The Effect of High-Stakes Exams on Reading...

2.4.3. Strong and Weak Performers A comparison of strong and weak performers reveals very similar mean scores for the overall use of reading strategies (3.66 for the B2 group and 3.46 for the sub-B2 group, both in the high range). The t-test analysis shows that overall the difference in means is not statistically significant (p