The Effects of Collocation Instruction on the ... - Asian EFL Journal

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Studies, Chi Cheung Ruby Yang investigates the effects of the types of ... investigates the relationship between performance testing and alternative assessment.
The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly March 2010 Volume 12, Issue 1

Senior Editors: Paul Robertson and Roger Nunn

Published by the Asian EFL Journal Press

Asian EFL Journal Press A Division of Time Taylor International Ltd Time Taylor College Daen dong Busan, Korea ©Asian EFL Journal Press 2010

This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of the Asian EFL Journal Press.

No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Asian EFL Journal. [email protected] Publisher: Dr. Paul Robertson Senior Associate Editors: Dr. Roger Nunn Journal Production Editor: Wen-chi Vivian Wu & Margaret Hearnden ISSN 1738-1460


Table of Contents: For e wo r dbyRo ge rNunn…. …………………………………………… 1.

Mojtaba Maghsodi ………………………………………. ………… -

2. 3.


Active and Passive Vocabulary Knowledge: The Effect of Years of Instruction

Jeng-yih Tim Hsu …………………………………………..………. -


Type of Task and Type of Dictionary in Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition

Azadeh Nemati ……………………………………. ……………… -



The Effects of Collocation Instruction on the Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning of Taiwanese College English Majors


Faith A. Brown …………………………………………….……… -


Vocabulary Knowledge and Comprehension in Second Language Text Processing: A Reciprocal Relationship?


Colin McDonald, BA, MEd …………..…. …………………………. -


A pre-trial collection and investigation of what perceptions and attitudes of Konglish exist amongst foreign and Korean English language teachers in terms of English education in Korea.


Indika Liyanage, Peter Grimbeek, & Fiona Bryer ………………… -


Relative cultural contributions of religion and ethnicity to the language learning strategy choices of ESL students in Sri Lankan and Japanese high schools


Chi Cheung Ruby Yang . …………………………………………. ….. -


Teacher Questions in Second Language Classrooms: An Investigation of Three Case Studies


Long Van Nguyen ……………….. . …………………………………... -


Computer Mediated Collaborative Learning within a Communicative Language Teaching Approach: A Sociocultural Perspective


Mansoor Tavakoli . …………………………………………………. -


Investigating the relationship between Self-assessment and teacher-assessment in a academic contexts: A Case of Iranian university students


10. Lisha Wang ……………………………. …………………………….. -


An investigation of the Current State of College Teachers' Teaching Quality and Teacher Development

Book Reviews 1. A synthesis of research on second language writing in English Ilona Leki, Alister Cumming, & Tony Silva Reviewed by Pisarn Bee Chamcharatsri …………………………………


2. From Corpus to Classroom: Language Use and Language Teaching …..


Anne O'Keeffe, Michael McCarthy, and Ronald Carter Reviewed by Ruth Breeze 3. E-Learning initiatives in China: Pedagogy, policy and culture …………


Helen, Spencer-Oatey (Ed.) Reviewed by Lisa Cheung

Asian EFL Journal e di t or i ali nf o r mat i onandgui de l i ne s …………. …. .



Foreword We are happy to present another issue with a varied array of papers from a wide variety of settings and cultures. The longer I have been involved in AEJ editing, the more I have come to realize how broad the field is and how many different valid approaches can be applied even within one area of interest. The first five papers all investigate vocabulary acquisition, but from very different perspectives and using very different approaches. Vocabulary papers Use of bilingual dictionaries is common in many Asian contexts. In Type of Task and Type of Dictionary in Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition, Mojtaba Maghsodi investigates the effect of form-oriented comprehension and form-oriented production tasks on incidental vocabulary acquisition in relation to the use of either monolingual or bilingual dictionaries. The result indicated that subjects using monolingual dictionaries (English to English) retained vocabulary better irrespective of the gender or bilinguality of the subjects. Azadeh Nemati (Active and Passive Vocabulary Knowledge: The Effect of Years of Instruction) investigates the relationship between two types of English vocabulary knowledge (passive and controlled active) after different periods of school instruction in an ESL environment. The results showed that although students progressed in active and passive vocabulary knowledge, this progress was not significant for controlled active after years of instruction, while it was significant for passive vocabularies at higher levels. Nemati concludes that there is a need to incorporate more active methods for teaching vocabulary and to use instruments that can better test and activate the active knowledge of students. In The Effects of Collocation Instruction on the Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning of Taiwanese College English Majors, Jeng-yih Tim Hsu investigates the impact of explicit collocation instruction on general English proficiency, listening, speaking, writing, reading, and lexical fluency. The findings indicate that collocation instruction improves vocabulary learning and retention more than reading comprehension regardless of academic level. Faith Brown (Vocabulary Knowledge and Comprehension in Second Language Text Processing: A Reciprocal Relationship?) considers the relationship between vocabulary 5

knowledge and reading comprehension in the reading of expository texts. The findings reveal a reciprocal relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension in this context and underline a need for strategic reading instruction that emphasizes the exploitation of holistic aspects of language such as context to assist learning. In a study that links culture and vocabulary, Colin McDonald and Scott McRae (A pre-trial collection and investigation of what perceptions and attitudes of Konglish exist amongst foreign and Korean English language teachers in terms of English education in Korea) discuss the perceptions that foreign and Korean English teachers have of Konglish in relation to English education in Korea. Konglish refer to English loan words commonly used in Korean. This phenomenon is not unique to Korea and raises interesting issues about teaching English as an international language. McDonald and McCrae help develop an unde r s t a ndi ngofbot hg r oupsoft e a c he r s ’vi e w ofKong l i s hi nr e l a t i ont oi s s ue sofi de nt i t y and ownership and discuss the need to make informed judgments concerning the exploitation of Konglish in the classroom. Other papers Another important cultural issue is addressed by Indika Liyanage, Peter Grimbeek, & Fiona Bryer in Relative cultural contributions of religion and ethnicity to the language learning strategy choices of ESL students in Sri Lankan and Japanese high schools. They consider the relationship between ethnicity and religion on the use of metacognitive, cognitive, and social-affective strategies. In a composite sample of four ethnic groups: Sinhalese, Tamil, Sri Lankan Muslim, and Japanese which included Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus, they found that choices of learning strategies appeared to be associated with religious rather than ethnic identity. Naturally this is a very sensitive issue and the authors point out that care must be taken about drawing categorical conclusions about the extent to which language learning strategies might be cultural in nature and the need to allow for specific preferences associat e dwi t hl e a r ne r s ’e t hno-religious affiliations. In Teacher Questions in Second Language Classrooms: An Investigation of Three Case Studies, Chi Cheung Ruby Yang investigates the effects of the types of questions teachers a s kons t ude nt s ’di s c our s e .Thi ss t udye mpha s i z e st ha ti ti st hes t ude nt s ’r e s pons e st ha ta r e more important than the questions and that one cannot be studied without the other. In the teacher training context Yang underlines the need to develop the ability to follow up responses with moves that encourage students to expand and develop their responses. Mansoor Tavakoli, in Investigating the relationship between self-assessment and teacher-assessment in academic contexts: A Case of Iranian university students, 6

investigates the relationship between performance testing and alternative assessment. The findings appear to indicate that self-assessment can be conducted reliably and that authenticity is enhanced by using such alternative approaches. Long Van Nguyen (Computer Mediated Collaborative Learning within a Communicative Language Teaching Approach: A Sociocultural Perspective) discusses the roles of computer mediated collaborative learning within a communicative language teaching approach. Nguyen concludes that CMCL is capable of resolving some issues related to the CLT approach in the Vietnamese language classroom. We feel that this study is of relevance in other Asian contexts. Lisha Wang (An Investigation of the Current State of College Teachers’Teaching Quality and Teacher Development)i de nt i f i e smi s ma t c he sbe t we e nt e a c he r s ’pr a c t i c ea ndt het he or i e s underlying their practice in the current college English education process in China. Wang suggests the promotion of educational reform by encouraging reflective teaching and the combined use of teaching practice and research.

Roger Nunn, Chief Editor


Type of Task and Type of Dictionary in Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition Mojtaba Maghsodi

Abstract In this study, the effect of form-oriented comprehension and form-oriented production tasks on incidental vocabulary acquisition in terms of using either monolingual or bilingual dictionaries and also considering the gender and the bilingual nature of the subjects was investigated. To meet the aim, 161 Iranian EFL university students were invited to read a text including twelve unknown target words and complete the above-mentioned tasks. The subjects were informed that they were allowed to consult the pre-assigned dictionaries in order to look up the meaning of the target items. The results of the immediate and delayed vocabulary tests revealed that subjects using monolingual dictionaries (English to English) yielded better results in retention of the words irrespective of gender and bilinguality of the subjects.

Keywords: Incidental words, Retention, bilingual nature and gender.

1. Background The crucial role that lexis plays in second or foreign language learning and teaching has been


repeatedly acknowledged in theoretical and empirical vocabulary research. Hence, Singleton (2007) states that "the major challenge of learning and using a language -whether as L1 or as L2- lies not in the area of broad syntactic principles, but in the 'nitty-gritty' of the lexicon" (Singleton as cited in Murcia, 2007), an idea also shared by Hunt and Beglar (2005), who argue that "the heart of language comprehension and use is the lexicon" (p. 2). Other authors have gone even further in arguing that "the single most important task facing language learners is acquiring a sufficiently large vocabulary" (Lewis, 2000, p.8), or that "the most striking differences between foreign learners and native speakers is in the quantity of words each group possesses" (Laufer, 1998, p.255). In the early stages of instructed foreign language acquisition, students mainly learn a few thousand high frequency words. Such words occur so frequently in the teaching materials to which they are exposed that many are easily acquired. However, a vocabulary size of 2000 words is inadequate for functional language proficiency. To take reading as an example, estimates of the number of words required for understanding specialized texts vary, but there is general consensus that 5,000 base words is a minimal requirement (Laufer, 1997; Nation, 1990) while for non-specialized academic reading a wider range of vocabulary is considered necessary (Groot, 1994; Hazenberg & Hulstijn, 1996). Incidental acquisition of these words is only possible to some extent, because they do not occur often enough in the foreign language learning material. There is no doubt that virtually all second language learners and their teachers are well aware of the fact that learning an additional language involves the learning of large numbers of words (Avila & Sadoski, 1996; Laufer & Hulstijn, 2001), but how to accomplish this task is often of great concern to them. How vocabulary is acquired and the most efficient means to promote effective acquisition have been areas of unease in the field of second language acquisition (De La Fuente, 2002, p.82). All in all, they all place emphasis on the fact that 9

mastery of vocabulary is an essential component of second language acquisition. Most research to date underlines high correlations between measures of reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge and indicates that gains in one relate to gains in the other (Beck, McKeown & Omanson, 1987). Reading is seen as the major vehicle for voc a bu l a r ya c qui s i t i ona ndr e l a t e dL2r e s e a r c hc onf i r mst ha ti nt r oduc i ngar e a di ng‘ f l ood’ where learners are motivated and focused on meaning leads to measurable gains in vocabulary knowledge. A good deal of vocabulary learning through reading is apparently ‘ i nc i de n t a l ’i nt hes e ns e ,t ha tnor ma l l yt he r ei sne i t he ri ns t r uc t i ona lma ni pul a t i onn ora n intention to learn words on the part of the learner (Elley & Mangubhai, 1983; Krashen, 1989 as cited in Wesche & Paribakht, 1999).

1.2. Incidental and Intentional Vocabulary Acquisition Although it seems difficult to guess the meaning of all unknown words from the context, people do manage to learn vocabulary in both their native and foreign languages. The question that arises at this point, then, is how does this process take place? One view is that learning can be divided into incidental learning and intentional learning. Intentional vocabulary acquisition involves memorizing straightforward terms with their respective translations from a list. Learning is quick and therefore, usually preferred by learners, but it is also superficial. Learners encounter vocabulary in an isolated, often infinitive form and remain incapable of using it correctly in context. Didactically recommendable vocabulary acquisition exposes learners comprehensively to every term, embedding them deeply and solidly in the mental lexicon. Incidental vocabulary acquisition, through contextual deduction in target language reading, meets these recommendations. Learners encounter terms together with syntactic information, which helps them to use words accurately in an i di oma t i cwa y ,i ndi f f e r e nta s pe c t sa ndhe nc ee ng r a i nst he mi nt hel e a r ne r s ’mi nds .Nation 10

(2001) defines learning from context as: the incidental learning of vocabulary from reading or listening to normal language us ewhi l et hema i nf oc usoft hel e a r ne r s ’a t t e nt i oni sont heme s s a geoft het e xt . Learning from context thus includes learning from extensive reading, learning from taking part in conversations, and learning from listening. Learning from context does not include deliberately learning words and their definitions or translations even if these words are presented in isolated sentence contexts (Nation, 2001, pp.232-233).

1.3. Type of dictionary: Bilingual or monolingual? There are three types of dictionaries; bilingual, monolingual, and bilingualized. These can be found in either paper or electronic form. Both bilingual and monolingual dictionaries have their unique strengths and weaknesses for developing vocabulary knowledge. Hunt & Beglar, (2005) believe that apart from having short and easy-to-understand definitions, the strengths of bilingual dictionaries lie in the fact that: a) they can improve the reading comprehension of lower proficiency L2 learners b) they assist vocabulary learning at all levels of proficiency c) they encourage translation d) they foster one-to-one precise correspondence at the word level between two languages. However, the insufficiencies of these kinds of dictionaries relate to the limited information they provide of L2 words, and more problematically, the focus on LI and L2 equivalents which gives learners the wrong message that there are perfect equivalents in two languages, 11

thereby failing to raise awareness that different languages may have different semantic and stylistic characteristics. Monol i ng ua ll e a r ne r s ’di c t i on a r i e sc a n be us e dt o bui l da nd e l a bor a t eal e a r ne r ’ s vocabulary knowledge using up-to-date and reliable sentence examples drawn from corpus data that provide information about meaning and grammar. Generally, the monolingual entry can also provide more detailed and precise information about idiomatic usage, common collocations and connotations. The main disadvantage of these kinds of dictionaries is that students who are less proficient in the L2 may not be able to benefit much from them. Nevertheless, "most authors agree that the advantage of the monolingual English learner's dictionary in terms of its reliance on the t a r ge tl a ng ua g eout we i ghst hed i s a dva nt a ge[ …. ]a ndt hede l i be r a t e l ys oug hts emantic, grammatical and stylistic explicitness allows-even encourages-productive activities" (Hartmann, 1992, p. 153). Since a combination of the good features of both types of dictionaries can help to clarify to some extent the aforementioned weaknesses, bilingualized compromise dictionaries came into existence. A bilingualized entry typically includes L2 definitions, L2 sentence information and L1 synonyms of the headword. These combination type dictionaries essentially provide translations, in addition to, the good features of monolingual dictionaries. Using bilingualized dictionaries is more efficient than using separate bilingual and monolingual dictionaries. They are more flexible. Beginning and intermediate learners can rely on the L1 translation and advanced learners can concentrate more on the L2 part of the entry (Gu, 2003; Hunt & Beglar, 2005; Laufer & Hadar, 1997). Researchers are interested in investigating the role dictionaries play in the learning of second or foreign language vocabulary. The lively debate amongst language teachers has


always been whether dictionaries should be used in foreign language classrooms, and if so, what type of dictionaries should be used. Presently, there is a common view that EFL teachers should discourage s t ude nt sf r om c ons ul t i ngdi c t i ona r i e sbe c a us es t ude nt s ’e xt e ns i ve dictionary use can lead to word for word reading (Chin, 1999, p.3). In the words of Chun & Plass (1996) and Lyman-Hager & Davis (1996), one of the most common word-focused activities used during reading is consulting a gloss or a dictionary. Glosses and dictionaries are used by learners to facilitate comprehension, but their use can contribute to small increments in vocabulary learning as well. For example, Luppescu & Day (1993) found that students using a dictionary during reading gained higher scores on a posttest than those who did not.

2. The study 2.1. Aim The aim of the present study is to explore the impact of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries on the retention of unfamiliar words irrespective of types of tasks, (i.e. messageoriented and form-oriented tasks). The other purposes of the current study are to characterize the interaction between gender and bilinguality of the subjects and retention of unknown wor ds .Thepr e s e ntr e s e a r c he r ’ sobj e c t i ve sa r et he r e f or et of i ndoutwhe t he rdi f f e r e ntki nds of dictionaries affect incidental vocabulary acquisition and if they do, to explain which of these associates with positive consequences in retention of unfamiliar words.

2.2. Subjects The researcher in this study used non-probability sample designs (Cohen, 1998) to select the student population for this study.Mor es pe c i f i c a l l y ,‘ quot as a mpl i ng ’ ,whi c hi st henon13

probability equivalent of stratified sampling (Nachmias & Nachmias, 1981), was used. In order to ensure representativeness of the sample, in relation to the population, students' field of study was used as an important criterion for sampling. The subjects were 161 Iranian EFL university students, selected from a pool of over 300 students in Teacher Training Center (TTC), public and Payamnoor universities. The potential moderator variables such as age and gender were controlled. The subjects were both male and female and their ages ranged from 22 to 28 years. They were all undergraduates majoring in the English language. It is worth noting that of the original cohort, the data from twenty-three subjects were excluded as a result of being absent for the delayed post-test. The final sample size was 138. The participants were finally categorized into two groups: Group A (87 male/female monolinguals), who were able to use just Persian as a language at home or external to that; Group B (74 male/female bilinguals) who used Turkish and Persian as a first and second language respectively. Subjects were randomly assigned to use either monolingual or bilingual dictionaries

2.3. Materials 2.3.1. Reading passage To ensure that the reading passage was an appropriate one in terms of text difficulty level that would allow general comprehension, some passages were randomly selected and then a readability formula was run afterward to obtain an index of readability for them. The mean index turned out to be 22.83. The readability formula, after studying many texts, was then run for the above-mentioned texts, which turned out to be 23.7 and seemed quite suitable for the purpose of this study. As the aim of the present study was to stimulate vocabulary retention following the use of


dictionary resources, careful consideration was given to the length and density of unknown vocabulary in the text. Hu and Nation (2000) suggest that the learner may reach an adequate comprehension level of a text at a density of 98% known vocabulary, but that in the intensive reading of short passages, less than 95% coverage may be suitable for developing language and the use of reading strategies. The text used in the present study, therefore, included 91% of words, which were assumed to be familiar to the learners. This density was regarded as being at an appropriate level to enable the learners to be sufficiently challenged so as to want to use the dictionary resources.

2.3.2. Target words The text contained twelve words, including four nouns, four adjectives and four verbs, all of which were unlikely to be familiar to the subjects. This was verified in a pilot test in which fourteen students of a similar English proficiency who had not participated in the experiment were asked to underline any words in the passage that they did not know the meaning of. The twelve target words were the only words that were underlined in the text and the students were requested to focus on them. These words were indigenous, arduous, boisterous, stunning, affability, dusk, itinerary, remuneration, resurrects, toiling, squander and saunter.

2.3.3. Tasks Ther e s e a r c he ri nt r oduc e dt wot a s ks .Ea c ht a s kdr e wt hes ubj e c t s ’a t t e nt i ont oe a c hoft he twelve target words in a different manner. The researcher encouraged the subjects to clear up any doubts they had in completing the tasks, and were provided with the necessary information to assist with this. In task 1, the learners had to select the meaning of underlined words from four options, 15

which were high frequency words. Example 1 illustrates this task:

1- In line 3 arduous me ans …………. .. a) kind


c) hard

d) observable

As can be seen from this task, attention is drawn to the word itself, rather than to the context surrounding it. Hence, this task is called a form-oriented task. In task 2, a synonym or paraphrase of the practiced word was provided and the learners had to select its corresponding word form from four options, which consisted of the correct target word and three distracters selected from the twelve target words. This task is called a formoriented production task. Example 2 illustrates this task:

2- Which word means to waste? a) itinerary

b) arduous

c) saunter

d) squander

2.4. Research Questions The following research questions were addressed in this study: 1. Do learners acquire different numbers of words using monolingual or bilingual dictionaries as reflected in the result of an immediate test (a), and as reflected in the result of a delayed test (b)? 2. Is there differential gain for mono and bilinguals after intervention in immediate and delayed post-tests?


3. Is there differential gain for male and female subjects after intervention in immediate and delayed post-tests?

2.5. Procedure In the process of carrying out the study, the researcher took the following procedures to achieve its objectives. All the procedures including the development of the background questionnaire, pre-test, reading for general meaning, task performance, immediate post-test, delayed post-test and their administration are explained in detail below: In the first step of the research, a background questionnaire was developed in order to elicit some personal information from subjects on their bi / monolingual status, gender and age. On the basis of their answers to item 6 (‘ The language or languages that you use in and out of home’ ) in the questionnaire, the subjects were first divided into two groups; monolingual-if a subject was able to use just Persian in communication whether at home or external to that, he/she was classified as a monolingual, and bilingual- if a subject was able to use either Turkish (as a first language) or Persian (as a second language) in communication, he /she was classified as a bilingual. A pre-test was then administered in which twelve words were listed in alphabetical order and participants were asked to give the meanings of any words they knew in English or Persian. In the third step, a text in which the target words were inserted in bold font was given to the subjects to read so as to understand the general meaning of the text. After a couple of minutes, the subjects, who were randomly assigned to use either bilingual or monolingual dictionaries, were asked to complete the respective tasks. It may be worth mentioning that the subjects were informed that in the event of any difficulties with the meanings of the target words, they were requested to consult dictionaries they were provided with in order to ascertain their meanings. The subjects were prohibited from writing the meanings of the target words in their notebook or on a piece of paper while


they were completing the tasks, since the aim of the present study was to test retention of incidental words while using mono or bilingual dictionaries. Once the tasks were completed, the subjects were to give the meaning of each word either in English or Persian immediately in a so-called immediate post-test. Hence incidental a c qui s i t i onofvoc a bul a r ywa sope r a t i ona l i z e di nt hes t udya st hea bi l i t yt or e c a l lawor d’ s meaning in L1 or L2. The above test was repeated 10 days later without advanced warning in order to check the retention of the words in a delayed post-test.

2.6. Data analysis Having collected all data from the pre-tests, immediate and delayed post-tests, SPSS for Windows (version 14-evaluation version) was employed to calculate the impact of type of dictionary use, gender and bilingualism on the retention of incidental words. As mentioned previously, the main aim of this study was to identify how many of these twelve target words could be retained by the subjects. Therefore, a score of 0 was given for an incorrect or unattempted answer and a score of 1 was given for a correct answer. Spelling and minor grammatical errors such as punctuation were disregarded as the main focus of the study was on the ability to recall the meaning of a word. Having administered the pre-test, those subjects who knew more than two target words were excluded. Therefore, in the event there were subjects who knew two words, their scores were adjusted accordingly by converting them from 10 (instead of 12) to a percentage grade. The immediate and delayed post-tests provided data on incidental learning of the target words. The maximum raw score on each of the tests could be 12 if all twelve words had been retained.


3. Results and Discussion 3.1. The first hypothesis *Learners acquire different numbers of words using monolingual or bilingual dictionaries (a) as reflected in the result of an immediate test, and (b) as reflected in the result of a delayed test. Before subjecting the data to repeated measure ANOVA to establish matching and randomization group, an independent sampl e‘ t ’t e s twa se mpl oy e dt os e ewhe t he rt wo groups differ from each other. The ‘ t’ -test revealed a non-s i g ni f i c a ntva l ue( ‘ t ’=. 158 ; P