The Efficacy of Peripheral Opioid Antagonists in

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and naloxegol in treating either opioid-induced constipation or postopera- tive ileus. Peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonists may be effec-.


The Efficacy of Peripheral Opioid Antagonists in Opioid-Induced Constipation and Postoperative Ileus A Systematic Review of the Literature Eric S. Schwenk, MD,* Alexander E. Grant, MD,† Marc C. Torjman, PhD,* Stephen E. McNulty, DO,* Jaime L. Baratta, MD,* and Eugene R. Viscusi, MD*

Abstract: Opioid-induced constipation has a negative impact on quality of life for patients with chronic pain and can affect more than a third of patients. A related but separate entity is postoperative ileus, which is an abnormal pattern of gastrointestinal motility after surgery. Nonselective μ-opioid receptor antagonists reverse constipation and opioid-induced ileus but cross the blood-brain barrier and may reverse analgesia. Peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonists target the μ-opioid receptor without reversing analgesia. Three such agents are US Food and Drug Administration approved. We reviewed the literature for randomized controlled trials that studied the efficacy of alvimopan, methylnaltrexone, and naloxegol in treating either opioid-induced constipation or postoperative ileus. Peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonists may be effective in treating both opioid-induced bowel dysfunction and postoperative ileus, but definitive conclusions are not possible because of study inconsistency and the relatively low quality of evidence. Comparisons of agents are difficult because of heterogeneous end points and no head-to-head studies. (Reg Anesth Pain Med 2017;42: 00–00)


espite recent focus on the opioid epidemic, millions of patients rely on opioids to treat their chronic pain.1 Opioid-related adverse drug effects are common, especially opioid-induced bowel dysfunction, which is a spectrum of symptoms including dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, gastric stasis, bloating, abdominal pain, and opioid-induced constipation (OIC).2 Opioid-induced constipation is especially prevalent, affecting up to 41% of patients taking long-term opioids.3 A working group of experts recently proposed that OIC be defined as a change when initiating opioid therapy from baseline bowel habits that is characterized by any of the following: reduced bowel movement (BM)

From the *Department of Anesthesiology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University; and †Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. Accepted for publication June 12, 2017. Address correspondence to: Eric S. Schwenk, MD, Department of Anesthesiology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, Suite 8130, Gibbon Bldg, 111 S 11th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 (e‐mail: [email protected]). This work is attributed to Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. Source of funding: Departmental funding. E.R.V. has served as a consultant for AcelRx, Medicines Company, Mallinkrodt, Trevena, Cara Pharmaceuticals, Salix, AstraZeneca, and Merck. His institution has received research grants in the past from AcelRx, Adolor, Progenics, and Pacira. He has been a paid lecturer for AcelRx, Merck, Salix, and Mallinkrodt. None of these companies were involved in any aspect of the development of this manuscript. The other authors declare no conflict of interest. Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on the journal's Web site ( Copyright © 2017 by American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine ISSN: 1098-7339 DOI: 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000671

frequency, development or worsening of straining to pass BMs, a sense of incomplete rectal evacuation, or harder stool consistency.4 Postoperative ileus (POI) is a related but distinct entity from OIC that also involves loss of forward propulsive motion of the gut but in the perioperative setting. A standard POI definition does not exist in the literature, but the authors of 1 review suggest that it is “an abnormal pattern of gastrointestinal motility, most frequently occurring after abdominal surgery” and encompasses the “interval from surgery until passage of flatus/stool and tolerance of an oral diet.”5 Postoperative ileus has a multifactorial etiology that is shared with OIC, including the surgical stress response,6,7 the inflammatory response that accompanies bowel manipulation,6–8 and opioids that are both endogenously released by the gastrointestinal (GI) tract7 and given by clinicians for intraoperative and postoperative analgesia.9 Most importantly, POI can be a driver of poor patient satisfaction, increase hospital length of stay, and increase overall hospital costs.10 Throughout the hospital, physicians will likely encounter patients with 1 or both of these conditions and need a good working knowledge of the basic mechanisms and therapeutic options that are available to treat these relatively common pathophysiologic states. Conventional therapies, including fiber, opioid rotation, stool softeners, and laxatives, have limited data to support their use in OIC.11 They may be used initially with relatively low risk and minimal cost but are unlikely to effectively treat the symptoms alone. Nonspecific opioid antagonists can reverse OIC and POI but may reverse analgesia as well.12 Drugs that specifically block the μ-opioid receptor outside the central nervous system, collectively known as peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor (PAM-OR) antagonists, have been developed as a possible solution to this problem. Peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonists specifically target the μ-opioid receptor in the peripheral nervous system and treat one of the major underlying mechanisms of both OIC and POI. In the United States, 3 such drugs are approved for 1 of these 2 indications: alvimopan, methylnaltrexone, and naloxegol. Currently, alvimopan has approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a “peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonist indicated to accelerate the time to upper and lower gastrointestinal recovery following partial large or small bowel resection surgery with primary anastomosis.”13 Methylnaltrexone was first approved as a subcutaneous injection “for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced illness who are receiving palliative care, when response to laxative therapy has not been sufficient”14 and very recently was approved in the oral formulation for patients with chronic noncancer pain and OIC.15 The most recent addition to the PAM-OR antagonists, naloxegol, has been in clinical use since its approval in 2014 as “an opioid antagonist indicated for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation (OIC) in adult patients with chronic noncancer pain.”16 Several randomized trials involving

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017


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Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

Schwenk et al

PAM-OR antagonists have recently been published17,18; in addition, previous reviews have focused solely on a single agent19,20 or either OIC21 or POI7 but not both. Therefore, an update that discusses strengths and limitations of the evidence is warranted. We conducted a systematic review for randomized, placebo-controlled trials that compared alvimopan, methylnaltrexone, and naloxegol with placebo and had efficacy as the primary end point. The subsequent discussion will focus on the evidence for these PAM-OR antagonists in treating OIC and POI.

METHODS We conducted the review protocol using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) guidelines (Supplemental Digital Content 1, AAP/A228).22 During the months of April and May 2016 and again in February 2017, we conducted searches using PubMed and Scopus databases looking for randomized, placebo-controlled trials that studied the efficacy of alvimopan, methylnaltrexone, or naloxegol in patients with OIC or POI. The last date searched was February 3, 2017. There were no date limitations placed on the searches in either database. We used the following search protocol in PubMed: (((“alvimopan”[Supplementary Concept] OR “alvimopan” [All Fields]) OR (“methylnaltrexone”[Supplementary Concept] OR “methylnaltrexone”[All Fields]) OR (“naloxegol”[Supplementary Concept] OR “naloxegol”[All Fields])) OR “peripheral opioid antagonist”[All Fields] OR “peripherally acting opioid antagonist” [All Fields] OR (peripheral[All Fields] AND mu[All Fields] AND antagonist[All Fields]) OR (peripheral[All Fields] AND mu [All Fields] AND (“narcotic antagonists”[Pharmacological Action] OR “narcotic antagonists”[MeSH Terms] OR (“narcotic” [All Fields] AND “antagonists”[All Fields]) OR “narcotic antagonists” [All Fields] OR (“opioid”[All Fields] AND “antagonist” [All Fields]) OR “opioid antagonist”[All Fields])) OR “opioid antagonist”[All Fields]) AND (“postoperative ileus” OR “opioidinduced bowel dysfunction”[All Fields] OR “opioid-induced constipation”[All Fields]). Our search protocol for Scopus included the following: (ALL (alvimopan) OR ALL (methylnaltrexone) OR ALL (naloxegol) OR ALL (peripheral opioid antagonist) OR ALL (peripherally acting opioid antagonist) OR ALL (opioid antagonist) AND ALL (opioid-induced bowel dysfunction) OR ALL (opioid-induced constipation) OR ALL (postoperative ileus)) AND DOCTYPE (ar) AND (LIMIT-TO(LANGUAGE,”English”)).

Inclusion Criteria Studies that were written in English involving clinical patients who had OIC and were being given either a PAM-OR antagonist or placebo or were given a PAM-OR antagonist or placebo for the purpose of treating or preventing POI were included.

Exclusion Criteria Studies that examined a PAM-OR antagonist in the setting of experimentally induced OIC (eg, giving healthy volunteers codeine followed by a PAM-OR antagonist) were extracted but included in a separate table and not included in the formal review. Studies that were prospective but did not include a placebo group were excluded, as were studies in which patients were not randomized. Also excluded were post hoc or subset analyses of clinical trials that had been previously published. When applicable, only the blinded portion of a study was reviewed and analyzed.


Review Protocol and Evidence Grading Evidence quality was assessed using the GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) approach (Tables 1 and 2).38 Using this approach, studies are classified as high, moderate, low, or very low quality of evidence. All articles were first reviewed independently by E.S.S. and A.E.G. and assessed for inclusion in the review. If the determination could not be made from reading the article title, the abstract was reviewed, and if ambiguity remained after that, the full article was subsequently downloaded and reviewed. Reference lists from screened articles were searched as well. Discrepancies were resolved by discussion between E.S.S. and A.E.G. Articles that met all inclusion criteria but studied OIC treatment in healthy volunteers were not included in the formal review but are shown separately in Table 3.

RESULTS Study Selection Initial search of the literature yielded 1314 articles (Fig. 1). Screening of reference lists yielded 2 additional studies.39,40 One additional study that was initially excluded because it referred to alvimopan as ADL8-2698, its investigational name, was later included in the review after confirming that it did in fact study alvimopan (Fig. 1).41 Because of the overlap between PubMed and Scopus databases, there were 158 duplicates. Reasons for exclusion are shown in Figure 1. The 2 most common reasons for exclusion were that PAM-OR antagonists were not studied (n = 588), which primarily applied to Scopus articles, and that the studies were not randomized controlled trials (RCTs; n = 459). A total of 23 studies were included in the final review. The 4 RCTs that enrolled healthy volunteers were grouped separately and are shown in Table 3.23–26

Opioid-Induced Bowel Dysfunction Studies in Healthy Volunteers Four phase 1 studies enrolled healthy volunteers and administered a μ-opioid agonist to induce delay in gut transit and then administered a PAM-OR antagonist to evaluate its effects on gut transit time compared with placebo (Table 3).26,25,23,24 In the single study on alvimopan,23 12 mg was given along with codeine 30 mg 4 times a day, and alvimopan reversed the codeineinduced delay in gut transit and improved gut transit in patients not given codeine as well. In one of the studies that enrolled healthy volunteers who were given morphine and then randomly assigned to 1 of 2 doses of subcutaneous methylnaltrexone or placebo,25 both the 0.1and 0.3-mg/kg doses reversed morphine-induced delay in gut transit time. Wong et al,24 however, did not find any difference between subcutaneous methylnaltrexone 0.3 mg/kg and placebo in reducing the codeine-induced delay in gut transit. Yuan et al26 gave healthy volunteers intravenous methylnaltrexone 0.45 mg/kg after giving them morphine and found that methylnaltrexone prevented 97% of morphine-induced delay in gut transit time.

Opioid-Induced Constipation Studies A total of 14 RCTs that studied PAM-OR antagonists in the setting of OIC were included in the review (Table 1). All alvimopan studies included patients with noncancer pain who were given oral alvimopan in either a 0.5- or 1-mg dose. The primary outcome for 2 studies was the percentage of patients with at least 3 spontaneous BMs (SBMs) per week.27,28 One study's primary outcome was the mean frequency of weekly © 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

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Patient Population

© 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Yes (no difference in opioid consumption or pain scores)

Yes (no difference in opioid consumption or pain scores)

Yes (no difference in opioid consumption or pain scores)

Analgesia Maintained?

Greater percentage of patients Two patients in 1-mg in both treatment groups group had worsening had BM within 8 h; accelerated of pain time to first BM for both treatment groups

Greater mean weekly SBM frequency in all 3 alvimopan groups over first 3 wk

No difference in percentage of patients with at least 3 SBMs per week

Greater percentage of patients had at least 3 SBMs per week

Efficacy Outcome

12 mg subcutaneously or placebo daily for 4–7 d

12 mg subcutaneously daily or every other day or placebo for 4 wk

Michna et al,32 2011 Randomized, double-blind, Noncancer pain placebo-controlled (n = 460) phase 3 trial

Accelerated time to first RFBM; greater percentage of patients had RFBM within 2 and 4 h

Accelerated time to first SBM; greater percentage of patients with SBM within 2 and 4 h of first dose

Yes (no difference in pain scores)

Yes (no difference in pain scores)

150, 300, or 450 mg orally Greater percentage of patients Yes (no difference or placebo once daily with mean number of dosing in pain scores) for 4 wk, followed by days resulting in RFBM within open-label period of 8 wk 4 h of dosing during weeks 1–4 for both 300- and 450-mg doses; accelerated time to first RFBM Randomized, double-blind, Cancer and noncancer 8 or 12 mg subcutaneously Accelerated time to first RFBM; Yes (no difference in placebo-controlled pain (n = 230) or placebo every other greater percentage of patients opioid consumption phase 4 trial day for 2 wk had RFBM within 4 h or pain scores)

Randomized, double-blind, Noncancer pain placebo-controlled (n = 803) phase 3 trial

Anissian et al,31 2012 Randomized, double-blind, Noncancer pain placebo-controlled (n = 33) phase 2 trial

Bull et al,17 2015

Methylnaltrexone Rauck et al,18 2017

0.5 or 1 mg orally or placebo once daily for 21 d

Paulson et al,30 2005 Randomized, double-blind, Noncancer pain placebo-controlled trial (n = 168)

0.5 mg orally daily or BID or placebo for 12 wk

0.5 mg orally daily or BID or placebo for 12 wk

Dosing Regimen

0.5 mg orally BID orally, 1 mg daily, 1 mg BID, or placebo for 6 wk

Randomized, double-blind, Noncancer pain placebo-controlled phase (n = 485) 3 trial

Randomized, double-blind, Noncancer pain placebo-controlled (n = 518) phase 3 trial

Study Design

Webster et al,29 2008 Randomized, double-blind, Noncancer pain placebo-controlled phase (n = 522) 2b trial

Irving et al,28 2011

Alvimopan Jansen et al,27 2011


TABLE 1. Opioid-Induced Constipation Studies

Continued next page

Very low Pro: large effect size Con: very small sample size, unusual inclusion criteria Low Pro: large sample size, dose-response gradient Con: small effect size

Moderate Pro: large effect size despite laxative use

Moderate Pro: large sample size, dose-response gradient, large effect size despite laxative use

Low Pro: large sample size, dose-response gradient Con: high responder rate in placebo group Low Pro: large sample size Con: high responder rate in placebo group Low Pro: large sample size Con: inconsistent dose-response gradient, changing of doses during study Low Con: small effect size, high responder rate in placebo group

Quality of Evidence

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017 Opioid Antagonists, Constipation, Ileus


Copyright © 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

4 Patient Population

Dosing Regimen

BID indicates twice per day.

Low Pro: large effect size despite laxative use Con: moderate sample size, no dose-response gradient Low Pro: large effect size Con: moderate sample size, only 1 dose evaluated

Quality of Evidence

Yes (no difference in opioid consumption and pain scores)

Yes (no difference in opioid consumption or pain scores)

Moderate Pro: very large sample size, dose-response gradient Con: high responder rate in placebo group Low Pro: dose-response gradient Con: moderate sample size

Possibly (patient-reported Very low symptoms 10 min after Con: exploratory study drug given were absent; with very small sample no pain scores reported) size and no power analysis

Yes (no difference in pain scores)

Analgesia Maintained?

Thomas et al,34 2008 Randomized, double-blind, Cancer and noncancer 0.15 mg/kg subcutaneously Greater percentage of placebo-controlled pain (n = 133) or placebo every other patients had RFBM phase 3 trial day for 2 wk within 4 h; greater percentage of patients had RFBM after ≥2 of first 4 doses Randomized, double-blind, Noncancer pain Up to 0.365 mg/kg Laxation during or within Yuan et al,35 2000 placebo-controlled trial (n = 22) IV or placebo 1 min of infusion occurred in 10 of 11 patients in methylnaltrexone group; no patients in placebo group experienced laxation Naloxegol Two randomized, Noncancer pain (study 12.5 or 25 mg orally Accelerated time to first Chey et al,36 2014 double-blind, 4, n = 641; study 2, or placebo daily RFBM for 25 mg in both placebo-controlled n = 696) for 12 wk trials and for 12.5 mg in phase 3 trial one trial; greater percentage of patients had 3 RFBMs at 12 wk 5, 25, or 50 mg orally Greater median SBMs per Webster et al,37 2013 Randomized, double-blind, Cancer and placebo-controlled noncancer pain or placebo daily week for both 25 and phase 2 trial (n = 207) for 4 wk 50-mg groups, which persisted for 4 wk

Efficacy Outcome Yes (no difference in pain scores)

Randomized, double-blind, Cancer and noncancer 0.15 mg/kg or 0.3 mg/kg placebo-controlled pain (n = 154) subcutaneously or phase 3 trial placebo for unknown duration

Study Design Greater percentage of patients had RFBM within 4 h

Slatkin et al,33 2009


TABLE 1. (Continued)

Schwenk et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

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Copyright © 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Patient Population

Randomized, Patients undergoing double-blind, radical cystectomy placebo-controlled (n = 280) phase 3 trial

Study Design

© 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Analgesia Maintained?

6 or 12 mg orally or placebo Accelerated time to GI-3 Yes (no difference preoperatively then twice recovery (primary end point), in maximum daily for 7 d GI-2 recovery, and DCO pain scores) for 6-mg group only

Yes (no difference in maximum pain scores)

Patients undergoing Delaney et al,47 2005 Randomized, double-blind, major abdominal placebo-controlled surgery (n = 451) phase 3 trial

No difference in GI-3 recovery (primary end point); accelerated time to GI-2 recovery and DCO for both groups

6 or 12 mg orally or placebo preoperatively then twice daily for 7 d or until discharge

Yes (no difference in pain scores)

Patients undergoing Viscusi et al,46 2006 Randomized, double-blind, major abdominal placebo-controlled surgery (n = 666) phase 3 trial

Accelerated time to GI-2 recovery and first BM (secondary end point)

12 mg orally daily or placebo preoperatively then twice daily for 7 d

Yes (no difference in pain scores)

Yes (no difference in opioid consumption)

Accelerated time to GI-2 Yes (no difference recovery (primary end point) in opioid and DCO written for both consumption) groups; shorter LOS

Efficacy Outcome

12 mg orally or placebo Accelerated time to GI-2 preoperatively then twice recovery (primary end daily until discharge point), GI-3 recovery, and DCO written for both groups; shorter LOS 6 or 12 mg orally or placebo No difference in GI-3 preoperatively then twice recovery (primary end daily until discharge point) for both groups

12 mg orally daily or placebo daily for a maximum of 15 doses

Dosing Regimen

Women undergoing Herzog et al,45 2006 Randomized, double-blind, total abdominal placebo-controlled hysterectomy phase 3 trial (n = 519)

Patients undergoing Büchler et al,44 2008 Randomized, double-blind, major abdominal placebo-controlled surgery (n = 911) phase 3 trial

Patients undergoing Ludwig et al,43 2008 Randomized, double-blind, bowel resection placebo-controlled (n = 654) phase 3 trial

Alvimopan Lee et al,42 2014


TABLE 2. Postoperative Ileus Studies

Continued next page

Moderate Pro: large effect size, all secondary end points positive, single surgery type Con: epidural analgesia not allowed Moderate Pro: large sample size, all secondary end points positive Con: epidural analgesia not mentioned Moderate Pro: large sample size Con: mixed population, epidural analgesia not allowed Low Pro: large sample size Con: powered to assess safety and tolerability (not efficacy), not generalizable to men, epidural analgesia not mentioned Low Pro: large sample size, multimodal protocol Con: primary end point not met but secondary end points met, epidural analgesia not mentioned, no dose-response gradient Low Pro: large sample size Con: no dose-response gradient, inconsistent results between bowel resection and hysterectomy

Quality of Evidence

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017 Opioid Antagonists, Constipation, Ileus


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Patient Population

Randomized, Patients undergoing double-blind, major abdominal placebo-controlled surgery (n = 510) phase 3 trial

Study Design

DCO indicates discharge order; LOS, length of stay.

Efficacy Outcome

Analgesia Maintained?

No difference between groups in time to first BM (primary outcome) or discharge eligibility

Very low Con: small sample size, no primary end point defined

Very low Pro: dose-response gradient Con: small sample size, epidural analgesia excluded

Moderate Pro: large sample size, dose-response gradient Con: epidural analgesia not mentioned

Quality of Evidence

Unknown (pain scores not Moderate assessed and opioid Pro: large sample size, consumption not formally primary and secondary analyzed) end points consistent Con: epidural analgesia excluded

Accelerated time to GI recovery, Yes (no difference in pain which included first SBM; scores or opioid accelerated time to DCO consumption)

6 or 12 mg orally or placebo Accelerated time to GI-3 Yes, for the 12-mg preoperatively then twice recovery (primary end point), group only daily for 7 d or until GI-2 recovery, and DCO (no difference in discharge for both groups opioid consumption or pain scores); 6-mg group consumed more opioids than placebo 1 or 6 mg orally or placebo Accelerated time to GI Yes (no difference in preoperatively then twice recovery and first flatus pain scores or opioid daily until first BM (primary outcomes) consumption) or discharge and median time to first SBM. Results were more pronounced in 6-mg group

Dosing Regimen

Methylnaltrexone Patients undergoing 0.3 mg/kg IV or placebo Viscusi et al,40 2013 Randomized, double-blind, segmental colectomy within 90 min of surgery placebo-controlled (n = 65) completion and every phase 2 trial 6 for 24 h or toleration of solid food Randomized, Patients undergoing Yu et al,48 2011 12 or 24 mg IV or placebo double-blind, segmental colectomy every 6 h starting placebo-controlled (study 1, n = 515; within 90 min of phase 3 trial study 2, n = 533) surgery completion for 10 d or 24 h after GI recovery

Patients undergoing Taguchi et al,41 2001 Randomized, double-blind, major abdominal placebo-controlled surgery (n = 78) phase 1 trial

Wolff et al, 2004


TABLE 2. (Continued)

Schwenk et al Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

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Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

Opioid Antagonists, Constipation, Ileus

TABLE 3. Healthy Subjects Given Opioids and PAM-OR Antagonists


Study Design

Patient Population

Dosing Regimen

Alvimopan Gonenne et al,23 2005 Randomized, Healthy volunteers Four groups: double-blind, (n = 74) placebo-controlled 1. Alvimopan 12 mg orally twice trial daily with codeine 30 mg every 6 h 2. Alvimopan 12 mg orally twice daily without codeine 3. Codeine 30 mg every 6 h alone

Efficacy Outcome Alvimopan reversed codeine's effect on small bowel and colon transit. Alvimopan alone also accelerated overall colonic transit compared with placebo.

4. Placebo alone Methylnaltrexone Wong et al,24 2010

Yuan et al,25 2002

Yuan et al,26 1996

Randomized, Healthy volunteers Four groups: Methylnaltrexone did not double-blind, (n = 48) alter GI or colonic transit placebo-controlled and does not reverse acute 1. Methylnaltrexone 0.3 mg/kg trial codeine-associated delayed subcutaneously daily with gut transit in healthy subjects. codeine 30 mg every 6 h 2. Methylnaltrexone 0.3 mg/kg subcutaneously daily 3. Codeine 30 mg every 6 h 4. Subcutaneous and oral placebo Randomized, Healthy volunteers Two groups: Both 0.3- and 0.1-mg/kg double-blind, (n = 12) doses reversed delayed placebo-controlled gut transit time induced 1. Methylnaltrexone 0.3 mg/kg trial by morphine subcutaneously daily with morphine 0.05 mg/kg or placebo on separate sessions 2. Methylnaltrexone 0.1 mg/kg subcutaneously daily with morphine 0.05 mg/kg or placebo on separate sessions Randomized, Healthy volunteers Three groups: Methylnaltrexone prevented double-blind, (n = 12) 97% of morphine-induced placebo-controlled delay in oral-cecal transit time 1. Methylnaltrexone 0.45 mg/kg IV trial with morphine 0.05 mg/kg 2. Placebo with morphine 0.05 mg/kg 3. Placebo

SBMs,29 and in another it was the percentage of patients that had a BM within 8 hours.30 When analyzing the primary outcome of the 4 studies on alvimopan, 3 showed a positive result for the alvimopan group,27,29,30 and 1 showed no difference.28 Study quality was low for all 4 studies. The effects of alvimopan on μ-opioid receptors in the central nervous system were minimal. Three alvimopan studies reported no differences in pain scores or opioid consumption between study groups,27–29 whereas 1 study described 2 patients in the group who received alvimopan 1 mg who had increases in pain but no difference between groups receiving the 0.5-mg dose.30 There were 7 studies on methylnaltrexone for OIC.17,18,31–35 Four studies included patients with noncancer pain only,18,31,32,35 whereas the other 3 enrolled patients with both cancer and noncancer pain.17,33,34 The selected dose for studies with subcutaneous methylnaltrexone was 12 mg in 2 studies,31,32 8 or 12 mg in 1 study,17 0.15 mg/kg in 1 study,34 0.15 or 0.3 mg/kg in 1 study,33 and up to 0.365 mg/kg in the study that used intravenous methylnaltrexone.35 The single study of oral methylnaltrexone included doses of 150, 300, and 450 mg.18 The primary outcome was positive in all 7 studies. In 5 studies, the primary outcome © 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

was achievement of an SBM within 4 hours of receiving the study drug.17,31–34 Another study had no primary end point but reported that laxation occurred within 1 minute of initiating methylnaltrexone intravenous infusion in 10 of 11 patients.35 In the single study of the oral formulation, the primary end point was the percentage of patients with a mean number of dosing days resulting in an SBM within 4 hours of dosing. Although this end point was greater in both 300- and 450-mg groups, it was lower than the response rate for the subcutaneous formulation.18 The 450-mg dose had the highest efficacy without increasing adverse events. Study quality was moderate for 2 studies,17,18 low for 3 studies,34,33,32 and very low for 2 studies.31,35 In 5 of the studies, analgesia was preserved based on no differences in pain scores, opioid consumption, or both between treatment groups.17,31–34 For oral methylnaltrexone, pain scores did not change from baseline.18 In the remaining study, pain and opioid use were not assessed, but patients reported no change in subjective withdrawal symptoms.35 In the largest study by Michna et al,32 rescue laxatives were used by 61.7% of the placebo group versus 38.7% in the daily-dosing group and 41.7% in the everyother-day dosing group.


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Schwenk et al

Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

FIGURE 1. Study flow diagram.

There were 2 published articles for naloxegol, one of which described a study involving patients with cancer and noncancer pain,37 whereas the other studied only noncancer pain and consisted of 2 smaller trials.36 Both studies had positive outcomes for the primary outcome, which was a greater number of SBMs per week for both 25- and 50-mg doses in the article by Webster et al37 and accelerated time to first rescue-free BM (RFBM) for 25 mg in both trials for Chey et al36 and 12.5 mg in 1 of 2 trials. Study quality was moderate for 1 study36 and low for the other.37 In both naloxegol studies, analgesia was preserved with no differences in pain scores or opioid consumption existing between study groups. The use of rescue laxatives was high in placebo and treatment groups for the study by Chey et al36 (72.0%, 63.4%, and 54.7% in study 4 and 70.7%, 57.3%, and 57.3% in study 5). When comparing naloxegol to oral methylnaltrexone, 50% of patients who received 25 mg of naloxegol had an RFBM within 6 hours of the first dose, compared with approximately 30% of patients


who received 450 mg of oral methylnaltrexone.18,37 However, the incidence of GI adverse events was greater for naloxegol than for oral methylnaltrexone.

Postoperative Ileus Studies A total of 10 studies on POI were included in the review (Table 2). Primary end points of the studies varied, but most used the achievement of either GI-2 recovery (toleration of solid food and first BM) or GI-3 recovery (toleration of solid food and flatus or first BM). Of the 8 studies that examined alvimopan, 5 studies enrolled patients who underwent major abdominal surgery,39,41,44,46,47 1 included bowel resection,43 1 included patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy,45 and 1 study included radical cystectomy.42 Aside from the study by Taguchi et al,41 which was a phase 1 study, 4 of the other alvimopan studies examined both 6- and 12-mg doses,39,44,46,47 whereas the © 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

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Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

remaining 3 used only 12 mg.42,43,45 These doses were 3- to 6-fold greater than the doses used for OIC. Of note, 6 alvimopan studies excluded chronic opioid users.41,43–47 Six studies reported positive results for the primary outcome of accelerated GI recovery (flatus, GI-2, or GI-3),39,41–43,45,47 whereas 2 alvimopan studies found no difference between groups,44,46 although Viscusi et al46 did report an accelerated time to GI-2 recovery (secondary end point) in the alvimopan group for both 6- and 12-mg doses. Study quality was moderate for 4 studies,43,44,46,47 low for 2,42,45 and very low for 1 study.41 Analgesia was preserved in 7 of the studies for all groups,41–47 with the exception of the 6-mg group in 1 study that demonstrated greater opioid consumption than placebo.39 Yu et al48 studied intravenous (IV) methylnaltrexone for POI at both 12- and 24-mg doses in 2 identical, parallel-group studies for patients who underwent segmental colectomy. For the primary end point of time until first SBM, they found no difference between groups. They also found no difference among any secondary end points. Study quality was moderate. Preservation of analgesia was unclear because the authors did not report pain scores or opioid consumption, although they stated that “there was no evidence that methylnaltrexone increased the requirement for opioids to relieve postsurgical pain.” Viscusi et al,40 in contrast, studied IV methylnaltrexone in the setting of POI and found that it accelerated time to first SBM; however, this study was exploratory with a small sample size (n = 65) that was not determined prior to patient enrollment.

DISCUSSION This review demonstrates that PAM-OR antagonists may be effective for OIC and POI without reversing opioid-mediated analgesia, but study design inconsistency and variable end points make definitive conclusions impossible. Peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonists as a class prevent opioid-induced increases in gut transit time in healthy volunteers and provide specific, targeted treatment of OIC and POI that result from a loss of coordinated propulsive action in the gut due to opioids. The studies reviewed ranged from very low to moderate quality according to the GRADE recommendations for rating study quality.38 There is especially a need for comparative studies that directly compare 2 or more of the 3 agents studied here. Heterogeneity in end points as well as study protocols was a problem throughout the literature. Our results agree with the meta-analysis by Ford et al,21 who found that methylnaltrexone was more effective than placebo in treating OIC. Whereas their analysis included 6 trials, ours included 8. They also concluded that alvimopan was superior to placebo for OIC and included 4 trials, as we did. They too noted considerable heterogeneity among studies, more so with methylnaltrexone. Subsequent pooled analyses confirmed the efficacy of methylnaltrexone49,50 and suggested that it may be particularly effective in those patients taking large daily opioid doses. Rauck et al18 reported that GI adverse effects with oral methylnaltrexone occurred at the same rate as in the placebo group, which did not seem to be the case with the subcutaneous formulation.17,32 This should be considered when choosing between the 2 formulations, although this finding needs additional confirmatory studies. Although alvimopan was studied in the setting of OIC, it is approved only for the treatment of POI in hospitalized patients who have undergone partial small or large bowel resection surgery.51 This is reflected by the existence of fewer studies for alvimopan in OIC and the lack of recent, late-phase studies and post hoc analyses. As stated by Irving et al,28 “alvimopan was under clinical development for long-term treatment of opioid-induced © 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine

Opioid Antagonists, Constipation, Ileus

constipation, but this program has been discontinued.” Concerns by the FDA over the “imbalance” in the number of cardiovascular events (more myocardial infarctions) in the alvimopan group versus placebo group prompted the discontinuation of the OIC program and limited its approved indication to inpatient use only.52 Positive results in 1 of the 2 replicate phase 3 studies27 but not the other28 speak to the lack of evidence for a specific dose and inconsistent study design between these and an earlier phase 2 study.29 Naloxegol, the newest PAM-OR antagonist in the group, has demonstrated positive results in both studies in this review and agrees with the findings of other reviews.19 Leppert and Woron19 reported that naloxegol was effective in up to 49% of patients not responsive to standard laxatives and that naloxegol has been shown to be more effective than placebo in patients with OIC and noncancer pain. No studies have been performed in cancer patients.19 The approved dose is 25 mg.16 Comparison of naloxegol to oral methylnaltrexone is difficult because the primary end points are not the same from the published studies. However, the available data suggest that although both agents are effective, adverse effects occurred at a greater frequency with naloxegol compared with placebo,36,37 whereas patients who received oral methylnaltrexone had a similar rate of adverse effects as the placebo group.18 Although confirmatory studies are needed, this suggests oral methylnaltrexone may have a superior side effect profile. For POI, the only PAM-OR antagonist FDA approved for this indication is alvimopan. Heterogeneity in end points was a problem throughout the literature, with most studies using some composite form of return to GI function. When given preoperatively and continued postoperatively, we found that alvimopan is effective in reducing POI. An important exclusion in many of the studies was opioid use prior to surgery. This could limit the number of patients who can receive alvimopan. Viscusi et al7 reported that both methylnaltrexone and alvimopan do not cross the blood-brain barrier for different reasons: for methylnaltrexone, this is due to its polarity and low lipid solubility that results from the addition of a fourth methyl group to naltrexone, making it a quaternary structure; for alvimopan, this is due to its high polarity as a zwitterion. Our review included 3 additional alvimopan studies and 1 additional methylnaltrexone study not included in theirs. We found no evidence for reversal of opioid-mediated analgesia, although 1 study did not include any measurements.48 Methylnaltrexone studies for POI had conflicting evidence in this review. In the 2 studies that evaluated it in this context,40,48 the IV formulation was given postoperatively. It should be noted that the study that reported positive results enrolled 65 patients, whereas the study that found no improvement with methylnaltrexone was actually the results of 2 identical studies with n = 515 and n = 533. It should be noted that 3 alvimopan studies42,44,47 and 1 methylnaltrexone POI study48 specified that they did not allow epidural analgesia in the protocols, which is understandable given the existing evidence for epidurals.53 In the other POI studies, it was not stated whether epidural analgesia was excluded. In a multimodal or enhanced-recovery-after-surgery pathway involving epidural analgesia, the duration of ileus in the placebo group would likely be shorter. Similarly, intravenous lidocaine has been shown to reduce duration of ileus, and this was excluded from the studies as well.54 Therefore, clinicians should consider this when evaluating the potential improvement in POI duration that a PAM-OR antagonist may produce. Comparative-effectiveness studies in this field are clearly needed. None of the studies included in this review compared one PAM-OR antagonist to another. This makes direct comparisons


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Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

Schwenk et al

difficult especially when heterogeneity in end points for the individual studies is taken into account. In addition, laxatives were permitted in some studies but not in others, further complicating the picture. Although we did not analyze medication cost in this review, these charges as well as insurance coverage are additional considerations that may affect choice of agent. This review has some limitations. We were unable to determine if there were unpublished studies that did not show positive results, and it is possible that some of these were stopped prematurely. This may be particularly true with alvimopan, which was studied for OIC and subsequently abandoned for that indication. Second, there may be some studies that were not located through our search protocols. We attempted to minimize this limitation by combining 2 search databases, using 2 reviewers, and using as broad of a selection of search terms as feasible. However, studies with different key words or search terms could have been omitted.

CONCLUSIONS Peripherally acting μ-opioid receptor antagonists may be effective in both OIC and POI, but the inconsistency of study design, study end points, and lack of comparative studies limit the strength of our recommendations. Within the class, methylnaltrexone has the most consistent evidence, and its oral formulation may be slightly less effective than the subcutaneous formulation but cause fewer GI adverse effects. Although naloxegol is more effective than placebo for OIC, it seems to cause more adverse effects than oral methylnaltrexone. Alvimopan is the only FDAapproved and most well-studied agent for POI. Comparative studies are lacking. A multimodal treatment strategy for OIC and POI is recommended for these multifactorial disease states, and evaluation of these agents combined with epidural analgesia and intravenous lidocaine is needed. Additional PAM-OR antagonists are currently under development, but the potential market for these agents may become smaller as efforts to fight the opioid epidemic intensify.

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Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine • Volume 42, Number 6, November-December 2017

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© 2017 American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine


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