The end of the summer lull - BNP Paribas GlobalMarkets

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Eurozone spreads: OATs expensive vs both swap and Olos. 5. A rise in net government bond supply in France in September i
The end of the summer lull In this week’s Global Rates Plus: 7

Key views and trades for the week


UK: Risks skewed toward further 30s50s curve steepening

Global: The end of the summer lull


In September, gross gilt supply less coupons and APF re-investments will be most positive in 15y+ paper and most negative in shorter than 7y maturities. 8-9 US: Higher UST net supply with Fed SOMA reduction in sight

As supply conditions turn less favourable and with core inflation likely to rise, we expect the prospect of the Fed’s normalisation of its balance sheet and of ECB QE tapering in 2018 to lead to a rise in bond yields. 4 Eurozone: Rally is over, but it’s too early to turn very bearish We expect most of an autumn sell-off in bonds to be the result of more hawkish expectations regarding monetary policy, so the curve is likely to steepen up to its belly. The 5y is therefore the most exposed, in our view. 5 Eurozone spreads: OATs expensive vs both swap and Olos A rise in net government bond supply in France in September in contrast to a fall in Belgium is likely to lead to a widening of the OAT-Olo spread, in our view. This is particularly the case as OAT-Olo spreads tend to widen when spreads to Bunds widen in general, which is what we expect this autumn. 6

EUR non-core: Enter BTP 10s30s tactical steepeners

We recommend entering a tactical BTP 10s30s steepening trade due to upcoming seasonal steepening patterns, demand dynamics and positive carry.

We continue to expect a higher and steeper US rates curve to 10 years with a likely upcoming announcement of a change in Fed SOMA reinvestment policy at September FOMC. USD 14bn 5y TIPS supply should allow the 5y TIPS to cheapen in the curve from rich levels.

RATES FOCUS UK: Till death us do part

The private pension fund deficit has narrowed to its lowest level since October 2014. A continued narrowing could see demand for long-end and index-linked gilts fall, potentially leading to a steepening of curves.

Treasury and SAS issuance calendar, ECB QE tracker, selected 11-25 published articles, trade review, contacts & disclaimers Upcoming eurozone rating reviews: 18 August: Greece (Fitch), Belgium (DBRS), Ireland (DBRS) 25 August: Slovenia (Fitch), Finland (DBRS) 1 September: Germany (Fitch), Portugal (Moody’s) 8 September: Slovenia (Moody’s)

Please refer to important information & authors at the end of the report



Key views and trades for the week View and direction



The last leg of the bond rally seems over. We see the rally as a correction in a bear market and continue to target a rise in 10y Bund yield to 60bp by end-Q3 and 80bp by the end of 2017.

Long EUR 1% 2m10y payer swaptions.


We expect the 3m/5y segment to steepen back and the core and swap 10s30s sectors to flatten in H2 2017. The OAT curve is the most attractive to position for flattening, in our view.


The BTP 10s30s sector has entered its seasonal steepening period. A 2y BTP/Bono widener is a cheap risk-off hedge, in our view. 10y OATs are back to their richest 2016 level versus swap; we expect them to cheapen in coming months.

Pay EUR 5y swap BEI vs 10y swap BEI (0.75x1), targeting 75bp. Keep long OATi Mar-25 versus OATei Jul-24, targeting 5bp. Keep long SPGBei-24 real/nominal ASW discount.


We expect the change in MBS reinvestment policy to widen the basis from September, as MBS demand vs supply conditions deteriorate as a result of the Fed’s balance sheet normalisation.

Neutral on the basis in the near term, with continued liquidity support from the Fed, increasing REIT demand and low volatility. We target a 10-20bp widening of the MBS basis in 2018.

Duration/ Curve

Risk of higher supply, no QE and political uncertainty supports 10s30s steepening.

Keep 10s30s gilt curve steepener, targeting 80bp.


10y ASWs continue to look rich versus the level of rates. With the risk of higher gilt issuance, and as ASWs have lagged the widening in GC-Libor spreads, we favour 10y ASW shorts.

Stay short 10y gilt ASW at -5bp, targeting 10-15bp cheapening.


The 5s10s RPI swap curve is too inverted, in our view. Long UK versus EUR real yield positions continue to look attractive – expect the spread to widen further with diverging monetary policy.

Keep 5s10s RPI swap breakeven steepener, targeting 15bp.


The BoJ looks reluctant to reduce its ‘rinban’ operation to the pre-July level.

Marginally long.


The 5y swap appears cheap versus Libor fixing. 30y JGB is struggling to perform.

Long swap 2s5s10s.


Medium-term USD/JPY cross-currency basis has room to tighten under tight US credit spread.

Short 6y swap spread. Short 10y swap spread. Look to pay 5y xccy basis.


Vol at the short maturity tenor tail is cheap, in our view.

Duration/ Curve

We expect front-end yields to remain stable in the near term, with the RBA firmly on hold.

Enter 1s3s flattener at 29bp, target 15, stop 34. Close 2y1y/3y1y steepener and keep 5s10s steepener.


Front-end spreads versus the US have started to correct after the short squeeze. We expect further narrowing to be gradual.

Keep long 10y swap spreads.

Duration Curve


Spreads Vol




Enter tactical 10s30s BTP steepener. Pay 2s5s10s 2y fwd and sell 7s in the 4s7s12s Bund fly. Keep 10s30s structural flattener through OAT curve and 4s5s PGB flattener. EUR 40y10y vs receive 30y10y. Short OAT Apr 26 vs swap. Stay short 2y BTP vs 2y Bono. Stay long Olo June 26 vs OAT May 26. In non-core, we switched from 2s5s BTP trade into 2s5s BTP/Bund box.

The EUR 5s10s BEI curve now looks flat relative to the level of 5y BEI. We favour being long FRF versus EUR Rys with further flows expected into Livret A. Spanish IOTAs look cheap. With Fed funds on hold (until March our economists expect) and the Fed likely to announce its balance sheet reduction in September, we expect a higher and steeper curve to 10y. Stalled rate hike cycle and balance sheet reduction to allow curve to steepen from flat levels. Forward curve looks very flat versus EUR curve and forward inflation expectations. We expect wider swap spreads with T-bill stock to fall into debt ceiling discussion, potential for GC to richen vs Libor and with the money market curve (too) flat from 2018. With the Fed normalising its balance sheet and the ECB likely to taper its quantitative easing, vol is likely to bottom. 5y TIPS look very rich in the 2s5s10s real yield fly ahead of 5y TIPS supply in August. Real fly offers bearish exposure (underweight belly) with positive carry.




Keep 1y1y eonia swap payer.

Keep ED z7/m8/z8 fly with +8bp roll over 3 months. Keep 2y fwd 2s5s steepener targeting 40bp, which offers +0.5bp carry per month. Keep US/EUR 5y5y/10y10y box at -42bp, targeting -20bp, with -1bp roll per month. Long 2y UST vs swap targeting a move to 30bp, with +0.8bp carry/month, Keep 1y10y +25bp/+75bp payer spread. Keep short 2s5s10s TIPS real yield fly positions, targeting -10bp. New stop at -34bp.

Source: BNP Paribas


Global: The end of the summer lull Yield lows are behind us, in our view. The summer rally in bond markets was stronger than we had expected, partly due to an increase in geopolitical tensions between the US and North Korea. However, the risk-off rally in bonds has quickly reversed in recent days on an easing of geopolitical tensions, supporting the view that the low in yields has already been seen. (The 10y Bund yield fell to a low of 38bp against our forecast of 45bp while the 10y US Treasury fell to 2.19% against our forecast of stability around the 2.25% level in the first half of August.)

Core inflation: US has bottomed, EUR and UK to rise further

Supply conditions to turn less favourable. Supply will be limited in coming weeks. However, with risk assets rebounding sharply, we expect bond markets to start to price in – both versus swap and outright – the sharp shift in supply dynamics from August to September. Core inflation is likely to rise. After being weaker than expected in recent months, our economists forecast the US core inflation rate to rise, along with a further rise in eurozone and UK core inflation (top chart). A rise in inflation is likely to be accompanied by an adjustment in monetary policy expectations in the US and the eurozone where, respectively, only 30bp and 7bp of rate hikes are priced in by late 2018. Such a repricing will weigh on the belly of each curve.

Source: BNP Paribas

Short- and long-term Bund models: Room for yields to rise

Valuations look overstretched. US 10y Treasuries and 10y Bunds remain at overstretched levels ahead of a likely one-off reduction in the ECB’s monthly asset purchase programme from EUR 60bn to 30bn in 2018 and the start of the Fed’s balance sheet normalisation. The Fed US 10y term premium has fallen from a peak of +25bp to -25bp currently while our model’s fitted level for the 10y Bund yield, consistent with the end of the APP, is around 1.10-1.20% (lower chart), well above its current level. Thus, in addition to our recent trades (pay EUR 2y fwd 2s5s10s, short OAT 10y ASW and US 2s5s10s TIPS barbell) we have added two new trades:  Short the 5y Obl (re-entering the short closed in mid-July).  A 10s30s BTP steepener ahead of the resumption of EGB supply in September. Eric Oynoyan, BNP Paribas London branch

Source: BNP Paribas


Eurozone: Rally is over, but it’s too early to turn very bearish A ‘real’ rally. The rally that dragged the 10y Bund yield down by more than 20bp between mid-July and mid-August was led by nominal yields’ ‘real’ component which fell by more than 20bp. The inflation breakeven remained fairly stable. The recent fall in real yields has been supported by a number of factors including negative net supply and seasonal factors. Geopolitical concerns (tensions between the US and North Korea) also fuelled the last leg of the rally but the latter quickly reversed. We expect a gradual return of bearish pressures. Going into early September, we expect supports to European government bonds (EGBs) to decline. Seasonal factors suggest some cheapening of core EGBs in ASW terms in late August and early September. Net supply, while still negative, will no longer favour lower real yields in September. But the most important negative factor is, in our view, likely to be a change in the ECB’s forward guidance at its September press conference (removing the reference to accelerating QE) followed by an announcement in October of a further scaleback of asset purchases in 2018. We expect the prospect of a fall in demand for EGBs next year to push yields up.

The rally was driven by a fall in real yields (%)

Source: BNP Paribas

The 5y OBL is the most exposed in a sell-off

The 5y area is the most exposed. As the bulk of the sell-off we expect is likely to be the result of more hawkish expectations regarding monetary policy, the curve is likely to steepen up to its belly. The 5y is therefore the most exposed. In addition to a cheapening of EGBs in ASW terms, this leads us to recommend selling the 5y OBL. With regard to the money market curve, the back end (ie, the 1-2y sector) has rallied in recent weeks in line with the global bullish tone. We expect paying interest to resume in coming weeks (only a 7bp deposit rate is priced in by December 2018’s meeting). We expect a continuation of the move that began at the start of this week to lead the 1y1y OIS back above the -0.20% area. 

Sell 5y OBL October 22 now at -26bp and on any move to -32bp. Target: -10bp. Stop: -36. Carry & roll: -2.1bp/month.

Patrick Jacq, BNP Paribas SA

Source: BNP Paribas


Eurozone spreads: OATs expensive vs both swap and Olos OATs continued to outperform Olos unexpectedly in June, thanks to the latest OAT/Olo spreads have stabilised at tight levels wave of OAT buying flows from Asia. Since then, OAT/Olo spreads have stabilised around parity and even widened a bit on the 5y bucket (see top chart). We continue to consider Olos attractive versus OATs for the following reasons: - In the near term, the net supply in the two countries will face opposing dynamics in August and September: in France it will move from flat to positive, while it will turn more negative in Belgium, at close to EUR -7bn. - The correlation of OAT/Olo spreads with the general level of spreads to Bunds has turned positive since the end of 2016: ie wider spreads to Bunds have been consistently cheaper in OATs than Olos. We believe that with EGB spreads to Bunds having bottomed out, a rewidening this autumn should lead to wider OAT/Olo spreads. - Finally, even though it is not our central scenario, if the ECB decides to keep its EUR 60bn pace in 2018 in the event of disappointing inflation in H2, it would Source: BNP Paribas be very supportive for our long Olo vs OAT. Indeed, as the table, right, shows, Capital key vs debt outstanding PSPP: Belgium is the winner an ECB move from weighting by capital key to debt outstanding would have the Debt Outs. Weightings Cap Key W Debt Out vs Cap Key following impact on monthly purchases: for OATs, the increase in monthly Germany 17.4% 26.33% -34% purchases as a result of the new framework would be around 17%. By contrast, France 24.4% 20.74% 17% for Olos it would be around 51%. So Olos, along with BTPs, would be the main Italy 26.0% 18.01% 44% beneficiary of a parameter change in the ECB’s asset-purchase programme. 

We keep our short OAT May 26 vs Olo June 26 entered on average at 3bp. Target: 12/15bp. Stop: –2bp. Carry: –0.1bp/month. Current: 0.5bp.

We keep our short OAT Apr 26 vs swap entered at –20bp, targeting –10bp in September and 0 by year-end. We would add on any move to –24bp. Stop: –26bp.

Eric Oynoyan BNP Paribas London branch

Spain Netherlands Belgium Austria Portugal Finland Ireland other

12.2% 5.1% 5.5% 3.3% 1.8% 1.3% 1.8% 1.2%

12.93% 5.86% 3.62% 2.87% 2.55% 1.84% 1.70% 3.55%

-5% -13% 51% 13% -28% -28% 7% -66%

Source: BNP Paribas


EUR non-core: Enter BTP 10s30s tactical steepeners The 10s30s BTP spread has evolved in a tight range over the past couple of months while the 2s10s BTP curve has bull flattened over past weeks, supported by the summer’s core market rally and the very negative net supply for Italy in August. We recommend entering a tactical BTP 10s30s steepening trade as we think that the segment will face some steepening pressures over the coming weeks for the following reasons:

BTP/Bund 10s30s box: Steepening from 2nd week of August

- As we stressed in our publication on seasonal patterns, ahead of a busy September supply, the BTP 10s30s segment has regularly steepened from the second week of August for a month ever since 2007 (top chart). - The 2s10s BTP segment is still very steep vs Bund and Bonos and is expected to normalise over the coming months. The OAT curve in H1 shows that when a very wide 2s10s box to Bund normalises it initially means steepening pressures on the 10s30s segment as the latter lags. - With non-resident holdings back to the late 1990s’ low level of the low 30’s and domestic investors short duration, any change of behaviour will mainly support the 10y bucket fuelling more steepening pressures.

Source: BNP Paribas

BTP 10s30s benefits from a 32bp positive 1y carry + roll

- Finally, to a lesser extent, as the adjacent table shows, the BTP 10s30s steepening trade benefits from almost 32bp of carry and rolldown over one year.

Trade: We recommend selling the BTP Mar 48 versus BTP June 27 now at 122.5bp. We would add on any richening to 118bp. Stop: 114bp. Target: 133/135bp in September. 1-month profit of carry: +0.8bp. Eric Oynoyan BNP Paribas London branch

Source: BNP Paribas

Source: BNP Paribas


UK: Risks skewed toward further 30s50s curve steepening The 30s50s gilt curve has already steepened 4bp this year as 30y yields have fallen. Risks look skewed for further 30s50s steepening, due to:

September 30s50s swap curve steepening (bp)

 Uncommon occurrence of a (40y+) syndication in September. The only previous time a conventional gilt syndication took place in September (in 2011), the 30s50s curve steepened by 3bp through August and a further 6bp through September (although we note that this occurred during a bull steepening trend).  Seasonal patterns. 87% of the time in the period 2007-2016 excluding 2009, the 30s50s swap curve steepened in September by 2bp on average (see the table below and top chart).  Cashflows. Gross supply less coupons and APF re-investments will be most positive in 15y+ paper (GBP 5.1bn) and most negative in 30y) have only made up around 33% of long-end purchases during BoE QE and reinvestment operations.

Source: BNP Paribas

Parisha Saimbi, BNP Paribas London Branch

30s50s swap curve seasonal patterns andSeasonal statistics: 2007-2016 (excluding 2009) steepening patterns since 2007 (ex 2009) Month Month Jul Jul Sep Sep

Month Month Jun Jun Nov Source: BNPNov Paribas

Seasonal steepening since 2007 (ex Number 2009) of days Max steepening Max flattening Avg % of steepening Std. dev. Average move patterns Average steepening Avg % of 86 steepening Std. dev. Average steepening Number Max -3.6bp flattening 1.9bp 1.8bpmove Average2.3bp 15of days Max steepening 6.4bp 86 1.9bp 1.8bp 2.3bp 15 6.4bp -3.6bp 87 1.4bp 0.8bp 2.0bp 14 5.8bp -4.5bp 87 1.4bp 0.8bp 2.0bp 14 5.8bp -4.5bp

Avg % of flattening Avg % of80 flattening 80 77 77

Seasonal flattening patterns since 2007 (ex 2009) flattening since 2007 (ex 2009) Std.Seasonal dev. Average movepatterns Average flattening Number of days Max flattening Max steepening Std. dev. Average move Average flattening Number flattening Max steepening 1.9bp -1.0bp -1.8bp 13of days Max -6.8bp 3.0bp 1.9bp -1.0bp -1.8bp 13 -6.8bp 3.0bp 3.2bp -1.0bp -2.8bp 15 -7.9bp 6.3bp 3.2bp -1.0bp -2.8bp 15 -7.9bp 6.3bp


US: Higher UST net supply with Fed SOMA reduction in sight The July FOMC minutes suggested changes to the Fed’s balance sheet reinvestment policy at an upcoming policy meeting – with only “significant adverse developments” that could stand in their way. Nevertheless, the committee seemed increasingly uncertain over the prospects for inflation. We expect the FOMC to announce a change in Fed SOMA reinvestment policy at the 20th September meeting.

Net UST supply likely to increase over the remainder of 2017

The likely upcoming reduction in the Fed’s balance sheet will gradually transfer ownership of part of the Fed’s SOMA portfolio to the market. Whilst the initial and modest increase in Treasury funding needs could largely come from T-bills, net supply of UST will increase particularly from Q2 2018. Nevertheless, the profile of UST redemptions and our expectations for UST auctions should see significant net supply of USTs for the remainder of the year (top chart). We continue to expect a higher and steeper US rates curve until 10 years. With five disappointing CPI releases in a row, patience over Fed funds rate hikes is warranted, and the chance of a December hike have dropped to 44% (down slightly post-minutes), despite Dudley and Meister’s hawkish rhetoric. Our economists expect the Fed to remain on hold for the remainder of the year with the next rate hike coming in March 2018.

Source: BNP Paribas

EDM8 (Jun-18) offers most value in positioning for rate hikes

In Table 1, we show the Eurodollar curve vs. the schedule of FOMC meetings until the end of 2018. EDM8 (June-18) is our favoured short from a riskreward perspective. The Mar-18/Jun-18 (EDH8/M8) spread encompasses 3 FOMC meeting dates – 2 with a press conference – and is trading below 6bp (implying the lowest tightening per Fed meeting across the strip). We keep our short EDZ7/EDM8/EDZ8 fly recommendation, given our expectations for more rate hikes in H1 2018 rather than H2 2018, with inflation base effects (core and energy) and FX developments to support inflation and, therefore, prospects for tightening in H1. The fly is unchanged since entry but offers +8bp of roll in 3 months. Shahid Ladha, Timothy High BNP Paribas Securities Corp

Source: BNP Paribas


Inflation: 5y TIPS remain expensive into supply US Core CPI printed +0.11% m/m in July, whilst headline came in at 1.7% y/y with food and energy prices both unchanged on the month. US TIPS breakevens are down about 4bp on average since the release, but the market remains relatively resilient following the fifth consecutive, downside surprise to US inflation data.

5y TIPS breakevens tend to tighten into and out of auctions

The US Treasury will re-open USD 14bn of 5y TIPS Apr-22 next Thursday. The distinct lack of inflationary pressure in the US and our economists’ expectations for further weakness in core goods (apparel and vehicles) in August, low/negative seasonal TIPS carry and typical behaviour into and out of 5y TIPS auction are not supportive for US TIPS breakevens in the near term. As shown in the top chart, 5y US TIPS breakevens tend to tighten by 4bp into 5y TIPS auctions and 3bp out of 5y TIPS auctions (using a period of 20 days pre- and post-auction). The 5y area of the TIPS curve has richened with strong demand, and trades extremely special in repo. The lower chart of 2s5s10s real vs. nominal yield and inflation breakeven flies shows the 10bp+ richness of 5y TIPS in both real yield and inflation curves. The USD 14bn of 5y TIPS supply should allow the squeeze on 5y TIPS to abate allowing a cheapening of 5y TIPS in real and inflation curves. We continue to recommend selling 5y in 2s5s10s US real yield fly. Current: -26bp. Target: -10bp. Stop (new): -34bp. Carry: +2bp/month (estimated). Rationale:

Source: BNP Paribas, Bloomberg

5y TIPS rich in real and inflation ahead of August’s auction

 Sharp outperformance of 5y TIPS in real and inflation curves since weak May, June and July CPI releases.  Upcoming 5y TIPS supply does not look priced without a concession, at least in the curve.  Bearish rates expression (underweight the belly) at attractive entry levels with positive carry (estimated at +6bp over 3months). Shahid Ladha, Timothy High BNP Paribas Securities Corp Source: BNP Paribas, Macrobond


UK: Till death us do part Private pension scheme deficits have narrowed. The private pension fund deficit (PPF 7800 Index) amounted to GBP 180.1bn at the end of July. While substantial compared to its long-term average, it is the smallest deficit since October 2014. The deficit fall in recent months is the result of a strong asset performance. Since the start of the year, pension funds’ assets have risen in value by GBP 48.3bn versus a GBP 4.5bn increase in liabilities (top chart).

PPF 7800 Index assets, liabilities and aggregate deficit

Other factors may also be supporting a narrowing of deficits:

Mortality assumptions. Following the Continuous Mortality Investigation’s latest prediction for life expectancy to shorten in the long term, LCP reports that 28 FTSE 100 companies have lowered their average life expectancy assumptions by six months. See our earlier note for more detail. Scheme transfers. According to a survey by Willis Towers Watson, the number of members transferring out of defined benefit (DB) schemes in January 2017 was around 10 times the monthly average between May 2013 and April 2014 before pension flexibility was announced. With 47% of DB scheme members deferred members, the scope for further transfers remains substantial.

Source: BNP Paribas

DB scheme contributions on the rise (GBP mn)

Contributions. Scheme contributions have been on an upward trend over the past year (lower chart). Should the size of contributions remain at Q1’s level for the rest of 2017, we would see a 12% y/y rise.

We expect these trends to persist as the industry continues to de-risk. DB schemes remain under-hedged, so demand for long-dated and index-linked gilts should remain robust. The concentration of this demand, however, could shift down the curve to slightly shorter maturities. Reduced life expectancy assumptions would reduce the duration of the liabilities to be hedged, while increases in scheme transfers would lower the size of liabilities to be hedged, ie, the PV01 of scheme liabilities should fall, all else equal. Consequently, this should see the 30s50s curve steepen over the long term. Parisha Saimbi, BNP Paribas London Branch

Source: BNP Paribas


Treasury and SAS issuance calendar Next week’s short-term supply Date 21/08 21/08 21/08

Country France Norway US

22/08 22/08

Spain Canada



Issues 3m, 6m and 12m BTFs T-Bill 20 Dec 2017 T-Bill 24 Nov 2017 T-Bill 22 Feb 2018 Letras T-Bill 30 Nov 17 T-Bill 22 Feb 18 (new) T-Bill 23 Aug 18 (new) T-Bill 27 Nov 17

Details EUR 6bn NOK 3bn USD 39bn USD 33bn 21 Aug CAD 5bn CAD 2bn CAD 2bn JPY 4.4trn

Next week’s redemptions and coupon payments Country Netherlands Total long-term coupon payments

Amount EUR 0.03bn EUR 0.03bn




21/08 22/08 23/08

Mon Tue 12:00 Wed 11:30 11:00 10:30 10:15 Thu 12:00 Mon Tue 12:00 11:30


24/08 28/08 29/08



05/09 06/09

Tue Wed

07/09 12/09 13/09 13/09 13/09 14/09 14/09

Thu Tue Wed Wed Wed Thu Thu

11:00 12:00 11:00 11:00 11:30 11:00 10:50 11:30 11:00 11:30 10:30 10:00 11:00




BNPP forecasts


03:00 09:30 09:00 09:30 08:15 03:00 03:00 09:30 09:00 03:00 09:00 09:00 09:30 09:00 08:50 09:30 09:00 09:30 09:30 09:00 09:00

Lithuania Japan Germany Sweden UK Denmark Japan Lithuania Japan Germany Denmark Norway Japan Sweden Austria Germany Sweden France Germany Italy Germany UK Ireland Sweden

LITHGB 23 Aug 2024 (new) JGB 20-year Bund 15 Aug 2027 Bond Gilt 22 Jul 2023 (new) DGB JGB auction for enhanced liquidity LITHGB 1.1% 26 Apr 2027 JGB auction for enhanced liquidity Schatz 13 Sep 2019 (new) Exchange Offer DGB NGB JGB 2-year ILB Bond OBLs 7 Oct 2022 Bond OATs 7-year (or longer) DBRi BTPs Bund 15 Aug 2027 Gilt 07 Dec 2027 Bond ILB

JPY 1trn EUR 3bn SEK 1bn GBP 2.75 DKK 1.5bn JPY0.55trn 22 Aug EUR 5bn 28 Aug 28 Aug 24 Aug 24 Aug 29 Aug EUR 3bn 30 Aug 31 Aug 07 Sep 08 Sep EUR 3bn 05 Sep 11 Sep 07 Sep

EUR 1.1bn

EUR 6-9bn

GBP 2.5bn

All sources: Treasuries, BNP Paribas

Parisha Saimbi BNP Paribas London Branch


Treasury and SAS issuance calendar Supply pipeline

Gross/net EGB supply with and without PSPP (EUR bn)

 We expect little supply next week, with Germany re-opening the newly issued 2027 maturity Bund for EUR 3bn. Coupon payments will be also be very small, EUR 0.03bn in the Netherlands. The lull in supply will persist for another week.  Outside the eurozone, Japan will issue JPY 1trn of 20y debt, and the UK will re-open the new 5y paper (UKT 0T 23) for GBP 2.75bn. Parisha Saimbi, BNP Paribas London Branch

EGB gross supply breakdown by country (EUR bn)

EGB gross supply breakdown by maturity (EUR bn)

All sources: Treasuries, BNP Paribas


Weekly ECB QE tracker Eurosystem balance sheet  According to the ECB, QE purchases settling last week amounted to EUR 11.5bn, less than the previous week’s amount.

Lending related to monetary policy operations in euro

 However, since the start of the year, QE has been ahead of schedule (EUR 13bn at the end of July). This gives the ECB substantial room for manoeuvre.



 The PSPP portfolio increased by EUR 9.7bn and the CSPP portfolio increased by EUR 1.1bn.  Continued at the current pace, purchases for August would amount to between EUR 55 and EUR 60bn, slightly below the monthly target.





Banknotes in circulation


Liabilities related to Monetary Policy Operations in euro


Current Accounts (covering the minimum reserve system)



Fine-Tuning Reverse


Deposit Facility

Structural Reverse


Fixed-term Deposit



Fine Tuning Reverse Operations



Deposits Related to Margin Calls


Marginal Lending Facility Credit Related to Margin Calls Securities of euro area residents in euro


Securities held for Monetary Policy Purpose


Other securities Others

286.3 1,056.5


Total Assets





Total Liabilities

Sources: ECB, BNP Paribas

EAPP portfolio weekly split

Evolution of QE

Weekly split of the EAPP EAPP














Weekly Change






Daily average












(EUR mn) 11-Aug


CBPP3 Source: BNP Paribas




Level end of August (at current pace)


Source: BNP Paribas


Selected published articles Title Eurozone & Trading Opportunities – August update BTP 10s30s steepeners Sell 7s in German 4s7s12s fly, pay 2y fwd EUR 2s5s10s swap fly ECB QE Monthly Tracker: All-time high avg. monthly PSPP maturity; German bond purchases stable Sell OAT Apr-26 versus swap Buy 1% EUR 2m10y swaption payers Eurex roll analysis AFT August tap: Opportunity to buy 30y OATs ECB PSPP & German ASW update ECB PSPP: Market impact of duration management Time to sell Italy versus Germany ECB QE: Implications of PSPP tapering in 2018 US Rates Market Outlook May the Brexit begin What’s gone wrong with the bond bear market? Year-to-date supply, forecasts & spread outlook Cross-currency basis swaps: A primer BTP 2s5s flatteners PSPP: Who has been selling bonds to the ECB? Decoding Principal Component Analysis in vol PSPP: The case for further DV01 tapering in Germany EUR inflation: Breakevens to rise as carry turns positive Vols moving in different directions Euro and UK rates: Identifying seasonal patterns FRF inflation: Livret A update 2017 Rates Volatility Outlook Update: EFSF/ESM Greek debt relief plan to go ahead Global supply net of QE favours higher yields in 2017 French debt market handbook 2017 edition EUR/USD xccy basis in 2017 2017 Global Inflation Year Ahead 2017 US rates outlook 2017 US MBS outlook Pay EUR 40y10y swap vs swap 30y10y US: Libor, the money market and liquidity European pension fund update

Name(s) Eric Oynoyan Eric Oynoyan Agne Stengeryte Agne Stengeryte Eric Oynoyan Eric Oynoyan Eric Oynoyan Eric Oynoyan Eric Oynoyan Agne Stengeryte, Patrick Jacq Laurence Mutkin Agne Stengeryte Shahid Ladha, Timothy High, Sarah Hu Dominic Bryant, Parisha Saimbi, Sam Lynton-Brown, Ankit Gheedia Laurence Mutkin Camille de Courcel Camille de Courcel Eric Oynoyan Ioannis Sokos Camille de Courcel Ioannis Sokos Agne Stengeryte, Parisha Saimbi Timothy High, Camille de Courcel Eric Oynoyan, Parisha Saimbi, Agne Stengeryte Parisha Saimbi, Agne Stengeryte Camille de Courcel, Timothy High Camille de Courcel Ioannis Sokos, Daniel Totouom-Tangho, Reiko Tokukatsu, Parisha Saimbi, Altaz Dagha Eric Oynoyan Camille de Courcel Shahid Ladha, Parisha Saimbi Shahid Ladha Sarah Hu Eric Oynoyan Shahid Ladha, Daniel Totouom-Tangho IR Strategy

Date 16 August 2017 14 August 2017 9 August 2017 8 August 2017 8 August 2017 7 August 2017 7 August 2017 2 August 2017 19 July 2017 13 July 2017 10 July 2017 3 July 2017 30 June 2017 22 June 2017 19 June 2017 15 June 2017 31 May 2017 31 May 2017 10 May 2017 3 May 2017 27 March 2017 21 March 2017 21 March 2017 20 March 2017 8 February 2017 24 January 2017 24 January 2017 17 January 2017 6 January 2017 14 December 2016 8 December 2016 6 December 2016 6 December 2016 6 December 2016 15 September 2016 8 August 2016

Models 10y Gilt: Estimating the QE premium Model - USD cash RV reports 30y Bund ASW: Modelling update and strategy

Parisha Saimbi Daniel Totouom-Tangho Eric Oynoyan

30s50s modelling Basis

Eric Oynoyan Eric Oynoyan

Bund valuation

Camille de Courcel / Eric Oynoyan

8 September 2016 24 June 2016 5 April 2016 24 July 2015 18 Nov 2014 22 June 2015


Trade review Carry / mth


P/L (ccy/Bp)

-26 (17-Aug)



EUR 0bp


122.5 (14-Aug)



EUR 0bp



-0.20% (09-Mar)



EUR -10bp

-11 (S)



-11 (09-Aug)



EUR 0bp

OAT 10s30s structural flatteners: Sell May 27 vs May 45 SELL Flattener to position for structural flattening of the 10s30s sector in H2 2017. Sell 7s in German 4s7s12s fly The 4s7s12s fly is a proxy for the 2s5s10s fly which is still in the pre-tapering regime. We believe the belly of the curve is likely to underperform significantly from when ECB tapering is announced until it ends (as was the case in the US).

95.5 (S) 3 (S)







99 (11-May) 3 (09-Aug)



EUR +2.5bp EUR 0

Pay EUR 40y10y swap vs EUR 30y10y swap PAY The 40y10y/30y10y spread has decoupled from the 30s50s swap curve; periods of decoupling tend to be short-lived. 1y positive roll of +0.7bp. Add to the trade on any move to -38bp.

-32.5 (S)



-34 (06-Dec)



EUR +1.5bp

Sell OAT Apr 26 vs swap SELL OATs have richened significantly since the French election, which was understandable given the excessively wide OAT/Bund spread. However, it has reached overstretched levels, in our view. We would add on any move to -24bp.

-19 (S)



-20 (08-Aug)



EUR +1bp

Sell BUXL ASW (rolled to U7) SELL The rewidening in BUXL ASW ahead of the French election has only slightly reversed and we expect the ECB to announce more 2018 tapering this autumn. We target a fall in the ASW back to the low 20s. Position rolled into U7 contract.

39.5 (S)



30 (20-Oct)



EUR -9.5bp

Sell OAT May 26 vs Olo June 26 SELL 10y OATs are back to very tight levels vs Olos. Supply and demand conditions and seasonal effects are supportive of Olos; we added to the trade at 1bp (average entry level +3bp).

+0.5 (S)



3 (11-May)



EUR -2.8bp

BTP Apr 19/Bono Apr 19 spread widener SELL In contrast to 5y and 10y BTPs, the 2y BTP has performed well vs Bunds and Bonos. Domestic buying flows in Italy focus on the short end of the BTP curve supported by the TLTRO. With the very tight spread to Bonos, the unwinding of carry trades could affect the expensive 2y BTPs. We are adding to trade at 8bp with a stop at 4bp. 1-month carry: flat.

15 (S)



10.5 (29-Jun)



EUR +4.5bp

2s5s BTP/Bund box compression trade (BTP Apr 19/Apr 22 vs BKO June 19/OBL Apr 22) SELL The box trade removes the directionality component. In the low 60s, we think it could correct half of its September 2016 to February 2017 widening move in H2 2017. Enter half now at +61bp and add to the position on any move to 66bp.

59.5 (S)



61 (09-Aug)



EUR +1.5bp






-26 (S)



122.5 (S)


Pay EUR 1y1y OIS swap PAY The EUR 1y1y eonia rate has started to adjust. With the ECB likely to turn more hawkish, we expect a further repricing of the forward eonia curve. Pay 2y fwd EUR 2s5s10s swap fly PAY In Europe, 2s5s10s is still in the pre-tapering regime: we believe the belly of the curve is likely to underperform significantly from when ECB tapering is announced until it ends (as was the case in the US).

-0.24% (S)

Outright NEW* Sell 5y OBL October 22 SELL The summer rally we had expected has occurred. We now expect a gradual rise in core yields with the repricing of the money market curve and the prospect of ECB QE tapering in 2018. Add to the trade on any move to -32bp. Carry plus roll: -2.1bp/month. NEW* BTP 10s30s steepener: Buy BTP June 27 vs BTP June 48 BUY Add to the trade on any move to 118bp. If the past is any guide, since 2007, the resumption of supply in September has always led to a steepening of the BTP 10s30s sector from the second week of August until early September. The trade also benefits from a significant positive carry and rolldown.


Trade review Europe





OT 4s5s spread: Sell OT Apr 21 vs OT Oct 22 SELL We believe that the current low volatility in equities, credit, FX and core yields could encourage non-domestic investors to return to 5y OTs where carry plus roll is high. New stop at 67bp.

65 (S)



67 (22-Jun)

Receive the 1m-4y OIS/BOR spread curve REC After the last TLTRO, OIS are exposed to paying interest as expectations of ECB rate hikes rise. Meanwhile, 2-3y BOR are unlikely to be paid.

18 (S)



24 (27-Mar)

EUR 6m30y vs 1y30y calendar spread PAY The 6m30y leg has expired, the position becomes a simple long 1y30y payer swaption leg. New target: 25bp.

15 (S)



7 (14-Feb)

BUY EUR 2m10y swaption payer 1% strike BUY The technical summer rally has occurred. With the very low volatility on 2m10y swaptions, the long OTM payer seems a safe trade, in our view.

3 (S)



4 (07-Aug)

1x2 2y5y ATM/ATM-32.5bp rec spread REC Use the flattening of the smile and position for a slow, bearish trend in yields. The trade is short rates, short vol. Maximum profit to be reached on a 20-30bp sell-off.

2 (S)



0 (05-May)





Receive AUD IRS 1s3s flattener With risks to the RBA's economic forecasts still skewed to the downside, and an appreciating currency and carry trades keeping a cap on yields, we recommend positioning for a further flattening of the curve.

29 (T)



29 (03-Aug)

AUD 5s10s IRS steepener Mid-curve swap yields look high relative to the curve, following position unwinding and recent flows. We recommend 5s10s steepeners, which have positive carry.

40 (S)



38.5 (1-Dec)

Long 10y swap spreads Long-end swap spreads have broken out of their 12-month range in recent weeks after a steady rise. We think supply dynamics and other factors will keep swap spreads supported and widening.

18 (S)



23.75 (22-Jun)





Long 2y UST ASW BUY We recommend buying 2y bonds versus swaps in Treasuries, Bunds and Gilts.

25.5 (T)



21 (29-Jun)

2s5s US swap curve steepener, 2y fwd PAY The 2s5s curve, 2y forward curve is at its flattest level since 2008 having lagged the steepening in the spot curve, and the position carries positively.

22 (S)



17 (12-Jan)

US: Pay ED z7/m8/z8 butterfly Paying the ED z7/m8/z8 fly should benefit from reduced rate hike expectations in the second half of the 2017, and/or increased rate hike expectations in the first half of next year relative to the second half.

1 (S)



US/EUR 5y5y/10y10y REC Rationale for a normalisation in US vs EUR forward swap curves includes, supply/demand and inflation expectations.

-37 (S)


USD: Buy 1y10y atmf +25bp/+75bp payer spread BUY Targets our mid-2018 rate forecast (10y UST at 3.25%), assuming stable swap spreads, and pays only for the optionality we need.

12.5 (S)

USD: EDZ7 risk reversal (buy 98.25 put vs selling 99.00 call) BUY We like using options to position for an easing of the (geo)political premium at the front end of the curve.

0 (S)



Carry / mth 0bp


P/L (ccy/Bp)


EUR +2bp



EUR +6bp



EUR +8bp


EUR -1bp


EUR +2bp


P/L (ccy/Bp)


Carry / mth 0.6bp





Carry / mth +2.5bp/3m


P/L (ccy/Bp)


USD +5.8bp



USD +11.5bp

-1 (27-Jun)



USD +2.0bp


-42 (29-Jun)



USD +3.4bp



12 (01-Jun)



USD +0.5bp



0.5 (20-Apr)



USD -0.5bp


Trade review Carry / mth -0.5bp


P/L (ccy/Bp)


GBP -4.9bp



GBP -2.5bp

Carry / mth -0.17bp


P/L (ccy/Bp)


GBP -1.0bp

43 (04-May)



EUR +10bp


47 (03-Aug)



EUR +1.8bp



17 (22-Jun)


EUR +2.1bp

-25 (S)



-30 (27-Jul)

1.5/1.4/5.2 over 1/2/3 months 0/0.5/6


USD +5.0bp






P/L (ccy/Bp)

JPY swap 2s5s10s long The 5y swap has cheapened along with JGBs in response to the rinban reduction.

-8.4 (T)



-9.7 (22-May)


JPY 10y Tibor/Libor spread widener Seasonal trade.

6 (T)



6 (10-Aug)



Pay USD/JPY 5y USD/JPY Xccy basis spread Tighter US credit spread would imply tighter basis spread in the long term.

-62 (S)



-62 (10-Aug)



Buy JPY 6mx10y 10bp OTM strangle Buying for 6m tail risk.

33 (S)



35 (03-Aug)



JPY -1.3bp JPY 0 JPY 0 JPY -2

UK Sell 10y gilt ASW SELL The seasonal sell-off pattern, low levels vs history, dislocation from the level of rates and expected lack of further BoE QE support this short position. 10s30s gilt curve steepeners BUY Given supportive supply-demand dynamics, we favour 10s30s gilt curve steepeners. Inflation 5s10s RPI swap breakeven steepener REC While the inflation rate will continue to rise near term, the 5s10s breakeven curve is trading close to its flattest level ever. Longer-end breakevens may find some support. Buy BONOSei-24 real/nominal ASW discount BUY Spanish ILBs look cheap versus nominals in ASW despite the recent risk-on mood, positive carry and supportive supply/demand dynamics in the near term. We move our stop-loss from 43bp to 38bp. 5s10s EUR HICPxt steepener (0.75x1 weights) PAY The 5s10s BEI curve now looks very flat relative to the level of 5y BEI. We recommend expressing this view by entering 5s10s BEI steepener hedged by a short 5y inflation. Long 10y FRF vs EUR real yield BUY We expect OATi bonds to outperform OATei in the coming months. We tighten the stop to -17bp. Sell 2s5s10s TIPS real yield fly (benchmark bonds) SELL 5y TIPS look very rich in the 2s5s10s real yield fly ahead of +0.12y index extension and 5y TIPS supply in August. Real fly offers bearish exposure (underweight belly) with positive carry. Japan





-10 (S)



-5 (16-Mar)

66 (S)



69 (15-Jun)





0 (T)



0 (23-Feb)

33 (S)



48 (S)


17 (S)

Carry / mth 0

*Tactical (T) and strategic (S) trades. **Risk: vega, gamma for options, or ΔDV01 for futures, bonds and swaps.


G10 Strategy contacts BNP Paribas London branch Laurence Mutkin

Global Head of G10 Rates Strategy

+44 20 7595 8639

[email protected]

Eric Oynoyan

Europe Strategist

+44 20 7595 8613

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Camille de Courcel Parisha Saimbi

Europe Strategist Inflation and UK Rates Strategist

+44 20 7595 8295 +44 20 7 595 8351

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Agne Stengeryte

Europe Strategist

+44 20 7 595 8958

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Europe Strategist

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BNP Paribas SA Patrick Jacq

BNP Paribas Securities Corp Shahid Ladha

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