The Enron Corporation: Topical Bibliography - British Library

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Articles from 2003 about the Enron collapse, the US political fallout, the .... B. & Elkind, P. The smartest guys in the room: the amazing rise and scandalous fall of  ...

The Enron Corporation This topical bibliography contains useful links to material discussing The Enron Corporation in relation to auditing, accounting and alleged corrupt practices. The strengths of the British Library’s print and electronic resources are highlighted, but this guide also provides links to useful websites and other resources you can use without having to come into our reading rooms in London or Boston Spa (in Yorkshire). You can also use it to help identify useful resources that you can access in your University or other library. It is not intended to be comprehensive. It gives a flavour of the types of resources you can use in your research on this topic. All the print resources in this guide are available from The British Library. Some items can be sent to you by our Document Supply Service – they are marked with a DS Shelfmark. Items that say London Reference Collection can only be used in our reading rooms at St Pancras in London. London Reference items marked SPIS are on the shelves in the Social Sciences Reading Room. This bibliography has been compiled by Sally Halper, Lead Content Specialist for Management & Business Studies at The British Library. Parts of the bibliography re-use entries from earlier, related, topical bibliographies. These have been archived as part of the Web Archiving Consortium programme, and can be found at: esource.html#tbib Please note that the British Library neither endorses, nor can be held responsible for, any information provided by external websites or publications listed herein.

The Enron Corporation

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Social sciences collection guides Topical bibliographies

CONTENTS 1. WEBSITES............................................................................................................. 2 2. ONLINE DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................ 3 3. BOOKS AND JOURNAL ARTICLES....................................................................... 4 Books ............................................................................................................... 4 Journal issue ..................................................................................................... 6 Journal articles (electronic)................................................................................ 6 Journal articles (paper)...................................................................................... 7

1. WEBSITES The following websites provide commentary from a broad variety of viewpoints: Auditor independence resources The Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales (ICAEW) maintains this collection of links to press releases, policy documents and articles on auditor independence in the UK, US and across the world. Includes a bibliography on auditor independence by ICAEW librarians. BBC News: Enron search results Over 150 articles and 200 audio and video clips about Enron. The special report in Radio 4's Today programme includes audioclips of the lawyer representing Enron employees in 2002, and Lord Hansen discussing whether management consultancies are doing a good job. BBC News: the Enron affair in depth Articles from 2003 about the Enron collapse, the US political fallout, the investigation and lawsuits; the role of Arthur Andersen the auditors; and the impact on the UK. special reports: Enron: the collapse Guardian Unlimited: special report: Enron

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Knowledge@Wharton website Popular articles from Wharton Business School (University of Pennsylvania) about the Enron scandal, including a podcast interview with Thomas Dunfee, chairman of Wharton's business ethics department, about the 2006 conviction of former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay & Enron president Jeffrey Skilling for conspiracy and fraud. Site requires registration but is free.

2. ONLINE DOCUMENTS 'The Enron collapse: impact on investors and financial markets' The joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government sponsored enterprises and the Subcommittee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, December 12, 2001. Consulting after Enron Article by Fiona Czerniawska in Management Consultant International, January 2003 pp12-13 Is there an Enron in consulting's future? by Fiona Czerniawska, Consulting to Management vol. 14, no. 1, March 2003, pp1-4. What can we learn from the Enron affair? Interview with Ken Peasnell, Professor of Accountancy & Finance at Lancaster University Management School. Future of consultancy: after Enron the next turn must be right Article from Management Consultancy, 5 April 2002, about the transformation of Arthur Andersen, the auditors, into Accenture and the reaction of the other big consultancy firms in the UK. The collapse of Enron: a bibliography of online legal, government and legislative resources

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Authoritative bibliography by two American University Librarians, focusing on the litigation and investigations following the collapse of Enron. Last updated June 2003, useful historic record with links to many original legal documents.

3. BOOKS AND JOURNAL ARTICLES Books Armour, J. & McCahery, J.A. (eds). After Enron: improving corporate law and modernising securities regulation in Europe and the US Hart, 2006 London Reference Collections shelfmark: SPIS346.0664 (Social Science Reading Room open access shelves) DS shelfmark: m07/.17528 Bryce, R. Pipe dreams: greed, ego, jealousy and the death of Enron Public Affairs, 2002 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YC.2003.a.7578 Cruver, B. Anatomy of greed: the unshredded truth from an Enron insider Hutchinson, 2002 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YC.2002.a.20319 DS shelfmark: m03/20854 Deakin, S. & Konzelmann, S. Learning from Enron ESRC Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, 2003 DS shelfmark: 9349.226900 no 274 Dembinski, P. H. et al (eds) Enron and world finance: a case study in ethics Palgrave Macmillan, 2006 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YC.2006.a.7690 DS shelfmark: m06/.13013 Dimma, W. A. Tougher boards for tougher times: corporate governance in the postEnron era Wiley, 2006 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YK.2007.a.11081 DS shelfmark: m06/.21296 Elliott, A.L. How companies lie: why Enron is just the tip of the iceberg Crown Business, 2002 DS shelfmark: m02/31765 Fox, L. Enron: the rise and fall Wiley, c2003 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YC.2002.a.20172

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DS shelfmark: m02/44262 Fusaro, P.C. What went wrong at Enron: everyone's guide to the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history Wiley, 2002 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YC.2003.a.2843 DS shelfmark: m02/42092 Jenkins, R. Corporate codes of conduct: self-regulation in a global economy United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2001 London Reference Collections shelfmark: UNA. 280A/30 Mclean, B. & Elkind, P. The smartest guys in the room: the amazing rise and scandalous fall of Enron Viking, 2003 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YK.2004.a.140 Mills, D.Q. Buy, lie, and sell: high how investors lost out on Enron and the Internet bubble Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2002 DS shelfmark: m02/31762 Mitchell, L.E. Corporate irresponsibility Americas newest export Yale University Press, 2001 London Reference Collections shelfmark: SPIS.658.4080973 DS shelfmark: m02/15944 Niskanen, W.A. (ed) After Enron: lessons for public policy Rowman & Littlefield, 2005 London Reference Collections shelfmark: SPIS338.60973 (Social Science Reading Room open access shelves) DS shelf mark: m05/.24693 Corporate responsibility: private initiatives and public goals OECD, 2001 London Reference Collections shelfmark: UNP.108A/1540 DS shelfmark: m01/22709 Owen, D.L. CSR after Enron: a role for the academic accounting profession? International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, 2005 DS shelfmark: 7755.042650 no. 33 Prashad, V. Fat cats and running dogs: the Enron stage of capitalism Zed, 2002 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YC.2002.a.21031 DS shelfmark: m02/42562

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Stiglitz, J. E. The roaring nineties: a new history of the world's most prosperous decade W.W. Norton & Co., 2003 DS shelfmark: m03/37657 Stowoly, H. Nothing like the Enron affair could happen in France Groupe HEC, 2005 DS shelfmark: 2952.124150 CR 815/2005 Swartz, M. Power failure: the rise and fall of Enron Aurum, 2002 DS shelfmark: m03/21547 Jenkins, R. Corporate codes of conduct: self-regulation in a global economy United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2001 London Reference Collections shelfmark: UNA. 280A/30 Williams, A. Who will guard the guardians? Corporate governance in the millennium Management Books 2000, 1999 London Reference Collections shelfmark: YC.2002.a.9807 DS shelfmark: m00/24951

Journal issue Burrowes, A. W. & MacDonald, J.A. (eds) Enron and its aftermath Managerial Finance, vol. 31, no. 9, 2005 DS shelfmark: 5359.240000 v. 31, no. 9

Journal articles (electronic) Please note: because of licence restrictions placed on us by the vendors, the electronic journal articles listed below can only be used when you are in the Reading Rooms at The British Library. If you are a member of a University, you may wish to access them via your University Library. Alternatively, articles can be supplied by the British Library's Document Supply Service using the DS shelfmark and the journal volume, issue and page numbers. Anon. Crisis management - easy to do badly, hard to do right: Differing experiences of Wal-Mart, Enron and Arthur Andersen Strategic Direction, vol. 23, no. 1, 2007, pp. 26-29 Online journal collection: Emerald in the Social Science Reading Room and BIPC DS shelfmark: 8474.031432 Armstronr, R. W.; Williams, R. J. & Barrett, J. D. The impact of banality, risky shift and escalating commitment on ethical decision making Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 365-370

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Online journal collection: Business Source Complete (EBSCO) in the Social Science Reading Room and BIPC DS shelfmark: 4954.686000 Brown, Richard E. Enron/Andersen: crisis in U.S. accounting and lessons for government Public Budgeting and Finance, vol. 25, no. 3, September 2005, pp. 20-32 Online journal collection: Blackwell Synergy in the Social Science Reading Room DS shelfmark: 6962.825000 Chandra, G. The Enron implosion and its lessons Journal of Management Research, Aug 2003, vol. 3 no. 2, pp.98-111 Online journal collection: Business Source Complete (EBSCO) in the Social Science Reading Room and BIPC Online only Deakin, S. & Konzelmann, S. J. Learning from Enron Corporate Governance: An International Review, Apr 2004, vol. 12 no. 2, pp.134-142 Online journal collection: Business Source Complete (EBSCO) in the Social Science Reading Room and BIPC DS shelfmark: 3472.066100 DSC

Journal articles (paper) Anon. Four committees in search of scandal: the politics of Enron Economist, vol.362, no.8256, 2002, pp.41-42 DS shelfmark: 3659.410000 Anon. The twister hits: the collapse of Enron Economist, vol.362, no.8256, 2002, pp.71-72 DS shelfmark: 3659.410000 Anon. When the numbers don't add up: accounting standards in the USA Economist, vol.363, no.8258, 2002, pp.67-68 DS shelfmark: 3659.410000 Benston, G.J.and Hartgreaves, A.L. Enron: what happened and what can we learn from it Journal of Accounting and Pubic Policy, vol.21, no.2, 2002, pp.105-127 DS shelfmark: 4918.868000 Carpenter, R. Impartial disclosure PR Week, March 2002, pp.13-14 DS shelfmark: 6579.243000 Clark, W.W. and Demirag, I. Enron: The failure of corporate governance The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, vol. 8, 2002, pp.105-122 DS shelfmark: 4965.336150

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Cohan, J.A. 'I didn't know' and "I was only doing my job": Has corporate governance careened out of control ? A case study of Enron's information myopia Jounrnal of Business Ethics, vol.40, no.3, 2002, pp.275-299 DS shelfmark: 4954.686000 Elkind, P. Cendant: a merger made in hell Fortune International, vol.138, no.9, 1998, pp.80-89 DS shelfmark: 4024.060000 Haddad, C. and Foust, D. WorldCom's sorry legacy Business Week, no.3790, 2002, pp.38-40 DS shelfmark: 4965.333000 Holmes, B. WorldCom: could it happen here Accountancy, vol.130, 2002, pp.18-19 DS shelfmark: 0573.540000 Ketz, J.E. Can we prevent future Enrons? Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, vol.13, no.4, 2002, pp.3-11 DS shelfmark: 4965.333000 Leaf, C. and Loomis, C.J. Enough is enough: white collar crime in the USA Fortune International, vol.145, no.6, 2002, pp.26-35 DS shelfmark: 4024. 060000 Madrick, J. Report of investigation by the Special Investigative Committee of the Board of Directors of Enron Corp: review article Challenge, vol.45, no.3, 2002, pp.117-127 DS shelfmark: 3129.100000 Mathews, G. After Enron the next turn must be right: the separation of audit and consultancy functions Management Consultant, March 2002, pp.26-27 DS shelfmark: 5359: 014630 McLean, B. Monster mess: the Enron collapse Fortune International, vol.145, no.3, 2002, pp.52-54 DS shelfmark: 4024.060000 McLean, B. Why Enron went bust Fortune International, vol.144, no.12, 2001, pp.52-58 DS shelfmark: 4024. 060000 Middleton, R. and Smith, H. Data retention policies after Enron: damned if you do, damned if you don't ? A look at data retention policies in the aftermath of Enron

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Computer Law and Security Report, vol.18, no.5, 2002, pp.333-337 DS shelfmark: 3394.074900 Singleton-Green, B. Enron - how the fraud worked Accountancy, vol.129, 2002, pp.20-21 DS shelfmark: 0573.540000 Sullivan, R. Enron: One step forward or two steps back for effective self-regulation? The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, vol. 8, 2002, pp.91-104 DS shelfmark: 4965.336150 Wilson, A. Clarity begins at home: European standard for financial reporting Financial Management, February 2002, pp.22-23 DS shelfmark: 3926.960000 Zandstra, G. Enron: board governance and moral failings Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Effective Board Performance, vol.2 , no.2, 2002, pp.16-19 DS shelfmark: 3472.066140 Zellner, W., Forest, S.A., Thornton, E., Coy, P., Timmons, H., Lavell, L. and Henry, D. The fall of Enron Business Week International, no.3746, 2001, pp.30-35 DS shelfmark: 2934.930000 Wallis, W.A. Reporting practices: potential lessons from Cendant Corporation European Journal of Management, vol.18, no.3, 2000, pp.328-333 DS shelfmark: 3829.750430

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