Aug 15, 2015 ... A pattern and general instructions for fleece blankets can be found on the .... *
Sewing machine optional 6 sessions, $30 ...... Bernina/Bernette sewing machines
. $110.00. Except: 200, 630, 640, 730, 820, 710, 750, 740, 770.
Fall 2015
of Northern Virginia 10381 MAIN STREET FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA 22030
LESLIE PFEIFER, OWNER (703) 273-6937
WE WILL BE CLOSED OCTOBER 10 THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS PROJECT LINUS - The Quilt Patch is committed to making quilts for children who need a security blanket for any reason. We support a number of community organizations which will make good use of the quilts and other comfy covers that we make and collect. Do something to make you feel warm and fuzzy this year and join us in several days of community service and sewing. Come for whatever time you have available. There is a job for everyone whether you are an accomplished sewer or not. For those of you who wish to help but are unavailable to come and sew, we are happy to take any donated tops that need finishing, especially those appropriate for pre-teen and older boys. If you are looking through your work space and see things you know you’ll never finish (and we all have them,) we can turn them into treasures. You may drop them off any time at the Quilt Patch. We also collect finished blankets, comforters and quilts for these good causes. Please mark your donations with your name and contact information. Please read the information from Project Linus about blanket/quilt requirements. If you have 100% cotton fabric in good condition that you would like to donate, please make an appointment to drop it off at the shop. Sadly, we have had too many occasions when sewing rooms have been cleaned out and everything dropped at the QP. We have neither the time nor resources to sort through it and also find somewhere to donate what we cannot use. Our mission is to create quilts for children who need them and we hope that you understand that we need to limit what we can accept.
THURS, FRI, SAT 10am-4pm: SEPT 3, 4, 5 FRI, SAT 10am-4pm: NOV 27, 28 MON, TUES, WEDS 10am-4pm: DEC 28, 29, 30 MON, TUE, WEDS 10am-4pm: MAR 21, 22, 23 2016
Blanket Requirements for Project Linus: Approximate SIZES: Baby: 36”x36” (nothing smaller please – we can’t use them) Toddler: 40”x50” Child: 45”x60” Teen: 50”x72” and larger Knitted or crocheted blankets/afghans: soft acrylic yarn or blend (NO WOOL please) A pattern and general instructions for fleece blankets can be found on the Project Linus website. Click on Patterns. HAILEY’S DOG DAYS SALE is on August 15 – This is our annual sale and we hope you won’t miss it. It’s a one-day event and always a great time. There are door prizes and favors and discounts on everything, including machines, accessories, fabrics, etc. Sale prices do not apply to already discounted merchandise or preorders. You’re sure to find treasures so check it out. BERNINA NEWS and REPORT – I know you are aware that another dealer in our area has closed its VA stores. We want to assure you that The Quilt Patch has been and will continue to be the Northern Virginia BERNINA dealer. We welcome this opportunity to extend an invitation to all BERNINA owners and customers to join us and let us provide to you our expert technical, support and teaching expertise, which is part of the BERNINA commitment to you. We look forward to meeting you and including you in our BERNINA family. Additionally, Kathy and I have just returned from Bernina University full of inspiration and information. A new Quilter’s Edition machine will be coming out in the 4th quarter. It is the 570QE with an optional embroidery module and a touch screen. It will not include the walking foot, however. We happen to have a few 550QE machines which do have the walking foot as well as the BSR and other quilting features and they are looking for good homes so if these are the features you’re looking for, don’t hesitate as I imagine they will go quickly. I’ve always loved the 550QE and it has been used successfully in our classroom since its inception. Don’t delay.
Fairfax Fall Festival, NEW YEAR’S DAY
for the and
PET-FINDERS – At BERNINA University this July we learned of another deserving project. Pet-Finders is an organization that rescues pets that are homeless or injured as a result of natural or man-made disasters. They are asking for small quilts, approximately 12”x18” – not much bigger than a placemat, to be used as soft resting places and bedding for these precious animals. If you are interested in making one or more of these small quilts to be donated to this deserving organization, we are happy to collect them and send them to Pet-Finders. We love our furry (and other) friends and even if we can’t adopt them all, we can help make them comfortable while this great group finds forever homes for them. Again, The Quilt Patch thanks you for your kindness and generosity. LAUNCHING KATHY’S ALASKA QUILT CRUISE – On Monday evening, August 17 at 7pm, we invite you to share some dessert with Kathy and Leslie while they explain why you’ll want to join Kathy on this fabulous cruise to Alaska. Enjoy the luxury of a cruise and the joy of uninterrupted sewing time. See the project for the quilting class and discover where you’ll travel and what you’ll see along the way. There will be coffee and desserts provided so please register early and we’ll see you soon.
Dear Quilting Friends, I hope you’ve been keeping cool this hot, hazy summer. It’s been good weather to stay inside and sew. I’ve never been a sun-sitter so whenever we traveled to the beach, I took my small BERNINA 380 with me. When they were old enough my kids and their friends headed to the beach and I headed to the kitchen table to sew. Those were great vacations! Everyone was happy. There is so much going on. Kathy and I had a good time at Bernina University despite the 3 digit temperatures. I’ll try to put in more information about what went on there if I can find room in this very full newsletter. Otherwise we’ll compose a Constant Contact to let you know what’s new. If you’re not on our email list, be sure to add it when you’re in the shop or send it to us. We are so proud of Kathy Lincoln and her upcoming cruise in 2016. If you’ve ever wanted to see Alaska and wanted to go on a quilting retreat, this is an opportunity to do both….and no cooking!! Join us on Aug 17th and learn all about it. There is a $50 credit applied to your registration if you register at the Launch Party. There will also be favors for attendees and yummy goodies (with decaf ) so you can fall asleep dreaming of this fabulous trip. I understand that G-Street closing its VA stores has put a dent in some of your clubs and activities. At the Quilt Patch we have ample classroom space to accommodate a fair number of people, so if you are looking for a home for your group or club, please let me know and I will do my best to save a meeting space for you whether it’s weekly, monthly or just now and then. We’ve had a great response to Row x Row and have loved meeting quilters from around the country and locally as well. So enjoy the rest of your summer and we hope to see you all soon. Happy Quilting,
Our book club meets upstairs at The Quilt Patch the last Thursday each month at 7:30pm. Selections for the coming months are: AUG 27 – All the Light We Can Not See by Anthony Doerr SEPT 24 – The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien OCT 29 – Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel NOV 19 – Our Souls at Night by Kent Huruf If you are new to Book Club or would like to join us, please send us your email address so we can add you to our communication list. Send your email address with “book club” in the subject line to
[email protected]. We hope to see you soon!
SERIES & ONGOING EVENTS SUNDAY SCHOOL/MONDAY SCHOOL – With an instructor available to answer any and all questions about your special project, students should expect help completing UFO’s as well as new ones. Learn from other students as they work through decisions and technical problems. Everyone participates in the process with the support of new friends. Membership for six months, $75 (Prorated if joining late)
SUN 11:30am-2pm OR 2:30-5pm: AUG 2, SEPT 6, OCT 4, NOV 1, DEC 6 (remaining dates) MON 9:30am-noon OR 12:30-3pm: AUG 10, SEPT 8, OCT 5, NOV 2, DEC 7(remaining dates) SUN 11:30am-2pm OR 2:30-5pm: JAN 3, FEB 7, MAR 6, APR 10, MAY 1, JUNE 5 MON 9:30am-noon OR 12:30-3pm: JAN 4, FEB 1, MAR 7, APR 4, MAY 2, JUNE 6 All levels..............................................................Lesly-Claire Greenberg
FRIDAY NIGHT SEWING CIRCLE – Come join us for this exciting mystery quilt. The fabric requirements and prep instructions are available at the shop so pick them up when you come in to register or include a SASE and we’ll mail them to you. You can choose among three sizes and it can be done in just three fabrics or scrappy in three colors. We’ll also explore other interpretations of how to perform the steps/instructions. Stars are involved combined with other block styles. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine optional. 12 sessions, $110 (includes materials fee)
FRI 7-9pm: SEPT 18, OCT 16, NOV 20, DEC 18, JAN 15, FEB 26 (date change), MAR 18, APR 15, MAY 20, JUNE 17 All levels............................................................ Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer
MOONLIGHT MADNESS – Kiwi Conserve by Madison Cottage Designs is the next great madness. A fabric kit (you pick 2 different colored fat quarters, Kathy does the rest), pattern, dinner, drinks and snacks are provided. You provide a sense of humor and come ready to have fun. If you want an extra kit ($90), just let us know. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine required. 1 session, $144
FRI 4:30-10:30pm: NOV 6
All levels...........................................................Instructor, Kathy Lincoln MOONLIGHT MADNESS – Taffy Twists by Modern Quilt Relish is the next great madness. A fabric kit (you pick a multi-colored fat quarter, Kathy does the rest), pattern, dinner, drinks and snacks are provided. You provide a sense of humor and come ready to have fun. If you want an extra kit ($90), just let us know. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine required. 1 session, $142
FRI 4:30-10:30pm: AUG 14
All levels...........................................................Instructor, Kathy Lincoln
MARTI AND ME CLUB – Whether you own Marti’s wonderful templates or just wonder why they are so great, this club will enlighten you. Each meeting will highlight a terrific sample, a particular tool and a demonstration of how to use the tool and make your own project. Patterns are free and each one includes a wide selection of projects; some are small, perhaps a table runner, others are bigger such as a wall hanging which can be enlarged into bed sized quilt. There’s something for everyone and we’ll introduce you to a great resource for accurate and successful cutting and piecing. We must have 12 students to fulfill our commitment to Michell Marketing so grab your friends and join in the fun. Enroll soon to avoid disappointment! You DO NOT have to take the series in order. You may also take more than one series at time if you wish. 5 sessions, $50 (prorated if you join late) for next series. Benefits of club membership are: • See new samples and learn how to use Marti Michell templates and rulers to make projects. • Chances at winning door prizes • Preview the next month’s project • Receive a free pattern each month. • Get 15% off all Marti Michell products all the time SERIES 5 – SAT 1:30-2:30pm: AUG 22 (remaining date) SERIES 1 – SAT 3-4pm: AUG 22 (remaining date) SERIES 6 - SAT 1:30-2:30pm: SEPT 26, OCT 31, NOV 21, DEC 19, JAN 30 SERIES 2 - SAT 3-4pm: SEPT 26, OCT 31, NOV 21, DEC 19, JAN 30 SERIES 3 – ST 3-4pm: FEB 27, MAR 26, APR 23, MAY 21, JUNE 25 All levels...................................... Instructors, Kathy Gray, Leslie Pfeifer WINTER MINI QUILT CAMP – Spend some time sewing with friends and completing projects that just need a little more attention. You’ll have a lot of fun and accomplish some good work at the same time. Bring one or many projects from home or search out something new. Limited to 10 students. Ask for supply list. Bring bag lunch. 1 sessions, $60
SAT 10am-6pm: JAN 2
All levels............................................ Instructor, Lesly-Claire Greenberg TUESDAY SIT AND SEW – I’ve wanted to do this for some time and the time is now. This is a forum for anyone who wants to sew with both friends and an instructor nearby. You may applique or piece by hand or machine, work on a bag or home dec project, even a garment. I’ll also try to teach or review a helpful hint each session based on either a student question or 35 years of personal/professional experience. You may join for six months at a discount or if there is room available, you may call ahead and for $10, come for a single session whenever you want to join us. Bring your stuff and a bag lunch. *Sewing machine optional 6 sessions, $30
TUES 10:30am-2pm: OCT 6, NOV 3, DEC 8, JAN 5, FEB 2, MAR 8 All levels............................................................ Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer
KAY’S KLUB – For years, students have gathered at the QP on Thursdays to take a series of classes with Kay Lettau. What started as a Block of the Month has morphed into a variety of formats, but the group has stayed true. We are happy to continue the Thursday tradition whose group dynamics have grown and changed and created lifetime friendships. Join in and be part of the fun. MIDWINTER BLUES – This beautiful quilt from Whirligig Designs is a medallion style and can be made in several different sizes, from wall hanging to bed quilt. Options will be given for adapting it to a rectangular shape for those wishing to do so. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 12 sessions, $175 THURS 10am-noon OR 6:30-8:30pm: JAN 14, FEB 11, MAR 10, APR 14, MAY 12, JUNE 9, JULY 14, AUG 11, SEPT 8, OCT 13, NOV 10, DEC 8 Adv Beginner................................................... Instructor, Kay Lettau
FALL QUILT-IN – Here’s an opportunity to spend some quality time sewing on a current project or a new one without the constant interruptions at home. Just sew, sew, sew much fun. Sign up early. This fills up quickly. Ask for supply list. Bring bag lunch. *Sewing machine optional. 2 sessions, $115
SAT/SUN: OCT 24 (10am-6pm), 25 (11am-5pm) All Levels........................................... Instructor, Lesly-Claire Greenberg WINTER QUILT-IN – The winter edition of our very popular weekend quilting retreats. You can leave your stuff but you have to go home at night. However, everyone has a great time. Sign up early. Bring bag lunch. *Sewing machine optional. 2 sessions, $115
ALL CLASSES ARE TWO HOURS LONG UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Cancellations with refund accepted up to 2 weeks before class start date. In a case where you cannot cancel in time, but are still unable to attend class, you may send someone in your place. If you bring your lunch, please remember that we have no refrigeration available. Thanks!!
SAT/SUN: FEB 13 (10am-6pm), 14 (11am-5pm)
All levels............................................ Instructor, Lesly-Claire Greenberg
Students: Please remember that you must be comfortable using
EMBROIDERY CLUB – Come and join the fun! New and exciting things are happening in Embroidery Club. Learn to use your machine to create beautiful embroidery every time. Each session introduces you to a new project, technique, stabilizers, everything you need to be successful. Members get a 25% discount on Bernina/OESD products on class day. You may choose to bring your embroidery machine and sew or come for the lecture demo. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN A BERNINA TO JOIN. Annual dues: $75 (pro-rated if you join late)
SUN 1:30-4:30pm: SEPT 27 (remaining date) THURS 10am-1pm: JAN 28, MAR 24, MAY 19, JULY 28, SEPT 22 SUN 1:30-4:30pm: JAN 31, APR 3, MAY 22, JULY 31, SEPT 25 All levels.................. Instructors Kathy Lincoln, Lesly-Claire Greenberg SOFTWARE SAMPLER – We are happy to announce that we are able to offer Software Sampler to our embroidery enthusiasts. The format is greatly improved, with excellent virtual presentations from Bernina educators, great handouts and interesting projects. This is NOT hands on, but a wealth of information for you to take home and develop however you wish. We will schedule it as an “add-on” to our Embroidery Club BUT you DO NOT have to enroll in Embroidery Club to take Software Sampler. Bring pencil and paper to take notes. 5 sessions, $50 (prorated if joining late)
SUN 12:15-1:15pm: SEPT 27 (remaining date) THURS 1:15-2:15pm: JAN 28, MAR 24, MAY 19, JULY 28, SEPT 22 SUN 12:15-1:15pm: JAN 31, APR 3, MAY 22, JULY 31, SEPT 25 All levels................. Instructors, Kathy Lincoln, Lesly-Claire Greenberg SERGER CLUB – Do you have a serger but are stumped on how to make practical use of this terrific tool? Club will teach you how to create wonderful projects with a variety of techniques and fabrics/threads, etc. You’ll make a number of useful items and gain the confidence to use your machine to its full potential. Members get a 25% discount on Bernina/OESD products on class day. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN A BERNINA SERGER TO PARTICIPATE. Dues: $30 (remaining two sessions)
THURS 10am-1pm: AUG 20, OCT 22 (remaining dates) All levels......................................................... Instructors, Kathy Lincoln SERGER SCHOOL – This is a new school to replace Serger Club. Serger School will give you an opportunity to bring the projects you are working on at home, including UFO’s and new projects, and get help as you work. An instructor will be available to assist, answer questions and, if necessary, save the day. And you’ll meet friends and learn from their projects as well. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN A BERNINA SERGER TO PARTICIPATE. Dues: $75 (pro-rated if you join late)
THURS 10am-1pm: FEB 18, APR 21, JUNE 16, AUG 18, OCT 20 All levels......................................................... Instructors, Kathy Lincoln
your sewing machine if you wish to take a machine-oriented class. If you cannot bring your machine, ask about reserving one of our BERNINA classroom machines. IF YOU NEED TO PURCHASE REQUIRED BOOKS, PATTERNS, ETC., PLEASE LET US KNOW IN ADVANCE TO ASSURE THAT WE HAVE ENOUGH IN STOCK FOR CLASS NEEDS. We can reserve your items for you.
BEGINNING QUILTMAKING: PIECING BY MACHINE – Whether you are a true beginner or not, this class will open up a new world of quiltmaking based on time-tested techniques. Not only will you learn all of the major block styles, but the entire quilt-making process including how to draft, make templates, mark, cut, machine piece, appliqué, quilt and finish. Students can expect to complete a sampler top, possibly quilt and finish it. Free handouts. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine required in class for 3 sessions only. 8 sessions, $99
WEDS 7-9pm: SEPT 9, 16, 23, 30 (date change), OCT 14, 21, NOV 4, 18 THURS 7-9pm: JAN 21, 28, FEB 4, 25, MAR 3, 17, 24, 31 Beginner............................................................ ,Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer
PERFECT MACHINE PIECING – Discover all the tricks for perfect machine piecing. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to achieve accurate points and intersections. Even experienced sewers appreciate the techniques taught in this class. End the frustration and enjoy the results. *Sewing machine required. Ask for supply list. Materials fee: $3 (payable at class) 1 session, $30
SAT 10am-1pm: NOV14
Beginner, Intermediate........................................... Instructor, Kay Lettau BEGINNING HAND APPLIQUE – Learn four different hand applique techniques while making a small wall quilt. This is a great opportunity to discover which techniques work best for you. Book: Applique: The Basics and Beyond required. Ask for supply list. 1 session, $45
SUN 12-5pm: NOV 29
Beginner, Intermediate………………………Instructor, Kathy Lincoln DESIGN YOUR QUILTING ROADMAP – We’ve combined two of our best classes into one. It’s a perfect fit because you learn to design overall quilting patterns (doodling) and apply it to answering the question of where and what quilting do I use to finish my quilt (quilt as desired). Ask for supply list. Bring bag lunch or snack. 1 session, $36
SAT 10am-2pm: JAN 9
All levels............................................................... Instructor, Kathy Gray BASIC ROTARY CUTTING – Rotary cutting can make your quilt making quick and enjoyable, but you have to know how to use the equipment. This class will teach you all of the basic cutting techniques, how to measure and cut with rulers, proper folding and stacking. No sewing in class. This class is strongly recommended for beginners. Ask for supply list. 1 session, $30
MON 10am-1pm: OCT 12 (holiday) WEDS 6:30-9:30: FEB 17
Beginner............................................. Instructor, Lesly-Claire Greenberg
BEGINNING HAND PIECING - Learn the basics of piecing quilt blocks by hand. It’s portable, easy to do in the company of family and friends, keeps your hands busy at PTA, sports practices and while watching TV. Ask for supply list. 1 session, $30
WEDS 6:30-9:30pm: AUG 26
Beginner, Intermediate....................................... Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer BASIC MACHINE QUILTING – This technique allows you to increase your productivity without sacrificing quality. Class emphasizes hands-on practice, proper tools and hints for success. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine required. Bring bag lunch. 1 session, $54 (includes materials fee)
FRI 10am-4pm: AUG 28
Beginner, Intermediate......................................... Instructor, Nancy Karst PAPER PIECE FOR FUN – Learn the basics of foundation (paper) piecing: stitching, trimming, all the little tricks for success, and have some fun. Give these mini quilts as gifts to friends and family or make a collage of your favorites for your home. Ask for supply list (some suggested patterns will be noted). *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $30
SAT 10am-1pm: AUG 22 SAT 10:30am-1:30pm: JAN 9
All levels............................................................ Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer BASIC MACHINE APPLIQUE – Using a fusible bonding agent, freezer paper and your sewing machine, learn several methods of machine appliqué including an “invisible” technique that mimics hand work. We will make a practice piece in class that will serve as an example (or crib sheet) of the stitches and settings you like and will use in future projects. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine with zig-zag capability required. 1 session, $30
SAT 10am-1pm: SEPT 26
All Levels........................................................... Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer MUST LOVE TRIANGLES – Whether you love them or hate them, you can’t get around the fact that you need them. So let us show you a bunch of ways to construct this most common unit in quiltmaking, the half-square triangle. As usual, the trick is finding the method that works best for you. Ask for supply list. Bring bag lunch. *Sewing machine required. 1 session, $49
SAT 10am-4pm: AUG 29 (date change)
All levels............................................................... Instructor, Kathy Gray BORDER SOLUTIONS – Creating borders is one area of quiltmaking that seems under addressed. There are many tips for making straight, flat border treatments including easy mitered corners and pieced borders. We’ll discuss how to measure for all border styles and also when a border is needed and when it is unnecessary. Ask for supply list. 1 session, $30
SAT 1:30-4:30pm: NOV 14
All levels............................................................ Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer BIG STITCH/SLOW QUILTING - Do you need a quilt finished in a hurry? It will still take time, but you’ll learn that large even stitches are better than tiny uneven ones. You can produce a lovely quilt without the hassle or time-constraints of traditional hand or machine quilting. Our foremothers did it all the time. You can also use these methods for bags and garments. Ask for supply list. 1 session, $24
SAT 10am-noon: NOV 7
All levels............................................................... Instructor, Kathy Gray COLOR MASTERY I - Our comprehensive color class will focus on a set of color “plans” for making and designing quilts. Students will make mock-ups in class and be encouraged to complete an exercise between sessions. Each class will begin with a review and discussion of these exercises, and then proceed with the next set. Quilts pertaining to class topics will be shown in all sessions. The following will be covered: One & Two Color Quilts, Three Color Quilts, Four Color Quilts, and the No Color Quilt. Ask for supply list. 4 sessions, $80
SAT 10am-12:30pm: SEPT 19, OCT 17, NOV 21, DEC 19
All levels............................................ Instructor, Lesly-Claire Greenberg
COLOR MASTERY II – This course will continue the color mastery progression from Mastery I. All sessions will be lecture and hands-on. Students should expect to come away with knowledge of how color can work for their quilts with a series of examples for reference. (Pre-requisite: Color Mastery I) Ask for supply list. 4 sessions, $80
SAT 10am-12:30pm: JAN 23, FEB 20, MAR 19, APR 16
All levels............................................ Instructor, Lesly-Claire Greenberg BINDING BASICS – The binding of your quilt should not be left to chance, but requires the appropriate finished edge. Learn straight and bias binding, when to use them and how to miter perfect corners. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine optional, book Happy Endings required. 1 session, $27
SUN 1-4pm: JAN 10
All levels............................................................... Instructor, Kathy Gray
MACHINE PIECING CURVED PIECING – Using Marti Michell templates, learn how to achieve smooth, even curves as you piece a variety of curved quilt blocks. Start with a large, gentle Drunkard’s Path and proceed to smaller, tighter curves. Then you’ll learn how to combine blocks into more complex designs. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine required. 1 session, $30
SAT 10:30am-1:30pm: SEPT 12 WEDS 6:30-9:30pm: MAR 16
Adv Beginner..................................................... Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer LEAF SERIES – Choose any of Judy Niemeyer’s new Leaf Series and make a beautiful quilt, wall hanging or even placements. Our model is “Leaf One” and would be a beautiful table runner. This is foundation pieced and you’ll also learn to sew gentle curves. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 2 sessions, $52
SAT: OCT 31 (10am-noon), NOV 7 (10m-2pm)
Adv Beginner......................................................... Instructor, Kay Lettau THE $5 MYSTERY QUILT CLASS – That’s right! You can take this class for $5and make something patriotic. Come with an open mind and prepared to have fun. Limited to 12 students. Ask for supply list. Bring bag lunch. *Sewing machine required. 1 session, $5
SAT 10:30am-4:30pm: JAN 16
All levels............................................................ Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer DRAGON BONES – So I took this to a retreat thinking I’d get a start on Chris’ new quilt, but it was worse than eating chips. I just couldn’t stop making blocks. I hope you’ll have as much fun as I did. Chris’ theme was Samurai, Oriental and Dragons, but it would be fun with kid prints, music prints, florals, almost anything. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and book required. Bring bag lunch. 1 session, $49
SAT 10:30am-4:30pm: AUG 29
All levels............................................................ Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer THE CHRISMAS WREATH – Easily and quickly made using Marti Michell templates, this makes a pretty holiday wall hanging or a centerpiece for your family dinner table. It was a Marti & Me Club selection but it’s never too late to learn the wonders of these templates. Plus you’ll have plenty of time to make several. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and templates required. Bring bag lunch or snack. 1 session, $36
SAT 10am-2pm: SEPT 19
All levels............................................................... Instructor, Kathy Gray GORGONZOLA – This great pattern by one of our favorite designers, Madison Cottage Designs, is foundation pieced, uses 10” squares and it’s easy enough for everyone to enjoy. Drag out those gorgeous packages of 10” squares you’ve been saving and make a really terrific quilt. Ask for supply list. Bring bag lunch. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $45
SUN 12-5pm: OCT 11
All levels...........................................................Instructor, Kathy Lincoln
THE SPARKLER QUILT – I loved making this for Market Party and I think you will, too. With a single background, you can use a Bali Pop or Jelly Roll to make the positive/negative blocks and arrange them in a number of ways. You’ll also learn how to distinguish light, medium and dark for a pleasant, eye-catching quilt. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. Bring bag lunch. 1 session, $52
APPLIQUE AFTERNOON – Do you need help completing your hand applique projects? Bring whatever you are working on, including unfinished class challenges, and get hands-on expert help with completing your blocks. Or just come for the camaraderie and sew without interruptions. 6 sessions, $78 (prorated if joining late)
Adv Beginner..................................................... Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer
SANTA/ELF DOOR-KNOB DECORATION – This charming door knob greeterr is just adorable. Choose either the Santa or the Elf and complete it in class. A hardware kit containing the bells and adornments is available separately. Please let us know when you register if you wish to have a hardware kit reserved for you. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $54
SAT 10:30am-4:30pm: OCT 3
CUBBY HOLES – Panels are a quick way to put together a quilt, but there has to be more than a panel and a backing to make them interesting and pretty. Learn how to adjust and adapt a panel and how to incorporate other patches and fabrics to make something unique. Ask for supply list. Bring bag lunch. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $52
SAT 10am-4pm: DEC 12
All levels............................................................... Instructor, Kathy Gray ZIG-ZAG QUILT – Using a 60 degree (equilateral) triangle, you can create an easy multi-color quilt. Similar to a “row” quilt, the triangles are sewn into rows separated vertically by a stripe or other fabric. It can be geared towards children, teens, or adults. Make it scrappy or within a colorway. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $52
SAT 10am-4pm: OCT 17
All levels................................................... Instructor, Nancy Karppowicz THREE DUDES QUILT – Put those jelly rolls you’ve been collecting to wonderful use in this scrappy quilt. The cutting and sewing are easy since you’ll turn strip piecing into triangles set around a square within a square. It’s clever and easy and fun to make. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $52
SAT 10am-4pm: DEC 5
All levels..................................................... Instructor, Nancy Karpowicz NEW YORK BEAUTY – It’s just too pretty not to share again. We will treat this like a Block of the Month, but will tackle 4-5 blocks at a time. It’s very helpful to take Curved Piecing in advance of this class or be very comfortable sewing curves. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine required. 6 sessions, $119 (includes materials fee)
SAT 10am-1pm: JAN 23, FEB 27, MAR 26, APR 23, MAY 21, JUNE 25 Intermediate, Advanced..................................... Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer
SAT 1:30-4pm: AUG 15, SEPT 19, NOV 21, DEC 19, JAN 16, FEB 20 All levels.......................................................... Instructor, Karen Johnson
FRI 10:30am-4:30pm: OCT 2
Adv Beginner..................................................... Instructor, Nancy Moore BASIC MACHINE APPLIQUE – Using a fusible bonding agent, freezer paper and your sewing machine, learn several methods of machine appliqué including an “invisible” technique that mimics hand work. We will make a practice sample in class that will serve as an example (or crib sheet) of the stitches and settings you like and will use in future projects. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine with zig-zag capability required. 1 session, $30
SAT 10am-1pm: SEPT 26
All Levels........................................................... Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer THE GIRLFRIEND BAG - This is a fantastic purse, comfortable to carry, plenty of room, but not too large! AND it’s expandable if you need more space. It has roomy pockets on both sides and closes with a nickel twist lock. Learn to make a zipper pocket and how to quilt the purse using a single or double needle. Your purse will look like a “VB” designer bag and you can make a Diva Wallet to match! (See below) Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 2 sessions, $52
SUN 12:30-3:30pm: NOV 8, 15
Intermediate....................................................... Instructor, Nancy Moore BASIC BOXERS – Kids still love boxer shorts whether they’re hanging out in the dorm, taking a nap, or doing homework. Make them personal with special fabric choices for the pre-teen, teen or young adult in your life. They’re fun to make and great for Care packages for college students. Ask for supply list. Bring bag lunch. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $49
SAT 10am-4pm: SEPT 12
Intermediate......................................................... Instructor, Nancy Karst THE FARMER’S WIFE coming in 2016 – In the new year we plan to offer this popular Block of the Month using Marti Michell templates and will plan the lessons to keep similar styles of blocks together. Stay tuned for more information in the winter newsletter.
THE DIVA FRAME WALLET – This wallet has everything I want and need to keep my important items organized. There are pockets for credit cards, coins, and bills.. And it’s very attractive. Make one as a matching companion piece for every bag you make or carry. And what a great gift! Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $36
SUN 12:30-4:30pm: SEPT 20
All levels............................................................ Instructor, Nancy Moore
APPLIQUE, GARMENTS, BAGS, HOME DEC BEGINNING HAND APPLIQUE – Learn four different hand applique techniques while making a small wall quilt. This is a great opportunity to discover which techniques work best for you. Book: Applique: The Basics and Beyond required. Ask for supply list. 1 session, $45
SUN 12-5pm: NOV 29
Beginner, Intermediate………………………Instructor, Kathy Lincoln THE TAHOE TOTE – This perfect tote from Pink Sand Beach has 6 pockets and plenty of room for carrying things to work or school. Construct it with a personal theme – pets, music, beach, Bet you can’t make just one! Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $52
MON 10am-4pm: OCT 12 (holiday)
All levels............................................................ Instructor, Nancy Moore
THE 20 MINUTE PILLOWCASE – In order to help with our participation in the One Million Pillowcase project, we continue to offer this free class. You’ll learn a quickie technique for sewing up a pillowcase in no time at all. Make as many as you like. Pillowcases from class will be collected for the project, but you’ll know how to make them for easy gifts. It’s a great way to remind your family that you’re thinking of them. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine required. FREE
SAT 10:30am-12:30pm: JAN 30
All levels............................................................ Instructor, Leslie Pfeifer THE BENDY BAG – It’s worth taking the class just for what you’ll learn about inserting zippers, BUT you’ll complete a cool bag in the process. You have options to make different sizes and the young girls in your life will want several. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $36
SUN 12:30-4:30pm: OCT 11
All levels...........................................................Instructor, Kathy Lincoln
CHUNKY WEE BAG – This popular pattern is a mini messenger-style bag with a ring of inner pockets. It can be made in three different sizes and personalized. It closes with a magnetic purse snap and is easy to make. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine and pattern required. 1 session, $52
MON 10am-4pm: JAN 18 (holiday)
All levels............................................................ Instructor, Nancy Moore
MACHINE and SOFTWARE SPECIALTIES SOFTWARE SAMPLER – We are happy to announce that we are able to offer Software Sampler to our embroidery enthusiasts. The format is greatly improved, with excellent virtual presentations from Bernina educators, great handouts and interesting projects. This is NOT hands on, but a wealth of information for you to take home and develop however you wish. We will schedule it as an “add-on” to our Embroidery Club BUT you DO NOT have to enroll in Embroidery Club to take Software Sampler. Bring pencil and paper to take notes. 5 sessions, $50 (prorated if joining late)
SUN 12:15-1:15pm: SEPT 27 (remaining date) THURS 1:15-2:15pm: JAN 28, MAR 24, MAY 19, JULY 28, SEPT 22 SUN 12:15-1:15pm: JAN 31, APR 3, MAY 22, JULY 31, SEPT 25 All levels................. Instructors, Kathy Lincoln, Lesly-Claire Greenberg
WELCOME TO THE STITCHER’S GARDEN (a Block of the Month) – “Feet, feet, feet, how many, many feet we’ll meet,” as we make this beautiful appliqué sampler quilt.
AUG 16, OCT 18, NOV 22 (date change), DEC 6, JAN 17, FEB 21, MAR 13 (remaining dates) All levels...........................................................Instructor, Kathy Lincoln
BSR, TWICE QUILTED – You’ll have hands-on practice with BSR 1 and BSR 2. Learn the differences between the two and how they can be used effectively to enhance your machine quilting. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine with BSR required. (If you DO NOT have a BSR, classroom machines are available if you wish to try it out. PLEASE reserve a machine when you register.) 1 session, $29
SUN 1-4pm: NOV 15
All levels............................................ Instructor, Lesly-Claire Greenberg THE CARE AND FEEDING OF YOUR BERNINA – A regular service of your machine every 12-18 months is recommended by Bernina, but there are things you can do yourself to help keep your machine running smoothly in between. Learn how to clean the bobbin area and under the stitch plate, oil the hook, and check the tension plus other great hints for maintaining your machine from the best Bernina tech in the area. Ask for supply list. *Sewing machine required. 1 session, $24
FRI 10am-noon: SEPT 18 SAT 10am-noon: DEC 5
All levels.............................................................. Instructor, Fred Adkins EMBROIDERY SCHOOL – Are you new to machine embroidery or just want to brush up on your skills? Here are the ABC’s of embroidery. Format is similar to our other “schools” – bring your own projects and get help as needed. Limited to 8 students. Machine w/Embroidery capability required. NOT limited to Bernina owners. Ask for supply list. 4 sessions, $80
SUN 12:30-4:30: FEB 21, APR 17, AUG 21, OCT 16
All levels............................................ Instructor, Lesly-Claire Greenberg SERGER BASICS - Does threading your serger still stump you? What about tension and stitch variations? NO MATTER what brand of serger you own, this class will give you the information and confidence you need to drag that serger out of the closet. Ask for supply list. *Serger required (does NOT have to be a Bernina) 1 session, $34
SAT 10am-2pm: OCT 17
All levels...........................................................Instructor, Kathy Lincoln
MACHINE MASTERY - For those of you who have purchased a new Bernina from us, our FREE Machine Mastery Classes are listed below. In addition, we also include a CD “Mastering Your Machine” which retails for $95. We feel these are so important in helping you get the most from your machine, they are a little thank you gift from us. Please sign up for the appropriate class for your specific machine. For those of you who feel you need to refresh your skills, we welcome you to take the classes as often as you need to, as long as we are offering a class on your machine and we have new owners in the session. Class size is limited to 8 students in order to give everyone as much attention as possible. If you have purchased your machine elsewhere, but wish to take your owner’s classes with our excellent teachers, you are welcome to do so at a cost of $25 per class hour, on a space available basis. Please note: If you own an older model machine and still need your mastery classes, please call the shop so we can schedule a private lesson with an instructor ($25/hour) BERNINA 560/570/580E/780E/790E/ 880E – SAT (10am-3pm)/SUN 12-4pm: AUG 1, 2 or THURS (10am-3pm)/FRI 10am-2pm: OCT 15, 16 or SAT (10am-3pm)/SUN 12-4pm: JAN 9, 10 BERNINA 740/770 –SAT 10am-2pm: SEPT 26 or SAT 10am-2pm: NOV 21 or SAT 10am-2pm: JAN 30 BERNINA 530, 550QE – SUN 12:30-4:30pm: AUG 22 or SAT 10am-2pm: NOV 7 or SAT 10am-2pm: JAN 16 BERNINA 215, 330, 350, 380 – SUN 12:30-4:30pm: SEPT 13 or SUN 12:30-4:30pm: NOV8 or SUN 12:30-4:30pm: JAN 17 BERNINA SOFTWARE –TBA BERNINA SERGERS – TBA
Service Note:
When bringing your machine in for servicing (COA – Clean, Oil, Adjust), please bring the machine, power cord, foot control, #3A or #3C buttonhole foot if available, and bobbin case. If you have BSR, please bring it also. Fred and Bob don’t need any other accessories. IF you have an embroidery module to be serviced, please bring your hoops, embroidery foot (#15 if available) and templates. Items not required will be returned to you at check-in. Sergers require: power cord, foot control, accessory tension unit if available (model 234 for example). If your serger does cover stitch, please also bring cover stitch door adaptor, special cover stitch needle plate and presser foot if available. We often hear from customers that they don’t have their machine serviced regularly because they don’t use it very often and we totally understand the logic behind this notion. However, like any piece of machinery, lack of use can cause the oil and lubrication to thicken over time and when you use your machine again, it may not function as smoothly as expected. SO, Bernina recommends a service at least every 12-18 months to keep your precious machine working at maximum efficiency. WHY DO WE MAKE APPOINTMENTS?? We do this to allow our technicians to plan their time. They know how many machines they can handle in an average day. If your machine is working, but just needs a tune-up, we think you’d prefer to sew on it rather than let it sit on our shelves until its turn comes around. We don’t ship machines out to be serviced. Our two Bernina trained and certified techs do the work in house, so we know that under most circumstances, our turnaround time is normally 5-6 days unless a part has to be ordered. You are welcome to drop off your machine any time that is convenient to you. Machine Service Charges As of April 15, 2015 Singer Featherweights $ 99.00 Bernina Sergers except: $110.00 2000DCE, 1300MDC , 1300DC, 2500DC $120.00 Note: We no longer service 2500CET Bernina/Bernette sewing machines Except: 200, 630, 640, 730, 820, 710, 750, 740, 770 820 820 If purchased elsewhere
All models with Emb Modules Except: 750QEE, 770QEE, 780E, 790E, 830E, 880E 750QEE, 770QEE, 780E, 790E, 830E, 880E If purchased elsewhere Extra Labor per Hour: If purchased elsewhere 7-series, 8-series If purchased elsewhere
$120.00 $150.00
$150.00 $180.00 $ 80.00 $ 90.00 $100.00
We offer private lessons on a variety of quilting skills, hand or machine and mastery classes on most Bernina machines no longer in the current line. Please call for a personal appointment. ($25.00/hour)
25% OFF
Fabric, Notions, Books, etc.
(1 yd. minimum cut & non-sale items only!)
Bernina Accessories, Chairs & most Machines August 15, 2015
NEW NEW NEW - the Quilter’s Accessory Kit includes the BSR, Walking Foot, #37 Patchwork Foot & Magnifying Lens set. If you want to upgrade your 430, 530, 710 or 740 this is a great deal.
Selling for $999.00
! e c n Cha
to own the 550 Quilter’s Edition, which includes the walking foot with other quilting accessories.
Cancellations with refund accepted up to 2 weeks before class start date.
ADDRESS: CLASS: START DATE: TIME: FEE: CLASS: START DATE: TIME: FEE: CLASS: START DATE: TIME: FEE: PAYMENT BY CHECK _____________ VISA/MC/DISC # ____________________________________________________ Exp. _________________ SIGNATURE ____________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT TOTAL $ _________________ (All phone or mail-in registrations made with VISA, MasterCard or Discover Card are subject to $1 handling fee.) Mail to: The Quilt Patch, 10381 Main Street, Fairfax, VA 22030 Supply lists are available at the shop and on line. If you wish to have a copy mailed to you, please enclose a self‑addressed stamped envelope. All materials are needed prior to coming to class. ALL MATERIALS FEES ARE PAYABLE TO THE INSTRUCTOR AT THE FIRST CLASS.
e Da y O nly Super Saturday October 17, 2015
B 790
For the comfort of others, please refrain from wearing heavily scented perfumes, colognes, creams, etc.! Thank you.
Special offers and Great Financing Available!
B 570 QE
* All machines at 25% off or UMRP. * 25% off Bernina accessories and chairs and OESD products. * 20% off Heavenly Sewing Chairs. * Free insert with Horn cabinet purchase. Plus free shipping.
CHILDREN: Please do not bring them to class. We must also refuse requests to allow visiting grandmas, aunts, inlaws, etc., to “sit in” without paying the regular class fee. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. BAD WEATHER POLICY: When Fairfax County Schools are closed due to inclement weather, day classes are cancelled. Call the shop for an update on evening classes. Under most conditions, evening and weekend classes will be held as scheduled. Every possible attempt will be made to notify you if your class is cancelled.
10381 MAIN STREET FAIRFAX, VA 22030 (703) 273-6937
Bernina of Northern Virginia
The Quilt Patch
Celebrating our 42nd year! PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Merrifield, VA Permit No 761
Named one of the 10 best quilt shops in North America