The Fan FAQ Sheet - Lalone Marketing

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Sep 7, 2013 ... S.C. Stephens –. Thoughtless, Effortless, Reckless, Collision Course (limited),. Conversion (limited). 15. Jenn Sterling –. The Game Changer ...


Saturday, September 7 th , 2013 12:00 – 4:00pm **Please do not line-up prior to 11:00am**


W estin Seattle Hotel Westlake Level / Pine Room 1900 5th Avenue Seattle, WA 98101

FACEBOOK PAGE: EVENT PAGE: **FANS, PLEASE REGISTER HERE. Registration is FREE and required of all Fans.**


Alphabetical by Author last name. All titles available for on-site purchase.

Delicate, Grounding Quinn, Beautiful Things Never Last, Lengths, Depths, Limits, Ties, My Heart for Yours, My Fate for Yours 2. Cora Carmack – Losing It, Faking It 3. Jillian Dodd – That Boy, That Wedding, Stalk Me, Kiss Me, Date Me, Love Me 4. Rebecca Donovan – Reason to Breathe, Barely Breathing, Out of Breath 5. Tarryn Fisher – The Opportunist, Dirty Red, Thief 6. Colleen Hoover – Slammed, Point of Retreat, This Girl, Hopeless 7. Molly McAdams – Taking Chances, From Ashes 8. Kristen Proby – Come Away With Me, Fight With Me, Play With Me, Rock With Me 9. K. Anne Raines – Shattered Grace 10. Tina Reber – Love Unscripted, Love Unrehearsed 11. Liz Reinhardt – Double Clutch, Junk Miles, Slow Twitch, Perfectly Unmatched, Fall Guy, Lengths, Depths, Limits, Ties 12. Dina Silver – Finding Bliss, One Pink Line, Kat Fight 13. Tara Sivec – Seduction and Snacks, Chocolate Lovers (Special Edition), Watch Over Me, A Beautiful Lie 14. S.C. Stephens – Thoughtless, Effortless, Reckless, Collision Course (limited), Conversion (limited) 15. Jenn Sterling – The Game Changer, The Perfect Game 16. Tammara Webber – Easy, Between the Lines, Where You Are, Good For You, Here Without You 17. Nicole Williams – Crash, Clash, Crush, Lost & Found, Near & Far 18. Ryan Winfield – Jane's Melody, South of Bixby Bridge, The Park Service, Isle of Man 1. Steph Campbell –




Parking at the Westin can be expensive ($35-$40). Below are other nearby options. Please also visit: for an interactive map and more info. IMPARK Parking Lots: § 1915 5th Avenue – § 585 Stewart Street – § 1840 6th Avenue – § 650 Stewart Street –

Appx. $15/day Appx. $15/day Appx. $15/day Appx. $10/day


Onsite Bookseller – University Book Store will have a Sales Table at the entrance of the Signing Room. The Sales Table will be your first stop before entering the Room. Every fan will be given time to buy books before entering.

Onsite Indie Book Sales – The Authors will also be selling indie titles inside the Signing Room. If you do not see a book you want at the University Book Store Sales Table, it will be available to purchase inside at the Author’s table.

Forms of Payment– Please plan to bring cash AND a credit card with you. University Book Store will accept both forms of payment. All Authors will accept cash, and most Authors will accept credit cards. If you’re bringing cash, please help out by bringing small bills!

Cost – Most books cost between $10-15 (with deals for purchasing multiple books). Supplies will be limited though, so please buy books ahead if possible. You can call University Book Store directly for help: 206-634-3400

HOW THE EVENT W ORKS: Thank you in advance for keeping the line moving through the Signing Room! •

W hat About Registration? – Registration is required of all Fans and can be completed at: It is solely so we can get an accurate estimation of how many Fans will be attending. **You do NOT need to bring identification or registration codes with you. Just bring yourself, a smile, and a few friends!

Bringing Your Own Books – Go for it—bring your own books! *Just remember they can get heavy. Some Fans like to carry them in a bag or stack them into a rolling cart.

W aiting In Line – When you enter the Westin, please proceed through the lobby to the W estLake Level. The line will form in the hallway outside the Signing Room. You will remain in this line for the entirety of the Event as it weaves into the Room and past each Author table. (*Best to make friends with your neighbors, they’ll be with you all day!) •

First Stop – At the front of the line, right outside the Signing Room, will be the University Book Store Sales Table. Everyone will have time to buy books here if desired.

Second Stop – Directly inside the Room will be the second stop, the Check-In table. Here you will sign in with your name and email address. You will also write your name on a provider sticker and place it on the back of your hand so the Authors can easily see how to spell your name.

Remaining Stops – All the Author tables! *Remember to stay in line.

How Long Do I Have W ith Each Author? – You will have time to meet every Author. Please be mindful of the line behind you, though, and keep the line moving by limiting yourself to one signed item per Author.

W hat W ill The Authors Sign? – Again, please limit yourself to one signed item per Author. The Authors will sign anything you’d like: scrapbooks, e-readers, t-shirts, books… And they will absolutely pose for a photo with you too!



Social M edia – We’d love to hear from you! Please post your comments and photos before/during/after the event to the Facebook Fan Page (link above). When posting to Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, please use the hashtag #SeattleAuthorEvent so we can keep track of all activity!

W hat If I Have A Question W hile I’m In Line? – If you have questions while you’re at the Event, please either ask a Volunteer (look for anyone wearing a lanyard/nametag) or post to the Facebook Fan Page and we’ll help you out!

Hungry? Thirsty? – Please plan to bring water and/or snacks with you. The Westin also has a lobby bar as well as an in-house restaurant:

Hotel M ap – Please see below for more information on the location of the Signing Room. The WestLake Level is located right off of the lobby. The waiting line will form in the WestLake Hallway. Please keep to the right!

Additional questions? Please ask on the Facebook Fan Page or email: [email protected]. Thank you! See you in Seattle!