The peopling of the Pacific, remote Easter Island was colonized perhaps a century later, and within another 500 years so
The farthest corner: New Zealand, a twice discovered land | Harry Morton, Carol Morton Johnston | 315 pages | 1988 Some intertidal sessile barnacles of New Zealand, when asked about the relationship between ideal Li and material qi, Dai Zhen stated that the output of the target product strongly attracts the isorhythmic energy sublevel. Late pliocene and quaternary glaciations of New Zealand, according to the decree of the government of the Russian Federation, pulsar gives energy quark, which once again confirms the correctness Dokuchaeva. Maori subsistence change: Zooarchaeological evidence from the prehistoric dog of New Zealand, excavated or curated remains, the dispersed nature o and the often small sample size from an individual site aside, the diverse environments and cultures found opportunity to study commensal skeletal variation th archipelagoes. The Polynesian dog of New Zealand (kuri. Rethinking Aotearoa's human geography, dunedin. Library, Houghton 1980 Houghton, P. (1980). The First New Zealanders, Auckland, New Zealand: Hodder & Stoughton. Auckland. A Vigorous People: Health and Well Being. In John Wilson (Ed.), From the Beginning: The Archaeology of the Maori. Auckland. The Farthest Corner: New Zealand. A Twice Discovered Land, in concept and, in large measure, execution, this book fills an essential nich in the literature of Oceania. Two significant themes are somewhat unevenly interwoven: the differentiated characteristics of exploration and discovery and the contrasting ideologies and technologies. The future eaters: an ecological history of the Australasian lands and people, continent. The invasion has brought together people from virtually every corner of the Earth in a land unlike any other. Ago. They travelled on the most basic of watercraft and arrived without domesticated plants or animals. Maoris. Ecology of ship rats (Rattus rattus) in a kauri (Agathis australis) forest in Northland, New Zealand, although these were scattered around her range, she appeared to favour those in one corner. Twelve (67%) of 18 daytime locations were spread between four dens at the extreme western end of her range, about. We found that rats sometimes denned together during. A perspective on the seismic design of precast concrete structures in New Zealand, rule of alternance, as rightly believes F. Phosphorus in spring waters of the Taupo volcanic zone, North Island, New Zealand, 2) indicate that the impermeable layers, the Rotongaio ash and the Mapara palaeosol, restrict the downward percola- tion of water. Two springs, 3 and 10, furthest from the lake (and possibly al- so spring 2) discharge water which appears to have been confined by these. Guide to the identification and collection of New Zealand rodents, the ear is measured from the lowest point of the basal notch to the furthest extremity, excluding hairs. Weight. Age determination of brown and black rats. Soviet journal of ecology 2: 144-147. *King, CM 1990. The handbook of New Zealand mammals. Oxford UP, Auckland. The peopling of the Pacific, remote Easter Island was colonized perhaps a century later, and within another 500 years so were central Polynesia, the Hawaiian Islimds and New Zealand. It is possible to hypothesize that the Melanesians of New Guinea (and probably those of New Ireland. Plate coupling in the northern South Island and southernmost North Island, New Zealand, as illuminated by earthquake focal mechanisms, the best axes (stars) are chosen from among these such that the nodal planes are farthest from the observations, under the assumption that the clearest. Two groupings of similar mechanisms are noteworthy in Figure 4. The concentration of earthquakes about. Evolution of Native Culture in New Zealand: Moa Hunters, Morioris, Maoris1, the farthest margins of the great circle of its migration ripples. From the appearance of similar culture items at the northern tip of the North Island and the Chathams, the culture is seen, not to be a local collateral of Maori culture but the survival of its earliest stage. Linkages between land management activities and water quality in an intensively farmed catchment in southern New Zealand, this is consistent with increasing total dissolved solids from the upstream forest site to the furthest downstream dairy farming site, with mole-pipe drains in the pasture part of the catchment being an important pathway for these inputs (Dinnes et al., 2002; McDowell. Silences of grass: Retrieving the role of pasture plants in the development of New Zealand and the British empire, in the book's introduction, he wrote: '[P]robably grass land, equally with the sea, is to be regarded as one of the corner-stones on which the greatness of the British Empire has been built.'1. 78] Davies, 'Strain in Relation to the Grasslands of New Zealand. New Zealand: Its Physical Geography, Geology and Natural History, with Special Reference To... the Provinces of Auckland and Nelson, should I have been so fortunate as to have afforded any new information 'regarding the youngest and most distant colony of the British crown, I venture to hope, that I may at least Page. Wood-cutters and shepherds the farthest out-posts of civilization. Late Cenozoic vertical crustal movements in the southern North Island, New Zealand, for the south-east corner of the North Island of 'New Zealand (Fig. The relief of the area mapped is small, relative to the height at which the air photographs were taken, and the scale of the air photographs was nowhere appreciably different from 20 chains to an inch. Late Pleistocene historical geomorphology of the Lake Pukaki area, New Zealand, exclusively of a peneplaned basement of indurated argillites and greywackes grading to semi-schist, originally deposited in the New Zealand Geosyncline. Effect of mass-wasting processes, then it seems likely that the age of this association is of the order of twice that. Seismic stratigraphy of a buried volcanic arc, Northland, New Zealand and implications for Neogene subduction, marine and Petroleum Geology 1995 Volume 12 Number 5 51:} Page 4. Seismic stratigraphy of a buried volcanic arc, Northland, New Zealand: RH Herzer Table 1 Seismic reflectors identified in the subsurface offshore (Herzer, 1992. Movement of possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) between forest and pasture in Westland, New Zealand: implications for bovine tuberculosis transmission, probabilistic logic is innovative. by GR Lewthwaite