Oct 5, 2014 - 2 Timothy 1:7, âFor God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and ... That mea
How toThe LiveFin Confidence earless Life in a World Driven by Fear Dr. Brandon Park | October 5, 2014 If If you allow it, fear will stop you from fulfilling the assignment, the mission, the purpose, the dream that God h as put you on this planet for. ust as faith is what activates Faith activates ___________, Fear activates _________________. JJust God’s power in your life. Fear is what activates Satan’s power in your life. Satan’s conduit into our life is through fear. ind.” 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Romans 8:15 Paul refers to those unhealthy fears as bondage. “For you did not r eceive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.’” Psychologists say t here are ___________ different fears but we are only born with ____ fears. ehavior. That means that all other fears are learned behavior. In 2 Samuel 23, we have a story of the ultimate fear fighter named Benaiah (Read 2 Samuel 23:20-‐ 23). Scripture says it was a snowy day and Benaiah is tracking down a lion. This is a time of year when tracking this type of animal is not to your weather advantage. You could easily slip in the s now. There’s something unique about opportunity – when it comes to you, you cannot always determine if the time is right. Sometimes our biggest opportunities come at the most ________________________ time. It was a snowy day. The lion that Benaiah was chasing falls into a pit. Most people would have walked away from this situation unscathed but Benaiah decides to jump into the pit with the lion and Scripture says that he slew it. Courage is doing what you are _______________ to do. Someone has said, “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.” But God responds to courage that is demonstrated in the midst of fear. Benaiah was willing to confront his biggest fear. He knew it was risky. He knew he could fail. But he also knew that if he did not confront this lion – that lion could chase him out of h is destiny and calling. Our greatest moments are in overcoming our scariest moments. Noitice what happened after this: 2 Samuel 23:23 – “… And David p ut h im in charge of h is bodyguard.” If Benaiah had never confronted his fear, He would have never had this opportunity to work with King David. David had a son named Solomon who followed him as King of Israel and the Bible says that Solomon made Benaiah c aptain over all the armies of Israel. He eventually became the second most important man in Israel. It could all be traced back to this one instance of Benaiah confronting his fear. Your _________________ opportunity will present itself as your __________________ lion. Any time God will bring an opportunity into your life, you’re going to have to make a choice: Am I going to let fear hold me back? God given opportunities are God’s gift to you. What you do with t hem is your _________ __________ t o God. Many times people want God to give them an opportunity but they want it lion free. They don’t want any problems. But many times when God gives us an opportunity, those opportunities come with a few lions that must be overcome. In my own life, if I had let fear settle in on my scariest moments, I would have missed out on my greatest opportunities. Don’t ever miss out on God-‐given opportunities because the spirit of fear says that you can’t! ILLUS: The Butterfly Effect – small c hoices and changes over time can h ave HUGE consequences. I believe that every one of you have been through what you’ve been through to make you stronger. It seems to me like God loves to put us in situations where the odds are against us! Because he loves for us to defy the odds! Do you realize that __________ times God commands us to “__________ ________” in the Bible. That’s a “Fear Not” for every time you get up. Fear is a form of ____________________. When you fear something, you are submitting yourself to it and saying that you are powerless over it. Fear is Satan’s way of controlling you. When you are filled with fear – you are __________________ ______________ and not even realizing it! But we are told multiple times that there is only one thing we are supposed to fear in the Bible: “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in a ll
ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart a nd with all your soul.” (Deut. his 10:12).
What does it mean t o fear G od? 1. It’s an _______ and __________________ of his power, glory, and holiness. 2. The fear of God is being terrified of ever being _____________ of His ___________________. In Psalm 91, Moses describes where we can go to have freedom from our fears.
I. Experience the ______________ Place
Vs. 1, “He who dwells in the secret p lace of the Most High…” Vs. 5, “…shall not be afraid…” Where is this secret place? Jesus speaks of it in Matthew 6:6-‐8, “But you, when you pray, go into your r oom, and when you have shut your door, p ray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” The secret to praying is praying in secret. The secret place of Psalm 91 is the same secret place of Matthew 6 – it’s the secret place of prayer. The secret to managing your fears is spending time in the secret place with God! • It’s in the secret place where our ___________ is __________________. You show me somebody who h as a deep faith in God and I’ll show you someone who has spent time in their secret place. • It’s in the secret place that our _____________ is ___________________. The amount of trust you h ave in God during the difficulties of life is in direct proportion to the amount of time you have spent with God in the secret place. The purpose of prayer is not to IMPRESS God; the purpose of prayer is not to INFORM God; the purpose of prayer is to ________________ God. Prayer is God’s way of binding you to Him and bonding Him to you. Prayer is to join God in what He is doing.
II. Enter t he __________________ Place
Vs. 1, “He who dwells in the secret p lace of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty…” God gave to the Israelites the “law of hospitality.” If you were lost in the desert, hungry, thirsty, or needed protection – you could go to Israel’s camp because they were required to help you. The process was simple: First you had to find out the chief shepherd’s name, then you would go and grab the cord on his tent and begin to cry out for help. When you did that the law of hospitality required him to take you in and help you. You could find safety in the shadow of his tent. Israel understood that when they took someone into their dwelling (into the shadow of their tent) they h ad to protect them with their life (i.e. L ot protecting the angels in Sodom). In Psalm 91, God shows this same divine h ospitality and He is offering it to YOU. When you come into His presence and call on His name, He will go to all extremes to protect you from all evil. 1. God protects you from the _____________________ -‐ vs. 5, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night…” Those things you cannot see coming your way. 2. God protects you from the _____________________ -‐ “nor of the arrow that flies by day…” You can see it coming…but like an arrow it’s moving so fast you cannot get out of the way. There’s no avoiding it. 3. God’s protection from the _____________________ -‐ vs. 6a, “nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness…nor the destruction that lays waste at noonday.” – those things that could potentially destroy us.
III. Enjoy in the ______________ Place
Vs. 2, “I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Read also Psalm 91:9-‐16. If you knew that an enemy was coming and you had to build a fortress, how would y ou build it? You would want it 1.) perfectly situated on high ground, 2.) you would want it to be sufficient (food, clothing, and ammunition), 3.) you would want it to be stable and able to survive an attack, and 4.) you would want it to be secure. There are four names for God mentioned in vs. 1. • God is called “the Most High” – it means that He is ________________ on High Ground • “The Almighty” speaks of being ______________. El Shaddai = the God who nurtures and cares • “The LORD” speaks of _________________ – it’s the Hebrew name Jehovah which means that He has never had a beginning nor will He ever have an ending…always was and always will be. • “My God” speaks of _________________ – It’s the name Elohim…the God who created everything… that’s the security of our fortress. (Verse to Memorize: Psalm 34:4) •
How toThe LiveFin Confidence earless Life in a World Driven by Fear Dr. Brandon Park | October 5, 2014 If If you allow it, fear will stop you from fulfilling the assignment, the mission, the purpose, the dream that God h as put you on this planet for. God Satan JJust ust as faith is what activates Faith activates ___________, Fear activates _________________. God’s power in your life. Fear is what activates Satan’s power in your life. Satan’s conduit into our life is through fear. ind.” 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Romans 8:15 Paul refers to those unhealthy fears as bondage. “For you did not r eceive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of Adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.’” 2,000 different fears but we are only born with ____ 2 fears. Psychologists say t here are ___________ ehavior. That means that all other fears are learned behavior. In 2 Samuel 23, we have a story of the ultimate fear fighter named Benaiah (Read 2 Samuel 23:20-‐ 23). Scripture says it was a snowy day and Benaiah is tracking down a lion. This is a time of year when tracking this type of animal is not to your weather advantage. You could easily slip in the s now. There’s something unique about opportunity – when it comes to you, you cannot always determine if the time is right. inopportune Sometimes our biggest opportunities come at the most ________________________ time. It was a snowy day. The lion that Benaiah was chasing falls into a pit. Most people would have walked away from this situation unscathed but Benaiah decides to jump into the pit with the lion and Scripture says that he slew it. afraid Courage is doing what you are _______________ to do. Someone has said, “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.” But God responds to courage that is demonstrated in the midst of fear. Benaiah was willing to confront his biggest fear. He knew it was risky. He knew he could fail. But he also knew that if he did not confront this lion – that lion could chase him out of h is destiny and calling. Our greatest moments are in overcoming our scariest moments. Noitice what happened after this: 2 Samuel 23:23 – “… And David p ut h im in charge of h is bodyguard.” If Benaiah had never confronted his fear, He would have never had this opportunity to work with King David. David had a son named Solomon who followed him as King of Israel and the Bible says that Solomon made Benaiah c aptain over all the armies of Israel. He eventually became the second most important man in Israel. It could all be traced back to this one instance of Benaiah confronting his fear. greatest scariest Your _________________ opportunity will present itself as your __________________ lion. Any time God will bring an opportunity into your life, you’re going to have to make a choice: Am I going to let fear hold me back? gift God given opportunities are God’s gift to you. What you do with t hem is your _________ back t o God. Many times people want God to give them an opportunity but they want it lion __________ free. They don’t want any problems. But many times when God gives us an opportunity, those opportunities come with a few lions that must be overcome. In my own life, if I had let fear settle in on my scariest moments, I would have missed out on my greatest opportunities. Don’t ever miss out on God-‐given opportunities because the spirit of fear says that you can’t! ILLUS: The Butterfly Effect – small c hoices and changes over time can h ave HUGE consequences. I believe that every one of you have been through what you’ve been through to make you stronger. It seems to me like God loves to put us in situations where the odds are against us! Because he loves for us to defy the odds! 365 times God commands us to “__________ fear ________” not in the Bible. Do you realize that __________ That’s a “Fear Not” for every time you get up. worship Fear is a form of ____________________. When you fear something, you are submitting yourself to it and saying that you are powerless over it. Fear is Satan’s way of controlling you. When you are worshiping Satan filled with fear – you are __________________ ______________ and not even realizing it! But we are told multiple times that there is only one thing we are supposed to fear in the Bible: “And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in a ll
ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart a nd with all your soul.” (Deut. his 10:12).
What does it mean t o fear G od? awe and __________________ reverence 1. It’s an _______ of his power, glory, and holiness. outside of His ___________________. protection 2. The fear of God is being terrified of ever being _____________ In Psalm 91, Moses describes where we can go to have freedom from our fears.
Secret I. Experience the ______________ Place
Vs. 1, “He who dwells in the secret p lace of the Most High…” Vs. 5, “…shall not be afraid…” Where is this secret place? Jesus speaks of it in Matthew 6:6-‐8, “But you, when you pray, go into your r oom, and when you have shut your door, p ray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” The secret to praying is praying in secret. The secret place of Psalm 91 is the same secret place of Matthew 6 – it’s the secret place of prayer. The secret to managing your fears is spending time in the secret place with God! faith deepened • It’s in the secret place where our ___________ is __________________. You show me somebody who h as a deep faith in God and I’ll show you someone who has spent time in their secret place. trust developed • It’s in the secret place that our _____________ is ___________________. The amount of trust you h ave in God during the difficulties of life is in direct proportion to the amount of time you have spent with God in the secret place. The purpose of prayer is not to IMPRESS God; the purpose of prayer is not to INFORM God; the INVITE purpose of prayer is to ________________ God. Prayer is God’s way of binding you to Him and bonding Him to you. Prayer is to join God in what He is doing.
Sacred II. Enter t he __________________ Place
Vs. 1, “He who dwells in the secret p lace of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty…” God gave to the Israelites the “law of hospitality.” If you were lost in the desert, hungry, thirsty, or needed protection – you could go to Israel’s camp because they were required to help you. The process was simple: First you had to find out the chief shepherd’s name, then you would go and grab the cord on his tent and begin to cry out for help. When you did that the law of hospitality required him to take you in and help you. You could find safety in the shadow of his tent. Israel understood that when they took someone into their dwelling (into the shadow of their tent) they h ad to protect them with their life (i.e. L ot protecting the angels in Sodom). In Psalm 91, God shows this same divine h ospitality and He is offering it to YOU. When you come into His presence and call on His name, He will go to all extremes to protect you from all evil. unexpected 1. God protects you from the _____________________ -‐ vs. 5, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night…” Those things you cannot see coming your way. expected 2. God protects you from the _____________________ -‐ “nor of the arrow that flies by day…” You can see it coming…but like an arrow it’s moving so fast you cannot get out of the way. There’s no avoiding it. unfounded 3. God’s protection from the _____________________ -‐ vs. 6a, “nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness…nor the destruction that lays waste at noonday.” – those things that could potentially destroy us.
Safest III. Enjoy in the ______________ Place
Vs. 2, “I will say of the LORD, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Read also Psalm 91:9-‐16. If you knew that an enemy was coming and you had to build a fortress, how would y ou build it? You would want it 1.) perfectly situated on high ground, 2.) you would want it to be sufficient (food, clothing, and ammunition), 3.) you would want it to be stable and able to survive an attack, and 4.) you would want it to be secure. There are four names for God mentioned in vs. 1. situated • God is called “the Most High” – it means that He is ________________ on High Ground sufficient El Shaddai = the God who nurtures and cares • “The Almighty” speaks of being ______________. stability • “The LORD” speaks of _________________ – it’s the Hebrew name Jehovah which means that He has never had a beginning nor will He ever have an ending…always was and always will be. security • “My God” speaks of _________________ – It’s the name Elohim…the God who created everything… that’s the security of our fortress. (Verse to Memorize: Psalm 34:4) •