Feb 2, 2018 - man. The woman and her fam ily were on hard fi nan cial times. Ten ju rors voted to give her $12,500 for p
Universal sense of justice violated FREE SAMPLE More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.
It’s here to stay. Number 2
P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Self-government begins at home
Y’all have a nice day. Volume 20
The First Freedom
Subscribe today!
February 2018
Aryan America vs. the Zionist media¢cracy
The power of integrity and the poverty of dissimulation By Patricia Aiken
[email protected]
After 700 days in the Core Civic private gulag in Pahrump, Nevada, a weary but smiling Cliven Bundy emerged from the federal courthouse at 333 Las Vegas Blvd a free man. Re fus ing release for more than a month when his sons Ryan, Ammon, Mel and Dave along with co-defendants Ryan Payne, Jason Woods, Joe O’Shaughnessy were released with ankle tracking devices, curfews and conditions, Cliven insisted he went to prison a free man and would only agree to leave as a free man. That freedom came on January 8 when federal presiding judge Gloria Navarro could no longer conceal the government’s lies and criminal misconduct. Beginning with a mistrial on December 20, both sides were given time to submit their cases for whether this should become a permanent dismissal with prejudice or if those brazen prosecutors at the U. S. Attorney’s Office should be allowed to try Tier One again. No longer able to keep the government’s manufactured case against the Bundys on life support, Navarro pulled the plug, granting dismissal with prejudice stating multiple times she was “not aware of a more egregious case,” that the “universal sense of justice has been violated.”
Covering her assets? After repeatedly denying the defendants’ constitutional rights to bail and speedy trials for nearly two years, all of a sudden Navarro was concerned about the “reckless,” “outrageous” and “flagrant misconduct” of Not done in Syria
Every big city in the U. S. has one of these
Page 13
the government in “violating the due process and constitutional rights of the defendants.” How can she ever justify pulling Eric Parker off the stand barely into his testimony? Even after the FBI’s threat assessment proved that the Bundys posed no threat and the mistrial was declared, this soft spoken, amiable but stubborn rancher was no less subjected to grueling treatment as U. S. Marshals transported him at high speed fully shackled as a “dangerous” criminal. If you are wondering about the costs of high speed transport with numerous patrol cars and two helicopters, it’s documented that these Nevada and Oregon cases have cost $250 Million – that’s right – a quar ter of a billion dollars. At least seven jurors showed up at the hearing that Monday of the dismissal carrying their Bundy trademark pocket U. S. Constitutions signed by Ryan Bundy. A woman juror had re ceived the el dest Bundy’s The media may sneer, but Cliven Bundy’s verdict is clear. Not guilty! He spent almost two years behind bars awaiting trial. personal copy which he used in the gulag. She told him at the final hearing The next-day press conference in front she had ordered a case and sent the pocket of Sheriff Joe Lombardo’s office had to be Constitutions to school with her child to postponed due to downpours but happened give to the teacher for the entire class. on the 10th. With his credibility in shreds, After innumerable hugs and handshakes thanks in part to Valley Forge Network on with sup port ers, pa tiently en dur ing the You Tube, Lombardo ignored Bundy’s news cameras and reporters, Cliven and invitation to join him before the cameras. Carol Bundy arrived at the Bundy Ranch to The rancher candidly spoke through a a throng of children and grandchildren. microphone and speaker. His assessment One grandson excitedly shouted, “I got the that he is no further along than he was four first hug, I got the first hug!” years ago is, unfortunately, accurate. Get the hardest-hitting rebel newspaper of them all by mail anywhere in the C.S.A. or U.S. For 12 issues send $25 to TFF, P.O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576.
Real money
Like howling jackals, Kieran Suckling’s left-funded Center for Biological Diversity Nevada director Patrick Donnelly said “The Trump administration is coddling violent zealots and preventing the public from feeling safe to enjoy our new national monument.” However, the facts – which the Left is seemingly allergic to – show that those violent zealots were the Bureau of Land Mismanagement.
Moment of truth For, as National Review’s David French wrote, “On one side was a collection of dangerous, out-of-control armed men who were deliberately provocative, prone to saying unhinged things in a single-minded quest to destroy their enemies, and who lied time and again to cover their misdeeds.” French continued: “On the other side was Cliven Bundy.” The SPLC’s journalist, a fixture at the Tier One trial, walked across the plaza away from federal court shaking his head. Not one word written about the criminal and continuous misconduct of Steve Myhre and his cohorts at the U. S. Attorney’s office. The only statement from SPLC: “We’re disappointed that Cliven Bundy & other anti-government extremists will not be re-tried for their involvement in an armed 2014 stand off w/ the fed eral government. This result can only embolden anti-government extremists.”
Victory straight ahead Yes, perhaps other God-fearing, freedomloving, we’ve-had-enough-of-Communismand-want-the-Constitution-back Americans and people of the world will finally say, “We’re not go ing to take this abusive (See “A victory,” page 5)
Populism’s rise Posturing for war Page 22
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Assange Page 16
Wall winks
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Peeples Page 14
and Polexit DACA Dreamers Brexit Page 12
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Page 20 Memphis
The Führer
The J Factor
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Tillerson’s tale Page 10
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3,700 arrested in Iran
Ankara hits Kurds SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: First-time readers of alternate news, especially boob tube babies, may experience severe loss of confidence in the Establishment press and TV.
We’re all Palestinians Page 3
Meddling media Page 17
inside Syria
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The method and the murder
Legitimizing terrorism Page 12
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Poland isn’t buying
Homeland obscurity
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Yemen retaliates
Competitive math
“Free CIArian Army”
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Anti-gun politico robbed
Sound money
Hypocrisy on parade
CIA versus Iran Page 13
The First Freedom
— Southern Poverty Truth Center —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Fake news wasn’t born just yesterday ALL networks and news outlets were obligingly scrounging up a few tired old survivor stories in which to mention it. An already-boredom-inspiring January 27 “Holocaust Remembrance Day” was coming up. This occasion, created by the United Nations on a voice vote in 2005 (Israel was presiding over the assembly), instantly became a media munchkin’s duty and delight – another “holocaust” performance masquerading before the public as “our common history.” RESIDENTS of Melbourne, Australia, must resort to such anti-crime measures as installing bollards on their driveways – to protect themselves from non-White crime sweeping that city, a direct result of mass Third World immigration into the country. PALESTINIAN President Mahmoud Abbas has said that the U. S. move to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s capital killed the Oslo Accords. Abbas made the remarks during a meeting with Israel’s Meretz polit ical party leader Zehava Galon. The Oslo Accords were signed between the Israeli regime and Palestine Liberation Organization during the early-mid 1990s to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to guarantee the Palestinians’ right of self determination. THE TRUMP Administration’s newlyreleased “immigration outline” projects a “preemptive surrender, which will mean amnesty for up to two million illegal aliens – a number far greater than what even was considered during Obama’s presidency,” the Center for Immigration Studies warns. We need a wall around the Whore House. THOUSANDS of non-White thugs as young as 14 roam Malmö, Sweden, with AK-47s and bulletproof vests, throwing grenades and bombs. Deceptively titled “Teens roam streets with rifles as crime swamps Sweden,” an unusually frank article in the London Times – as if no one knows what “teens” means – revealed details of the non-White crime plague.
TRUMP wanted to abolish the office of “special antisemitism monitor” in the State Department after he became President, and Secretary of State Tillerson agreed with him. The office is a total give-away to Jewry begun in the W. Bush administration with no benefit to society that can justify its expense. But, as soon as Jews got wind of it, they sprung into action to prevent the president’s recommendation from being enacted. As usual, they won.
IRAN calls allegations leveled by the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen that Tehran was behind a missile attack on Riyadh “destructive, irresponsible, provocative and baseless.”
THE FIRST FREEDOM has no Jews on its staff, thus we are your dependable guardians against anti-White fake news remaining unchallenged. So Tweetybird Trump, Kushner, Mnuchin, Tillerson, all the kink’s arses and all the kink’s twins cannot put Humpty together again.
By Todd Starnes
IF ONLY America had joined the 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact like we should have (that anti-Communist treaty was signed by Italy, Japan and Germany), World War II never could have happened. Instead, those four powers would have aimed their guns at the criminal, Jewish/Bolshevik “Soviet Union.” But, no, a crippled Commie F. D. Roosevelt and his many Jewish handlers (e.g., Bernard Baruch) got cozy with the murderous Soviet thugs in November 1933 long before Hitler opened up the so-called “extermination” camps or invaded any country. Roosevelt chose sides with evil – and now he’s a “hero” for having done so! BRITISH oil and gas company BP won the contract for Iraq’s Rumaila Oil Field back in 2009, and now boasts of its drilling capabilities on Twitter. Rumaila is simply huge, by some measures the third largest reserve of crude oil on the planet, currently extracting 100 million dollars worth of oil every day. NORTH KOREA has condemned U. S. sanctions against Pyongyang as an attempt at sabotaging dialog with South Korea. The two parts recently started face-to-face talks to defuse tensions, Pyongyang having begun that dialog, putting the U. S. in an awkward situation.
The First Freedom May God continue to bless and help you in the work that you are doing. RICHARD SMYLY Point Clear, AL I am very impressed with each new edition of The First Freedom. MICHAEL ARNOLD Nashville, TN I really have to give credit to your ed i to rial fac ulty for putt ing to gether such high quality, informative articles. JASON BAKER Waymart, PA
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Challenging a Zionist-controlled mediacracy to tolerate the truth
“Be assured that if this new provision [the 14th Amendment] be engrafted in the Constitution, it will, in time, change the entire struc ture and texture of our government, and sweep away all the guarantees of safety devised and provided by our patriotic Sires of the Revolution.” – Orville Browning Sec. of the Interior (1867)
Scalawag of the Month Jim Strickland
The vandals are at city hall F
or the past several years progressives have been waging a culture jihad across the nation, turning our nation’s heritage into a pile of rubble. Sadly, my hometown of Memphis, Tennessee, has suffered a similar fate.
While most of the good citizens of Memphis were attending Wednesday night church services, the mayor and city council were busy finalizing a despicable plot to bypass the law and desecrate a Civil War gravesite. In October the Tennessee Historical Commission refused to allow city leaders to remove statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest and Jefferson Davis from two city parks. The city initiated mediation with the State, but that too, was unsuccessful. Instead of following the ruling, the mayor and the city council concocted a nefarious plan to disobey the law and take down the statues in the dark of night. Here’s how it happened: The city council voted to sell two public parks to a newly formed nonprofit group chaired by a county commissioner. Anybody smell a rat? The two parks – both prized pieces of real estate – were sold for $1,000 each. What kind of a shady real estate deal is that? While the city council was voting, heavy machinery and an army of police officers were being dispatched to both parks. Did the nonprofit pick up the tab for the police officers and the heavy machinery? Or were taxpayers forced to foot that bill?
Deceit “The law al lows a pri vate en tity to remove items such as statues from its own land,” Mayor Strickland told bewildered citizens. After the city council passed the sham real estate deal, the cowardly mayor issued a notice on social media. “Health Sci ence Park and Memphis Park have been sold,” the mayor declared. “Operations on those sites tonight are being conducted by a private entity and are compliant with State law.” Within a matter of hours both statues were removed – in the darkness of night. “The City made a decision to willfully violate State law and remove the statues of Forrest and Davis,” said Thomas Strain of
The First Freedom Self-government begins at home Speech and religion were already ours back when FDR named “four freedoms.” But he would whip hunger, fear and oppression, abstaining forever from Europe’s wars. When politicians lie, the State bites off what only individuals can chew. It’s time we recovered those powers not delegated. Editor: Olaf Childress Ed i to rial fac ulty: Pa tri cia Aiken, Bill Ebb, Nancy Hitt, Kyle Hunt, Christine Miller, Donald Sullivan and Bill White. Correspondents: Mark Anderson, Ellen Brown, Chris DeHuff, Jason Gerhard, Elliott Germain, John Peeples, Pat Shannan and Mike Walsh. Telephone: 850-624-5490 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.firstfreedom.net Correspondence about subscriptions or changes of address should be addressed to The First Freedom, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576.
Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland
the Sons of Confederate Veterans. “This is a direct violation of State law and we must allow the State to pursue this case in a lawful manner.” The bodies of Nathan Bedford Forrest and his wife are buried in one of the parks. Therefore, it is my contention that the mayor and city council are also guilty of desecration. My fury has noth ing to do with the monuments or memorials. It has nothing to do with selling off prime real estate at a bargain-basement price. My fury has to do with this flagrant disregard of the law.
Blasphemy Mayor Jim Strickland and the Memphis City Council flouted that law, violated their oaths of office and they desecrated a gravesite. I urge the governor and State legislature to launch an immediate investigation of the corruption that has infested Memphis City Hall. The law demands it. And I look forward to the day when Mayor Jim Strickland and members of the city council are removed from office and hauled out of City Hall in handcuffs.
Seriously, now A priest, a minister and a guru discuss the best positions for prayer, while nearby this telephone repairman is busily at work. “Kneeling is definitely the optimal way to pray,” the priest opines. “No,” replies the minister. “I get the best results standing with hands outstretched to Heaven.” “You’re both wrong,” the guru intones. “The most effective prayer position is by lying down on the floor.” Our repairman can contain himself no longer. “Hey, fellas,” he interrupts. “The best praying I ever did was when I was hanging upside down from a telephone pole.” Periodicals postage paid at Foley, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The First Freedom, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576. SUBSCRIPTIONS: C. S. A. and U. S: For the next twelve issues send $25 to above address. Domestic subscriptions: Send $25 check, money order, (Federal Reserve Notes or one silver dollar at own risk) for the next twelve issues anywhere in C. S. A. and U. S. by bulk mail or $48 in a first class envelope. Inmates may pay with postage stamps. Foreign subscriptions: Canada $53 for 12 issues, other foreign destinations $86 in U. S. dollars or other instruments readily convertible thereto. Self-government begins at home. Let patriotism, in obedience to God, emancipate our imprisoned heritage! Join this nonprofit newspaper and help de-program the brainwashed population. Except for copyrighted articles, anyone may reprint or quote The First Freedom in whole or part; just give full credit and address. We may carefully edit submitted manuscripts to fit space and style sheet without changing meaning; prefer email; publish only the writer’s name, city and State but need address and phone verification. Signed articles by contributors do not necessarily represent The First Freedom’s views. These are expressed in editorials.
— First things —
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
We’re all Palestinians By Matthew Heimbach
he battle for a free world is not over un til every Nation is free from Jewish oc cu pa tion. As the world has found out, over one hun dred times now, it is not enough to merely drive the Jews beyond your borders and then take a sigh of relief. Like an 80s horror movie villain, the Jews will always return after they take refuge in another land and rebuild their strength. All people must be free or – eventually – none of us will be.
There is a debate within White Nationalism today over the is sue of Pal es tine and the future of the Palestinian people. While no one is on the side of the Zionist occupation, at least not anyone arguing in good faith, there is a belief among some that the free dom and sov er eignty of Palestinians is not an issue that White Nationalists should care about. This apathetic view of the Palestinian crisis is sometimes rooted in sincere antiIslamic or isolationist sentiment. Israeli colonial meddling in the Muslim World is the main force radicalizing Muslims and driving them into the West, where Jews are more than eager to open the gate. Neocolonial Zi on ism has em braced, ex tended and ex ter mi nated the eth nic identitarian ideal, perverting and subverting the natural and healthy striving for a humble homeland into a global and globalist attack on every ethnicity and identity but the Jewish one. The only problem about standing with Palestinians is that Palestinians don’t yet stand with us. It’s a big problem, but it’s part of a larger problem where our cause is often perceived as aligned with and supportive of Zionism, colonialism and West ern mil i tary im pe ri al ism. White Nationalists routinely claim, while trying to be clever, that our cause is similar to Zionism, betraying that they understand nei ther Zi on ism’s his tory nor White Nationalism’s future. While we stand in solidarity with our White identitarian allies across the board, TradWorker’s forward-looking post-colonial, anti-colo nial geopolitical framework is incompatible with White Nationalism’s more common and familiar sentimentalism for the bygone days when Western people got to be ju nior part ners in the global colonialist project. Our nationalists often either want to advance toward a White Are you worried about America’s in va sion by il le gal Third World im mi grants? Have you been denied employment opportunities because of AffirmativeAction programs? Are you concerned about the war being waged against Christianity, and that our cultural heritage is under assault by the wicked “usual suspects”? You CAN make a difference by joining the Council of Conservative Citizens. For 30 years, the CofCC has fought for the rights of European Americans, and has won legal and political battles to protect our heritage and liberties. The CofCC also believes in America First, and opposes Globalism and One World Government. In addition, the CofCC supports the First Amendment’s guaranteed Freedom of Association, and opposes the forced integration of schools, neighborhoods and workplaces. Visit our website today at CofCC.us and join those dedicated to the survival of our race. Thank you.
PUT IT BACK Your “representatives” – forbidden by the Southern Puberty Lechery Center, a federal Affirmative Action Apparatchik and those new voting machines to display such reminders in a building full of judges, lawyers and politicians – have banished the Ten Commandments from Alabama’s Supreme Court now for months.
Zionism where we also become a threat to other nationalists around the world or retreat to a paleocon isolationist indiffer ence where we be come ir rel e vant to other nationalists around the world.
Here and now Whether it’s Palestine’s Hamas, Syria’s Ba’ath Party, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, the Philippines’ Duterte, the DPRK, Iran, or even China, there’s an ascendant movement around the world that’s already moved past the West’s central banking machine and the globalist Enlightenment tropes it churns out. It’s hard to see the full picture from right in the middle of the American propaganda machine. It’s hard to wrap our minds around America’s inexorable geopolitical death spiral, but America, the European Union and Israel are falling behind. Whites in Amer ica and Eu rope alike are not “People of Colonialism,” no matter what your professor told you. We’re under no moral or practical obligation to remain tied to the fate of a “Western Civilization” which is no longer either “Western” or civilized. The Kurds, the Ukrainians, Saudi Arabia, the mod ern Sinn Fein and the Scottish Nationalists promote globalism and suck up to the Jews. We must not support those people. Any movement that pro motes globalism or suckles at the teat of Zion must be considered our enemy. Those with nationalist aspirations who attempt to tie the fate of their identitarian ambition to the globalists and their triangulations are betraying their integrity and won’t even achieve their homeland in exchange. The occupation of Palestine is an issue that nearly the entire world views as illegitimate. Other than American Evangelical whack jobs and senile American Boomers, no one really supports Israel outside of the Jewish community. Nikki Haley made her threats to isolate anyone and everyone who doesn’t toe the Zionist party line on Jerusalem recently, evidently forgetting that it’s no longer the nineties and America and Israel no longer enjoy their hegemonic mono-polar geopolitical position or air of moral authority from which to talk like they continue to do. America’s Zionist federal government fu ri ously waves around its ob so lete twentieth century military technology like an old man shaking his cane at kids in his yard. Even if he could give one of the kids – perhaps North Korea – a good hard thwack, he would come out worse for it than the kid. Whether or not the federal government’s “experts” and “strategists” actually get this is an open question, though their investments and priorities seem to suggest that they might actually be that stupid. Seeing Jews using weapons made illegal under international law, bombing civilians,
torturing people without trial, destroying Palestinian homes, killing foreign nationalist leaders, attacking other countries without a declaration of war and working to subvert all their neighbors makes almost everyone in the world justifiably angry. There’s no coherent way to defend Israel’s actions, and the West’s Jewish media no longer possesses the monopoly on news necessary to make the whole thing look coherent. The Jews are so full of themselves, and so confident that the American golem they have created will protect them, that they feel no need to abide by any standards of human decency. Israel has been condemned by the United Nations over forty times, including statements identifying that “the strategic relationship with the United States encourages Israel to pursue aggressive and expansionist policies and practices.” American/Israeli relations are a slave/ master relationship, and if we are to ever truly defeat the Jews, we must defeat their base of operations in Washington DC and Tel Aviv. The creation of a sovereign and independent Palestine would mean the beginning of the end of Zionist control and subversion in the Middle East. The end of constant Zionist meddling in the Middle East means no more blank checks for Israeli imperial aggression from America’s taxpayers. American soldiers will no longer be sent to die and be mangled on lies; the end of Zionist meddling means no more millions of refugees forced into Europe to flee wars caused by the Jews and their allies, and it means that actual stable Arab leaders can come or stay in power in order to defeat Wahhabi terrorists.
The coming realignments Legal precedent for self determination on the in ter na tional stage is clear for Palestine, which sets up a further argument on the international stage for our people to one day pursue our own ethno-State. For us to achieve our goal of our own National Socialist ethno-State, we need international allies and global momentum in the world for multiple Nations to be created under the banner of self determination. Around the world there are two main sides tak ing shape in geo pol i tics and the global economy, the American / E. U. / Israeli / Saudi / NATO “Allies” and the Russian / Iranian / Syrian / Chinese “Axis of Evil.” Continued slavery under the boot of the Jewish controlled powers means our genocide, plain and simple. There will be no ethno-State without friends from overseas and finding shared geopolitical, economic
The First Freedom isn’t for everybody. But you know someone who needs it.
and military interests. The likely embargo of our future Nation and attempted subversion by Jewish puppet States means that friendly relationships with nationalist countries both European and non-European will be key to our ability to develop and build our independent Nation. Palestine is perhaps the clearest example in modern times to be able to showcase to the world and our own people the brutality of the Jews, their hatred of anyone who isn’t Jew ish, and their plans to not only cre ate Greater Is rael but to con trol the entire globe. Through exposing the evil actions of the Jews in Israel, and the global Jewish support for the Zionist occupation, we can further awaken the world population to the Jewish threat.
The best of motives Lastly and perhaps most importantly, we must be consistent in our ideology. As General Leon Degrelle said on National Socialism that it “meant re-discover ing the cre ative val ues of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a search for excellence, a no ble ideal. National Socialist racialism was not against the other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all other races did the same for themselves.” We as National Socialists want other peoples to be free, to be able to chart their own course for their people and be able to strive for new heights of their civilization. The National Socialist worldview is one where the revolution never truly ends. Each people are called to constantly be bettering themselves, mak ing their peo ple and culture stronger and healthier in mind, body and spirit. National Socialism is respectful towards other peoples, while always putting our own people first. If we want self determination, it is important for us to support the same right for others that strive for freedom. Imperial capitalism and Zionism impact all Nations, depriving all of us of our basic rights as free people.
Advancing to sovereignty The White population of America deserves self determination, the Greeks deserve self determination, the Afrikaners deserve self determination, and so do the Japanese, the Nigerians, the Vietnamese, the Cubans, the Palestinians and every other people. Antiglobalism is a global struggle. This is the only way for us to ensure our children can grow up in a peaceful world that is driven by the spirit of cooperation, support and true freedom from exploitation. No longer will the Jews and their capitalist lackeys be able to turn different Nations against one another to fight over the scraps that fall off their table. Instead we will, for the first time in human history, have a world that is free, sovereign and at peace. We must defeat the Jews and imperialists once and for all. This is a final battle of liberation for the entire globe, to break the chains of debt slav ery, occupation and exploitation, so that all children might be able to grow up free. While the entire world has figuratively become an open air prison camp under the Jewish oligarchs, Palestine is literally an open air prison camp. While the whole world is un der the Jew ish fi nan cial machine, Israel block ades and inspects everything going in and out of Palestine. While the Jewish war machine risks and wastes the lives of our men and women who are gullible enough to sign up for military/mercenary service, Palestinian women and children are routinely targeted by the Jewish State in their homes and nurseries. The struggle against the Jewish oligarchs is singular. We will all, regardless of which Nation we stand and fight for, share the same globalist fate if we don’t prevail. We are all Palestinians now. So with that I must say with all of my heart, Free Palestine!
The First Freedom
— Media bypass operation —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Showman shows colors By Michael Hoffman
[email protected]
ith regard to the Jerusalem Embassy, I have a differ ent take. I am actu ally pleased that Trump recognized Jerusalem as counterfeit Israel’s capital. Here’s why. For years the Israelis have been taking east Je ru sa lem ter ri tory away from the Palestinians while the U. S. government publicly decried the moves and privately supported them. This occurred no matter who was President: the Bush boys, Clinton or Obama. The Zi on ist Oc cu pa tion Government (ZOG) in Washington D.C. long ago recognized Jerusalem as the Israeli capital in all but name. This permitted them to deceive the Palestinians while covertly encouraging the perpetual enlargement of those Zionists’ empire. Palestinians are like the German people:
politically naive. They have observed the U. S. unconditionally back Israeli mass murder and land theft, yet continued to believe that somewhere, somehow, the U. S. was still a bit of an “honest broker” for peace. This crippling illusion has now been shat tered by Pres ident Don ald “Super Israeli” Trump. The farce of the United States “deploring” Israeli dispossession of the Palestinians is up in smoke. The mask is off. Now it’s official and even the gullible Palestinians have finally seen the ruse for what it is. The heads of state in the West (with the exception of a few tiny countries such as Norway and Portugal), are all in a conspiracy to assist the Israelis in building “Eretz Israel,” while confining Palestinians to ever-shrinking apartheid ghettos. From this sobering truth some good will come.
A hero comes home I
t was great to hug and be hugged by the Bundys yesterday. Ken Rhoades, Brand
Thornton and I moseyed up the I-15 to Riverside Road to pay Cliven and Carol a visit. It was a gorgeous, 70-degree day and the grandchildren were playing barefoot outside. This is Brand’s photo. Carol has something to smile about – but she smiles even when she doesn’t. Glo ria Navarro called the Tier 2 attorneys and asked them to have their mo tions to dis miss in by the 19th. I be lieve that’s what I was told. But they are in no rush. They’ve filed a motion to get Myhre, Ahmed and Scheiss on the stand “under oath” – like that means anything. Tier 2 would dearly love to go to trial. But I think you can count on Navarro letting the prosecutors slither out under the door. Welcome home, Cliven! Great to see you! – Patricia [More on page 1]
Monika arrested in Germany By Alfred Schaefer
Dear Friends,
Monika Schaefer was arrested on January 3, 2018, in the very heart of “Holocaust country” while attending, as an observer, the bizarre inquisition hearings against the courageous Sylvia Stolz. This “trial” was for illegal words that Sylvia Stolz had spoken at the Anti Censorship Coalition (AZK) in Switzerland in 2012. The twisting, nonsensical accusations of the inquisition was beyond bizarre. What the snake that calls itself the “State Prosecutor” did will be something that will amuse future generations when studying the “witch” trials of 2018. 45 minutes into the inquisition the “State Prosecutor” snake called for a surprise break, which was then used to arrest my courageous sister Monika. The only thing Monika did was watch qui etly as the inquisition was dealing with Sylvia Stolz. These people have us under close observation and figured it was a good opportunity to demonstrate their “power” and intimidate us. Another snake masquerading as a “State Prosecutor” accompanied by three heavily armed thugs handcuffed Monika and dragged her away. When my sister protested that she is a free person from Canada and had done nothing wrong, the “State Prosecutor” snake told her, “If you wanted to stay free you should have stayed in Can ada.” (Welcome to Holocaust country.) Now they have moved Monika Schaefer to the high security prison in Munich and will keep her there in definitely. Monika is accused of making an apology to her own dear mother. The title of the video was “Sorry Mom, I was wrong about the Holocaust.”
Oy vey!
What has angered the Jews is the fact that this one little video has undone hundreds of mil lions of dol lars worth of their psychological warfare that most of us had
become victims of. They thought that their ridiculous “Holocaust” program was now firmly wired into our brains – and then, along comes Monika and blows it out of the water with a simple apology to her Mom. That really surprised them. This is happening at the same time that our borders are open and millions of young men from Africa and Asia are flooding into our European countries with a free pass to do whatever they want. This is something that the Jews had planned for the European countries for a very long time. In the end our cities are supposed to turn into Lagos or Calcutta type slums that can no longer resist Jewish hegemony.
Talmudic circumcision The sick perverted criminals that ordered Monika arrested are people that put a pan cake on their heads and nib ble the foreskins off of little 8 day old baby boys thinking that this odd behavior somehow gives them the privilege to rule the planet. These perverts are the same ones that tried to silence me a long time ago already, but have failed. Here they are: B’nai Brith Canada. To put Monika Schaefer in prison because she apologized to her Mom is making many people very angry and not helping people “like” the Jews very much. In fact, this may give Jews who want to come clean and join humanity the opportunity to help us get Monika out of prison. So, if you are a Jew, we have many JEWdicial costs to cover, and helping Monika out of prison can be used as proof that you are a “good” Jew. Just con tact me and we can work to gether. To write Monika Schaefer in detention: Monika Schaefer Schwarzenbergstr. 14 81549 München GERMANY
Picking up our pikes By Nancy Hitt
[email protected]
We ain’t looking for violence... But the other guys who are paid pawns of those liberal Jews keep coming pre pared for bat tle to in clude the use of bags of poop and perhaps an other flame-throwing Negro. I sup pose that the Black villain shown on you-tube attempting to torch protestors is serving time? Of course we all know the answer to that question... for it would be misconstrued as simply a racist arrest of another poor innocent Black man. In 98 A.D., the Roman historian Tacitus wrote about the various Germanic tribes, of ten with ad mi ration re gard ing their apparent loyalty to wives who in turn were willing to fight alongside those husbands. In my opinion, one of the most important observations made by Tacitus was that peace able Ger manic tribes were of ten overrun by the more aggressive tribes. Does this observation from the distant past have a meaning for us today? It is reported that Confederate President Jefferson Davis stated the following in July of 1864, during the War Against Yankee Aggression: “I tried in all my power to avert this war. I saw it coming, and for 12 years, I worked night and day to prevent it, but I could not. The North was mad and blind; it would not let us govern ourselves, and so the war came, and now it must go on till the last man of this generation falls in his tracks, and his children seize the musket and fight our battle, unless you
acknowledge our right to self-government.” Have our States been allowed the right to govern themselves? Are we prepared to follow the example set by our an cestors who often took a simple pike into bat tle? Many fought barefooted, on starvation diets; most wore inadequate clothing in all kinds of weather and some were forced to sleep in snow with only a blanket as protection from the cold. Will their descendants today resume that defiant stand against the anti-White, anti-Confederate tyranny running rampant? Only time will tell if fight remains in the souls of our computerized, public-schooled, media-brainwashed, pitifully reconstructed Southerners today. The Sons of Confederate Veterans are apparently already on the hate list of the SPLC which passes along fake information to our FBI/CIA/BLM/BATF. In spite of all this, the SCV leaders advise their members not to participate in protests organized to save Confederate flags and monuments, as they may be called such bad names as “rac ists,” Fas cists, White nationalists, etc. They tell worried, shellshocked Southerners to rely upon the legal system. So how has that been working out for us?
Then and now
“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.” This is presumed to be a quote by Plato. We hear constantly that Amerikans are a nation of laws; but, do laws even matter if they are simply ignored by the thugs in power? “The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be in another time and in another form.” – Never reconstructed, never apologetic Confederate President Jefferson Davis
Israel worried about Gaza? By Jonathan Cook
ast month Israeli military officials for the first time echoed what human rights groups and the United Nations have been saying for some time: that Gaza’s economy and infrastructure stand on the brink of collapse. They should know. More than ten years ago the Israeli army tightened its grip on Gaza, enforcing a blockade on goods coming in and out of the tiny coastal enclave that left much of its two million population there unemployed, impoverished and hopeless. Since then, Israel has launched three separate major military assaults that have destroyed Gaza’s infrastructure, killed many thousands and left tens of thousands more homeless and traumatized. Gaza is effectively an open-air prison, an extremely overcrowded one with only a few hours of electricity a day, its ground water polluted by seawater and sewage. After a decade of this horrific experiment in human endurance, the Israeli army is finally concerned about whether Gaza can cope much longer. In recent days it has begun handing out forms, with more than a dozen questions, to the small number of Palestinians briefly let out of Gaza – mainly business people trading with Israel, those needing emergency medical treatment and family members accompanying them. One question asks bluntly whether they are happy, another whom they blame for their economic troubles. A statistician might wonder how far the answers can be trusted, given that the sample group is so heavily dependent on Israel’s good will for its physical and financial survival. But the survey does suggest that Israel’s top brass may be open to new thinking, after decades of treating Palestinians only as target practice, lab rats or sheep to be herded into cities – freeing up land for Jewish settlers. Has the army finally seen that Palestinians are human beings, too, with limits to the suffering they can take?
According to local media, the army is in part responding to practical concerns. It is reportedly worried that, if epidemics break out, the diseases will also spread into Israel. And, if Gaza’s economy collapses too, hun dreds of thou sands of Pales tin ians could be banging on Israel’s door – or rather storming its high-tech incarceration fence – to be allowed in. The army has no realistic contingency plans for either. It may be considering too its image – and defense case – if its commanders ever should find themselves docketed at the International Criminal Court in the Hague accused of war crimes. Nonetheless, neither Israeli politicians nor Washington are taking the warnings to heart. In fact, things look set to get worse. Israeli prime minister Netanyahu said recently there could be no improvements, no reconstruction in Gaza until Hamas agrees to give up its weapons – the only thing, in Hamas’s view, that serves as a deterrent against future Israeli attacks. Figures show Israel’s policy towards Gaza has been actually growing harsher. In 2017 exit permits issued by Israel dwindled to a third of the number two years earlier – and a hundredfold fewer than in early 2000. A few hundred Palestinian business people receive visas, stifling any chance of economic revival. The number of trucks bringing goods into Gaza has been cut in half – not because Israel is putting the inmates on a “diet,” as it once did, but because the Palestinians lack “purchasing power.” That is, they are too poor to buy Israeli goods. In fact, the only thing holding Gaza together is the international aid it receives. And that is now in jeopardy too. The Trump administration announced last month it is to slash by half the aid it sends to Palestinian refugees via the U. N. agency UNRWA. Trump has proposed further cuts to punish Mahmoud Abbas, the increasingly exasperated Palestinian leader, for refusing to pretend any longer that the U. S. is an honest broker capable of overseeing peace talks.
— Culture wars —
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
A victory for the good guys (Continued from page 1) tyranny from Pro-Government Extremists any longer.”
Apparatchik The Oregonian’s Maxine Bernstein put together perhaps the worst compilation yet of Gov ern ment Su prem a cist propaganda and lies calling the criminal behavior of the BLM and other al pha bet agen cies a “mis take” and quoting bureaucrats calling Cliven Bundy “delusional.” Activist Laz Ecenarro caught Bernstein in the hallway outside of Courtroom 7C the morning of the dismissal. He loudly and
subject them to direct examination in an evidentiary hearing for their roles in this travesty. Great to contemplate, but unlikely to happen. Navarro is anxious to get this over – and called the attorneys asking that their motions to dismiss be in a timely
Others of What You Do, is surely in the Department of Injustice’s playbook. This organized crime syndicate euphemistically termed the U. S. Government so strongly lusts to steal the Bundy Ranch that the superseding indictment has a clause that
The 2014 Bundys/BLM Standoff
when the BLM kept threatening lethal force. They were out of range and had no way of hitting any government agent by firing their weapons but were in the cross hairs of government snipers and heavily armed paramilitary agents. One of those photos of Parker prone on the bridge was, in fact, staged at a photographer’s request after the cattle were released. Most protesters were unarmed. They went to the overpass above the Toquop Wash to watch the cattle being released after the Sheriff had already passed along the BLM’s announcement the night before that they were ceasing their operation. Protesters were stunned when they got to the overpass to discover the BLM was escalating instead of ceasing the conflict. Eric Parker, in ci den tally, was re cently applauded by the Idaho State Legislature.
Federal agents to face trial Carol welcomes the hero rancher home
most ac cu rately thun dered that it was Bernstein’s writing that led to the murder of LaVoy Finicum. It’s not Marxist Media Munchkin Maxine or the SPLC’s coverage that is so frustrating. The Left is expected to be ludicrous. No, it’s the fact that, after thousands of hours of the Bundy family’s patiently giving interviews, that such sites masquerading as conservative continue to
misreport what happened on April 12, 2014, in Bunkerville, Nevada.
Freak “news” For instance, The Intercept, a site by journalist Glenn Greenwald, recently in “America Reloaded – The Bizarre Story Behind the FBI’s Fake Documentary About the Bundy Family” ridiculously states: “But the Bundys, aided by their armed supporters, beat back the government, forcing agents to re lease the cattle and retreat. Images of armed Bundy supporters with high-powered rifles taking on outgunned BLM agents circulated widely on so cial me dia. As a re sult, the Bundys became a household name, lionized by the right as champions of individual liberty and vilified by the left as anti-government extremists.” After nearly four years and five trials – two in Oregon and three in Nevada – this is the drivel that people are subjected to. Entirely false! None of Bundy’s supporters, including Eric Parker and Scott Drexler, had high-powered rifles. Those two men only laid down behind the jersey barrier Order extra copies of
The First Freedom Help your friends shed the scales from their eyes! See coupon at bottom of page 24
Mel Bundy, a Tier Two defendant along with his brother Dave, Joe O’Shaughnessy and Jason Woods, still wearing the ankle tracking devices, said they’re confident of getting added to this dismissal but also have other strategies. After nearly two years in jail, none of the defendants have had their Day In Court. Tier Three was not allowed to put on any defense and Tier One is now dismissed because of a mountain of Brady violations (withholding evidence that would’ve been beneficial to the defense) after only four government witnesses. Tier Two dearly wants to tell the full story. A Joint Motion to Disqualify the U. S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Nevada was filed on January 12 by the Tier Two at tor neys. They not only want Myhre, Creegan, Schiess and Ahmed disqualified, they want to put these four on the witness stand and
Remember the BLM’s atrocities! Martyr LaVoy Finicum’s killing by them demands justice. “This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.” Okay, YouToo, we’ve got YouNumber: another ZOG-orchestrated assassination. But we will remember.
manner. Getting the entire Bundy Saga on the record in Federal Court won’t happen. The court orders to impound their cattle stand in spite of a motion to vacate. Suckling and his cohorts are begging for the BLM to go back for the cattle. The irony of BLM bureaucrats spouting “We’re a nation of laws” will come when Cliven Bundy’s full testimony shows that the only lawbreakers in all these proceedings are with the U. S. Government. Every charge leveled in the indictment including conspiracy to impede or harm and massive armed assault is in fact, what the government did at the Bundy Ranch. Karl Marx’ favorite maxim, Accuse
the Bundys would forfeit the ranch if they lost. Defendants who accepted plea deals and convicted defendants such as Todd Engel and Greg Burleson, should, if there is one iota of justice left in America, have their pleas vacated and convictions overturned. The battle against tyranny and utter corruption continues. With all that’s been exposed about Uranium One, Dwight and Steven Hammond deserve to have their sentences commuted. LaVoy Finicum’s family deserves justice, as does the family of slain Idaho rancher Jack Yantis. But, for today, the Bundy family and co-defendants will celebrate the return of their fathers, sons, grandfather, brothers and uncles.
Rattling their cages in Tallahassee the South has been active in and around Tallahassee for years now.
The Florida Chapter, League of the South, held a sovereignty rally in Tallahassee at the old Florida State Capitol building on Saturday, January 27. By Hunter Wallace
Zoological trash
When the Florida League of the South held its Restore State Sovereignty rally this January 27 at the Old State Capitol Building in Tallahassee, around thirty League members squared off against 100 counter-protesters. State po lice kept both sides sep arated. Unlike Charlottesville, there appears to have been no vio lence or is sues when police are allowed to do their jobs. There have been two League of the South rallies at this location before. The
“The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert it self, though it may be at an other time and in an other form.” – Pres i dent Jef fer son Da vis
first was an anti-Marco Rubio rally on March 10, 2014. The second was the Reds Out Of Florida rally on April 18, 2015. The League of the South also put up a SECEDE billboard on Apalachee Parkway in February 2014. The Florida League of
The usual sus pects showed up to counterprotest: vir tue signaling liberals who work for the Florida State government, mil i tant Black Power ac tiv ists, il le gal alien activists, the local soyboys, militant transsexuals and the SDS Communist scum from FSU. We’ve seen this crowd before in Tallahassee. Last time I was there, I argued with them that I had transitioned into a werewolf.
Game runs into overtime By Tom Purcell
eople’s lives get destroyed. People go to jail for questioning the narrative of WWII, but blasphemy flows freely. And not only is it this po lar ity that seems absurd, and the fact that there are so many survivors of Auschwitz that it’s a wonder anyone died there at all, but now lesseredu cated minorities are trying to claim reparations for slavery from 200 years ago.
Well, when does it end? Do descendants of the Na po le onic wars get to claim reparations next? What about the Spartans sacrifice to those Persians? Maybe the Greeks deserve a little help considering their sacrifice for Western civilization at Thermopylae. Or perhaps in today’s warped terms, said Spartans were just 300 racists trying to genocide the Persian Empire. You know who you are out there and y’all can’t just keep scapegoating White men.
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— When truth prevailed —
The Führer and his Movement In the news lately was the story about a bell still in active use in Austria that was dedicated to Adolf Hitler. A rare find today, they were common during the Third Reich, when towns all through Germany and Austria sent requests in to the Führer’s private chancellery for him to lend his name to a bell, a street or a building. Screening such requests before passing them on to Hitler was a young, ambitious SS Reichsleiter, Philipp Bouhler, part of the Nazi movement since his early twenties. Physically limited because of a wound suffered in World War I, Bouhler functioned pri mar ily as a bu reau crat and propagandist, handled the party’s finances and kept himself close to a Hitler who had got out of prison and assumed the title of Führer. Reichsleiter Philipp Bouhler renegadetribune.com
The “German Workers Party,” founded by Schriftleiter Karl Harrer on the 5th of Jan u ary 1919, had al most no po lit i cal ex is tence. The six members of the party formed a union of wellmean ing na tion al ist men who knew about the fateful activities of Marxism and thus had united with the purpose of giving the German working classes back to the Nation. Although the knowledge of these men was perfectly true, they were not capable of translating their plans into reality. They had no money but that was not the worst part. They lacked a general grand idea that could have guided them in their fight. Alone and helpless they faced a world that either intentionally ignored them or did not even know that they existed. They simply did not know how to attract the people’s at ten tion and most likely they would never have exceeded the importance of an entirely meaningless debating club. In a word, they needed a Führer. They found him in their 7th member.
A program for recognition On the day – it must have been the 16th of September 1919 – that Adolf Hitler joined the party its unique career began. Hitler immediately realized that the party had to abandon its hidden existence and make itself publicly known. He believed that immense propaganda, adequate for the psyche of the masses, was the only possible method of achieving this goal. First though, before he could introduce even the slightest innovation, Hitler had to overcome strong opposition from parliamentary oriented members to the “liquidation” of the party as it existed.
here can one beat a deal like 100+ copies of The First Freedom for $35 or $39? Each issue contains information the “mainstream” presstitutes may not touch: working strategies for our White Nation’s counterstrike against forces sent gnashing and slashing at us by media munchkins in thrall to the Zejay overlords we must send looking for honest employment. Decent Aryans can control their government, so let everyone you know benefit from the growing influence of this newspaper. See coupon on page 24 and order them today.
What is obvious in any army, especially in the German army, has almost completely disappeared in the political life of most Na tions: ac knowledg ment of the value of per son al ity and its re spon si bil ity. In yes ter day’s Ger many it was the de cisions of a major ity that dictated the actions of the political leaders who could then hide behind those majority resolutions, free from any responsibility. Adolf Hitler however, structured his party according to the principles of authority towards those below and responsibility towards those above. When the executive head of the party that had been known as the “NSDAP” since the 9th of August 1920 resigned in July 1921, Adolf Hitler was elected chairman and was given almost dictatorial powers. Soon afterward it became clear that the speaker, who fascinated the masses with his words, had perfect organizational skills. He immediately and indiscriminately broke away from the [party’s] previous habits in which he saw the destruction of every organization. After all, he did not want to form a party in the common sense of the word. What he needed was a powerful, rigidly organized instrument that blindly obeyed his dom i nant will power. This instrument was the NSDAP. It was the organizational core of the National Socialist Movement that should gradually take over the entire German Nation. The national com mu nity had to be de ter mined by blood and bound to the native soil. All differences of political, social or religious doctrine that hitherto had dispersed Nations in all directions had to be bridged. Any small-minded impulse of self interest in individuals or groups had to be drowned out by the command that dictated that all Germans must act in a united manner.
Decision time Of what importance is the question of the form of government, the conflict over ecclesiastical problems, or the hate-filled disputes between workers and owners in view of the almighty fate that had to decide inexorably over the life or ruin of Germany! An or ga ni za tion, as Adolf Hit ler envisaged it, was not only a State which could one day replace the rotten, collapsing Marxist State structure, but one with which a leader’s genius, borne along by the eternal truth of the idea, had to be able to unhinge a world! According to these grand principles he formed the NSDAP and its sub-divisions. In the end, however, it was only Adolf Hitler’s personality that guaranteed success. His knowledge and actions (obviously guided by Providence), his work, his faith, his will power and de ter mi na tion, the shining example of the Führer over and above the hourly and daily chaos, these were the only assurances of success. If it was not for the Führer, how could it have been possible that these boys and all the men and women sacrificed property and blood without so much as a claim for gratitude? How could they have defied destiny, suffered from misery, need and persecution? How could a look from the Führer’s eyes have been enough compensation for the most difficult sacrifices? There are things in human life that must be done without regard for whether they will be successful or not. Certain decisions and actions can only be avoided at the price of inner freedom, respect, happiness or even one’s life. Consequently, the individual as well as the Movement or the Nation must suffer some defeats. Such was the defeat on the 9th of November 1923. A black day indeed for the National Socialist Movement but at the same time a turn ing point in contemporary history. On that day a man and a few fol low ers tried to change Germany’s destiny. This man dared to take action although there was almost no chance of success. Nevertheless, it had to be done. The German future belonged only to him who
had the courage to leap into the unknown. The seed of a better Germany could grow up only through blood and combat. It was one of the most difficult decisions
Nazis at the Volksgerichtshof in München was overshadowed by infighting. Many of the old fighters were deeply seized by a feeling of disillusionment and hopelessness. Many turned their back on the Movement. In northern Germany a few ambitious national leaders tried to take over Adolf Hitler’s heritage with the goal of turning his Move ment around for their own purposes. It was a relatively small group that loyally stood by the old flag.
Reorganizing of his life when Adolf Hitler decided to take ac tion. He proved his in cred i ble courage when, supported only by his own res o lu tion, he challenged the ex ist ing sys tem and de clared the gov ern ment dismissed although it was in possession of the federal means of power. All by himself he carried the burden of responsibility for everything that was to result from this coup. His effort failed. It could not bring to an end the five years of fatal destiny that had crushed Germany. The system of the 9th of November 1918 remained in charge, damaging the entire Nation. The attempt of Adolf Hitler and his friends was not a complete failure, however.
Delayed but determined In later years the Führer came to believe that on the 9th of November 1923 the time had not yet been ripe for victory. On the 9th of November 1933, at the 10th anniversary celebrated in the Brügerbräukeller, he called the failed at tempt, “Wisdom of Providence,” but he added, “and yet I am convinced that when we acted the way we did, we had to act in this and no other way, because we were on a mission from God.” Those men did not follow a phantom, but the call of their hearts beneath the flag with the swas tika when they marched towards the Feldherrnhalle on their way to a new Reich. They followed the loud call of an ideal that talked to them through the words of Adolf Hitler. They were ready to sacrifice the most precious good they possessed because they valued the ideal that materialized in Adolf Hitler higher than their own lives. Destiny accepted this sacrifice from 16 men. Hence, the men who died on that 9th of November were the first martyrs of the National Socialist struggle. They were followed by many who sacrificed their blood and life on the shrine of their country. But those 16 were the first. For their fight the odds were much worse than the odds were in later years. This means that their effort had to be much stronger. They proved to the world that this new Movement was prepared to fertilize the way to Germany’s freedom with the blood of its fighters. It was the reason that the Führer picked those 16 men out of the line of comrades shot by Red Fronters and Reactionaries and established a monument for them. The Hall of Honor on the Königsplatz in München is a plain and aristocratic monument that reminds us of their great sac ri fice and pro vides the ac knowl edg ment they get from the Move ment. This is why on the 9th of November 1935 the mortal remains of these 16 men were taken out of their simple graves in various cemeteries in München and its surroundings. After they were displayed for one night in the Feldherrnhalle they were trans ferred in a fes tive pa rade to their new tomb. There they will for ever be Eter nal Guards, remind ing coming generations of this day.
Delays and doubts More than a year passed during which the Move ment tried to re-es tab lish an organized system after the breakdown on the 9th of November 1923. It was a time of inner turmoil, of discord and disputes among the leaders. The pow erful resurgence of interest in National Socialist thought throughout the entire Reich as a result of the great publicity surrounding the trial of
Then, on the 20th of December 1924, the gates of the prison at Landsberg am Lech were opened for Adolf Hitler. For the remaining five years of his “punishment” (he had been sentenced for high treason) he was put on probation. A sigh of relief went through his fellow fighters. Now that the Führer was once again among them, more determined than ever to guide the way with the flag, they no longer felt anxiety for the future. What meant frustration for some was out of the question for Hitler and his followers: he could not rely on one of the ex ist ing national political organizations, but had to re-establish the old NSDAP. On the 25th of February, 1925, among the unbelievable cheers of his followers, he proclaimed that his Movement was founded again. The historic Bürgerbräukeller in München had to be cordoned off by the police on that day, due to overcrowding. And indeed it was a great achievement that Adolf Hitler in a masterful speech could reunite those deadly rivals among the members of the Großdeutsche Volksgemeinschaft and the Nationalsozialistische Freiheitsbewegung, which at that time were the two dueling sides. The beginning was made. The fight could be started anew in the same old spirit. In one way, however, this fight was different in the methods that had been used up until the 9th of November 1923. Until that date everybody had been prepared to turn the existing government over in a coup.
Strategic move
Now the Führer clearly saw the necessity to continue his fight on a completely legal
basis. That, however, meant a change in tactics only. By no means did it mean a modification of the goal which, then and always, could only be the conquest of the political power in Germany. The constitution of the “No vember Republik” with its democratic foundation left the possibility open to gradually win the people’s support through relentless propaganda and thus, in the course of elections, to enter parliament. So we reached our goal in a perfectly legal way. We only had to beat democracy at its own game. The Führer’s challenge to the political system was perfectly clear and the political leaders of Germany of that time imme di ately took coun ter mea sures to prevent the party from getting established and from spreading its idea. The Bavarian government prohibited public speeches by Adolf Hitler, justifying their action with a manipulated version of one of Hitler’s speeches, which led to a series of oppressive measures and persecutions carried out by public authorities. Other States joined in and for years the Führer could speak in person only at unofficial meetings of party members. Moreover, it was essential to avoid the possibility that the party would be suppressed again and consequently the propaganda possibilities were limited. Nevertheless the fight against enslaving contracts and the weak governmental policy
— When truth prevailed — of consensus was carried on pitilessly and by the use of all legal means. Likewise, the examination of Marxism and its corrupting in flu ences on all fields pro gressed. Gradually the Movement came to a firm foot ing in the par lia ments out side of Bavaria, too: first in Thüringen in 1930, then in Braunschweig and Anhalt. While the political fight continued in this way with unbroken vehemence and tenacity, difficult organizational problems piled up for the Movement. Decisions about assignments of members were not made on a round table basis, but the structure of the party developed organically from the bottom up. The true leaders had to emerge out of a free game of powers.
Courageous officers Finally however, this wild growth had to be regulated and controlled. All those who had formed a towngroup – those who had proven that they were men enough to make their own way – they were acknowledged and from then on pro tected against all attacks. In the end, when those towngroups had spread all over the Nation, one after the other was made part of a Gau [District]. The position of Gauleiter was given only to those men who, born in combat, had conquered their territories by themselves. In this way, fighting, work ing and constantly ready for action, the apostles of National Socialism stood up in all parts of Germany. They drove around relentlessly, always talking, always fighting. They were hard, coarse and rough men, not at all easy to get along with, of ten stub born and individualistic. But how else could they have performed the almost superhuman task of preparing the ground for the planting of Adolf Hitler?
There was a time when many lawyers wanted to destroy the party: there were rebels within the party, selfish, ambitious and corrupted subjects who were willing to abuse the NSDAP for their own purposes or to split and thus weaken the party. There were enemies from all sides who, full of hate and in great number, tried to crush the Movement using all possible means of lying and defaming, as well as boycott and ter ror; there were over-zeal ous party members who misunderstood the rev o lu tion ary spirit and leaped ahead, en dan ger ing the Move ment (as they provided the authorities with a good reason to interfere). These dangers were mastered by the Führer by vir tue of his higher insight, his intelligence, his courage and deter mination. Today it seems like an impressive and unbelievable miracle to us, that he was able to successfully steer the small ship of his party through all those troubled waters. The Movement was spared nothing. It had grown on fight, need, sacrifice and privation, and this made it hard and pure. A thousand times, party members were ex posed to per se cu tion. They were stripped of their brown shirts, they were beaten and thrown in jail. The filth of defamation was poured down on them, they were damaged financially, their lives were ru ined and tri als were aimed at wearing them down. Fights car ried out in city halls left thou sands of Na tional Socialists with bleeding wounds of honor. At night, many were slain on the streets by brutish “comrades.” A pitiless determination whipped ev ery body through end less pro pa ganda and elec tion campaigns, through meetings and parades. Private life was hardly known to the National Socialist. Always on the march, serving, fight ing. At the end of a suc cess one remembered the Führer’s iron slogan: “The fight goes on.” To this command he completely devoted himself, too. On the way, many lost their courage and sank down, oth ers lost their be lief in the even tual victory and some broke down physically. Only faith kept the Movement going; faith and its symbol, the Führer, who led the way for the Movement like a banner in the middle of a chaotic fight … The hardest
year, however, was yet to come.
Virtue and integrity It was the year of 1932 when the opposing forces concentrated the most, demanding the very best of every man, from the Führer to the last unknown SA-man. It was the year of elections for the Reichspräsidenten, the elections for the Reichstag, the numerous elections for the Landtag and Bürgerrat. At that time Hitler flew through Germany four times and during the 14 days of the third trip he made speeches be fore 49 mass assemblies. And all this was accomplished by a wave of propaganda that until then was unheard of. The year of 1932 saw those colorful changes in the cabinets of Brüning, Papen, Schleicher; and it brought the prohibition of the SA as well as a state of national emergency. It was in this year that the government tried in vain to push the Führer off on a side track by offering him the position of Vice Chancellor. In 1932 we witnessed massive losses for the National Socialists at the second elections to the Reichstag in November; we saw the constant vice of the communist wave as well as Gregor Strasser’s stab in the back; and finally we saw streams of the finest German blood shed for the rebirth of the Reich. But even that year went by and when, on the 30th of January 1933 it was an nounced that Hindenburg nomi nated Adolf Hit ler Reichskanzler the en tire German Nation was deeply affected. There were those who worried because of their sins against the Movement and Nation. They looked into the future with a dreadful heart. Some of them preferred to grab their money and flee across the border so that they could aim their poi soned ar rows against Ger many shel tered in a for eign coun try. And then there were those who had suffered enough from the calamity of the past years. They thanked Prov idence that it fi nally had brought about a change in things. On the 21st of March the German Reichstag met again in the Garnisonkirche in Potsdam. At this historic site, a place where faded flags of glory cast shadows on the last resting place of the great King of Prussia, the festive ceremony was held that introduced a new era in German history. Once again Germany belonged to Ger mans! The door to a brighter future was open! Adolf Hitler could begin to form the Third Reich! In 1926 the Aus trian National So cialists became an organizational part of the NSDAP, after years of close contact with their Ger man and Bo he mian brother parties. But, whereas Adolf Hitler and his brown army won the Reich, the National Socialist Movement was brutally suppressed in German Austria. In the Summer of 1934, when the people’s spontaneous attempt to break their chains failed, a time of immense misery began for our brothers on the other side of the border, who felt a part of Greater Germany as National Socialists. But, in this case again, it became clear that terror and suppression can never kill the spirit in the hearts of those who are deeply committed. It is true that the party and its sub-divisions were dissolved and illegal activities were severely punished. It is true that it was prohibited to carry the swastika and to greet people in the German manner. But thousands were glad and ready to hold up the prohibited banner in darkness and misery just to see the dawning of a victory whose time had to come. This street of sacrifices led many through the jails of the establishment, through agony and disgrace. Many a man had to take his final journey but he went in an upright manner unbroken and with a hard look on his face. He was transformed by the knowledge that a change was ahead and he went with the words “Heil Hitler” on his dying breath. None of the suppressive measures imposed by reactionary powers of state could hinder the constant call: “One People, one Reich,
one Führer.” The call could be heard all over Austria and it found a receptive heart on the other side of the border, in the great homeland.
The Anschluss
In July 1936 the Führer had tried to end the strained relations with Austria by way of an agreement. Despite all promises, the Austrian government did not give up its hostile attitude toward National Socialists. Then, on the 12th of February 1938, the Führer met with the Austrian Chancellor on the Obersalzberg and Mr. Schuschnigg agreed to grant full equal rights to Austrian National Socialists. The moment he arrived home however, Schuschnigg thought of treason. On the 9th of March he announced in Innsbruck that there would be a ref er en dum to de cide on Aus tria’s in de pend ence. Not only was such a procedure unconstitutional but it defied all principles of law. There was no doubt that it was impossible to conclude a just referendum in three days without any prep a ration and with out any bal lots. Schuschnigg, however, never wanted the peo ple’s hon est opin ion. He only used fraud and ter ror to secure an out come favorable to him, on the basis of which he hoped to continue his policy of suppression against Germanness. He had forgotten that Germany under Adolf Hitler’s flag had again become a superpower that would not tolerate treachery and the enslavement of millions of German folk companions. The curtain fell quickly on this act of shame that had lasted long enough. After a few vio lent attempts to put down the re volts that had started ev ery where, Schuschnigg re signed on the 11th of March. Public authority now rested with Seyß-lnquart, who had been a National Socialist member of the cabinet since the Berchtesgaden agreement. To resurrect peace and justice he asked for an invasion
of German troops because the Marxists were planning to fish in troubled waters. The next day squadrons of German planes roared over Austrian territory, greeting National Socialist Austria with millions of leaflets. The Führer, along with soldiers of the German armed forces who crossed the border everywhere, returned to his home country in triumph. The yearning call had finally come true: “One People, one Reich, one Führer.” The next day there was but one cry of gratitude and the crowd cheered as the Führer moved into Vienna through an ocean of jubilant, flag-waving people. Clearer than any referendum, the Germans in Austria had spoken when they carried Adolf Hitler through his home country on waves of exaltation in those unforgettable days in March. The outcome of the referendum that had been scheduled for the 10th of April was nothing more than another affirmation of a perfect fact. It could only reveal the overwhelming support for the Greater German Reich and its founder and Führer.
The man for all seasons It was not an idea alone with the dynamic power to break down the bastions of the old system that had conquered Germany, and it was not only through powerful speeches in which the Führer had hammered the new Weltanschauung into the hearts and brains of the new generation; it was the personality of Adolf Hitler that from the very be gin ning had been the driv ing force be hind the idea. His personality had guaranteed success. The unique appearance of the Führer and the
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
power of his charisma are grounded in the totality of his genius and in the harmony of his per son ality; that rare combina tion chosen by Providence to bring about a change in world history. As dazzling as may seem the contrasts in the Führer’s genius and the variety of the interests to which he is attracted and which he masters, it is ex actly this multitude of mutu ally sup port ing talents and in cli na tions that coalesce into the harmony and gigantic perfection of his genius. Thus the Führer, whose roots are in the fine arts, made his way into politics filled with the brave virtues of a soldier. He topped the creations of a politician with the military success of a general. His creative imagination, which endows him with grand concepts and plans, is tamed by a razor-sharp logic and an extraordinary instinct for reality. His sense for the needs and necessity of everyday life is as clear and unclouded as his opinion in all fields of arts and estheticism. He has the political attitude of a soldier so his warfare has to yield to po litical necessities. He elevated leadership in governing and war into the art of governing and the art of war. Therefore, it is only logical that the Führer had already finished an outline of his cultural program and had made plans for huge buildings and revolutionary urban projects at a time when he was still fighting for the political power in Germany; at a time when he had to battle the corrupting influences of the Jewish-Marxist system, sometimes even by using brute force. It is only logical that later on, when he installed an armed force and formed the domestic and foreign policies of the new Reich, he began to carry through all the cultural plans. Thus, he gave new impetus to German art and prepared the ground for an economic upswing.
A visionary
Cool and calculating minds could not follow the Führer un til actual events proved his prophecies correct and made the iron logic in his line of argumentation visible. Thus, his claim to leadership was supported by the facts as well as by success. But, long before all this became clear, thousands had believed with all their heart in this man who despite actual circumstances had promised to resurrect beloved Germany and to guide the way to unknown magnitude. But it was not the words that the masses believed in, it was the man, the personality Adolf Hitler. This was the secret process by which during the time of fighting he attracted fighters from all Districts like a magnet, by virtue of his personality. He welded them together in a blood brotherhood and thus won the Reich.
Time of struggle Today the whole German Nation not only looks up to the Führer with deep ad mira tion, but it is ready to sac ri fice everything and feels deep love for the fa ther of the Nation; feel ings that are mainly grounded in Adolf Hitler’s humane nature. This man rose out of the people and thus has an understanding for the worries and concerns of the people. It shines down on the masses and fills them with faithful confidence to see this man’s solidarity with them, his loyalty towards his fellow combatants, his distinct sense for justice, his deep feelings for the great and beautiful and his immense goodness of heart that shines through even if, in national interest, he has to make adamant decisions. What makes the personality of Adolf Hitler so special, however, is the shining example he gives the people every single day. The people know that the Führer demands the most from himself and never demands anything from anybody that he is not ready to do whenever it needs to be done. The people are content in the knowledge that his work and whole existence belong to Germany and that he himself sacrifices his private life. Thus, in the best sense of the word, he leads the way for his people as a standard bearer – visible for everybody, the Führer of the Nation, the founder of the Reich, the pioneer of a new era!
The First Freedom
— Courts of law ignore this law —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
No direct tax except when paid uniformly by one and all By Lt. Colonel Donald Sullivan (Ret)
[email protected]
n Tuesday, January 16, I participated in what can only be called a very depressing example of how bad we have allowed things to get in our country. There is no doubt we have been “cunningly coerced” into waiving our rights, but now we are at the point where elected officials knowingly deny us those rights while all the while smiling at our feeble attempts to regain them.
Exercise in futility
The circumstance was a hearing in North Carolina Superior Court on several motions regarding local governments’ suing for liens and foreclosure against me and my wife for our failure to pay property taxes for the past seven years. We haven’t paid the property tax because we don’t owe the property tax. The hearing was held before a newly elected judge whom I have known personally for years, and who has always professed to be a conservative Republican con stitutionalist. The end result of this hearing was that the local
governments’ “taxing units” were granted summary judgment allowing their liens and foreclosures to move forward, above our objections, of course. The judge has obviously been “educated” on what judges are to do. The depressing part was not that we lost the case, but that in the process we witnessed the denial of our right to a trial by jury; the acceptance by the court that oaths of office for government executives are not re quired, as man dated by both the State and Fed eral Con sti tu tions; that ab so lutely pri vate prop erty (not en cumbered by eq uity in stru ments or commerciality, and not hav ing been rendered for taxation) is not excluded from property taxation; the refusal by the court
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Donald Sullivan, Plaintiff; v.
) ) )
) ) )
COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT Comes now Plaintiff Don ald Sullivan, a private, flesh and blood man, specially and limited but not generally, seeking a declaratory judgment against the Defendants PENDER COUNTY and TOWN OF ATKINSON to determine the constitutionality of Chapter 105, et seq, of the North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS), the taxing statute, as it appears to be in contravention to Article I, Section 10, of the United States Constitution. And in violation of Article I, Section 5, of the North Carolina Constitution. Plaintiff demands a trial by jury. 1. Plaintiff Donald Sullivan is a 69-year-old natural man, domiciled in PENDER COUNTY, with a mailing address of PO Box 441, Atkinson, North Carolina. 2. Defendant PENDER COUNTY is a corporation, capable of suing and being sued, with a mailing address of PO Box 5, Burgaw, North Carolina 28425. 3. TOWN OF ATKINSON, Defendant, is a corporation, capable of suing and being sued, with a mailing address of PO Box 160, Atkinson, North Carolina 28421. 4. Defendants are currently suing the Plaintiff in the PENDER COUNTY Superior Court, Case #16CVS790, for a judgment allowing property tax liens to be made against his land in Atkinson, North Carolina, and to be allowed to foreclose on said liens pursuant to NCGS 105. 5. Plaintiff complains that said statute in its entirety and in specifics stands in violation of the North Carolina Constitution at Article I, Section 5, as it is in contravention to Article I, Section 10, of the United States Constitution. In support of his complaint, Plaintiff states as follows: 6. Article I, Section 10, of the United States Constitution states, in part: “No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a tender in Payment of Debts… .” 7. Article I, Section 5, of the North Carolina Constitution states, “Every citizen of this State owes paramount allegiance to the Constitution and government of the United States, and no law or ordinance of this State in contravention or subversion thereof can have any binding force.” 8. NCGS 105-241 states, in part: “Where and how taxes payable; tax period; liens. (a) Form of Payment. – Taxes are payable in the national currency.” (Emphasis added) 9. Article VI, Clause 3, of the United States Constitution states, in part: “…all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution… .” 10. Article VI, Section 7, of the North Carolina State Constitution states: “Before entering upon the duties of an office, a person elected or appointed to the office shall take and subscribe the following oath: ‘I, ___________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as _________________, so help me God.” DISCUSSION Article I, Section 10, was adopted as part of the US Constitution in 1787 by the Constitutional Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for the sole purpose of insuring that this country would never again submit to the perils of paper currency and suffer the then well-known results of the use of a national script (currency). Prior to the ratification of that Constitution, the States suffered under several different forms of script, no different than our present Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs), the “federal currency,” all destined to become worthless, or almost so, as
to allow any defenses to be presented by us (even though we were the “defendants”); the admission that, although we were not liable for the tax nor subject to it, the taxing units were still allowed to claim us as proper parties to the complaint so as to be able to reach the land itself, which land could not be sued; that the State has made something other than gold and silver coin a tender in the payment of taxes (debt) in violation of the United Sates and North Carolina Constitutions; etc.
Rule by men, not laws In other words, each and every defense we had properly presented was stricken by the court such that we were not allowed to mount any defense to our substance being eaten out by government officers (See DOI at Grievance #10). The worst of it all being that no longer will a jury be allowed to determine the validity or constitutionality of any act of any legislature (see the final paragraph in the complaint below). They will not be allowed to hear it; and, if they do, as the “conservative” judge reminded me, the court is authorized to issue a “directed verdict” in the event any jury makes an untoward determination. I will appeal the ruling, naturally; but all that means is more
devils in black robes get to tell me that “the law means what we say it means.”
View from up front I was, of course, a bit shaken and confused; but my wife was livid. I almost literally had to scrape her off the ceiling. It’s one thing for me to tell her how bad things are, but an entirely different thing for her to experience it for herself. Now, I am not the only one in the family who wants all government employees dead, including teachers. We celebrated when the U. S. government shut down today, and we hope it does n’t start up again un til President Trump gets what we want out of the Congress. But, as the old saying goes, “When God closes a door, he opens a window.” Not long after the hearing on that Tuesday, a “vision planted in my brain” of what needed to be done with the tax question revealed itself. Yesterday, Friday, the 19th of January, I filed the following complaint against the taxing units for violating our Constitutions and illegally extending their authority to collect taxes. This, even before the judge’s order has been is sued. My complaint should get their attention, but a jury will never see it (Again, see the final paragraph):
the direct result of their lack of any solid backing in precious metal money. To sustain the value of these currencies, Congress took drastic measures such as wage and price controls, and even declared anyone who refused the script an “enemy of the State,” to wit: “If any person hereafter be so lost to all virtue and regard for his Country as to refuse to accept its notes, such person shall be deemed an enemy of his Country.” (See Davis R. Dewey, Financial History of the United States, 1934, pp 36 et seq.) The depreciation of paper currency relative to coin followed the same sickening course the FRNs have followed today (Although FRNs are no longer redeemable in coin and are literally “worthless paper,” one may pay about $16.00 worth of FRNs for one dollar of silver coin on the private market). By January, 1781, the script then in use was redeemable at the rate of 100 to 1 for “hard” money. A contemporary of the Revolution, Peletiah Webster, recorded it this way: “It ceased to pass as currency (in May, 1781), but was afterwards bought and sold as an article of speculation, at very uncertain and desultory prices [a la “Bitcoin”], from 500 to one thousand to one.” (Ibid.) Mr. Roger Sherman, a del e gate to the Con sti tu tional Con gress from Connecticut, was the author of that section of Article 1, Section 10, quoted above. Mr. James Madison’s account of Mr. Sherman’s words was short and sweet: “Mr. Sherman thought this a favourable (sic) crisis for crushing paper money. If the consent of the Legislature could authorize emissions of it, the friends of paper money would make every exertion to get into the Legislature in order to license it.” (See George Bancroft, History of the United States of America, page 303). Also, “James Madison left for his testimony that, ‘the pretext for a paper currency, and particularly for making the bills a tender, either for public or private debts, was cut off.’ This is the interpretation of the clause, made at the time of its adoption alike by its authors and by its opponents, accepted by all the statesmen of that age, not open to dispute because too clear for argument, and never disputed so long as any one man who took part in framing the Constitution remained alive.” (See ibid., page 303) Whereas, today, Defendants are required by State law to collect their taxes in “federal currency,” that same “script” made illegal to the States by Article I, Section 10, of the United States Constitution, and rendered invalid and of “no binding force” by Article I, Section 5, of the North Carolina Constitution; and, Whereas, Defendants have specifically attempted to cunningly coerce this court to allow them to collect their “property taxes” from Defendant under this unconstitutional statute, Plaintiff prays this court will declare NCGS 105 in all its parts, and especially at section 105-241, unconstitutional and void on its face, as being in violation of said Article I, Section 5, of the North Carolina Constitution and Article I, Section 10, of the United States Constitution. The court is advised that, pursuant to Article 26A of Chapter 1 of the General Statutes, which states, in part at Section 267.1(a1), “…any facial challenge to the validity of an act of the General Assembly shall be transferred, pursuant to G.S. 1A-1, Rule 42(b)(4), to the Superior Court of Wake County and shall be heard and de ter mined by a three-judge panel of the Su pe rior Court of Wake County, organized as provided by subsection (b2) of this section” and, as found in G.S. 1-18.1(a1), in part, “Venue lies exclusively with the Wake County Superior Court with regard to any claim seeking an order or judgment of a court, either final or interlocutory, to restrain the enforcement, operation, or execution of an act of the General Assembly, in whole or in part, based upon an allegation that the act of the General Assembly is facially invalid on the basis that the act violates the North Carolina Constitution or federal law.” Respectfully submitted this the Nineteenth Day of January, 2018, by: ____________________________________ Donald Sullivan, Defendant, Unrepresented Lt. Col., USAFR(R)
— The awakening —
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
DACA – a “bill of love” or a bill of goods? By Ilana Mercer
the day. McCarthy, a liberal Republican, had to clarify for the president what he was, in fact, acquiescing to, and what Feinstein was demanding: an amnesty bill absent any border-security provisions.
“DACA.” That’s the magic word, the “Open Sesame” of sorts, that stopped Democrats from saying President Donald Trump was senile. DACA as an acronym means “Deferred Ac tion for Child hood Ar riv als.” The DACA program is Barack Obama’s grant of education, food stamps, health care, a shot at a job and a reprieve from deportation for the youthful alien among us. Or for the older illegal immigrant who still has that certain, impish je ne sais quoi, and can pass for a younger lawbreaker. Trump said “DACA,” and he said it with love. At a well-staged “bipartisan immigration bill roundtable” – CNN’s billing – Trump vowed to pass “a bipartisan bill of love”: “If we do this properly, DACA, you’re not so far away from compre hen sive immigration reform. And if you want to take it that further step, I’ll take the heat, I don’t care. I don’t care – I’ll take all the heat you want to give me, and I’ll take the heat off both the Democrats and the Republicans. My whole life has been heat. (Laughter.) I like heat, in a certain way. But I will… We’re going to come up with DACA. We’re going to do DACA, and then we can start immediately on the phase two, which would be com pre hen sive … I think what we’re all saying is we’ll do DACA and we can cer tainly start comprehensive immigration reform the following afternoon. Okay? We’ll take an hour off and then we’ll start.”
Whether the president knew it or not, “com pre hen sive immigration reform” stands for amnesty. High on whiffs of a DACA giveaway, Democrats and their media dropped the charges of dementia being leveled at the
Flunked his Spanish
president. Which is when patriot Ann Coulter charged. Today was “the worst day of Trump’s presidency,” she told broadcaster Larry O’Connor. Mat ter-of-fact, Ms. Coulter stated she was glad she would no longer be alive to witness the nation Mr. O’Connor’s children would inherit if Trump’s DACA Bill of Love became a reality.
Good ol’ bombast’s club Ostensibly, President Trump’s love-in with Democrats was orchestrated to dispel Michael Wolff’s allegations about the president’s cognitive competency. The toast of the town, Wolff, author of Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, has advanced the thesis that, to quote Steve Bannon, the president “is losing it,” and that he lacks a command of the issues, and worse. If anything, contended Coulter, “the president is not [dispelling] the Michael Wolff book,” but confirming “the worst of what White House staff had [allegedly] told Mr. Wolff.” And that is that “The president cares only about his press, has no grasp of the details of policy, and [simply] agrees with the last person to speak.” By extension, Ms. Coulter marveled at how, when petitioned then and there by Senator Dianne Feinstein for a stand-alone DACA Bill, the president simply “nodded,” prompting House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, of all people, to step in to save
If the president aimed, in this gathering, to convince the viewing public that he was not mentally unstable, observed Coulter, he achieved the opposite. “Not only was Trump not in command of the most basic immigration details, but he agreed with what anyone said, second-to-second. You had completely different proposals being floated – “Tom Cotton’s on the one hand, Democratic Senators Dick Durbin and Dianne Feinstein on the other” – only to have Trump second them all. When asked whether she thought “Trump was be traying the base,” Ms. Coulter conceded that “It’s a slow train coming,” but this indeed was the case. “This is a disaster,” she repeated to an incredulous Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, where she restated what bears repeating: The president had, “if anything,” lent v a l i d a t io n f o r t h e Wo l ff t h e o r y o f incompetence, what “with his jumping around and abandoning his base.” His only hope, implored Ms. Coulter, was “to put the pedal-to-the-metal: fulfill his promises, end chain migration and deport these Dreamers, who should go before the MS13 gangsters.” “Dreamers,” averred Ms. Coulter, “are the Antifa of the il le gal commu nity. They’re just a Mexican Antifa. They’re the worst of the illegals.” No doubt. Dreamers vote; MS13 don’t. Ms. Coulter further derided the president for assembling an administration in which his son-in-law, daughter and half of Goldman Sachs carried the day. The presidency has become a “family affair,” she asserted. Who can argue with the fact that none of
us Deplorables voted for La Familia, for their investment bankers and for the latter’s patronage nexus? Dripping contempt for “Mr. I’ll Build The Wall’s” lackluster negotiating skills, Ms. Coulter acknowledged the Democrats’ tactical gall. “They don’t have the House, the Senate, or the presidency” – yet it was Democrats, not the president, who were driving a hard bargain. Incredibly, Democrats were the ones issuing an ultimatum: Give us Dreamers, amnesty and a stand-alone bill in exchange for… nothing. Whereas Trump, “The Great Negotiator” – Coulter’s coinage – pitched up for the meeting declaring in advance he’d sign anything present company handed him. Ann Coulter has spoken like a true and truth ful patriot. For their own good, Deplorables must allow dissenters to keep President Trump honest. Postscript: These are early innings for the ambitious young couple in the White House. Daddy’s girl and her poodle, Jared Kushner, long “to press flesh with local and global elites.” As I pointed out in April of 2017 – back when Trump bombed Syria for Ivanka – Davos is upon us. “Befitting young Democrats in high-society,” the two want to attend this, the World Economic Forum, also “the ultimate schmooze fest of the elite.”
They’ve arrived
I suspect the duo will accompany Daddy to Davos. And now that The Donald’s unsexy agenda has yielded to the Democrats and the Mexican Mafia (I mean lobby), Deplorables be damned – Ivanka and Jared will receive a warm welcome from the gilded and the glamorous. Ilana Mercer has been writing a paleolibertarian column since 1999, and is the author of The Trump Revo lu tion: The Don ald’s Cre ative De struc tion Deconstructed (June, 2016) and Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa (2011).
Russia and China move toward gold, away from dollar By Bradford Hanson
umors abound that new economic ties mark a step to ward a new gold stan dard and abandon ment of the U. S. dol lar. The monetary regimes of China and Russia, two of the world’s most resourcerich Nations, are drawing closer with every passing day. In the latest push for convergence, China has established a payment versus payment (PVP) system for Chinese yuan and Russian ruble transactions in a move to reduce risks and improve the efficiency of its foreign exchange transactions. The PVP system for yuan and ruble trans ac tions, de signed to stream line com merce and cur rency trans ac tions between the two Nations, was launched on January 8 after receiving approval from China’s cen tral bank, ac cord ing to a state ment by the coun try’s for eign exchange trading system. It marks the first time a PVP system has been established for trading the yuan and foreign cur rencies, said the statement, which was posted on January 10 on the website of the China Foreign Exchange Trade System (CFETS). PVP systems allow simultaneous settlement of transactions in two different currencies. According to CFETS, the system would reduce settlement risk as well as the risk of transactions taking place in different time zones, and improve foreign ex change market efficiency. Of course, if the two countries had a blockchain-based settlement system, they would already have all this and much more. CFETS said it plans to introduce PVP systems for yuan transactions with other currencies based on China’s Belt and Road initiative, and complying with the process of renminbi internationalization. Russia,
however, is a top priority: the world’s biggest oil pro ducer re cently be came the larg est source of oil for China, the world’s top energy consumer. To be sure, the mon e tary convergence between Beijing and Moscow is hardly new. The most no ta ble re cent development took place in April, when the Russian central bank opened its first overseas office in Beijing on March 14, marking a step forward in forging a Beijing-Moscow alliance to bypass the U. S. dollar in the global monetary system, and to phase-in a gold-backed standard of trade. As the South China Morn ing Post reported at the time, the new office was part of agreements made between the two neighbors “to seek stronger economic ties” since the West brought in sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis and the oil-price slump hit the Russian economy.
Gold as historic medium At the time, Vladimir Shapovalov, a senior official at the Russian central bank, said the two central banks were drafting a memorandum of understanding to solve technical issues around China’s gold imports from Russia, and that details would be released soon, to which we said that if Russia – the world’s fourth largest gold producer after China, Japan and the U. S. – is indeed set to become a major supplier of gold to China, the probability of a scenario hinted by many over the years, namely that Beijing is preparing to eventually unroll a gold-backed currency, increases by orders of magnitude. Furthermore, also around the same time, as the Russian central bank was getting closer to China, China was responding in kind with the establishment of a clearing
for trans ac tions could also po ten tially reduce the volatility of yuan and ruble exchange rates. The clearing center is one of a range of measures the People’s Bank of China and the Russian Central Bank have been looking at to deepen their coop eration, Sputnik re ports.
Buying up gold
bank in Moscow for handling transactions in Chinese yuan. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) officially started operating as a Chinese renminbi clearing bank in Russia on January 10.
Stimulating trade “The financial regulatory authorities of China and Russia have signed a series of major agreements, which marks a new level of financial cooperation,” Dmitry Skobelkin, the abovementioned deputy head of the Russian Central Bank, said. “The launching of renminbi clearing services in Russia will further expand local settlement business and promote financial cooperation between the two countries,” he added.
Introducing stability Irina Rogova, a Russian financial analyst, told the Russian magazine Expert that the clear ing cen ter could be come a large financial hub for countries in the Eurasian Economic Union. The creation of the clearing center and the launch of PVP systems enables the two countries to further increase bilateral trade and in vest ment while de creas ing their dependence on the U. S. dollar. It will create a pool of yuan liquidity in Russia that en ables trans ac tions for trade and financial operations to run smoothly. The expanding use of national currencies
But one of the most significant measures un der con sid er ation is the pre vi ously reported push for joint organization of trade in gold. In recent years, China and Russia have been the world’s most active buyers of the precious metal. On a visit to China last year, deputy head of the Russian Central Bank Sergey Shvetsov said that the two countries want to facilitate more transactions in gold between themselves. “We discussed the question of trade in gold. BRICS countries are large economies with big reserves of gold and an impressive volume of production and consumption of this precious metal. In China, the gold trade is conducted in Shanghai, in Russia it is in Moscow. “Our idea is to create a link between the two cities in order to increase trade between these markets,” First Deputy Governor of the Russian Central Bank Sergey Shvetsov told Russia’s TASS news agency. In other words, China and Russia are continuing to shift away from dollar-based trade to commerce which will eventually be backstopped by gold, or what is gradually emerging as an Eastern gold standard, one shared between Russia and China.
Patience and acumen Meanwhile, the price of gold continues to reflect none of these potentially tectonic strategic shifts, just as China – which has been the biggest accumulator of gold in recent years – likes it.
The First Freedom
— Politics as usual —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Some win and some lose By David Sims
omeone al ways loses a po lit i cal struggle. The Boers didn’t win in Europe, so they went somewhere else: South Africa. No, they didn’t make life a living hell for the indigenous Africans. They put a stop to their tribal wars and built schools for them, gave them many useful things which they never had before. The Blacks burned those schools and the Whites just built them again at their own expense. This trying to uplift the savage African Blacks was a mistake, of course. The Whites’ Christian impulses betrayed them. White altruism should never be extended beyond the White race itself. It is never appreciated by Blacks, who always bite the helping hand and feel resentful afterward rather than thankful. Give a Black a sack of
grain and he will only complain that the sack isn’t large enough, or completely full or that it’s not the gift he prefers. He won’t say “thank you.” When Americans were handing out food in Haiti just following the earthquake there in 2010, the disbursements always attracted a large crowd of yelling, jumping Blacks. In those crowds, the adult male Haitians would beat down Black women and children and snatch their shares first. A few times, a gang of Haitian males would walk up, confiscate all the food, and then walk away with it. Once, such a gang read the packaging label and mistook the date of manufacture as the date of expiration; they declared that the food wasn’t good enough for them and chased the Whites away. You can’t really categorize races by skin color. Skin color is a “symptom” of race,
but race itself is determined by ancestors and all of their heritable characteristics. Just as two different diseases can cause someone to cough, likewise two different races can have about the same skin color. The Blacks of Africa and the Blacks living on the island of Panay in the Philippines are both Black, and they both have knappy hair, but they are not close relatives: They are, in fact, two quite different darkskinned races. Likewise, the Jews who presently hold disproportionate political power in America, in Europe and in the international banking cartels are a lightskinned race, but you shouldn’t call them “White,” as they are distinct genetically and in many other ways from the race that I belong to, and my race is the one that is normally called “the White race.” In the Americas, our Whites played the Amerindians’ own game by the rules that the Amerindians themselves made up. The
Amerindians had been killing each other off just as busily as the Whites did. The only difference is that Whites usually won on reprisal. Not always: The Comanche Nation threw the White frontier backwards about 300 miles for a while. At the time, their ruler was a Mes tizo: half-White, half-Comanche. But in the long run our Whites defeated the Comanche too. Still, any Amerindian Nation that could have conquered North America would have done so. They were in balance, militarily. The White man came with technological advantages and a social organization that proved decisive. If you blame the White man, then you blame his superiority, not his intentions and not his methods. In the Middle East, we have meddled too much and to bad effect. But the blame for that meddling belongs to the Jews, not to us Whites. There are, as I said, always losers in every social and political struggle.
Illinois pro-gun-control AG candidate robbed at gunpoint Is this the character who wants to adjudicate and educate others? needtoknow.news
aron Goldstein, a gun-control advocate seeking election as Illinois Attorney General, was robbed at gunpoint by three men who failed to obey the city’s strict gun-control laws. He was in a local park posing for a campaign photo when he came face-toface with the consequences of gun-control laws. Luckily, no one was harmed. In a bizarre turn of events, Goldstein refused to give a detailed descriptions of his attackers. We wonder: why not? While on his campaign tour, anti-Second Amendment Democrat Aaron Goldstein stopped for a photo-op in a Chicago neighborhood. However, as soon as the smug liberal smiled for the camera, he received a perfectly brutal dose of his own leftist policy. The go-to argument liberals use against pro-life opponents is – “if you don’t like
abortions, don’t get one.” However, don’t expect hypocritical leftists to apply this same logic to their campaign against legally owned firearms. With their ultimate goal of stripping law-abiding U. S. citizens of their Second Amendment rights, the left has launched a nationwide attack on both the firearm industry and its innocent customers. Leading this campaign in his State, Democratic candidate for Illinois attorney general Aaron Goldstein has relentlessly smeared gun owners and the National Rifle Association (NRA), hoping to deliver even more rigorous gun control to his crimeridden blue State. Although most anti-gun politicians often hide behind heavily armed security guards, Goldstein is one of the few leftists who actually lives by his strict gun control policy. Unfortunately, he got to see his inane policy in action firsthand. Illinois attorney general hopeful and staunch gun control advo cate Aaron Goldstein was posing for a photo-op in gun-controlled Chicago’s Albany Park on
Imperial disaster By Mark Taliano globalresearch.ca
U. S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently announced that the American occupation of Syria would continue until three conditions are met: § ISIS must be destroyed § Assad must go § Refugees must be returned to Syria Disingenuous His words are an obscenity. They are also a smokescreen to disguise actual realities and imperial intentions. Not only is the U. S. occupation criminal according to Nuremberg Principles, but the dik tats them selves are ei ther un at tain able or redundant, and therefore doomed to fail – which is the intent. The first demand, that ISIS must be destroyed, is inten tionally unattainable
here can one beat a deal like 100+ copies of The First Freedom for $35 or $39? Each issue contains information the “mainstream” presstitutes may not touch: working strategies for our White Nation’s counterstrike against forces sent gnashing and slashing at us by media munchkins in thrall to the Zejay overlords we must send looking for honest employment. Decent Aryans can control their government, so let everyone you know benefit from the growing influence of this newspaper. See coupon on page 24 and order them today.
since ISIS mercenaries are U. S. assets, and so they will be there as long as the U. S. is there. For Washington has no intention of eliminating its foremost pretext in waging war against humanity. Leading Australian academic expert on the Middle East Jeremy Salt explains in these words what we should already know: “The war on Syria goes on. It is not over as many have said: but for outside intervention it never would have started. Even though the ISIS has been virtually de stroyed in Syria, thus ful fill ing the rationale for its forces being there, the U. S. is refusing to leave. It has been playing a double game, declaring war on ISIS while clandestinely cooperating with it in various ways. It wanted a Salafist principality in eastern Syria and the Islamic State gave it one. ISIS fighters cris-crossed the Syrian desert towards Mosul and Palmyra without the U. S. intervening, although satellite reconnaissance would clearly have shown these lines of pickup trucks kicking up the summer dust. U. S. Special Forces passed through Islamic State positions on the way to Deir al Zor, the U. S. shipped takfir fighters out of Raqqa with their families and the U. S. has been training takfiris rebranded as “rebel” fighters at its Al Tanf base.1 1. Jeremy Salt, “The U. S. Coalition-Financed ‘Siege’ of East Ghouta Supported by BBC Propaganda.” 16 January, 2018. (21stcenturywire.com/2018/01/16/ us-coalition-financed-siege-east-ghouta-supportedbbc-propaganda/)
Thursday afternoon, January 18, when he was suddenly robbed at gunpoint by three armed criminals who refused to follow the city’s strict gun laws, The Daily Caller reports.
Since he was unarmed in ac cor dance with his own gun control policy, all the emasculated liberal could do was stand there humiliated by his own prin ci ples as the armed thugs effortlessly stripped him and his camera crew of their possessions. The irony couldn’t be thicker as he and his constituents embarrassingly lamented the fact that, because they were unarmed while the offenders were still illegally equipped, they lost their belongings and pride. Of course, they are some of the incredibly fortunate residents encountering And Salt’s accurate assessment above only scratches the sur face of the West’s du plic ity and crim i nal ity. Tillerson’s repugnant statements also included this gem, as reported by Daniel McAdams in “Breaking – Tillerson Unveils ‘New’ U. S. Syria Plan: ‘Assad Must Go!’ ”: “U. S. troops will remain in Syria to pre vent the Syr ian gov ern ment from re-establishing control over the parts of Syria abandoned by a defeated ISIS. So the legitimate government of Syria will be prevented by an illegal United States military occupation from reclaiming its own territory? This is supposed to be a coherent policy?”2 McAdams is describing longstanding U. S. policy of using terrorist assets such as ISIS as place-set ters. ISIS will oc cupy, destroy, terrorize, and depopulate an area so that “liberators” can take their place as new occupiers.3 Tillerson’s Regime Change utterance, the familiar “Assad must go!” refrain, also represents criminal duplicity, since it is the Syrian government and its allies who are defeating Western terror proxies in Syria. If Assad goes, the terrorists will stay. As McAdams points out, Libya (which pre-invasion had the highest HDI in Africa) now hosts slave auctions4 (as well as being a terrorist hub). About half a million have perished in Iraq (from 2003-2011)5 thanks 2. Daniel McAdam, “Breaking – Tillerson Unveils ‘New’ U. S. Syria Plan: ‘Assad Must Go!’” Ron Paul Institute For Peace And Prosperity, 17 January 2018. (ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2018/ january/17/breaking-tillerson-unveils-new-us-syriaplan-assad-must-go/#.Wl_h52wyWOU.twitter) 3. Mark Taliano, “War Crimes As Pol icy,” Global Research, 17 November, 2017. (globalresearch.ca/ war-crimes-as-policy/5618777) 4. “Slave auctions in Libya caught on camera,” News.com.au. 4 December 2017. (nypost.com/2017/ 12/04/slave-auctions-in-libya-caught-on-camera/) 5. Kerry Sheridan, “Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500,000 Since Start Of U. S.-Led Invasion, New Study Says,” Agence France Press, 15 October 2013/Updated 06 December 2017. (huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/15/ iraq- death-toll_n_4102855.html)
daily gun violence in one of America’s cities with the strictest gun control laws. In a seemingly brutal dose of karma, Goldstein explained that he and his crew were posing on a street in the park to give the photos an “in-the-neighborhood kind of feel” when he came face-to-face with the consequences of gun control. According to the Chicago Tribune, Goldstein and his crew were luckily unharmed but refused to give detailed descriptions of their attackers, whom they merely described as suspects between 20 and 24 years of age.
to that invasion (and this figure does not include over 500,000 children and about one million others murdered by pre-war sanctions). And of course the Kiev junta’s downward-spiraling political economy – another imperial project – is also a disaster.6 Finally, the diktat that refugees must be returned to Syria is well beyond ridiculous, since they are already flooding back into liberated parts of Syria, and they will never flood back to a U. S.-occupied, sectarian, terrorist-infested Syrian area. But again, that is the duplicitous intent. The U. S. and its Co alition vas sals – including Canada – seek to destroy Syria. If Tillerson’s demands are met, this is what will happen, and the overseas holocaust will deepen. Those who control the crumbling U. S. Empire must surely be Satanic. Mark Taliano combines years of research with on-the-ground observations to present an informed and well-documented analysis that refutes the mainstream media narratives on Syria. 6. Al ex an der Mercouris. “2017: The Ukrai nian economy’s dismal year: Ukrainian economy continued to weaken as inflation rose and living standards fell,” The Duran, 13 January 2018. (theduran.com/2017ukrainian-economys-dismal- year/)
— New world odor —
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Free Syrian Army’s free ride with CIA could be short-lived presstv.com
The so-called Free Syrian Army’s “free ride” with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) could be short-lived, according to Myles Hoenig, an Amer i can po lit i cal analyst and activist. Syria militant leaders were reportedly in the United States demanding funding for an allegedly defunct CIA program to “confront Iran’s influence.”
“Free CIArian Army” Representatives of the so-called Free Syrian Army were reportedly pressing Americans to revive the program that pro vided military aid to the militants fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “Although it’s in the U. S.’s CIA and military-corporate interest to do so, and Congress is certainly out to hurt Iran, things are far too complicated here in the U. S. to openly return to the battle in Syria. Even though the CIA does what it wants clandestinely and with very little oversight, the pub lic mood is not open for overt ac tion,” Hoenig, a for mer Green Party candidate for Congress, told Press TV on January 17.
“Congress also reluctantly supports the Iran nuclear deal. It knows its standing in the world is at rock bottom and any attempt to harm what little “control” it thinks it has over Iran’s nuclear program would backfire in other ways,” he added. “With the European powers adamantly behind the deal and foreshadowing the U. S.’s former influence, Congress going into the 2018 elections in November is just another factor in the U. S.’s impotence, as much of the campaigning will be on how President Trump has taken the U. S. to such depths of universal derision that treading water is the best they could hope for after November,” the analyst stated. “The Free Syrian Army may just get what they want, as again the CIA has its own funding source and powerful interests keep it isolated from public exposure and controls,” he noted. “But even with Saudi Arabia’s influence and repu tation grow ing in the Trump White House, which is serving as the main regional power opposing Iranian influence, in time we can see this all crashing in, with Jared Kushner’s and Don ald Trump’s financial dealings among Saudi princes coming un der greater scru tiny by the
Reuters that Syria militant leaders were in the United States demanding American dollars to “confront Iran’s influence,” in seeking the revival of a program that was launched under former President Barack Obama – although it was never publicly visible.
Turn of fortunes
Syria militants want CIA dollars to “confront Iran.”
Department of Justice. The Free Syrian Army’s free ride with the CIA could be short-lived,” the commentator concluded.
Propagambit In July, U. S. President Donald Trump reportedly ended the clandestine program to provide arms and supplies to the militant groups who attempt to destabilize the situation in Syria. Trump tacitly confirmed the existence of the pro gram later when he blamed the Washington Post for fabricating “the facts on my ending massive, dangerous and wasteful payments to Syrian rebels fighting Assad.” Mustafa Sejari, a se nior offi cial in Syria’s mainstream militant group, has told
According to the report, Sejari said that Iranians are “expanding without serious resistance,” and therefore “It is time to turn words into action.” Both Iran and Russia are supporting the Syrian government in the fight against terrorism. Iran has been providing military advisory support for the Syrian forces at the request of Damascus. EDITOR’S NOTE So it is blatantly out in the open now. This was never against Syria or Mr. Assad, but to confront Iran and establish Rothschild’s banks in both countries. It’s hard believe just how brainwashed and demented one must be to fight in the ranks of these CIA puppets.
Zog approves $500mn missile deal with Saudi Arabia presstv.com
The U. S. State Department recently approved a possible $500-million sale of missile system support services to Saudi Arabia in defiance of global calls for Washington to stop providing Riyadh with military support due to the regime’s war crimes in Yemen.
The De fense Se cu rity Co op er a tion Agency made the an nounce ment in a statement on January 17, saying Congress had been notified of the decision. Congress now has 30 days to review the
proposed sale, but is not required to take any action.
The potential sale follows a request by Saudi Arabia for continued technical assistance to its Pa triot Leg acy Field Surveillance Program, Patriot Advanced Capability 3 and Patriot Engineering Services Program. The package also includes spare parts and logistical support for Patriot and Hawk missile systems. Last month, the U. S. Army awarded Sikorsky, a lead ing Amer ican air craft manufacturer, a contract worth nearly $200 million to supply 17 Black Hawk helicopters to Saudi Arabia. The deals come as the U. S. is under
pressure to suspend its arms sales to the Saudi regime, which has been waging a deadly military war of aggression against Yemen since 2015.
Jobs for a single industry At least 13,600 people have been killed since the start of the war. During his first trip to Saudi Arabia last year, President Donald Trump signed a $110 billion arms deal with the Saudis, with options to sell up to $350 billion over a decade.
The J Factor
Facilitated by Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, the massive package includes missiles, bombs, armored personnel carriers, combat ships, terminal high al ti tude area de fense (THAAD) missile systems and munitions. The announcement generated a backlash in Con gress, with Re pub li can Sen ator
Yemenis search under the rubble of a house destroyed during a Saudi air strike in Sana’a.
Rand Paul promising to work to block at least parts of the package.
Blood money The Trump administration is looking to loosen restrictions on American arms sales to boost the country’s weapons industry. The move seeks to ease export rules for military equipment “from fighter jets and drones to warships and artillery,” according to officials familiar with the plan.
Ankara starts cross-border shelling rt.com
There is no other option but to carry out a military op in the Syrian enclave of Afrin, said Turkey’s defense minister. The operation had “de facto started” with cross-border shelling, he added. Turkey would keep discussing its op er a tion in Afrin with Russia, Nurettin Canikli said on January 19 in an interview with A Turkish military convoy arrives at an army base in the border town of Reyhanli near the Turkish-Syrian border in broadcaster AHaber. The Kurdish YPG militias Hatay province. con firmed the Turk ish min is ter ’s of Hatay province. The Turkish military announcement of the shelling in Afrin said they were pre vent ing the cre ation region, saying it started around midnight of a “terror corridor” connecting Syrian and continued into the next morning and Kurdish enclaves along the border. RIA targeted Kurdish villages. According to Turkish news agency Anadolu, at least ten howitzer shells were presstv.com fired on targets in Syria by Turkish artillery deployed in the Kirikhan and Hassa districts t least eight Saudi soldiers were killed when the Yemeni army and fighters from Let’s bring ’em into the light allied Popular Committees launched attacks Ten extra copies of The First Freedom separately in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern (specify which issue) are yours for $15 PPD border regions of Jizan, Najran and Asir as anywhere in C.S.A. or U.S., plus – if you they continue their retaliatory raids against want them, ask – one sheet containing 80 the Riyadh regime’s aerial bombardment of these labels in Confederate red, white campaign. A Yemeni military source, speaking on and blue. New subscribers! Get 6 condition of anonymity, told the Arabic If you issues of rebel news for $5 to TFF, PO Box 385 language al-Masirah television network de sire a Silverhill, Ala. 36576. that Yemeni forces and their allies fatally few extra labels, they’re $1 per sheet of 80, PPD. shot five soldiers just outside the Hamezah Where to put them? Inside books, on the village of Jizan, located 967 kilometers literature and envelopes you pass out, any southwest of the Arabian capital Riyadh, old place that comes to mind. Let’s roll! and al-Shabakah military camp on January
Novosti cited an YPG source as saying some 70 artillery rockets coming from the Turkish side had landed in the Afrin area. The Turkish government considers Kurdish militias in Syria to be an extension of the militant movement, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is seen as a terrorist organization by Ankara.
U. S. naturally meddling Last month’s news that Washington was training the predominantly Kurdish Syrian Demo cratic Forces (SDF) to form a 30,000-strong “border force” based in Afrin infuriated the Turks. The U. S. has since backtracked on the announcement in an apparent attempt to defuse Turkish an ger, but bel lig erent state ments from
Ankara have continued. Mean while, the Syr ian gov ern ment warned on January 18 that it may shoot down Turkish warplanes delivering air strikes on its territory. Damascus said its air defenses have been restored and are ready to defend the Nation’s sovereignty. As the Turkish military apparently prepare for a new operation in Syria, their engineers have reportedly completed the first phase of a security system along a wall that has been erected on the Turkey-Syria border. Spanning 20km of the border in the Afrin area, the “Kayi Border Security System” features sensors and remotely controlled weapons to defend Turkey against possible trespassers, Anadolu has reported.
Yemeni retaliation kills eight Saudi soldiers A
19 in the afternoon. Later the same day, Yemeni army forces shot and killed two other Saudi soldiers in the Raqabat al-Zour military compound of Najran region located 844 kilometers (524 miles) south of Riyadh. Furthermore, Yemeni soldiers and those Popular Committees fighters killed a Saudi
serviceman in the al-Majazah area of the Asir region. Also, Yemeni forces and their allies fired a salvo of ar til lery rounds at al-Nahouqah military camp in Najran, with no casualties reported. On Friday morning, January 19, Saudi fighter jets carried out three air strikes against an area in the Razih dis trict of Yemen’s northwestern region of Sa’ada. The Saudi-led war has triggered a deadly cholera epidemic across Yemen. At least 13,600 people have been killed since the onset of Saudi Arabia’s military campaign against Yemen in 2015. Its infrastructure, including hospitals, schools and factories, has been reduced to rubble due to the war.
The First Freedom
— Political realities —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Polexit? New iron curtain divides Europe By Bryan MacDonald rt.com
Rudyard Kipling once wrote that “East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.” The poet was referring to his ex pe ri ences in In dia and Brit ain, but the line could in creasingly ap ply to mod ern Eu rope. Donald Tusk, Polish politician Supporters of the far-right National-Radical Camp (ONR) and historian who has served as protest against E. U. plans to start legal action against Poland the President of the European over judiciary reform. Council since 2014, lobbed a grenade into to a lesser extent Germany are about the the room last month when he warned that only issues on which they agree. Poland, his homeland, could feasibly follow Doublespeak Britain out of the European Union in the future. Speaking to a Warsaw news weekly, Brussels’ two main gripes with Warsaw the E. U. president said Polish attitudes are Poland’s refusal to accept migrants may change if the coun try even tu ally from Africa and the Middle East under an becomes a net con trib u tor to the bloc’s E. U. plan to redistribute them and what finances. Eurocrats per ceive as PiS’ at tempt to Of course, there are internal political “retreat from democracy.” They are joined dynamics behind Tusk’s warning, given by Hungary, a traditional Polish ally, in the the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party is Eurocrat bad books when it comes to both the primary opponent of Civic Platform matters. (PO), which he co-founded and led for 11 Poland says it will not admit the migrants years. because of security concerns, citing deadly Under Tusk’s guidance, the latter party Islamist attacks in Western Europe. It’s pursued a liberal pro-European course joined in that view by Slovakia and modeled on Angela Merkel’s German Czechia, which also comprise part of what Christian Democrats. By contrast, PiS are is known as the “Visegrad Group,” along nationalist conservatives, strongly opposed with Hungary. Other E. U. members less to unfettered immigration and skeptical of than supportive of the newcomers include Brussels. However, they don’t seem to Croatia and Bulgaria, but they have been have qualms about accepting E. U. cash with Poland currently the biggest recipient at $10 billion annually.
Bigger picture It’s important to point out the domestic factors influencing Tusk’s words, before tackling the broader matter of E. U. fragility, because there are hardly two main parties in any European country as bitterly opposed as this pair. And, personal animosity aside, op po si tion to abor tion and same-sex marriage added to a distrust of Russia and
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much quieter publicly. Meanwhile, the Baltic States have been more “creative” in managing the issue. For instance, Latvia gives migrants only €139 ($171) a month, which isn’t enough to rent a small flat. And, as Ainars Latkovskis, head of the Parliamentary Commission for Internal Affairs, told the BBC, “They can, of course, look for work. But, by Latvian law, you have to speak the language to get a proper job and it usually takes years to learn.”
Riches galore
Across the continent’s east, voters largely bit their tongues during E. U. accession be cause the lure of Brussels’ cash pile and the freedom to work in the more pros per ous West was too tempt ing to decline. However, now they’ve settled into the bloc and reaped the initial benefits, Eurocrats are discovering that a sort of ideological “Iron Curtain” still separates many of the former Warsaw Pact States from their new allies. Because, let’s be clear, despite the E. U.’s many successes in encouraging European unity, there are different historical memories and varying degrees of religious observance across the continent. And this lack of a common narrative or belief system makes consensus hard to manufacture. For instance, Germany feels it has a moral duty to help vulnerable migrants, which partly stems from an imaginary collective obligation to pay penance for sins of the past. At the same time, the likes of France, Britain, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands are former colonial powers recalling long-held and deep associations with countries in far-flung regions of the world. But Eastern and Central Europe are different. Even in Austria, a nominally “Western” State (despite Vienna being geographically east of Prague), immigrants have provoked a political backlash. For instance, regions have cut benefits and the far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) has entered
When two worlds collide The problem for Brussels is that the E. U.’s new members from east of Berlin have a different con cept of Euro pean values than their Western peers. Largely former members of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires, and later the “Eastern Bloc,” they gen er ally define Euro pean values through a Christian perspective, in opposition to the liberalism popular in contemporary France, Germany and Brit ain. Fur ther more, many had historical experiences of conflict with the Turkish-led Ottoman Empire, which helps fuel specific anti-Muslim sentiment. There are also grievances with economic progress since E. U. accession. The huge difference in salary levels between the Western and Eastern countries of the bloc is a major bugbear for the latter. So much so that several of them, including Poland, Slovakia and Croatia, recently established the “WageUnion” initiative, demand ing wage equal ization. While even E. U. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker concedes how “in a Union of equals, there can be no second-class citizens.” Yet, any attempt to bring East European wages closer to levels in Ireland, Denmark or Bel gium will also have the ef fect of ex pos ing de mo graphic diffi cul ties in richer members, making them even more reliant on migrants from outside the E. U. Kipling’s “East is East, and West is West” argument was made in a different time and about an even wider chasm. However, it is reasonable to suggest a new Iron Curtain is descending across Central Europe. The difference now is that battle is between conservatism and liberalism, not communism and capitalism. Donald Tusk knows these dangers. And that’s why his warning of a potential “Polexit” should be taken seriously by other E. U. leaders. Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist based in Russia.
E. U. continues begging Britain to backtrack on Brexit rt.com
The choir of E. U. officials urging Britain to reconsider its decision to leave the bloc is growing. Jean-Claude Juncker added his voice to the crescendo, saying “our hands remain outstretched.” Speaking in the European Parliament on January 17, Juncker, president of the European Commission, said: “The U. K. people, the U. K. government, may wish to find a different way out. “We’re very much willing to deal with them. We are not throwing the British out. We would like the British to stay. And if they so wish, they should be allowed to do so. “I did note that in London there was a rather irritated response to this proposal. But, note that even if the British leave according to Article 50, then [Article 49] would allow them to accede again. “And I would be happy to facilitate that. I would not want to push anyone into a corner.” His comments came just one day after E. U. Council President Donald Tusk made
an impassioned plea for Britain to stay in
the bloc.
Vote it our way!
“Un less there is a change of heart among our Brit ish friends, Brexit will be come a re ality – with all its neg ative consequences – March next year,” Tusk said in a tweet designed to tug at Britain’s heartstrings. “Our hearts are still open for you,” he lovingly added. The comments came as fresh calls for a second referendum had been sparked by politicians in the U. K. Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage surprised the public when he
called for a second E. U. referendum last month, saying it would strengthen sup port for the Vote Leave campaign and quash dissenting voices once and for all. Foreign Secretary and Brexiteer Boris Johnson told the Guardian he did not believe the British public was keen on yet another “heartache” vote. “We’ve just had one, and I think it went pretty well but it was something that caused an aw ful lot of heart ache and soul-searching, and everybody went through the wringer on it,” he said. On Jan u ary 16, La bour MP Keir Starmer called on Johnson to be probed over comments he has repeatedly made concerning how much money the U. K. pays into the E. U.’s coffers per week. In a letter from Starmer, the shadow Brexit secretary, written to Statistics Authority chair David Norgrove, the MP says “the £350 million a week claim made by the ‘Leave’ campaign [during the vote] has been widely condemned as inaccurate
and misleading.” Johnson claimed that the U. K.’s weekly gross contribution would rise to £438 million ($604) by the end of a post-Brexit tran sition period. He also said Leave campaigners were right to pledge the supposed extra cash to the National Health Service (NHS). EDITOR’S NOTE “Democracy” and “mediacracy” aren’t exactly interchangeable words, but they’re getting close. If it’s a real contest that has gone the wrong way we need a recount, otherwise a new vote. Keep the proles “voting” until they get it right. Usually the outcome is long decided before any “election,” as only an USraeli coach decides the starting lineup. Yet Brexits happen, even when tickets to the game aren’t selling well. Print more money, offer reverse interest, start the Holocaust halftime show, keep ’em “voting.”
Ankara announces air strikes upon U. S. “border force” presstv.com
Turkish President Erdogan says that An kara plans to launch an op er a tion against U. S.-backed Kurdish militants in the north ern Syr ian city of Manbij as Turkish warplanes launch air strikes on the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia in Syria. Erdogan made the announcement in a televised speech in the city of Kutahya on January 20 after Ankara started a ground op er a tion in the north west ern bor der region of Afrin in Syria. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said in a televised speech the same day that Turkish
“armed forces have started an air campaign in order to destroy elements” of the YPG. Turkish fighter jets carried out 11 raids on Ain Dikneh, Mariamin, Tal Rif’at, Kafr Jannah, Maranaz and villages near Afrin in the northern countryside of Aleppo. Afrin and Manbij are controlled by the YPG, which An kara views as a ter ror organization and the Syrian branch of the outlawed Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK). Turkey has again sent military vehicles and hundreds of troops to the border area, having deployed troops to northern Syria in August 2016 without Damascus’ OK under the pretext of fighting Takfiri terror
group Daesh. Operation Euphrates Shield, however, then turned on the Kurds, whom Turkey calls anti-Ankara terrorists.
Washington can’t be trusted “The promises made to us over Manbij were not kept. So nobody can object if we do what is necessary,” said Erdogan, when referring to past American assurances that the YPG would move out of Afrin. He added that Ankara would “step by step” destroy a “terror corridor” that he said had been set up by the YPG. “Later we will, step by step, clear our country up to the Iraqi border from this
terror filth that is trying to besiege our country,” said Erdogan. Meanwhile, the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a U. S.-backed group of mostly Kurdish militants, on January 20 accused Turkey of using cross-border shelling as a false pretext to launch an offensive in Syria. The SDF, which controls swathes of north and east Syria, said it would have no choice but to defend itself if attacked. Syria has censured both the American and Turk ish plans for a fresh wave of unilateral military operations on its soil. Da mas cus views such mea sures as an assault on the country’s sovereignty.
— Minding everybody’s business but our own —
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
U. S. intends to create large new border force in Syria Never despair, Tweetybirds, for somehow we’ll provoke this next big one to blow up and get going. presstv.com
The so-called military coalition led by the United States in Syria is reportedly planning to set up a new large border force of up to 30,000 personnel with the aid of its militia allies in war-torn country, a move sure to further infuriate NATO ally Turkey, already angry over Washington’s strong support for Kurdish-dominated forces in the Arab country. A top Turk ish official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters on January 14 that the main reason behind summoning Philip Kosnett, the American charge d’affaires in Ankara, the previous week was in fact Washington’s training of its new “Border Security Force” within Syria, a move that was de nounced by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s spokesman who called it “worrying.”
Meddlesome maneuvering The force, whose inaugural class is now being trained, would be dispatched to the borders of the area controlled by the U. S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of militias in northern
This photo, taken on April 25, 2017, shows a U. S. officer from the coalition led by Washington speaking with a fighter from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units near the northeastern Syrian Kurdish town of Derik, known as al-Malikiyah in Arabic.
and eastern Syria largely dominated by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). Ankara views the YPG as the Syrian branch of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has been fighting for an autonomous region inside Turkey since 1984. United States’ military support for the militia first began under the administration of U. S. President Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, which provided the SDF with weapons and training. Earlier last month, President Erdogan once again said his country was to continue its military operation in northern Syria to keep Kurdish militants away from Turkish borders.
The Reuters report also said that the U. S.-led coalition’s Public Affairs Office had sent an email to the news agency confirming details of the new force, which had also been re ported ear lier by The Defense Post. It said, further citing the email, that SDF veterans would constitute around half of the would-be force and recruitment for the other half was under way. The force would be deployed along the border with Turkey to the north, the Iraqi border to the southeast and also along the Euphrates River Valley, which practically serves as the dividing line separating the SDF and the Syrian government, the report added. “The U. S. ‘is taking worrying steps to legitimize this organization and make it lasting in the region,’ said Erdogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, adding, ‘It is absolutely not possible for this to be accepted.’”
Clear enough
He also warned that his re spec tive country would “continue the fight against any terrorist organization regardless of its name and shape within and outside its borders.” The U. S.-led co alition also claimed that the BSF would operate under the SDF
command and that some 230 individuals were currently undertaking training in its inaugural class.
Mobilizing mercenaries Back in 2014, the U. S. launched its so-called campaign against the Daesh
Rus sia’s Foreign Min is ter Lavrov says the presence of American troops in Syria is unlawful, and that they must completely leave the Syrian soil.
Takfiri terror ist group together with a coalition of allies. The military alliance has done little in the fight against the terrorists, and has instead been repeatedly accused of targeting and killing civilians and hampering Syr ian gov ern ment op er a tions against Takfiri terrorists. The Syrian government has on many occasions said the coalition has not gained any approval from Damascus to conduct its operations in the Arab country. Syria calls the coalition “an illegal occupation force” and its SDF allies “traitors.”
Who or what is feeding the unrest in Iran? By Philip M. Giraldi
here are two general theories about the protests that are taking place in Iran. One, unfavorable to the Iranian government and establishment, is that the widespread discontent is over mismanagement of the economy that has particularly hurt poorer Iranians. The other is that we are seeing a contempo rary replay of 1953 Iran and the downfall of Mohammad Mossadegh, which was or ches trated by the Cen tral Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the British MI-6.
Bad faith
The Iranian public’s expectation that the nuclear deal would lead to improvements in their lives were wrecked by Donald Trump’s decertification of the agreement and expectations that the pact would be wrecked by America’s renewing sanctions on Iran later last month. All of Trump’s advisers are hostile to Iran and it has also been reported that tearing up the agreement derived from a personal pledge made by Trump to Israeli/American billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who also demanded that the U. S. Embassy be moved to Jerusalem. The vanishing nuclear deal and struggling economy bore fruit in the 2018 government bud get that cut subsidies on food and government services while increasing fuel and commodity prices. Religious institutions controlled by the Su preme Religious Council and the business entities run by the
Rev o lu tion ary Guards were reportedly spared the cuts, fueling popular anger. If Donald Trump had really cared about the protesters or democracy, he would have said nothing about the pro tests. Instead, he appears intent on using the Iranian government suppression of demonstrations to finally kill the nuclear deal by reinstating sanctions. He has tweeted five times, supporting the Iranian people who are seeking democracy but also giving the Tehran government a club to use against the demonstrators by claiming that they are tools of foreign governments, which is exactly what it is doing. However, given the history of foreign interventions in the Middle East, is the United States or Israel plausibly involved in the demonstrations? The answer to that is both yes and no. There is considerable evidence that the United States and possibly Israel, joined by Saudi Arabia, have set up sev eral com mand cen ters in Iraq and Afghanistan to support the protests. They have been using social networking as well as radio broad casts to encourage the people to get out and demonstrate. One such station called AmadNews, broadcasting from outside Iran, called on demonstrators to attack police stations and government buildings. It looks like a U. S. government
front manned by Persian speaking Israelis. It’s actual ability to drive the demonstrations appears, however, to be questionable. On the covert action front, neither the CIA nor Mossad has the resources on the ground to infiltrate and direct crowds of people to act, so the Iranian government claim that there are outside agitators can largely be regarded as propaganda for its own domestic audience. The CIA’s infrastructure in Iran was devastated in the 1990s and never effectively reconstituted. The Agency post-Director George Tenet also concentrated heavily on paramilitary ac tiv ity and lost much of its abil ity to spot, assess, recruit, train and run agents. Developing a spy network in a country like Iran where the United States lacks any physical presence and does not even have an Embassy is a daunting task.
This is not to say that the U. S. and Israel are not heavily focused on Iran. In a recent conference, National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster claimed, completely inaccurately, that Iran is the source of sectarian violence and supports jihadist net works “across the Arab world.” Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the National Security Council’s for mer se nior di rec tor for in tel li gence, had pre vi ously commented that the White House intended to use American spies to “re gime change” the Iranian gov ern ment in Teheran.
CIA spooks again haunt Iran With that objective in mind, in June new CIA Director Mike Pompeo created a special Iran combined task force under Michael D’Andrea, nicknamed the Dark Prince or Mike Ayatollah, a controversial but highly regarded Middle East specialist who is himself a convert to Islam. D’Andrea has reportedly been very active, but reconstituting a network takes time and is, of necessity, work done carefully and methodically. Pompeo, in his de sire to relearn old fashioned spying and covert action, has more recently announced that the Agency will be working to recover its “viciousness” – but it is presumably not there yet.
Eastern Europe is hostage to the U. S. and NATO sputniknews.com
Security analyst Alexander Zhilin says that by agreeing to deploy offensive NATO weapons systems on their territory along Russia’s borders, Eastern Europe’s leaders have effectively sold out their citizens and turned them into “human shields.” Speaking to Sputnik Lithuania about the anticipated deployment of 250 French troops, tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in Lithuania last month to join the NATO bat tle groups sta tioned through out the Baltics, Po land and Ro ma nia, Zhilin, the head of the Center for the Study of Ap plied Prob lems of National Security, stressed that such NATO forces compromise these countries’ national security. “In fact, until Americans de ployed their offen sive
weapons, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Romania – none of these countries were included in the list of strategic targets for [Rus sia’s] nu clear forces,” the re tired officer said.
“We didn’t regard them as any sort of serious threat at all. And their security was at a high level” as a result, he added. Unfortunately, Zhilin noted, today given that foreign powers are deploying weaponry
up to and in clud ing nu clear-ca pa ble offensive systems in close proximity to Russia’s borders, the situation is different. According to the expert, it’s clear now that if an armed con flict were to break out between NATO and Russia, these frontline States would suddenly find themselves at the center of the fighting. “In other words, by placing American weaponry in their countries, the authorities of these Nations have turned their own people into human shields,” and, adding insult to injury, “done so on the cheap,” the ob server noted. In effect, “thanks to betrayal by their own national elites, the people of Eastern Europe have become hostages… “And these taxpayers now pay taxes to main tain what are effec tively NATO occupation forces, but would be doomed in the event of a hot phase of a third world war. That’s the drama here,” the analyst added.
Stressing that NATO is now engaged in the “inflation of a bogeyman, a frightening Russia,” Zhilin suggested that their aims are, at least in part, geared at “diverting our strength and resources by demonstrating their readiness for in ter ven tion. And Russia will have to react to this.”
Posturing for war Late last year, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance would maintain its presence in the Baltic States, Eastern Europe and Ukraine “as long as necessary.” Russia has repeatedly warned that it sees the de ploy ment of advanced NATO weapons systems on its borders as a threat. The alliance has been building up its presence in the region since 2014, after the political and military crisis in Ukraine turned into a broader diplomatic crisis in relations between the West and Moscow, which NATO used to justify its buildup.
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— Deceptions versus revelations —
Coming out from under those who call themselves Jews day and a pillar of fire by night, and on the other side Hengist and Horsa, the Saxon chiefs, from whom we claim the honor of being descended and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed.” (Anglo-Saxon Common Law – Guardian of Freedom)
We find ourselves engulfed in a limitless foreign sea. By John Peeples firstfreedom.net
oday, self-hating liberals and greedy conservatives claiming to care about the “civil rights” of all Black and Third World people discard their own kind, the working class of our brothers and sisters, upon the garbage heap of history. Those who watch out for their own kind first and foremost are not practicing “hate” but kindness, which is the very root word (kind: from the old English of Germanic origin, related to kin). The Bible declares that the man who does not take care of his own family is “worse than an infidel.” This also applies to one’s racial kindred.
Whites also have roots, deep roots In references to “ancient Israelites” by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams, by no means did these men mean the Jews. Let’s make that clear. For Benjamin Franklin said: “In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone, depreciated its commercial integrity, have segregated themselves and have not assimilated, have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion, have built up a State within a State, and have, when opposed, tried to strangle that country to death financially. “If you do not exclude them from the United States in the Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed in, in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government. “If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish the substance, while they will be in the counting house rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics; they will never be otherwise.”
Aryan Nation Harsh words? In those days a man like Franklin could speak his mind – the truth – before an exclusively White Christian gathering of Statesmen (not politicians) without fear. Let us now come to Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration of Independence, ancient Israelites and “ancient principles.” When the committee was appointed to draw up a formal declaration of independence, it had Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman and Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson was chosen to prepare the initial draft. John Adams told Jefferson: “You are a Virginian, and a Virginian ought to appear at the head of business.” A Virginian, a Southerner.
Preparation and background Jefferson had begun the study of Latin, Greek and French at the age of nine. At 16 he had entered the College of William and Mary at Williamsburg as an ad vanced student. At the age of 19 he had graduated and immediately commenced five years of intensive study with George Wythe, first professor of law in America. By the time Jefferson had reached early adulthood, he had gained proficiency in five languages. He had studied the Greek and Roman classics, European and English history. He had carefully studied both the Old and New Testaments.
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Rebirth of self government
Thomas Jefferson
While studying the history of ancient Israel, Jefferson made a most significant discovery. He found that at one time the Israelites had practiced the earliest and most efficient representative government. As long as the Israelites followed their fixed pattern of constitutional principles, they flourished. When they drifted from it, disaster overtook them. Jefferson thereafter referred to this constitutional pattern as the “ancient principles.” Jefferson was also surprised to find that the Anglo-Saxons had somehow got hold of some of these “ancient principles” and followed a pattern almost identical to that of the Israelites, until around the Eighth Century A.D. It is interesting that when Jeffer son was writ ing his drafts for the Virginia Con sti tu tion he was al ready empha siz ing the need to re turn to the ancient principles.
When wisdom prevailed Other Founders agreed with Jefferson’s findings. That distinguished list would have to include, among others, such memorable Statesmen as James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Jay, George Wythe and James Wilson. Even the monarchist Alexander Hamilton was on board with Jefferson. They were not only profound scholars and widely read, but they exchanged correspondence which cross-fertilized their varied perspectives for a quarter of a century before they tried to put it all together in the Constitution. It will be re called that Jeffer son had already discovered the basic pattern for a model constitution by studying two ancient peoples who had lived under People’s Law. He found that ancient Israel was the first Nation in history to have had a system of representative government; then discovered that 1,500 years later the Anglo-Saxons were living under a system which was almost identical. Both Franklin and Jefferson later wrote that these people were the source of the “ancient principles” which were the “wisest and most perfect ever yet devised by the wit of man.” Jefferson was quoted as saying it was from the Anglo-Saxons that “We claim the honor of being descended and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed.” A short time af ter the Dec lara tion of Independence was adopted, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were assigned to formulate an official seal for the new Nation. After a brief discussion it was decided that both of these ancient peoples should be represented on the Great Seal of the United States. Here is Franklin’s description of the way he thought ancient Israel should be portrayed: “Moses standing on the shore, and extending his hand over the sea, thereby causing the same to overwhelm Pharaoh who is sitting in an open chariot, a crown on his head and a sword in his hand. Rays from a pillar of fire in the clouds reaching to Moses, to express the acts by command of the Deity. Motto: “Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” (Enough oppression, we will leave and form our own Nation; exactly what the South did in 1860-61). John Adams described Jefferson’s idea. “Mr. Jefferson proposed: The children of Israel in the wilderness, led by a cloud by
Professor Gilbert Chinard, one of the dis tin guished bi og raphers of Jeffer son, states: “Jefferson’s great ambition at that time was to pro mote a re nais sance of An glo-Saxon primi tive in sti tu tions on the new continent. Thus presented, the American Revolution was nothing but the reclamation of the Anglo-Saxon birthright of which the colonist had been deprived by ‘a long train of abuses’…” On August 13, 1776, Jefferson wrote to Edmund Pendleton to convince him that Virginia must abolish the remnants of feudalism and return to the “ancient principles.” He wrote: “Are we not better for what we have hitherto abolished of the feudal system? Has not every restitution of ancient Saxon laws had happy effects? Is it not better now that we return at once into that happy system of our ancestors, the wisest and most perfect ever yet devised by the wit of man, as it stood before the Eighth Century?” Congress didn’t immediately adopt any official seal, and as time went by other committees were appointed. Eventually Con gress adopted a sim pler seal. It consisted of an American eagle on one side and an unfinished pyramid of thirteen steps on the other (representing the thirteen original colonies). The pyramid insignia was copied from the fifty-dollar bill of Continental currency used during the Revolutionary War. At the bottom of the pyramid were inscribed the Roman numerals for 1776, and the popular all-seeing eye of the Creator was implanted over the pyramid, thus symbolizing the providential power which the Founders felt had continually interceded in the cause of freedom during the war for independence. There were also two classical Latin mottos inscribed on the seal. One was Annuit Coeptis – He (God) hath fa vored our undertaking. The other was Novus Ordo Seclorum – the New Order of the Ages, or the Beginning of a New Age. This new Nation, the United States, was to be a home for the White race. As John Adams had it, one day the great “American empire” would boast a pop u la tion of be tween 200 and 300 mil lion (White) freemen, thus the beginning of a New Age.
Mystery of the Anglo-Saxons During the 1700s, one of the fascinating and popular studies in England and America was unraveling the enigma of the AngloSaxons. Even today, English historian Sharon Turner, who wrote his three-volume classic back in the days of the Founders, is still considered a leading authority on these amazing people who came from around the Black Sea in the First Century B.C. and spread across northern Europe. In fact they were the best organized, best governed people of their day. The Anglo-Saxons first brought their culture to Britain around A.D. 450 when two brothers, Hengist and Horsa, were invited by King Kent to bring their relatives to southern Britain and fight off the king’s enemies. The Anglo-Saxons were not only successful in their military venture, but they liked Britain so well they decided to stay. Before long they virtually had taken over the island of Britain and changed its name to England (Anglo-land or Engel-land). Many believe the Yinglings, or AngloSaxons, included a branch of the ancient Is ra el ites be cause they came from the territory of the Black Sea (where the Ten Tribes disap peared), and be cause they presented the same unique institutes of government as those given to the Israelites at Mount Sinai. This became known as the
Anglo-Saxon or British-Israel Theory. It teaches that the Brit ish and American people (Caucasian) are the ten lost tribes of Israel, that Britain is Ephraim and America is Manasseh, that all promises made to Israel are now being fulfilled with Britain and America and never will be fulfilled with Jews, that there are vital distinctions between Israel and the Jews, that they are not the same kind of people nor ever will be and each has a different destiny. These are just a few examples.
Jews hijack Founders’ vision The Founders’ aims for a Nation made up of Anglo-Saxons, Scots, Irish, German and Nordic Alpine peoples came to an end in the Lincoln, Marx and Engels War of 1861 followed by a Radical Red Republican Reconstruction Era’s unconstitutional Acts and Amendments, the 13th, 14th and 15th, ending slavery and giving Blacks citizenship (they are now federal property) and the right to vote. These “amendments” were forced upon the South at the point of a bloody bayonet. This was the opening of Pandora’s Box for all kinds of horror, so-called “civil rights” legislation, the Jewish founding of the NAACP and the ADL in the early 1900s, the opening of our gates to let people of every Third World cesspit into the U. S. during the Socialist Communist invasion of the 1920s-1930s. These invaders would set an agenda for national suicide by opening the immigration gates to all and sundry, accomplished in the disastrous Immigration Reform Act signed into law on 3 October 1965 by Socialist Democrat President Lyndon Johnson. Not one of the distinguished delegates having assembled in Philadelphia in the Spring of 1787 would have agreed to such a course. An open immigration policy is in violation of the original U. S. Constitution and our original State Constitutions. It is clear from a reading of the documents of the period and in subsequent history as certified in the Congressional Records: mass immigration of nationals other than from Christian White European Nations was not envisaged or planned, nor would it have been agreed to by the Founding Fathers had the subject come up when the documents they left to pos terity were being drafted. The 1965 Immigration Reform Act with its nefarious purpose has become very clear since the 1960s; massive immigration of both legals and illegals from non-White countries, multiculturalism, diversity, racial equality, integration, mixed race marriages, political correctness, feminism, destruction of so many families, sodomite, lesbian and freak (transgender crowd) rights, these wars on Christianity, all out war on traditional White Southerners, war on private property, taxes upon taxes, radical environmentalism and gun control – comprise a short list agenda based on the Communist Manifesto. What we have today in the late, great USA is clearly visible: cultural radicalism leading the country down that Gadarene Slope to per di tion. Multi cul tur al ism is threat en ing the very ex is tence of our Nation. Multiculturalism, moreover, is being legislated and enforced at the point of a bayonet by both political parties – two wings of the same filthy bird. In a 1997 speech, Communist President Bill Clinton praised the multiculturalism
Scum bums
— Deceptions versus revelations — that has resulted directly from the 1965 Immigration Reform Act which encourages massive immigration to the U. S. of people from Third World cesspits while largely excluding the Aryan Europeans. Clinton said the direct result of that policy – which will relegate Whites to a minority role in the U. S. early in the 21st Century – “will arguably be the third greatest revolution in
America… to prove that we literally can live without a dominant European (Aryan) culture. We want to become a multiracial, multiethnic society. We’re not going to disintegrate in the face of it.” Think how much Bill and Hillary Clinton must truly hate the Aryan race.
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“WE MUST REALIZE that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle
American Defense Party Your annual dues are what you pay for The First Freedom, so sound off in its pages why we’re NOT VOTING
1912 Commie Jewish agenda
Chutzpah pah pah Let’s hear it from the supremacists in their own words. “Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our Begin slaves.” – Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982 “There is no such thing as a Palestinian people. It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn’t exist.” – Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, to The Sunday Times, June 15, 1969 “How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.” – Golda Meir (quoted in Chapter 13 of The Zion ist Connection II: What Price Peace, by Alfred Lillienthal) Meir
victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavor to install in the Whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige the Negro will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.” – Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the 20th Century, 1912; also in the Congressional Record, Volume 103, page 8559, 7 June 1957.
History straight “The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become reality for the whole world.” – The American Hebrew Magazine, 10 September 1920 The planned overthrow of the U. S. is by a revolutionary conspiracy of the Zionist Jews, internationalists, collectivists and Communists in and out of the U. S. Federal Army Government. When we nationalists point this out, our right of free speech, speaking factual truth, has been trodden underfoot by the smear of “bigots” and “racists.” We are attacked by so-called “Conservative” Republicans a.k.a. the party of Lincoln and these modern-day Communist Democrats. So-called Conservatives refuse to speak out because of their fear of the Zionist Jews and they actually believe the Jews of today are the Chosenites. The purpose of this message is to once again acquaint Our People of the Founding
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Fathers stock with an important segment of their history that has hitherto been buried; and by revealing this history – especially to our younger generation – restore a portion of their rightful heritage. Nationalists, our ancestors’ blood cries out from the ground, and we will not stop until avenging that blood a thousandfold! Founding Father George Washington, in Maxims of George Washington, by A. A. Appleton and Company, quote: “They (the Jews) work more effectively against us than the enemies’ armies. They are more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in… It is much to be lamented that each State, long ago, has not hunted them down as pests to society and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.”
“…They (the Jews) are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must sub sist on Christians, and other people not of their race…” – Benjamin Franklin, Constitutional Convention of 1787 and later recorded (his full discussion) in the diary of Charles Coteworth Pinkney, a delegate from South Carolina Become an active Nationalist, not only in words but deeds. Movement members are activists having much greater interests than watching a bunch of African savages play football. Turn off that damned TV and support your kin! Let’s all fight for the 14 words bequeathed us by David Lane: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.” “If our time has come, let us die bravely for our kindred, and leave no cause to question our honor.” – 1st Maccabees 9:10
Revelation of the method and the murder of spirit A Page from the Cryptocracy’s Psychological War fare Manual by Michael A. Hoffman II RevisionistHistory.org
No, this isn’t a column about ectoplasm or the Fox Sisters; but the epistemology of mass sup pression of spirit, soul and mind; in other words, a page from the Cryptocracy’s own psy cho log i cal war fare man ual. In the June 5, 2006, edi tion of the New York Times , t h e r e ap peared on one third of page A19 an illustrated report on the concept that the 9/11 terror attacks were U. S. government sponsored. The article was titled “For 9/11 Conspiracy Buffs, A Chance to Compare Notes.” It was reported by Alan Feuer. If we were not in the alchemical “Must Be” stage of the “Making Manifest of All that is Hid den” era, then this NY Times report would have never seen print, or the reporter would have merely poked fun, or
The Nationalist Times Subscribe to America’s best patriotic newspaper. In each month’s issue, The Nationalist Times tackles immigration, politics, economics, race, privacy issues, the rapidly growing high-tech Police State and Washington, D.C.’s rush to totalitarianism, and all the latest doings of the New World Order subversives, and we do it from a per spec tive that in fu ri ates lib er als and neo-cons and delights patriots. Published since 1985, The Nationalist Times is politically independent and promotes common sense, intelligent and passionate alternatives to the reigning “party line.” Readers of The First Freedom may subscribe to The Nationalist Times for the special introductory offer of just $29 for one year, or S55 for two years. That’s more than half off the regular subscrip tion price! Send to: TNT, P. O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091.
suggested that 9/11 conspiracy investigators are fit mainly for the booby hatch, in the Amer i can tra di tion of what Rich ard Hofstadter sneeringly termed “paranoid style.”
in revealing this information is paying off.
The hazard involved
Just the facts
Noth ing of the kind in this re port, however. The New York Times graciously called the 9/11 investigators “skeptics and sci en tists.” Even the website of these dissenters was provided: 911Truth.org The anomaly that is the collapse of World Trade Center building 7, which was not attacked in any discernible manner, but mysteriously fell anyway, was cited rather than avoided. Also noted by the Times are incendiary topics such as the collapse of the World Trade Center towers through “controlled demolition,” and the fact that “the mil i tary com mand that mon i tors aircraft ‘stood down’ on the day of the attacks.” This is just the sort of sensitive, hidden data that ought to make the Cryptocracy squirm, unless the Cryptocracy itself ap proved its re lease for pur poses of Revelation of the Method.
Well-qualified authority Physics Professor Steven E. Jones is recognized by the NY Times as the antidote to the National Institute of Standards and Tech nol ogy Re port, which claims to debunk the notion that the collapse of WTC building 7 was any kind of anomaly. A long URL is furnished for Prof. Jones’ rebuttal paper. The tenor of the New York Times report is mostly respectful. It all but affirms that there’s a good case for believing the U. S. government did this to its own citizens. That’s quite an astounding concession in the nation’s “newspaper of record,” in an article taking up one-third of page 19 in the paper’s first section, under the headline “New York Report.” The June 5 Times report is unprecedented; it should have made huge waves: Bush’s press secretary should have been asked about it, Ann Coulter should have been confronted; Prof. Jones should have been on all the news networks. The New York Times should have editorialized. Instead, just a few tiny blips of reaction on the
media screen and then, flatline.
How their bluff works I promised at the be gin ning of this col umn to take you on a foray into the control epistemology of the Cryptocracy, so here goes. The “Revelation of the Method” was a deadly weapon in the hands of the enemies of the Establishment, in those times past when the Amer i can people were possessed of an alert mind, an awakened consciousness, concentrated will-power and not too many distractions. Today, amnesia, apathy and distractions both digital and consumer cornucopic, are all-pervasive, except when people are cued by the Establishment to become outraged, as in the outrage generated on behalf of Darfur and a few years before that, for Kosovo. This is official outrage. Unofficial, spontaneous, grassroots outrage is harder to find. When the New York Times, an organ of the System itself, strongly hints that the U. S. government is complicit in the murder of thousands of its own citizens – and as a re sult of this rev elation there are no sustained street protests, mass rallies, riots, pickets, lawsuits, televised hearings, booing and hissing of Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush and Ashcroft whenever they attend public forums; no special investigations by the newspaper and television journalists – then murder of our spirits is taking place on a mass scale and the Cryptocracy’s gamble
It is risky to reveal to the people what has been done to them by the gangster class that lords it over them. Patently, in the wake of the revelation, the risk is one of reprisal, retribution and rage by the people. But where there is little or none of that, then the Cryptocracy has tripled its hold on the minds and hearts of Americans: it has strongly hinted about the mass murder it committed on September 11 and yet, there are few significant repercussions. This non-reaction tends to demonstrate that the people of the U. S. accept, at the subliminal level of their consciousness, that their own leaders are mass murderers of their fellow citizens, and mostly what they do in return is shake it off and head to the mall. If the Federal government succeeds in another big attack on America by means of its Islamic patsies, it could well tip our country over into military rule. Bringing the behind-the-scenes perpetrators of the first 9/11 attacks to justice prevents the State’s orchestration of a second attack, the
Draftees just following orders
one that most likely would lead to martial law tyranny and the eclipse of the American dream of liberty. But even after revelations in the June 5 New York Times – replete with directions to web pages that give strong evidence of an official role in the terror attacks – Atlas shrugs. This is a less-than-human response, a result of the alchemical pro cessing of humanity, the devolution from angel to beast. There you have it, a page from the real-time psychological warfare manual of the Cryptocracy.
The First Freedom
— Your tax dollars at work —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
The persecution of Julian Assange By Paul Craig Roberts paulcraigroberts.org
“We need a political intervention to make this sit u a tion end. He (Assange) is the on ly po lit i cal prisoner in Western Europe.” – Juan Braco The persecution of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, is now seven years old. Ecuador has protected Assange for the past half decade from being turned over to Washington by the corrupt Swedish and British for torture and prosecution as a spy by giving Assange political asylum inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Ec uador has now given citi zen ship to Assange and attempted to pro vide his safe transit out of England by giving him diplomatic status, but the British government continued in its assigned role of jailer by rejecting Ecuador’s request for diplomatic status for Assange, just as the most servile of Washington’s puppet States rejected the order by the U. N. Committee on Arbitrary Detention to immediate release Assange from his arbitrary detention.
Assange got into trouble with Washington because his news organization Wikileaks published files released by Bradley Manning. The files were a great embarrassment to Washington. They showed how Washington conspires against governments and betrays its al lies. The files contained an audio/video film of U. S. military forces murdering innocent people walking down a street and then murdering a father and his two young children who stopped to render aid to the ci vil ians those Amer i can soldiers had shot. The film revealed the heartlessness and criminal cruelty of U. S. troops en joy ing play ing a real live video game with real people as their victims. It was Manning who suffered, not the troops who committed murder. Manning was held for two years in conditions that experts said constituted torture while a case was framed against him. Some believe the harsh conditions affected his mind. Manning was convicted by a kangaroo court and sentenced to 35 years in prison, but Obama in an act of humanity unusual for Washington pardoned Manning.
An unfolding drama Washington wanted Assange as well, and the chance came when two Swedish women, attracted to Assange by his celebrity status, seduced him. The two women had not secured the cooperation they wanted from Assange in the use of condoms and, brainwashd by HIV fears, wanted Assange to join them in being tested. Assange, misreading the extent of their fears, was too slow to comply, and the women went to the police to see if he could be required to be tested. According to the women, the police made up the charge of rape. The women themselves disavow the charge.
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The charges were in ves tigated, and the chief Swedish prosecutor, Eva Finne, dismissed those charges, saying “there is no suspicion of any crime whatsoever.”
Mysteriously, the case was reopened by another prosecutor, Marianne Ny, who many suspect was operating at the behest of Washington. On November 30, two days af ter Assange be gan pub lish ing the Cablegate materials leaked by Bradley Man ning, Ny is sued an Inter pol “red alert” ar rest warrant for Assange. This was an unusual request as no charges were outstanding against Assange, and hitherto extradition from one country to another on an arrest warrant required actual charges, whereas Ny said she wanted Assange for questioning. Most everyone in the know understood that Washington had ordered Sweden to get its hands on Assange and to turn him over to Washington. Assange challenged the legality of the arrest warrant in British courts, but the Brit ish court, many be lieve fol low ing Washington’s orders, ruled against the law and in favor of Washington. Assange assented to the arrest and presented himself to a British police station. He was placed in solitary confinement at Wandsworth prison. If memory serves, the daughter of Sir James Goldsmith paid his bond and he was placed under house arrest. When it became clear that the Swedish prosecutor wanted Assange for Washington, not for any charges against him in Swe den, Ecuador gave him asylum, and he fled to the embassy in London. Where he has been ever since. Sweden has closed the case a second time, and Assange is no longer wanted for questioning in Sweden. Therefore, there is no longer any reason for the British to hold him for Sweden. But the British government
never was holding Assange for Sweden. The British were holding him for Washington. And they still are. Even though Sweden has closed a case based on a false report by police and have no basis for any charges against Assange, the British government says it will grab him the minute he steps outside the embassy. The British are so desperate to serve their Washington master that once they even declared that they were going to violate dip lo matic im mu nity and in vade the Ecuadorian Embassy and seize Assange.
Reaching for straws The British excuse for a once proud gov ern ment’s con tin u ing ser vitude to Washington as Assange’s jailer is that by taking asylum in the embassy Assange jumped bail and therefore the British have to arrest him for not surrendering a second time to the police for an investigation that has been closed. Stefania Maurizi, Italian investigative journalist for La Repubblica, smelling the stench of fraud that covers the entire case, has been trying for two years to get her hands on the correspon dence between the U. K., U. S. and Swedish governments pertaining to the case in order to pull back the shroud of the Washington-orchestrated propaganda that colors the case. A British tribunal refused to release any documents on the grounds that it had to protect the British Prosecution Service’s relationship with foreign authorities. That tells you all you need to know. Julian Assange has lost seven years of his life because stinking dirty Washington wanted revenge on Assange for exercising the U. S. Constitution-protected right of a free press, and the stinking dirty governments of Sweden and Britain did Washington’s dirty work. What we know for certain is that Assange is totally innocent and that
there is no honor and no integrity in the U. S., Swedish, and British governments. Law means noth ing to the scum that misrule these countries. In the U. S. and probably throughout Europe, politicians and feminists, with the exception of Katrin Axelsson and Lisa Longstaff, used the presstitute media to paint Assange as a rapist and as a spy. The feminists cared nothing about any truth; they just wanted a man to demonize. Truth was the last thing on politicians’ minds. They just wanted to divert attention from Washington’s crimes and betrayals of allies by portraying Assange as a threat and traitor to America. They were unconcerned that Assange could not be a traitor to America as he is not an American citizen. In actual fact, there is no basis in law for any U. S. claim against Assange. Yet because of Washington and its servile British puppet State, Assange re mains in terred in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. Clearly, honor and respect for law reside in Ecuador, not in the U. S., U. K. or Sweden. But facts, along with law and civil liberty, have ceased to mean anything in the Western world. Corrupt U. S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that the arrest of Assange is “a priority.” The British police, mere lackeys of Washington, said that they would still arrest Assange, despite the case being dropped, if he left the embassy. For the British, serving Washington is a higher calling than the honor of their country.
Do ex-DACA criminals get amnesty too? newobserveronline.com
More than 500 non-White invaders who obtained “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” (DACA) benefits that were later re voked due to crim i nal and/or gang involvement are still living inside the U. S. and have not been deported, new figures provided by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley show. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) says these cases are 25 percent of those who lost DACA status due to criminal and/or gang activity as of November 2017. Only about 30 percent of the ex-DACA criminal aliens have been removed or were in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody as of November 2017. According to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), who provided the figures, 2,127 individuals had their DACA status terminated. In no more than three percent of these cases did the termination occur merely because of gang involvement; nearly all of them followed criminal convictions or arrests, according to related data on the USCIS website.
USCIS provided the following breakdown of the outcome of the cases of these DACA terminations: § Removed from the United States: 562 § In ICE Custody: 90 § Released from ICE Custody: 535 § No Record of Removal, Detention or Release by ICE: 940 Total: 2,127 “While it is reassur ing that USCIS is revoking DACA benefits for criminal gang members it identifies, it is concerning that al most as many crim i nal alien DACA beneficiaries have been released as have been removed to their home country,” Jessica Vaughn from the CIS wrote. “Most of the ter minations occurred more than a year before these statistics were compiled. I assume that at least some of the 940 criminals who had DACA but who have not been removed are still in State or local custody serving time, but it is pos si ble, even likely, that some were released by sanctuary jurisdictions, and ICE has not re-apprehended them.” USCIS provided a list of more than 45 gang affiliations of the ex-DACA criminals.
It includes some of the most violent and dangerous gangs in the United States, such as MS-13, 18th Street, the Latin Kings and the Trinitarios. USCIS has not said where these gangs are, but the names sometimes identify their locations: Oakland 30 Norteños, Orange County, Angelino Heights Sureños, East San Diego, Inland Empire, Pacoima Van Nuys Boys and West Merced Norteños, all presumably in California. Gang members are not automatically barred from receiving immigration benefits such as green cards, work permits and Temporary Protected Status. A bill sponsored by House Republican immigration committee leaders Goodlatte, Labrador, McCaul and McSalley, known as the Se cur ing Amer ica’s Fu ture Act, includes a section that would update the law so that criminal gang members would be barred from all immigration benefits, including the DACA amnesty, and become inadmissible and deportable. This fix also is supposedly on the White House’s list of urgent priorities for immigration reform.
If ill-informed Americans knew the truth Inviting Al Qaeda “Moderates” to Washington for “consultations” is simply legitimizing terrorism. By Mark Taliano globalresearch.ca
he recent visit of Free Syrian Army commanders to Washington amounts to an exercise in war propaganda. The visit serves to legitimize the FSA terrorists in the eyes of the broader public by perpetuating the fiction that they are somehow “moderate,” or that they represent organic opposition to the Syrian government. Nothing could be further from the truth. The CIA alone has spent about one billion per year supporting terrorists in Syria. So the FSA aren’t Free. They are beholden to
their imperial masters and underwriters. Nor are they “Syrian” in terms of being legitimate Syrian opposition. And they are not an “army” either, although they are part of an “army” of foreign-backed Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists infesting Syria and beyond. We do know, however, that the FSA were amongst the terrorists who stormed
Syria from Turkey and beheaded many of Lilly Martin’s Christian neighbors. We do know that the ter ror ists who in vaded and des e crated the pri mar ily Christian town of Maaloula, Syria, included FSA terrorists. We also know that FSA terrorists were amongst those who terrorized people in Aleppo for years. The FSA, along side other terror ist factions, including ISIS and al Nusra, have terrorized Syria and Syrians for years. Naturally the Western media presstitutes and the criminal politicians will mention none of this. But the truth is there for all who seek peace and justice. Presumably, Western populations would not support the FSA if they knew the truth.
— Your tax dollars at work —
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
The Wall, the sound and the fury: and not much else By Fred Reed fredoneverything.org
With regard to Mr. Trump’s Border Wall, I am skeptical. Now, I freely concede that I am not an au thor ity on Bor der Walls. In fact, I have never built a Bor der Wall. This may surprise readers. Yet it is true. So all that fol lows is in the na ture of speculation. Be warned. Still, though I may be hor rifi cally wrong, and differ ent numbers can be obtained by assuming different types of wall, I suggest that the following represent the kinds of ques tions that need to be answered. Further, it should be incumbent on those promoting the Wall to produce prices and times that make sense.
First draft All right, Mr. Trump has eight prototypes, but they run to 30 feet high, made of concrete, and go six feet underground to prevent tunneling. According to rumor among the border authorities, some go considerably deeper, and some prototypes are made of other materials. Here we will assume a hypothetical concrete wall thirty feet high and six feet deep. In other words, thirty-six feet in vertical dimension. Let us assume a thickness of six inches. Much less would be insecure, one supposes. We will ignore rebar. Actually, a glance at the photograph shows that, of whatever they be made, they are more than six inches thick, but we will ignore this. The volume of concrete in the entire wall would thus be 2,000 miles x 5280 ft / mile x 36 ft x .5 ft, or 190,080,000 cubic feet. Now, the Wall presumably will have to be built in prefab sections at a remote factory or factories, and trucked to the Wall site on flatbed eighteen-wheelers. Donkeys would seem in ad e quate, he li cop ters excessive. Fabricating each section in situ with some sort of traveling factory, requiring the trucking in of phenomenal amounts of concrete (or metal or whatever the Wall was made of), would be crazy even by the standards of federal contracting. To be car ried on a standard semi rig, sections could be no more than 8.5 feet wide. Each section would measure 36 ft. x .5 ft. x 8.5 ft, or 153 cu bic feet. Since
Some of the pro totypes. Though I am not a construction engineer, it seems to me that 2,000 miles of any of these is more of a job than their proponents are telling us.
concrete weights 145 pounds per cubic foot, the section would weigh 22,185 lbs. Given that a semi can carry only about 45,000 pounds, each truck could carry only two sections. With special permission, not unusual for outsize loads, a semi might carry a section 10 feet wide. Then a single section would weigh 36 ft x .5 x 10 ft x 145 or 26,100 lbs, but then only one could be carried as two would weigh 52,200 lbs, way over the max weight for a semi load. Some other sort of Wall would weigh something else, but you would need a lot of trucks. Since I don’t know the weights of the prototypes, the foregoing calculations may be off. Show me how, and by how much for each prototype. A mile being 5,280 feet, each mile of wall would require 5,280/8.5 sections, or 621. The entire wall would need 2,000 miles x 621 sections per mile, or 1, 242,000 sections. That’s 621,000 truck loads.
Assume that the sections were manufactured exactly in the middle of the 2,000 mile border. Each section would have to be trucked an average of 500 miles to its place of installation. If built in California, an average of 1,000 miles. Buy truck ing stocks. Of course more factories would mean fewer miles per section. So I figure Mr. Trump must be asking Congress for money for a bunch of factories. Otherwise I wouldn’t think he was serious. Now, a concrete sail 30 feet high would presumably require a strong foundation to resist the enormous forces created by, say, a forty knot wind. In fact, a high, heavy
wall presumably needs a strong foundation just not to collapse sideways in soft earth. Simply placing it in a six-foot ditch would not work. No? Let us assume a foundation a foot wide on each side of the wall section and, as noted, six feet deep to force migrants to dig a seven-foot hole. Again, just a guess from one who seldom builds international walls. The required volume of concrete will thus be about 2,000 miles x 5,280 feet/mile x 6 ft x 2 ft, or 126,720,000 cubic feet. All of this would have to be trucked to its place of use from its place of mixing, and quickly enough to prevent premature hardening. If some stretches of border are too distant or the terrain not adequate, roads will have to be constructed and concrete mixed nearer to the Wall. Adding the volume for the wall proper to the volume for the foundation, we get 126,720,000 plus 190,080,000 cubic feet, or 316, 800,000 cubic feet. This will weigh x 145, or 22,968,000 tons, all of which will have to be carried to the site of installation. Buy more truck stocks.
Star gazing What will the Trump Wall cost? Dunno, but would NBC lie? I find: “White House officials have suggested that the en tire wall pro ject could cost between $8 and $12 billion. And, internal DHS assessments suggest the cost could be higher – as much as $21 billion.” I can think of no greater au thor i ties on heavy con struction than a pack of ideological yoyos in the White House who have probably never seen a shovel. The New York Times says $70 billion, and $150 million a year to maintenance. So, $8 to $70 billion. The government doesn’t know how much the Wall will cost within a factor of about 9, or else is lying. Both are consistent with federal practice. Note that federal projects typically involve very large overruns. Note also that in fed eral con tract ing a com mon tac tic, which I saw often in my years covering the Pentagon, is to low-ball your bid and then, when the project is too far along to be cancelled, to discover that the cost will actually be, heh, rather more. Over 2,000 miles, the $71 billion figure comes to $35,500,000 per mile, or $57,165 per section. The $21.7 billion figure gives $10,850,000 per mile, or $17,472 per section. At $8 billion, $4,000,000 per mile,
or about $6,441 per section. Do you really think the government can buy a 36 by 8.5 foot by six inch reinforced concrete wall section, truck it a long distance and erect it for…$6,441? Do you think that even the cheapest of the prototypes would cost so little? How long will it take to complete this cement F-35? Wall, I mean. Wall. Press reports put time for completion at three years. That’s 660 miles per year. Uh...yeah. Putting up 621 sections a month, or one mile a month, looks ambitions – over twenty a day. These are hugely heavy concrete slabs requiring a massive crane to set them in place, after which they would have to be tied to neighboring slabs in some manner and, presumably, a foundation poured. Of course putting up 621 per month requires that the factories manufacture 621 per month. This is certainly not impossible, but will take rather more commitment than we see, which is almost none. Let us be charitable and assume a mile a month for 2,000 months. The Wall will take 167 years. Ten construction crews working at the optimistic rate of a mile a month would take 16.7 years. Mr. Trump has at most 83 months left in office, which would, again at a mile a month, come to 4.2% of the Wall. Now, I do not know whether Mr. Trump could find the Pacific Ocean on a map of Hawaii. Perhaps so. I have no information on the matter. However, a developer of real estate can reasonably be expected to know something of costing construction.
Conclusion If I were a cynic, which of course I am not, I might suspect the President of using the Wall to ex cite his rubes while not actually doing much about immigration, their chief focus. Trump may be a trifle scattered, but he is one hell of a politician. Do we really expect him to send federal mar shals to chase away illegals from businesses that depend on them – to shut down ag ribusi ness in Cali for nia, leave citrus crops to rot, shutter slaughter houses and put CEOs in slam? Nah. Let’s talk the Wall, a distracting sparkle toy. Note: I see about as well as a cave fish, so will probably have made arithmetic shiitakes which will bring howling mobs of commenters down on my head. Hey, close enough for government work.
U. S. needs to kick Cold War habit and end its militarism By Finian Cunningham
he National Defense Strategy unveiled by Pentagon chief James Mattis illustrates once again a revanchist Cold War mindset domi nating Wash ing ton – the in ev ita ble expression of its destructive addiction to militarism. More than a quarter century after the end of the Cold War between the U. S. and the former Soviet Union, Washington has the cheek to label both Russia and China as “revisionist powers.” Policy and discourse from Washington shows the U. S. is the biggest “revisionist power,” trying to revive ideological tensions and antagonism with Russia and China. Defense Secretary Mattis declares that fighting non-State terrorism is no longer the primary focus of U. S. national security. He says the “great power competition” with Russia and China is our new priority. Mattis’ National Defense Strategy echoes themes contained in the National Security Strategy document published in December, which was signed off by President Trump. The NSS also cast Russia and China as “rivals” and existential threats to America’s influence in the world. As with the NSS paper, Moscow and Beijing condemned the Pentagon document as being stuck in Cold War thinking and deal ing with for eign re la tions in an “imperialistic” manner. Russian Foreign
Minister Lavrov said it was re grettable that Washington, “instead of conducting nor mal dia logue, is try ing to prove its lead er ship us ing such con fron ta tional concepts and strategies.” The blatant reality is that the Pentagon is making a pitch for ever more federal spending on America’s already gargantuan militarized economy. Listening to James Mattis, one might think the U. S. military is being starved of investment, thus threatening national security. This is after the U. S. government voted last year to increase annual military spending by $50 billion to a record high of $700 billion. Not even during the Cold War was
the U. S. military budget anywhere near the current outlay, according to comparative data cited by respected U. S. economist David Stockman. The U. S. military budget is about fourteen times that of Russia and four times that of China. In or der to jus tify this stu pen dous largesse with American tax dollars, the Pen ta gon is compelled, out of log i cal necessity, to constantly portray the world as a threatening place. “We are facing increased global disorder, characterized by decline in the long-standing rules-based international order – creating a security environment more complex and volatile than any we have experienced in
re cent memory,” states the Na tional Defense Strategy. Ironically, as Russian intervention in Syria helped to destroy a Western-backed terrorist mercenary army, the U. S. is now shifting its rationale for military spending from terrorism to Russia. It is well documented that the U. S. economy is largely dependent on a militaryindustrial complex. Over half the nation’s annual discretionary budget is consumed by federal spending on the military. This is a massive, taxpayer-subsidized economy driven by militarism. And yet, American capitalism claims to be the paragon of “free enterprise” and “private ownership.”
Mediacracy meddling to subvert Hungary Eleven U. S. congressmen have urged the State Department to axe funding for “independent” (fellow traveler) media outlets in Hungary. hungarianambiance.com
epublican congressman Andy Harris has been joined by ten of his peers signing a letter urging the State Department to axe funding for “independent” media outlets in Hungary. In the letter, Harris denounced actions by the U. S. to fund so-called “opposition media” and said it amounted to meddling in the domestic politics of a democratic
“Stop the subversion”
The congressmen strongly railed against the State Department’s plan to provide as much as $700,000 funding to “supporting objective media in Hungary.” He urged
the U. S. to scrap the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), calling for it to be “suspended immediately.” These representatives highlighted the importance of forging fair and close ties with ally Hungary to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two countries. The letter also points out how the V4 is an important avenue for the U. S. in central Europe, with Hungary at the heart of that alliance. The congressmen suggested that leaders from the two countries should meet to dis cuss the is sues faced and max imize Hungarian-American cooperation.
The First Freedom
— Decision time —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
The Turner Diaries By Andrew Macdonald William Pierce
a.k.a. Dr.
Chapter V
October 3, 1991. I’ve been breaking up my work on the FBI project with some handyman ac tiv ity around our building. Last night I finished our perimeter-alarm system, and today I did some rough and very dirty work on our emergency escape tunnel. Along both sides and the back of the build ing I bur ied a row of pres suresensitive pads, which are wired to a light and an alarm buzzer inside. The pads are the sort which are often installed under doormats inside stores to signal the arrival of a customer. They consist of two-footlong metal strips sealed inside a flexible plastic sheet, and they are waterproof. Cov ered with an inch of soil they are un de tect able, but they will sig nal us if anyone steps on the ground above them. This method could not be used in front of our building, because nearly all the ground there is covered by the concrete driveway and parking area. Considering and rejecting an ultrasonic detector for the front, I settled on a photoelectric beam between two steel fence posts on either side of the concrete area. In order to keep the light source and photocell unnoticeable, it was necessary to place them inside the fence post on one side, with a very small and inconspicuous reflector mounted on the other. I had to drill several holes in one post, and quite a bit of tinkering was necessary to make everything work properly. Kath er ine was a big help with this, carefully adjusting the reflector while I lined up the light and photocell. It was also at her suggestion that I changed the alarm system inside the building, so that it not only warns us at the instant an intruder steps on one of the pressure-sensitive pads or interrupts the light beam, but it also turns on an electric clock in the garage. This way we will know whether someone has been around while we were all out of the building – and we will know when. Cleaning out a filthy collection of empty oil cans, greasy rags and miscellaneous trash from the service pit which had been used for changing oil and working un der neath au to mo biles in the garage, we dis cov ered that the ser vice pit opens directly into a storm sewer through a steel grating in the concrete floor. Pry ing up the grating, we found that it is pos si ble to crawl into the storm sewer, which is a concrete pipe four feet in diameter. The pipe runs about 400 yards to a large, open drainage ditch. Along the way there are about a dozen smaller pipes emptying into the main conduit, apparently from street drains. The open end of the sewer is protected by a grating of half-inch reinforcing rods set into the concrete. Today I took a hacksaw, scuttled down to the end of the sewer, and sawed through all but two of the steel rods. This left the grating firmly in place but made it possible, with a great deal of effort, to bend it aside far enough to crawl out. I did so and took a brief look around. The side of the ditch is heavily overgrown, providing good concealment from the nearby road. And from the road it is not possible to
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see our building or any part of the street on which it fronts, because of intervening structures. When I reentered the sewer, I grunted and strained until I had bent the grating back in place again. Unfortunately, the people who ran the garage and machine shop before we moved in must have been dumping all their waste oil into the storm sewer for years, because there’s about four inches of thick, black sludge along the bottom of the sewer pipe near the opening from the service pit. When I crawled out into the shop again I was covered with the stuff. Henry and George were both out, and Katherine made me strip and hosed me down in the service pit before she would even let me go upstairs to take a shower. She declared the shoes and clothes I had been wearing a total loss and threw them out. Every time I take an ice-cold shower I bitterly regret that Henry and I didn’t take the time to add hot water to our makeshift shower stall. Oc to ber 6. To day I completed the detonating mechanism for the bomb we’ll use against the FBI building. The trigger mechanism itself was quite easy, but I was held up on the booster until yesterday, as I didn’t know what sort of explosives we would be using. The people in Unit 8 had planned to raid a supply shed in one of the areas where the Wash ing ton sub way sys tem is be ing extended, but they didn’t have any luck at all until yesterday – and then not much. They were only able to steal two cases of blasting gelatin, and one case wasn’t even full. Less than 100 pounds. But that solved my problem, at least. The blasting gelatin is sensitive enough to be initiated by one of my homemade lead azide detonators, and 100 pounds of it will be more than sufficient to detonate the main charge, when and if Unit 8 finds more explosives, regardless of what they are or how they are packaged. I packed about four pounds of the blasting gelatin into an empty apple sauce can, primed it, placed the batteries and timing mechanism in the top of the can, and wired them to a small toggle switch on the end of a 20-foot extension cord. When we load the truck with explosives, the can will go in back, on top of the two cases of blasting gelatin. We’ll have to poke small holes in the walls of the trailer and the cab to run the extension cord and the switch into the cab. Either George or Henry – prob ably Henry – will drive the truck into the freight-re ceiv ing area in side the FBI building. Before he gets out of the cab he will flip the switch, starting the timer. Ten minutes later the explosives will go off. If we’re lucky, that will be the end of the FBI build ing – and the government’s new three-billion-dollar computer complex for their internal-passport system. Six or seven years ago, when they first started releasing “trial balloons” to see what the public reaction to the new passport system would be, it was said that its main purpose would be to detect illegal aliens, so they could be deported. Although some citizens were properly suspicious of the whole scheme, most swallowed the government’s explanation of why the passports were needed. Thus, many la bor un ion mem bers, who saw il le gal aliens as a threat to their jobs during a time of high unemployment, thought it was a fine idea, while liberals generally opposed it because it sounded “racist” – illegal aliens being virtually all non-White. Later, when the government granted automatic citizenship to everyone who had managed to sneak across the Mexican border and remain in the country for two years, the lib eral op po si tion evapo rated – except for a hard core of libertarians who were still suspicious. All in all, it has been depressingly easy for the System to deceive and manipulate the
American people – whether the relatively naive “conservatives” or the spoiled and pseudo-sophisticated “liberals.” Even the lib er tar i ans, in her ently hos tile to all government, will be intimidated into going along when Big Brother announces that the new passport system is necessary to find and root out “racists” – namely, us. If the freedom of the American people were the only thing at stake, the existence of the Or ga ni za tion would hardly be justified. Americans have lost their right to be free. Slavery is the just and proper state for a people who have grown as soft, self-indulgent, careless, credulous and befuddled as we have. Indeed, we are already slaves. We have allowed a diabolically clever, alien minority to put chains on our souls and our minds. These spiritual chains are a truer mark of slavery than the iron chains which are yet to come. Why didn’t we rebel 35 years ago, when they took our schools away from us and began converting them into racially mixed jungles? Why didn’t we throw them all out of the country 50 years ago, instead of letting them use us as cannon fodder in their war to subjugate Europe? More to the point, why didn’t we rise up three years ago, when they started taking our guns away? Why didn’t we rise up in righteous fury and drag these arrogant aliens into the streets and cut their throats then? Why didn’t we roast them over bonfires at every street corner in America? Why didn’t we make a final end to this obnoxious and eternally pushy clan, this pestilence from the sewers of the East, instead of meekly allowing ourselves to be disarmed? The an swer is easy. We would have rebelled if all that has been imposed on us in the last 50 years had been attempted at once. But because the chains that bind us were forged imperceptibly, link by link, we submitted. The adding of any single, new link to the chain was never enough for us to make a big fuss about. It always seemed easier – and safer – to go along. And the further we went, the easier it was to go just one step further. One thing the historians will have to decide – if any men of our race survive to write a history of this era – is the relative importance of deliberation and inadvertence in converting us from a society of free men to a herd of human cattle. That is, can we justly blame what has hap pened to us en tirely on de lib er ate sub ver sion, car ried out through the insidious propaganda of the controlled mass media, the schools, the churches and the government? Or must we place a large share of the blame on inadvertent decadence – on the spiritually debilitating life style into which the Western people have allowed themselves to slip in the twentieth century? Probably the two things are intertwined, and it will be difficult to blame either cause separately.
Brainwashing has made decadence more acceptable to us, and decadence has made us less resistant to brainwashing. In any event, we are too close to the trees now to see the outline of the forest very clearly. But one thing which is quite clear is that much more than our freedom is at stake. If the Organization fails in its task now, everything will be lost – our history, our heritage, all the blood and sacrifices and upward striving of countless thousands of years. The En emy we are fighting fully intends to destroy the racial basis of our existence. No excuse for our failure will have any meaning, for there will be only a swarming
horde of indifferent, mulatto zombies to hear it. There will be no White men to remember us – either to blame us for our weakness or to forgive us for our folly. If we fail, God’s great Experiment will come to an end, and this planet will once again, as it did millions of years ago, move through the ether devoid of higher man. Oc to ber 11. To mor row is the day! Despite the failure of Unit 8 to find as much explosives as we want, we are going ahead with the FBI operation. The final decision on this came late this afternoon in a conference at Unit 8’s headquarters. Henry and I were both there, as well as a staff officer from Revolutionary Command – an indication of the urgency with which the Organization’s leadership views this operation. Or di narily Rev o lu tion ary Command personnel do not become involved with unit actions on an operational level. We receive operational orders from and report to Wash ing ton Field Command, with representatives from the Eastern Command Cen ter par tic i pat ing oc ca sion ally in con fer ences when mat ters of spe cial importance must be decided. Only twice previously have I attended meetings with anyone from Revolutionary Command, both times to make basic decisions concerning the Or ga ni za tion’s com mu ni ca tions equipment, which I was designing. And that, of course, was before we went underground. So the presence of Major Williams (a pseudonym, I believe) at our meeting this afternoon made a strong impression on all of us. I was asked to attend because I am responsible for the proper functioning of the bomb. Henry was there because he will be delivering it. And the reason for the meeting was Unit 8’s failure to obtain what I and Ed Sanders estimate to be the minimum quantity of explosives needed to do a thorough job. Ed is Unit 8’s ord nance ex pert – and, in ter est ingly enough, a for mer spe cial agent of the FBI who is familiar with the structure and layout of the FBI building. As carefully as we could, we calculated that we should have at least 10,000 pounds of TNT or an equiv a lent ex plo sive to destroy a substantial portion of the building and wreck the new computer center in the sub-basement. To be on the safe side, we asked for 20,000 pounds. Instead, what we have is a little under 5,000 pounds, and nearly all of that is ammonium nitrate fertilizer, which is much less effective than TNT for our purpose. After the initial two cases of blasting gelatin, Unit 8 was able to pick up 400 pounds of dynamite from another subway construction shed. We have given up hope of assembling the necessary quantity of explosives in this way, however. Although large quantities of explosives are used each day on the subway, it is stored in small batches and access is very difficult. Two of Unit 8’s people had a close call when they swiped the dynamite. Last Thursday, with our deadline for completing the job upon us, three men from Unit 8 made a night raid on a farmsupply warehouse near Fredericksburg, about 50 miles south of here. They found no explosives, as such, but did find some ammonium nitrate, which they cleaned out: forty-four 100-lb. bags of the stuff. Sensitized with oil and tightly confined, it makes an effective blasting agent, where the aim is simply to move a quantity of dirt or rock. But our original plan for the bomb called for it to be essentially unconfined and to be able to punch through two levels of re in forced con crete floor ing while producing an open-air blast wave powerful enough to blow the facade off a massive and strongly constructed building. Finally, two days ago, Unit 8 set about do ing what it should have done at the beginning. The same three fellows who
— Decision time — had gotten the ammonium nitrate headed up into Maryland with their truck to rob a military arsenal. I gather from what Ed Sanders says that we have a legal on the inside there who will be able to help. But, as of this afternoon, there has been no word from them, and Revolutionary Command isn’t willing to wait any longer. The pros and cons of going ahead with what we have now are these: The Sys tem is hurting us badly by continuing to arrest our legals, upon whom the Organization is largely dependent for its financing. If the supply of funds from our legals is cut off, our underground units will be forced to turn to robbery on a large scale in order to support themselves. Thus, Revolutionary Command feels it is essential to strike the System immediately with a blow which will not only interrupt the FBI roundup of our legals, at least temporarily, but will also raise morale throughout the Organization by embarrassing the System and demonstrating our ability to act. From what Williams said, I gather that these two goals have become even more pressing than the original objective
of knocking out the computer bank. On the other hand, if we strike a blow which does not do some real damage to the System’s secret police, we may not only fail to achieve these new goals but, by forewarning the enemy of our intentions and tac tics, also make it much more difficult to hit the computers later. This was the viewpoint expressed by Henry, whose great gift is his ability to always keep a cool head and not be distracted from future goals by immediate difficulties. But he is also a good soldier and is completely willing to carry through with his part of tomorrow’s action, despite his feeling that we should hold off until we are certain that we can do a thorough job. I believe the people in Revolutionary Command also understand the danger in hasty, premature action. But they must take into consideration many factors which we cannot. Williams is clearly convinced that it is imperative to throw a monkey wrench into the FBI’s gears immediately, otherwise they will flatten us like a steamroller. Thus, most of our dis cussion this af ternoon centered on the narrow question of just how much damage we can do with our
present quantity of explosives. If, in accord with our original plan, we drive a truck into the main freight entrance of the FBI building and blow it up in the freight receiving area, the explosion will take place in a large, central courtyard, surrounded on all sides by heavy masonry and open to the sky above. Ed and I both agree that with the present quan tity of explosives we will not be able to do any really serious structural damage under those conditions. We can wreak havoc in all the offices with windows opening on the courtyard, but we cannot hope to blow away the inner facade of the building or to punch through to the sub-basement where the computers are. Several hundred people will be killed, but the machine will probably keep running. Sanders pleaded for another day or two for his unit to find more explosives, but his case was weakened by their failure to find what was needed in the last 12 days. With nearly a hun dred of our legals be ing arrested every day, we can’t take a chance on waiting even another two days, Williams said, unless we can be certain that those two days will bring us what we need.
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
What we finally decided is to attempt to get our bomb directly into the first-level basement, which also has a freight entrance on 10th Street, next to the main freight entrance. If we detonate our bomb in the basement underneath the courtyard, the confinement will make it substantially more effec tive. It will almost cer tainly collapse the basement floor into the subbasement, burying the computers. Fur ther more it will destroy most, if not all, the commu nications and power equipment for the building, since those are on the basement levels. The big unknown is whether it will do enough structural damage to the building to make it uninhabitable for an extended period. Without a detailed blueprint of the build ing and a team of architects and civil engineers we simply can’t answer that question. The drawback to going for the basement is that relatively few freight deliveries are made there, and the entrance is usually closed. Henry is willing to crash the truck right through the door, if necessary. So be it. Tomorrow night we’ll know a lot more than we do today.
The bombs, recaptured media and ensuant “compassion” Those who hear the compassion singsong all their lives may refuse to go at doing their own thinking. By Christine Miller
[email protected]
also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose an other gen er a tion after them, which knew not the lord, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.” – Judges 2:10 Let me modify that slightly and apply it to present day Germany. There arose a new generation who did not know their fathers nor what the allied victors had done to their country. I saw a video made and promoted by the German establishment. It dealt with the deportation of a Bosnian woman to Bosnia, where she had come from. The maker of this video was all touchy/feely in showing the bad condition of the house she had to move into. It was a solid house, but dirty and neglected. It did not have any modern features like a nice bathroom, modern kitchen appliances, etc. The implication was, you could not expect this young woman to move into that house, but she should be given permanent refugee status in Germany.
That video brought me back to my own childhood in Germany. We lived in a small farmhouse, a water pump in the kitchen, an outhouse and no bathroom with a bathtub. On the high holy days a metal tub was put into the kitchen and there we washed and scrubbed ourselves. No, we did not stink. What most people in the habit of a daily shower do not realize is that the body has a self-cleansing capacity simply by sloughing off old skin. We were four: my old uncle whom I called Dad, bedridden with severe asthma, his wife I called Mom suffering from a bad hip, their daughter who did all the heavy farm work like plowing with a team of cows, sowing and harvesting with a sigh. The oldest son was missing in action (He was released from a Russian prisoner of war camp in l955.) The youngest son, barely 19, was killed in action at the very end of the war. Roosevelt and Stalin had decided to split the world between themselves. Roosevelt empowered Communism to take over all of Eastern Europe, the border going right through the middle of Germany. The allies England and France saw themselves as part of the victors’ club when in reality it was the USA which allowed them that status. Like at Versailles they redrew the borders.
The Soviet Union was allowed to move its borders west. Then, to compensate Poland for the territory it lost in the East it was given a fifth of German territory in the West. All Nations behind the iron curtain were allowed to expel the Germans from those territories and confiscate their total assets. I do not think there was ever in history a bigger blunder and transfer of property as then. The expellee had to walk away from houses, farms, factories and take nothing with him, neither gold nor jewelry under penalty of death. “Leave them nothing but a handkerchief to cry in.” – Benesch, Czech president Since our cities were pulver ized and uninhabitable, the expellees were all pushed into the countryside. As I mentioned, we were four and had to accept a family of five. They were Germans, our kith and kin. We were more or less forced to give them shelter and share our kitchen stoves and pump. We did not welcome them with open arms nor appreciate that imposition. How different it is now! When today’s asylum seekers came, they met open arms committees with teddy bears, balloons and welcoming signs. These are not Germans, but seem to come from everywhere: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Morocco, Somalia, you name it. Why did we dislike our own, poor people and why now the welcoming signs for strangers? Were we such unfeeling, bad ones while this pres ent gen eration of Germans is so good? No! And No again. The difference was and is, we personally had to take the expellee into our own homes. The present Germans welcoming strangers do not. They can sun themselves in their feelings of goodness and moral superiority without hardship to themselves.
Hypocrisy on parade I watched this video. A young French reporter interviewed Parisians and asked what they thought about asylum seekers and whether France should accept more of them. They were all so full of “goodness,” agreeing to allow in still more of them. The reporter: “Please, would you stand by your statement and sign here?” They all signed. The reporter: “Here is a family looking for asylum. Could you shelter them in your home?” Every one of those who had just signed declined. The various excuses were hilarious.
Some years ago I was called up for jury duty. It was a lawyer generated case. “If you have been in a car accident, come to us. You will not be out any money. You only pay if we win.” (The lawyer’s take is about 40%.) This woman and her lawyer
The money with which those other ten jurors wanted to help this woman out did not come from their pockets, but from a nebulous entity, the insurance company. Yet those claims that insurance companies have to pay out come not from a nebulous entity but the general public, meaning we pay their awards. The more claims which have to be paid the higher the premiums we must pay out of our own pockets. Economic “refugees”
did not have a case. A milk truck had lost power, but half way made it into a farm yard. The other half stuck out into the road. The woman slightly hit that truck. The police report stated that damage to her car was negligible and nobody therein was hurt. The chiropractor’s report stated that this woman felt better after the accident than before. The plaintiff’s lawyer brought in a chiropractor who made a big argument about “deferred pain and damage,” as the accident had happened around ten years previously. What happened next made me lose faith in the common sense of common man. The woman and her family were on hard financial times. Ten jurors voted to give her $12,500 for pain and suffering. I voted for nothing. A fellow juror did not agree with the high amount and wanted it limited to $12,000. Since the two of us did not budge, it was a hung jury.
Simple arithmetic It is estimated that “asylum seekers” will cost the German government thirtyfour billion. This money does not come from heaven but the German taxpayer. It is only directly that the members of those welcoming committees do not have to pay (like we did) for foreigners streaming into Germany today under the pretext of being persecuted in their own home Nations. Many even have the nerve to go back on vacation to a country from which they fled claiming persecution. My hate is not directed against those mostly Moslem “asylum seekers,” but a traitorous Merkel and her supporters in the (since 1945 again in Jewish hands) media. They all should be deported to a Nation under Sharia law, except that I am afraid they would not be accepted there; for those Nations are not, in this respect, so naive as the Germans.
3,700 arrested in Iran Violence breaks out at several rallies, leaving at least 22 people dead. aljazeera.com
bout 3,700 people were arrested last month across cities in Iran as a rare wave of anti-government protests and unrest gripped the country, according to one parliament member. Tehran MP Mahmoud Sadeghi reported the official figure, which is much higher than previous estimates, via the State-run ICANA news agency on January 9. Dif fer ent se cu rity and in tel li gence forces arrested the protesters, making it diffi cult to know the ex act number of detainees, Sadeghi was quoted as saying. About 1,000 were previously reported to have been arrested during almost a week of demonstrations that began in December. Violence broke out at several rallies, leaving at least 22 people dead. The un rest spread to more than 80 cities and rural towns in late December as thou sands of young and work ing class Ira ni ans voiced an ger at cor rup tion, un em ploy ment and a deep en ing gap between rich and poor, in the biggest anti-gov ern ment demon strations since 2009.
Grievances also seemed to revolve around Iran’s for eign policy and its spending on groups in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. The protests started in Iran’s secondlargest city of Mashhad on December 28 before spreading to other cities. The provincial governor in northeastern Mashhad was quoted as saying 85 percent of detainees there had been released after signing a pledge not to re-offend.
Iranian authorities have accused the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia of involvement in orchestrating all of those anti-government demonstrations. The government restricted access to Instagram and Telegram social media apps as a security measure. On January 3, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), declared “the end of the sedition.” Tens of thousands also took part in pro-government rallies to show support for the Iranian leadership.
The First Freedom
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
— MLK Boulevard —
Here’s what Nathan Bedford Forrest saw coming Susan Grissom: White woman living in exclusive Memphis neighborhood murdered by career Black criminal
a home on Brighton Road and arrested him without incident.” Her name is Susan Grissom. She lived in an “aggressively White” area of Memphis where petty crime is unthinkable and a murder something you only see Blacks committing on the nightly news.
Imagine living as a White minority in 65 percent Black Memphis, a city where White taxpayers subsidize the enormous healthcare bill of Black violence. Oh... did we mention Memphis is only 31 percent White? It’s not hard if you try. Now, imagine living in a 70 percent White part of Memphis, an elite community and enviable zip code with a beautiful view of the skyline. It’s called Harbor Town, and it’s an exclusively White enclave in a sea of Africans in America. Imagine a White woman in her home in Harbor Town, only miles from where Blacks have turned large portions of Memphis real estate into some of the most shockingly violent places in America. Now, imagine a Black male with a “history of burglary of a building, burglary of a motor vehicle, theft and vandalism” breaks into her home and murders her. You’d have a situation where the White minority of Memphis, fleeing to an exclusive island whose population is nearly 3/4ths White, lives in a state of siege, persecution not unlike the White minority in South Africa.
Neighbors of murdered Harbor Town woman concerned about safety downtown, WMCA Action News Memphis: Susan Grissom was found murdered in her home in a White oasis of 65 percent Black Memphis (Harbor Town is nearly 70 percent White). She was murdered by a Black career criminal.
Grissom, who was found dead in her Harbor Town home on Island Drive on the night of Tuesday, Nov. 7. “Police obtained surveillance footage and a photo of a man using Grissom’s credit card and shared it with the public Friday. “A flood of Crime Stopper tips led to police positively identifying Williams as the suspect. “Police located Williams Friday night at
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Sus pect ar rested in Mud Island Murder, WREG.com:
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“Memphis police have arrested a man for the murder of a woman on Mud Island. “Kurtrell Wil liams was ar rested in con nec tion with the mur der of Su san
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“Concerned residents met Thursday night to discuss safety concerns at the Down town Mem phis Com mis sion’s monthly safety meeting following the homicide of Susan Grissom. “Grissom was found killed at her Harbor Town home Tuesday night. “Memphis Police Colonel Gloria Bullock spoke at Thursday’s meeting. “I can assure you that we will find out the per son/per sons re spon si ble, as we always do,” Col. Bullock said. “In the audience, listening with purpose, were friends and people who knew Grissom as a kind-spir ited person and devoted mother. “‘I was devastated because Susan was just a beautiful person,’ said Dawn Inman. “Inman said she came to the meeting looking for insight into the search for Grissom’s killer and what city leaders are doing to ensure safety downtown. “‘It takes a horrifying event for resources to be allocated?’ Inman said. ‘I don’t think that is the right approach.’ “Col. Bullock said downtown is one of the saf est ar eas in the city and Po lice Director Mike Rallings has au thorized extra patrols downtown and on Mud Island. “Coun cilman Berlin Boyd said he
pushed for the ex tra patrols as a way to help residents feel safe. “‘After I see that there is a homicide, I send an email requesting that we could get more patrol in that area,’ Boyd said. “Grissom graduated from Briarcrest in 1979. Her husband, daughter and brotherin-law all also graduated from Briarcrest. “Grissom was a rep re sen ta tive for optometric devices. She worked to connect optometrists in the Mid-South with contact lenses for their patients.”
Warning Memphis is a 31 per cent White city. Memphis is also a 65 per cent Black city, one of the most dangerous places in America. White people sought refuge in Harbor Town, where the amenities of safe streets and rising property values were merely a byproduct of their whiteness, just as violent streets and blighted property is a byproduct of blackness found all throughout Memphis. Susan Grissom is now dead. A daughter will never speak to her mother again. A husband will never speak to his wife again. And a ca reer Black crimi nal who is responsible for all of this will, more than likely, enter a plea deal to see his prison time reduced. After all, the criminal justice system is inherently racist and the new Jim Crow, right? But, it goes without saying, when Jim Crow protected a White majority population in Memphis, did home invasions by a Black male such as the one you are reading about here occur?
The mass murder of Whites under Black rule in Haiti newobserveronline.com
The Caribbean State of Haiti serves as a striking reminder of just how deadly the practice of slavery could be. By 1804, the combined effect behind thirteen years of up ris ings, mur der and ter ror ism had destroyed the White population of Haiti, along with all agricultural production and the economy of what was formerly the most prosperous colony in the Western Hemisphere. The is land, orig i nally named San Domingo, had become a center of Spanish activity during the time of the conquistador Hernando Cortes. The Spanish retained a small presence on the eastern side of the is land, which is to day known as the Dominican Republic. The western part of the island was settled by French traders in 1697 and renamed Saint-Domingue, and it was here that the ferocious race war took place. The local Amerinds, called Canibales by the Span ish on ac count of their cannibalistic habits, had been reduced to insignificance by a combination of Spanish force of arms, slav ery and Eu ro pean diseases to which they had no immunity. As a result, the French started importing African slaves to work in the colony.
“The Jewel in the Crown” supplies half of Europe’s sugar needs By 1789, San Domingue was the jewel in the French colonial crown. Its ideal climate and naturally rich soil produced more sugar, coffee and cotton than all of the then existing colonies in North America put to gether. San Domingue’s sugar output supplied not only all of France’s requirements, but half of the Euro pean continent’s needs as well. San Domingue’s wealth was legendary, and by the time of the French Revolution, some 40,000 Whites had settled in the colony. However, by this stage there were at least 450,000 Black slaves toiling in the fields to maintain the island’s prodigious agricultural output, and in addition there
were ap prox imately 27,000 mu lattoes. This huge non-White population, mostly kept under conditions of slavery, provided the demographic time bomb which utterly destroyed the White colony.
French Revolution gives non-Whites the Franchise The French Revolution of 1789 served as a spark which ignited long-simmering racial pressures in San Domingue. A decree by the French national assembly of May 15, 1791, gave the White and mixed-race population on the island the right to vote. White settlers on the island immediately pro tested. The aptly-named gov er nor general of the island, Blanchelande, sent a mes sage to Paris warn ing that the im ple men ta tion of such a form of government would result in “a frightful civil war” and the loss of the colony for France. The French National Assembly then rescinded the earlier decree and issued a new one say ing that the col o nists themselves could decide on what form of gov ernment was best for their own particular circumstances. When this news was made known in San Domingue, it heightened tensions. The mixed-race population in particular were in an uproar after being informed that they had the vote and then only a few months later told the opposite.
“Amis des Noirs” French Revolutionaries A strong anti-slavery lobby, Amis des Noirs (“friends of the Blacks”), developed in France, and grew increasingly powerful over the course of the revolution. This abolitionist group agitated constantly for eman ci pa tion and full po lit i cal rights for both mulattoes and Blacks in San Domingue, and reacted with outrage to the second decree which took away the right to vote for the mixed-race element. As a result of Amis des Noir’s efforts, the French national assembly issued a third decree which gave voting rights back to
mulattoes and “free Blacks,” that is, those Blacks not under any form of indentured labor. When this news was received in San Domingue, a now-armed Black population launched its violent rebellion. Whites were attacked at random, plantations burned and the island plunged into chaos. The mixedrace population initially sided with the Whites but then switched allegiance to the Blacks.
Blacks exterminate Whites By the end of the uprising in Haiti, every White man, woman and child had been mur dered. Once the Whites had been exterminated, the Black population then turned on the mixed-race population and wiped them out as well.
Chaos reigns for ten years The chaos continued until 1802 when a detachment of twenty thousand French troops was sent by Napoleon Bonaparte to restore order to the island. The French forces, under the command of Napoleon’s brother-in-law, General Leclerc, crushed the rebellion. The insurgents were ruthlessly hunted down and the main rebel leaders forced to pledge allegiance to the new French government. Just when the situation seemed to have stabilized, two disastrous events occurred. The first was the news that the Napoleonic government had given permission for the
reinstitution of slavery, and the second was an outbreak of yellow fever on San Domingue. The pos si bil ity that the institution of slavery could return reignited Black unrest on the island. Meanwhile, the already thinly stretched French forces were dec imated by dis ease, which killed as many as 160 soldiers per day. By August 1802, four fifths of the French troops who had arrived earlier in the year were dead. Napoleon sent ten thousand fresh troops to bolster the beleaguered French garrison. The new troops were also laid low by yellow fever, and the rebellious Blacks, largely immune to the disease, stepped up their attacks. The security situation on the island deteriorated once again. The conflict then took an even nastier turn. The French authorities decided that the only way to bring the twelveyear-old race war to an end was to kill all Black inhabitants over the age of twelve years. The rea son ing for this was that any adult Black who had, for the previous decade at least, waged a racial war against Whites, would never meekly go back to working in the fields. The same applied to Black women, the French decided, as the females of that race had proven themselves to be even more vicious and cruel to captured Whites than their menfolk. With ruth less en ergy, the sur viv ing French troops pursued their new orders, and many Blacks were killed in this arbitrary fashion. Both sides were plunged into a spiral of tit-for-tat atrocities which seemed to have no end.
French withdraw; Blacks rule The outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars intervened in developments on the island. France became embroiled in a war with Britain at sea, and the French co lo nial possession of San Domingue came under attack. The British navy blockaded the is land, cut off sup plies to the French garrison, and supplied the Black rebels
— MLK Boulevard — with guns and ammunition. The most prominent of the Black rebel leaders, Dessalines, launched a number of attacks on the increasingly isolated French garrisons in the coastal towns. Dessalines took town after town from the weakened French forces, systematically exterminating all Whites taken prisoner. By No vember 10, 1803, the French could no longer hold out and surrendered to the British fleet off the coast. Of the fifty thousand French troops sent to the island, only a few thousand ever made it back to France.
The First Freedom
occasion, he declared himself “emperor for life” of Haiti. The same year, Dessalines asked those Whites who had fled to return and help rebuild the economy. A surprisingly large number of colonists took up his offer, but soon discovered the nature of their error.
Haitexit Haiti – A Third World Nation. A street scene in Haiti, 2009. Despite being only a few years younger than the U. S., Haiti is a Third World Nation. This is because its population is of Third World origin.
Massacre of the last Whites With the French gone, the Black leader Dessalines had a free hand in instituting his own reign of terror against any Whites still unfortunate enough to be on the island State. San Domingue was renamed Haiti in December 1803 and declared independent. The country was the second independent Nation in the Western Hemisphere (after
the United States of America) and the first in de pend ent Black-ruled Na tion in the Caribbean. Having disposed of the Whites, those Blacks and the mixed-race population turned on each other in yet another race war. This ended with the almost complete annihilation of the mulatto population, and in October 1804, Dessalines declared his peo ple to be the win ners. To mark the
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Early in 1805 the Black population once again rose up against the returned White set tlers. Dessalines was pow er less to con trol the mobs, de spite the White col o nists’ pleas. The Eu ro pe ans were hunted down and, on March 18, 1805, the very last White person in Haiti was killed. San Domingue, which under French rule was once the richest land in all the Caribbean, remains today a Third World shambles of poverty, anarchy and chaos. This state of affairs proves even more meaningful when it is considered that the independent State of Haiti is only thirtyfive years younger than the United States
of America. It is a devastating counter-argument to the “environmental” theory of development – because if time and environment were the only factors influencing civilization, Haiti, in theory, should be no less advanced than America. The above is an extract from the book March of the Titans, The Complete History of the White Race.
The Hai tian army on parade in 1899: a comi cal collection of “generals” with almost no soldiers, as vividly captured in the book Where Black Rules White (H. H. Prichard).
Haitians must leave unless they can stay newobserveronline.com
At least 60,000 Haitians living in America after obtaining residence through the “Temporary Protected Status” (TPS) scheme following a 2010 earthquake, have been told by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that they must all go home – unless they can find a way to stay through any of a large number of means. The announcement by Elaine Duke, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, that TPS status for Haitians has ended, has a “delayed effective date of 18 months” which will allow for “an orderly transition before the designation terminates on July 22, 2019,” the official announcement on the DHS website says. The “orderly transition” will “provide time for individuals with TPS to arrange for their departure or to seek an alternative lawful immigration status in the United States, if eligible,” the statement adds.
Homeland obscurity These “alternative lawful immigration” means include marriage, jobs, family or special visa status because they claim to have been victims of a crime or domestic abuse, any of a number of means through which they can apply for permanent status. The TPS regulation was supposed to be a short-term humanitarian relief, letting
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people who were in the U. S. on temporary programs or even in the country illegally stay while their home countries recover from major events. Once the recovery is complete, the status is supposed to end. However, since then, renewals have become almost automatic because the establishment has sought to flood America with as many non-White “immigrants” as possible. For example, TPS recipients from the Honduras and Nicaragua have now been allowed to stay for nearly two decades, and the Haitians have been in America for nearly seven years – far longer than the legislation originally intended, far longer than it would take any where else to “recover” from an earthquake. The new DHS statement confirmed this latter point, saying that Haiti had “made
including recommendations received as part of an inter-agency consultation process, Acting Secretary Duke determined that the extraordinary but temporary conditions caused by the 2010 earthquake no longer exist. Thus, under the applicable statute, the cur rent TPS des ig na tion must be terminated,” the statement said.
Then why so much delaying? considerable progress” since 2010, and a “review of the conditions upon which the country’s original designation were based and whether those ex traor dinary but temporary conditions prevented Haiti from adequately handling the return of their nationals, as required by statute” showed that there was no longer a TPS requirement. “Based on all available information,
“Since the 2010 earthquake, the number of displaced people in Haiti has decreased by 97 percent. Significant steps have been taken to improve the stability and quality of life for Hai tian cit izens, and Haiti is able to safely receive traditional levels of returned citizens. “Haiti has also shown a commitment to adequately prepare for when the country’s TPS designation is terminated.”
Kills by U. N.’s Black police scarcely noted By Jake Johnston
t 5:00 o’clock on the morning of No vember 13, more than 200 Haitian police officers raided the Grand Ravine area of Port-au-Prince. There was a series of loud explosions, followed by gunfire. For the next six hours, the commo tion didn’t stop. The neighborhood was under siege. What started as an anti-gang operation in a poor and largely forgotten neighborhood – in a poor and largely forgotten country – ended in the summary execution of innocent civilians on a school campus. Those police officers were working with the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti as launched in October, a reboot of a previous mission begun in 2004 when thousands of U. N. troops were sent to Haiti following a coup d’etat, tasked in part with restoring stability and reinforcing national police capacities. And, though the U. N. mission issued a statement days after the raid calling for a prompt investigation by Haitian authorities, it did not publicly acknowledge its own role in the operation. But in late December, a U. N. spokesperson confirmed that the mission had helped plan the raid, though distancing itself from the civilian deaths. “The re ported civilian death[s] were not part of the planned operation but of a unilateral action conducted by some [Haitian po lice] offi cers af ter the con clu sion of the operation,” the spokesperson, Sophie Boutaud de la Combe, wrote in an email. The raid of the school, according to the U. N. statement, was without authorization, without alerting the police hierarchy, and outside of the operational plan. Boutaud de la Combe said that, a day af ter the raid, the U. N. “con ducted an internal inquiry with all unit commanders who participated in the operation.” The U. N. inquiry, not previously reported, absolved the U. N., finding that U. N. police
did not fire their weapons and only “secured the perimeter” of the school, she said. “None of the [U. N. police] unit proceeded to the location at Maranatha College where the alleged killings took place,” the spokesperson wrote. “The planned portion of the operation went relatively well. The post-operation unilateral initiative of some HNP members to View of houses upon a mountainside in Juvenat in the commune of conduct a high risk search, Petion-Ville, Port-au-Prince, December 12, 2017 pro ceed ing out side of the op er a tional students were meeting to mourn those who cadre, with out ad vising the hi erar chy, had been killed. The school was still without authorization and contravening the closed. They gathered in one of the small operation plan was not part of the planned classrooms, closed the door to us outsiders operation.” and began to sing. The religious hymns – Our shock deep, soulful melodies – echoed throughout When I ar rived at the Maranatha the courtyard where they mixed with cries Evangelical College campus, traveling of grieving victims and family members with a broadcast team from Al Jazeera four anxious to tell their stories. While there’s a days after the raid, it was immediately lot still unclear, one thing is for certain – obvious something heinous had transpired. the official narrative is at odds with what The blood that stained the concrete was the people of Grand Ravine witnessed and still wet, unable to dry in the blanket of fog experienced. A vista and mist that kept the capital unusually cool that particular week. Water pooled in Near the southern entrance to Haiti’s the courtyard’s clogged drain had turned a sprawling capital, Grand Ravine is built on dark red, partially obscuring an empty tear a hillside with picturesque views of the gas canister. The smell of the violence still Caribbean Sea. And yet, it’s a downtrodden hung in the heavy air. neighborhood. Hap hazard con struc tion with pal try Typical and predictable regulation has given neighborhoods such Class rooms and offices had been as Grand Ravine little to no infrastructure ransacked, the contents of closets, drawers or government services. Many areas are and bookcases spilled across the floors and only accessible by foot. through the doorways. Light crept in Narrow, misshapen alleys ascend through through holes left by bullets that had concrete homes secured with rusted sheet pierced through the thick concrete. Since metal. the raid, someone had swept another five Amid all this is Maranatha Evangelical empty tear gas canisters and close to 100 College, operating here since the 1940s. heavy artillery shells into a pile. Despite the name, it offers classes for The morning we arrived, faculty and neighborhood kids beginning in preschool.
The First Freedom
— Moving ahead —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
“Democracy” in Europe threatened by “populism”? rt.com
A surge of “populist” political parties threatens to destabilize democracy all across Europe, according to Tony Blair’s think tank. However, its new report says nothing of the mainstream parties whose failures made this possible. Former U. K. Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Institute for Global Change said pop u lism could Supporters of Hungary’s main opposition Jobbik party attend be come the “new nor mal” in a torchlight demonstration in Budapest. Europe and “transform public policy in Eastern Europe and currently hold power radical ways.” in seven countries – Bosnia, Bulgaria, the Defining populist parties as those from Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Serbia the left and right that “claim to represent and Slovakia, the report says. the true will of a unified people against It highlighted British allies Poland and domestic elites, foreign migrants or ethnic, Hungary as run by parties that have begun religious or sexual minorities,” the report to “dismantle key democratic institutions.” says their number has almost doubled in According to the report: “Parties like Eu rope since 2000, from 33 to 63, and Po land’s Law and Jus tice party and their average vote share in elections nearly Hun gary’s Fidesz tend to empha size a trebled from 8.5 percent to 24.1 percent. nationalism based on soil, blood or culture; take a hard line against immigration; and Rising resentment have, especially in Poland and Hungary, Over the same period, it said the number quickly started to dismantle key democratic of European countries with populist parties in sti tu tions like the free me dia and an participating in government has doubled independent judiciary. Working largely from seven to four teen – cre at ing an within the letter of the law, and drawing un prec edented “pop u list belt” from the on widespread popular support, they Baltic to the Aegean. have destroyed many of the institutions Pop ulist par ties are the strongest in that are needed to safeguard democratic
institutions over the long run.” In contrast to Eastern Europe, where most populist parties are on the right, those in Southern Europe are predominantly on the left, such as Syriza in Greece and Podemos in Spain. The report said leftwing parties from other parts of Europe – including Labour in Britain – have embraced elements of populism. The think tank warned the trend looks set to continue unless mainstream political parties are able to find a way to counter the populists’ appeal. There are more and more instances of populist parties governing in coalition with larger parties, such as in Austria, where the right-wing populist Freedom Party has just become the junior partner in Sebastian Kurz’s new government.
Elitist fears One of the report’s authors, Yascha Mounk, a Harvard University lecturer and executive director at the institute, said the transformation of European politics was “long-term.” He said: “This populist wave has not crested and un less politicians manage to identify and counteract the structural drivers, popu lism will keep garnering strength in years to come.” The report, however, lets mainstream po lit i cal par ties off the hook, de spite them often being accused of creating the conditions necessary for populist parties to
flourish, invariably as political alternatives to the mainstream “business as usual” brand. The anti-populism message posited by re search ers as so ci ated with Blair is particularly problematic due to the former prime minister’s legacy of light-touch, free market economics, which exposed Britain to the global financial crisis that began as he left office. Meanwhile Blair’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003 destabilized the Middle East, creating the conditions that led to the emergence of the Islamic State (IS, for merly ISIS), ex ac er bat ing the terrorism threat and the refugee crisis.
Asking for it With an almost religious attachment to the E. U. and its institutions, Blair pursued the “ever closer un ion” with rare zeal, contributing to a backlash that would come in the form of Brexit. Acolytes of Blair’s “New Labour,” a pale imitation of the U. S. Democratic Party, were soundly beaten twice by Jeremy Corbyn’s brand of socialism, eventually seeing the left-winger leading the party to impressive general election results in 2017 despite criticism from his predecessor. Perhaps Blair’s researchers should ask whether the mainstream parties are part of the problem and the populists, in fact, part of the solution.
Virginia law takes first step to support sound money By Michael Maharrey
n January 1, a Virginia law that repeals sales taxes from some purchases of gold and silver went into effect. It represents an important first step toward encouraging its regular use as currency and breaking the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money. A bipartisan coalition of delegates and senators sponsored House Bill 1668 and Senate Bill 934. The legislation exempts gold, silver and platinum bullion or legal tender coins whose sales price exceeds $1,000 from State sales tax. Each piece of gold, silver, or platinum or legal tender coin need not exceed $1,000, provided that the sales price of one entire transaction of such pieces exceeds $1,000. With gold over $1,000 an ounce, a single bullion coin will exceed this threshold. Under the new law, the exemption will
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remain in place until June 30, 2022. The House passed HB1668 by a 99-0 vote. It passed in the Senate by a vote of 38-1.
In practice
Imagine if you asked a grocery clerk to break a $5 bill and he charged you a 35 cent tax. Silly, right? After all, you were only exchanging one form of money for another. But that’s essentially what Virginia’s sales tax on gold and silver did. By removing the sales tax on the exchange of gold and silver, Virginia will treat precious metal specie as money instead of a commodity.
This represents a small step toward reestablishing gold and silver as legal tender, and breaking down the Fed’s monopoly on money. “We ought not to tax money – and that’s a good idea. It makes no sense to tax money,” former U. S. Rep. Ron Paul said during testimony in support of an Arizona bill that repealed capital gains taxes on gold and silver in that State. “Paper is not money, it’s fraud,” he continued. The new law’s impact goes beyond mere tax policy. During an event after his
Senate committee testimony, Paul pointed out that it’s really about the size and scope of government. “If you’re for less government, you want sound money. The people who want big government, they don’t want sound money. They want to deceive you and commit fraud. They want to print the money. They want a monopoly. They want to get you conditioned, as our schools have conditioned us, to the point where deficits don’t matter.” Practically speaking, eliminating taxes on the sale of gold and silver cracks open the door for people to begin using precious metals in regular business transactions. This would mark an important small step toward currency competition. If sound money gains a foothold in the marketplace against Federal Reserve notes, people would be able to choose the time-tested stability of gold and silver over the central bank’s rapidly-depreciating paper currency.
Background information The United States Constitution states in Article I, Section 10, “No State shall… make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” States have simply ignored this constitutional provision
Money laundering Rothschild
for years. It’s impossible for any State to return to a constitutional sound money system when it taxes gold and silver as a commodity. This Virginia law takes a step towards that constitutional requirement, ignored for decades in every State. Such a tactic sets the stage to undermine the monopoly of the Federal Reserve by introducing competition into the monetary system.
Back to basics Constitutional tender expert Professor Wil liam Greene said when peo ple in multiple States actually start using gold and silver instead of Federal Reserve Notes, it would effec tively nul lify the Fed eral Re serve and end the fed eral government’s monopoly on money. “Over time, as residents of the State use both Federal Reserve notes and silver and gold coins, the fact that the coins hold their value more than Federal Reserve notes do will lead to a ‘re verse Gres ham’s Law’ effect, where good money (gold and silver coins) will drive out bad money (Federal Reserve notes). As this happens, a cascade of events can begin to occur, including the flow of real wealth to ward the State’s treasury, an influx of banking business from outside of the State – as people in other States carry out their desire to bank with sound money – and an even tual outcry against the use of Federal Reserve notes for any transactions.” Once things get to that point, Federal Re serve notes would be come largely un wanted and ir rel e vant for or di nary people. Nullifying the Fed on a State by State level is what will get us there.
Austria’s new border force, increased repatriations newobserveronline.com
The Austrian government is creating an armed border force to prevent a repetition of the 2015 mass invasion, and is to step up repatriations of those “asylum seekers”
2015: Chaos at the Austrian border. The new border force will prevent its recurrence.
already inside Austria, the new Austrian In te rior Min is ter, Her bert Kickl, has an nounced. Speaking with the Tiroler Tageszeitung newspaper, Kickl – a senior member of the anti-invasion Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) – said that a “repeat of 2015 cannot be allowed to happen. Therefore I have given in structions for the creation of a border protection unit.” The aim of the unit will be, he added, to “ensure an orderly border management within a few hours. It is a standby police troop that if need be can secure a border crossing point and carry out identity checks. Just waving people through won’t
happen again,” he said. Hundreds of thousands of non-White invaders forced their way into Austria in 2015, often with the active connivance of the previous government, and over 90,000 made “asylum applications” in Austria itself, representing more than one percent of the population. Kickl was also asked about the storm over his recent remark that the “asylum seekers” should be “concentrated in one place in future.” Communists, Socialists and their allies in the con trolled media immediately inter preted this to mean “concentration camps” though it was clear that Kickl had said nothing of the sort.
Kickl told the Tiroler Tageszeitung he was “not surprised to find that any moves to increase the security of the Austrian people” would not make him friends in the far left. “I expect it,” he added, refusing to take back his words. He went on to say that the government’s priority with existing “asylum” applications was to process them as quickly as possible. “At the same time, we must ensure that there are as few new applications as possible. I am in favor of an orderly asylum policy, that is, protecting the E. U.’s external border, securing State borders, investing in the refugees’ countries of origin and allowing as few refugees as possible.
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The White Man’s Bible is back in print. Send $15, plus $5 shipping and handling to: Church of the Creator % Rev. Rudy Stanko PO Box 509 Gordon, Nebraska 69343 308-360-2127
JOIN GIDEON’S ELITE, PREPARE FOR KINGDOM SERVICE! Hear Pastor Peter J. Peters daily on WWCR shortwave radio. For a FREE newsletter with com plete broad cast sched ule: Scriptures For America, POB 766, LaPorte CO 80535. 24 hrs daily internet streaming @ www.scripturesforamerica.org WHITE nation alist female companion sought. Share in all aspects of my life’s ad ven tures and move ment ac tiv i ties. Develop deep mutual devotion and rapport. Must be physi cally active, have good common sense and be a good organizer. Age no concern. Reply to: Arminius, 740 Silver Spring Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910-4661.
FREEDOM MOVEMENT ACTION NEWSLETTER has news, views and rec om mended ac tion on sub jects of in ter est to pa tri ots, many not cov ered elsewhere and features in-depth, engaging yet concise summaries in a unique wordplay style. No compromises – no retreat – no surrender. Twelve bimonthly thoroughly engrossing issues cover a two year period for only $25, or $3 for a sample copy. Give legible contact information with mailing address. Send check or money order to: Sidney Secular, P. O. Box 7753, Silver Spring, MD 20907. ODINIST skinheads take heart! You are not alone! The Valhalla Bound Skinheads seek to unite all worthy Odinist & National Socialist skins into one movement that can greatly aid the White Nationalist cause! Embrace your wyrd! Research our group on web, in “news,” on Twitter or Facebook and email
[email protected] for info. Valhalla Bound P. O. Box 7666 Spokane, WA 99207 thevalhallaboundskinheads.com WHY are Jews the reproach of Nations? The point of departure for this problem is Matthew 27: 24-25.
The First Freedom
Boots on ground distributors are waiting for extra TFFs to hand out as free samples because they know that’s how we fight to win. True information was never so much in need of attention. Please donate by per-box increments of $35 to help us bring in subscribers. ROUND SEVEN Patron sponsoring ten boxes (or 1,000 copies) of The First Freedom to “Boots on the ground distributors.” DALE HILDEBEITEL Kempton, PA Thanks to Kamerad Hildebeitel and other supporters, those attending rallies can ask for however many boxes of TFFs they will pass out. To quote the devious W. Bush: Let’s roll! PENCE THE ZIONIST I just heard the speech that the Vice President gave to the Knesset a few days ago, a display of his aggressive ignorance of Scripture in prostituting and perverting the Bible for everyone who knows better concerning the theft of Jerusalem in 1948 with help from the U.S.A. When I was in high school and subjects went up for debate in class, a teacher said: “Fellas, if you don’t know what you are going to be talking about, keep quiet and nobody will know how dumb you are; but, if you open your mouth to speak, then you remove all doubt.” Mr. Pence needs to consider that advice. STEPHEN MAJCHRZAK Dundalk, MD
THE COMMON DEFENSE Many thanks to Patricia Aiken for her reports on the Bundy trials. The ranchers’ 22 months in prison with the court, BLM and media trying to keep news about their ordeals local until by some means they got convictions out of a jury (and then could splash it worldwide) proved futile. Let this requiescat in pace for a hero be sufficient, as we to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain” and promise a lively continuance of all that a genuine man stood for when gunned down that day by the Zog’s BLM assassins. What follows may be sung to the tune of “Remember Pearl Harbor.” Let’s remember LaVoy Finicum! And his killing’s infamy. Let’s remember LaVoy Finicum As with Lincoln’s tyranny. We will always remember How he died for liberty. Let’s remember LaVoy Finicum And go on to victory! BILL EBB Loxley, AL DEFINITIONS But remember, when Whites speak of racial accomplishments, we’ve usually (at least in the past) competed only with our own race – Ger mans against French, British against Celts, etc. Even in antiquity the contests were between our own kind – Ath ens against Sparta, Ven ice against Rome and so forth. Yes, Whites gave honor to ancient cultures that weren’t necessarily “White” – Mezo-Americans, the Chinese, the Egyptians (who were not black!) – but our race was mostly involved with its own kind by virtue of our geographic situation. Africa, the Middle East, India and Asia only became “nearby” with the rise of modern transportation. Indeed, I wonder if this ability to move around the globe has done more damage to our racial identity than Marxist protocols. When the only people with whom you compete are of your own race, naturally (at least in peace time) most of us are “individualistic.” However, once there rose conflicts among us, that “individualism” was put aside for “the greater good.” The death of the White race was initiated with those forces who brought about the two great wars of the 20th Century in which Whites killed Whites in record numbers. We needn’t blame the Third World for those deaths; they were neither involved nor, on the whole, responsible. Of course this extermination began not in Europe but in the United States with the war of the Federal government (no longer “limited” by the Constitution!) against those States that wished to withdraw from a union that had ceased to be anything but economic servitude. It was misnamed (purposefully by Lincoln!) the Civil War or the War of Rebellion. It was neither. VALERIE PROTOPAPAS Centereach, NY
CJCC/Aryan Nations Vanguard Council This (National) Vanguard Council seeks legitimate CJCC/AN State Leaders where they exist and encourage the establishment of State Leaders being posted in States where none exist. Contact Florida State Leader with status of your State? Doc DuPree #120528, 8501 Hampton Springs Rd, Perry, FL 32348.
David Lee’s BIBLE ERRORS REVEALED and Related Topics. Thirty years research seeking the Truth. Six paper back 8½ x 11 volumes $20 each PPD. Vol. I – 179 pages including Genesis chapter one, Noah’s flood & Khazar Empire. Check or m.o. to SBO 66, Box 05292, Miami, FL 33102.
Set yourself free; trash the TV Television = teLIEvision TFF pays absolutely awesome testimony and tribute to the two late greats: Rev. Fr. Charles E. Coughlin and Huey P. Long. You guessed it; they, too, were branded Auntie Semites.
ADVERTISE on this bulletin board. Just $10 per insertion, maximum 50 words, 10¢ each additional word. Please indicate any capitalization or italics desired.
AMERICAN FREE PRESS, the biweekly newspaper, offers an introductory rate of 8 issues for $15. 16000 Trade Zone Ave, Unit 406, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774. SALTY SID sends seven separate scandal sheets for eleven dollars. Super-sized set includes CofCC Newsletter, Heritage & Destiny, Impact, Citizens Informer, The First Freedom, The Nationalist Times and bonus essays by patriots. Send check to Sidney Secular, P. O. Box 7753, Silver Spring, MD 20907.
Your signed letter with phone number and address is welcome, but will be edited as necessary to fit available space. Send to The First Freedom, P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 or email
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DEAR NANCY HITT, Thank you for a cogent and concise summary of our plight as Whites in “Amerika” in the January 2018 issue of The First Freedom! I’ve often thought of various ways to express our problem in short form. One that would define and point directions to its solutions at the same time. Kinda poetic like. Bingo! you’ve done it. Not outrageous, not pie-in-the-sky. (One tweak in the final paragraph: would add Libya.) Good omen. Good way to start the New Year. Best to you and The First Freedom! We need you. DALE YOUNCE Wesley Chapel, FL
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
MATTHEW chapter 27: 22-25
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TFF deletes vulgarity and will correct any defects in grammar or spelling. Predicate verbs and objects must agree in number with their subjects.
GET INVOLVED! Anyone can find time to do something. Join those who sponsor or distribute TFF at patriot rallies. Send me reports of who’s accomplishing whatever counts toward our people’s enlightenment and improvement. Websites! www.firstfreedom.net/1.pdf is a gratis permanent link to the paper online. Those who’ve got the makings should start their own newspapers or hire onto this one; room and board are free; the salary during training is lousy, but it’s better afterwards. OLAF CHILDRESS
[email protected] TRIP TO NOWHERE I’m sure you don’t read the NY trash rag – but on the Wall Street Journal’s page A14 of 20 December 2017, the one article from this sewer distributed across the USA that stuck in my craw might interest you. For it follows my memory of Bill Clinton when he paraded Nelson Mandela all across the country praising him as a great man, which brought in the money from White Liberals who would donate to any cause elevating Communism while lowering the status of my country. And here is this picture showing all the fanfare, making a case for the greatness of Zimbabwe’s cronies who play that game. Remember those burning tires around the necks of Whites? The confiscations of property? Move on to Alabama’s erasing of Confederate monuments, the stupidity of the election, and you’ll notice how little news emerges from this state of confusion. Today’s elite Communists are pampered, while the peasants suffer. Compare what is happening to many Southern towns such as Jackson, Mississippi, Birmingham, Alabama, Chicago and Detroit to the North with their love affairs for natural born Karl Marxers. HAROLD DOTSON Hoover, AL Trump twitters while Africa’s Blacks keep coming. Its White victims may not. NATIONAL SOCIALIST I enjoyed very much the January TFF article on Kommander Rockwell. I was an “official supporter” of the Kommander since age 16. There have been four times in my life when I hurt and cried my heart out. 1.) When my father died. 2.) When my mother died. 3.) When Kommander George Lincoln Rockwell was killed. 4.) When Reichsführer Rudolf Hess was murdered by the British. At age sixteen I swore my oath to the Führer Adolf Hitler. I was, I am, and will remain a “Loyal Party Member” until my dying day. I’m very proud of my White heritage and wear a party pin to prove it. I also am a German Army reenactor, World War II, living testimonial to true history. ARVID FLANDRAU Torrington, CT
IN DEFENSE OF JUDGE MOORE Concerning the Dec. 12, 2017, Alabama election for a seat in the U. S. Senate, do the conservative citizens and voters of our State fully understand the significance of this election and how it was conducted? Democrat Doug Jones received 671,151 votes, Republican Roy Moore 650,436 and the write-in vote, which I understand was exclusively that of Republicans opposing Judge Moore for one reason in particular, was a total of 22,819. Write-in voters, as well as those who stayed at home, deprived Judge Moore of thousands of votes. If, instead, these two groups had voted for him, you can readily see that he would have won the election by some 2,000 votes and perhaps a good deal more. Keeping conservative voters away from the polls and opposed to Roy Moore as write-ins was undoubtedly the strategy of certain high Republican officials in Washington and/or Alabama who believed the allegations of sexual misconduct by Judge Moore, but especially feared what he would do with a seat in the U. S. Senate, exposing corruption in the government and aiding the President to “drain the swamp.” All of this against the man, Roy Moore, Christian and patriot that he is, who stood foursquare for The Ten Commandments and against same-sex marriage. Roy Moore, by reason of allegations from nearly 40 years ago and which yet lack proof, was abandoned and betrayed by his own people and political party. If this can happen in Alabama, one of the reddest States in the Union, it can happen anywhere in the country Benedict Arnold could not have devised a more sin ister scheme for sur ren der, treason and defeat! There is one more thing: Please give us the addresses of those who crafted this diabolical plan and deserve their reward: Thirty pieces of silver! JOHN ALTMAN Tuscaloosa, AL Send that silver to the editor of this newspaper. He does not “vote” in sham “elections,” was camped out alongside all those Star-of-David-wearing framers of the August 2003 two-week “protests” on Alabama’s Supreme Court plaza to learn why one Black federal judge had overruled the vast majority of a State’s “voters” – giving Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore a date certain by which to get his Ten Commandments monument out of the rotunda. At the final Saturday night of our “protests,” bused-in Blacks swaying and hallelujahing, more-or-less gospel singing, was the whole show. Roy Moore’s big granite stone, like so many historical markers today, was gone. TFF then published in subsequent issues its doubts as to whether Moore had simply been used in the cabal’s staged setup for a takedown supposedly ending religion in Alabama. Either way, Roy is a dupe.
The First Freedom
— Self-government begins at home —
February 2018
P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576
Competitive math By Olaf Childress
[email protected]
wo plus two equals four, always has. Average Whites, cat-called “supremacists” by the Commies, concede as much to the latter’s Equality thing. This equation of the timeless realities is not denied by any rational human, though a lower animal has no use for it. What happens to all laws governing atomic fission and fusion if every mortal on Earth likewise ignores their existence? Do they cease being, or is it merely our awareness of them that has lapsed? One should think the latter. In the cycles – weather, solar rotations called seasons, political upheavals and all biological lifetimes – we discern a constant pattern. Can such stimulative lessons from the past be accidental? Or is an Intelligent Designer whispering into our occasionally open ears: Kohlen bestellen. Der Winter kommt bestimmt. Order your coal. The Winter comes for sure. And, in its bituminous fissures, one looking closely sometimes makes out clear impressions of life forms long extinct. But, if the same Deity at a distantly remote time (according to our way of thinking) found pleasure in breathing life into those beings, have their bodies and souls ceased existing outright, or is there a much greater cycle which we mere humans may realize only upon some future moment’s discovery?
Appreciation What should motivate us to continue pursuing these joys that follow having met such challenges as daily spring before our paths whether or not invited if we haven’t kept faith with the boy scout’s admonition to stay physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight? Can it be that nothing is ever lost, only transformed, whereby its birth, growth and days of thriving at last recede into the past? As a silicon chip, sand if you will, searches out everything within the relatively short span of man’s recorded history, we should marvel in wonderment that an omniscient Designer is overseeing this universe. What we “know” may be but a particle upon the cosmic seashore. Let us stop trying to square the circle at present and stick with today’s possibilities, put less faith in an obviously compromised computer search engine “knowing” more than it understands, get down on our knees first thing every morning and pray for the day’s guidance, as Horace’s Golden Mean would suggest. Thus we speak to loved ones gone before, invoking God’s blessing on their souls, reassuring them they’re not forgotten, and rising to meet the day.
Natural conclusions As a skunk isn’t accused of stinking for no good reason, neither do other peoples call Whites supremacists without cause. It doesn’t help, advising falsely indoctrinated Dreamers to give those they don’t fit in with wide berth, nor will such New World orderlies persuade truly alert members of unrelated type to become like themselves. The First Freedom P. O. Box 385, Silverhill, Alabama 36576 ________________________________________ FULL NAME
Even primitives can lure the much more physically powerful lion into a trap, just as those who’ve discovered that a tribe doing wars by unified deception need not work for its bread once bending tributaries under today’s yoke of servility. What we see are posterized, televised, in-your-face images of a “multicultural” harmony which cannot exist lacking mandatory indoctrination. So we’ll keep getting the same until turning things around by divestment with force – not “voting” for that greedy ogre to back off. Lincoln and Marx notwithstanding, the truth at some point will inevitably prevail in spite of all this imagery – after idealism exits our temporal stage left. Its resurgence in one form or another, however, remains forever assured. How else would we guess where we’re bound except by comparison with what’s constantly left behind? These are the evolutionary laws. Once thought to cause combustion, Phlogiston became a necessarily discarded theory; yet today’s science of The Big Bang plods on toward an elusive finality. Would you want to be there, end station, nothing new to come upon? Those affected by so much complacent imagery, escapists from the challenges at hand, are Dreamers. They often migrate by hook or crook into positions of authority such as the one who, desiring nothing beyond repose, suggested closing the patent office since everything had “already been discovered.”
Getting with it Others have a different take on things; they’ve no dreams or desires of knowing it all. Yet such daily difficulties as one must encounter, the given challenges to invent a way forward, will reward any mortal actor with satisfaction beyond what that shirker might experience. Life is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal; Dust thou art, to dust returnest Was not spoken of the soul. – Longfellow Which brings us to the soul. Nothing in the universe, no truth regarding any person or Nation among conundrums far beyond present human reckoning, is irretrievably lost; we just haven’t as yet found a better connection than prayer. Turn to computer research however much you will, it’s still mere garbage in, garbage out. Marconi and Edison opened many a door, beyond each of which we discovered additional ones beckoning us on where we’re bound. Let’s stop all this slave-mentality obedience, get with it and restart the – yes, revolutionary – thinking process. And that doesn’t mean denigrating what Silicon Valley has accomplished – nothing more than coming out from under the big money munchkins who’ve grabbed control of today’s internet technology by hook or crook and set about herding us down their yellow brick road. Nobody’s perfect. Thus no government established by man will prove satisfactory to everyone, therefore it shouldn’t try. Let those in charge be of the same racial stock as their constituents, however, and a more tranquil domestic society than otherwise possible will follow. “Diversity is our strength!” chant those morons suckered by a hostile mediacracy into compliance with Zionism’s promises of an impossible New World Order. How much “variety” could exist in a regimented totalitarian Animal Farm? None. Not even between its “more equal” pigs!
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Discretion As for tolerance we’ve tolerated further of its guesswork than “compassion” can bear. “…Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to
which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usur pa tions, pur su ing in vari ably the same Ob ject evinces a design to reduce them un der absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…” What we see today has gone far beyond any “design” phase of absolute despotism, leaving a “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” type defending himself and the good of all where possible as the misinformed masses respond on cue by turning their backs upon that “racist.” But those who know better – the ones who are Jew wise – aren’t buying it; they’ll keep surfing past thousands of Hasbara-planted internet diversions on any subject and somehow get through to what counts. Truth is forever, which (as well it should) worries the Ashkenazis occupying Palestine while calling themselves Jews.
Straight on This White Mr. Smith is “defending the good of all?” a Libtard will simper. “What about the Blacks, browns, gays, etc.?” He, she or it wants to know. Let us reply: Not if the latter choose to receive nothing more from those who built Western civilization’s stunning cathedrals and autobahns, giving everyone a cell phone, air conditioning, all sorts of conveniences now available even among types distracted by drums, passions and shortsighted impulses. Looking out for ourselves necessarily elevates the good of all. Recovering honest means for trading goods and services from those who’ve outflanked our constitutional safeguards against counterfeiting and now lend “currency” into circulation at interest can happen once we have supplanted their propaganda with facts. So let’s get more of these truthful media up and running. Everyone will benefit thereby. An Urdu, Somalian or “holocaust survivor” residing among us needn’t immediately understand why his free ticket home is a blessing in disguise; but, leaving behind what doesn’t please and teaching abroad however much newly-gained knowledge he wishes could make him a hero. That government is best where non-assimilables govern least.
Four plus four equals two? Which says what about the cabal having occupied Russia in 1917 and Washington today? There’s a pattern here calling itself Your Right to Know but whose true name is Deception. Why did a late, Great Britain declare war on Germany after that Nation invaded Poland while becoming an ally in the same conflict with Communist Russia when Stalin grabbed off his own half of the unfortunate country? Let’s see if we can learn anything from this. Governed solely by Aryan Germans, Hitler’s Third Reich with its full recovery after World War One was challenging that non-assimilable cabal sucking on Britain’s teats not to bloody war but rather peaceful competition upon the high seas of foreign trade. Ordinary Britons quickly found they had a Right to Know this benevolent Uncle Joe Stalin had seen no choice but to occupy his half of Poland ahead of those Huns who often burst into orphanages and bayoneted infants. So, even with Britain sacrificing myriad lives and accustomed luxuries upon those altars of non-assimilable aliens, the Union of Soviet Socialist Ripoff artists could still dominate no more than Europe’s eastern half. Why? Because “our” Right to Know cabal had begun reminding America about her Date With Destiny, when a less Frank Roosevelt forgot all his earlier campaign rhetoric regarding “four freedoms” aimed at whipping hunger, fear and oppression while abstaining forever from Europe’s wars. Thus did the American cabal yet again jump in and pull Britain’s alien governors out of the fire they had started this time on March 24, 1933, with those London Daily
Express headlines, JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY, underneath which, “Jews Of All The World Unite In Action.” Remember: the same would-be rulers over all Nations had but a few years earlier, for similar war profiteering and international high seas trade monopolization, mobilized Aryan Brits and Americans against Aryan Germany. Two lessons here. Competition remains unavoidable, whether between regimented servants vying for who is most useful to his master or when more masterful types meet in sometimes inimical, otherwise friendly, combat. That’s the first instance. But our second study must bypass consideration of why uninspired flunkies struggle to outdo themselves before the same cabal which (like those flunkies) seeks unearned booty following any contretemps it can stir up at an unrespectable distance; for this research concerns more-honorably-motived people such as Alabamians defending their homes against foreign invaders. Competition is a most natural measure of where one rightfully stands. Those who employ others to do their courting, fighting and shoelace tying know not what they’re missing, but let’s not tell them. We need this Zionist mediacracy, a sounding board for Hasbarats wooing the masses toward multiculturalism behind antifas or BLMers who smash people and properties at little risk, knowing that media munchkins will lace it all up as “justifiable outrage.”
Peecee protocols European Americans need this? C’mon. Yes, indeed; for in due time we’ll take out our garbage, bring in the cat and be better for all of it. Opium or TV may stimulate a temporary escape from real competition, but involvement in active rivalry is alone permanently satisfying. Let us give thanks for the challenge at hand, look beyond its diversionary munchkins and dare today’s cabal to show itself on a level field. As stated here often, you don’t go after such a monster before first invoking divine guidance. Can enough of our good people someday get together in overthrowing the Zionist-occupied government at home and thus inform the world abroad by example, not coercion, how it’s done? To publish the news today’s establishment is deliberately censoring, thereby freeing all Nations to be themselves while leaving that sorry cabal behind, can The First Freedom together with its colleagues, each of them, acquire a million hardcopy subscribers? Pray for it.
Corporate irresponsibility Let our analysis and publication of such happenings as may enlighten or benefit us be the “news,” no more of these idealistic “think tanks” erupting their putrid contents upon the world. Even so, we’ll surpass this present mediacracy’s influence only for a while, probably no longer than was its own time at bat. Why so? Because we are less proficient at submitting our individualistic selves long term to some mob’s howlings about “racism,” or obeying an alien board of directors. Has any government or corporation ever faced a hangman’s noose? No. Then whose interests should it look after, those of the preferred stockholders or the ones paying all of its dividends? Let us cease accepting commands from aliens and allow only our people, whom we deny immunity from the results of their own actions, into positions of authority. Easily said but utterly simplistic, maybe impossible, a great many may interject, as this proposes sacrificing the expertise of International Monetary Fund and World Bank directors who often move to rescue deeply indebted Nations from bankruptcy even if, well, naturally demanding a little appreciation in the form of accepting their fellow aliens to oversee all Reconstruction disbursements. We’ve been there and done that. Let’s stop “voting” for less evil.