The Force: A Highly Portable Parallel Programming Language by ...
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Switches are tools used to split and join pipelines into concurrent streams of data [13] .... component reuse. ...... Finally in line 6, dJoin maps the stream that it.
Online PDF Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message Passing Interface (Scientific and Engineering Compu
The GPU is accessed through OpenGL, and the GPU code is written in standard assembly language. Thus, the compiler supports by de- sign several back-ends.
HTML documents. Many of their concerns, such as portability, execution in a heterogenous network environment, and efficiency, mirror developments in High.
researchers, parallel programming environments are so hard to use that most ..... program, so the next step in the design process is to choose a high-level structure .... Figure 5: Pseudocode for the fork/join construct implemented with OpenMP.
passed to process2. 015 void process2(Packet i) {. // Port 2 to 1 (no VLAN -> no VLAN). 016. Packet o = i.subpacket(14); // remove MAC header (no VLAN). 017.
The Force: A Highly Portable Parallel Programming Language by ...
Center on Large Grain Data Flow [Bab84], as well as ... we call selfscheduled, .... call statement to the startup routine of every Force subroutine in the program.
The Force:
A Highly
Language by
Harry F. Jordan, Muhammad S. Benten, Gita Alaghband and Rue.Aiger Jakob
Computer Systems Design Group of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0425 CSDG February