the fourth international workshop on m ultidimensional systems
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Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence(pp.1041-1045).Philadelphia,PA: Morgan Kaufmann.Google Scholar. Mitchell, T. M.(1982).
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Mar 14, 2005 - support for legacy operating systems is presented. Based on experiences ...... a black-box technique manipulates components in terms of their ...... Indeed, in Linux 2.6.10, in the ..... gram in Figure 1 depicts these two models as mai
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Architectural knowledge has been recognized by the software architecture community as a self-contained ... ICSE'09, May 16-24, 2009, Vancouver, Canada.
the fourth international workshop on m ultidimensional systems
is deVeloped in the Kirchhoff domain and applies to cases where the network contains an arbitrary num- ber of delay- free paths that involve nonlinear elements.