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ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1873 – 1879
15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development”
The functional models of system of the automated design of the railroads on the basis of use of three-dimensional terrain models Vladimir Anisimov a,*, Kseniia Malykh a, Aleksandr Anisimov b, Arkadii Edigarian a a Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, 680021, Russia Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skolkovo Innovation Center, Building 3, Moscow, Russia 143026
Abstract А functional system models of automated design of the railroads on the basis of three-dimensional terrain models. © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license 2016The TheAuthors. Authors. Published by Elsevier (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of EMMFT – 2016. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development Keywords: System, The technology, The automated design, The railroad, Model, Relief, Tracing, Three-dimensional modeling.
1. Introduction Nowadays modern information technology tools have been widely used in the field of computer-aided design engineering structures, to create, visualize and process electronic 3D-models of complex three-dimensional objects.The authors have performed the analysis of the structure and functionality of the existing computer-aided design (CAD) of railways and roads (Plateia, PYTHAGORAS, MXRoad, CREDO, Robur, GIP, IndorCAD, Autocad Civil 3D) [1,2]. The analysis results showed that in the existing CADs capabilities of three-dimensional modeling yet only used to construct three-dimensional models of buildings and areas in order to a visual estimation of the resulting project solutions [1-7]. Computer-aided design of roads is carried out according to the classical cameral tracing technology in two projections [8] - first find the position of the track in the horizontal projection, then vertical.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +7-914-540-46-41. E-mail address:
[email protected]
1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development
Vladimir Anisimov et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1873 – 1879
Direct tracing of the road on 3D-terrain model assumes the creation and implementation into the project activities new technology-aided design of linear structures [2,7,9], that is possible to be done only on the basis of a new CAD system. 2. Fundamentals The concept of 3D Railway system CAD for automated design of railways through the use of three-dimensional models of the terrain, which includes functional, informational, and event-driven model of the automated system presents in [9]. We consider in this paper a detailed functional 3D model of railway CAD. For its construction was used DFD (Data Flow Diagrams) as one of the main parts of the methodology of structural system analysis [9-15]. Functional 3D model of Railway CAD is presented as: x context diagram of the system [9] (fig. 1); x three levels of DFD diagram, by which made the decomposition of context process "Designing new railway" (fig. 2 – 5); x the structure of data streams and storage; x mini specifications in the form of mathematical models and algorithms.
Fig. 1. Context diagram CAD of railroads 3D.
The article provides only a description of DFD for Railway CAD functional 3D model. Decomposition of the context process carried out in accordance with the proposed in [7,9] technology-aided road design based on the use of three-dimensional terrain models. The first level diagram shows (fig. 2.):
Vladimir Anisimov et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1873 – 1879
x processes: «1. Entering and processing of raw data»; «2. Construction of 3D terrain models and designing of options of the railway track»; «3. Designing of artificial structures and engineering service for road arrangement»; «4. Comparison of options and choice of design solutions»; «5. Design and printing of drawings»; x datastore, "CTS - construction and technical standards"; "DTM - digital terrain model"; "DRM - digital railway model"; x input and output data streams.
Fig. 2. Structural tier-1 decomposition of context process «Designing of new railway».
Datastore specifies the information that is saved in the storage between processes. The data from the store can be selected and used in any order at any time after their determination. Storage name must match its content. Data flows are presented in the diagrams as a named arrows, their orientation shows the direction of the flow of information. If the data flow, entering the storage or going out of it, corresponds to the structure of the repository, its name in the chart is not specified. In the process «1. Entering and processing of raw data» from external entities following input data streams are transmitted: x x x
from the essence "Customer" - technical assignment for designing; from the essence "Legislative and regulatory framework" - laws and normative-reference information (NRI); from the essence "Environmental factors in the designing area" ̢ data on the topographic, geotechnical, temperature, seismic, hydrographic conditions and environmental protection requirements; x from the essence "Development strategy of the region" ̢ data on the socio-economic requirements; x the essence of "developer" specifies the type of DTM. The output data streams from the function "1. Entering and processing of raw data" comes in three storage "CTS", "DTM" and "DRM", while in the store "DRM" transmitted stream "Railway Technical Parameters (RTP)".
Vladimir Anisimov et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1873 – 1879
The data from the storage enter the function "2. Construction of 3D terrain models and designing of options of the railway track", which is building a three-dimensional model of the terrain and DTM generates interactive interface aided designing of variants of railway track. Using this function, "Developer" traces variants of roads that formed DRM. The data flow for the design decisions from storage "DRM" passed to the function "3. Designing of artificial structures and engineering service for road arrangement". With the help of the "Developer" function, guided by "CTS", selects parameters of artificials structures and engineering-service arrangement. Data of DRM variants is saved in the "DRM" storage and, further, is transferred to the function "4. Comparison of options and choice of design solutions" in order to compare variants and take DRM project solution. According to the chosen variant using the function "5. Design and printing of drawings" generate project documentation which is sent to the customer (external entity "Customer"). The diagram of the second level (fig. 3.) presents the decomposition of functions "2. Construction of 3D terrain models and designing of options of the railway track" on the following processes: "2.1. Displaying 3D DTM, determining the position of the track"; "2.2. Railroad direction selection"; "2.3. Calculation of the track parameters according to CTS"; "2.4. Displaying 3D models and tracks projections"; "2.5. Comparison of route variants of DRM".
Fig. 3. Structural tier-2 decomposition of process «Construction of three-dimensional terrain models and designing of variants of the railway track».
The input data stream for function "2.1 Displaying 3D DTM, determining the position of the track" are STN, DTM, DRM and characteristic points of the track, set by the essence of "developer".Output streams: 1) the coordinates of the fixed and reference points of the track to estimate parameters of variant directions of the railway; 2) the type and coordinates of characteristic points of the track to calculate its parameters according to the STN. Reference points are stations of the track, that include a part of the projected road [8]. The fixed is the point, that determines the passage of the projected road with the aim to bypass or intersection contour and high-altitude obstacles [8]. The characteristic points of the track are: the beginning and the end of the track; the vertices of the
Vladimir Anisimov et al. / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 1873 – 1879
rotation angles; the point of the path profile fracture. "Developer" assigns variants of directions, noting on a 3D DTM fixed track point. Coordinates of reference and fixed track points are the input of the function "2.2 The direction of the railway", which is calculated parameters of variants of road directions. Using this function, "Developer" choose the direction of tracing the road. A performance of variant directions of railway stored in the repository "DRM". In selected directions in the process of 2.1. determines the type and position of characteristic points of the track, it is the input of the function "2.3. Calculation of the track parameters according to CTS". Track parameters and coordinates of track points are passed to the function "2.4. Displaying 3D models and tracks projections", where the design decision is visualized in three dimensions for the "Developer". Selection of the final version performed with the function "2.5. Comparison of route variants of DRM", where for variants of the track calculates its performance. The diagrams of the third level (fig. 4,5) represent the decomposition of functions: x
"2.3. Calculation of the track parameters according to CTS" into: "2.3.1. Calculation of parameters for track plan"; "2.3.2. Calculation of parameters of longitudinal track profile"; "2.3.3. Determination of land marks position on the track"; "2.3.4. Calculation of working and transverse marks of points". x "2.4. Displaying 3D models and tracks projections" into: "2.4.1. Displaying 3D track model"; "2.4.2. Displaying track plan"; "2.4.3.Displaying longitudinal profile of track"; "2.4.4. Displaying transverse profile of track".
Fig. 4. Structural tier-3 decomposition of logical process «Calculation of the track parameters according to CTS».
Decomposition of the process "2.1. Displaying 3D DTM, determining the position of the track" it is the subject of serious individual study, as it associated with the development of mathematical optimization models and methods for tracing the railways. In this regard, in this article, it is not considered. To describe the structure of data flows and storage was used the data dictionary (DD), which is a systematic list of precise definitions of all system data, including its type and attributes [9].
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Fig. 5. Structural tier-3 decomposition of logical process «Displaying 3D models and tracks projections».
3. Conclusion Scientific and practical significance of the proposed functional model is that it will serve as a basis for the development and implementation of new technology of tracing railways using three-dimensional terrain models, which would reduce labor costs, minimize the timing of the designing of solution development and improve quality.
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