Conference starts at - 8:00 am ... registration form in order of preference. ...
Practice habits of mind through the discovery process, language and literacy
skills, ...
Arundel Child Care Connections, Inc. proudly presents the 2014 Month of the Young Child Conference
The FUNdamentals of When:
Saturday, April 26, 2014
The Double Tree Hotel 210 Holiday Court Annapolis, MD 21401
Registration - 7:00 am - 8:00 am Conference starts at - 8:00 am
[six COK hours of Curriculum and one Professional Activity Unit (PAU)]
In addition to the six hours of training, included are a light breakfast (coffee, tea, and pastries), lunch, door prizes, and goodie bags.
Schedule of the Day 7:00 am – 8:00 am 8:00 am – 8:15 am 8:30 am – 10:30 am 10:45 am – 12:45 pm 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Registration/ Light Breakfast Opening Remarks Session I Session II Lunch/Vendors Session III
Be sure to visit the vendors before 2:00 PM Carpooling is encouraged! Additional Parking is located at the Best Western Hotel on Hearne Rd. across from Festival at Riva Shopping Center (Riva Rd. entrance). Arundel Child Care Connections is not responsible for your vehicle while attending the conference.
Please choose four selections from the following letters, A - H, and indicate on your registration form in order of preference. We will try to accommodate your selections. You will receive an email confirmation of your workshops prior to the conference.
ARTFUL ENGINEERING: Exploring Simple Machines Through Drama, Movement, and Music Jeanne Wall, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Explore Engineering’s methodology to problem solving, while learning about simple machines with arts integrated lesson plans. Through drama, puppetry, music and creative movement, we will learn how simple machines make our work easier by moving objects, lifting heavy loads and building solutions to problems. After learning about wheel and axle, inclined plane, pulley and lever, children can be challenged to use this knowledge for creative problem solving using Engineering’s six steps. This can be accomplished using the arts, while connecting to literature, curriculum goal and standards, and thematic topics.
DID YOU HEAR THAT? Learning to Listen through Sound Play, Soundscapes, and Stories Mary Gresock, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
What was that sound? Creative sound exploration can become an effective way to strengthen critical listening skills, concentration, and self-regulation with young children. Engage in sound games and experiment with playful creations in sound science designed to motivate little ears to open up, listen, and learn. Practice habits of mind through the discovery process, language and literacy skills, and identify the shared common vocabulary of music, math and science.
IMAGINE THAT! Creative Problem Solving Through Engineering and Puppetry Penny Russell, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Discover how the connections between the engineering method and puppetry can enhance your teaching and empower children’s creative problem solving skills and habits of mind! Your classroom will come alive as you employ simple puppetry strategies to create environments aligned with curriculum units of study.
MATH DETECTIVES – WHERE’S THE MATH? Discovering the Math Hidden in Books Katherine Lyons, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Is Math a Mystery to you? Do you find yourself clueless? Numbers and Number Sense, Geometry, Measurement, Graphing, Algebra; math is everywhere if you know how to find it! Let’s look at children’s literature. Discover the Math already there, hidden in books you love. Old books, new books, we’ll learn to look at books in a different way, uncovering the natural math concepts embedded in the story experience.
STEM Stories, Fingerplays and More Laura Lieberman and Sandy Murphy Anne Arundel County Public Library
In this workshop STEM library resources including storybooks, non-fiction books, fingerplays, songs, crafts, and activities will be introduced. A sample STEM themed story time will be role-modeled. Four additional STEM themes and resources to incorporate into your early childhood program will be presented. An introduction to using STEM themes with iPad books and apps will also be discussed.
STEM: Planned Chaos at Play Shimira K. Williams, CEO, TekStart
Are you wondering how to implement STEM and technology into your early childhood program? Join us as we play with everyday materials that align with STEM learning standards. Science, technology and math activities that support learning through play will also be introduced. Participants will engage in hands-on learning activities and create a lesson plan to be used in your child care program.
DISCO STEAM InVenTures™ Akil K. Rahim, Director, George Washington Carver InVenTures Institute for Science Technology Engineering Art & Math, AC Learning Design Studios
This session will show you how to Discover, Investigate, Simulate, and Create Opportunities for consciously integrating science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) into your daily work with children. You will learn how to develop activities that bring out children’s natural abilities to be inventors while nurturing their critical thinking skills and logical reasoning.
Science is fun but... Victor Bowman Club Scientific Chesapeake
Science activities are fun but how do you transfer that “fun” into real learning? In this workshop you will explore fun science activities utilizing inquiry and the scientific method to stimulate effective problem solving skills in young children. Creative strategies to integrate science activities into Common Core reading, writing and math will be identified. Utilizing the Next Generation Science Standards you will discover more activities to implement with the children enrolled in your program.
Dress in layers due to temperature variations.
Arundel Child Care Connections Inc. is a member agency of the Maryland Child Care Resource Network with funding provided by Anne Arundel County Government and Maryland Family Network.
This publication was produced as a work for hire for the benefit of, and with funds from, the Maryland State Department of Education.
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The FUNdamentals of STEM Saturday, April 26, 2014 The Double Tree Hotel 210 Holiday Court, Annapolis, MD 21401 Registration begins at 7:00 am 1.
Please indicate four workshops you would like to attend from the attached pages. Put the corresponding letter of the workshop next to your choice on this form.
Mail this form, with a check or money order payable to Arundel Child Care Connections, P.O. Box 2700, Room 140A, Annapolis, MD 21404 or include your VISA, MasterCard or Discover number, expiration date and an email address at the bottom of this page. You may also FAX the completed form to 410-222-1723. NO PHONE CALLS, please.
NO VOUCHERS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT! All participants in the Maryland Child Care Credential Program will need to submit to MSDE for reimbursement. Questions? Contact Carol: 410-222-1719 or Thea: 410-222-1786
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Please PRINT All Information Clearly and Legibly Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________ State: ______
Zip Code: _______________
Work Phone: ________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________________ Email: _______________________________ * (required if using a credit card for payment) Please circle one:
Family Provider Head Start/Early HS
Center Director/Owner Center Staff Parent Public/Private Teacher Student Other _____________________
Circle your choice for lunch. Substitutions will not be made. If you have a religious or dietary need, please contact us. * (If no selection is circled, you will receive the Grilled Chicken). Circle One: Grilled Chicken Breast with Honey Barbeque Sauce and Pineapple Salsa
Select 4 workshops with the corresponding letter from the preceding pages. We will make every effort to honor your top three requests.
Choice 1: ____________
Choice 2: _____________
Choice 3: ____________
Choice 4: _____________
or Grilled Salmon with Lemon Butter
For Charges: (MasterCard, VISA or DISCOVER Only) Credit Card Number: ___________________________________________
Expiration Date: _____/______
* (An email address is required for credit card payment)
ABSOLUTELY No Changes, Substitutions or Refunds after April 17, 2014.