The generalized condition numbers - Australian Mathematical Society

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May 1, 2002 - Different expressions for the two generalized condition numbers are ... The condition number of a matrix or operator plays important role in ...
J. Aust. Math. Soc. 76 (2004), 281–290


(Received 1 May 2002; revised 3 March 2003)

Communicated by A. Pryde

Abstract For any bounded linear operator A in a Banach space, two generalized condition numbers .A/ ¯ and .A/ ˆ are defined in this paper. These condition numbers may be applied to the perturbation analysis for the solution of ill-posed differential equations and bounded linear operator equations in infinite dimensional Banach spaces. Different expressions for the two generalized condition numbers are discussed in this paper and applied to the perturbation analysis of the operator equation. 2000 Mathematics subject classification: primary 47A05, 65F20, 65J1. Keywords and phrases: Condition number, bounded linear operator, generalized inverse.

1. Introduction The condition number of a matrix or operator plays important role in solving the linear equation and in computing the inverse of a matrix or operator. It also measures the distance from the given matrix to the set of singular matrices. Let X and Y be Banach spaces, and S be a closed subspace of X. Denote by L.X; Y / the Banach space composed of all bounded linear operator from X onto Y ; R.A/ the range of A; N .A/ the null space of A; Sc a topological complement of S (for example, X = S ⊕ S c ). If N .A/c and R.A/c are topological complements of closed subspaces N .A/ and R.A/ (the closure of R.A/) in X and Y respectively, then N .A/c and R.A/c are closed and (1.1)

X = N .A/ ⊕ N .A/c ;

Y = R.A/ ⊕ R.A/c :

c 2004 Australian Mathematical Society 1446-8107/04 $A2:00 + 0:00



Guoliang Chen, Yimin Wei and Yifeng Xue


A well-known result is that N .A/ (or R.A/) has a topological complement N .A/c (or R.A/c ) if and only if there exists a continuous projector P (or Q) mapping X onto N .A/ (or R.A/) (see [10]). Nashed proved that if R.A/ is closed and the following topological direct sums exists (1.2)

X = N .A/ ⊕ N .A/c ;

Y = R.A/ ⊕ R.A/c ;

then there exists a unique generalized inverse A+ = A+P;Q ∈ L.Y; X/ of A (the subscripts P and Q imply that A+ depends on the projection operators P and Q) such that A A+ A = A; A+ A = PN .A/c ;

A + A A+ = A+ ; A A+ = PR.A/;

where PR.A/ and PN .A/c are the continuous operators which project Y and X onto R.A/ along R.A/c and onto N .A/c along N .A/, respectively. In the case when A+ exists, the generalized condition number is defined by (1.3)

 +.A/ = k Ak k A+ k:

Many mathematicians discussed new definitions and properties of various condition numbers (see, for example, [1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 11]). With recent advances in numerical analysis in infinite dimensional Banach spaces, one needs to consider the condition number of a bounded linear operator. But in infinite dimensional Banach spaces, the condition number of a bounded linear operator is not always defined as in (1.3) because not all closed subspaces of a Banach space have topological complements (see [6]). So for some ill-posed differential equations in Banach spaces, there is no condition number (in the usual sense) associated with them. In this paper, we first give an equivalent description of the reduced minimum modulus of bounded linear operators in Banach spaces. This description can be used to define the reduced minimum modulus of any element in a Banach algebra (see [12]). Then we will give two different definitions of the generalized condition numbers of bounded linear operators in Banach spaces which are more general and applicable than  +.A/ defined by (1.3). Using our definitions, we will establish the error estimate of the solution of the linear operator equation Ax = b via small perturbation r on the right-hand side of the equation. We also give a comparison between two kinds of condition numbers. 2. A generalized condition number In this section A will be a bounded linear operator from X onto Y .


The generalized condition numbers


DEFINITION 2.1. Let A ∈ L.X; Y /. The reduced minimum modulus r .A/ of A is defined by (2.1)

r .A/ = inf{k Axk : dist.x; N .A// = 1; x ∈ X};

where dist.x; N .A// = inf y∈N .A/ kx − yk. From (2.1), we get that for any A ∈ L.X; Y /, k Axk ≥ r .A/ dist.x; N .A//;

∀ x ∈ X:

Let X ∗ and Y ∗ be dual spaces of X and Y respectively, then for A ∈ L.X; Y /, we have A∗ ∈ L.Y ∗ ; X ∗ /. Moreover, r .T / = r .T ∗ / and R.A/ is closed if and only if r .A/ > 0 (see, for example, [7, Theorem 5.13, Theorem 5.2]). The following gives our definition of the generalized condition number. DEFINITION 2.2. If A ∈ L.X; Y / and R.A/ is closed, then the generalized condition number (or GCN) of A is defined by (2.2)

.A/ ¯ = k Akr .A/−1 :

REMARK. We should notice the following special cases. (1) If A ∈ L.X; Y / with R.A/ closed, then .A/ ¯ = .A ¯ ∗ /. (2) If A ∈ L.X; X/ is invertible, then .A/ ¯ = k Akk A−1 k = .A/. (3) Let A ∈ L.X; Y / with a generalized inverse A+ . Then by [3, Lemma 2.1], 1 k A+ Akk A A+ k ≤ r .A/ ≤ k A+ k k A+ k so that

 +.A/ ≤ .A/ ¯ ≤  +.A/: k A+ Akk A A+ k

This indicates that if X; Y are Hilbert spaces and A+ is the Moore-Penrose inverse of A, then .A/ ¯ =  +.A/. (4) Let A be an m-by-n matrix, which can be regarded as a linear transformation from C n to C m . Suppose further that C n and C m have norms, both of which are denoted by k · k. We denote the dual norms by k · k D . Then the condition number (2.3)

.A/ = k AkÞ.A/−1

defined in [4], where Þ.A/ = min{kA∗ xk D : kxk D = 1; x ∈ R.A/}, coincides with .A/ ¯ defined by (2.2). Because N .A∗ /⊥ = R.A/ and any x ∈ C m can be decomposed as x = x1 + x2 , where x1 ∈ N .A∗ /, x2 ∈ R.A/, we have Þ.A/ = r .A∗ / = r .A/.


Guoliang Chen, Yimin Wei and Yifeng Xue


Now we present an equivalent description of r .A/ as follows: THEOREM 2.3. If A ∈ L.X; Y / and R.A/ is closed, then r .A/ = inf{k A − Bk : R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/; N .B/ ⊃ N .A/; B ∈ L.X; Y /}: PROOF. We will use some concepts and theorems from Taylor’s book (see [10]) while proving this theorem. The proof is divided into two parts: (i) N .A/ = 0, and (ii) N .A/ 6= 0. (i) Suppose that N .A/ = 0, then N .B/ ⊃ N .A/. From R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/;

N .A∗ / = R.A/⊥ ;


N .B ∗ / = R.B/⊥ ;

where R.A/⊥ = { f ∈ Y ∗ : f .y/ = 0; ∀ y ∈ R.A/}, we have N .A∗ / ⊂6= N .B ∗ /. Let x ∗ ∈ N .B ∗ / such that dist.x ∗ ; N .A∗ // = 1. Then, for y ∗ ∈ N .A∗ /, we have r .A/ = r .A∗ / ≤ k A∗ x ∗ k = k.A∗ − B ∗ /.x ∗ − y ∗ /k ≤ k A∗ − B ∗ k kx ∗ − y ∗ k = k A − Bk kx ∗ − y ∗ k; which implies that r .A/ ≤ k A − Bk, that is, r .A/ ≤ inf{k A − Bk : R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/; N .B/ ⊃ N .A/; B ∈ L.X; Y /} holds. Conversely, let xn ∈ X be such that kxn k = 1 and k Axn k → r .A/. Then by the Hahn-Banach theorem, there exist xn ∈ X ∗ such that xn∗ .xn / = kxn k = 1 and kxn∗ k = 1. Let {Bn } be a sequence of operators which are defined by Bn x = Ax − .Axn /xn∗ .x/ (for x ∈ X); then we can prove that Bn ∈ L.X; Y / and R.Bn / ⊂6= R.A/. In fact, kBn k ≤ 2k Ak. Since N .A/ = 0, it follows that R.A∗ / = X ∗ and then for an arbitrary integer n there exists yn∗ ∈ Y ∗ such that A∗ yn∗ = xn∗ . Since .Bn∗ yn∗ /x = yn∗ .Bn x/ = yn∗ .Ax/ − xn∗ .x/yn∗ .Axn / = .A∗ yn∗ /x − xn∗ .x/A∗ yn∗ .xn / = xn∗ .x/ − xn∗ .x/xn∗ .xn / = xn∗ .x/ − xn∗ .x/ = 0; we have yn∗ ∈ N .Bn∗ /, yn∗ 6∈ N .A∗ /, which implies that N .A∗ / ⊂6= N .Bn∗ /. So we have R.Bn / ⊂6= R.A/: From k.A − Bn /xk = k Axn xn∗ .x/k ≤ k Axn kkxk; for each x ∈ X, we obtain inf{k A − Bk : R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/} ≤ k A − Bn k ≤ k Axn k → r .A/:


The generalized condition numbers


(ii) Suppose that N .A/ 6= 0. We define a bounded linear operator Aˆ from X=N .A/ to Y by Aˆ xˆ = Ax, where xˆ is the equivalent class of x relative to N .A/. From N .A/ ⊃ N .B/, we define Bˆ ∈ L.X=N .A/; Y / by Bˆ xˆ = Bx. Since ˆ ⊂6= R. A/. ˆ Then by the definition of B, ˆ we obtain R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/, we have R. B/ N .B/ ⊃ N .A/;

R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/:

ˆ = k A − Bk. For each y ∈ N .A/ In order to prove (ii), we first prove that k Aˆ − Bk k Aˆ xˆ − Bˆ xk ˆ = k Ax − Bxk ≤ k A.x − y/ − B.x − y/k ≤ k A − Bkkx − yk: Meanwhile, from kxk ˆ = inf y∈N .A/ kx − yk ≤ kxk, we have k Aˆ xˆ − Bˆ xk ˆ ≤ k A − Bk inf kx − yk = k A − Bkkxk; ˆ y∈N .A/

ˆ ≤ k A − Bk. which leads to k Aˆ − Bk Conversely, since ˆ xk ˆ k Ax − Bxk = k Aˆ xˆ − Bˆ xk ˆ ≤ k Aˆ − Bkk ˆ ≤ k Aˆ − Bkkxk; ˆ So we obtain k A − Bk = k Aˆ − Bk. ˆ we have k A − Bk ≤ k Aˆ − Bk. ˆ = 0, by the result of (i) we have Since N . A/ ˆ r .A/ = r . A/ n o ˆ : R. B/ ˆ ⊂6= R. A/; ˆ N . Bˆ / ⊃ N . A/; ˆ Bˆ ∈ L.X=N .A/; Y / = inf k Aˆ − Bk n o = inf k A − Bk : R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/; N .B/ ⊃ N .A/; B ∈ L.X; Y / : COROLLARY 2.4. If A ∈ C m;n , then r .A/ = inf{k A − Bk : rank.A/ > rank.B/; B ∈ Cm;n }: PROOF. By Theorem 2.3, r .A/ = inf{k A − Bk : R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/; N .B/ ⊃ N .A/; B ∈ L.X; Y /} ≥ inf{k A − Bk : rank.A/ > rank.B/; B ∈ C m;n }: On the other hand, by the proof of [3, Lemma 2.3] we have r .A/ sup{dist.u; R.B// : u ∈ R.A/; kuk = 1} ≤ k A − Bk: But from [7, IV-Corollary 3.2], sup{dist.u; R.B// : u ∈ R.A/; kuk = 1} = 1 when rank A > rank B. Thus we obtain the assertion.


Guoliang Chen, Yimin Wei and Yifeng Xue


The following corollary gives another expression of the GCN of a bounded linear operator. COROLLARY 2.5. Let A ∈ L.X; Y /, then   k Ak .A/ ¯ = sup : R.B/ ⊂6= R.A/; N .B/ ⊃ N .A/; B ∈ L.X; Y / : k A − Bk COROLLARY 2.6. Let A ∈ C m;n , then   k Ak m;n .A/ = sup : : rank.A/ > rank.B/; B ∈ C k A − Bk Set Ax = y be a linear system, and consider the solution of the perturbed problem A xˆ = y + r: If A is invertible or there exists a generalized inverse A+ of A, then we know that the upper and lower error bounds between the accurate solution x and the perturbed solution xˆ are relative to the condition number .A/ = k Akk A−1 k (if A is invertible) or  +.A/ = k Akk A+ k (if A+ exists). The following theorem is the natural extension of the classical error analysis problem to the case with a more general assumption. THEOREM 2.7. Let A ∈ L.X; Y /, and R.A/ be closed. Let y ∈ R.A/, and S = {x : Ax = y; y 6= 0}. If xˆ is a solution of the perturbed problem Ax = y + r , then 1 mkr k mkr k ≤ dist.x; ˆ S/ ≤ .A/ ¯ ; .A/ ¯ kyk kyk where m = inf x ∈S kxk, .A/ ¯ is the GCN defined by (2.2). PROOF. Let {xn }∞ ˆ − x n k → dist.x; ˆ S/ as n → ∞. If zn = xˆ − xn , 1 ⊂ S such that k x then Azn = A xˆ − Axn = y + r − y = r . From k Axk ≥ r .A/ dist.x; N .A//, we have kr k ≥ r .A/ dist.zn ; N .A//. Thus kr k ˆ S/; ≥ inf kzn − wk = inf kxˆ − xn − wk ≥ dist.x; w∈N .A/ r .A/ w∈N .A/ since xn + w ∈ S. For each x ∈ S, Ax = y, we have kyk ≤ k Akkxk ≤ kykm. So we obtain dist.x; ˆ S/ kr k kr k ≤ r .A/−1 ≤ .A/ ¯ : m m kyk


The generalized condition numbers


Now, we prove the reverse inequality. If x ∈ S, and z ∈ N .A/, we have x − z ∈ S. Then m ≤ kx − zk; which leads to m ≤ dist.x; N .A//. Thus, we have k Axk ≥ r .A/ dist.x; N .A// ≥ r .A/m: Since r = A.xˆ − xn / and dist.xˆ ; S/ kxˆ − xn k kr k kr k = lim ≥ ≥ ; n→∞ m m mk Ak .A/kyk so we obtain

1 mkr k mkr k ≤ dist.x; ˆ S/ ≤ .A/ ¯ : .A/ ¯ kyk kyk

3. The generalized inverse and the GCN In this section, we introduce another form of GCN, which is related to an inner inverse (or {1}-inverse) of A. If A ∈ L.X; Y /, an operator B ∈ L.Y; X/ which satisfies AB A = A is called an inner inverse (or {1}-inverse) of A. We denote an inner inverse of A by A− . LEMMA 3.1. If A ∈ L.X; Y /, then A− exists if and only if R.A/ is closed and both N .A/ and R.A/ have complementary subspaces in X and Y , respectively. PROOF. Only if: Let B ∈ L.Y; X/ be such that AB A = A. If xn ∈ R.A/ are such that xn → x0 , then there exists yn ∈ X such that xn = Ayn . So we have ABxn = Ayn → ABx0 ;

that is;

x 0 = ABx0 ;

which implies that R.A/ is closed. Let P = AB and Q = B A. Then P 2 = P and Q 2 = Q. It is easily seen that P and Q are projections from Y and X onto R.A/ and N .A/ respectively. Thus we conclude that complementary subspaces of N .A/ and R.A/ exist. If: Let P and Q be projections from Y and X onto R.A/ and N .A/, respectively. Then A|.I −Q/X is an invertible operator from .I − Q/X to PY . We define B ∈ L.Y; X/ by ( By = .A|.I −Q/X /−1 y if y ∈ P y By = 0 then AB A = A.

if y ∈ .I − P/Y ;


Guoliang Chen, Yimin Wei and Yifeng Xue


DEFINITION 3.2. If an inner inverse A− ∈ L.Y; X/ of A ∈ L.X; Y / exist, then .A/ ˆ = k Ak inf{kBk : AB A = A; B ∈ L.Y; X/} is called the intrinsic condition number (or ICN). REMARK. (1) If A is invertible, then .A/ ˆ = k Akk A−1 k = .A/; (2) Let X = H1 and Y = H2 be Hilbert spaces, then we have that .A/ ˆ = + + k Akk A k =  .A/. Now, we present the relation between the generalized condition number and the intrinsic condition number. THEOREM 3.3. Suppose that the inner inverse A− of A ∈ L.X; Y / exists. Then (3.1)

.A/ ¯ ≤ .A/: ˆ

PROOF. From AB A = A, we have k Axk = k AB Axk ≤ k AkkBkk Axk. For each x ∈ X, kxk ≥ dist.x; N .A//, we have k Axk k Axk ≤ k AkkBk ; kxk dist.x; N .A//

.if x 6= 0/:

Then k Ak ≤ k AkkBkr .A/; which implies .A/ ¯ ≤ .A/. ˆ DEFINITION 3.4. Let X be a Banach space, and V be a complemented subspace in X. Then ³.V ; k · k/ = inf{kPk : P is the projection operator from X onto V } is called the projection constant of V with respect to the norm k · k. THEOREM 3.5. If an inner inverse A− of A ∈ L.X; Y / exists, then max{.A/; ¯ ³.N .A/c ; k · k X /} ≤ .A/ ˆ ≤ .A/³.R.A/; ¯ k · kY /³.N .A/c ; k · k X /; where N .A/c is a complementary subspace of N .A/ in X. PROOF. Suppose that B is an inner inverse of A, that is, AB A = A. Define Q = B A, which is the projection operator from X onto N .A/c along N .A/. Now, kQk ≤ kB Ak ≤ kBk k Ak. Hence, taking the infimum over all inner inverses of A, we get ³.N .A/c ; k · k X / ≤ .A/: ˆ From (3.1), we establish the lower bound.


The generalized condition numbers


Now, we prove the reverse inequality. Define P = AB, which is a projection operator from Y onto R.A/. Then, P A| Q X is an invertible operator from Q X onto PY . Define B1 = .P A| Q X /−1 P, then we obtain B1 P = Q B1 = B1 , B1 A = Q, and AB1 = P. So we have kPk kxk ≥ kP xk = k AB1 xk ≥ r .A/ dist.B1 x; N .A// 1 1 ≥ r .A/ kQ B1 xk ≥ r .A/ kB1 xk; kQk kQk that is, kBk ≤ kPk kQk=r .A/, or k Ak kB1 k ≤ k Akr .A/−1 kPk kQk, which yields .A/ ˆ ≤ .A/³.R.A/; ¯ k · kY /³.N .A/c ; k · k X /. COROLLARY 3.6. If A ∈ C m;n , then max{.A/; ¯ ³.R.A∗ /; k · k D /} ≤ .A/ ˆ ≤ .A/ ¯ ³.R.A∗ /; k · k D / ³.R.A/; k · k/; where k · k D is the dual norm of k · k. The above corollary presents a more general result than that of Proposition 3 in [4]. At the end, we consider when .A/ ¯ = .A/. ˆ First, we have the following lemma (see [5]). LEMMA 3.7. Let ¼; ¹ be measures, and T : L p .¹/ → L p .¼/ ( p ≥ 1 and p 6= 2) be an isometric embedding. Then there exists a projection operator P from L p .¼/ onto R.T / such that kPk ≤ 1. By Lemma 3.7 and Theorem 3.5, we have PROPOSITION 3.8. Let ¼; ¹ be measures, and A : L p .¹/ → L p .¼/ be a bounded linear operator. Let also R.A/ be closed, and N .A/ = 0. If p ≥ 1 and p 6= 2, and k Axk = kxk for each x ∈ L p .¹/, then ¯ p .A/ = ˆ p .A/. COROLLARY 3.9. Let A ∈ C m×n and N .A/ = 0. If k Axk = kxk for each x ∈ C n , then ¯ p .A/ = ˆ p .A/, where 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞ and p 6= 2. Acknowledgements The first author was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 19871029 and Shanghai Priority Academic Discipline. The second author was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 19901006 and China Scholarship Council. The third author was supported


Guoliang Chen, Yimin Wei and Yifeng Xue


by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant 10071020 and Fundamental Research Fund of ECUST. The authors are grateful to the referee and editors for kindly pointing out some errors in the paper.

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Department of Mathematics East China Normal University Shanghai 200062 P.R. China Department of Mathematics East China University of Science and Technology Shanghai 200237 P.R. China e-mail: [email protected]

Department of Mathematics Fudan University Shanghai 200433 P.R. China