The George Kasey Foundation Inc

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Jan 26, 2018 - The Foundation for the Advancement of Applied Technethics (Media Ethics) and Human ..... sources you may forward our queries too.
From: Sent: Subject: Friday, January 26, 2018 5:16 PM Submitted - cc. FINAL DRAFT of proposal RE: Technethics, AI - Notes on “community consultancy” - Critical Governance Strategy Proposal - AI technethics - global maternal health and AI



The George Kasey Foundation Inc. AKA The Foundation for the Advancement of Applied TechnEthics (Media Ethics) and Human Ecological Recovery (F.A.T.H.E.R.)

To Whom It May Concern:

As per our previous email DRAFT: Rather than “AI Wars”, we propose a global governance policy of Universal AI Neutrality, especially on human rights, “gender equality” and human ecological recovery issues, that are mutual concerns i.e.: data accessibility for the restoration of indigenous ancestral teachings for maternal health and population balance that advanced AI deployment may facilitate.

Thank You all …here is a cc. of our proposal Technethics & AI successfully submitted today: 1. Please describe a gap and/or opportunity in research data management that can be filled with the development or enhancement of a software tool or platform. This value must be between 1 and 400 words. We propose an Artificial intelligence R&D that is pre-programmed for Technethics (techno ethics) to foster collective intelligence and Governance (Collective Self-Management & Self-Governance). Information architecture with prioritization based on ethical praxis will do much to eliminate commercial dross from scientific gold. To date AI systems/methods/algorithms have been utilized, for research academic and corporate, in harmony with the rhetoric of business "sustainability" agendas thus generating a mercenary "scientism" of biased algorithms that often place bottom line concerns in "top rank" over human necessity. One of the major concerns of governments of developing and developed countries is to have a check on their population increase. Research indicates that it is possible to access active substances for fertility regulation by harvesting existing agents from plants which are economical, eco-friendly and temporarily interfere with fertility. Interactive AI bots could inform women about these plants and gather research in a user friendly format via mobile app technology. The rapid, global spread of smart phones, even in the poorest countries on earth, indicates the promise that education via mobile app technology could make information available to those who urgently need it by optimizing user friendly AI . Very little information is presently available easily in an accessible format for youth. Using app technology will increase understanding of information and

reach more people. Other, more difficult methods include reading studies, vetting website sources and reading about plants to determine availability. Marginalized populations usually can't access doctors, oral contraceptives or a socially acceptable form of birth control. Social stigma associated with sexual violence may prevent women from attending if a hospital or doctor were available. Accessing information about common contraceptive herbs is possible for those with little or no income. Countries with cell phones and internet access, enable women to privately gain information to reduce unwanted pregnancy. By 2025, about three quarter of the 3.2 billion increase in the world’s population is expected to take place; the global increase is expected to double by 2050 to approximately 7.8–12 billion. China and India are the two most populous countries, with around half of the world’s population living there. Side effects of commonly used oral contraceptives are now linked to conditions such as myocardial infarction and breast cancer in females. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Please explain how addressing the gap or opportunity could support the FAIR Principles and contribute to a richer and more sustainable research data management landscape. At least one FAIR Principle should be referenced, but more are encouraged. This value must be between 1 and 300 words Information architecture with prioritization based on ethical praxis will do much to eliminate commercial dross from scientific gold. Information architecture based on reciprocal AI with prioritization based on ethical praxis will do much to eliminate commercial dross from scientific gold. To date AI systems/methods/algorithms have been utilized, for research, academic and corporate, in harmony with the rhetoric of business "sustainability" agendas thus by default generating a mercenary "scientism" that often places bottom line concerns in "top rank" over human necessity. All of the FAIR principles "Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability" are impacted when mercenary interests predominate and bias algorithms that manipulate public information media. i.e.: case in point formerly Canada Foreign Affairs strategic results based management relied on the efficiency of "Big Pharma" solutions, over the ancient indigenous science and effectiveness; of the "human rights to knowledge about natural procreative hygiene on a global scale”.

In terms of global peace and ecological recovery, peaceful population reduction can be attained, in terms of maternal health concerns, through the deployment of AI info bots via mobile apps that would reach the poorest of the poor and restore the ancestral wisdom, of the use of herbal birth control practiced for centuries, as opposed to the proliferation of drugs and syringes, that are obviously more profitable to vested interests. Patents for DNA on these herbs appear to be unprofitable as their required use is minimal, as opposed to the volume distribution of pills and having marginal interest, thus the keywords and associated papers do not get "top rank". Artificial intelligence has the potential of reaching not only the post literate in our society that are badly in need of this information, but also the illiterate and those who are still practicing the oral traditions. It has the potential of gathering not only research and statistical data on the use of these methods, but also of reaching hitherto unreachable audiences. 3. Please describe the specific stakeholder group(s) that could benefit from having the gap or opportunity addressed. This value must be between 1 and 100 words. Everyone could benefit from ethical praxis in machine intelligence i.e.: the model that we propose prioritizes human need over human want especially in this case alone, of "natural knowledge ". i.e.: Canada as leader in championing "gender rights" in China, may encourage selfgovernance addressing the primary causes of our global ecological trauma, that is population, that of course effects business and trade. Likewise ethical AI could thus cut through “big data”. To this end we advocate AI neutrality, on these issues of mutual concern, and a collaborative peaceful interchange, as opposed to competitive self-interest or “AI wars”.

4. Please explain how addressing the gap or opportunity could strengthen a National Data Services Framework, especially as it relates to software platforms and components. Items to consider: intersections or enhancements of existing infrastructure; the extent of interoperability with existing platforms or services; creation of new platforms or services that facilitate interoperability nationally. This value must be between 1 and 300 words.

Although we now have systems that can parse, categorize and secure mission-critical data that are not AI based and according to an IBM representative, our suggestion for AI with ethical discernment “… technology does not exist”. We propose that this hurdle can be overcome by teaching AI through gaming technology. Unfortunately we have very little in the way of games that simulate the real world. For decades we have been proposing “peace games” that are interactive and based on the statistical realities. Games of this kind could teach AI and be supplemented by two way dialogue with communities as they learn or rather relearn the wisdom of their ancestors in terms of natural procreative hygiene. Technetics in AI would radically reduce "academic screed" and facilitate the development of arguments in favor of positive action, as opposed to the professional interests simply of "researchers who want credits" to maintain tenure and by so doing focus rather on "principles and not personalities" in terms of solutions and recovery.

For example, we have already suggested that then Information Bridge, be created between Global Affairs Canada and Library Archives of Canada and CANARIE managed by integrated AI information architecture protocols that would facilitate the creation of archival material on maternal health and natural procreative hygiene. 50 years ago we were involved in the dialogue with LAC-BAC on the technology and preservation of digital media, we were suggesting that digital galleys of submissions for legal deposit …it never happened, inaccessible material is of little consequence to researchers, or the public, to those young children who are learning about the facts of life from their educators. In terms of human ecological recovery, this is part of the ancestral wisdom of the indigenous people, certainly there should be access to information via our national libraries.

5. Please explain how your idea to address the gap or opportunity will support interoperability with existing data platforms or services internationally.

This value must be between 1 and 250 words.

As mentioned above the possibility of teaching AI through gaming technology, will enable a competitive edge in terms of cutting through the “huge data sets”. The media giants are in fierce competition over this very problem; however AI remains narrowly focused. We propose to open up the challenge, by radically approaching the problem from a humanistic perspective and teach AI ethics via simulations that are based on real-world data. AI trained in this matter use sparser amounts of data for practical solutions. In terms of community consultation this interactive gaming would enable the poorest of the poor to participate in their own future by playing “peace games” with their AI world teacher. Research data on experience in real time could connect and inform the scientific community. Accessibility and openness of data are critical factors in the “AI wars”. In this manner AI ethically trained via gaming simulation, would give Canadian researchers and developers an advantage over its competitors. Theoretically AI should be able to extract and present the relevant arguments in order of importance based on pattern recognition of analytical arguments. For example wherein we have established in scientific analysis, a hierarchy of needs for global ecological recovery i.e.: in top priority: ”Slow the growth of food demand by encouraging and supporting programs to reduce the rate of population growth.” Thus in terms of actual effectiveness in global health via ethical praxis potentially augmented via machine intelligence, all arguments that do not fit are filtered out i.e.: genetic food modification.

6. Please explain how addressing the gap or opportunity could increase innovation and discovery in Canada, especially in a way that supports Open Science. This value must be between 1 and 250 words

As mentioned above, accessibility and openness of data are critical factors in the “AI wars”. In this manner AI ethically trained, via gaming simulation, would give Canadian researchers and developers an advantage over its competitors. However we are also advocating AI neutrality, as a matter of principle. It is not likely that Canada can compete with China, India and the big media tech giants successfully. It may be a matter of wisdom to consider an alternative path. One that is based on ethical praxis in terms of mutual aid for recovery of our endangered ecology.

Perhaps the fierce competition, for AI to be used for “driverless cars” is not as important. In any case it does not appear likely that Canada will have much of a say in the outcome unless we can come up with something better and smarter. There is a small chance that tech giants the control media interests will be in favor of “peaceful collaboration”, but we can try. On the other hand if we do successfully hurdle the problem of processing “the huge data sets” in a meaningful way we should be able to gain the upper hand in the court of public opinion and thus at least have some kind of advantage that set precedents in favor of humanistic design for the real world. In any case the human right to knowledge of natural procreative hygiene on a global scale must remain in research top rank, for the reason that we advocate peace.

7. Please explain how your idea to address the gap or opportunity will be sustained. This value must be between 1 and 200 words.

In business jargon, “sustainable” is probably the most interesting anomaly resulting from the greenwashing of facts pertaining to our ecological trauma. How it is applied to businesses, as somehow related to our “environment”, is generally without any real consideration of actualities. We can argue against the myopic view of “sustainability” and the success of teaching 6 billion kids “facts of life” about procreative hygiene and ecological balance in terms of long term “sustainability”, but it is not likely that that is going to dissuade the corporate bottom line fever in the “AI wars” that are now full bore. Let us propose than, that if populations continue to replicate themselves, that our previous Malthusian, “very profitable solutions” to “fix it” i.e.: famine, disease and war, are no longer feasible alternatives. Even representatives of the World Bank agreed with us that “…killing the goose that lays the golden egg…” is not a practical solution. Aside from the fact that approximately one Hiroshima, or one Nagasaki children get dispatched off the planet every 24 hours for lack of critical information about natural hygiene… “Sustainable”? Nevertheless we must deal with the reality of business environments in order to implement our proposed radical innovation. Peace

From: [] Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2018 2:34 PM

We are in the “efficient” but not “effective” process of squeezing thousands of hours of our research on technethics for human ecological recovery (Global Maternal Health and Human Rights) into the funding proposal and the irony… that we are proposing media ethics in terms of technethics in information architecture, for reduction of info overload in “community consultancy” on issues such as “the human right to knowledge of natural procreative hygiene on a global scale” v. the scientism, of “green washing”, biased algorithms for mercenary gain.

The very strategies we are proposing, as they are based on humanistic guidelines, pre-programmed to separate the commercial dross from the scientific gold and thus would be able to replace the “Survey” or “lottery” approach to government and corporate funding and in fact be a paradigm shift towards true ““community consultancy” . Representing the oral traditions as well as the interests not just of “Big pharma” or other corporate welfare “sustainability”, but the health and wellbeing and “sustainability” of billions of humans and their environments. Wherein now we are compelled to seek the corporate involvement of IBM Watson, knowing full well that AI without humanistic, will do little. To date our requests for ethical govern ace have been “marginalized” by “peer” dismissal i.e.:…yes “herbal birth control information” is not “original” nor is the profit value of teaching “the facts of life”, that a simple herbal tea has been used for centuries, proscribing children from making children and then watching them starve to death. This enterprise is not “sustainable” or “scalable” in the myopic sense of bottom line for “Big Pharma” and related drug business interests, but it is rather, in terms of ethical praxis and governance a top priority for global human ecological recovery. We have added to this missive sampling of how complicated the instruction to corporate and government is in the hope that it will clarify why our “Survey Monkey” is not capable of handling the “community consultancy”…that out proposal seeks to facilitate i.e.: alternatives like telecommunications white boards, rich media and live walkthroughs and interviews with “peers”…50 years ago we were involved in the dialogue with LAC-BAC on the technology and preservation of digital media, we were suggesting that digital galleys of submissions for legal deposit …it never happened and not there is “only room for PDF” files ? However, we will endeavor complete the proposal application and trust that this missive may assist as an appendix to it. Thank you for an open mind and we do appreciate your support in this overwhelming opus. g~k~/

cc. Below and attached related correspondence that will demonstrate the difficulty in “tweeting” everything into a “survey monkey” and how it is counterproductive in terms of “community consultancy” … for further references to this argument see: Neil Postman on Media & Social Change Neil Postman On Media & Sociocultural Change. By Frank W. Elwell. In Amusing Ourselves to Death, Postman continues to examine the effects of the new communications technology...


Everyone could benefit from ethical praxis in machine intelligence that prioritizes human need over human want, especially in this case alone, of "the human right to natural knowledge of procreative hygiene on a global scale ", Canada as leader in championing "gender rights" in China, may encourage governance addressing the primary causes of global ecological trauma, over population, that of course effects business “sustainability” and trade on every level.

Below is an screen capture (see Appendix 1) of the Mind Map indexing of 4M+ words of the text to voice machine transcription and links to the audio files. This is the archival data that we are working on in terms of our experimental A.I. for technethics project proposal.

We are aware of the state of the art availability of parse, categorization and security apps for the protection of mission critical data, but what we are concerned with is categorization of values of data in terms of ethical priorities. That is to say human value, rather than market exploitability, not that one necessarily conflicts with the other but that ideally there should be both i.e.: in this specific model we are focusing on three separate but interrelated issues 1) Maternal Health via natural procreative hygiene 2) Malnutrition due to mediation and related disinformation

3) Media Addiction that proscribes functional learning processes and recovery Theoretically AI should be able to extract and present the relevant arguments in order of important based on pattern recognition of analytical arguments. For example wherein we have established in scientific analysis, a hierarchy of needs for global ecological recovery, in short a to do list ( see Appendix 2 ) and in top priority we have:

a) Slow the growth of food demand by encouraging and supporting programs to reduce the rate of population growth.

Then in terms actual effectiveness in global health via humanistic ethical praxis potentially augmented via machine intelligence, all arguments that do not fit into this agenda need to be filtered out i.e.: genetic food modification. The technological promise and current setbacks …proposal for AI solutions: We are also aware that that 60%-80% transcription accuracy incurs significant loss of critical information i.e.: when key words are misspelled due to poor audio recordings …duplicate references to related material may alleviate this but then there is the problem of the inability of search apps to accurately pinpoint keywords in the audio files in a timely manner, thus flagging and extraction of critical segments for analysis becomes prohibitively resource consuming. Then given that segments can be compiled in an hierarchical structure, categorized according to the thesis demands via appropriate algorithms which is now well advanced, the problem of filtering in terms ethical priorities remains. In the human, the ethical considerations are a higher brain function. Given the PR pronouncements that we are now capable of the equivalent of human brain power via the most advanced AI , perhaps more accurately the equivalent of the limbic brain, AI this is still a far cry from this stage of development. So AI won’t “fix it” but we can move in that direction … however info overload bottlenecks, like traffic jams are the result of poor planning and design …you have either a choice, so to speak in an comparative analogy, between changing the gauge on your rails, so rail traffic can go around

corners faster, de-designing vehicles that are truly hybrid i.e.: will alternate between highway and rail, or having tollbooths on the entry points creating prioritized packet delivery. Either way without very precise filtering on your GUI you will have a lot of info-noise / info overload.

Finally we have included a cc. (see Appendix 3) of a proposal for the use of the AI in terms of the need for as reiterated by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Bibeau “the human right to knowledge of natural procreative hygiene on a global scale”, in keeping with the priority set in “a)” of Appendix 2, for minus Zero Population Growth and sustainability i.e.: AI info bots via mobile app deployment of “the facts of life” to the poorest of the poor” ..this thesis was presented to by the foundation in 2016 at The World Parliament of Religions and in 2015 to The Oxford University Round Table on Childhood Education. How exactly we are to squeeze all of this into a Survey Monkey proposal format is not clear …we will need the technological language of the IBM Watson engineers to facilitate the process. Thank you for your continued support

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Trilateralism and World Hunger A) Slow the growth of food demand by encouraging and supporting programs to reduce the rate of population growth. b) Improve income distribution and food distribution both among income groups and among different regions within a given nation, so that the malnourished may have more food. Substantial changes in income distribution may require political and economic reforms, which may not be imminent in many areas. Since many of the poorest people live in farm areas, increasing farm productivity could have favorable effects upon the income of many who are malnourished. c) Increase food production. This is a very complex process, involving both appropriate agricultural policies and institutions, and agricultural research. It should be firmly kept in mind that the yields of cereals and other crops throughout the world are far from being uniform, reflecting the uneven distribution of agricultural inputs and skills. d) Reduce the present waste in the entire food system, from production to final consumption, Decreasing these losses requires substantial improvement of the post-harvest processing, transportation and storage system, and better control of pests e) e) more extensive and intensive use of land and water, increasing the availability of basic agricultural inputs (such as fertilizers and pesticides),

Appendix 3

The George Kasey Foundation Inc. AKA The Foundation for the Advancement of Applied TechnEthics (Media Ethics) and Human Ecological Recovery (F.A.T.H.E.R.)

To Whom it may Concern We are a Canadian federally Incorporated not for profit society seeking funding for an international multi-disciplinary forum, to cc. quote of our agenda, " Human rights to knowledge about natural procreative hygiene on a global scale…” and as this ancient wisdom, is part of the medicinal folklore of the Ojibwa peoples, we plan to center the event and documentary, here on the North Shore.

We have been working with the office of our MP Carol Hughes to open up public and governmental awareness on these issues. A short 2 min. video intro is available on :

… but here is the proposal in full F.Y.I. :

Subject: Proposal: The Foundation for the Advancement of Applied Technethics and Human Ecological Recovery | George Kasey RE: Application received / Nous avons reçu votre demande de proposition

Update cc. of edited proposal

See Video clip (2 min.) on: 1. Video Added by George Kasey at 5:09 PM on August 2, 2017

R-ST-POC-1807-15569 | The Foundation for the Advancement of Applied Technethics and Human Ecological Recovery | George Kasey “Human rights to knowledge about natural procreative hygiene on a global scale…”

Under Review

Innovator APPLICANT INFORMATION Institution / Organization Name:

The Foundation for the Advancement of Applied Technethics and Human Ecological Recovery

Location / Department:

Spanish , Project Lead

George Kasey

Signing Authority Title:

Principal / CEO / CIO

Please list any additional project collaborators and their affiliated organizations and address. The Foundation for the Advancement of Applied Technethics (Media Ethics) and Human Ecological Recovery AKA* The George Kasey Foundation Inc. is a Canadian not for profit umbrella organization now registered with Global Affairs Canada and we author and represent innovation for pacifist change, promoting "Free Speech" and open public dialogue on critical issues, since 1972 i.e. : The Virtual Free University (Think Tank)

APPLICATION Notes for updates (staff)

Notes from Innovator:

GRANT DETAILS Project Title:

“Human rights to knowledge about natural procreative hygiene on a global scale…”

Amount Requested (CAD)


Please indicate the Country/Countries in which you would be implementing your project during the 12 or 18 month period. Select all that apply in keeping with the eligible country list . China | Chine

Please enter the duration of your project in months:


Project Descriptors Health Priorities: Select all health priorities (e.g. maternal conditions) and health sub-priorities (e.g. Postpartum

Haemorrhage) directly applicable to your project. Make the most detailed selection possible (e.g. select newborn resuscitation instead of newborn conditions when applicable). You may select unspecified or other. Creating Nurturing Environments for Child Development / Création de milieux stimulants pour le développement de l’enfant Water and Sanitation / Eau et assainissement Traumatic Context / Contexte traumatique Reproductive Health / Santé reproductive Newborn Conditions / Affections néonatales Maternal Conditions / Affections maternelles Social Justice / Justice sociale Food and Nutrition / Aliments et nutrition Health Platforms: This category describes the approach(s) you are taking to address the health priorities you are focusing on (e.g. Service Delivery). Select all that apply. For diagnostics, please indicate whether it is implementation research or technology development.

Community Health Worker Training / Formation d’agent de santé communautaire Other / Autre Task-shifting / Transfert de tâches Supply chain management / Gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement Public-private partnership / Partenariat public-privé Health Provider training / Formation des fournisseurs de soins de santé Peer education/networks / Éducation par les pairs / réseaux Non-health provider training / Formation des fournisseurs autres que de soins de santé Mobile health delivery system / Système de prestation de soins de santé mobile Service Delivery / Prestation des services Health care financing / Financement des soins de santé Social Franchise / Franchise sociale Behaviour Change Communication / Communication axée sur le changement de comportement Accountability and Transparency of Systems / Responsabilité et transparence des systèmes Information and Communications Technology / Technologie de l’information et des communications Diagnostics / Diagnostics Nutrition / Nutrition

Project Summary:

Please note that this summary will be used for the innovation screen and reviewers will screen project summary paragraphs only using the Innovation Screen Criteria to decide if applications will proceed to the next evaluation step. Thus, it is critical that the summary paragraph (the four below questions) clearly captures all the review criteria as set out in the Innovation Screen section of the Request for Proposals (i.e. Innovation and Relevance). Please provide a summary of your Bold Idea by responding to the four questions below. What is the problem addressed by your innovation? (Maximum response allowed is 500 characters).

One of the major concerns of governments of developing and developed countries is to have a check on their population increase. Research indicates that it is possible to access active substances for fertility regulation by harvesting existing agents from plants which are economical, eco-friendly and temporarily interfere with fertility. Our organisation educates women about these plants and the research in a user friendly format. What is your proposed innovation? (Maximum response allowed is 500 characters).

Our innovation is access to education about free herbal contraception sources and nutritional hygiene, via mobile application (app) technology. The rapid, global spread of smart phones, even in the poorest countries on earth, indicates the promise that education via mobile app technology could make information available to those who urgently need it, such as those who have experienced sexual violence in developing nations.

How will this innovation address this problem more effectively than current approaches? (Maximum response allowed is 500 characters).

By optimising our website and using key words, we can make information about free contraception available on the web. Very little information is presently available easily in an accessible format for youth or those in developing nations. Using app technology will increase understanding of information and reach more people. Other, more difficult methods include reading studies, vetting website sources and reading about plants to determine availability. Describe how your innovation is relevant to poor, marginalized populations in low-or-middle-income countries (LMICs). (Maximum response allowed is 500 characters).

Marginalized populations usually can't access doctors, oral contraceptives or a socially acceptable form of birth control. Social stigma associated with sexual violence may prevent women from attending if a hospital or doctor were available. Accessing information about common contraceptive herbs is possible for those with little or no income. Countries with cell phones and internet access, enable women to privately gain information to reduce unwanted pregnancy.

A. Boldness, Creativity and Integrated Innovation.

Is the proposed idea innovative, bold and different than current approaches? Does the proposed idea integrate scientific/technological, social and business innovation?

1. Describe and quantify the reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health problem you will address and provide information that outlines the demand side or gap that you intend to address. Please include citations/references below in Section I. Maximum response allowed is 600 characters

By 2025, about three quarter of the 3.2 billion increase in the world’s population is expected to take place; the global increase is expected to double by 2050 to approximately 7.8–12 billion. China and India are the two most populous countries, with around half of the world’s population living there. Side effects of commonly used oral contraceptives are now linked to conditions such as myocardial infarction and breast cancer in females. Children raised in poverty, such as India and China, face insufficient food and water needs as evidenced by high death rates. 2. Explain why your Bold Idea has the potential to fundamentally transform how the reproductive, maternal, newborn or child health problem is managed. Maximum response allowed is 1000 characters

Population explosion is one of the most critical problems of the world especially in developing countries, although measures are used to check birth rates. There are several types of contraception available to control fertility in females. About 90% of the world's contraceptive options are accessed by women. There are misconceptions and religious barriers that prevent access to contraceptives. There are several side effects of oral, surgical and other types of contraceptives. Therefore, it is necessary to support access to information about biologically active substances or fertility regulating agents from plants which are economical, eco-friendly and interfere with the fertility. Our educational website and app will provide information that will directly impact birth rates since women want access to methods that will help them gain control over their reproduction, especially in societies where sexual violence is predominant.

3. How is your Bold Idea different from other approaches to the same problem including those previously funded Grand Challenges projects found at (Please note that proposals very similar to previously funded proposals will not be viewed favorably). Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

Our approach is to initiate a dialogue with various governments about the use of natural means of procreation to support female empowerment. By educating women about their rights and options, we integrate self-determination as part of the mandate to impact population increases. Our established contacts with associates and government representatives around the globe indicate that dialogue and technology is a welcome approach to this problem.

4. Briefly describe how your idea integrates scientific/technological, social and business innovation - Integrated Innovation (see For example, if your idea is based on a technological or scientific development, please explain your plan for addressing the social and business aspects that are required to bring this innovation to scale (e.g. business planning, community

engagement, policy-maker engagement, understanding end-user demand, distribution, integration within existing platforms, etc.) Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

We have attached several studies that reflect the scientific community’s endorsement of herbs as a viable method providing consistent contraception. The technology to be used has been addressed/ From a social perspective, women’s control over their own biological processes enhances social responsibility and ethical practice. From a business perspective, we will track the numbers of people accessing our site and inquiring about information as a success measure. B. Technical Merit/Project Execution

1. What is the proof of concept you are trying to establish within the timeframe of the grant? e. What on-theground evidence of improvement on maternal, newborn and child health will you have demonstrated at the end of your project? Maximum response allowed is 700 characters

We will have website user testimonials and course evaluation results from users of the app. Our evaluations will request confirmation that the website information was helpful and ask for elaboration on how the information was used. Local community representatives will provide information about the impact of educational resources and report on improvement of birth rates. We will measure web traffic access and download of our app at the six month mark when we have had a chance to market and develop channels of access to our target market. Reduced birth rates in areas where cell phones and web access are available will be a measure of our success.

2. Describe how you will demonstrate the proof of concept for your bold idea within the scope of the seed grant (12-18 months and $100,000 CAD). Include a description of the proposed project activities, methodology and timelines. Please note: Learning and refinement is part of the innovation process. Please include how you intend to adapt your approach within the scope of the seed grant based on lessons learned. Maximum response allowed is 1500 characters

We intend to produce a white paper and print media containing the essential facts used to date as indicated by various interest and scientific research groups. This will utilise approximately 30% of our budget. To legitimise this we propose an international multidisciplinary forum on questions regarding herbal contraception. We have already suggested a dedicated public forum on the question of population and theological implications of these eco-friendly, alternative contraception options. Finally, we intend to use mass media to stimulate conversation via our videos, along with mobile app gaming technology that will reach the young with the information. Development of our app and user friendly website will take approximately 60 days and cost approximately 15% of our budget. Our video production of several 2 minute segments for use with Instagram or other social media platforms will take approximately 4 months and represent another 15%. If we find that we are running into difficulties with outcome measurement tools we will revise

them using best practice rationales and expert opinion. A salary for the Executive Director and consultants will represent 40% of the proposed budget. If we experience delays or end-user issues with the app, we may be delayed by our designer/supplier for repair. We anticipate the need for an alternate app designer in order to ensure no adversity by unintended delays, and operational technology by the 1 year mark.

3. For the key activities listed in question 2, please provide a breakdown of how the funds will be spent.Maximum response allowed is 700 characters

Given that technology is relatively expensive to develop, we anticipate that the greater part of individual cost will go to app design. We are in touch with an app developer who has provided a basic cost of approximately $30,000 for both an app and website with education course materials available for those who need information about options for contraception. Because gaming technology is already widely developed for cell phone application, we plan to optimise this advantage. Videos, also expensive to produce, will comprise approximately 15% of the budget, salary and consultants 40% and research for the white paper 30% of the budget. C. Expected Health Results

Note: All data must be disaggregated by sex 1. Describe how your innovation is relevant to poor, marginalized populations in low-or-middle-income countries (LMICs) and aims to address gender inequalities. Please indicate your expected results (i) over the timeline of your grant and (ii) over 3-5 years. Include a description of the indicators you will use to measure results (i.e., the health and developmental impact of your innovation), and the target population (i.e. women and adolescent girls, newborns and/or children under 5 years) Maximum response allowed is 1500 character

The use of our technology based idea to educate girls and young women about natural and herbal reproductive options will serve to empower and promote reproductive health. Early childbearing increases risks for both mothers and their newborns. Although progress has been made in reducing the birth rate among adolescents, more than 15 million of the 135 million live births worldwide are among girls aged 15-19 years. Pregnant adolescents are more likely than adults to have unsafe abortions. An estimated three million unsafe abortions occur globally every year among girls aged 15-19 years. Unsafe abortions contribute substantially to lasting health problems and maternal deaths. Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are an important cause of death among girls aged 15–19 in low- and middle-income countries. We anticipate some measurable activity reflecting use of our app and educational material, although averted contraception is difficult to measure. At the 1 year mark, we will be conducting evaluations, by electronically based survey, to obtain feedback and generate new topics among the young women who have used the technology. We will incorporate questions raised by youth and invite them to participate in forums by skype. Empowering women and developing confidence can be measured to

some extent by participation in our forums. Evaluative measures will also be conducted with our health care professionals in the high population areas.

D. Scale and Sustainability

Does the proposed idea have a path to and potential for impact at scale? Markers for potential for scale and sustainability include: involvement of partners who can help the innovation to scale; potential to leverage or generate funding to sustain the innovation; and alignment to the national health plan of the country in which it is being implemented.

1. Describe how you would scale up your Bold Idea and the strategic partners (government, regulators etc.) that could help to support and fund the scale-up plan. Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

We are already aligned with Global Affairs Canada and we have proposed similarly to other governments to support our initiatives. Over the years we have gained support in 20 different countries and we intend to cultivate these contacts further. We intend to increase cooperation with academic and governmental institutions to aid with additional public and private funding. The implementation of widely used, web based technology provides limitless appeal and accessibility.

2. Describe any challenges that you foresee in transitioning your Bold Idea from proof- of-concept towards scale up. Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

Challenges that we foresee include access to the market who find it most useful; marginalised women in developing countries that lack resources to obtain cell phone and internet access. Although we have local representatives in China to circulate information and ensure accessibility, it may take time to develop the impact that we would like to aim for in only 18 months. With some financial resources, we expect to make a significant impact in the first year.

3. Describe how your Bold Idea will become sustainable – i.e. what is the long- term market or public health channel for your Bold Idea? Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

Once the technology is developed and in place, it is relatively inexpensive to maintain. Website updating with new information and to host our forums and interactive formats will take monthly maintenance. Our connections among health care professionals in China is expected to grow and gain support, due to the natural properties of contraception that align with existing homeopathic culture in China.

4. Briefly discuss how the current political, social, and economic context affects the problem your project will address. Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

Social issues in China are a combined result of the Chinese economic reforms set in place in the late 1970s, China's political and cultural history, and an immense population. Some issues are exposed by the Chinese media, while politically sensitive issues may be censored by government. Social norms of collective culture and paternalistic society impact our approach. This climate makes our challenge particularly reliant on local support moving forward.

5. Does your innovation align with your implementation country’s health priorities? If so, which ones and how? Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

China has a national policy regulating the number of children that a woman may have. There are various incentives and disincentives for families to follow the policy. An extensive system has been created to keep the contraceptive use and pregnancy status of all married women at reproductive age under constant surveillance. By aligning with the right for women to control pregnancies, our mandate has no adversity by local government who seek to meet population targets.

6. Identify any relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction and how your innovation or proposal complies with these. Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

For a pregnancy to be legal in China, it has to be defined as such according to the family-level eligibility rules, and in some places it has to be within the local quota. Enforcement of the policy has been pursued via the State Family Planning (FP) Commission and the Communist Party (CP). There are various incentives and disincentives for families to follow the policy in China. Our mandate to educate women about contraception odes not contravene policies or laws.

E. The Project Lead and Team

The project lead and team should possess the relevant experience, leadership, and commitment in developing, implementing, and scaling solutions in the technical area proposed.

1. Describe how you and your team are best positioned to carry out the proposed activity, including transitioning your invention to scale if successful at seed funding. Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

George Kasey is a social activist with a B.A. from University of Toronto, who was involved in early media ethics as the internet was developing in the 1980's. George was also involved with a world population Think Tank, Free & Open Education, along with numerous colleagues in the anthropology divisions of several universities. He has been researching and developing ideas to address population issues for decades, as well as grassroots solutions to challenging problems.

2. Describe any relevant experience and/or entrepreneurship/business training including public engagement that your team possesses. Maximum response allowed is 500 characters As an early pioneer of information architecture, prototypes and multi-media models for distance education, he came up with early analogue conceptualisation that evolved into the current day internet. He has been a public speaker presenting to universities and various forums in the area of cultural and social issue solution. He is a founder of Virtual Free University Media Ethics Foundation which he has operated successfully for many years.

F. Budget 1.

Please use the summary table below to enter your budget. Total Budget should not exceed $100,000 CAD.

G. Environmental Sustainability, Gender Equality, and Good Governance

1. Environmental Sustainability: Does your innovation contribute positively to environmental sustainability? Is there a plan to limit adverse environmental effects of the innovation? Maximum response allowed is 500 characters

Over population directly impacts environment by stressing resources. If we impact natural contraception by education with our app it can positively impact and bring about human ecological recovery. By suggesting that human reproduction be influenced by plant based enzymes and naturally occurring contraceptive ingredients, we encourage active understanding and knowledge development of the environment and its properties.

2. Gender Equality: Grand Challenges Canada is committed to furthering principles of gender equality in the projects it funds. Specifically, Grand Challenges Canada is supportive of the following objectives: advancing women's equal participation with men as decision-makers in shaping the sustainable development of their societies; supporting women and girls in the realization of their full human rights; and/or reducing gender inequalities in access to and control over the resources and benefits of development.

Briefly describe the gender equality considerations this project takes into account, including how the project moves forward the above objectives. Maximum response allowed is 600 characters

Despite the increase in contraceptive use over the past 30 years, many women in all regions still do not have access to modern contraceptive methods. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, one in four women who wish to delay or stop childbearing does not use any family planning method. When a woman has sexual and reproductive health and rights she can be strong. A woman's ability to control her own body and access the health services she needs – regardless of her sexuality, where she lives, her income level, or her ethnicity – is a fundamental right

3. Governance:

Grand Challenges Canada is also committed to ensuring innovations are compliant with core principles of good governance through direct contributions to poverty reduction and sustainable development, taking into account the perspectives and participation of the poor and marginalized populations, and aligning with national and international human rights commitments. Give a brief overview of your plan to address these core principles of good governance through your approach to stakeholder engagement, with specific mention of any government, non-government and/or private sector stakeholders, decision makers, and end-users / beneficiaries mentioned in Section D. This should include: who they are, how they will be engaged, for what purpose(s) and what defines successful engagement. Please be sure to include how results will be disseminated with and potentially used by these stakeholders. Maximum response allowed is 600 characters

Over the last several years we have actively been involved with our Maternal Health Summit and the office of Global Affairs Canada to advance policies to increase awareness of women's rights. Our efforts have been focused on empowerment as well as human rights awareness for those who live in marginalised and socio-economic disadvantaged communities worldwide. In frequent communication with our local MP in Manitoulin Kapuskasing, Carol Hughes, we have successfully worked to engage government officials at various levels including Dept of Global Affairs in our goals.

4. Describe the present relationship between the aforementioned stakeholders and briefly explain how your innovation would work with these stakeholders to promote, among them, good governance principles for effective engagement to facilitate successful scaling and sustainability of your innovation to support poverty reduction. Maximum response allowed is 600 characters

We presently have a positive dialogue that provides insight and resources to advance common interests. Our innovation with regard to educational material using a mobile app is widely supported by our government contacts. We have been in communication with Minister Bibeau of Global Affairs, as well as M.P. Carol Hughes, over the last five years as we developed this concept. We anticipate cooperation and support moving forward utilising best practices in our efforts to develop policies that serve mutual interests and those of end-users.

H. Other

1. Have you or your team members previously applied for funding from Grand Challenges Canada? (Yes/No)

No / Non

2. Have you or your team members previously been awarded a Grand Challenges Canada Grant? (Yes/No)

No / Non 3. If you or your team members currently hold, or have previously held, a Grand Challenges Canada grant, clearly indicate how this proposal differs from the grant(s) awarded. Maximum response is 300 characters.


a) Please provide the Grant ID Number.

I. Citations and References

List any relevant citations and/or references for your work or the work of others that support your proposed idea. References must include the title, names of all authors, book or journal, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. Please only cite or reference research that is recent, relevant, and of high quality. (Max 5000 characters)

This process links to our research in reference above to the "white paper", acknowledging input from the following sources:

Helal, E. E., El sayed, R. A., & Abu-Taleb, H. M. (2015). Studies on the Use of Aloe Vera Extract as a Contraceptive in Female Rats. Egyptian Journal Of Hospital Medicine, 60271-281. doi:10.12816/0013786 Shukla, S., & Dixit, S. (2011). In Silico Identification of Drug Targets for Antifertility from Natural Products by Differential Reaction Content Analysis of Metabolic Pathways. Malaysian Journal Of Medical Sciences, 18(3), 13-17. Nath, S., Kadasi, A., Grossmann, R., Sirotkin, A. V., Kolesarova, A., Talukdar, A. D., & Choudhury, M. D. (2015). Ricinus communis L. stem bark extracts regulate ovarian cell functions and secretory activity and their response to Luteinising hormone. International Journal Of Impotence Research, 27(6), 215-220. doi:10.1038/ijir.2015.19 Sharma, D. K., Luhadiya, G., Soni, P. K., & Mali, P. C. (2015). Traditionally used Indian Medicinal plants exhibits contraceptive activities: A review. Cortiula, M. (1999). Digging the Garden's Secrets. Metascience, 8(3), 490. International Journal Of Pharmacology & Biological Sciences, 9(3), 39-48. Bull, S. S. (1998). Contrception and culture: the use of yuyos in Paraguay. Health Care For Women International, 19(1), 49-60. Hemminki, E., Zhuochun, W., Guiying, C., & Viisainen, K. (2005). Illegal births and legal abortions -the case of China. Reproductive Health, 25-8. doi:10.1186/1742-4755-2-5 Larry Schmidt - U. of T. , John Riddle - N.C.S.U., Phil Jacklin - U. C. San Jose, David Cameron Harvard U., Peter Johns - OCADU , Jian Hua Qin - Chinese Academy of Sciences, to mention a few contemporaries. We have found these have been very supportive. Then there is Margret Sanger, who's work "The Pivot of Civilization" is arguably one of the most important philosophical works of the 20th century in terms of sustainability, women's rights and poverty. "Creativity and Chaos" by S.P. R. Charter, is a regular source of inspiration. Additional sources are available upon request. J. Video

Please upload your video. You can submit your video in English or French or both. The video must not exceed two minutes; any videos that are longer than two minutes will be truncated at two minutes before being reviewed.

a. Please give your video a concise title. :

The Really Inconvenient Truth: procreative hygiene


1. Video Added by George Kasey at 5:09 PM on August 2, 2017

I confirm that I have uploaded a video in the space provided above



By clicking this box, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the media release at, I agree to its terms, and I affirm that its requirements have been met.


Yes K. Third Party Intellectual Property Rights

Do any third parties own intellectual property rights (patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, etc.) in technical components, content, or datasets that form part of the innovation for which you are seeking proof-ofconcept funding?


No If Yes, Please (i) describe the third party intellectual property rights at issue, (ii) indicate whether you have a license agreement in place for those rights that will permit you to carry out the proof-of-concept project and to

scale the innovation in low- and middle-income countries, if proof-of-concept is demonstrated, and (iii) indicate whether the third party owner is willing to sign an undertaking to comply with the . Maximum response is 500 characters

Although the primary thesis is our original work. In the development of the global media campaign we will be seeking third party intellectual participation on all levels and these would be to numerous to mentions here i.e.: the graphics in our video belong to others, we have invited academic participation and propose a forum and open dialogue works of authors like Margret Sanger and John Riddle's Eve's Herbs. We simply have not had the resources to compensate or engage in agreements and th L. Certification

By submitting this application, I certify to that I have read and agreed to the, read and understand the and all required attachments have been uploaded. I certify that I am authorized to apply for this project on behalf of my institution.

Select (Y/N)


How did you learn about this Request for Proposals? Please select all that apply.

Other: (Entry box) / Autre: (encadré à remplir)

Via the office of Global Affairs Canada

From: gk [] Subject: RE: update 180RE: IP Disclosure Protocols link on - update 150114

Hi All: We will attach here a text file that is in progress for interactive dialogue with sources you may forward our queries too. Please be advised these are non-confidential and suggest the direction that we intend to pursue as per our proposal , in terms of the use for applied technethics (techno ethics) in terms of information architecture. We are fully aware that although these very rough drafts, sketches of architectural conceptualization, simplistic to say the least, in terms of engineering for actualization will involve massive R&D. These concepts in fact will appear “impossible” to achieve even with the existing generational changes. i.e.: we have in hand a volume of “analytical thinking, since the time of Plato” the number of pages is about fifteen hundred …the idea to translate that into code for A.I. implementation, for ethics in technology. Simplistic yes but we intend to demonstrate it needs to be done if we are not to drown in info overload. The solution is to separate the dross of mercenary scientism, from science in terms of humanistic values. What exists to date in this direction? The funding available that we are requesting is x#M$US and engineering , so we would encourage the participation of your advanced thinkers to collaborate with our efforts on this one.

Thank You g~k~

P.S.: as this project involves human rights issues that may in the future save the lives of billions and in order to expedite this opus we will share openly our thoughts with developers and are open to remote access of our workstations to this end.

P.P.S.: Here is an update of the IP Disclosure (DRAFT) link in in our email to you cc. below: on.htm

Appendix 1


g~k~ / George Kasey Director / CEO / CIO The George Kasey Foundation Inc. URL: t.: 1-(705)-844-1888

Legal Consultant:

Milan Seres, J.D., EMBA Barrister and Solicitor

401 Bay Street, Suite 1600 Toronto, ON, M5H 2Y4 Tel: 647-203-9307 Fax: 416-363-0406 Email: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email, including any attachments, is confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, and please delete it; it should not be copied, used for any purpose or have its contents disclosed to any other person.

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