Sep 16, 2016 - School Phone Number: 396-3800. Fax Number: 396-3950. Attendance Number: ... As school counselor at Gordon
The Gordon Our mission is to assure high levels of learning for all students. The Gordon Way:
September 16, 2016 DATES TO REMEMBER. September 22nd: School Boar d Meeting 6:00 PM September 27th: Pictur e Day October 13th & 14th: Vision & Hearing Screening October 26th -28th: Par ent/ Teacher Conferences November 10th: Veter ans' Day Recognition 1:15 PM November 11th: Veter ans’ Day No School School Phone Number: 396-3800 Fax Number: 396-3950 Attendance Number: 396-3803
NKSD Mission Statement North Kitsap School District in partnership with the community, will provide an academically challenging educational program to meet the diverse needs of all students in a safe, nurturing environment and empower them to be competent, creative, compassionate, and contributing citizens. North Kitsap School District 18360 Caldart Ave. NE Poulsbo, WA 98370
ct Respectfully,
Counselor’s Corner - Mr. Goudzwaard
[email protected]
Welcome back to a new school year! As school counselor at Gordon my job involves working with students, teachers, parents, staff and community agencies to help all children succeed emotionally, socially and academically as they work their way towards adulthood as happy, well-adjusted, and contributing members of our world. As school counselor my role is one of “coach” versus therapist. In more complex concerns I work jointly with parents, therapists, physicians and community agencies to further assist students by helping to remove barriers that interrupt student success. I visit with students on an individual basis and in small groups (e.g., divorce/family changes, worries, friendship, social-skills). Individual counseling or small group work with students requires a signed parent letter which can be obtained from the counselor’s office. I also assist teachers in classrooms. Students learn and practice important skills for academic and life success (e.g., social/emotional development, bully prevention, problem solving). If your family needs other kinds of assistance (e.g., medical, food, clothing, housing, rent assistance, utility bills, financial, legal, gas to get to important events such as a doctor’s appointment or job interview) please contact me and/or call 2-1-1 which will get you in touch with assistance. Help Wanted: I need a parent volunteer to assist me in setting up and maintaining a program we run yearly called “Meaningful Work”. Jobs needed around the building are posted by staff members and interested students apply for various positions. There is an interview process and student evaluations just like in a real job situation. This program helps students learn responsibility and gain a sense of pride in a job well done. If you are interested please contact me at the number below. Rick Goudzwaard (“Mr. G”) School Counselor Gordon Elementary School, MSOP (360) 396-3810,
The North Kitsap School District believes in fostering respect and recognition of diversity, human dignity, and individual rights. In this regard, the district complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and shall provide equal employment opportunity and treatment for all applicants and staff in recruitment, hiring, retention, assignment, transfer, promotion and training. Such equal employment opportunity shall be provided without discrimination with respect to age, color, culture, gender, gender expression or identity, honorablydischarged veteran or military status, marital status, national origin, physical abilities, race, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, the use of a service animal (dog) by a person with a disability as well as all other perceived or actual differences and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. This holds true for all students who are interested in participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular school activities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district's Title IX/RCW 28A.640 Compliance Officer and ADA Coordinator Chris Willits (360-396-3003)
[email protected] and/or 504 Coordinator Patricia Moore (360-396-3016)
[email protected] - North Kitsap School District, 18360 Caldart Avenue NE, Poulsbo, WA 98370