The Growth Hormone (GH) Response to the Arginine Plus GH ...

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growth rate is correlated with the severity of GHD (4). ... Table 1. Hormone replacement therapy with l-T4 (50 –100 μg, orally, daily), cortisone acetate (25–37.5 ...
0021-972X/99/$03.00/0 The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Copyright © 1999 by The Endocrine Society

Vol. 84, No. 4 Printed in U.S.A.

The Growth Hormone (GH) Response to the Arginine Plus GH-Releasing Hormone Test Is Correlated to the Severity of Lipid Profile Abnormalities in Adult Patients with GH Deficiency ANNAMARIA COLAO, GAETANA CERBONE, ROSARIO PIVONELLO, GIANLUCA AIMARETTI, SANDRO LOCHE, CAROLINA DI SOMMA, ANTONGIULIO FAGGIANO, GINEVRA CORNELI, EZIO GHIGO, AND GAETANO LOMBARDI Department of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology, Federico II University of Naples (A.C., G.C., R.P., C.D.S., A.F., G.L.), Naples; the Department of Endocrinology, University of Turin (G.A., G.C., E.G.), Turin; and the Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Ospedale Regionale per le Microcitemie (S.L.), Cagliari, Italy ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to correlate the degree of the GH response to the combined arginine and GHRH (ARG1GHRH) test with clinical status in 157 adult hypopituitary patients and 35 healthy controls. On the basis of the GH response to ARG1GHRH, the 192 subjects were subdivided into 5 groups: group 1, very severe GH deficiency (GHD; 65 patients with GH peak ,3 mg/L); group 2, severe GHD (37 patients with GH peak between 3.1–9 mg/L); group 3, partial GHD (25 patients with GH peak between 9.1–16.5 mg/L); group 4, non-GHD (30 patients with GH peak .16.5 mg/L); and group 5 (35 controls with GH peak .16.5 mg/L). Plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) concentrations were lower (P , 0.001) in patients of group 1 (74.4 6 6.7 mg/L) and group 2 (81.4 6 6.8 mg/L) than in those of group 3, 4, and 5 (163.6 6 40.6, 185.9 6 21, and 188.8 6 11.1 mg/L, respectively). Plasma IGF-binding protein-3 concentrations were lower (P , 0.01) in group 1 (2.1 6 0.2 mg/L) and group 2 (2.0 6 0.2 mg/L) than in group 3 (3.4 6 0.7 mg/L) and group 5 (3.8 6 0.2 mg/L). In patients of group 1, total cholesterol (228.3 6 5.7 mg/dL) and triglycerides levels (187.4 6 15.3 mg/dL) were higher than those in group 3 (196.6 6 9.6 and 115.8 6 10.1 mg/dL, respectively), group 4 (176.8 6 11.3 and 101.4 6 12.5 mg/dL, respectively), and group 5 (160 6 6.9 and 99.3 6 5.4 mg/dL, respectively). High density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were lower in patients of group 1 (45.2 6 2.4 mg/dL) than in those of group 4 (54.7 6 3.5 mg/dL; P , 0.05) and group 5 (53.6 6 2 mg/dL; P , 0.001), whereas low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were higher in patients of group 1 (127.3 6 7.9 mg/dL), group 2 (129.2 6 9.5 mg/dL), and 3 (133 6 9


HE SYNDROME of GH deficiency (GHD) in adults has been recently characterized as a specific clinical entity (1, 2). Adults with GHD present with increased fat and decreased lean body mass, osteopenia, disorders of glucose and lipid metabolism, increased prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, and reduced quality of life (1, 2). Short term studies showed that the biological changes associated with GHD can Received July 31, 1998. Revision received September 30, 1998. Rerevision received November 9, 1998. Accepted November 18, 1998. Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Annamaria Colao, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology, Federico II University of Naples, Via S. Pansini 5, 80131 Naples, Italy. E-mail: [email protected].

mg/dL) than in those of group 5 (102.4 6 7.4 mg/dL; P , 0.05). Patients of group 2 had total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides levels at an intermediate level with respect to those in groups 1, 3, and 4. Among the five groups, no difference was found in fasting glucose concentrations, heart rate, or systolic and diastolic blood pressures. A significant increase in fat body mass and a decrease in lean body mass and total body water were found in all patients compared to controls. Disease duration was significantly shorter in patients of group 4 than in those of the remaining three groups (P , 0.001). A significant correlation was found between the GH peak after ARG1GHRH and disease duration (r 5 20.401; P , 0.001), plasma IGF-I (r 5 0.434; P , 0.001), total cholesterol (r 5 20.324; P , 0.001), and triglycerides levels (r 5 20.219; P , 0.05). A significant multiple linear regression coefficient was found between the GH peak after ARG1GHRH and plasma IGF-I levels (t 5 2.947; P , 0.005), total cholesterol levels (t 5 22.746; P , 0.01), and disease duration (t 5 22.397; P , 0.05). In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that the degree of the GH response to ARG1GHRH is correlated with the severity of lipid profile abnormalities and substantiate the reliability of the ARG1GHRH test for the diagnosis of GHD in adults. Because at present GH treatment is recommended only in adult patients with severe GHD, patients with a GH response below 9 mg/L to the ARG1GHRH test should be treated with GH, as should patients with a peak GH response to an insulin tolerance test below 3 mg/L. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84: 1277–1282, 1999)

be reversed by GH treatment (3). As none of the symptoms of adult GHD is specific, the diagnosis is biochemical in patients with known pituitary disease (4). The insulin tolerance test (ITT) is considered the most reliable provocative test in the diagnosis of GHD in adulthood; GH responses less than 3 mg/L are considered diagnostic of severe GHD, with an accuracy of 100% (4 –7). However, the GH response to ITT was reported to have a great inter- and intraindividual variability in both patients and normal subjects (8, 9). Furthermore, ITT may induce harmful hypoglycemia in hypopituitary patients and may also be harmful in patients with electrocardiogram evidence and/or history of ischemic heart disease or in patients with seizure disorders (4, 7). This ev-


30 24/6 21–56 36.3 6 3.2 2.2 6 0.4 9 30 6 0 3 0 25 17/8 22–52 37.9 6 2.6 7 6 1.9 9 36 5 2 2 1 37 23/14 16 – 69 38.1 6 2.8 9.5 6 1.4 26 70.2 22 17 20 3

22.2– 66.4 40.7 6 2.2 43.2 6 3.9/39.5 6 2.4 18 – 60 30.9 6 4.6 30.8 6 5.8/31.5 6 1.5


GH .16.5 mg/L GH .16.5 mg/L GH 9.1–16.5 mg/L


9.1–13 11.4 6 0.5 11.5 6 0.6/11.2 6 0.4 3.1–9 5 6 0.3 5.1 6 0.4/4.6 6 0.4 0 –2.9 0.9 6 0.1 1.1 6 0.2/0.9 6 0.1

65 25/40 20 –72 45.4 6 1.9 11.3 6 0.9 58 89.2 53 52 52 8 No. of patients Females/males Age range (yr) Mean 6 SEM age (yr) Disease duration (yr) Pituitary deficiencies (no. of patients) Pituitary deficiencies (%) FSH, LH TSH ACTH Diabetes insipidus

At study entry, all 192 subjects underwent a careful clinical evaluation, including electrocardiogram; blood pressure and heart rate measurements; routine blood and urine analysis, including total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose; assay of IGF-I and IGFbinding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) levels; and assessment of body composition. All subjects were tested with ARG1GHRH. ARG (arginine hydrochloride, Damor, Naples, Italy) was administered at a dose of 0.5 g/kg, up to a maximal dose of 30 g slowly infused from 0 –30 min; GHRH-(1–29) (Geref, Serono, Rome, Italy) was given at a dose of 1 mg/kg as an iv bolus at 0 min. Blood samples were taken every 15 min from 215 to 90 min. According to recent studies (10, 11, 13) showing that adult patients with a GH peak after an ITT of less than 3 mg/L had a GH response to ARG1GHRH below 9 mg/L, whereas normal subjects had a GH response after ARG1GHRH always greater than 16.5 mg/L, we classified the GH response after ARG1GHRH in our 192 subjects as follows: very severe GHD when below 3 mg/L, severe GHD when between 3.1–9 mg/L, partial GHD when between 9.1–16.5 mg/L, and normal when above 16.5 mg/L.

Range (mg/L) Mean 6 SEM (mg/L) Females/males (6SEM; mg/L)

Study protocol

GH 3.1–9 mg/L

One hundred and fifty-seven hypopituitary patients (68 males and 89 females; age, 16 –72 yr) suspected of having GHD and 35 healthy subjects (15 males and 20 females; age, 18 –70 yr) entered this cross-sectional study after their informed consent had been obtained. All patients had been previously operated on via the transsphenoidal and/or transcranic route for nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma, meningioma, or craniopharyngioma, and 27 of them had also been irradiated. A variable degree of pituitary insufficiency was found in the 157 patients, as shown in Table 1. Hormone replacement therapy with l-T4 (50 –100 mg, orally, daily), cortisone acetate (25–37.5 mg/day), and DDAVP (5–20 mg/day) was given where appropriate. Males with hypogonadism were treated with testosterone enanthate (250 mg, im, monthly), whereas premenopausal females were given estro-progestinic replacement. The adequacy of hormone replacement therapy was periodically assessed by means of serum free thyroid hormones, testosterone, urinary free cortisol, and serum and urinary Na1 and K1 measurements. At study entry, these hormonal parameters were in the normal range for age in all patients. Thirty-five healthy subjects in the group of students, physicians, and parents who volunteered for this study were used as controls. For an optimal evaluation of lipid profile, all patients and controls were asked to maintain a low fat diet for 3 days.

GH ,3 mg/L

Subjects and Methods Subjects

GH peak after ARG 1 GHRH

idence has stimulated the search for other provocative tests for the diagnosis of adult GHD. In this regard, the combined administration of arginine and GHRH (ARG1GHRH) has been reported as a reliable, reproducible, and safe GH stimulation test in both adults and children (10 –12). The ARG1GHRH test has been recently shown to be as sensitive as ITT in the diagnosis of GHD in adults, provided that appropriate cut-off limits are assumed (13). Furthermore, the GH response to ARG1GHRH, but not that to ITT, was positively correlated with insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels in GHD adults (13). Reduced growth velocity for age and pubertal stage is the hallmark of GHD in children, and the impairment in the growth rate is correlated with the severity of GHD (4). Whether the severity of GHD, as evaluated by the peak GH response to a pharmacological stimulus, may be predictive of the clinical status in adults is not known. The aim of the present study was to correlate the degree of the GH response to ARG1GHRH with clinical status in a large series of adult hypopituitary patients.

35 20/15 18 –70 47.1 6 2.7 / 0 0 0 0 0 0

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TABLE 1. Clinical characteristics of the 157 patients grouped on the basis of the GH response after ARG 1 GHRH and the 35 controls


GH DEFICIENCY IN ADULTS Assessment of body composition Measurements of lean body mass (LBM), fat body mass (FBM), and total body water (TBW) were performed using BIA 101 (Bioimpedance; RJL Systems, Florence, Italy), which generates a 50-kHz, 800-microampere alternating current. Data are expressed as a percentage of body weight.

Assays All hormone measurements were performed using the same reagents in two laboratories of the Department of Molecular and Clinical Endocrinology and Oncology, University Federico II of Naples, and the Department of Endocrinology, University of Turin. Assay performances were similar in the two laboratories. Serum GH levels were measured by immunoradiometric assay using commercially available kits (HGHCTK-IRMA, Sorin, Saluggia, Italy). The sensitivity of the assay was 0.2 mg/L. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation (CVs) were 4.5% and 7.9%, respectively. Plasma IGF-I was measured by immunoradiometric assay after ethanol extraction. The normal ranges in 20- to 30-, 31to 40-, 41- to 50-, and over 50-yr-old subjects were 110 –502, 100 – 494, 100 –303, and 78 –258 mg/L, respectively. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.8 mg/L. The intra-assay CVs were 3.4%, 3.0%, and 1.5% for the low, medium, and high points of the standard curve, respectively. The interassay CVs were 8.2%, 1.5%, and 3.7% for the low, medium, and high points of the standard curve. Plasma IGFBP-3 was measured by RIA after ethanol extraction. The normal ranges in 20- to 30-, 31- to 40-, 41to 50-, and over 50-yr-old subjects were 2.1–7.6, 1.7–7.3, 2.1– 4.3, and 2– 4 mg/L, respectively. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.5 mg/L. The intraassay CVs were 3.9%, 3.2%, and 1.8% for the low, medium, and high points of the standard curve, respectively. The interassay CVs were 0.6%, 0.5%, and 1.6% for the low, medium, and high points of the standard curve. Serum testosterone, estradiol, free thyroid hormones, TSH, FSH, LH, PRL, and free urinary cortisol were measured by commercially available immunoassays.

Statistical analysis ANOVA followed by the Newman-Keuls test for intergroup comparison and linear correlation by regression analysis were performed where appropriate. The multiple regression analysis was performed taking the GH peak after ARG1GHRH as the dependent variable vs. age, disease duration, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, cholesterol, triglycerides, LBM, FBM, and TBW as the independent variables by calculating the coefficient for the variables related to the GH peak after ARG1GHRH at the linear correlation. Data are reported as the mean 6 sem. The limit of significance was set at 5%.


188.8 6 11.1 mg/L, respectively; Fig. 1). IGF-I concentrations were below the normal range for age in 46 patients of group 1 (70.8%), 22 of group 2 (59.4%), and 4 of group 3 (26.7%) and were normal in all subjects of groups 4 and 5. Plasma IGF-I levels were similar in female and male subjects (data not shown). IGFBP-3 concentrations in group 1 (2.1 6 0.2 mg/L) and group 2 (2.0 6 0.2 mg/L) were similar and lower than those in group 3 (3.4 6 0.7 mg/L; P , 0.01) and group 5 (3.8 6 0.2 mg/L; P , 0.01), but not in group 4 (2.9 6 0.5 mg/L; Fig. 1). In group 1, total cholesterol (228.3 6 5.7 mg/dL) and triglycerides (187.4 6 15.3 mg/dL) levels were higher than those in group 3 [196.6 6 9.6 mg/dL (P , 0.001) and 115.8 6 10.1 mg/dL (P , 0.005), respectively], group 4 [176.8 6 11.3 mg/dL (P , 0.001) and 101.4 6 12.5 mg/dL (P , 0.005), respectively], and group 5 [160 6 6.9 mg/dL (P , 0.001) and 99.3 6 5.4 mg/dL (P , 0.005), respectively; Figs. 2 and 3]. HDL cholesterol concentrations were lower in group 1 (45.2 6 2.4 mg/dL) than in groups 4 and 5 (54.7 6 3.5 and 53.6 6 2 mg/dL; P , 0.05 and P , 0.001, respectively; Fig. 2), whereas LDL cholesterol levels were higher in group 1 (127.3 6 7.9 mg/dL), group 2 (129.2 6 9.5 mg/dL), and group 3 (133 6 9 mg/dL) than in group 5 (102.4 6 7.4 mg/dL; P , 0.05; Fig. 2). Patients of group 2 had total blood cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides levels at an intermediate level with respect to those in patients of groups 1, 3, and 4 (209.4 6 7.5, 49.7 6 4.8, and 130.8 6 14.1 mg/dL, respectively; Figs. 2 and 3). No difference was found in fasting glucose concentrations among the five groups (89.2 6 2.9, 88.5 6 2.6, 89.9 6 2.4, 88.9 6 3.4, and 80.1 6 1.4 mg/dL, respectively). LBM, FBM, and TBW, assessed by BIA, were similar in the four groups of patients but abnormal when compared to


On the basis of the GH response to ARG1GHRH, the 157 patients were subdivided into 4 groups: group 1, very severe GHD (65 patients with GH peak ,3 mg/L; 0.9 6 0.1 mg/L); group 2, severe GHD (37 patients with GH peak between 3.1–9 mg/L; 5 6 0.3 mg/L); group 3, partial GHD (25 patients with GH peak between 9.1–16.5 mg/L; 11.4 6 0.5 mg/L); and group 4, non-GHD (30 patients with GH peak .16.5 mg/L; 30.9 6 4.6 mg/L). In all 35 controls (group 5), the GH response after ARG1GHRH was greater than 16.5 mg/L (40.7 6 2.2 mg/L). The GH peaks after ARG1GHRH were similar in female and male subjects (Table 1). No significant difference was found in the mean age of the 5 groups of subjects, whereas the disease duration was significantly greater in patients of group 1 than in those of the remaining 3 groups (P , 0.001, Table 1). IGF-I concentrations in patients of group 1 (74.4 6 6.7 mg/L) and group 2 (81.4 6 6.8 mg/L) were similar and lower (P , 0.001) than those in groups 3, 4, and 5, which were not different from each other (163.6 6 40.6, 185.9 6 21, and

FIG. 1. Plasma IGF-I (top panel) and IGFBP-3 (bottom panel) levels in the five groups of patients grouped on the basis of the GH response to the ARG1GHRH test: very severe GHD, GH peak below 3 mg/L; severe GHD, GH peak between 3.1–9 mg/L; partial GHD, GH peak between 9.1–16.5 mg/L; and non-GHD, GH peak above 16.5 mg/L. *, P , 0.001 vs. groups 3–5; **, P , 0.01 vs. groups 3 and 5.


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FIG. 2. Total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol levels in the five groups of patients grouped on the basis of the GH response to the ARG1GHRH test: very severe GHD, GH peak below 3 mg/L; severe GHD, GH peak between 3.1–9 mg/L; partial GHD, GH peak between 9.1–16.5 mg/L; and non-GHD, GH peak above 16.5 mg/L. *, P , 0.001 vs. all other groups; **, P , 0.01 vs. groups 3–5; ***, P , 0.005 vs. groups 4 and 5; ****, P , 0.05 vs. group 4 and P , 0.001 vs. group 5; *****, P , 0.05 vs. group 5.

FIG. 3. Triglycerides levels in the five groups of patients grouped on the basis of the GH response to the ARG1GHRH test: very severe GHD, GH peak below 3 mg/L; severe GHD, GH peak between 3.1–9 mg/L; partial GHD, GH peak between 9.1–16.5 mg/L; and non-GHD, GH peak above 16.5 mg/L. *, P , 0.005 vs. all other groups.

control values (Fig. 4). No difference was found in heart rate (68.7 6 3.7, 68.6 6 3.4, 65.6 6 2.2, 69.4 6 2.8, and 70.1 6 2.5 beats/min) or systolic (120.7 6 5.4, 111.2 6 6.2, 115 6 5.2, 118 6 4.2, and 121.3 6 2.3 mm Hg) and diastolic (75.7 6 4.1, 69.5 6 3.2, 79 6 2.8, 73.5 6 3, and 70.1 6 1.2 mm Hg) blood pressures among the five groups. In the patient group, a significant correlation was found between the GH peak after ARG1GHRH and age (r 5 20.269; P , 0.05), disease duration (r 5 20.401; P , 0.001), plasma IGF-I (r 5 0.434; P , 0.001), total cholesterol (r 5 20.324; P , 0.001), and triglycerides (r 5 20.219; P , 0.05). A significant multiple linear regression coefficient was found between the GH peak after ARG1GHRH, plasma IGF-I (t 5 2.947; P , 0.005), total cholesterol (t 5 22.746; P , 0.01), and disease duration (t 5 22.397; P , 0.05). No significant correlation was found between the GH peak after ARG1GHRH and plasma IGFBP-3 concentrations, HDL cholesterol, and

FIG. 4. Body composition analysis assessed by BIA in the five groups of patients grouped on the basis of the GH response to ARG1GHRH test: very severe GHD, GH peak below 3 mg/L; severe GHD, GH peak between 3.1–9 mg/L; partial GHD, GH peak between 9.1–16.5 mg/L; and non-GHD 5 GH peak above 16.5 mg/L. *, P , 0.05 vs. all other groups.

fasting glucose levels or hemodynamic and body composition parameters. A significant correlation was also found between total cholesterol and age (r 5 0.520; P , 0.001), disease duration (r 5 0.331; P 5 0.003), and IGF-I levels (r 5 0.325; P 5 0.003) and between triglycerides levels and age (r 5 0.293; P 5 0.009) and disease duration (r 5 0.350; P 5 0.001). No significant correlation was found between lipid profile (considering separately total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides) and FBM, LBM, and TBW. At the multiple regression analysis, the strongest predictor for total cholesterol levels was age (t 5 4.314; P , 0.001), but the GH peak after ARG1GHRH was still significantly correlated (t 5 22.617; P 5 0.01). At the multiple regression analysis, the strongest predictor for triglycerides level was disease duration (t 5 2.172; P , 0.05). In the control group, only plasma IGF-I levels were correlated with age (r 5 20.594; P , 0.001), and no significant correlation was found among all of the other variables. Discussion

The results of this study demonstrated that the lower the GH response to ARG1GHRH, the lower the IGF-I levels and the higher the total cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Thus, the severity of GHD was correlated to the severity of lipid profile abnormalities. GHD in adults is associated with increased fat mass, reduced lean mass, osteopenia, impaired fibrinolysis, altered cardiac structure and function, unfavorable glucose and lipid metabolism, reduced exercise capacity, and reduced quality of life (1–3). As none of the symptoms is specific for the adult GHD syndrome, the diagnosis must be established on a biochemical basis (4 –7). There is general consensus that the biochemical diagnosis of severe GHD in adults is established when peak GH levels after ITT fall below 3 mg/L. In patients with contraindications to the ITT, the ARG1GHRH test has been indicated as the most promising alternative (4, 7). In a recent study (13), adult patients with severe GHD, namely with a GH peak after ITT less than 3 mg/L, had a GH response to ARG1GHRH below 9 mg/L. In normal subjects,


the GH response after ARG1GHRH was always greater than 16.5 mg/L in both adults and children (10, 11 and the present study). Thus, patients with a GH response after ARG1GHRH below 3 mg/L can be defined as having very severe GHD. Among the 157 hypopituitary patients included in this study, 102 patients could be diagnosed as very severe or severe GHD on the basis of a GH peak to ARG1GHRH below 3 or 9 mg/L, respectively. In line with a previous observation, the majority of patients with very severe (89.2%) or severe (70.2%) GHD had associated other pituitary hormone deficiencies (14). Conversely, only 36% of patients with partial GHD had associated other pituitary hormone deficiencies, as had 30% of patients with normal GH response after ARG1GHRH. Measurement of IGF-I in adults is only useful when its concentrations are below the normal range, and normal IGF-I concentrations in adults do not exclude the diagnosis of GHD (4 –7). Accordingly, in this study we have shown that IGF-I concentrations were subnormal in 70.8% of patients with very severe GHD and in 59.4% of patients with severe GHD. Similar to previous findings, we observed no difference in fasting glucose concentrations (1), whereas a significant increase in total, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides together with a decrease in HDL cholesterol were observed only in patients with very severe GHD (15–17). Total cholesterol and triglycerides concentrations were significantly correlated to the peak GH response to ARG1GHRH. The facts that hypercholesterolemia is only observed in patients with very severe/severe GHD (15–17, and this study), whereas triglycerides concentrations were reported as normal (18) or increased (16), demonstrate that the influence of GH on serum cholesterol is limited. It should also be considered that GH plays a complex effect on lipid metabolism; in fact, GH influences lipoprotein lipase activity, hepatic LDL receptor expression, and very low density lipoprotein turnover (15, 16, 19, 20). These contrasting results might be related to differences in the ages of the patients as well as to the effect of replacement therapy, particularly thyroid hormones (1). Only patients with very severe GHD presented abnormalities involving the whole lipid profile (total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels) whereas previous studies addressing the changes in lipid profile after GH replacement did not evaluate the results on the basis of the severity of GHD. Our findings suggest that the risk of premature atherosclerosis (18) might be limited to the patients with very severe/severe GHD. Long term studies are needed to ascertain whether GH treatment would normalize the lipid profile and reduce the risk of cardiovascular abnormalities in these patients. Surprisingly, in our study we observed no difference in body composition between hypopituitary patients with GHD and those with non-GHD. However, slightly increased FBM and decreased LBM were observed in patients with very severe GHD, with a trend toward a decrease in FBM and an increase in LBM from very severe GHD to non-GHD patients. A notable difference in body composition was found between patients and controls, in keeping with previous reports (21–23). Increased FBM, decreased LBM, and reduced TBW have been previously observed in untreated


GHD adults using BIA (21–23) as well as other techniques (21, 22). Concerning the abnormalities of lipid profile and body composition, it should be considered that the patients included in this study had a variable degree of pituitary insufficiency and were receiving standard replacement therapies. As it is well known that thyroid hormones (24), gonadal steroids (25), and glucocorticoids (26) have profound effects on lipid metabolism as well as on body composition, the possibility that in some of our patients replacement treatment was not completely adequate can not be ruled out. A hypokinetic syndrome has been described in GHD adults of childhood onset (27, 28). However, no significant difference in hemodynamic parameters was found in the patients of our study. It has been recently reported that some of the changes associated with GHD differ between adults with GHD of childhood onset and those with adult-onset disease (17). However, cardiac function, assessed by radionuclide angiography, was similar in patients with childhoodand adult-onset GHD, when GHD occurred before 40 yr of age (29). The present study, however, included only patients with adult-onset of hypopituitarism and/or GHD, which were subdivided in four groups matched for age. Individual patients’ ages were not considered for the analysis of hemodynamic parameters. In conclusion, the unfavorable lipid profile described in patients with severe GHD, as diagnosed by the ITT test (1–3, 15–19), was only found in patients with a GH response to ARG1GHRH below 9 mg/L. Therefore, a GH response to ARG1GHRH below 9 mg/L diagnosed a status of severe GHD. Furthermore, the results of this study confirmed that the GH response to ARG1GHRH is correlated with plasma IGF-I concentrations (13). IGF-I is considered to be the best indicator of somatotroph function in children (30). Our results as well as those of Aimaretti et al. (13) and Shalet et al. (4) suggest that IGF-I may also be an useful indicator of somatotroph function in adult population. Taken together, these findings indicate that the degree of the GH response to ARG1GHRH is correlated with the clinical status and further substantiate the reliability of the ARG1GHRH test for the diagnosis of GHD in adults. To date, GH treatment is recommended only in adult patients with severe GHD (4 –7). Therefore, patients with a GH response below 9 mg/L to the ARG1GHRH test should be treated with GH, as should patients with a peak GH response to ITT below 3 mg/L (4 –7). Conversely, in patients with a GH peak above 9 mg/L, careful monitoring of clinical conditions is recommended before GH replacement therapy is considered. References 1. De Boer H, Block G-J, Van Der Veen EA. 1995 Clinical aspects of growth hormone deficiency in adults. Endocr Rev. 16:63– 86. 2. Newmann CB, Kleinberg DL. 1998 Adult growth hormone deficiency. Endocrinologist 8:178 –186. 3. Carrol PV, Christ ER. 1998 Growth hormone deficiency in adulthood and the effects of growth hormone replacement: a review. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 83:382–395. 4. Shalet SM, Toogood A, Rahim A, Brennan BMD. 1998 The diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency in children and adults. Endocr Rev 19:203–223. 5. Hoffman DM, O’Sullivan AJ, Baxter RC, Ho KY. 1994 Diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency in adults. Lancet 343:1064 –1068. 6. Thorner MO, Bengtsson BA, Ho KY, et al. 1995 The diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in adults. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80:3097–3098.



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