the health source - Anglo American

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System, it could also form the basis of a comprehensive National Health Information System, both in South ... FUNCTIONAL
THE HEALTH SOURCE An Integrated Electronic Health Record Solution

public and private health care arenas, the solution has been shared with and is being offered to the Department of Health, non-governmental health organisations, and mining healthcare services. In addition, through the Chamber of Mines, tHS is being offered to SADC stakeholders who are trying to resolve issues around cross border referral of mineand ex-mine workers with Tuberculosis and Suspected Occupational Lung Diseases.

Anglo American Thermal Coal developed, implemented and continues to improve upon an Integrated Electronic Health Record Solution (EHRS), “theHealthSource” (tHS), to manage a number of health and populationbased risks.

Whilst “theHealthSource” has the potential to provide the platform for a shared National Occupational Health System, it could also form the basis of a comprehensive National Health Information System, both in South Africa and in the SADC region.


The solution tracks the health of individuals over time irrespective of health care provider (private, public, mining, NGO, etc.), place of residence or source of health care funding (public, private, health insurance, out-of-pocket etc.). By uniquely identifying individuals through biometric confirmation/identification and other parameters it is ensured that confidential medical records are accurately linked to individuals. Through using ring-fencing, confidentiality of health care and population-based organisations is protected, without limiting the individual’s right to share his/her medical record between providers. The solution increasingly provides for optimised pathways of maximising health improvement through primary health care, wellness, occupational health, emergency medical care and in-patient care functionality. The continuity and availability of tHS through secure web-based transacting allows for directing of appropriate medical testing without duplication, ensuring that the advised interventions occur as directed and that medical decision making about treatment and care is improved. Because tHS has been designed from the outset to be expandable to address issues in the wider community /

One Stop Health Shop

MAIN FEATURES OF “tHS”  Secure confidential access via the Internet  District Health Model approach  Direct data capture by Health Providers whilst they work, limiting if not avoiding the need for data capturers after the event.  Bottom up approach: inclusive of PHC/GP’s  Transactional system which is Diagnosis Driven & Task-Flow Based  Guided health care process leads to standardization of activity  System ensures accuracy of all critical data  tHS eliminates manual reporting and substitutes automated electronic reporting through electronic health care transactions  Real-time reporting of Key Performance Indicators – Health Dashboard  Data can be easily uploaded to collated data reporting systems, e.g. Tier.Net, DHIS, Enablon


Electronic Lab Requesting/Reporting


The system and data are secure and confidential and there is a constant vigilance to maintain these critical assurances.

The solution can be used/shared by private and public Health Care Workers (HCW’s) at private and public health care facilities at most levels.

The solution is developed with the District Health System model as the foundation, no matter whether the implementation is Public, Private, Mining, NGO or other.

The solution can be used to improve and control clinical practice and has significant potential in terms of GP’s within a capitation environment.

The system maintains a careful balance between simplicity for basic users and the complex demands of some users and the overall performance of the solution, recognising network and other resource constraints.

The system architecture ensures containment of costs, without compromising on quality.

Access from wherever the Health Care Worker User is, provided they have appropriate connectivity to the Internet.

One Person One Health Record (secure biometric confirmation and identification).

Visit management.

Ring-fencing of Patients and Health Care Organisations/Health Care Sites/Health Care Workers (Doctors/Nurses/Pharmacists/etc.).

Continuous health records from multiple sites with client consent (ideal for tracking health events such as HIV, TB, Occupational Diseases, etc.).

Compulsory ICD10 Diagnosis Coding for critical transactions.

Electronic laboratory requesting/reporting (obvious benefits in preventing duplication, ensuring compliance to standards, improved clinical decision making and patient outcomes, etc.).

Electronic Scripting and Issuing of Medicines (obvious benefits in preventing duplication, ensuring compliance to standards, improved clinical decision making and patient outcomes, etc.).

Sharing X-Rays

Recognition (GBC Health and Applaud)

On-line and e-mail reporting (reduces Registered Nurse time spent on Reporting up to 100%).

Continuous improvement of data to the level of real-time operational research data (applying of business rules, exception reports, etc.).

Seamless referral from PHC sites/HCW’s to other levels of Out- and In-Patient Care, including Admissions and In-patient Care and Referred Care (basic).

HIV Wellness and other chronic disease management (basic questionnaires HCT and other tests).

Immunisations Module (CPT4 procedure coding system currently only “opened” for immunisations).

Interfacing with appropriate specialised systems, e.g. Pharmaceutical, Medical Billing/Debtors, Radiography, Medical Equipment (audiometry, Spirometry, etc.), Human Resource/ERP, etc. to provide a comprehensive suite of solutions.

Continuous functional improvement based upon a living vision of the future requirements for an Electronic Health Record within a complex future health care funding and delivery environment (NHI included).

The solution continues to grow on a prioritised basis.