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A similar online exchange was neces- sary, and .... electronic medical record systems. ... EMR. RHIO. Test Inventor. Lab
212DDNEWS DDNEWS|| ||March March 2014 2014 12 DDNEWS | | March 2014 12 DDNEWS | | March 2014

Editorial Editorial Editorial Editorial

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Commentary: Commentary: The The healthcare healthcare Commentary: The healthcare

haven’t haven’t heard heard about about exchange exchange you you haven’t heard about exchange you


yBy Dr. Dr. Doug Doug Moeller, Moeller, MeDical MeDical Director, Director, McKesson McKesson HealtH HealtH solutions solutions

Conceptual Conceptualarchitecture architectureofofaaDiagnostics Diagnosticsexchange exchange problems problems and and recognized recognized there there was was a need, a need, oror some some time time now now , healthcare , healthcare By Dr. Doug Moeller, MeDical Director, McKesson HealtH solutions By Dr. Doug Moeller, MeDical Director, McKesson HealtH solutions Conceptual architecture of a Diagnostics exchange and and an an opportunity, opportunity, to to create create an an exchange exchange exchanges exchangeshave have figured figured promipromior some time now, healthcare problems and recognized there was a need, Conceptual architecture of a Diagnostics exchange problems and(i.e., recognized therean was a need, or someTheir time now , healthcare for fordiagnostic diagnostic (i.e.,a adiagnostic nently nently inin thethe media. media. Their central central and testing antesting opportunity, todiagnostic create exchange exchanges have figured promiPublic Public Users Users Secure Secure Users Users and ansolution opportunity, toneed create exchange exchanges figured promiexchange). exchange). This This solution would would need a weba webrole roleininthe the Affordable Affordable Care CareAct, Act, Academic Academic for diagnostic testing (i.e., aandiagnostic nently in thehave media. Their central Public Users Secure Users for diagnostic (i.e., diagnostic nently inthe theAffordable media. Their central based based infrastructure infrastructure with with a shared atesting shared workflow workflow the thechallenges challenges durdurPublic Users Secure Users exchange). This solution woulda need a webroleexperienced inexperienced Care Act, Commercial Commercial Academic exchange). This solution need a webrole in the Affordable Act, Academic that that laboratories laboratories andmanufacturers manufacturers could nging initial initial launch launch and and thethe intense intense focus focus ononCare basedand infrastructure withwould acould shared workflow the challenges experienced durCommercial Boutique Boutique based infrastructure a shared the challenges experienced durInternet Internet use to to submit submit information information about about their their spespe- workflow ignup signup numbers numbers have have all all received received extensive Commercial that laboratories andwith manufacturers could ing initial launch and extensive the intense use focus on that laboratories and manufacturers could ing initial launch and the intense focus on Boutique TestTest Inventor Inventor Reference Reference cific cific MDx MDx test, test, and and which which providprovidoverage. coverage. But But what what has has been been less less Internet signup numbers have all received extensive use to submit information about their speBoutique Internet use to submit information about their spesignup have received ers and and payers payers could could useuse toto underunderwidely widelyreported reported is numbers isthe the fact fact that that Test Inventor cific MDx test, and which providcoverage. But what hasallbeen less extensive ers Laboratory Laboratory Government Government Reference Test Inventor Reference cific MDx test,tests. and which coverage. But what less stand stand and and evaluate evaluate those those tests. he theconcept concept ofofonline online exchangexchangers and payers could use toprovidunderwidely reported is has the been fact that Laboratory Government Provider Provider ers andand payers could use totests. underwidely reported is the exchangfact that Simply Simplyspeaking, speaking, we weneeded needed sesasasa mechanism a mechanism totoimprove Laboratory Government stand evaluate those the concept ofimprove online stand and evaluate those the concept of online Health Health Plan Plan Provider Federal Federal totobuild buildanan online online catalog, catalog, like like ealthcare healthcare isn’t new. new. Simply speaking, we tests. needed esisn’t as a mechanism toexchangimprove Provider Test Test Simply we needed es as a mechanism to improve ananonline onlinebookstore oronline ortravel travel For Forthe thepurposes purposes ofof this this disdisHealth Plan Federal tobookstore build anspeaking, catalog, like Regulator healthcare isn’t new. State State Registry Registry Test Regulator Health Plan Federal to build an online catalog, like healthcare isn’t new. site. site. However, However, we we would would still still ussion, cussion, anan exchange exchange is is an an elecelecUser-Created User-Created Clinical Clinical Evidence Evidence an online bookstore or travel For the purposes of this disTest Regulator State Other Other DB DB Administrator Administrator Registry an online bookstore or travel For the purposes ofisthis disContent Content Summaries Summaries need need a unique a unique identifier—some identifier—some ronic tronicmarketplace marketplace where each each Regulator State Registry site. However, we would still cussion, anwhere exchange an elecUser-Created Clinical Evidence Other DB Administrator site. However, we would still cussion, an exchange is an elecmechanism mechanism forfordistinguishing roduct producthas has a unique a unique IDIDcode. code. User-Created Clinical Evidence Content Summaries need a distinguishing unique identifier—some tronic marketplace where each Other DB Administrator Content Summaries need a unique identifier—some tronic marketplace where each one one test test from from thethe next next during during thethe -commerce E-commerce sites sites can can bebe thought mechanism for distinguishing product has a thought unique ID code. Doug Doug moeller, moeller, Orders, Orders, Authorizations Authorizations mechanism for product has aexchange unique IDthought code. order order and and fulfillment fulfillment process— process— fof asas thethe prototype prototype ofof an an exchange one test from the distinguishing next during the E-commerce sites can be mcKesson mcKesson Health Health Doug moeller, one test from the next during the sites can be thought similar similar to to a SKU, a SKU, UPC UPC or or ISBN ISBN Orders, Authorizations hat thathad hada transformative aE-commerce transformative effect effect order and fulfillment process— of as the prototype of anSolutions exchange Solutions Doug moeller, Orders, Authorizations mcKesson Health order and fulfillment of as the prototype of an exchange code, code, but but uniquely uniquely designed forprocess— non markets. markets. They They build build anan online online Health similar todesigned a SKU,for UPC or ISBN that had a transformative effect mcKesson Solutions similar to uniquely a SKU, UPC or ISBN that had a transformative effect laboratory laboratorytests testsinstead instead ofofstocking stocking units, units, atalog catalog ofof every every product product (for (for example, example, books Solutions code, but designed for on markets. They build an books online Laboratory Laboratory Radiology Radiology EMR EMR RHIO RHIO uniquely designed for on markets. They build anpurchase online products products books. books. code, rorcomputers computers ororCDs) you you can canpurchase Information Information Information Information laboratory tests but instead of stocking units, catalog ofCDs) every product (for example, books oror Laboratory Radiology EMR RHIO System System System System laboratory tests instead of stocking units, catalog of every product (for example, books The The first first challenge challenge we faced faced was was that that testtestnline online and and ship byby mail. mail. or CDs) you can purchase Laboratory Radiology EMR RHIO products orwe books. orship computers Information Information products or books. or computers or CDs) you can purchase Information Information System System specific, specific, universal universal codes codes did did not not exist exist for for the the A Asimilar similar online online exchange exchange was was necesnecesThe first challenge we faced was that testonline and ship by mail. System System The first challenge we did faced was that testonline and ship byrapidly mail. bebe added added facilitate facilitate thethe search search process, process, simsim- We’re clinical laboratory industry. industry. Instead, Instead, each each ary, sary,and andcreated, created, forforthe the rapidly growing growing We’re not not there there yet, yet, but but we’re we’re getting getting there there specific, universal codes not exist for the toto A similar online exchange wasclinical neces-laboratory specific, universal codes did not exist for the A similar online exchange was necesilar ilar to to the the form form fields fields people people use use to to buy buy an an laboratory laboratory had had its its own own proprietary proprietary catalog, catalog, molecular molecular diagnostic diagnostic (MDx) (MDx) field. field. Advanced Advanced fast. fast. WeWe have have reached reached a new athere new frontier frontier of cliniclinisimsary, and created, for the rapidly growing clinical laboratory industry. Instead, each be added to facilitate the search process, We’re not yet, butofwe’re getting there be added facilitate the search process, simlaboratory industry. Instead, each sary, and created, for(MDx) the rapidly growing We’re not yet,the but we’re getting airline ticket. ticket. Search results can can then then yield yield consisting consisting ofclinical of CPT CPT codes, codes, HCPCS HCPCS codes codes and and airline iagnostics diagnostics are are evolving evolving soso quickly quickly that that the the Advanced calcal care, care, and the the ability ability tothere to unlock unlock human human ilarSearch to thetoresults form fields people use to buy anand laboratory had its own proprietary catalog, molecular diagnostic field. fast. We have reached athe new frontier of there cliniilar to the form fields people use to buy an laboratory had its own proprietary catalog, molecular diagnostic (MDx) field. Advanced fast. We have reached a new frontier clinithethe correct correct test test oror aticket. small a small listing listing ofof similar similar proprietary internal codes. codes. ndustry industry is is unable unable toto keep keep pace. pace. For For example, example, genome genome upon The The unparalleled unparalleled view viewtheofhuman airline Search results can then yieldis isupon consisting of CPT codes, HCPCS codes and diagnostics are evolving so quicklyproprietary that the internal cal care, and the ability to unlock airline ticket. Search results can then yield consisting of CPT codes, HCPCS codes and diagnostics are evolving so quickly that the cal care, and thethat ability toemergunlock tests, tests, permitting permitting users users to to review review and and select select ofofsimilar AsAs a result, a result, wewe developed developed a five-character a five-character here there were were 11,667 11,667 tests tests for for 3,463 3,463 conditions conditions of thethe human human blueprint blueprint that is is now now emerg-the human the correct test or a small listing proprietary internal codes. industry is unable to keep pace. For example, genome is upon us. The unparalleled view the correct test orusers a small listing and ofing similar proprietary internal codes. industry is unable to keep example, genome is consequences upon us. The that unparalleled view exactly what what they they want. want. tracking tracking code code that starts with with the letter letter Z and Z and exactly nin 239 239 labs labs in in thethe Genetic Genetic Test Test Registry Registry asas ofFor ofconditions ing has hasbreathtaking breathtaking consequences asaswe tests, permitting to review select Asthat astarts result, wethe developed a five-character there were 11,667 tests forpace. 3,463 of the human blueprint iswe now emerg1 and 1 and tests, permitting users review select of As a result, we developed five-character 11,667 tests forTest 3,463 conditions the blueprint that is now emergthe selection selection process, process, a code a to code ideniden-and is is followed followed by four four additional additional alphanumeric alphanumeric eptember Septemberthere 2013, contemplate contemplate gene gene repairs. repairs. And And while while those those new new diagnostics areare exactly what they want. tracking code that starts withathe letterDuring ZDuring and the in2013, 239were labs in thediagnostics Genetic Registry as of by ing hashuman breathtaking consequences as we exactly what want.process, tracking code that starts with the letter Z and in 239 labs in Genetic Test Registry asare of These ing has breathtaking consequences we 1ofand tifier tifier might might not noteven even bethey be necessary necessary ininthe the characters. These resembled resembled but but didn’t didn’t overoverconsequences consequences will will surely surely bring bring controversy, controversy, egularly regularlyemerging emerging at at a2013, rate athe rate ofseveral several per per characters. During the selection a code idenis followed by four additional alphanumeric September contemplate gene repairs. And while as those new diagnostics 1 and new diagnostics are 2 2 During the selection process, a code idenis followed by four additional alphanumeric September 2013, contemplate gene repairs. And while those visual visual display display ofof this this information, information, laplap with with CMS/HCPCS CMS/HCPCS codes. Ifresembled If allall 3636 alphaalphathey they will also also bring bring hope. hope. But But we we need need toto getget month. month.The The global globalmarket marketforfor tifier might not even allowing beallowing necessary in will the These but didn’t overconsequences will surely bring controversy, regularly emerging atmolecular amolecular rate of several per tifier might evento be necessary in the now. characters. These but didn’t over- functions consequences will surely bring regularly emerging atat aa rate of per characters 2 The additional additional functions toto benot be added added to support support numeric numeric characters are used used inresembled in positions positions organized, organized, now. This This is is thethe time time toto embrace embrace iagnostics diagnostics is isexpected expected toglobal togrow grow at CAGR a CAGR visual display of this information, allowing lap withare CMS/HCPCS codes.two Iftwo all 36 alphathey will also bring hope. But wecontroversy, need to get month. market forseveral molecular 2 The visual display of this information, allowing lap with CMS/HCPCS codes. If all 36 alphathey will also bring hope. But we to need to get month. global market for molecular clinical clinical documentation, documentation, access access to to evidenceevidencethrough through five, five, more more than than 1.3 1.3 million million unique unique the the transformational transformational benefits benefits that that a atime fully fof1111percent percent through through 2019, 2019, generating generating an an additional functions to be added to support organized, now. This is the fully embrace diagnostics is expected to grow at a CAGR numeric characters are used in positions two 3 3 at codes additional functions to beaccess added support numeric characters are used in positions two organized, now. Thisdiagnostics isdiagnostics the time that to embrace diagnostics expected to grow a codes CAGR based based test testselection selection criteria, criteria,payer payer covercoverforforMDx MDxtests tests can can bebecreated. created. With With functioning, functioning, well-integrated stimated estimated $8.7 $8.7 billion billion inis in revenue revenue by2019, by 2019. 2019. clinical documentation, totoevidencethrough five, more than 1.3 million unique thewell-integrated transformational benefits a fully of 11 percent through generating an clinical documentation, access payer to evidencethrough more than 1.3 unique the transformational benefits diagnostics that a fully of 11 percent 2019, generating an 3 age age criteria criteria and—one and—one day, day, perhaps—direct perhaps—direct theunique unique identifier identifier concept concept and and strategy strategy exchange exchange can deliver. deliver. The Theexploding exploding number number ofofMDx MDx tests tests is isbythe n n based test selection criteria, cover- can codes forfive, MDx tests can bemillion created. With functioning, well-integrated estimated $8.7through billion in revenue 2019. 3 based test selection payer cover- functioning, codes for MDx tests can bethe created. With well-integrated diagnostics estimated $8.7 billion inbecause revenue byin2019. order entry. entry. in place, place, then then designed designed and and developed developed the roving provingdifficult difficult todifferentiate differentiate because age criteria and—onecriteria, day, perhaps—direct the unique identifier concept andorder strategy exchange can deliver. Thetoexploding number of MDx tests iswewe n age criteria day, perhaps—direct the unique concept and strategy exchange can deliver. The exploding number ofidenMDxtechnical tests is implementation n Any Any discussion discussion of of a diagnostic aand—one diagnostic exchange, exchange, technical implementation online. online. A) (A)there therewas was nonosystem system totouniquely uniquely idenDouglas Douglas Moeller, Moeller, M.D., M.D., is is medical medical director director order entry. in place, we identifier then designed and developed the proving difficult to differentiate because order in place, we thencan designed and developed the McKesson’s proving difficult to differentiate because whether whether McKesson’s ororanother another model, model,exchange, These These Z-Code Z-Code Identifiers Identifiers can bebe obtained obtained ify tifyeach eachtest test and(B) (B) few few tests tests have have been been of of McKesson McKesson health health Solutions. Solutions. Moeller Moeller is is Anyentry. discussion of a diagnostic technical implementation online. (A)and there was no system to uniquely idenDouglas Moeller, M.D., is medical director Any discussion of a diagnostic exchange, technical implementation online. (A) there was no system uniquely idenDouglas Moeller, M.D., medical director wouldnot notbe be complete complete without without aor discusa discusbybytest testinventors inventors inZ-Code in approximately approximately three valuated evaluated with with enough enough clinical clinical evidence evidence totohave anmodel, an expert expert onon clinical clinical coding coding with with aSolutions. growing aisgrowing whether McKesson’s another These Identifiersthree can be would obtained tify each test and (B) fewtotests been of McKesson health Moeller is whether orwithout another model, Z-Code Identifiers can be obtained tify each test and (B)Many few tests have been of McKesson health Solutions. Moeller is sion sion ofof interoperability. interoperability. The concept concept ofof anan afocus weeks weeks through through ananopen openonline online application etermine determinetheir their clinical clinical utility. Many areare focus onon advanced advanced diagnostics diagnostics and and episode episode would notMcKesson’s beThe complete discusbyThese test inventors inapplication approximately three evaluated withutility. enough clinical evidence to an expert on clinical coding with a growing would beinvolves complete without aofdiscusby test inventors in approximately three marketplace evaluated with clinical toAtAt an experthe on clinical coding with a growing electronic electronic marketplace involvesconnecconnecprocess. process. the the time time ofof this this writing, writing, approxiapproxieveloped developedand andmarketed marketed asenough aslab-developed lab-developed of care care management. management. he was was anan internist internist sion ofnot interoperability. The concept of an weeks through an open online application determine their clinical utility.evidence Many are focus on advanced diagnostics and episode sion of interoperability. The concept ofprivate an practice weeks through an open online application determine their clinical utility. are4,500 focus before onbefore advanced diagnostics and episode tivity tivity with with everything everything relevant. relevant. For For examexammately mately 4,500 identifiers identifiers represent represent commerests, tests,and andthe theprotocols protocols and and processes processes canMany in in private practice transitioning transitioning into into electronic marketplace involves connecprocess. At the time of commerthis writing, approxideveloped and marketed ascan lab-developed of care management. he was an internist electronic marketplace involves connecprocess. At the time of this writing, approxideveloped and marketed as lab-developed of care management. he was an ple, ple,a diagnostic a diagnostic exchange exchange should should share shareFor cially cially available available tests tests that that arearemolecular molecular inin commeriffer differ significantly. significantly. The The variations variations available available medical medical informatics. For For more more about about Z-code Z-codeinternist tivity with everything relevant. exam-informatics. mately 4,500 identifiers represent tests, and the protocols and processes can in private practice before transitioning into tivity with everything relevant. For exammately 4,500 identifiers represent commertests, and the protocols and processes can in private practice website before transitioning into information information with with the the NIH NIH Genetic Genetic Test Test nature, nature, such such as as human human gene gene tests, tests, protein protein orfor a single a single test test can can create create confusion, confusion, collabcollabIdentifiers, Identifiers, visit visit the the McKesson McKesson website at at about Z-code ple, a diagnostic exchange should share cially available tests that are molecular in differ significantly. The variations available medical informatics. For more ple, a isdiagnostic should share cially available tests thatdisease are molecular in which differ significantly. The variations informatics. For more about Z-code Registry, Registry, which isa avoluntary voluntary research cell cell surface surface markers markers and and infectious disease ration oration challenges challenges and and inefficiencies inefficiencies across across available information withexchange theresearch NIH Genetic Test medical nature, such asinfectious human gene tests, protein for a single test can create confusion, collabIdentifiers, visit the McKesson website at information with the NIH Genetic Test Identifiers, visit the McKesson website at suchmarkers as human tests,and protein for a single test can create confusion, collabandeducational educational database database that that has more more probes. probes. hethe healthcare healthcare system. system. Registry, which is ahas voluntary research cell surface andgene infectious disease oration challenges and inefficiencies across nature, Registry, which isdatabase a voluntary research surface markers and infectious disease oration challenges and inefficiencies across than11,000 11,000 individual individual test testentries entries and and is is has Aslong longascell asthethe identifier identifier points points toto a data a data than The Theability ability ofproviders, providers, payers, payers, manumanu- As referenCeS: referenCeS: and educational that more probes. theofhealthcare system. and database has and more probes. thelaboratories healthcare system. rapidly. set, it it doesn’t doesn’t need toto be informative. informative. Data growing acturers facturers and and laboratories to to make make thethe best best set, thaneducational 11,000 individual testthat entries is Center Asneed long asbe the identifierData points togrowing a data rapidly. The ability of providers, payers, manu1. National 1. National Center forfor Biotechnology Biotechnology Information, Information, referenCeS: 11,000 individual test entries and isNational As long as the identifier points to Ideally, a Data data The ability of providers, manuIdeally,anthan aneffective effective diagnostic diagnostic exchange exchange fields forfor short short description, long long description description linical clinical and and financial financial decisions decisions is is hampered hampered referenCeS: U.S. U.S. National Library Library of Medicine, of Medicine, Genetic Genetic Test Test growing rapidly. set, itdescription, doesn’t need to be informative. facturers and laboratories topayers, makefields the best 1. National Center for Biotechnology Information, growing rapidly. set, it for doesn’t need tomethodology be informative. Data facturers and laboratories to make the needs needs a user a user interface interface that is ismerged merged into into exchange Registry, Registry, September September 3, 2013 3,Center 2013 for Biotechnology Information, or or a best brief a brief overview overview ofshort of thethe test test methodology ybythe thedifficulty difficulty ofand ofeffectively effectively collecting, collecting, 1. National Ideally, anthat effective diagnostic fields description, long description clinical financial decisions is hampered U.S. National Library of Medicine, Genetic Test Ideally, an effective diagnostic exchange fields for short description, long description clinical and financial decisions is hampered 2. UnitedHealth, 2. UnitedHealth, Working Working Paper Paper 7, “Personalized 7, “Personalized U.S. National Library of Medicine, Genetic Test the the existing existing user user experiences experiences of of popular popular can can be be viewed viewed after after selecting selecting search search criteria criteria racking trackingand and analyzing analyzing data data on on the the impact impact Registry, September 3, 2013 by the difficulty of effectively collecting, or a brief overview of the test methodology needs a user interface that is merged into Medicine: Medicine: Trends Trends andand prospects prospects forfor3, 2013 needs a user interface thatData is merged into Registry, September or a be brief overview the testsearch methodology by the difficulty ofneed effectively electronic electronicmedical medical record record systems. Data or decision decision support support criteria. criteria. fof each each test. test. Moreover, Moreover, payers need toto have have 2. UnitedHealth, Working Paper 7, “Personalized the existing usersystems. experiences of popular can viewed after of selecting criteria tracking andpayers analyzing data on collecting, theorimpact thethe new new science science of genetic of genetic testing testing andand 2. UnitedHealth, Working Paper 7, “Personalized the existing user data experiences of popular can be viewed after selecting search criteria tracking and Moreover, analyzing data on the impact Medicine: Trends and prospects for packets consisting consisting ofof standard standard data descripdescripAnother advantage ofof thethe online online nature nature ofof packets ach each MDx MDx test specifically specifically identified identified toto help help electronic medical record systems. Data oradvantage decision support criteria. oftest each test. payers need toAnother have molecular molecular diagnostics,” diagnostics,” March March 2012. 2012. http:// http:// for Medicine: Trends and prospects electronic medicalofmethodolorecord systems. Data or Another decision support criteria. of each test. Moreover, payers needsuch to have the new science of genetic testing and tions, tions, such as as test test descriptions, descriptions, methodolosuch a diagnostic a diagnostic exchange exchange is is that that itofdoes itthe does not not nature hem themtransparently transparently provide provide efficient efficient reimreimpackets consisting standard data descripadvantage online ofsuch each MDx test specifically identified to help the new science of genetic testing andhttp:// molecular diagnostics,” March 2012. packets consisting of standard data descripAnother advantage the online of each MDx testdecisions, specifically identified to help gies gies ornot or actual actual clinical clinical results, results, should bebe sharsharlimit limit users users tosuch to the the content found found inofin one one spe-itnature ursement bursement and and coverage coverage decisions, improve improve WorkingPaper7.pdf. WorkingPaper7.pdf. tions, such as testshould descriptions, methodoloacontent diagnostic exchange isspethat does them transparently provide efficient reimmolecular diagnostics,” March 2012. http:// tions, such as test descriptions, methodolosuch a diagnostic exchange is that it does not them transparently provide efficient reimable able across across interfaces. interfaces. Lastly, Lastly, a diagnostic a diagnostic cific cific database. database. In In fact, fact, a variety a variety of of additional additional tilization utilization management management processes processes and and betbet3. Transparency 3. Transparency Market Market Research, Research, Molecular Molecular bursement and coverage decisions, improve limit users to the content found in one spe- gies or actual clinical results, should be sharWorkingPaper7.pdf. gies actual clinical results, should be sharusers to the content foundofinadditional one spe- should bursement and coverage decisions, improve Diagnostics Diagnostics Market Market (PCR, (PCR, Next Next Generation Generation exchange exchange should have have aninterfaces. an analytic analytic capability capability informational resources can bebepresented erter support support new new models models ofof care. care. InIn fact, fact, thethe informational ableoracross Lastly, a diagnostic cificresources database. Incan fact, a presented variety utilization management processes and bet- limit 3. WorkingPaper7.pdf. Transparency Market Research, Molecular Sequencing, Sequencing, Microarray, Microarray, Infectious Infectious diseases, Molecular able across interfaces. Lastly, a diagnostic cific database. In fact, a variety of additional utilization management processes and bet3. Transparency Marketdiseases, Research, that that can can be be linked linked to to claims claims processing processing syssyssimultaneously, simultaneously, permitting permitting the the user user to to learn learn otal total clinical clinical laboratory laboratory spend has has increased increased Diagnostics Market (PCR, Next Generation ter support spend new models of care. In fact, the informational resources can be presented exchange should have an analytic capability Genetic Genetic disease, disease, Oncology Oncology testing, testing, Blood Blood donor donor Diagnostics (PCR, Next Generation exchange should have an analytic capability informational resources can beuser presented ter support new models ofthe care. thedeal tems toto create create synergies synergies with with provider provider pracpracafact, great a great deal about about anan unfamiliar unfamiliar test test in in just just oso much much that that payers payers areare now now alert alert toto the cost cost Sequencing,Market Microarray, Infectious diseases, that can be linked to claims processing syssimultaneously, permitting the totems learn total clinical laboratory spend hasInincreased screening) screening) - Global - Global Industry Industry Analysis, Analysis, Size, Size, Sequencing, Microarray, Infectious that can be linked to claims processing syssimultaneously, permitting the user to learn total clinical laboratory spend has increased Genetic disease, Oncology testing, diseases, Blood donor tice tice systems oror health health plan plan reimbursement reimbursement few a few minutes. minutes. nd and clinical clinical utility utility ofof molecular molecular diagnostics. tems to create synergies with provider praca great deal about an unfamiliar test insystems just so much that payers diagnostics. are now alert toathe cost Share, Share, Growth, Growth, Trends Trends and and Forecast, Forecast, 2013-2019 2013-2019 Genetic disease, Oncology testing, Blood screening) Global Industry Analysis, Size,donor tems to createorsynergies withreimbursement provider pracdeal about ancriteria unfamiliar in justand so much that payers now alertdiagnostics. to the cost aa great systems systems and criteria. criteria. Additionally, Additionally, decision decision support support criteria can cantest AtAtMcKesson, McKesson, wewe saw saw these these emerging emerging tice systems health plan few minutes. and clinical utility ofare molecular screening) - Global Industry Analysis, 2013-2019 Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, tice systems or health plan reimbursement a few minutes. andAtclinical utility of molecular diagnostics. Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2013-2019 Additionally, decision support criteria can systems and criteria. McKesson, we saw these emerging Additionally, decision support criteria can systems and criteria. At McKesson, we saw these emerging Reprinted Reprintedwith withpermission permissionfrom fromDDNews DDNewsn nMarch March2014, 2014, Volume Volume10, 10, Issue Issue3 3 Reprint n n n n n March 19035 19035Old OldDetroit DetroitRoad Road Rocky Rocky River, River, OH OH44116 44116 Old OldRiver RiverPublications, Publications, LLC LLC Reprinted with permission from DDNews 2014, Volume 10, Issue 3 Reprinted with permission from DDNews n March 2014, Volume 10, Issue 3courtesy of n n n n n 19035 n Rocky River, OH 44116 Tel: Tel:(440) (440)331-6600 331-6600 Fax: Fax:(440) (440)331-7563 331-7563 Old Detroit Road Old River Publications, LLC McKesson Old River Publications, LLC n 19035 Old Detroit Road n Rocky River, OH 44116 n Tel: (440) 331-6600 n Fax: (440) 331-7563 Health Solutions n Tel: (440) 331-6600 n Fax: (440) 331-7563

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