the hydrogeological mapping of the geological and

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Figure 1- Hydrogeological maps 1:200.000. Besides the mentioned systematic map series, the IGME has carried out hydrogeological maps at other scales of ...
Session 1 – Oral presentation

THE HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAPPING OF THE GEOLOGICAL AND MINING INSTITUTE OF SPAIN: FROM THE PAPER TO THE NET Miguel del Pozo; Alfredo García and Leticia Vega Geological and Mining Institute of Spain. C / Ríos Rosas, 23 Madrid-28003. [email protected]

and Cádiz (2005). Also the atlases of Castellón (1987) and Burgos (1998) were edited. This information is available in printed paper what linked with the difficulty of the transience of a part of groundwater related information, results in obsolete maps even before their edition. The IGME, in agreement with new times and the emerging technologies applied in the geographically referenced data treatment and the thematic cartography edition, has made a great effort, by the middle of 80’s, in order to get technical and human resources that allow to integrate all data in a Geographical Information System. This effort has supposed the development of several projects like the creation of a Hydrogeological Database (BDH) that facilitates the management and analysis of the spatial and thematic information, as well as obtaining cartographic products in standardized or requested formats. In this sense, the Hidrogeology and Groundwater Department of the IGME has wagered for the SIAS whose main objective is the design and development of a Groundwater Information System of Spain in order to give support to the needs of hydrogeological research in diverse projects of this department, as well as the elaboration of institutional and derived mapping with a simple and user-friendly system.

KEY WORDS: Hydrogeological synthesis map, Water Framework Directive, Digital cartography, Geographical Information System, Groundwater Information System.

SUMMARY The Real Ordinance 450/1979 of February 20 settled down that one of the specific missions of the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain was the making of the National Hydrogeological mapping; for what was considered of great interest the publication of hydrogeological synthesis maps at a scale of 1:200.000 using the scale 1:50.000 for those areas with more information and/or with more socioeconomic interest. At this moment only 36 map sheets have been published at a scale 1:200.000 and 11 map sheets at a scale 1:50.000.

Figure 1- Hydrogeological maps 1:200.000.

Besides the mentioned systematic map series, the IGME has carried out hydrogeological maps at other scales of some areas with a particular environmental interest as the National Park of Doñana or the Reserve of the “Laguna de Fuente de Piedra”. The IGME has published, in collaboration with different public administrations, a series of provincial or autonomic Atlases related to the hydric environment. This series comprises the Andalusian provinces of Málaga (1988), Granada (1990), Huelva (1993), Jaén (1997), Sevilla (2003)

Figure 2 - Screen of SIAS.

The SIAS has been developed as a pilot project for the autonomous community of Andalusia and more detailed for the provinces of Huelva and Sevilla. It expects to cover the whole national territory. On 23 October 2000, the Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council


Session 1 – Oral presentation

for the implementation of the SIAS when it enlarges the workspace. As a first step, a continuous lithostratigraphical map of Spain at a scale of 1:200.000 was performed starting from the digitized, unified and homogeneous geological mapping. The next step will consist on the specific development of mapping guidance for the elaboration of the hydrogeological map of Spain. This guide will be a tool for the homogenization of the cartographic products carried out by the IGME in groundwater matters and it will serve as reference when composing new hydrogeological maps. The assessment of the proposed methodology goes by its application in three trial areas across the national territory with different geological characteristics and socioeconomic situations. Once the method validated, the hydrogeological synthesis will be generated for the whole spanish territory, at a scale of 1:200.000, according to the legends and specifications settled down in this mapping guidance.

establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy was finally adopted. This fact supposed a new impulse to the realisation of the hydrogeological mapping with the objective of fulfilling the initial characterisation of groundwater bodies and the further characterisation of those groundwater bodies at risk. It involves to add information on: Geological characteristics of aquifers, including the geometry, stratigraphic classification, lithological-petrographic description and tectonics; Hydrogeological characteristics, including permeability, effective porosity and confinement; Location of the water supply wells; Land use in the natural recharge areas, etc. All this new compiled information must be synthesized and incorporated to the Hydrogeological Database what will facilitate its management, treatment and exploitation, at the time that will be captured on an appropriate cartographic base, in digital format, that serves as geoscientific support for the harmonised and standardized description at national level and totally comparable with hydrogeological cartographies of the rest of the Community

Figure 3 - Lithostratigraphical map of Spain. The Continuous Hydrogeological Map of Spain and the software tool (SIAS) that attend to the management and exploitation suppose an important contribution for the hydrogeologist, groundwater specialists and water managers,

countries. Therefore, the works have been focused to obtain a hydrogeological map of the whole national territory at scale 1:200.000, continuous, consistent and in digital format that will serve as a base map


Session 1 – Oral presentation

(SIAS). VII Simposio de Hidrogeología. Asociación Española de Hidrogeólogos. Murcia. LÓPEZ GETA, J. A. (2000) Contribuciones del Instituto al conocimiento y protección de las aguas subterráneas. Ciento cincuenta años: Estudio e Investigación en las Ciencias de la Tierra. ITGE. Madrid. 199-233 LÓPEZ-GETA, J. A. (2000). Líneas de actuación futura en la Cartografía Hidrogeológica. Boletín Geológico y Minero. Volumen 111. ITGE. 145-148.

since it will allow a fast and simple access to actualised information about aquifers and groundwater bodies. REFERENCES DEL POZO, M. (2000). La Cartografía Hidrogeológica en el ITGE: Evolución, presente y futuro. Boletín Geológico y Minero. Volumen 111. ITGE. 107-115. GÓMEZ SÁNCHEZ, M.; DE MERA MERINO, A.; IGLESIAS LÓPEZ, A.; LÓPEZ BRAVO, J Y LÓPEZ GETA, J. A. (2001) Diseño y desarrollo de un Sistema de Información del Agua subterránea en España