The Impact of Giving - Portland State University

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Thank you for your continued support of Portland State University. Wim WieWel ...... ity movement in terms of building,
The Impact of Giving t o p o r t l a n d s tat e u n i v e r s i t y

The power of education I am pleased to present our annual report on philanthropic support provided to Portland State University. In 2010, private contributions to PSU totaled $11.97 million. These gifts go toward student scholarships, improved teaching and research facilities, strategic program investments, and so much more. In these challenging times, we face financial uncertainties, shifting sociopolitical climates, and environmental calamities. The problems of our world are not getting smaller, nor the answers any easier. But they do help to illustrate the value and power of education. At Portland State University, faculty and students are drawn to these challenges. Through government, business, and civic partnerships, PSU brings innovative thinking and creative solutions to the issues facing our communities. Our loyal and growing cadre of supporters—from newly minted grads to veterans of Vanport—enables us to continue building a great research university in the heart of a great city. Alice and I continue to be excited about the reality and the amazing potential of PSU. I hope you will take a few moments to read further and learn more about the power and impact of your contributions. Thank you for your continued support of Portland State University.

Wim Wiewel, President


Table of Contents


President Wim Wiewel: The power of education


Vanport Society: Lifetime giving


Ken Stedman: Extreme science


President’s Circle


Azam Qayum: Volunteer connection


Park Blocks Society: Annual giving


Marcelo Spagnolo: The business of giving back


We are pleased to acknowledge gifts and pledges made to Portland State University between January 1 and December 31, 2010. We are also privileged to recognize significant lifetime giving. Our thanks go as well to those who have chosen to remain anonymous.

First Stop Portland


Mary Tooze: A grand refrain


Lincoln Hall: From green to platinum


James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation Grant: Sustainable solutions


Woodruff/Monahan Endowment: An enduring resource


Stephen F. and Ferne E. Epler Society


Gayle Thieman: Alumna, professor, donor


In honor of and in memory giving



Megan Dyer: From Medford to Jerusalem


University Advancement: New name, new mission


C o n t r i b u t o r s : Jill Baum; John Kirkland; Jenn Knudsen; Katrina Ratzlaff; David Santen

Volunteer Leadership


We are grateful for the financial support offered by Portland State University alumni, faculty, staff, parents, friends and the community organizations listed in this report. Thanks to your generous gifts, we are able to provide the outstanding PSU experience valued by so many.


Lea Pfau

Brett Forman


Take 5 Photography; Prints Charming

Vanport Society Lifetime giving from individuals

Morrison Members

The Vanport Society recognizes lifetime giving to Portland State University. These alumni and friends have played a significant role in shaping the University and its programs through their cumulative gifts totaling $100,000 or more. It is with deep gratitude that we honor all members of the Vanport Society.

Fahad Al-Athel* Alice L. Alexander Trust Scott◊ and Glenda Burns Mary Clark Sue Cooley Joyce† and William Furman Jack and Deane Garrison Arthur and Sandra James Phil and Penny Knight Bob and Jane Morrow Estate of Mildred Ratto Julie and Bill Reiersgaard Henry and Janice† Schuette Estate of Annie O. Spencer

$500,000 to $999,999

Fremont Members $ 1 0 M i l l i o n a n d up Fariborz and Azam Maseeh

Broadway Members

Hawthorne Members

$100,000 to $499,999 Estate of LaVelle D. Allison Dorothy H. Anderson Trust Michael and Jamie Anderson* Anonymous (10) Jean and Ray Auel Joanne◊ and Gary Bishop Margery Bloomfield Phil Bogue Carol◊ and Larry Burden Estate of Phyllis Burnam Gwen Burns Cindy and Duncan Campbell Harry and Gwen Carsh Frank Cater◊ Ronald◊ and Jane Cease Albert and Margaret Chen* Barbara Coit Yeager and Bob Yeager Mark and Amy Colville Evelyn Crowell◊ Norm and Rickie Daniels Julie and Rocky Dixon Estate of Thomas G. Elliott Les and Nancy Fahey Doug and Suchen Fieldhouse* Tom and Marilyn Fink Don Frisbee

$1 Million to $9,999,999 Gary and Barbara Ames Tim and Mary Boyle Lester and Pat Brown Keren Brown Wilson and Michael DeShane Gerry and Marilyn Cameron Earle Chiles Jeannine Cowles Janette G. Drew Trust Mark and Ann Edlen Diana Gerding Bob Gleason Al and Nancy Jubitz* Jack and Lynn Loacker* Lorry Lokey and Joanne Harrington Bob and Sharon Miller Gordon and Betty Moore Estate of Herbert Retzlaff Jim and Shirley Rippey* Harold† and Arlene Schnitzer Willard† and Martha Schwenn Peter and Julie Stott

Alumni |

Faculty/staff | *New to society |


Sue and Bob Fulton Reka and Ferenc Gabor Jared and Cindi Gellert* Lila and Douglas Goodman William H. Gray III Estate of Kathleen M. Greey Ray and Betty Guenther William Hale and Judith Matthies Rick and Deborah Hawkins Adolf and Gabriele Hertrich Raymond◊ and Marilyn Johnson Estate of Frances Lenore Jones Edmin† and Maxine Kristovich Carl Kubin Dolores and Fernando Leon Georgia Leupold-Marshall and David Marshall Irving Levin and Stephanie Fowler John Longres and Jeff Graham Diane and Tom Mackenzie* Duane and Barbara McDougall Tim and Martha McGinnis Dorothy McNeir Horner Brad and Janet Mersereau John Montague and Linda Hutchins Benita Mooney Virginia and Dave Morthland Tom Moyer Estate of James R. Nattinger Terry and Karen Newsom Jerry and Corrine Nothman Jerry Nudelman Rudi◊ and Laureen◊ Nussbaum Amy H. Ousley and James H. Ousley Educational Fund Jerry and Sandy Parsons Abdul◊ and Ismat Qayum Bob Rawson Audrey Rich Mike and Karie Richardson Pat and Trudy Ritz E. John Rumpakis Marjorie Rupp John Salmon and Marcia Schulmerich* David and Julie Shafer Milt Smith and Evelyn Kamback Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft*

Judy and Scott South Barre and N. Robert Stoll Estate of Isabel Tullis Barbara Sullivan Hank Swigert Bill Swindells Jr. Ken and Marta Thrasher Janet and Stephen Tolopka Hans Vatheuer Christine and Dave Vernier Homer Wadsworth and Sherry Sheng Delbert and Edna Wantland Sam Wheeler† Estate of Rhoda White Norm† and Dolores Winningstad Junki and Linda Yoshida Bill and Julie Young

Lifetime giving from corporations, foundations and organizations Corporations, foundations and civic organizations are crucial partners in Portland State’s mission of teaching, research and service. Cumulative gifts totaling $100,000 or more from Vanport Society members have enabled PSU to educate future leaders and strengthen communities throughout this region and beyond.

Fremont Members $ 1 0 M i l l i o n a n d up James F. & Marion L. Miller Foundation

Hawthorne Members $1 Million to $9,999,999 Ames Family Foundation Cameron Foundation Chiles Foundation FEI Company Gerding Edlen Development

Intel Corporation/Intel Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation W. K. Kellogg Foundation LTX-Credence The Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund Massiah Foundation, Inc. Mentor Graphics Corporation Meyer Memorial Trust M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust The Oregon Community Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation Sequent Computer Systems, Inc. Peter W. Stott Foundation Tektronix, Inc./Tektronix Foundation US Bancorp-US Bank/US Bancorp Foundation Wells Fargo/Wells Fargo Foundation

Morrison Members $500,000 to $999,999 Berkshire Hathaway* The Boeing Company* Clark Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund FMR LLC Frito-Lay, Inc. William Furman Charitable Remainder Trust Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation W.M. Keck Foundation KLA-Tencor Corporation Kroger NIKE, Inc. PacificCorp/PacifiCorp Foundation Pepsico, Inc./Pepsico Foundation, Inc. Portland General Electric Company/PGE Foundation* Alfred P. Sloan Foundation The Standard* Surdna Foundation, Inc. Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust The Turkish Embassy


Extreme science


Every year, Portland State biology professor Ken Stedman travels to some of the most geologically hostile areas of the planet to gather samples that may, someday, give us the key to how deadly viruses work. In bubbling acid pools in places such as Lassen Volcanic National Park, Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, sites in Iceland, Japan and even on our own Mt. Hood, he searches for viruses that live in extreme environments. Since these viruses can only live in conditions where humans cannot, they can’t make people sick, which makes them safe to work with in the lab. By studying their nature and genetic makeup scientists gain insights into viruses that can harm people, eventually pointing to ways of controlling Ebola, SARS and influenza. One of their biggest challenges is processing the massive amounts of data that DNA research generates. Technological advancements on the human genome project in the 1990s allowed scientists to generate hundreds of thousands of genetic sequences relatively quickly. Now scientists such as Stedman want to take that number into the millions so they can study whole communities of organisms at a time to more fully understand the way they live, grow and spread. That’s why a recent $250,000 gift by Duane and Barbara McDougall ’75, is so important. The gift establishes the McDougall Center for Computational Science in Portland State’s newly renovated Science Research and Teaching Complex. The equipment in the McDougall Center will translate complex life-science samples collected by Stedman and other

Va n p o r t s o c i e t y

PSU scientists into mathematical data that can be analyzed and modeled by PSU’s growing cadre of computational mathematicians in the Fariborz Maseeh Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The resulting data will provide the basis for collaboration between the life scientists and the computational mathematicians to convert this data into new knowledge, new technology and new ways to make our lives more healthy and prosperous. One piece of equipment on the purchase list is the Ion Torrent, a chip-based machine that does for genetic sequencing what the personal computer did for computing in the 1970s and ’80s. “The equipment will be able to look at the genetic makeup of viruses from all over the world and how they compare to each other. It will tell us something about the evolution of viruses and how they spread – something we don’t know much about now,” Stedman said. “We may find something very fundamental about how viruses function, and apply that knowledge to emerging diseases.” Another purchase is equipment to perform flow cytometry, a technique for quickly examining individual cells in a tissue sample. “It’s mostly used for immunology,” Stedman said. “For example, you have all these cells in your blood, and a couple of them might be cancer cells. How do you pull the needle out of the haystack?” Flow cytrometry can take a blood sample and run it through a tiny tube, only letting through one cell at a time. The fluid goes through fast, and as the cells shoot by, they’re passed through a laser. “Depending on how you’ve treated your sample, it will tell you something about those cells coming through. I’m particularly interested in it because it helps me count viruses,” he said. Stedman, who works in PSU’s multidisciplinary Center for Life in Extreme Environments, said the McDougall gift will be used for equipment that can be used campus-wide. The new equipment will be part of a $46.5 million renovation and modernization project at Science Building 2, scheduled for completion in spring 2011.

Broadway Members

Halloran Family Foundation Harris Corporation Harris N.A. Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation The Lorene Sails Higgins Trust Hoffman Corporation* IBM Corporation InFocus Corporation Information Resources, Inc. Inspirators, Inc. Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers IXIA, Inc. The Jackson Foundation JFR Foundation Joe’s, Inc. Jubitz Family Foundation The JYN Foundation* Max Kade Foundation, Inc. Knight Foundation KPFF Consulting Engineers* KPMG Foundation/KPMG LLP Lemelson Foundation Pei Ling Charitable Trust Medical Research Foundation Microsoft Corporation Mock Memorial Scholarship Charles Stewart Mott Foundation National Geographic Society Education Foundation National Science Foundation New York Community Trust Norris & Stevens, Inc. NW Natural The ODS Companies Oregon Health and Science University/ OHSU Foundation Oracle Corporation*

$100,000 to $499,999 The Edward & Romell Ackley Foundation The Alavi Foundation Alcatel Internetworking Paul G. Allen Family Foundation American Association of Retired Persons American Cancer Society American Chemical Society American Heart Association Analogy, Inc. Andrus Family Fund Anonymous The Autzen Foundation Bally Total Fitness Bank of America Corporation Bonneville Power Administration Walter G. Brown, Jr. Living Trust The Bullitt Foundation Burns Brothers, Inc. The Campbell Foundation CH2M HILL Foundation Chevron Products Company Cisco Systems/The Cisco University Research Program Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation* City Center Parking The Confucius Institute Headquarters Sue D. Cooley Trust Daimler Trucks North America, LLC David Evans and Associates, Inc. Electroglas, Inc. The Flora Family Foundation The Ford Foundation Fox Tower Fujitsu Microelectronics Inc. Goethe Institute

Oregon Association of Realtors Oregon Jewish Community Foundation The Oregon Quality Initiative Pacific Office Automation, Inc. PDF Solutions, Inc. Policy Consensus Initiative, Inc. Portland Development Commission Precision Castparts Corporation PSU Bookstore Qwest Communications International, Inc./Qwest Foundation R & H Construction Company* The Renaissance Foundation* Rite-Aid The Rockefeller Foundation Saudi Arabian Oil Company Silicon Valley Community Foundation* Software Engineering Research Center Spirit Mountain Community Fund Stanford University – Donor Advised Fund* The Stoller Group, Inc./Stoller Family Foundation Swigert Foundation The Ann & Bill Swindells Charitable Trust Unified Grocers United Way of the Columbia/Willamette University of Oregon/University of Oregon Foundation Vatheuer Family Foundation, Inc. Wessinger Foundation Western Association of Food Chains* Western Family Foods, Inc. Weyerhaeuser Company/ Willamette Industries Wheeler Foundation Yoshida Group Juan Young Trust

Biology professor Ken Stedman Alumni |

Faculty/staff | *New to society |


Alumni |

Faculty/staff | *New to society |



President’s Circle Unrestricted gifts from members of PSU’s leadership annual giving society provide President Wiewel with essential flexibility to meet the University’s highest priority needs and launch promising new initiatives. Reflects gifts from January 1 through December 31, 2010 $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 a n d up Barbara Coit Yeager and Bob Yeager Jack and Lynn Loacker Mark and Jennifer Miller Peter and Julie Stott

$2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous Daniel and Sheldia Bernstein Gary and Susie Eichman Jonathan Fink◊ Marc Fovinci and Ulrike Devoto Ray and Betty Guenther Tony Leineweber◊ John and Suzy Petersen Azam Qayum Judith Ramaley◊ Patricia and Alvin† Reser Jim and Shirley Rippey Monica Rodal and Neal Naigus Milt Smith and Evelyn Kamback Julie Sterling Christine and Dave Vernier Wim◊ and Alice Wiewel

$5,000 to $9,999 6

Jeannine Cowles Linda Hamilton Georgia Leupold-Marshall and David Marshall Bob and Jane Morrow Chuck and Jennifer Putney Ken and Marta Thrasher

$1,000 to $2,499 Barbara◊ and Roger Alberty Peter Andrews Molly Atkins Jean and Ray Auel Françoise Aylmer◊ Rick and Janice Baroway Debra Bartlett Jackie Bell

Larry and Susie Black Phil Bogue Michael Brand Richard◊ and June Brinkman Darrell Brown◊ and Deborah Janikowski◊ Keren Brown Wilson and Michael DeShane Gwen Burns Gerry and Marilyn Cameron Douglas Campbell and Anne NaitoCampbell Jo Ann Canich Mary Clark Nathan Cogan◊ Mary Constans◊ Kimberly Cooper and Jon Jaqua Kristin Coppola◊ Michael Costanzo Antoine Cotton and Sharon Mallen Lois◊ and James Davis Scott◊ and Bridget Dawson Harold and Maryann Deck Harry and Kaaren Demorest Jean Fielding Newcomb and Verne Newcomb James Folkerts Jamie Gaylord Robert and Roje Gootee Ronald and Kathy Graybeal

Harry and Karen Groth Ken and Mary Lou Guenther Richard Halley◊ Terry Harrington Arie and Kwi Hartman Clarence◊ and Rebecca◊ Hein Michael Henningsen Gordon and Mary Hoffman Judy and Mike Holman Tom and Laura Imeson Bruce Kelly Marcia Kies Eva Kripalani and Kenneth Warren Carl Kubin Charles and Kristi Kuchs Gil◊ and Celia Latz Chip Lazenby◊ Charles◊ and Ursula Le Guin Lila and William Leonard Ross Lienhart and Sheila EdwardsLienhart Adriene Lim◊ and Mary Galvin Diane and Tom Mackenzie Marcia Mason Susan Massey Ruth and Joseph Matarazzo Don and Alexandra Mazziotti Brian and Lindsey McDowell Anne McMahon◊

Library Fund Gifts to the Library Fund make a positive impact throughout campus by providing unrestricted support to address the immediate needs of students and faculty. In 2010 donor gifts helped the library acquire new materials, resources, and technology to support the learning experiences of PSU students and the research of distinguished faculty. Interested in supporting the Library Fund? Contact Jennifer Wilkerson, Director of development, at 503-725-4509.

Jilma Meneses◊ Sylvia◊ and Roger◊ Moseley Jerry Nudelman Beverly and Milo Ormseth Judson Randall◊ Jeff and Jeanne Reaves Pamela Resnik Arthur and Janet Riedel Joseph Roberts John Salmon and Marcia Schulmerich Jennifer Sanders Gayle◊ and William Schneider David Singleterry Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft Sally and Steven Stadum Skip and Crystal Stanaway Hank Swigert Tom Triplett Sherry† and Thomas Vaughan Dee◊ and Brian Wendler Julia Wentworth and Scott Gunderson Rose and John White Charles and Tammy Wilhoite Norm† and Dolores Winningstad Gary◊ and Katie Withers John and Angela Wykoff Aileen and Duncan Wyse

Volunteer connection Helping Portland State reach its financial goals depends on the generosity and good will of dozens of volunteers. Often, they’re Portland State alumni – successful individuals who had great experiences at PSU and who want to show their appreciation. Azam Qayum, ’92, earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration, specializing in finance law, information systems and quantitative analysis. Today he specializes in commercial real estate investment, management and consulting at Cascade Property Services. Qayum, whose parents came to the United States from India, was born in Bloomington, Indiana, and grew up in Portland. He chose PSU for his education because it fulfilled his desire to go to college in Oregon and still live in a large city. Years after graduation, he joined the PSU Foundation Board, and has been an active member ever since. “I accepted because I wanted to be a part of what I believe will become the number one institution for higher education in the state of Oregon. At the same time, I saw this opportunity as a good way to give back to the school that gave me my education. It was a way of contributing to the University and of improving areas that needed further development,” he said. Qayum has concentrated his work on securing new members for the PSU President’s Circle, an annual giving club of community leaders who provide critical funding for some of the most urgent needs of the University. “PSU’s story is an easy one to pitch to local business owners,” he said. “For years, employers have been going out of state and abroad for the talent they need right here in the Portland area. I tell them that we need their investment in PSU to sustain the quality of education and create a sustainable employment base that meets the needs of our employers. PSU is growing by leaps and bounds – in fact, we’re bursting at the seams – but we need outside support because the state of Oregon only funds about 16 percent of our annual budget.” With that support, Qayum said he’s confident Portland State will become Oregon’s top university in both enrollment and quality. For more information on joining the President’s Circle, please contact Melinda Petersen, director of Annual Giving at 503-725-8212.

Azam Qayum, ‘92


Park Blocks Society Annual giving from individuals Portland State University is proud to acknowledge the many alumni and friends whose annual support for students, faculty, facilities and programs significantly enhances our campus. We greatly appreciate these crucial contributions. Reflects gifts from January 1 through December 31, 2010 $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 a n d up


Fahad Al-Athel Gary and Barbara Ames Anonymous Brian Bonner Timothy and Mary Boyle Keren Brown Wilson and Michael DeShane Scott◊ and Glenda Burns Gerry and Marilyn Cameron Frank Cater◊ Albert and Margaret Chen Sue Cooley Jeannine Cowles Norm and Rickie Daniels Theresa and Robert Eubanks Grant◊ and Mary Ellen Farr Doug and Suchen Fieldhouse Tom and Marilyn Fink Gene Frederiksen Cameron Geddes Jared and Cindi Gellert Laura Good Robin and Robert Holmes Al and Nancy Jubitz Phil and Penny Knight Georgia Leupold-Marshall and David Marshall Irving Levin and Stephanie Fowler Jack and Lynn Loacker Lorry Lokey and Joanne Harrington

Thomas W. Mason Irrevocable Trust Duane and Barbara McDougall Carolyn McKnight◊ Bob and Sharon Miller Mark and Jennifer Miller Rick Miller Bob and Jane Morrow Estate of Layla Prechtl† Jim and Shirley Rippey E. John Rumpakis John Salmon and Marcia Schulmerich Harold† and Arlene Schnitzer Henry and Janice† Schuette Georgia L. Slack Revocable Living Trust Peter and Julie Stott Mary Tooze Christine and Dave Vernier $10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (2) Alice Bartelt Sarah Bonnemaison Eileen◊ and Steve Brennan Gwen Burns Estate of Ken and Elsie Butler Earle Chiles Barbara Coit Yeager and Bob Yeager Gary and Susie Eichman Les and Nancy Fahey Kathryn Flegel and Janis Nichols Marc Fovinci and Ulrike Devoto Ken and Mary Lou Guenther Ray and Betty Guenther Linda Hamilton Julie Harrelson Adolf and Gabriele Hertrich Gregory and Mary Hinckley Tony Leineweber◊ Dolores and Fernando Leon Fariborz and Azam Maseeh Samuel Naito Mary Noonan Jerry Nudelman Ellen Nusblatt John Runyan Martha Schwenn Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft

Gregory Specht Helen and Jerry Stern Bill Swindells, Jr. Ken and Marta Thrasher Hans Vatheuer Lisa Walleri Howard Wright Mary York◊ $5,000 to $9,999 Estate of Richard Adamek Michael and Jamie Anderson Charles Hill Anderson Trust Anonymous Nova and Peat Bakke Daniel Bernstine◊ Joanne◊ and Gary Bishop Ellie Booth Kate Bowers and Peggy Brady Darlene◊ and Mick Brady Amy and Jerry Brem Cynthia◊ and Arlin Brown Rex Burkholder and Lydia Rich Ronald◊ and Jane Cease Michael and Annie Chisholm Mary Clark Nathan Cogan◊ Kimberly Cooper and Jon Jaqua Georgia◊ and John Crampton Evelyn Crowell◊ David and Kate Dickson Carol Dillin Jane Edwards Roberta Fields Lila and Douglas Goodman Rosalie Goodman Alice Gustafson Daniel and Karen Halloran Ulrich Hardt◊ Debra Harris◊ Brian Henry and Rita Chin Henry Ryan A. and Ryan Hubka Judith and Garry Kahn Leatrice Kaplan David and Pamela Knowles Eva Kripalani and Kenneth Warren Jewel and Ronald Lansing

Heidi Leineweber Julie Leuvrey Barbara and Randy Lovre Dick◊ and Elaine Lycan Mary Miller-Faulkner and Myles Faulkner Connie Morgan Steven and Laura Morris Anne and David Myers Jerry and Corrine Nothman Lynn Partin Craig Payne John and Suzy Petersen Robert and Rita Philip Selma and Bud Pierce Chuck and Jennifer Putney Betty B. Roberts Betty R. Roberts Beryl Robison Dan Saltzman Marjorie Saltzman Gary and Jeanie Salyers David Sampsell Mara and Rob Shlachter Julia Siegel Michael Sierra Christine and Jan Sokol Merri Souther-Wyatt and William Wyatt Sally and Steven Stadum Sarah Stephan Barre and Bob Stoll Estate of Peggy Stone Alice Sumida Charles and Nancy Tauman Robert Textor Janet and Stephen Tolopka Karen Tosi◊ and Robert McCullough Ray Verzasconi Annarose Warner Wim◊ and Alice Wiewel Mary and Brett Wilcox Virginia Winings Michael Wolfe David Wolff Patricia Wollner Merritt Yoelin Bill and Julie Young Jay and Diane Zidell

Alumni |

$1,000 to $4,999 Barbara◊ and Roger Alberty Gary Albright Nicolaos and Sue Alexopoulos Saleh Al-Husseini Janine Allen◊ and Ernest Ogard Kori Allen and Russ Gorman Trudy Allen Nancy Alston-Linne and Ted Linne Susan and Dean Alterman Linda and Scott Andrews Peter Andrews Anonymous (4) John and Kelly Archer Deanne and Jonathan Ater Molly Atkins Jean and Ray Auel Françoise Aylmer◊ Nobuko and George Azumano Stephen Bachelder and Kathryn TuckerBachelder Steve Bailey Rick and Janice Baroway Rosemary Barrett Debra Bartlett Bill Barton Diane and William Baxa Tracy and Doug Bean William Becker◊ Jackie Bell Alexander Benenson David Benson Daniel and Sheldia Bernstein Mia Birk John Bizjak◊ Larry and Susie Black Ernest Bloch Phil Bogue Debbie Boldrick◊ Charles and Angie Botsford Craig Boynton◊ Sharon Brabenac Barbara and Robert Brady Michael Brand Steve Brannan◊ and Mary GordonBrannan◊ Steven◊ and Sharon Brenner

Faculty/staff | *New to society |


pa r k b l o ck s s o c i e t y

Richard◊ and June Brinkman Barbara and Tom Briody Samuel and Margaret Brooks Darrell Brown◊ and Deborah Janikowski◊ David and Gretchen Brown Erik Bruun Bruce and Brenda Burns Waldon Byers Alan Cabelly◊ and Jeanna Benevento Dorothy N. Cameron Revocable Living Trust Sue Cameron Douglas Campbell and Anne NaitoCampbell Jo Ann Canich Roger and Jan Capps David◊ and Celia Capuzzi Chuck and Sue Carlbom Duncan Carter◊ and Jan Kurtz Tom Caufield Wei-Hua Chin Torre◊ and Christi Chisholm Paul Cieslak Charles Clemans and Nancy Hungerford Terry and Elizabeth Clifford Libby and Michael Cole Geanna Coltman Rudyard Coltman

Mark and Amy Colville Roger Conkling Mary Constans◊ Kristin Coppola◊ Richard and Peggi Correa Michael Costanzo Antoine Cotton and Sharon Mallen Gerry and Gloria Craig Robert Daasch◊ and Linda Schaefer Robert and Patricia Dant Milton and Yvonne Datta Prasanta Datta Kirk Davis Lois◊ and James Davis Scott◊ and Bridget Dawson Harold and Maryann Deck Harry and Kaaren Demorest Marilyn DeVault Sarah DeVries Grace◊ and Tracy◊ Dillon Nikki and Stuart Director Margaret Dobson◊ Patti and William Dodge Steven and Susan Doty Bob◊ and Jean Dryden Kenneth◊ and Donna Dueker Colin and Patricia Dunkeld Rennie Dunn

Shirley Dunn Jim Eddy Jonah Edelman Mark and Ann Edlen Sharon◊ and Louis Elteto Debora and Marshall Erb Sandra and Wayne Ericksen Michael Erickson Chik◊ and Ulku Erzurumlu Doug and Laura Eyer Toeutu Faaleava◊ Mary and Ray Faucher Jamison and Ying Fenderson Dennis◊ and Rorie Ferguson Jean Fielding Newcomb and Verne Newcomb Jonathan Fink◊ Richard Fink Irene and Blake Fischer-Davidson William Fish◊ and Edward Reeves James Folkerts Orcilia Forbes Stephen Forrester and Brenda Penner Amber Fowler Peggy and Robert Fowler Diane and Mark Fraser Heather and Evan Freedman Yvonne Frie and Joseph Schutz

Page and Fletcher Frisch Dennis Fritz Brad Froemke Ritsuko Fujiwara Audrey and Dennis Garbacik Carol Gardner Jack and Deane Garrison Jamie Gaylord Robert Geddes Edward and Vilora George Diana Gerding Gilbert E. Parker Trust Emily Gilliland◊ Daniel Gilmour and Stacy Schneyder David Girt Mike and Deanna Glanville Douglas and Jennifer Goe Stephen Gomez Robert and Roje Gootee David Graham Stacey Graham Alison and Jay Graves Patricia Graves and Stephen Frank Ronald and Kathy Graybeal Edmund and Shirley Greenslet Harry and Karen Groth Karen Gurevitch Melvin◊ and Leigh Gurtov

Jacob Hacker and Oona Hathaway William Hale and Judith Matthies Richard Halley◊ William and Mary Hallman Gary Hamblet Susan Hammer Barbara and Charles Hammer Robert Handy and Janet Ward Terry Harrington Karen and Lester Harris William and Allyson Harris Arie and Kwi Hartman Nancy Harvey Rick and Deborah Hawkins David Hayes Bill Hayes and Joy Isbell-Hayes Clarence◊ and Rebecca◊ Hein Michael Henningsen John Henri Christopher Hermann Helene Herzog Stanley Hillman◊ and Deborah Duffield◊ Randy◊ and Lynn Hitz Gordon and Mary Hoffman Jack Hoke Judy and Mike Holman Gary Homsley Penney and Lester Hoodenpyle

The business of giving back Marcelo Spagnolo liked Portland State University so much as a visiting undergraduate student from the University of New Mexico that he moved to the Pacific Northwest to earn his Master of Business Administration from PSU. Like so many Portland State students, Spagnolo juggled work and classes, thriving on learning with classmates and professors whose substantial work experiences and community connections enriched his educational experience. Spagnolo still remembers opening the envelope informing him that he had received the Gary and Barbara Ames Scholarship in Business, as well as a prestigious national award through the National Society of Hispanic MBAs. These scholarships made it possible for him to focus more on his studies and less on how to pay for them. Now a proud Portland State alumnus, Spagnolo has found two ways to give back to his alma mater. Inspired by the tradition of supporting others established by Gary and Barbara Ames, he donates annually to a scholarship fund in the School of Business Administration. Thanks to his employer Intel’s matching gift program, Marcelo’s contributions to the University doubled. He also offers his professional expertise and service, returning to the business school each year to speak to classes and coach students. Alumni support is crucial to the sustainability of University programs. To donate or volunteer to the School of Business Administration, please contact Kristin Mihalko, director of External Relations, at 503-725-3766. Marcelo Spagnolo, MBA ‘03



First Stop Portland Portland has been on the world’s radar screen for quite some time for its urban planning, quality of life, earth-friendly transportation solutions, sustainable building, beer…you name it. But visits from afar by people wanting to learn more about these things usually came in anecdotal fashion: a call to a government agency here, a business meeting with a private party there. The thought emerged “wouldn’t it be better if these visits were managed more comprehensively from a central place?” The thought became reality when First Stop Portland was launched in the spring of 2009. Funded by the public and private sectors, First Stop Portland is run by Nancy Hales in the College of Urban and Public Affairs at Portland State University. It provides logistical and planning support for business, government, and academic delegations from all over the world. To date, more than 700 participants have visited the city through First Stop Portland. That includes delegations from 18 U.S. cities and 19 foreign countries – some of which have returned for more. The visits are quintessentially Portland. Delegates are led through the city on public transportation – or in some cases, bicycle – because that’s the best way to show off what Portland is all about. Along the way, they hear presentations by Metro planners, Portland State faculty, business leaders and others about the planning and sustainability accomplishments that have put Portland on the map. Delegation sizes range from two people up to about 30 for larger workshops. Officials from Cincinnati have visited three times. A 26-person contingent from Puerto Rico was here for nine days and hosted a reciprocal visit from Portland last March. The program is so in demand that Hales is in the enviable position of not having to market it. Referrals come to her from

the many business and government leaders who want to show off the city and who want to learn from visitors. “I have the best Rolodex in town. These are people who are vested in their work and want to build a better city,” she said. They include John M. Petersen, president of Melvin Mark Capital Group, who has served on the PSU Foundation Board for the last seven years. He got involved with First Stop Portland after working with a commercial real estate client who shared his interest in sustainability. He chose to benefit First Stop Portland after attending a foundation board retreat that highlighted the $25 million challenge grant given to PSU by the Miller Foundation in 2008 supporting academic, research and engagement activities in sustainability. “I wanted to do something, and decided First Stop Portland would be a good place. I liked the cause, and I liked the way they go about it. They expose Portland to the rest of the world, and bring knowledge from the rest of the world to Portland as part of the exchange,” he said. Participation in First Stop Portland fits right in with the Melvin Mark Capital Group’s commitment to the community. “The culture here is to get involved and make Portland a better place.” Portland is on the leading edge of the sustainability movement in terms of building, architecture, transportation and energy use. And the people involved in those areas are passionate about what they do. First Stop Portland, he said, “is a way to share this knowledge and brand what we’re doing.” For more information about First Stop Portland, contact Trish Hamilton, director of Development, at 503-725-5209.


pa r k b l o ck s s o c i e t y


Sally and William Hubel Mary Hull Caballero and Raymond Caballero Bob and Cecelia Huntington Gene and Gerry Huppin Debbie Hutchins◊ and Chris Patterson Kim Hutchinson Tom and Laura Imeson Leonoor Ingraham-Swets and Gunner Ingraham Leon Jallo Roy Jay Dennis Johnson Elizabeth Johnson and John Helm Arthur and Cynthia Johnson Lynn and Scottie Johnson Raymond◊ and Marilyn Johnson Harold◊ and Joan Jorgensen Marvin Kaiser◊ and Betsy Stewart-Kaiser Joseph Kaplan◊ and Betsy Davenport Steven Kaufman Dan and Jenifer Kavanaugh Arthur and Virginia Kayser Richard and Ruth Keller Sybil Kelley◊ Bruce Kelly David and Kelly Keys Nitin Khanna Marcia Kies Daniel and Hooja Kim Lynn and Harry Kingston Dick◊ and Adela Knight Donna◊ and Roy◊ Koch John Koroloff Nancy Koroloff◊

Bruce Korter Skip and Susie Kriz Ed and Dawn Kropp Carl Kubin Charles and Kristi Kuchs Melanie Langley◊ Gil◊ and Celia Latz William and Emmy Lawrence Chip Lazenby◊ Sibyl and Robert Lazzara Charles◊ and Ursula Le Guin Bill and Genna Lemman Rik Lemoncello◊ Senka Lenn and Daniel Metziga Gerald and Constance Lenzen Lila and William Leonard Pamela Lindolm-Levy and Lawrence Levy Ross Lienhart and Sheila EdwardsLienhart Adriene Lim◊ and Mary Galvin Kuan-Pin◊ and Chaling Lin Barbara and Christopher Linn Harold Linstone◊ Louis and Mari Livingston Robert Lockerby◊ and Terri Cummings Patrick and Rosemary Lockhart Chase LoGreco Neil and Laura Lomax Sally Lovett Molly Luby Ann Ludeman and Stan Pusieski Diane and Tom Mackenzie Christine Mackert Roy and Barbara Malensky Teri Mariani◊

Richard Marty and Susan Evans Marcia Mason Susan Massey Ruth and Joseph Matarazzo Don and Alexandra Mazziotti Lewis McArthur Sean and Ashlee McCusker Brian and Lindsey McDowell Mike and Diane McKeel Kimhee McKinney Anne McMahon◊ Solomon and Rosalyn Menashe Jilma Meneses◊ Robert Mercer◊ and James Heuer Pat Merriman Brad and Janet Mersereau Susan and Conrad Mickola Herman Migliore◊ Arthur and Robin Miles Fred Miller and Karla Wenzel Michael Miller Michael and Debbie Miller Mike Miller Peggy and Gil Miller Lois and Oscar† Mock Edith Morrill Sylvia◊ and Roger◊ Moseley Todd Muhlheim Stephen and Beth Murawski Verne Naito and Aki Tsuruta-Naito Alix and Wei Nathan Helle Nathan Dale and Ann Nelson Kristine Nelson◊ Lester Newman

Jonathan Nicholas Amy Nichols Pete and Chris Nickerson John◊ and Linda Oh John and Martha O’Malley Beverly and Milo Ormseth Dave and Judy Osgood Beatrice Oshika◊ Peter and Caroline Paquet Gil Parker Norma Paulus Aaron Pearlman◊ and Sacha Reich Robert and Gretchen Peets Marek◊ and Ewa Perkowski Juanita and Ronald Petersen Stephen and Dolores Petruzelli William◊ and Dawn Pfeiffer Tom◊ and Ann Pfingsten Richard and Orianne Polley Harold and Jane Pollin Peter and Matilda Pongracz-Bartha Douglas Porter Nancy Porter◊ Richard Pugh◊ Abdul◊ and Ismat Qayum Azam Qayum Ralph and Jean Quinsey Franz◊ and Leecia Rad Judith Ramaley◊ Judson Randall◊ Jeff and Jeanne Reaves Bill and Julie Reiersgaard Eric and Sandra Reiter Patricia and Alvin† Reser Pamela Resnik

Dinner generates record donations Charles Gibson, longtime ABC news anchor, and four prominent philanthropists who are making a difference for Oregonians helped draw the largest crowd and highest level of contributions in the 11-year history of the annual Simon Benson Awards Dinner. Portland State raised nearly $550,000 at the October 2010 event, which recognized local philanthropists Ann and Mark Edlen and Shirley and Jim Rippey, before a crowd of 1,100. Record giving for the event was led by presenting sponsor Rick Miller MBA ’91 and associate sponsors and event co-chairs Peter and Julie Stott and Miller Family Holdings. The Simon Benson Awards Dinner benefits The Fund for PSU, which supports promising students, exceptional faculty and innovative new programs throughout the University.

Arthur and Janet Riedel Theresa and Bill Farrens Joseph Roberts Richard Robinson Monica Rodal and Neal Naigus Mark Rosenbaum Mary and Dick Rosenberg Richard Royse and Rocky Blumhagen Michael Saba Jeffrey Sackett and Lori Flexer Jennifer Sanders Allen Sandstrom Bill◊ and Meredith Savery Mary and Stuart Sawai Donald and Marilyn Schmidt Gayle◊ and William Schneider Susan Schnitzer and Greg Goodman Gerald and Margaret Scovil Barbara Sestak◊ and Robert Rosenberg Stephen and Donna Shepard Joan Shireman◊ Gary Sick David Singleterry Barbara Smith Bryan and Tawni Smith Charles Smith◊ David Smith Douglas Smith Milt Smith and Evelyn Kamback James and Barbara Snow Richard◊ and Joann Sonnen Judy and Scott South David Soward Helen Spalding◊ and Karl Johnson Scott and Karen Sparks

Join us! October 19, 2011 Oregon Convention Center Honoring: The William Furman Family The Mark Family Keynote: Condoleezza Rice, Ph.D. More Information: 503-725-5078

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Skip and Crystal Stanaway Julie Sterling Bryan and Tami Stevens Nora Stevens John Stewart Billy Stimpson Bob and Darlene Stutte Renjeng◊ and Nanwei Su Linda and Thomas Sullivan Gregory Sundberg and Alexandra Guerra-Sundberg Chris Surville Jim and June Sweeney Hank Swigert William R. and Kimberly Swindells Hiroko and Makoto† Takeo Nelson and Victoria Taylor Patrick and Susan Terrell Joseph Thaler and Rabbi Ariel Stone Gayle◊ and Donald Thieman Colonel and Judith Thomas Jonathan Thompson Anna Mae and Michael W† Tichy Nohad◊ and Dirce Toulan Tom Triplett Julie Tripp Elizabeth Trudeau Glen Ulmer Sharon Ungerleider George Van Patten Sherry† and Thomas Vaughan Dick◊ and Sandy Visse Robert Vogelsang◊ Beverly Vogt Homer Wadsworth and Sherry Sheng Jay and Sharee Waldron Larry Wallack◊ and Linda Nettekoven Bob and Marcia Walsh Samuel Walters◊ Rick and Terry Warren David Wedge Heather Weigler Grace Weiner Dee◊ and Brian Wendler Julia Wentworth and Scott Gunderson Patricia Wetzel◊ and Elizabeth Hengeveld John and Stacey Whearty Dawn◊ and Charles White◊ Rose and John White Elaine and Ben Whiteley Frank Wiget Charles and Tammy Wilhoite

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Faculty/staff |


George and Lani Wilson Jay Wilt Norm† and Dolores Winningstad Sandra Wiscarson◊ Gary◊ and Katie Withers Barbara and Howard Wollner Kimberly Woodside John and Angela Wykoff Aileen and Duncan Wyse Annetta Young $500 to $999 Deanna Agostinelli Michael Mimi Aherne Carole Alexander David Allen Elizabeth◊ and Anthony Almer Cary Anderson Steven Anderson Rex Armstrong and Leslie Roberts Roberta August Mary Jo and John Ball Martha◊ and Howard Balshem Jackie Balzer◊ Ann Bardacke and David Wolf Gary and Leslie Barth Alfred and Lynn Bartsch Terrence Bean Nancy Benson◊ Patsy Berner Carol Bernick and Mark Hackett John Bertell Melanie Billings-Yun and Joseph Yun Marcia Blasen and John Brusasco Laurie Bloch Barbara Bodin Donanne Bollig and Mark Wagner Rosanna Bowles James Brinkmann Kathy and Ray Brock Michelle Brooks Deborah Brown William and Christina Brown Joan and Tom◊ Buell James Burke Lynn and Wendell Bush Melody◊ and Eric Butler Oleg Buzinover Leonard Cain◊ Michael Call Philip and Lillian Carbone

Margie and Russell Carothers Robert and Janice Cassidy Christine Chaillé◊ Ernest and Evelyn Chapman Cheryl and Michael Clancy Joyce Clark◊ Marci Clark and James Bartroff Ulrich Clever Richard and Heide Cole Kevin and Ann Collson Guy Cook Natalie Cookson Phillip Cooper◊ and Claudia Vargas Russell Cooper William and Lois Costine Sarah Courbis Nancy and Lloyd Coverdale Andre Craan David Crawford† Carlos Crespo◊ Tugrul◊ and Yonca Daim Monika and Bruce Dalkin Mary Jo Daly◊ Barbara Dearing◊ Constance and Ross Degerstedt David◊ and Wendy Del Mar Lindsay Desrochers◊ and George Converse David Dick Linda and Jerry Dinan Dennis and Beth Ditmarson Nancy and Tom◊ Doulis Barbara Dunnette Janl Earnshaw Lynn Edwards Michael Egge Elizabeth and Bill Eklund Richard and Ms. Shari Ellis Arthur◊ and Charlene Emlen Steve and Sheila Epler Sandra Espinoza Robert◊ and Shelley Everhart Patrick and Katherine Fagan Marjorie and Mike◊ Fiasca Sharron and Paul Fishman Robert Fletcher Gerry Frank Raymond and Karen Frone Yoko Fukuta Beverly Fuller◊ Amy and John Gage Lawrence Gandsey

Dan and Trina Gardner Christopher Garlock Margaret Garza Terry and Cheryl Gaulke Jeffery Gelino Albert Gentner Charlotte and Kal Gezi Faith and Robert Gill Daniel Gleason and Wendy Ware Lee Gordon and Miriam Reshotko Richard Graf and Pamela Woodruff Richard and Janice Green Jeffrey and Sandra Grubb Brooks and Marilyn† Gunsul Sarah Hacker Rebecca Hainline Kristi Hansen◊ Garrett Hanson Robert Harmon◊ Sally Hart Gudrun and Leo Hartfeil Susanne Hashim and Thomas Manley Paul Hathaway Michael and Jennifer Heath Richard and Susan Helzer Don Hendrickson Helen Herner Theodore Herzog David Hobbs◊ William and Nancy Hockett Carolyn and Bart Hollowell Linda and Eugene Holt David and Cheryl Hooley A. Ellis and Valarie Hudspeth LaJean Humphries Maureen Huntley Mirei Isshiki James and Melinda Jackson Edgar James and Katherine Kinsella Bruce and Jeannie Janes David Jay◊ and Clara Steiner-Jay John Jenkins Hailin Jin Gary Jondahl Dean Justice Ellie Justice◊ and Ted Nolan Nancy Kieburtz and Dick Kiebrutz Steven Kingsley Mary Kinnick◊ and Mary VanCleave Dundar◊ and Alev Kocaoglu Jeanne Kurzenhauser Leon Lahiere

Kent Lall◊ Bill Lang◊ and Marianne KeddingtonLang Dee Lawrence Wendy Lee Barbara Lewis Carolyn Lindberg Vern and Yumin Lindblad Brenda and David Lofgren Jeffrey Long Karen Love Samuel Lowry◊ Faith Luche Erika Lundeen Sheila Magee and Joel Arick Julie Mancini and Dennis Bromka Richard and Elizabeth Marantz Frederic and Trish Margulies Robert Mariani Gail Maron Linda and Charles Marshall Kristine Martens◊ Melissa and David Martenson David and Carol Massee Harris and Judith Matarazzo Kenneth and Kimberly Mathis Sandra and Robert Mattielli Stephanie McBride and Stan Nowack Michael◊ and Sylvia McGregor Sarah Mensah Jean Miller John Miller Matt Miller Randy Miller◊ Paul and Ellen Mills Jon and Kathy Mitchell Earl Molander and Ann Bremer Mary◊ and Christopher Moller Ellen and James Momsen Scott Morcom Dale and Loretta Moses Ann and Gary Mueller Leslie◊ and Thomas Munson Robert and Lauren Murray Jeffrey Mutnick John and Patricia Najdek Ronald Narode◊ and Sarah Cleveland Leah and Marvin Nepom Melinda Newell Kathy Nicholsen Robert Nicklos Paul◊ and Linda Niebanck


A grand refrain


Lincoln Hall’s official reopening ceremony in September 2010 included President Wim Wiewel, Governor Ted Kulongoski, and Mary Tooze, a long-time patron of the arts who went to high school in the building. “There I am, standing in the middle between the governor and the president. I cut the ribbon, and the Lord blessed me with the words: You cannot keep a good school down,” she recalled. Before it was PSU’s home of the School of Fine and Performing Arts, before there was even a PSU, Lincoln Hall was Lincoln High School. Tooze, then Mary Ausplund, graduated there in June 1940 – a time, she recalled, when faculty entered the building through the main entrance, and students were expected to use a side door. Tooze was a soprano in the girl’s sextet and was brought up learning the piano and ballet. She became a music major at Mills College in California and came back to Portland where she won a 1949 Bach competition, performing with the Portland Chamber Orchestra. Music has been a central force in Tooze’s life, and she has given generously of her time and money to bolster the arts throughout the state. Most recently, she gave $50,000 for a new piano teaching studio in Lincoln Hall. Brightly lit and acoustically balanced, it is home to two Steinway pianos: a parlor grand and a concert grand that PSU has owned for a number of years. She visited the studio in January – her first opportunity since the room was fully set up. She sat down to the

Mary Tooze, graduate of Lincoln High School

concert grand and plunged into some of her favorite pieces: Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto and Brahms’ Rhapsody Opus 79. “Beautiful,” she said. “It sounds great in here.” Giving to the Lincoln Hall renovation – and this studio in particular – was a decision that “just felt right,” she recalled. “This is my school! I got my education here.” Tooze’s devotion to the arts spans her entire adult life. She served on the boards of the Portland Youth Philharmonic, the Junior Symphony, and the Oregon Symphony. Until two years ago, Tooze was a member of the Portland Piano International committee. The organization was founded in the 1970s by former PSU music professor Harold Gray as a way to inspire students and bring famous pianists to perform at Lincoln Hall, and also to nurture new talent. Tooze’s home is a hub of activity. She has a repertory group that meets there every month for coffee, coffee cake and music. “We’re all pianists and piano teachers. We talk and we play for each other. It encourages us to keep on top of our skill,” she said. Judging from her recent visit to the new Lincoln Hall studio, her piano skills are in fine form. And the pianos that occupy that room will support the talents of young pianists for generations to come.

From green to platinum A massive two-year renovation of Lincoln Hall, Portland State’s first downtown campus building and home to the School of Fine and Performing Arts, was completed in 2010. The project transformed an inefficient 100-year-old structure into a model of green building. Thanks to the renovation, Lincoln Hall is poised to become the first LEED Platinum-certified building on campus. The Oregon Legislature authorized a total of $30.7 million to update the building’s HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems, perform seismic upgrades, and improve the building’s accessibility. The building now employs technologies such as chilled steel beams and fin-tube radiators to replace less efficient forced air heating and cooling. In addition to public funding, generous private support helped create the new Lincoln Hall. The JYN Foundation contributed $400,000 to pay for rooftop solar panels, which will be installed this summer. The panels were a deciding factor in the building’s ability to earn the coveted LEED Platinum status. Another $300,000 in donations from the Take A Seat In Lincoln Hall campaign – most of which was raised by members of the PSU Foundation board of directors – paid for the design of the next phase in the Lincoln Hall project: a new entry lobby on Southwest Broadway, and a glass tower that will extend off the south side of the building. For information on how to become involved with Lincoln Hall, contact Judith Minton, director of Development 503-725-3396.

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Paula Nirschl-Robb Joyce O’Banion Thomas and RoeAnn Oberg Oren Ogle◊ Carolyn Okita Dan and Heather O’Leary Dennis and Leslie Oster Janice Page and David Apatoff Gail Parnell Laure◊ and Rick Patrick Rhea Paul◊ Donald and Patricia Paulson Allan Pedersen John Pellicano Robyn Pierce◊ Donna Pierleoni and Christopher Morris Curtis and Ann Poff Ruth and Charles Poindexter Morgan◊ and Constance Pope Edward Powell Tami and Richard Power Joanne Pranger◊ Michael Provant John Raglione Suzette Ramey Katrina Ratzlaff◊ and Rick Adams Bob Rawson Shelley◊ and Mary Reece David Reese◊ Krishnakumar and Pradheepa Regupathy Ellen and Vernon Risseeuw Sharon and William Robbins David Robboy Robert Robertson Trina and Bradley Robertson Brian Rogers and Amanda Richmond Virginia and Alan Rohay Norman Rosenberg Rosy Rosenberg and Ellen Lippman Charles and Miriam Rosenthal Barbara Ruben◊ and Jeffery Hammarlund Charlotte and Rick Rubin Mary Russell-Fitzpatrick Alex Ruzicka◊ and Melinda Hutson Cap Saheki William Salg Joseph and Mary Ellen Salta John and Carol Sauer Cynthia Sawyer Jennifer Schmidt Beverly Schnabel Joseph and Elizabeth Schweinfurth

Donald Schweitzer Steve Scott William Scott Carol Seagraves Michael Seemann◊ Daniel Selivonchick Douglas and Stella Shannon Sumner Sharpe and Margaret Strachan Gary Shaw Wilma◊ and Robert Sheridan Dave and Connie Shipley Joanne Shipley John and Shannon Shoul Helena Silberstein Larry and Mary Jane Simpson Meredith Skaer Pete Skeggs Pati Sluys◊ Susan Sokol Blosser and Russ Rosner Gordon Solie◊ Meredith Sorensen Joy Spalding Patricia◊ and Frederick Squire Paula◊ and Keith Stanovich Dennis Stephens and June PinnellStephens Nancy and Kenneth Stephens Lynn Stevens and Harley Erickson Robert and Joan Stone Georgia and Will Strong Fred Sullivan Daniel and Janet Swan Richard and Joan Swee Melissa Swenson Donald Tang◊ J.F. Thibeau Jeff Thiede Gary and Renae Thomas Maxine Thompson Jean and Raymond Thorne Michael Tingley Irene Tinker David Tondreau Kristen Tooze Kern◊ and Michael Kern Douglas Trobough and Susan Lair Richard Tron Joel and Judy Trusty Mason and Sharon Van Buren Carol Van Natta and Robert Burdick Lewis and Susan Van Winkle Joseph and Shelley Voboril Stephanie Wahab◊

Wayne Wakeland◊ and Nadine Skjeisaa Susan Walcutt Carol Walker Jim Wallis◊ Emily Warton and Steve Benting Robert Watrus Scott Weaver David and Joan Weil Joann Welton Joella Werlin and Robert Autrey David and Nolene Wheeler Ela and Nicholas Whelan Scott Whiteford Norman Wiener Catherine Williams Karen Williams Norma Williams Thomas and Marjorie Wilson Tony Wolk◊ and Lindy Delf Phillip Wood Elizabeth Workman John and Kristine Wyckoff Birol◊ and Susan Yesilada Beth Zappitello Hamid Zehtab $250 to $499 Carl Abbott◊ and Margery Post-Abbott Jory and Gerald Abrams Marilyn Adair Sharron Akins Dianne Alves Barry◊ and Aliki Anderson Ronald and Deloris Anderson Morteza Anoushiravani Bradley and Clara Arntson Pamela and Gerald Ashland Linda Atiyeh Anderson and Rainse Anderson Geri and Harry Auerbach Theresa Auld Michael Avolio Colleen and Robert Ayers Irfan and Shehla Aziz Gary Barnes Charlotte and Richard Barnhart John and Angelia Barratt Bobbi and David Barry Gwendolyn Beals Jeanette and Neal Bench Jim Bensel

Candyce Berger and Bill Dethlefs Kenneth Berglund Gary and Trudy Berne Cecille and Gary Beyl Naomi and Ronald Bloom Priscilla Blumel John Booton Angela◊ and David Bostock Alison Bostrom Françoise Bourdonnec Connie Bozarth and Theo Dreher Rafael Bras Kandis Brewer Nunn and Robert Nunn Worth and Julie Briggs Susan Brody◊ Gerald Broock Gina Brown Julia Brown Marlowe and Elizabeth Buchanan Carol◊ and Larry Burden Debra and John Burns Mike◊ and Terri Burton Nigel◊ and Heather Burton Darcy Burt-Schoenberg and Marcus Schoenberg John Busby Michael Busch Virginia Butler◊ and Andrew Fountain◊ William and Linda Cady Katharine◊ and Mr. Alan Cahn Gloria Calderon Joseph Callahan Veronica Campos John Cannucci Kathleen Carnes and Kathryn Tinkler Cameron Carrillo Matthew and Roberta Carter Laurence and Janet Cartmill Duane and Tam Cartwright Robert◊ and Barbara Casteel David Castillo Jo Ann Casucci William and Rosemary Caudell Shelly Chabon Jeffrey Chandler James and Pamela Chassé Bob Christenson Delores and Robert Christianson John Clarke Terry and John Clelen Kelly Clifton◊ Kay and Richard Coots

David and Ann Cordero James Corliss Dennis Courtright Barbara Covey Charles Cundiff Vic◊ and Beryl Dahl Peggy Dahms Carol and Seymour Danish Thomas and Joan Daudistel Lois and Lawrence Dauelsberg Elizabeth Davidson Roderick and Margaret Davidson Richard Davis Steve Davis Theressa Davis Carol Delorme Don Devore John and Victoria Dewitt David and Kathryn Dickoff D.V. Dodge Margaret Doherty William and Suzanne Dolan Raelyn and Robert Dolton Charles Dowell William Downey Loen and Sho Dozono Marina Drazba Amy Driscoll Marylou Dulaney Edna and Lawrence Easter Richard Egner Michele and Heiner Eichermueller Tara Enneking Karen Erde and Robert Wollheim Berrin Erdogan◊ Robyn Erickson Roderick Evenson Francine◊ and Joseph Fahey Ruth◊ and Frank Falco Stephanie Farquhar◊ and Peter Murchie Chris and Michael Feves Elizabeth Finkel◊ Bruce and Cynthia Fitzwater Steven and Jennifer Flunker Margaret and Donald Ford Daniel◊ and Katherine Fortmiller Chris Foster Paul Fowler Sandra Freels◊ Margaret and Ralph Frey Mark Fuchs and Jillyn McCullough Fuchs Nancy Fuhrman

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Duane Funk Michelle Gano◊ Daryl and Belinda Garrettson Rhonda Garvin Bremmeyer Jeremy Gatehouse Tyler Geving◊ Don Gibbons Roxanne Giffin Victoria Gilbert◊ and Bryan Johanson◊ Mike Gilroy Sylvia Giroux◊ Marc Glass Anne Glazer Jane and Scott Glidden Bill and Janet Goman Stephen Graf and Nicoletta Natta-Graf Charles◊ and Jenefer Grant Suzanne and Gary Greblo Gretta Grimala Jon and Jane Grodem Hans and Marilyn Grunbaum Carla Haake Kristi Hace James and Annmarie Haldeman Susan Haley Conrad Halling and Joan Cook Susan Halverson-Westerberg◊ Trish Hamilton◊ Michael Hanegan and Janet George Jim and Jacquelan Harper Michael Harrison Charles and Judith Hartley Katherine Hasenauer Cap and Amanda Hedges John and Kristi Heiser Paul and Tkae Henningsen Rodney Hicks Betty and Larry Hittle Richard Hobbs Marilyn Hofmann-Jones Douglas and Nancy Holden Terry and Etsuko Holmes Loren and Martha Hotchkiss Todd Houser Roger Hughes Russell and Jennifer Humberston Neil and Cathy Hummel Donna Huntsman James Huntsman Robert Innes Margaret Irish◊ Dirk◊ and Gayla Iwata-Reuyl

Alumni |

Faculty/staff |


Carolyn and Gene Jackson Robert and Jill Jarrett Joanne Jene Laura and David Jepsen Elizabeth Johnson Joan and Robert Johnson Karl L. Johnson◊ Rod Johnson◊ Thomas◊ and Elaine Johnson James Jolly Richard Jones Wendy and Daniel Jones Carol Joseph and Thomas Marshall Robert and Kathleen Joy Alison Justice Sherrie and Michael Kaiel Ed and Grace Kawasaki Lois Keller James Kelly Ray and Judy Kelly Jim Keyes Kameron Khazeni Sheryl Kiel Kris Kienzle Jessie and Jeffrey King Anton Kirchhof and Barbara Mank Lee and Bernadette Koehn Linda Koping Preisz Merle and John Kovash Bruce Kramer Michael Kriss David and Mary Krug John Lake Richard and Marjorie Landreville Donald and Kathryn Lange Catherine◊ and Charles Latourette Irwin Lavenberg Kathi◊ and Edward Lee Wayne Lei John Leineweber Judith Litt Cheryl◊ and Hanoch◊ Livneh Michael◊ and Cheri Lund Ruth Lund Steve and Rosalie Lund Frederick Lunki Joanne Luzietti John◊ and Jodie◊ MacLean Andrea MacTarnahan Gregory and Beth Madden Ronald and Sharon Madison David Maier◊ and Kaye Van Valkenburg

Michelle and Robert Manicke Cornell and Manuela Mann Linda◊ and Kenneth Mantel John Marandas Leeza Maron and James Greenblatt Karen Marrongelle◊ and Brian Hopkins Rex Marshall◊ Martha Martien Ann and Michael Mason Carol and Robert Mattson David Maxfield Don and Chris McClave David McComb Judy and Louis McCraw Jan and William McFadden Joseph McFarland Thomas and Cindy McNerthney Art and Aileen McNett Bryan and Darla McVay Richard Meeker and Ellen Rosenblum Brenda Meltebeke and Scott Stuart George and Cherie Miller Robert Millette◊ and Margaret Pedersen Judith Minton◊ Roger Mize and Candace Kittle-Mize Frank Mondeaux Michael Moore Octavio Morales Amy Morris Jean and Bill Morton Jeffrey◊ and Martha Mozzochi Melissa Naito Louis and Jeanette Napoleon Gregory Nehler Bob Neibert Paul Nelson Peggy and Robert Nitschke Catherine and Scott Nolan James and Patricia Nolan Jamie Oelrich Stephanie Oliver Daniel Olstedt Cecilia and William Ortman Kim Padrow Hildegard and Lothar Paesler Carmella Parks William Parnell◊ Blake Patsy John Pauley Richard Peach Sondra and Gordon Pearlman Donal and Janet Pedersen

Gail Pemble George Pernsteiner Jane Peters Kristine Peterson Mark and Randie Peterson Amy◊ and Ron Petti Donna Philbrick◊ Steven and Pamela Philpot James and Nancy Pischel Laurie Powers◊ Mark Prater Michael and Karen Preisz Vivian Preston Philip and Laura Pridmore-Brown Norman Purves and Maren HauschildtPurves Janet Putnam◊ and Michael Klain Douglas and Lynnette Rabe Job Rabinowitz and Anita Osterhaug Paula Radich Lynn Ramsdell Peter Reader Monte Rehling Darwin and Marjorie Reveal David Reynolds and Ann Smith Anna-Louise Reysenbach◊ Jill Rissi◊ Karl Ritzau Mary and Mark Roberts Jerry and Susan Robinson Bruce and Beth Rose Dan and Lynn Rosen Richard Ross and Barbara MacOmber Steven and Tamera Roussos Brian Ruder◊ and Michael James Kirk and Sharon Rue Gary Rule David and Patsy Rullman Kenneth Ruoff◊ and Jean Linscott Suzanne◊ and Thomas Sager Jennifer Samsom Cortez Samuel Lawrence◊ and Diane◊ Sawyer Kenneth Schenk Michael Schilmoeller and Katie Larsell Steven and Karen Schoenbrun David and Thi Schrader James Schultz Barbara and Jack Schwartz Cathryn Scott Levonne Sedgwick William and Sharyn Selby

Ethan Seltzer◊ and Melanie Plaut Kerry Sharp June Shiigi Greg and Sarah Shine Dean and Anne† Sigler Beverly Silva Brian and Jennifer Simmons Karl Simon William Simon Eric Simpson Erik Simshauser and Ms. Lisa Shelton Christine Sjogren Jerry Slepack Thomas and Barbara Slyter Christopher Smith David Smith Marcus and Diana Smith Robert and Susan Smith James Snyder Bobbie Sommer-Gronvold Janice Sonntag John and Katie Spathas Richard and Shirley Spooner Kenneth Stedman◊ Donald Stepp Beverly and Robert Stevens Katherine and Marty Stites Dennis Stoller Antony and Anna Stratis Barbara Stross David Stroud and Terri Conover-Stroud Noelle Studer-Spevak◊ Jahed◊ and Kathy Sukhun Robert Sutton and Harriet Davidson Elliot Swan John and Constance Tammen Carla Teitzel Jay Ternberg Diane and Richard Thomas Barbara Tillman Susan Trubachik Thomas Tucker Roger and Dorothy Upham Ann and Thomas Usher Patrick and Shannon Utter Satya Vakada Robert Valdez Heather Van Meter Eric Verheiden Terry Vulcani Steven Wallo Marc Walters


pa r k b l o ck s s o c i e t y


Duane and Susan Waltos Jian Wang◊ Ted Wanner Suzanne Ward Bill Warren Judith Watson and Susan MatrangaWatson Ann Wawrukiewicz Bradley and Mary Ann Webb Philip Webb Marianne Wells Jim and Janet Westwood Bradley Whalen Terry Wheeler David Whitaker and Kristin Lensen Richard◊ and Donna White Stephen Wille Anita Williams Marie Williams Ned and Susan Williams Jonolyn and Baxter Wilson Stacey and Bill Wilson Barbara and Richard Wollenberg Darren Wood Jon Woodworth Betty and Harry Yada Bradley Young Georgia Young Beata Zanone Gregory Zupan $1 to $249 Donald and Joan Aaberg Leslie and Stephen Aaron Clayton and Connie Abel Teresa and Bruce Abel Tami Abeloe Mary and Scot Abplanalp Shamistra Abraham Marc Abrams Sharon Abramsky Linda Absher◊ Marvin and Ginger Abts Jamal Abu Sneineh Nausser Abushaaban Amy Ackerman Faith Ackerman Kimberly and Dan Ackley Donna Acord Barry Adams Kathleen Adams

Louise Adams Patrick Adams and Rosemary Price Sandra Adams Virginia and Bruce Adams Charles Adcock Cheryl and Stephen Adelman Roberta and Jerry Adey Shady Adib Sivasri Aditham Barbara and Jim Adkisson Irving and Muriel Adler Seymour Adler◊ Ali and Azita Afghan Judith Aftergut Alyssa Agee Daniela Agostini John and Donna Aha Steven Ahl Steve Aho and Lisa Swallow Richard and Emily AhYou C.L. Ainsworth David and Patricia Aires Joseph Aiyeku Saad Al Ghamdi Maria Alanis-Ruiz◊ and Roberto Ruiz Elizabeth Alarid Edwin Albers Norma Alberthal Jane Albertus and Terry Cross Jerry Albrecht and Barbara Jean Rebecca Albright◊ Allen Aldrich Pamela and Terry Aldrich Stacie Aleman Annabelle Alexander Jeannine Alexander Jennifer Alexander Richard Alexander Thomas and Kate Alexander David Alford Douglas Alford Vernon Alg Jerrold and Donna Aljets Gayle Al-Kaisy Shelley Allan-Cole Amanda Allen Brett and Melanie Allen James and Diana Allen Jennifer Allen◊ Karole and Ron Allen Kate Allen Kathleen and John Allen

Kim Allen◊ Mary Allen Michael Allen Sandra Allen Michael and Kayline Allison Sara Allison Manal Almarzouqi Aziza Alnuaim Kathryn Alsworth and Michael Sprinker Timothy Alt Cynthia and Jose Altig Kenneth Altman Francisco Alvarado Jose Alvarez and Sara Carter Jesse and Brenda Alvey Edward Amann Katya Amato◊ Rosemary and Donald Amato Alan and Elizabeth Ames Nicholaus Ames Janet Amundson Vasilios Anastasiou Karen Anderegg† and William Rutherford Donald Andersen Gail and Jay Andersen Carolyn and Richard Anderskow Anne and Ross Anderson Clark Anderson Dennis Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Gregory Anderson Grieg and Clarice Anderson Jeffrey Anderson Karen Anderson Larry and Diane Anderson Leslie Anderson and Joseph Sherry Lois Anderson Louise Anderson Lu Ann Anderson Martha Anderson Raymond and Ms. Cynthia Anderson Lucy Anderson-Duyck Benjamin◊ and Michael Anderson-Nathe Jacqueline and William Andresevic Anne and Thomas Andrews David and Nenice Andrews Margaret Andrews Martha Andrews Sarah Andrews-Collier◊ and Edwin Collier Billie and W. Kent Anger Marybeth Angulo Ray and Nancy Annas

Misten Antholz Lisa and Roger Anthony Joy Antolin-Chen and Chih-Cheh Chen John and Victoria Apostolos Marc Appell Nadine Appenbrink Jack Appleton Paul Aragon Joyce and Richard Arbeene Bruce Arbeit George and Dorothy Arbuckle Wilma Arbuckle Leo Arceneaux Denise Archer Robert and Susan Archerd Wendy and Robert Archibald Brandon Ard Sheila Arena Jeremy Arguien Erin and Enrique Arias Jess and Mona Armas E. Kae and John Armentrout Candy and George Armstrong John and Hester Armstrong Kathy Armstrong Terry Arnall Teri Arndt Patricia and James Arneson Benjamin and Paula Arthur Roberto Artiga Morataya Jennifer Artman◊ Tara Asai Margarita Ascensio Joan and Paul Ash Dorothy Ashbaugh Patricia Ashby Robert Ashcraft Mary Ashmun Dale Asleson Jeanne and John Atkins Kathleen Atkins Marci and Riley Atkins Ronald and Barbara Atseff Jae Atwood David and Erin Audley Ruthann and James Audritsh Krista Ausenhus Michaelangelo Aust Celia and Ken Austin Corrina Austin Gayle Austin Mary and Stephen Auzenne

Deborah Avakian Anne Avgerin Gregor and Karen Avison Judy and Michael Ayers Hirofumi Baba Robin Babb Gerald Babcock Julia Babcock◊ Sally Baber George Bachik Donald and Elizabeth Bachman Dean Backus Tyrene Bada Jeff◊ and Andrea Baffaro John Bagg Christina Baghdanov Kenneth Bagley◊ Valerie Bagnas Amy Bahrman Katherine Bailes Christopher Bailey Scott Bailey and Nancy Abens Laura and Donald Bain Diana Baird Leslie Baird Raymond Baise Alison Baker Cindy Baker Mary and Steven Baker Sandra Baker William Baker Ronald and Jill Bakken Karl Baldessari Anne Baldwin Laurence Baldwin Michael Baldwin Melvyn and Elaine Ball Lori Ballentine Chase Ballew Joseph Ballman Robert Balmer Anjali and Prashant Balwally Jay Banasky Joachim and Ms. Meike Bandke Michelle Banks◊ Pamela Banning Linda Bannister Marion Barber Charm Barber Hartland Kelson Barberis Norma Bardana Lou and Richard Barela

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Robert and Dara Barhite Donna Barker Elizabeth and Louis Barker Elizabeth Barker and Daniel Fost Jeffrey and Victoria Barker Thomas and Joanne Barker Carole Barkley and David Loftus Jim and Susan Barlow Susan Barmeyer and Jonathan Haber James and Ramona Barnard John Barnard Bruce Barnes Claire Barnes Riley Barnes Robert Barnes John Barnett◊ Philip Barr Kevin Barrett Patrick Barrett Barbara Barrie Darold Barrow◊ Deidre Barry Elizabeth Bartell Mary and James Bartels Gerald Bartle Thomas and Molly Bartlett Laura Barton Rudy◊ and Rhonda Barton Sheila Barton Bonnie Bartos Joseph and Bernice Bashlow Joseph Bass Ellen Bassett◊ Mary and Roger Bassett Montgomery Bassow Ronald and Carol Bastiani Anthony and Robin Bateman Duke Bates Rodney Bates Leslie Batten Sarah and Peter Batten Julie Bauder Janet Bauer Lori and Todd Bauman Annette and Friedrich-Wilhel Baumann Willene Bautista Donald Baxter Sandra Baxter Anne Bayer-Tessler and Steven Tessler Leota and Byron Beach Karin Beagle Nancy Beaini

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Faculty/staff |


Luis Beal Herbert and Barbara Beals Harold and Rebecca Bean Michael Bean Doris and Donald Beard Clayton Bearden Sarah Beasley◊ Constance Beaumont Peter Bechtold Judith Beck Kara Beck Kayrene Beck Richard and Linda Beck Staci Beck Theresa Beck Candice and Scott Becker Henry and Carolyn Becker Stephanie Becker Patricia and Charles Beckert Kenya Beckmann Carrie Becraft Susan Bednarz Dennis Beetham Trent Began Josephine and Robert Behar Alexandra Behr Jon and Carol Beima George and Frankie Bell Kenneth Bell Linda and Curtis Bell Ronald and Teresa Bell Sean and Jacqueline Bell Theresa Bell◊ Linda Bellerby Kenneth Belson Kristin Belz Anne and Kenneth Bemis Gary Bemis Margaret Benc Benjamin Benedict Joyce Benjamin Ann Bennett Bettye Bennett Floyd Bennett Jon Bennett Julie and Jon Bennett Muriel and Dennis Bennett Patrick Bennett Andrea Benson and Peter Nelson James Benson Melissa Benson Patricia Benson

Robert and Janice Benson Todd Benson Jesse and Young Bentley Ronald Benton Thomas Benz Georgann Benziger James and Margaret Berchtold Emil Berg Geri Berg Glenn Berg Kathleen Berg Michele and Loren Berg Todd and Violet Berg Ronald Berger Eric Berggren Ken and Donna Bergmann Rebecca Bergquist Betsy and Leonard Bergstein Akiko and Eric Berkman Susan Berkman Lanette and Charles Bernards Rebecca Bernat Gretchen Berretta Dulcy Berri Theresa and Brady Berry Susan Bertotti Lesley Bertram◊ S.L. Berube Linda Besant and Martha Goetsch Jenni and Aaron Besen Yedida Bessemer Aase and John Besson Ron Best Athena Bettger Tracy Betts Christina Bialas and Larry Minor James Bickford◊ Russell and Tammy Bickford Scott and Melissa Bieber Julio and Julie Bilbao Susanna Billard Elizabeth and James Biller Phillip Billitz Erline and Larry Binkerd Mike Biondo Margery and Terje Birkedal Faith Birkenfeld Zorina◊ and William Birkle Richard Birmele Gregory Birnbaum Wallace and Joyce Bischoff Craig and Cindy Bishop

Gladys Bishop Judy and Dean Bishop Marilyn Bishop Peter Bitar Gregory Bittick John Bjerke Irma and Robert Bjerre Amelia Bjesse-Puffin Steven Bjorklund Donovan Black Fannie Black Kathy Black◊ Shari and K. Eric Blackburn William Blackford Penny Blackwell Sanstead and John Sanstead Fred Blakely Jacqueline and John Blalock Pat Blanchard and Patrick Edvalson Elizabeth Blane Randall Blazak◊ Dorothy and Stephen Blazo Barbara and Mervin Bledsoe Gaylon and Lois Bledsoe Lawrence and Bonnie Bliesner Richard and Colleen Blohm Karen and Robert Blomquist Jay Bloom Gerald Bloomberg Margery Bloomfield Joseph and LaVonne Blowers Lisa and Daniel Bloyer Betty Blue Christopher Blue Jessie Blue Josef and Barbara Blue Randall Bluffstone◊ and Marla Munnich Jamie Blumberg John Blyler Tom and Joanne Board Doreen Bockman Christopher Bodamer Erik Bodegom◊ and Megan Taylor Clifford Bodell and Peggy Gepford Karen Boelling and Robert Johnson Honor Boerigter Marian Boettcher Ronald and LaRae Bogh Amit Bohara Marilou Bohmann Lora Bolding Jeffrey and Teri Boldman

Emily and Douglas Boleyn Kenneth Bolf Thea Bolland William Bollig Patricia Bollin◊ Evelyn and Dan Bolme Nicholas Bolstad Cathy Bolster-Poetschat and George Poetschat Charles and Mary Bolton Lisa Bonaduce Donaca Randall Bond Dawn Bonder Donna Boner Lynn Bonner Ernest and Shirley Bonyhadi Beverly and Stephen Bookin Carolyn Boone Debbie and William Boone Dennis and Mari Boone Zak Boone Brian and Gwyneth Booth Nora and John Boothby Gale Borde Jeannine Borde Ryan Borde◊ Bruce and Dorita Borgerson Kenneth and Karen Bork Tony Bornstein James and Frances Borquist Richard Bossardt Dana Bostrom◊ Melissa and Timothy Bosworth Ruth Bosworth and Gary Cadinha Christine Botkin Sandra and Terry Bottemiller Bernard and Sandra Bottens Kathryn Bottler Jilla and Pierre Boulas Richard and Teresa Boulette Elise Bouneff Sylvia and Bobby Bouneff Josephine and John Bourke Robert and Tracy Bowden Katherine Bowers Michele Bowler and William Failing Brian Bowles Bill Bowling Patricia Bowman and Richard Kolbell Joan and Robert Box Teri and Edward Boyatt Elizabeth Boyce


pa r k b l o ck s s o c i e t y


Frances Boyd◊ Lynn Boyd Dean Boyer Maria Boyer Mary Boyer Nancy and Paul Boyer Robert Boyer and Judy Knawls-Boyer Robert and Donna Boyk Pat and George Bradach Thomas and Whitney Braden Sarah Bradley◊ and William Jones Elaine Brady-Mahoney Kathryn Braeme-Burr and Scott Burr Sally and Milo Braich Miles and Lorretta Brandon Elizabeth Brandt Mallory Bransfield Jessica Brar Clement and Margaret Brasket Lauren Brassaw Stephen Braun Thomas and Margaret Breidenthal Mary and Henry Breithaupt Kathleen Brennan and Jimmy Brown Johanna Brenner◊ Char Breshgold Barbara and William Briare Connie Briceno Sue Brickey Margie and Gerald Brickley Darren Bridenbeck Nancy Bridgeford and Richard Stiggins Pamela and Fred Bridgehouse James Bright James Brinkmann Frances Brisbane Margaret Brisbane and Robert Barclay Kimberly Broadfoot-Baker Carolyn and Buddy Brock Cody Brockett Ana Brodeanu Christopher Broderick◊ Richard and Cindy Brodner Gary◊ and Lucy Brodowicz Meredith Brodsky Natalia Bronner Jennifer Bronson Jeffery Brooks Simone Brooks Joanne Brooks-Crutcher R. Dennis Brophy and Cathy Gwinn Jacob Brostoff

Anna Brown Anna Brown Bev Brown Bobbie and Cliff Brown Brian and Kristi Brown Bruce Brown Darcy Brown Eileen Brown James Brown Janna and Russell Brown Justin Brown Kate Brown and Daniel Little Kerri and Peter Brown Marcia Brown Nancy Brown Robert Brown Ryan Brown Scott J. Brown Scott T. Brown Susan Brown Timothy C. Brown Timothy R. Brown Shannon Browne Carol Brownlow Carol and Robert Bruce Bruce Brundage Matthew Brunengo Eric Bruns April Brunton-Rhodes David Brush Larry Bruton Marga Bryan Crystal and Dennis Bryant Elizabeth Bryant Nancy and Charles Bubl Deborah Buchanan and Scott Teitsworth Marianne Buchwalter Arthur and Marcia Buck Kenneth Buckles Scott Buckley Lynn Buechler Karen Buetens Janet and Bergen Bull Al Bullard Kimberly Buller Sharon Bullock Sandra Bumpus◊ Elizabeth Bunce Jewel Bundy John Burchard Laura and Jeffrey Burda Ginny Burdick

Laura Burger Lucas Giles◊ and Virginia Burgess John and Dela Burgess Philip and Robin Burgess Elizabeth Burke Naomi Burke Patricia Burke Robert Burke Karen Burkhart Michelle Burkhart Samuel Burkhart Harry and Stacy Burleigh Susan and Harold Burnett John and Janet Burnham Bridget Burns Erin Burns◊ Kenneth◊ and Cheri Burns Marjorie Burns◊ and Don Willner F.W. Burrus Julia Bursch Eleanor Burton Ellen Burton Nancy Burton Heidi Busche Richard Bushek Sheree Busi Paul and Jill Butcher Grace and Paul Butler Judith Butler Donna Butts Manuel Buzo Julie Buzzard Robert Byers Kristen Byrd Robert Byrne Kerry and Sudarshan Cadambi Paul Cadero-Smith David Cadiz Laura Cailloux Kelsey Cairns Gary and Kathie Calandra Jerald and Jane Calavan Jeffrey and Eva Calcagno Cheron and Craig Calder Dawn Calder John Calhoun Albert Caliendo Arden Callender Camilla and James Camburn Ann Cameron Andrea Campbell Caitlin Campbell

Heather Campbell and Christopher Young Jean◊ and David Campbell Karen Campbell Patricia Campbell Paul Campbell and Anne Goulart S. Elizabeth Campbell Steven Campf Mirna Campos Richard and Lois Canady Sue and Donald Cannard Kathleen Cannon William and Janine Cannon Mary Cantrell and James Godsey Sarah Cantril and Thomas Nesbit Shang Cao Jason Capelle Joshua Caplan Ronald and Catherine Caplan Kevin and Suzie Capuzzi Paula Carder◊ and John Schnabel◊ Christopher Cardiel Elizabeth Carey Su An Carey James and Joan Carhart Wayne and Geraldine Carleton Chanelle Carlin Bette Carlisle Terry and Janet Carlisle Catherine and Craig Carlson Delaine Carlson Elaine Carlson Matthew Carlson◊ and Kristin Smith◊ Richard Carlson Steve◊ and Juanita Carlson Karen Carlston Diane Carman Gloria Carmody Michael Carnovale Carolyn Tomei Maryl Carow Cecile Carpenter Kathleen and Garry Carpenter Rowanna Carpenter◊ Sandra Carpenter Pam and Harold Carr Theresa Carr and Edward Hansen James Carrick Tammy Carrigan Marta Carrillo Betty Carrithers Julie Carson

Ronald Carson Adam Carter Carol Carter Jamie Carter Phillip and Penny Carter Steven Carter Steven and Kimberly Carter Tina Carter Denise Cartledge Trever Cartwright Maria Casas Mary Casey Patricia Casey Micki◊ and William Caskey Brian Caslis Billy Cassens Alfredo Castillo Andres Castro Ellery Castro Christine Caton Christy A. Caton Jeremy Cattone V. Rowene and John Caughell Brian and Polly Caughey Michael and Judy Cavalli Jean Cavanaugh◊ Keith Cavanaugh Richard Cave and Barbara Tom Lisa Caverly Christi Cawood Joseph Cazier Mary Cecchini Avery and Charles Cero Douglas Chadwick Marsha Chadwick Dolly Chale Chad Chamberlain Jan Chamberlin-Lea and Malcolm Lea◊ Gary and Vicki Chambers Nathan Chambers Barbara Chambless Alvina Chan Florence Chan Terence Chan Irene Chand Sherie Chaney Ostrowski and Michael Ostrowski Robert and Laura Chang Ann Chapman Nancy Chapman◊ Valerie Chapman Wayne Chapman and Janet Manson

pa r k b l o ck s s o c i e t y

Charles Chappelle Clarice Charging Kristin Charles Linda and John Charles Frederic Charlton Brian Chase Hal and Karen Chase Ronald Chase Leif Chastaine Joseph Chatterley Janice Chattin Araceli Chavez Leigh Chavez Aletha Chavis James Chellis Janice Chellis Guozhi Chen Melissa Chen Pah◊ and May Chen Zai-Yi Chen Chih Cheng Jiann and Savay Cheng Sumei Cheng Thomas Chenoweth◊ and M. Lenore Fines Danielle Chiacco Nan Childress-Orchard Candace and Stephen Chinick Florence Chino Sophie Choe Joanne and Jerome Cholick Janet Christ Barbara Christensen Greta Christensen Lorry Christian Doug Christie Sidney Christie John Christy Alice Chung and Michael Tena Hae-Seon Chung Sally Churchill Carl and June Clapp Brooke Claridge Bud Clark Colleen Clark Cory Clark Kathleen Clark Linda and Leslie Clark Olivia Clark and Dennis Mulvihill Rebecca Clark Robert Clark Sandra Clark

Alumni |

Faculty/staff |


Thomas Clark Antony Clarke and Rosemary Foggia Hyuny Clark-Shim Casey Cleary Debra◊ and Joseph Clemans Yvonne Clendenin Jimmy Cloer Kathryn and Wade Clowes Richard Clucas◊ and Elizabeth BlenzClucas Mary Coad Rick Coates Jackie Cochran Deborah Cochrane Anne Cockrell Niecole Coder Marc Cody Elaine and Arnold Cogan Pamela Cogswell Alex Cohen Anne Cohen and Tony Grey Beth Cohen Davene Cohen Laura Cohen Ronald and Vicki Colarchik Lara Colburn Molly Colburn and Fred Gross Craig Colby and Susan Hartwell Brian Cole Davin Cole Jeffrey Cole and Sally Booth Jon and Susan Cole Walter Cole Cynthia Coleman◊ Daniel◊ and Sheryl Coleman James and Rita Coleman Tedric and Karyn Coleman Michael and Corinne Coles Matthew Collier Peter◊ and Christina Collier Catherine Collins Tristan Collins Sharon and Eric Collison Risa Colton-Feldman and Mr. Louis Feldman Phyllis Commeree Kathleen Concannon Glenora and Jerry Congrove Debra Connell Mona and Donald Connell Brad Connelly Coleen and James Connolly

Kathleen and Robert Conover Nancy Conover Bruce and Patricia Conrad Gisela Conrad Susan Conrad◊ Jim and Cecilia Conroy Rocky and Kellie Conroy Susan Conroy Carl and Joan Constans Rebecca Contreras Karen Conway Marcia Coodley Gary and Theresa Cook Sharon and Gordon Cook Stephen Cook Thomas Cook Philip Cooker Susan Cooksey Alexander Cooley Dorothy Coombs Cheryl Coon Barbara Cooney Corry and Denise Cooper John Cooper◊ and Terry Rohe◊ Margie Cooper Marilyn Cooper and Michael Doersch Rita and Sam Cooper Ronald Cooper Steven Cooper Shannon Cooper-Campagna and David Campagna Marvelle and Francis Cop Julia Copper Smith and Philip Smith Anthony Coraci Matthew Corbett Jan Corbin Sharon and Lee Cordova John Corey Mary Corless Deborah Corlett Patricia Cornman Kevin Cornwell and Catherine Dovey Patsy and Jeffrey Corrigan Pamela Cortez Claire Corwin-Kordosky and Eugene Kordosky Joseph Coss and Debra Boehland-Coss Ana Costa Cheryl Costar John Cotter Michael and Julie Cottle Cameron Cotton

Anthony Couch Sheila Couey Christina Coughlin Arlene Counsil Mark and Kimbra Countryman Geoffrey and Boni Courtright Mark and Pamela Coussens John and Ann Cowger David Cox Doniella Cox Jack Cox Lynne and Donald Cox Martha and David Cox Leland Coxe and Kathie Lennertz Shirley Coyner Robin Cozzolino Jimmy Craft and Kelley Blanchard Annette Cragg and Cliff Torng Stephan and Dolores Cragg Linda Craig Lisa Craig Stephanie Craig Rushing Donald and Robyn Cram Launa Cramer James and Karen Craven Martha and Timothy Craven Christina Crawford Christopher and Kristen Crawford Karelee Creek Marjorie and Norman Creitz Venita and David Cremer Nelson Crick◊ and Linda Pedersen Bertha Crisofulli Thomas Crisofulli Ferruccio Crocetti Elizabeth Crocker Donald Croker Chris Cromwell Kenneth Cropper Jorge and Lidia Crosa Easton Cross Michelle and Paul Cross Robert Croucher Andrea and Randall Crouse David Crow Elizabeth Crow Vivian◊ and David Crow Jack Crowder Terri Crowder Kenneth Cruikshank◊ Jacqueline Cruver Sheila and Peter Cullen

Michael and Carla Cullerton Timothy Culligan Jeffrey and Cindy Cummings Elizabeth and James Cundiff Michael and Ceri Cundiff Alma Cunningham Robert and Rebecca Cunningham Robert Cunningham William and Dana Cunningham William Cunningham Leota Cutler Mindy Cutler Michael and Lucille Cutone Lora Cuykendall and Mr. Bob Caldwell Marlene and Mark Cvetko Marcus Da Silva Dolores and Wesley Dahl Jason and Carol Dahl Letitia Dahl Steven Dahl Jerrene and Wes Dahlstrom Joan Dale-Keiski and John Keiski Carol and Michael Daley Theresa Daley Larry and Susan Dalrymple Helen Dalton Mary Daly and Benjamin Ward Maryann and Ramon† Damerell Janet Damon◊ Michele and Jim Daniels Rachel Daniels Toby Daniels and Debra McKeownDaniels Tom and Pamela Daniels Brian Darby Marissa Dare Gary and Judith Darke Joshua Darling Jennifer Darlington Keith and Nancy Darlow Meghann Darne John† and Marcella Dart Noah Dauber Judy Dauble Gwen Davey Lori David Patrick David Dorothy Davidson Michael Davidson and Patti Johnson Sherwin Davidson◊ and Michael Toth◊ Carmen Davidson-Smith Mary and Michael Davies


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Colleen Davis Dawn Davis Dennis and Hannah Davis DiAngela Davis Donald Davis Eleanor Davis Gloria Davis Greg Davis Jodi Davis Kame Davis Linda and H. Davis Michael Davis Pamela Davis Peter Davis Ralph and Betty Davis Risa Davis Seth Davis Stacy Davis Tony Davy John Dawson Brandon Day Denise de Jarlais Emily de la Cruz David De Luz Marie and Michael De Paepe Jean De Young Stephen and Susan Deagle Janet Deardorff Julie and Alan Deardorff Sherry Deason Joanne Deazley Jeanette◊ and A. Melvin DeCarrico Dean and Joan DeChaine Martha and Lawrence Decherd Lambert Deckers Keith Declerck Judith Decourcy Lori DeDobbelaere Mary and Douglas Deeks Georgia and Henry Deetz Sebastian and Erika Degens Peter and P.L. DeGraff Melvin and Elizabeth DeGraw James Deitz Gina Dela Cruz Herta Dela Cruz Margaret and John DeLacy Brian Delgado Matthew Delong and Carrie Parrish Darrell Delyria Sarah Demary Edward and Karen Demko

Xian Deng Sarah Denham Susan Denight Christine Denning and Charlie Bovey Karen Dennis Michael Dennis Michelle DePass Shelby DePriest Stephen and Claire Deremer William and Brenda Derville Lynne Desel Sandra Detroit Jack◊ and Jo Anna Devletian Linda DeVries Michael Dewit Steven and Lisa Dexheimer Laura Dhanens Andy Diamond Elizabeth and Benedict Diaz Constance Dickey Paige Dickow Benn Dickson Nella Dickson Alodie and Donald Didier Thomas Dieterich◊ and Scilla Murray Gene Dietzman Katharine Digby Brad DiGiovanna Frank DiGregorio Laura Digregorio Richard and Patricia Dilbeck Janice Dilg and Frank Cunningham Allen Dillard and Lizette Arroyo-Dillard Kenneth Dillon Patrick and Heather Dillon William Dillon David Dilorenzo Mary Dingle Donald and Marian Dinsmore Maitri Dirmeyer James Dixon Basil◊ and Virginia Dmytryshyn Lan Do◊ Bayard Doane Patricia Dobbins Richard Dobrot Richard Dobrow Linda Dobson Jerrine and Clyde Doctor Jennylyn Dodd Linda Dodds Kathryn and William Dodele

Kelly Dodge Edward and Donalda Dodson Terril Doherty◊ Ronald Dohr Holly and Dennis Dolan Janice Dolan Harold and Linda Doland Marek Dolgos Karen Dollar Eugene and Marilyn Dombrowski John and Jeannette Domogalla David and Linda Domreis Amy Donaldson Glen and Gretchen Donaldson Lisa Donnelly Barbara Donner Ellen and Kevin Donovan Jennifer and Phil Donovan Stephen Dorman John and Christine Dorrance Theodore Dorrance James Dorsey Logan Dose Kathleen Doty Roderick and Sandra Doubleday Joyce Dougherty and Patrick Gardner Jeannine Douglas John Douglas Kimberly Douglas Marie and Ronald Dove Jolene Dow Andrew Downey Suzanne Downing Marguerite Doxtator Edward Doyle Jeff Doyle M. James and Cecile Doyle Marshall Doyle Rose Doyle Suzanne Doyle Linda Drake Nancy Drake and Jack Overman James Draznin and Lorely French Robert Dreher Peter Dresler Deborah Dresner◊ Thomas and Rebecca Dresser Dale and Dennis Drew Andrew Drexler Mary Dreyer Craig Driggs Pam Driggs

Lorraine Drougas Stanley Druben Karen Drum Margaret Drummond and Lon Southard Michael Drummond Scott and Denice Drushella Robert and Georgina Dubay Katherine DuBois-Guido Paul and Laura DuBose Michael Duchow-Pressley Lisa Duckett and Preston Vielbig Alice Dudley Ann Dudley Brad Dudley Janet and Art Dudley Renee and Timothy Dugan Veronica Dujon◊ and Jose Padin◊ Allison Dumble Mudrick Michael and Jennifer Dummer Donald and Zola◊ Dunbar Kim and Robert Duncan Edward and Josette Dundon Anna Dunlap Judith Dunlap Linda Dunn Margaret and Allan Dunn Scott Dunn Steve Dunn Lisa Dunnahoe Meara Dunsmore Robert Dunst Dat Duong Jean DuPere Ronald and Penny Duren Dennis and Jo Ann Durfee Kevin and Rebekah Durham Tanya Durham Lillian Durig George and Susan Durrie Peter Dusicka◊ Ramona Duskin Kathryn Duthie April and Gregory Duvic Daniel and Kara Duyck Diana Dwyer Elizabeth and Robert Dyson Meng Eao John and Lee Earlenbaugh Michael Eastman Randy Eatherton Keith Eaton Ron Eberle

Scott◊ and Lori Eberly Dustin Ebert Mitra Ebrahimi Nancy Ebsen Andrea Eccleston Tobin Echohawk◊ James and Jennifer Echtle Carol and Gary Eckart Suzanne Ecklund John Eckroth Jerry and Lisa Eckstein Darryl and Christina Eddy Robert and Nancy Edmiston Gordon Edwards Jean Edwards and Brian Gergen Jeffrey Edwards Kenneth Edwards Marci Edwards Susan Edwards Vickie Edwards Vicki Effland Andrea Egger Sherry Egli-Doster Glenna and Thomas Ehrlich Anna Eichhorn Ronald and Rebecca Eiseman David and Jacki Eisenberg Jesse Eisenberg Paul and Chris Eisenberg Kathryn and Garry Eisenzimmer Roger and Françoise Eiss Elizabeth Eiting Robert and Glenda Ekblad Nickie Elardo Majd and Tricia El-Azma James Elder Hannah Eldridge Stephanie El-Hajj Gary Elings Carolyn Elkjer Lindsay Ell Amanda Ellertson Eileen Elliot Debra Elliott◊ Edwin Elliott Mary Elliott-Parham Barbara Ellis Joell and James Ellis Melvin and Wendy Ellis James and Pat Ellison Mazen Elsadek Joseph Elsasser

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Jonee Elsea Kathryn Elwood Hassan and Jane El-Yacoubi Judith and Randy Emberlin Dan Embree Vickie Embree Andrew Emert Brian and Judith Emery Ligaya Enerio Corey Eng Norman Eng Russell Eng Barbara Engel Franklin Engel Herman Engert Marshall England Bonnie and Daniel English Francene and Stephen English Trudy Enke Eugene Enneking◊ and Barbara Campanian◊ Andrew Ennis Casey Enyeart Stephen and Gay Enyeart Gary and Jennifer Epping Andrew Epstein Jordan Epstein Joy and Peter Epstein Sarah and Stephen Eraker Donna and Ira Erbs Glenn Ericksen and Bernadette Maresh-Ericksen Edward Erickson Gary Erickson and Harriet Shaklee Gerald and Kathleen Erickson Jon and Jennene Erickson Lawrence Erickson Pamela and Eric Erickson Nancy Eriksson◊ Jeffrey Ernst Jennifer Escobar Jose Escobar Leah Eskenazi Janalee and Charles Esler Renee Espinoza Janice Essenberg Ann Esteve Craig Ethen and Kathleen Webster-Ethen Diana Ethridge Larry Etter Gordon Euler Susan Eurich

Alumni |

Faculty/staff |


Vicki and H. Edward Eustice Ethan Evans Jay and Patricia Evensen Gregg Everhart Lawrence Evers Charl Everson Virginia Everton Cindy Ewers Kaye Exo Thomas Ezra Nancy Faber Becky Fahey Mary Fahrer Beth Fain Erin Fairbairn Dexter and Kim Fairbank Jesse Fairbanks Cary Fairchild Nancy Falconer Ann Fallon◊ Catherine Fallon Maureen Fallt and Neil Shaw Allyson Famous and Rainer Thierauf Roger and Catherine Fantz Aziz and Loulou Faris Ronald and Toni Farnsworth Kathryn Farr◊ Roslyn Farrington◊ Michael and Sherilyn Farris Frank Faruolo David Father Ray and Lila Faucher Judith and Thomas Fawkes Ruth Fay Antonio Fazio Barbara Fazzolari Brian Fearn Brian Federico◊ Dick and Anne Feeney Karen and Keith Feher Linda Feidelson Louis Feldman Patrick Feldman Ruth Feldman Matthew Feliciano John Felker Mark Feller Neil Fendall Marian Fenimore and William West Sean Fennessy Pedro Ferbel-Azcarate◊ Clyde Ferguson

Cynthia Ferguson Nancy Ferguson Richard and Patricia Ferguson Wallis Fernandes Rodolfo Fernandez Rodriguez Bernd Ferner Roberta Ferrero Barbara Ferris Brittany Ferry Jerome and Muriel Feuer Marvin Feuerberg Simon and Rebecca Ffitch Charles and Lynette Field Michael Field Michael Fieldman Miguel Figliozzi◊ Levi Filler William Findlay Daniel Findley Alexis Fink Joel Finkelstein Christopher Finlayson Jeanette Finley Brendan Finn Molly Finnegan Charles and Jaymie Finster Tobie and Jack Finzel Gina Firman Nikkel and Brent Mulford Loretta and Andrew Fischer Robert Fischer William Fischer◊ and Dee Lane Erin Fishburn and Nathan Bergeson Bruce Fisher and Donna Walker Claudine Fisher◊ Gerald Fisher Joshua Fisher Janis Fiske Gail and Steven Fitch Robert Fitz Bill Fitzer Judy Fitzgerald Jeffrey Fitzpatrick Robin Fladebo Matthew Flaming Kathleen Flanagan James and Loraine Flatters Alfred Fleckenstein Michael Flego Christine Fletcher and Pamela Abernethy Maureen Fletcher Madelyn Fletcher-Stark Edwin Flick

Kevin◊ and Marjorie Flink Eduardo Flores Pablo Flores Thomas Foeller Ross and Judith Fogelquist Gene Foley Brian and Francina Folger-Vent Linda Folkestad and Robert Brewer Mary Foltz◊ Doris and Kenneth Fong David Foote Geraldine Foote and Gregory Fritts Charles Forbes Willie Forbes Michael Force Daren Ford Debbie Ford Janet and William Ford Patricia Ford Luanne and Stephen Fordney David and Karen Forland Linda Forney Linda Forsberg Kerry Forsell Jennifer Forti James Fortner Maurice and Debra Fortney Kristal Foskey Laurie and Roger Fosmark Tara Fosnight Walton Fosque◊ and Marilyn Lulay Brian Foster Jack Foster Larry and Monica Foster Charles Fosterling Lynne and Tom Fowler Allison Fox Charles Fox David Fox Diane Fox Paula Fox Frederica and Larry Frager Linda Francin James Francis Donald Frank Mildred Frankel Dolores Franklin Heidi Franklin Jason Franklin Julie Frantz and Craig Murphy Evelyn Franz John Franz

Michelle Franz Michael and Linda Franzwa Robert Frasca George Fraser Michael and Linda Fraser Jim and Susan Freda Susan Fredd-Allison John and Jane Frederick Kathleen and Scott Frederick Clifford Frederickson Ann and E.P. Fredricks John and Elizabeth Free Duanne Freeborn Ana Freeby Kari Freeman Teri Freitag Dwight French William French Christopher Frey and Liesl Wirtz Christina and Daniel Friedhoff Betty Friedman Norman and Tamara Friehauf Robert and Sharon Friess Elmer Frimoth Daniel Frisch Nancy and Paul Frisch Bradley Fritts Amanda and Steven Fritz Charlotte Fritz◊ James and Kathleen Fritz Miriam and James Fritz Crystal Froembling◊ Christina Frost◊ Laura Frost Marguerite Frost Keith and Donna Frutiger Molly Frye Sallie and George Frye Alicia Fuchs Roger and Jean Fuchs Sharron Fuchs Laura and Willy Fuentes Mark◊ and Jill Fujii Deanna Fujita Calvin Fuller Edith Fuller Lynnda and Roy Fuller Sarah Fuller◊ William and Marlene Fuller Debra Fuller Hayles and V. Robert Hayles Ardeth Fullmer Steven Fulmer


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Sumi and Edwin Fulwider Michael Fung Kristen Funk-Tracy Andrea and Arthur Furber Kip and Diann Furukawa Lorraine Gabel Leon Gabinet Pamela Gabourie◊ Gregory and Irene Gadeholt Gaston Gagne David Gaines Robert and Sandra Galati Andy Gale Michael Gallagher Cindy Gallegos Ruth Gallent Becky Gallion Janell Galloway Jessica Galloway John Gallup◊ Ronald and Laura Gaman Sandra and Richard Gamble Amanda Gamblin Swa Gandhinathan Marshall Gannett and Christie Galen Kristi Ganoung Gene and Kathryn Ganske Reymundo Garcia Michael Garey Jean Gargan Dalton and Nova Garing Anita and Michael Garland Loretta Garner Richard and Alice Garrett Osmond Garrick and Marcia Gregor Garrick Cindy and Timothy Garrison Lance Garrison Robert and Ethel Garrity Charles Garver Chael and Edna Garvin Erin Garvin Chris and Deborah Gaslin Carolyn Gassaway J.M. Gates Jocelyn Gates Pamela and Spencer Gates Robert and Deborah Gates Susan and Michael Gates Philip Gaudette Thomas Gauntt Patricia Gauss

Steven Gaynor Lisa and David Gearing Cayte Gebauer John Gebbie Richard Geib Sandra Geiseman Teri and Edwin Geist Erna Gelles◊ and Alan MacCormack◊ Shari Gent Linda George◊ Harmony George-Jaursch and William Jaursch Del and Leith Gerber Carol Gerity Karen Gerlach Barbara and Daniel Gerrone Marian and William Gerst Sharon Gerstenzang Jeremy Geschwind Pam Gesme Miller and Fred Miller Alexandra and David Gewant Jason Ghazimorad Lynn Gibbons Derek and Suzanne Gibbs Eloise Gibson Karen Gibson◊ Neil Gibson Scott and Stacia Gibson Wendy Gibson Marianne Gienger Shawna Giesler Jamen Giffin Jay and Michele Gilbert Rosemarie and Glen Gilbert Larry Gilbertson Stephan Gilchrist Daniel Giles Elizabeth and Willis Gill Warrene Gill and Richard Loomis Shellie and David Gillard Barbara and E.J. Gillaspie Emma and John Gilleland Jennifer Gillenwater Conor Gilles Alan Gillespie Viki Gillespie Jack and Lola Gilliland Gary Gillingham David and Jane Gillis Sandra Gilman Edward and D’Anne Gilmore Geoffrey and Suzanne Gilmore

Elizabeth Gilson Diana Ginsburg Karen Girard Milton and Linda Girdner Thomas and Robin Girvan David Gisborne and Jo Collins Dean and Susan Gisvold Kip◊ and Beverly Gladder Samuel Gladding Kathy Glankler Kalmen Glantz and Suzette DuCharme Robert Glascock Lesley and Robert Glasgow Jessica Glasmann Vicki Glassmeyer Michael and Jean Gleason Michael Glenn Jayne and Rodney Glidewell Carrie Goble and Brent Young Elizabeth and Larry Goble Lisa Goddard Geoffrey Godfrey Julie Goeden Samuel Goeppinger Bettianne Goetz Janet Goetze Sanderson Sidney Gold Margaret Golden Wendy Golden Katrina Golder Erica Goldman and Jeff Druckman Lee Goldman Mira Goldman Mathilde Goldschmidt Phil Goldsmith and Susan Newman Susan Goldsmith Lee and Thomas Golper Lisa and Daniel Gomez Fonda Gonzales J. Ruben Gonzalez-Baird Melissa Good Tack Goodell Zola Goodell Karin and Jonathon Goodling Charlotte Goodluck◊ Thomas and Alix Goodman Gail and John Goodrick Ann Goodsell Hildegard and Russell Goranson Sarah Gordin Jerry Gordon Mallory Gordon

Pat Gordon Douglas and Sharon Gore Zhi Gorman George and Joanne Gornick Linda Gosse Jennifer Gossett Victoria and Kenneth Goswick Daniel and Leslie Gott Jeffry and Emily Gottfried Corey and Sharla Gottschalk Samuel Gould Denise Gour and William Neidhardt Karen Gouze Tawana Grabarz Tana Grady-Weliky Carolyn Graf Kendall Graham Sunny Graham Dinah and Ray Granning Bob and Louise Grant Byron and Cynthia Grant Margaret Grant Kathleen Grasing John Gratchner Judy and Paul Grauer Harold Gray◊ Larry Gray Loulie Gray Mike Gray Steffeni Gray Wendy and Randal Gray Carol and Fred Green Edmond and Juanita Green Edward† and Teresa Green Mitchell Green Patrick and Susan Green Rose Green Ruth and David Green Vanessa Green Carol Greene Kathleen Greene Kathleen Greenidge Robert Greening Frances Greenleaf Brad and Sarah Greenstein Patsy Greeson Sara Gregg Mathieu Gregoire David Gregory Mark Gregory◊ and Margaret Kelly Warren Gregory Joyce Gregory Evans and John Evans

Roberta Gress Linda Greyerbiehl Suzanne Gries Judy Griffen Joyce and Kevin Griffey Terry and David Griffiths Michael Griggs Kevin Grillo Donald and Michaelene Grimberg Gary and Gail Grimes Raymond and Jere Grimm Lee Griswold Ileen Grondahl E.M. and Ed Gronke Meagan Groom Elaine and Gordon Grose David Gross and Kelly Sweet Douglas Gross Winthrop Gross Frann Grossman Nina Grout Wesley Grout Gerry Grover Joan Grover Philip Grubaugh Robert Gruwell Jessica Guarrera Kevin Guay Paula Gubrud-Howe Heidi Guenin Constance Guentner Eduardo Guevara Florence Guimary Marie and Charles Gunther Banita and Atul Gupta Marsha and Michael Gustkey Gerald◊ and Alice Guthrie Patricia Guthrie-Grosh Rynald Gutier Rodger Gutierrez Catherine Gwilliam Marjorie and Gilbert Gwilliam Raymond and Carol Haag Eleanor Haas Carol and Seymour Haber Jacek Haciak Scott Hacké and Barbara BaudinatHacké Marion Hackman Tarik and Kim Hadj-Hamou Evelyn Haertel Douglas and Phyllis Hagen

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Kathleen and Scott Hagen Michael Hagen Kimberly Hagerman David Hagerty Sally Haggart Edith Hagstrom Carolyn Hail Virginia and Andrew Haines Jan Hajda Yvonne Hajda Miriam Hajj Letha Hale Debra Hall and Charles Dolezal Diana and Peter Hall Frank Hall Laura Hall Myrna and George Hall Rachel Hall Rosario Hall Theo Hall Shelley and Chris Halleman Richard and Betty Halley Patricia Hallgren Winifred Hallmark Melanie and Mark Hambelton Darrell Hames Adnan Hamideh Tercita Hamilton Paula and Robert Hamm Anne Hammer Leslie Hammer Spector◊ and Lee Spector Cassandra Hammond Paul and Jean Hammond Beth Hamon Woesha and Tom Hampson Cynthia Hampton Ronald Hampton Shaynah Hampton Valerie and Hiro Hanada Alan and Barbara Hanawalt Guy Hancock Joshua Hancock◊ Thomas Handley Genelle Hanken and Tracy Pierce Vui Han-Mar◊ Charles Hannah Heather Hannam and Gary Warren Mary Anne Hannibal Nancy and Randolph Hansell Frances and David Hanselman Constance Hansen Jale Hansen

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Faculty/staff |


Julie Hansen Matthew Hansen Ann Hanson Bill and Rebecca Hanson Courtney Hanson◊ John Hanson Kathleen Hanson L. Eugene and Molly Hanson Marilyn Hanson Nanette Hanson Robert and Peggy Hanson Doug and Shelby Harada Thomas Hard◊ Linda Hardie Kathy Hardie-Williams and Warren Williams Katrina Hardt James Hardy Jim Hargreaves Cary and Shelley Harkaway Devin Harkness Mary Harmer and Mike Calder Floyd Harmon David Harper Deanna Harper Ritsuko and Ryon Harr James Harragin Bobby Harris Cari Harris Charles and Mabel Harris Debra Harris◊ Derrick Harris Donna Harris◊ Jane and Darrell Harris Jerry and Judith Harris Kathryn Harris Walker Harris Diane Harris-Bogenhagen Jean and George Harrison Warren◊ and Teresa Harrison James Harshfield and Pamela Simpson Eric Hart Jason Hart Ken and Sheila Hart William Hart Brandon Hartley Elaine Hartzog Andrew and Cynthia Haruyama Dean Harvey Michael Harvey Michael and Annie Harvey Cheryl Hastings

Taylor Hatcher Nora Hatfield Michael Hatgis Helen Hathaway Lin Hathaway Bunza and Geoffrey Bunza Lisa and Michael Haugen Lawrence Hauth Kenneth and Susan Hawes Larry Hawk Wendy and Tom Hawkins Vicki and Mr. Randall Hawkinson Douglas and Sharon Hawley Hans Hawley Vicky Hawley Carl Haws Susan Hay Donald and Deborah Hayashi Deidre and Robert Hayden Terrence and Regina Hayden Amy Hayes and Heather Moles Ilene Hayes Susan and David Hayes Joanne and David Haynes Molly Haynes Philip Healy David Heath Lynne and Robert Heath Mary and Daniel Heath Geoffrey and Robin Heatherington David Hedges and Sharon Sterrett R.C. Hedlund Jean and Langdon† Hedrick Michael Hedrick Linda Heerwagen Les Heffler Aaron and Patricia Hegji Melissabeth Hegland◊ Kimberly Heidenreich Debra Heidrich Cydney Heims Edith and Donald Hein Jerome and Susan Hein Donald and Diane Heinrich Curtis Heinz Steven Heisterkamp Gary and Beverly Heitz Betty and Larry Heitzler Danielle Helberg Laura Heller Lorraine Heller John Hellermann◊ John Helmer

William Helsley◊ Claudia Hemenway and Robert Bauer Bruce and Korin Henderson Edward Henderson Mary and Joseph Henderson Susan Henderson Catherine Hendricks Michael Hendricks Nancy Hendricks Virgil Hendricks William and Deidre Henley Catherine and Timothy Hennessy Sue and Tim Hennessy Amy and Walter Henry Bill Henry Christina Henry Jean Henry Vernon and Carol Henry Robert and Cora Henshaw Steven and Debra Henzi Annie Her Marilyn and Lyman Herb Robert Herbst Donald and Lela Herigstad Jerry Hering Larry Hering Freya Hermann Nalota Herms Margaret◊ and Joel Hernandez Celia Heron Paul and Ruth Herrington Alan Hershman Marnie Hersrud and Howard Nelsen Joan Hertel Kathleen Hess Shirley and Robert Hess Friderike Heuer Terry Hewitt Charles◊ and Lois Heying Richard Heymann and Erin Burke Gordon Hibbard Kathryn Hibbard Gordon and Sandra Hickey Jim Hietpas Verna and Ronald Hilburger Mikkel and Saralyn Hilde Sue Hildick Douglas Hill Jerry Hill Mark and Bonnie Hill Patricia Hill Paula Hill

Raymond Hill Rose Hill◊ Scott Hillier Maude Hines◊ Charles Hinkle William Hinkle Lee Hipple Betty Hirsch Jon and Marjorie Hirsch Karen Hirsch Donna and Paul Hirt Alexandra Hixson Susan Hjorten Chia-Hsum Ho Sohun Ho Todd Hoagland Dung Hoang Phyllis Hoar Kelsey Hobbs Keith and Lisa Hobson Norman and Gennie Hoelzer Kenneth Hoevet David and Kimberley Hofer Agnes◊ and Jack Hoffman Daniel Hoffman Nancy and Ruben Hoffman Daniel Hogan Diane Hogan Patrick Hogan Stephanie Hogan Kelly Hogeland Mark Hokkanen Janet and Jon Holboke Ronald Holbrook Margery and Michael Holcomb Linda Holden Lea Holder Thomas Holland Debra Hollenback Ingeborg and Mark Holliday Mindy◊ and Ann Holliday Harriet Holling Scott and Terri Holman Scott and Fay Holman Madeleine and David Holmberg J. Frederick◊ and Avon Holmes Kimberly Holmes Lisa Holmes Steven and Diane Holmes Willa and Thomas Holmes Maria Holsman Craig and Patty Holt


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Kathryn Holt Steven and Heidi Holt Linda Holton James and Katherine Holtz Katherine Holtz Monica Honegger Chong and Gae Hong Marilyn Honsinger Stuart and Barbara† Hood Mary Hooker Spencer and Kathe Hooker Gary Hoops Margaret and Alton Hooten Thomas Hooten Steven and Samantha Hopf Jeanette and Donald Hopkins Philip Hopkins David Horowitz◊ and Gloria Myers Lisa and Lewis Horowitz Brad Horton Rebecca Horvat Dorothea Hosch Alexandra Hosford Paul Hotchkiss Kimberly◊ and Brian Hottel Natalie Houser Herman and Lessie Houston Jeffrey and Karen Houtz Nathan Houtz Gordon Hoversland Melissa Hovey Carol and Harold Howard Catherine Howard James Howard Larry Howard Mark and Betsy Howard Corena Howe Erin Howell Jonathan and Susan Howell Wendela Howie Sonya Howk Muriel and William Hoyt Nikki Hozack Kathleen and George Hreha Darryl and Lynn Hrenko Jana Hrouda Jie Huang Shu-Ying Huang Bryn Hubbard Jerry Hubbard and Ann Juttelstad Dyann and John Huber Linda Huber

Joe Huck George Hudetz Kristine and Stephen Hudson Steven and Barbara Huff Meghan Huffman Theresa Huggins Jennifer and David Hughes Laurel and William Hughes Mart Hughes and Katherine Bolin William Hughes and Nancy Richmond William Hughes James and Hedi Hugon Barbara Huie and Jay DeGrood Christina Hulbe◊ Elizabeth and Tom Hultin Wallace Hummasti Heather Hummell Kenneth Humphrey Benjamin Humphreys Michael Humphreys Nancy and Donald Humphries Barry Hunt Deanna Hunt John and Ruth Hunt Brian Hunter Kevin Hunter Lorraine Hunter Crystal Huntington Michael Huntington John Hunts Mike Hurlburt Erin Hurley Jeanette Huseman William Hutchens Barbara Hutchins Nancy Hutchins Pamela and Kenneth Hutchins David Hutchinson Jonathan Huwe◊ Shirley and William Huyette Doan Huynh Henry Huynh Queanh Huynh Ann Hyde Francisco Ibarra Mark Illias Keith Imhoff Ronald Ingle Mary Ann Inglesby Hope Ingwerson Fred Inkster Nuttavut Intarode

Leland Ireland and Linda Hamilton William Irgens Janet Irish Pauline Irish Dennis and Judy Isaacson Lesley Isenstein and Steve Laveson Alyssa Isenstein Krueger Patricia Isom Tamara Isom Jessie Israel Niki Iverson Stanley Iwamoto Robin Izora Jason Jackola Ann and Ed Jacks Ann Jackson Antonio Jackson Carlene Jackson Mary Jackson Michael Jackson Shannon Jackson Wesley and Rhoda Jackson Richard Jackson-Osborn Greg◊ and Kelly Jacob Randall Jacobs Jessica Jacobsen Katherine Jacobson Victoria Jacobson Lawrence Jacoby Michael Jacoby Mary Jaeger and Jerry Walker Michael Jaffe Linda Jager Laura James Lynn James Mark James and Denise Flerchinger Robert James Warren James David Jamieson and Debora Bergeron Michael Jamieson Navya Jammula Maheshkumar Janarthanan Cherryl and Thomas Janisse David and Eleanor Jannsen Bobbi Janssen Judith Janssen Amanda Jarman◊ and Robert Thompson Phyllis Jaszkowiak Robert and Lisa Jaundalderis Keith Jayne Richard Jean Jonathan Jeans

Jerry and Peggy Jefferies Laurie and Ron Jenkins Marita and Arno Jenkins Jennifer and John Jennings Bruce Jensen Erik and Megan Jensen Jesse Jensen Roger Jensen Ruth Jensen Walter and Rita Jensen Paul Jepsen Janice Jepsen-Nute and W. Nute Betsy Jeronen Linda and Charles Jessell Antonie Jetter◊ Barbara and Leo Jilk Alejandro Jimenez Pauline◊ and Saj Jivanjee Andrew◊ and Julie Job Cliff Johannsen David Johns Joanne Johns Ann Johnson Ansel◊ and Susan Johnson Betty and Donald Johnson Beverly Johnson David and Molly Johnson Janeen Johnson Jim and Laurie Johnson Joyce Johnson Julia and Richard Johnson Kathryn Johnson Leland and Evelyn Johnson Mary and Todd Johnson Nancy and Philip Johnson Patricia Johnson Patrick Johnson◊ Renee and Patrick Johnson Robin Johnson Stanley Johnson◊ Stephanie Johnson Susan Johnson Troy Johnson Carolyn Johnson-Bell Carrie Johnston Robin Johnston Annette◊ Jolin and Richard U’Ren Jolene Jonas Alan and Sharon Jones Dennis Jones Gregory and Janice Jones Hazel and Gerald Jones

J. Jones, II Jarrett Jones Jeffrey Jones Kelly and Stephanie Jones Lara Jones Mark Jones Matthew Jones◊ Molly and J. McAndrew Jones Nicholas Jones Robin and Wayne Jones Russell Jones Sally and John Jones Sandra and Russell Jones Sherry Jones Stephanie Jones Kelly Jones-Weir Gretchen Jordan Kathleen Jordan Margaret Jordan Linda and Ronald Joseph Mal and Lori Joseph Linda Josephson Michelle Joslin Janice Joyce and Robert Monniere Barbara and William Julyan Steve and Nancy Justice Ariana and Hakim Kaci Scott and Jennifer Kaden Cassandra Kading Linda Kaeser Deborah Kafoury and Nik Sokol Blosser Heather Kaid Bruce and Evelyn Kaiser Maksim Kalachik◊ Elizabeth and Joseph Kaliszewski Kristina and Matthew Kallen Cynthia Kallstrom Jillian Kam Valarie Kamemoto Tamara and Henry Kamna Charles and Judith Kampmann Erin Kane and Matthew Letzelter Basko and Muna Kante Hannah Kapell David Kaplan Hank Kaplan and Marnina Glick Mark Kaplan◊ and Kim Freed Rajeev Kapur George Karaffa Kathleen Karakassis and David Migdal Susan Karant-Nunn◊ and Frederick Nunn◊

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Shelby and Andrew Kardas Nancy Kardonsky Colleen and Amir Karimi Daniel Karnes Chadwick◊ and Mary Karr Janet Kasameyer Tomoko Kase Kris Kash Barry and Carol Kast Allison and Jason Kaufman Calvin and Teresa Kaufman Victor and Marilyn Kaufmann Jean and Mae Kawakami Kikuyo Kawakami Michael Kawata Walter and Loni Kawecki Michelle and Tim Kay Nancy Kay Sivia Kaye Bruce Kayser Joan Kayser Helen and Richard Keagle Mona Kealoha Katherine and Gordon Keane Karen and Mark Kearns Linda and Steven Keast Katherine and Jeffery Kee Nancy Keenan Henry Keene Vicki Keeney Patricia and Brent Kehoe Michael Keith Clay and Barbara Kelleher James Keller Thomas◊ and Shelly Keller Kimberly Kelley Patricia and John Kelley Garry Kelly Mary and Patrick Kelly Patrick Kelly Peggy Kelly Thomas Kelly Morgen Kelm Catherine Kelso Judge Kemp Betty and John Kendall R. Garth Kendig James Kennamer James Kennedy Leslie Kennedy Sarah Kennedy Kyler and Kay Kenney

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Faculty/staff |


Rosemary Kenney Maureen Kenny Grace Kent Alissa and Neal Keny-Guyer Cynthia Kenyon Thomas and Sherry Keough Edith Kerbaugh Viola Kerhoulas Andrew and Marjorie Kerr Andrew and Kathy Kerr Rose and Robert Kerr Scott Kester and Rita Baiocco-Kester Kathi Ketcheson◊ and Donald Trapp Kristi Ketchum Robin Ketelle Cindy Ketola Norlee and Richard Keyes Susan Keys Marilynne and John Keyser Susan Khalsa-Wyborski and Hari Gun Kaur Khalsa Arif Khan Robert Khanlian Sarah Khanlian Cyrus Khemalaap Joe Khorsani Bergit Kidd Jo Ann and Bruce Kiersey Mai Kiigemagi Felicia and Michael Kilger Barbara Kim Gemma Kim Gun Kim Jesse Kim M. Steven Kimball Tammy Kimball Susan Kimbrough Kathleen and Larry Kimmel Steven Kinder Veda◊ and Duane Kindle Carolyn King Joseph King Mary King◊ and Clifford Lehman Shang-Lian King Stewart King Terri and Scott King Michael Kingham Carol Kingman John Kingman Ashton Kingsley Christopher Kingsley Rory Kingstad

Andrew Kinman Joan Kinnon Robert Kinoshita Gregory Kirby Arden Kirchem Geraldine and Robert Kirchgatter Pamela Kirkaldie Carol Kirklin Dixon and Jean Kirsch Amanda Kissinger Stuart Kitayama Paula and Doug Kitchen Deborah and Jim Kitchin Jessica Kittams Lisa and Peter Kittle Clarice and Ted Kittleson Donald Kitzman Sidney and William Klammer Darrell Klampe Edmund Klein Sorel Klein Darl Kleinbach Virginia and Gilbert Kleweno Kisa Klinger Lisa Klippstein Ernest Klostermann Marcine Kment Charles and Rita Knapp Juli Knapp Marilyn and Edward Knauf William Kness Gabriel Kniffin Ronald Knight Mary Knight-Kornbrodt Richard and Lee Knott Judy Knox Jenn Knudsen David Knutson David Kocer Dean and Jayne Koehler Kimberly Koehler Laree Koenig Phyllis Koenig Wendy and Dan Kogan Michael Koglin Andrew Kohashi Theresa and Michael Kohlhoff Paul Kohn Amy and Kevin Kohnstamm Michael Koike Larry Kolb Renee Kolen

V.J. Kolen June and Robert Koler Joel Komarek Badarinath Kommandur and Shobana Rajagopal Richard Komraus Carrie Kondor Yi hua Kong Jennifer Koning Nariyo Kono◊ George Konzek Diane and Dirk Koopman Daniel Koos Riona Koppang David Kopra and Ann Drorbaugh Joseph and Audrey Kordic Ruth Korn Alexis Korobeinikov Elizabeth Koshy-Pierson and Paul Pierson Christine Kotek and Amy Wilson Junko Kotera Virginia Kouba-Monda Noel and Sherry Kowalski Amanda Kraft Katherine Krajnak Nina Kramer Jasmin Kratzer Paul and Victoria Kraus Kurt and Eleanor Krause Larry Krause Suzanne and David Krause Melvin Krehbiel Thomas Krehbiel Eileen Kressel and Ron Cinniger Mick Krieg Dhanabal Krishnaswamy David Kriska Ladis◊† and Jane Kristof Stanley and Marlene Kropf Herbert Krueger Vickie Krueger Lynn and Lawrence Krupa Joan Kruse and Barbee Lyon Jody Kruse TeriAnn Kruse Devaun Kryder Heather Kufahl Susan and Dennis Kuhnle Jolene Kuhns Lisa Kulp Raven Kumar

Frank◊ and Susanna Kuo Jack and Kathy Kurrle Barbara Kutasz Kellie Kutkey Marietta and Glen Kuykendall Joan and Dan Kvitka Sungkwon and Sou Kwak Bill Kwitman and Monica Moriarty Sheryl and Robert Kyle Cheryl Labavitch David Labby Mark Laferte Ruth and Donald LaFrance Adria Lagasse Heather Laible Shashidhar Lakkavalli Phuong Lam◊ and Duoc Tran R.E. Lamb Callandra Lambarth◊ Danielle Lambert David and Marsha Lancaster Frances and Richard Lancefield Alix Land and Barry Netzley Edwin Landauer Tricia Landon Wilfrid Landry Leslie Landwehr Eric Lane Jack and Susan Lane Myron and Marianne Lane Rich Lane Judy Langberg Matthew Langford John Langslet and Susan Chamberlain Ellen and J. Russell Langwig Virginia Lanier Swathi Reddy Lankala Marylee Lannan Jeffrey Lansing Michelle Lantow Marcy Lantz Manuel Laporte John and Shawna Lapp Jeanne Large and Fred Herzberg Brad Larsen Christopher Larsen Enid Larsen Gary and Rachael Larsen Lester and Darlene Larson Rex and Marian Larson Rodger Larson Carson Lattimore


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Linda Lattz Ying and Cecilia Lau Dianna and Gene Laughlin Ruth Laughlin John Laursen Sallie Lavalley Brian LaVere Andrew Lawrence Ethel and Herbert Lawrence Gordon Lawrence Matthew Lawrence Rachelle Lawrence Robert Lawrence Kathy Laws Rhonda Laycoe Catherine Lazuran Thao Le Denise and Robert Le Chevallier Elise Leahy Erin Leahy Hall Ronald and Constance Leaman Elizabeth Leathers Jenna Lecomte-Hinely Byung Lee Dolores Lee Gordon Lee Helen Lee Janice and William Lee Leslie Lee Linda and Jeffrey Lee Michael Lee and Karen Grefe Rebecca Lee and Timothy Kniser Rosemary Lee Sun Lee Christel and James Leek Reva Leeman and Carolyn Ryan Nicolaas Leep Robert Lefeber Elizabeth Lefson Valerie LeGault◊ and Kathryn Dins Tracy and Alan Lehto David Leibbrandt and Joyce Lear Cynthia and Michael Leichner Mary and J. William Leighton Diane and Roger Leikas Paul and Annalee Leineweber Donald Leliefeld Jennifer Lembach Miller Lembke Ann Lemcke Daniel and Mary Lemons Susan Lenahan

Allison and Shon Lenchitsky Silvo Lenert Laura Lenseigne◊ Moshe Lenske Werner and Gloria Lenz Jessica Leonard Marilyn and Sandy Leonard Patricia Leonard and Michael Trigoboff Rita Leonard Jeff Leoptrott Arnold and Claudia Leppert Judith Leppert Craig◊ and Katheryn Lesley Donald Leslie Shanna Leth Arthur Lettenmaier Clark Leuthold Sean Leverty Charlene Levesque◊ Paula and Norman Levinrad Kristen Levitsky and Collin Godkin Florence Levy Sheila and Victor Levy Joyce Lew Frederick Lewando Betty Lewis◊ Christina Lewis David Lewis Elizabeth and Ed Lewis Eric and Diane Lewis James and Mary Lewis John Lewis Karen Lewis Kelsey Lewis Lynna Lewis◊ Patricia Lewis Richard Lewis Rodney Lewis Susan Lewis and Sharyn Warner Tammy Lewis Lisa Lewis Cavallo and Allen Cavallo Margaret Lewis-Price Dennis Lewman and Kaoru Arai Fangyi Liao Zhe Liao Jessica Lichtman Steve and Carol Lidberg Christopher Liddell Lonna and Robert Liddell H.G. Lieberman Robert Liebman◊ and Elaine Friedman David Lifton

Theodore and Joyce Liljeholm Michael Lillesand Jay and Elizabeth Lillie Robert and Kathryn Lillis Donggyu Lim Bing Lin Gloria and James Linakis Mary Lou Lind Ernest Lindahl Virginia Linder Helen Lindgren Charmaine and Roy Lindsay David and Carolyn Lindsey Theresa Lindsey Neal Linegar Catherine Lingas Kawalee Lingeswaran James and Erin Linhares Thomas and Valorie Linhares Ann Lininger Ruth Lininger Sharon Link and Vladimir Fitos Merritt Linn and Susan Korey Natalie Linn Kirsten Linthwaite Joan Lintz Byron Lippert Gary and Flora Lippert James Lippert Rodney Lippert Daune Lisoski Gilbert and Miriam Lissy Martin Little Samuel Livingston-Gray Jennifer Lizotte Estefania Llaneza Garcia Don and Judith Lloyd Karen Lobb and Douglas Montgomery Steven and Georgia Locher Holly and Frederic Locke Andrew Lockwood Christine Loeb Philip and Emily Loen Samarith Loeung and Jennifer Sah Anne and Robert Loewen Robert and Jennifer Loffink Harry Lofton Charles and Marcia Logan Jean Logan Timothy Lohman Marla and Kermit Lohr-Flanders Jane Lokan

Stefan Lombard David Lomnicki and Donald Edmunds Chris Long H. Joan Long Jerry Long M. Long Wayne Long Eileen Lorber Marie and Mr. John Loschiavo Priscilla and Douglas Lott Kenneth Lou Arthur and Linda Louie John Lounsbury Thomas Lovcik Leila Lovdale Eric Lovejoy David Lovell Erik and Kimberly Lovendahl Betty Lovett Judith Lowder Lawrence Lowen Roselyn Lowery Rebecca Lowe-Warren and Roger Warren Colleen Lowry Jeff and Peggy Loyd Sumalee Luangrath Andrei Lubomudrov Jesse Lucas Heather Lucasse-Bray Margaret and John Luccio Anthony Lucia Carol Lucier Jane Luddecke Betty and Merrill Ludlam Maria Ludvig and Marc Jackson Zachariah Lueck Lee Lugibihl Sonia Lugo-Estrada Leslee Lukosh Janet Lumsden Alisha and Gregory Lund-Chaix Larry Lundervold Vicki and Craig Lundgren Victoria Lunghofer Nicoleta Lupulescu Wade and Audrey Lusby Richelle Luther Timothy and Beverly Lutz Joanne and Jeffrey Lyford Alice and James Lyle Andrea Lynch Edward and Virginialee Lynch

Karen Lynn Tom Lynott Alexander Lyon Cybelle Lyon Arland and Sharon Lyons Rose Lyons Sarah and Jeffery Lyons Margaret Lyseng◊ Jerry Maasdam Michael and Sheila Maben Pamela Mabry John MacDonald Kim MacDonald-Shepher David Machado Dale Machaffie Bradley Machat Chez Machin Kyle Mack Robert Mackey Leo MacLeod Thomas MacMenemy Denny Macomber Jackie Macy Rebecca Macy and James Reynolds Robert and Toni-Rae Macy Dorothy Madden James and Joyce Madden Frances Maddox Lise Maddux Pheobe Mae Marjorie Maffett Jerome Magill Guia Magno Nichole Maher Daniel and Amy Mahler Mark Mahoney Ann◊ and Robert Mai Linh Mai Ruth and Edward Maionchi Joyce Malcolm Robert and Ida Malde Sumi Malik Jane and Calvin Malmquist L. Joyce Malone Simeon Mamaril and Concordia BorjaMamaril Nancy and David Mandel Olivia Mandel-MacLeod Beverly Maneatis Sara Manion Arthur Manning Paul Manning

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William◊ and Norma Manning Kevin Mannix Kimberley Mansfield Sam and Pat Manske John and Renee Manson Virginia and Ronald Mapes Louise Marandas Steve March Vicki and Henry March Marci Marchant Phillip Marchbanks Rhonda and Greg Marcus Phillip Marcy Raymond◊ and Maureen Mariels Sandra and Ambrose Marier Sinda◊ and Thomas Markham Doris and Steven Marks John Marks Marie Marks Holly Marlatt Caitlin Marquis Judith and Thomas Marsh Colleen Marshall Elizabeth Marshall Jill Martig Aralyn Martin Barbara Martin Ignacio Martin Kenneth and Jeanette Martin Nancy and Ken Martin Scott Martin Thomas Martin Thomas and Betty Martin Sharon Martine Carlos Martinez Elizabeth Martinez Jerold Martinez Maritza Martinez Richard Marting Elizabeth Martinis Jon and Linda Martz Nancy Marxen Phinney Karen Maskarinec Laura Maskell Christine Mason Laurie Mason Matthew and Carrie Mason Sheila Mason Ellis Massey Mary Masterson James and B. Sharon Mater Molly and Mathew Mathew

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Faculty/staff |


Frank Mathews Richard and Christine Mathews Sandra and Jim Mathis Timothy Mathison Hans Matschukat and Elizabeth HarrisMatschukat Patricia and Larry Matson Megumi Matsui Barbara Matteucci Wendy Matthew Jane and Brent Matthews Matthew Mattila Michael Maulding Jean Maurer Norm and Patrice Maves Htet Maw Alissa Maxwell John Maxwell Judith Maxwell Mary and Farley Maxwell David and Winifred May Lynn Mayer Gloria Maynard and David More Thomas Maynard Scott Mc Nall John and Julie McAllister Robin McCaffrey Andrew McCall John McCallum and Regina Braker Kathleen McCann Nancy and Brian McCarl Barbara and Donald† McCarthy Charles McCarthy Ellen McCarthy Kathleen McCarthy Regina McCarthy Sue McCarthy Maureen McCartin Douglas McCarty Karen McCarty Brady McClain Heather McClain Amy McClaran Jean McCloskey James McClure Sally and Scott McClure Jordan McComb Diana McConkey Barbara McConnachie Donald and Mary McConnell Thomas McConnell Tonia McConnell

Cheryl and Peter McCord Grant McCord Judith and Terry McCord Larry McCord Andrew McCormick John and Rita McCormick Daryl and Suzanne McCoy Patti McCoy Sandra and William McCoy Wayne McCroskey Sherill McCroskey-Lawrence and Mr. Fred Lawrence Ruth and Dale McCullough Elizabeth McCune Sandra McCune Billie McDaniel David and Shirley McDaniel Alexandra◊ and John McDermott Marilyn McDonald William and Anita McDonald Paul McDonnell Sandi McDonough Natalie McDougal Timothy McElroy Sean McEnroe Esther and Peter McEvoy Marsha McFadden Jeri McFarlane Charles and Margaret McGaffey Terri and Dave McGarry Karen McGee Kevin and Laurie McGillivray Margaret McGilvra James McGoodwin Lynn McGrath Terry and Egea McGrath Jill McGraw Sue McGraw Cheryl and James McGrew Geannie McGuire Marla McHargue Michelle McIlvoy Judy McIntosh-Vatne Roberta and Frank McKay Carolyn McKean Charlene McKechnie Christine McKennie William McKenzie Robert and Glenda McKibben Douglas and Lisa McKillips Robert and Elaine McKinley Angela McKinney

Anne McKinney Shauna McKinney Andrew McKnight Cheryl McLaughlin Megan Mclaughlin William McLaurin Lois and Archie McLeod Donald McMahan and Mary Lawrence Kenneth and Kelley McMahon Marlene McMahon James and Kathleen McMullen Mona McMullen Melody McMurry Curt McNamara Kathleen McNamara and Raymond Bidegain Sarah McNary David McNew Denise McNichols Doris and Robert McQueen Raymond McRobert Lowell McVicker and Gertrude Bernstein John Mead Nancy Mead James Meade Joe Ann and Robert Meadows Kenneth and Cheryl Meadows Timothy Meagher Ronald and Carol Means Joanne Mecklem Kathleen Medford Brenda Meece Kathie Meechan Peggy and Stanley Meek Dennis Megrditchian Selamawit Mehary Deena Mehdikhan Carla Meilstrup D.O. and Lily Meiners Larry Meissner Marlene Meissner Keith Melder Rolando Melgoza Julie Melnik Lisle Meloy Susan and John Melvin Wendi and Sanford Menashe Denise Mendoza Humberto Mendoza Daniel Mendyke Martin and Estelle Mense Michael Meo

Junko Mercer Steven Merlo Margrete◊ and John Merrick Monty Merritt Julie Mertes David and Margaret Mesirow Edward Metcalf Ginger Metcalf Roy and Colleen Metcalf Lael Mether Jill Metz Janet Metzger Joel and Louann Metzger Martha Metzger Coleen Meyer Colleen Meyer Gregory Meyer Janice Meyer Jennifer Meyer Katherine Meyer Pamela Meyer Robert Meyer Lorel Meyers Gladys Michael Frann Michel Jules and Kathleen Michel Alexander Michels Emily and Josh Mickelsen Nora Mickelson Gregory and Sandra Mico Andre Middleton Carol and Robert Middleton Julie Miers Jim Mignano◊ Kristin Mihalko◊ Linda and Eric Mihata Susan and Joseph Mihelich Marietta Miick Kara Mikesell Henry Milczuk Anne Mileham David Milholland Meghan Milinski◊ Andrea Miller Andrew Miller David Miller Dee and Robert Miller Don and Marla Miller Fred and Kathryn Miller J. Roger and Karen Miller James Miller Jane Miller


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Jennifer Miller John Miller Kristine and Mark Miller Michele and Patrick Miller Natalie Miller Rene Miller Robert and Susan Miller Ronald and Lynn Miller Sara and Michael Miller Stephanie Miller Steven and Judy Miller Timothy and Rhonda Miller Louis Miller, Jr. Gretchen Miller Kafoury◊ Dalton◊ and Cynthia Miller-Jones Debbi and Jeffrey Milligan Andrew Mills Sherry Mills Robert and Marjory Millsap Virginia Milne Sandra Milner Remo Minato Christopher Minick Lynn Minneman Jennifer Minner Jeffrey Minor Meir and Nancy Minsky Meghann Minton Alar Mirka Kenneth and Crystal Mischel David and Kathryn Misetich Joseph Mistkawi Divyeshkumar Mistry Barbara and Charles Mitchell Carol and John Mitchell Jennifer Mitchell Lauren Mitchell Thomas Mitchell and Miriam GreenMitchell Marilee and Richard Mittelstadt Diane Mobley Dan Moe and Nena Strickland Susan Moen Thomas Moffette Usha and Mosur Mohan Anna and John Mohney Martin Moll Marci Monaco Barbara and Dennis Monaghan Linda and William Monahan James Monchak Marta Monetti

Tammy Monk Christopher Monsere◊ Sarah Montambo Satya Montgomery Karen and Leroy Montoya Dennis and Victoria Moonier Charles Moore Christopher and Penny Moore David Moore Elisabeth and Robert Moore Elizabeth Moore Glenn Moore John and Maureen Moore Kathryn Moore Marcia Moore Rhonda Moore Roland Moore Sherrill and Charles Moore Spencer Moore Susan and Bob Moore Suzanne Moore Suzanne and Kevin Moore Ashley Moore-Rivera John Mora Hamid Moradkhani◊ Doris and Martin Morales Marisol Morales-Ohnemus Dulane Moran Patrick and Marcia Moran Margaret Moreland Rebecca Moreno Marc and Anna Moretz Carol Morgaine◊ Karen Morgaine Billie Morgan Chris Morgan Gale Morgan Anne Morgan Dennee and Andrew Dennee Anne Morin Michael Morishige Brooke Morris Colleen Morris Janet Morris John Morris Major and Anne-Grethe Morris Betty and Dean Morrison Camila Morrison Melinda and David Morrison Sunshine Morrison Sharon Morrison-Velasco Kenneth Morrow

Toni Morrow Ferguson◊ and Edward Ferguson† Paul Mortimer, Jr.◊ Andrew Morton Annie and Steve Morton Thomas and Kathryn Morton Yolanda Moser Marissa Moser-Boehlke and James Boehlke Beverly Moses Ilene Moss Daniel Mosser Antoinette and James Mountain Jerry Moy Hana and Kenneth Moyle Michele and John Mudd Loydene Mueller Martin Mueller Sandra Mueller Lisa Muilenburg Kevin Muir Meenakshi and Pinaki Mukerji Kathleen Muldoon and William Banaka Kent and Kay Mulkins John Mullin and Ellen Whyte David Munch Kristine Munholland Mary Munk David Munro Nancy Munro Judy Munstenteiger Laurence Munz Nobuko Murakami-Chalfen◊ and Allen Chalfen Corinne Murch Gerald Murch Anthony Murczek Hazel and Wallace Murdock Edward and Dana Murphy Janet Murphy Joan Murphy Karen Murphy Kevin Murphy Chris Murray Darrell Murray Mel Murray Nancy Murray Paula and Charles Murray Frank and Janice Murrell Adam Murry Donald and Jean Musgrave Thomas Musgrave

Lyndon Musolf Ann Mussey◊ Martha and Steven Mussio Roger Mussler Karen Myers Lisa Myers Andrew Myhra Greg and Nora Mylet Aaron Myton Amy Nacrelli Katy Nadal Lynn Nagasako Kyle Nagelmann William Naglee Ivan Nance Barry Naone Rachelle Naranjo Michelle Naranjo-Brackett James Nash◊ Movad Nasseri Aniceto Natera Ronald Nathman Peyton Nattinger Vance and A. Navarrette Kenneth and Mary Neal Vicki and David Nebel John Nederhiser John Needham and Virginia Newman Barbara Neeley Douglas Neeley and Elizabeth Miles Dulcy Neeley Alice and Phillip Neely Glenda and Paul Neerman Robert Neff Gail Nehl Barbara and John Neidig Russell Neil Christine and Thomas Neilsen Krista Neilson Darla Neiss Sarah Neitzel Roger and Donna Nejad Andy Nelson DeLois Nelson Eric Nelson and Alice Spencer James Nelson Julie Nelson Kelly and Rob Nelson Kitty Nelson Kory Nelson Lyle and Debbie Nelson O. Edward Nelson

Sandra Nelson Sarah Nelson Sonia Nelson Alice Nelson-Lewis Jerralynn Ness and Kent Thurber Mireille Nett Alan Nettleton and Olivia Smith Ben and Arlene Neumayer Betty Neumeier Larry and Nancy Neville Robert and Marilyn New Paul Newan and Jennifer Newman Gwen Newborg◊ Carla Newbre Janice Newcomer Avis Newell Cornelius Newhouse David Newman and Deirdre Steinberg Charles Newport Drucilla Newton Betty Ngan and Tom Mailhot Trinh Ngo Canh and Lisa Nguyen Daniel Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen Quoc Nguyen Uan Nguyen Hoa Nguyendang Jeannette Nguyen-Johnson John Nibbio Paul Nibler Matthew Nicely David Nichols Diane Nichols Shannon Nichols Kathleen Nicholsen Jill Nickerson Eric and Heather Nielsen Larry Niemeyer Kent Nightingale Richard Niiranen Enrique Nikutowski and Cristina Nitzinger S. Gean Noble and Michael Luchs Eunice Noell-Waggoner Thomas Nolan Timothy Noland Melissa Nolledo Emma Nollette Janet and Kenneth Nolley Elizabeth Nomina Steven Noonan

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Cynthia Noordijk Erik and Kimberly Norby Ronald Nordeen Bradley Norman Cal and Norma Norman Yvonne Norman Stacey Normand Anne Norris Eileen Norris Jordan◊ and Cecily Norris Paul and Lucia Norris Bryan and Sheri North Raymond and Carol North Barbara Norton Clement and Beverly Norton Kerry and Virginia Norton Sonya Norton Lorelei Norvell Owen Norvell◊ Anne Nottingham Cecilia Nowack Rudi◊ and Laureen◊ Nussbaum Robert Nutting Barbara Nye Paul and Connie Oakden Judy and Reuel Oakes Shelly and Jeff Oates Sunshine O’Bannon April and Dayle Ober Paul Ober Dolores Oberg Karen Oberg Marie and Robert Oberg Mary Oberson Shirley OBrien Allison O’Brien Christy O’Brien Michael and Sandra O’Bryant Albert and Eloyce O’Connor Sorca O’Connor◊ Yoshio Oda Theodore Odman Judy and Stephen O’Donnell Michael Oekerman Sherry Oeser Carol and G.C. Ogden Rafeeqah Ogden A. Myrth Ogilvie and Jean Scott Jane and Larry O’Glasser Bruce O’Hara Marcia Ohlemiller Deborah Ohlsen

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Faculty/staff |


Ambrose Okorie and Ogechi Ochi-Okorie Lois and Ted Okrasinski Frodo Okulam Sheryl Oldham J. Alex Olguin Andreluis Oliveira◊ Catherine Oliver Gordon Oliver and Patricia Cary D. Claire Oliveros Carillon Olmsted◊ Connie Olsen Mark and Roxanne Olsen Adele and Ned Olson Annette Olson and Charles Halpern Carl Olson Edward and Sharon Olson Eric and Christine Olson Eric J. Olson Eric T. Olson Eric Olson and Marilyn Kongslie Gregory and Valerie Olson Teri Olson Aina and Michael O’Malley MaryRain Omeara Susan and Wayne Ondiak Lucia Ondruskova Charles and Kathleen O’Neil John Onstad Sabien Oosterhof-Lettinga and Ahne Oosterhof Rita Oplatekova Michael Orcutt Judy and Frank Orem Greg Organ Shannon Orlando Faye Orme George and Aileen Ormsby Jennifer and Louis Ornelas John and Sandra O’Rourke Darleen Ortega Alison and Flavio Ortiz Charles Orwig Leonard Orzol and Lisa Rosenthal Charles Osborn Jeffrey and Kathleen Osborn Peter Osborne Michael O’Shanecy Patricia O’Shea Trina Osher John Oshin◊ Mary and Gary Oshiro Karla Osis

Joan Osko Michael Ossar Delys Ostlund Jeffrey Ostomel Michael and Nancy O’Sullivan Rene and Wayne Otani Michelle Othus Suzann Ott James Ottaway Timothy Otter Gail Oura◊ Frances Ousley Melissa Over Gea Overaas Bahia Overton◊ Rebecca Owen Jon Owens Amanda Owings Jackie Pace Jeanne Pace Michael Pace Roza and Marvin Pace Barbara Padden Kevin Padden Amy Padilla Claudia Page Jackie Page John and Tamalyn Page David Pagni and Kathleen Mazzocco Michelle and Richard Pagnozzi Charlotte and Garry Painter Carrie Pak and James Padgett Anthony Palandri Lowell Palmer Frank and Ricka Palmrose James Pan Christopher Pangilinan James Pankow◊ Magda Panqueva Camargo Linda Pardun Sydney Paredes Michael and Thrina Parent Pierina Parise Priscilla and Sam Park Aleta Parker Bette Parker David and Judith Parker Frederick and Mary Parker James Parker Milton and Susan Parker Nancy Parker Phuong Parker

Vivian and John Parker Kitsie Parkinson Anne Parks Antoinette Parque and Wayne Trantow Maryann Parroné Greg Parsons Judith Parsons Shane Parsons Julia Partlow Sam Partovi and Janine Jartovi Joan Pasco Ruth Pasley Sheila Pastore Martin Patail Paresh Patel Yogesh Patil Brigitte and James Patrick Carla Patrick Ed Patrick Mary and George Patterson Roderick Patterson Judy Patton◊ Diane Paul Dorianne Paul Lina Pauley Nicole Paul-Kuhnert and Brad Kuhnert Marilyn and Casper Paulson Mary Paulson Carol Pava Rose and John Payne Charles and Grace Pazlar Arthur Pearce III Eleanor Pearson Ethan Pearson Stephen and Janet Pearson John and Kristine Pearson-Denning E. Daryle Peck Craig Pedersen Martin and Pat Peets Rebecca Peetz Theresa and Pat Peick Martha Pellegrino Marlene Penn Robert and Leilani Pennel Barbara and Bill Pennell Airin Penniston Pauline Peotter◊ Francisca Perez Jared Perez Mary Perez Edward Perkins James Perkins

Nathaniel Perkins Robert Perkins◊ Michelle Perry Katherine Perry-Lundblad and Urban Lundblad Stephen Persichetti Sue Persinger Anna and Steven Petercourt S.S. Peters James and Sally Petersen Meredith Petersen Alden Peterson Alfonse and Mable Peterson Betty Peterson Carl and Mary Peterson Christa Peterson Deborah Peterson and Edwin Perry Douglas Peterson Lynn and Vernon Peterson Maren and Mark Peterson Mark and Katherine Peterson Vera Peterson Thomas and Kathryn Petke David Pettersson Scarlett Pettyjohn Nocona Pewewardy◊ Paulette Peynet James Pfau Lea Pfau◊ Roberta and Douglas Pfingsten Patricia Phelan Hilarie Phelps Connie Philleo and Claude Phipps Daniel Phillips Dorianna Phillips Michael Phillips Stephen Phillips Wendie Phillips Alicia and Charles Philpot Danielle Pickle Deborah Pienovi and Randall Lee Claire Pierce Lindsey Pierce Casey Pierson Douglas Pihlaja and Gail Taylor James and Suzanne Piland Vincent Pimont Perla Pinedo◊ Brad and Kay Pinkstaff José and Josephine PinoMesa Sandra and Robert Pinotti David Pippin


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Aaron Pixley Prassnitha Sampath Ross Plambeck and Joan Baucus Robert Plame Michael and Kathleen Plass Nancy Plerhoples Kylee Plummer John Poff and Sharon Russell-Poff George and Suzette Polas Raymond and Lynda Polidori Eiko Politz Veda and David Pollack Karen and Duane Pollard Megan Pollock John and Marla Polos Catherine and Wayne Pompei Lane Poncy Sandor Pongracz Ed and Erika Pongracz-Bartha David Poon and Jin Wu Alexandra Poorman Gary Pope Kathryn Popovich Joseph Poracsky◊ and Mary Riehl Elsa and G. Hinckley Porter Jennifer Porter Sarah Porter John and Judyth Post Richard Postal Ronald Posthuma Danielle Potter Elisabeth Potter Donna and Melvin Potts Selina Poulsen Susan Poulsen Liane Pound Arthur Powell Dorothy and Neff Powell Faye Powell◊ George and Brenda Powell John and Lisa Powell Mary Powell Thomas and Mary Powell Shari◊ and Johnny Powell Jeffrey Powers and Jill Nave Joan and William Powers Liza Powers Geeta Prasad-Fogarty Jeffrey and Maria Pratt Beverly Pratt-Miller Leah Preble Ashley Pressler

Karen Preston Cynthia Prestrelski Andrew Price Jack and Elaine Price Rica Price◊ Shirley and Oliver Price Steve and Linda Price Susan and Roger Price Suzanne Price Ruth Prickett Gary and Karen Prince Molly Pringle Paul Prior Robert Pritchard Alden Pritchett Freddye and Matthew Prophet Michele Prosser Steven and Kathy Prosser Bill Prows◊ Christopher and Catherine Pruhsmeier Susan Pryor Claire Puchy Gale Pudlitzke Dennis Puetz Lynne Puhalla Michael Pullman Patricia Pung Wayne Purcell Gary Purpura Allen Pusch Candy and James Puterbaugh Katherine Putman John and Patricia Putnam Lijie Qi Jan Quann Joseph Quarshie Graeme Queen Christine Quigley Kathleen Quinley Carlile Linda and John Quinn Maureen Quinn Shirley Quinn Elizabeth Quinnett Brenda Quint Gaebel Helen Quirino Iraj and Sepideh Rabii Shirley and Alvin Rackner Julie Radlauer-Doerfler Carol Radlo and Mark Lanfear Thomas Radomski Paul Rager and Alba Enriquez-Rager Lidwien Rahman

Mary and Max Rahn Shanmugaraja Ramadass Judith Rambin Cheryl Ramette Theresa Ramey Barbara Ramirez Spencer Sriram Ramkrishna Aaron Ramsey Kimberly Ramsey Donald Ramsthel A.C. Randall David and Donna Randall Kenneth and Kathryn Randall Nancy Rangila Wendy Rankin Peter Rapley Dario Raschio Alan and Berenice Rasmor Teresa and Robert Rasmussen Anne Ratzlaff Lisa Ratzlaff Janet and Michael Ratzman Theresa and Karl Raudsepp Tammy Ray Inez Ray-Annis Quintin and Janice Raymond Richard Raymond David Raynalds and Martha McKinley Amy Read Mauricio Real David Rebner Joseph Recker Eugene and Patricia Reddemann Stephen◊ and Kathryn Reder Ellery Reed Geraldine Reedy Mary Anne Rees◊ Molly and Barry Reeves Noreen Regan Lin Reichhoff Kenneth and Pamela Reid Joann Reiling Odessa Reilly Cameron Reinlasoder Patricia Reisinger and Mr. Frank Maszy James Reitz Joanne Remensperger Dan Remington Lyle and Janet Remington Diana Rempe Stacy Renfro◊ Nancy Renish

Leslie Rennie-Hill and Kenton Hill Mary Renouf Carol and G. Rondald Reule Candyce Reynolds◊ Julie Reynolds and Rodger Nichols Karen and Gary Reynolds John and Sharon Rhoads Jennifer and Burel Rhodes Rhonda Rhodes John Rhoton◊ Katrina Riccartto and Farhad Iravani Sandra Rich Cathy Richards Charles Richards Doreen Richards Janet and Jon Richards Nancy and Kent Richards Dwayne and Merritt Richardson Heather Richardson John Richardson Kip and Colleen Richardson Sheila Richardson Teruko Richardson Forrest Richen Victor Richenstein Aaron Richey Gail and Scott Richmond Jean Richmond Esther Richter Donald and Jane Rickel Mary◊ and Robert Ricks Tom Riddle Ruth and Jesse Ridgway Katharine Ridley Nathan and Cheryl Riffle Jason Rigdon Mary and Michael Riley Gerald and JoAnn Rima Vicky and Gregory Ring Robert Ringer Michelle Riordan Karen Ripka Eileen and Charles Risser L. David Ritchie◊ Scott and Ariana Ritchie Alberts Ritmanis Eleanor Ritter Brendon Ritz William and Jane Riverman George and Claire Rives Alexander Rizzuti Milana Robben

Amy and Dow Robbins David and Jennifer Robbins Kay Robbins Vestena Robbins David Roberson Allen Roberts Barbara Roberts Betty Roberts Duane and Noriko Roberts Heidii and Michael Roberts Mary and Paul Roberts Paula and Myron Roberts Donald and Charlene Robertson Janis Robertson Karen Robertson Carol Robinson James and Karen Robinson Linda Robinson Lorilee and Kent Robinson Margaret Robinson Marilyn and Kenneth Robinson Mary Robinson Brooke Roby Emily Rocha Richard and Kelly Roche’ Cynthia Rockwood Gordon Rodewald Michael Rodman and Loraine Banyra Richard Rodriguez Dianne Rodway David and Janet Roe Phyllis and Paul Roeder Donna and Duane Rogers Elinore and James Rogers Joel Rogers Judy and Gary Rogers Keith and Betsy Rogers Laura Rogers Loren Rogers M. Margaret Rogers Victoria and Russell Rogers Leslie Rohde Dale Rohrer Lauri Roland Joshua Roll Bryan Rollins Chiquita Rollins Roger and Joann Rollins José and Kathleen Romero John Rominger Vicki Romm Linda and Mark Ronayne

pa r k b l o ck s s o c i e t y

Gale and Troy Ronning Thomas Rookard David and Kathy Root Diane and Gerry Roppe Mary and James Rose Nancy Rose Rosalind Roseman Danny Rosen Miriam Rosen Ben Rosenberg Wilma Rosencrans Hal and Anna Rosene Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Felicia and Todd Rosenthal Heather Rosenwinkel Steven Roskoski Jamie Ross◊ and Ann Bunnenberg Jean Ross John Ross Kathryn Ross Kenneth Ross Gilbert and Beth Rossing Patricia and Joseph Rossitto Susan and Kenneth Rossow Gilbert Roth Nathaniel Rothbauer James and Sandra Rothschild Nora and Fred Rothstein Alan Rotstein Katherine Rough Alan Rousseau Brian and Donna Routh Caren Rovics Colleen Rowan Sarah Rowley and Garry Neil Sabyasachee Roy Karen and Richard Royal Pamela Roylance Gina Rubash Jill and Rich Rubinstein Craig and Mary Ruble Steven Rudman Bev Rudnicki JoAnne and David Rudo Joanne and John Rudoff John Rueter◊ and Joni Huntley Robert Ruffer and Carolyn Bawden Articia Ruhl Olga Ruiz Lisa Ruiz-Vangelatos Dwight Rundle◊ Gregory Rundo

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Faculty/staff |


Christie Rupp James Ruppa and Barbara Simon Colin Rush Kristin Russ Kelly Russell Marcus Russell Victoria Russell Sandra Russill Deborah and Donald Russo Susan and James Rustvold Laurie Rutenberg and Gary Schoenberg Clyde Rutherford Janice Rutherford Kelly and Merlynn Rutherford Carol and Thomas Rutledge Catherine Rutlen Dixie Ruud Tinashe Ruwona John Ryan Marie and Michael Ryan Robert Ryan Frieda and Dennis Ryland Abid Saadeh Steven and Kathi Saari Yvette Saarinen Meead Saberi Kalaee Bunny and Jerry Sadis Samuel Sadler Kimberly Sadowski Lucinda Sage-Midgorden and Barry Midgorden Lora Sager Kimberley Sagner Bhupinder Sagoo and Jeanne SheetsSagoo Hitomi Saheki and Stephen Cogan Narendar and Rashmi Sahgal Wagdi Said and Rohina Azizi Anthony Saiia Joseph Saiia Michael Sailey David Sailor◊ and Karen Watanabe-Sailor Norio Saito Cornelius Saiu Hiroshi Sakai Gordon Sakuda Lourdes Salas Mary Salberg Brittany Sale Gregory and Jennifer Saliba Jayne Salisbury Bonnie and Myron Salo

Judith Salter Sara Saltzberg◊ Aitaoto and Paula Salu Katharine Salzmann Gary Sampson◊ and Mary Raskin Joaquin Sampson Florence Samuel Deborah Samuels Faye and Stanley† Samuels Pedrito Sanchez Balbir and Joanne Sandhu Anthony Sandin Ruth and Ivan Sandoz Sarah Sanseri William Sansone J. David Santen◊ Lynn Santilli Angelita Saqueton Melissa Sarabia Zendejas Jeremy Sarant and Monica Smith Tom Sargent Maryann Sartain Dunn Paula Satisky Ron Sato Lisa Satterfield Daniel and Kathleen Saucy Roger Sauer Krista Saukants Douglas Saunders Betty and J. Paul Savage Jon Savidge Cordelia Sayler Dirgham Sbait◊ John Sbait Janice Scapicchio David Scarborough Regina Scarinci Richard and Carol Scearce Rob Schab Sarah Schacker Cynthia Schaeffer Donna Schaeffer◊ Ian Schaeffer Carol and David Schaerer Curtis Schafer and Elisabeth Entrena William and Carole Scharwatt Anna Schatz Dan Schauer Joseph Schauer Patty Schechter◊ and Nick Fish Scott Schecklman◊ Richard and Karen Scheeland

Sherry Scheinman Kathy Schell Jack◊ and Ruby Schendel Elizabeth Schenk Jan Schenk Adele and Anthony Schepige Ann and Jim Scheppke Elizabeth Scherman James Scherzinger and Claire Carder Linley Schetky Carl Schick Barbara Schiewe-Bolstad Susan and John Schilke Dennis Schindele Greta and Elroy Schindler Mary Schinnerer Robert and Margaret Schlegel Allison Schlegel-Topik and Christopher Topik Elanna and Robert Schlichting Gerald and Cheri Schloss Charles and Janet Schlunt Dianna Schmid Brandon Schmidt Denise Schmidt◊ Frank Schmidt Jacob Schmidt Jared Schmidt Patricia Schmidt Ashley and Barbara Schmiedeskamp Tracey Schmiesing Cecilia Schmitt Lauren Schmitt and Sean Batty Rosalie Schmitz and Everette Williams Sara Schmitz Cynthia Schnabel Cecelia Schnaidt Gay and David Schnebly Dennis and Judy Schneider Arnold and Margarite Schnitzer Kristin Schoenborn Mary Schoessler Lewis and A. Ann Scholl Joseph Scholten Randall Schoning Robert Schoning Stanley Schook and Joan WhitfordSchook Lisa Schroeder Shirley and Michael Schrunk Dirk and Pirjo Schulbach Henry and Martha Schulte

Barbara and Merle Schultz Linda and Richard Schultz Jennifer Schulz Mary Schunk Michael Schurke Donna Schuurman Charlotte Schwartz Judith Schwarz Janet and Greg Schweizer Michael and Teresa Schwingel John Schymos Thomas and Diane Sciarretta Rebecca and Jerry Scoggins Camilla Scott Deborah Scott◊ and Bruce Bowman George Scott Gordon and Kerri Scott Mairi Scott Nathaniel Scott Shaughn Scott Steven and Janet Scott Larry and Patricia Scruggs Randy Scruggs Craig Seablom Kristy Seaton Norma Seavey Margaret Sebold Donna and Gary Sedivy Duane Seeley Ella and Truman Seely Estelle Segal Toby Segal Rhoni Segrin James and Lily Sehon Vincent Seid Kay and Gregg Seiler Virginia Seiser Mary Seitz Philip Selinger Cynthia Sellers Larry◊ and Janice Sellers Joel Selling Bonnie Sells Dana Selover Parviz Semsar Jack and Patricia Semura Jennifer Sena Theresa Sena Jeffrey Sens Robert Senz Mary Sepulveda David and Frances Sessions


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Keith and Mary Sessions Robert and Donna Setterberg Bernice and Orvin Severson Kyle Severson Richard Sevier Barbara Sewell Colleen Sexton David Sexton Leonard and Glenda Seyfarth Peter Shafer Lynn Shaker Patricia and Edward Shalis Aleksandra Shalygina and Yakov Kharif Joel Shapiro Nina Shapiro Rajiv Sharma◊ Carolyn Sharp Marion Sharp◊ James Shartel Judith Shartel Susan Shauger Sheilagene and Jim Shaw Valerie Shea Michael Shearer Matt Sheerer Helen Sheerin Beth and Shawn Shelby Arden Shelton Mylen and Rosalyn Shenker Victoria Shepard Gail Shepherd Keith and Greta Sheppard Joan and Paul Sher Carol Sherbenou and Thomas Stoelting Eva and Yates Sherer Cathy Sherick Isabel Sheridan Kimberly Sheridan Brett Sherman Michael and Karen Sherman Timothy and Kathleen Sherman F. Steven and Tracy Sherrell Benjamin and Nita Sherrill Joy and Gary Sherwood Kristin and Nye Sherwood Brian and Kimberly Shick Carole and Donald Shick Chip Shields and Shelda Homes John Shields Nancy Shigeno Tiffany Shimabukuro Craig◊ and Kathleen Shinn

Lynne Shinto K. Elaine Shipman Sallie Shippen David and Tiffany Shireman Meghana Shirvaikar Karen Shmukler Cheryl Shockey Beverly and Robert Shoemaker Ralph and Kenda Shoemaker Samuel Shoemaker Marie and Stanley Shope Larry Short and Rose Loe Robert and Bonnie Shumaker Carl Shushan and Patricia Hill Kelli and Dave Shuster Brynna Sibilla Martin◊ and Cheryl Siderius Elisabeth and Hans Siebenmorgen Conrad Sieber Elizabeth Siegel Emily Siegel Nancy Siegel Douglas Siegler◊ Mark Siemens and Jacque Travis Sue Sigler Amylynn Sigmen Kate Silver Morris and Wanda Silverman Rachael Silverman Duke and John Duke Michael and Ms. Susan Silvey Charlene Simantel Gerald and Bonnie Simer Cynthia Simmons Elizabeth Simmons Steven and Catherine Simmons Michael Simon and Suzanne Bonamici Neal Simonsen Sheila and Mickey Simonson Bernetta and Michael Simpson David Simpson George Simpson Sharon and Ron Simrin Robert and Amy Sinclair Amy Singer Christopher and Michelle Singer Hargurpreet Singh Barbara Sinha Dipen Sinha Diana and Stephen Sirkin James and Sandra Sitzman Jack and Peggy Skeen Margaret Skenderian

Irina Skerritt Margaret and Craig Skipton Ronald and Marydee Sklar Deborah Skufca Layne Slabe Lori Slaughter Orvin Sletten Marvin and Brenda Slifman Eva Slinker Cynthia◊ and Malcolm Sloan David and Barbara Sloan Della and Thomas Sloan Maureen Sloan John Slosar Ronald Slovick Silvia Smart Kari Smit◊ Sandra Smit Angela and James Smith Ann Smith Barbara Smith Bradley Smith Cathleen Smith◊ DeeAnn Smith Francine and Joe Smith Helen and Jerald Smith Jeanne Smith Julie◊ and Trevor Smith Karen and Scott Smith Kaylee and Zachary Smith Kenneth Smith Kimberley Smith Kristi Smith Loretta Smith Marjorie Smith Mark Smith Mary and Jay Smith Meredith Smith Pamela Smith Patrick and Sylvia Smith Sawyer Smith Steven Smith and Nancy Hansen Timothy and Barbara Smith Timothy and Paula Smith Willa Smith Yolanda Smith Joseph Snell Kristi Snow David Snyder Susan Snyder◊ and Michael Greenlick Maria Soares Paul Soderholm

Carla Soha Steven Soll Brent and Linda Somner Taesang Song Brenda Sonnier Janet Sonsteng Sarah Sorensen Tichelle Sorensen Janae Sorenson Sonja Sorenson Craig Michael Soto◊ Susan Sottile Karen Southard Barbara Southworth Trevor Spahr Christina and John Sparks Stephanie Sparks Kim Spatz Jill Spaulding Daniel Spear Megan Spear Jim and Marta Specht Lydia and Henry Specht Homer and Nancy Speer Julia Spence Jeffrey Spencer Patricia and Gordon Spencer David and Mary Spies Janet Spika-Kenna Wendy Spires Lavilla Spooner Don and Trish Sprague Virginia Sprague Michael Spranger Sandy Sprauer Kevin and Linden Sproul Robert Spurlock Troy Spurlock Josephine St. Clair Margaret St. Pierre-Graves Michael Stachowiak William Stack◊ and Rebecca Shoemaker Mark Stadick Brooke Stady Jennifer Stager Carol Stahl Darthea and William Stalnaker Sara Stamey and Winston Saunders Patricia and John Stanley Kevin and Coreen Stanton Timothy Staples Sally Starker

Victor Starkovich and Detta Marvich Garrett Starr Sylvia and Wayne Stater Georgios and Barbara Stathakopoulos Dawn and William Statham Mark Stauffer Robert and Nelly Stayton Anita and Gary Stebbins Louise Steel-Ball Christina Steele Kira Steenstrup Daryle and Peggy Steffen Shawna Steffen Paul Steger and Patricia Ferguson-Steger David Stein Grace Stein Lynda Steiner Christine and James Steinkamp John and H. Kelley Stember Barry Stengel Jeff and Jessica Stephens Richard Stephens Jack and Deanna Sterett Patricia Sterle Sarah Sterling◊ Alteya Stern Andrew Stern Bruce◊ and Sheila Stern Dorothy Stern-Kucha and William Kucha Aubrion Sterrett Charles Steury and Samyak Yamauchi Daniel Stevens Gregory Stevens and Teri Seaton Henry and Mardy Stevens Mary Stevens Jean Stevenson Katherine Stevenson Lyle Stevenson Robert and Deborah Stevenson Joann and Paul Steward Don and Mollie Stewart Marjorie Stewart Martha Stewart Melissa Stewart Patricia Stewart Wendy Stewart◊ Stewart-Copes Carol and David Stewart-Smith Alan and Lorna Stickel David Stiglich Kenneth Still Nicole Stillmaker

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Brett Stinchcomb Carol Stires John Clay Stites and Charlotte Stites Marina Stites Jessica Stockton Billy and Louise Stoddard Juliette Stoering◊ Stephanie Stokamer◊ Laura and Frederick Stokeld Alice and Stephen Stolzberg Ann and Orrin Stone Kim and Steven Stone Robert and Diane Stone Maryruth Storer Rosemary Stott Galbraith Ardath and Donald Stout Sheila and Roger Stratman Victor and Celia Strauss Susan Strayer Curtis Eric Strecker Richard and Marilyn Streissguth Karen and Michael Strejc Celine Stroinski Donna Strom Timothy Strom Judy Stromquist James and Rachelan Stronach Barbara and Jon Stroud Nancy Struble Shannon Strumpfer Patricia Stryker James Stuart Joanna Stuart Laurel Stubbs Kari and Kenneth Stuhmer Zach Stupor Carol-Wray Sturgill Richard and Lolita Stuthard Roberto Suarez Hongyon Suauthai Sindhu Subramanyam Ronald and Amparo Suchanek Brenda Sulick Caroline and Michael Sullivan Daniel Sullivan◊ Patte Sullivan Angel Sully Uta Summerer Marion and Douglas Summers Ronald Sumner Mathias Sunardi Royal and Janet Sundberg

Alumni |

Faculty/staff |


Laura Supalla David Surridge Cerinda Survant Thomas Survilla Rachael and James Susman Jesse Suter Helen and Terry Sutfin Robert Sutter Judith Sutton David Suva Judy Swadener Hal and Mary Swafford David and Cheryl Swain Donna Swan◊ Frederick Swan Kathryn Swan Lucy and Ken Swan Amy Swanson Douglas◊ and Barbara Swanson Kathleen and Edward Swanson Leonard Swanson Les Swanson and Kristine Olson Kelli Swanson-Jaecks Robert and Agatha Swartout Marilyn Sweeny-Hajicek James Swenson and Janet Gillaspie John Swenson Theodore and Gena Swenson M. Doris Swisher Mark◊ and Virginia Sytsma Carlyn Syvanen and Stephen Vause Otto Szekely Timothy and Phillis Taber Ann Tabshy Michelle Tack Siva Rama Tadepalli Allen and Nancy Taggard William Tainter Cary Takara Masahiro Takasaki Amanda Takish Indraneel Takkilapati Max and Sandra Talbot Raja Sekhar Talla◊ Sara Tam Carrol Tama and David Martinez Deidre and Robert Tamlyn Jean and Larry Tang Richard and Patricia Tangeman Jill and Steven Tanner Kellie Tarr Sandra Tashima

Harry and Adele Tate Marcia Tate William Tate◊ and Karen Boettcher-Tate Curt and Janice Tausky Roberta Taussig Aisha Taylor Betty and Mark Taylor Eugene Taylor Harvey and Brenda Taylor J. Kevin Taylor Jane and Donald Taylor John and Barbara Taylor Kymbery Taylor Mary Taylor◊ Melvin Taylor Patricia and Jerry Taylor Robert and Tamara Taylor Walter Taylor and Leslye Epstein Nancy Teller Amy and Scott Tepedino Marjorie◊ and Leif Terdal Rosie Terrazas-Montamat Sharon and Stephen Terry Susan Terry William Teverbaugh Terri Theisen and Walter Williamson Kevin and Francisca Thelin Marna Theroff Carey and Lynn Thielman William Thier Noah Third Arnold and Ora Thogerson Casper Thomas David and Julie Thomas Jean and Craig Thomas John Thomas Martha Thomas Maxine Thomas◊ Robert Thomas Thais Thomas Todd and Shelley Thomas Vicki Thomas William Thomas and Laura Berg Harold Thomas-Sims Alexis Thompson Allen Thompson Betty and Douglas Thompson Chris and Jennifer Thompson Christine◊ and Lynn Thompson Jack and Adele Thompson Jennifer and Ernie Thompson Joseph and Diane Thompson

Karen Thompson Melissa Thompson◊ Tony Thompson Karen◊ and David Thomson Kenneth Thorn Nancy Thorson Michael and Christina Thyron Alexander Tiblier-Weiss Theresa Tichy Kristin and Brian Timm Susan Timm Bradley and Judith Timmons Tamara Timmons Justin Ting Sarah Tinkler◊ Cesar Tinoco Julie Tippens Justin Tippetts Carol and Alan Tipton Kathleen Tischler Bonnie Tjuanakis Beverly Tobias Richard and Nathelle Togni Michael and Pamela Tokstad Warren and Irene Tolan Rebecca Toland Beverly Tolman Diane Tomevi Todd and Marna Tomita Katerina and James Toms Darlene and Jerry Tomsik Virginia Tondreau Tarina Tonge-Loftus Michael Tonn A. Allen Tooke and Marcia Truman Arthur and Janice Torland Donald Tornquist Dennis Torresdal Leslie Torresdal Alex and Shirley Toth Joyce Tovell James and Rae Townsend Robert Townsend Cassandra and Timothy Townsend-Gant Bruce Towsley Eckard Toy Donald Tracy Deanna Trail Carol Trammell Johnathan Tran Thuy Sang Tran-Nguyen Margueriette and Hugh Travaille

Barbara Traver and John Meckel Robert and Vesta Treadgold Pam and Martin Treece Chris Trent Edward Treyve Sandine Triest and Michael Eichman Melissa Trifiletti◊ Dawn Trimble Tim and Julie Troutman Clifford and Jo Anne Trow John Trueb Carol and David Trump Thao Truong Donald Truxillo◊ Sue Tsang Yee Lam Tsoi Wanda Tsosie Cheryl Tsunemitsu and Jerry Patterson Christine Tucker Jennifer and Zachary Tucker Robert Tufts◊ Darlow Tuneberg Jean Tuomi◊ and Michael Gipson Carla Turner Deborah Turner and Douglas Clark Jill Turner and Lester Newman Jim Turner◊ and Lauren Kannee Michele Turner Gail Turney Lucretta Tursi Samantha Tuson Kendra Tuthill Matthew Tuttle Clement Tyler John Tyner Donald Tyree◊ John and Marilyn Ubik Mary Ueki Patricia and John Uliasz Steven Ullrich David Ulrich Stephanie Ulstein David Underhill John and M. Underhill Leslie Underhill Jan Updegraff Bronson Utter Mary Vaillancourt Melody Valdini◊ Dyami Valentine Fred and Jody Valentine Jill and Samuel Van Blarcom


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Stephen Van Coutren Gerard and Rita Van Deene Johannes Van Der Hilst Frank Van Driesche Judy Van Dyck Sylvia Van Dyk Betty Van Dyke Jake Van Dyke Charlotte Van Horn Barbara Van Ness Richard and Diane Van Orden Rita Van Schoiack Mary Van Sickle Marjorie and Richard Van Zante Kjell van Zoen Joan Vance Joann Vance Lisa Vance Charles Vanderburg◊ Sarah Vanderburg Austria Hans VanDerSchaaf Richard and Marylee Vanderschuere Helen Vandervort Paul and Kelly Vanderwal John and Carol Vanderzanden Rachelle Vanderzanden David VandeWalle Jennifer VanDitti Douglas and Ann VanFleet Marilynn VanGrunsven Susan Vanlaanen and Michael Koon Chuck Vanmeter Brian Vanneman Noel Vannewkirk Ananda Vardhana Angela Vargas Marcia Vargas Julie Vaughan Eduard and Luiza Vaynberg Shirley Veach Amy Veltman Vikranth Vemulapalli Kathleen Veneroso Mary Verdurmen and John Galvin John Vermillion Marilyn Verrijden Mary Vind Rita Vistica◊ Nancy Voermans Andreas Vogel Charles and Charlotte Vollet Pamela Voltz

J.L. Von Delden JoAnn and Carl von Rohr Emily Vonada Sydney Voorhees Keri Vorres Christopher Voss Joanna Voss Kris Voss-Rothmeier Dinh Vu Linda Waara Glenda and Marshall Wade Thomas Wade Milo Wadlin Peggy Wadman Colleen and Michael Wagner Lisa Wagner Michael Wagner William Wahl Martin Wahoske Merwyn and Elaine Waisanen Anita and Roger Waitt Phyllis Wakefield Roberta and Richard Wald Jodi Walder-Biesanz George Waldmann Jean Waldo Heather Walenter◊ Candace and Wesley Walhood Barbara Walker Bill and Janet Walker Janet Walker◊ Joseph Walker and Rachel Belcher Robert◊ and Gail Walker Stanley and Marjorie Walker Jennifer Walker-Liddell Joan Wall Holly and Mark Walla Helen Wallace Ronald Wallachy Nan Waller Ronald Waller Erika Wallin◊ Patricia Wallin Wallace Walling Cindy Wallo Ronald Wallway Gail Walsh Penelope Walter William Walter Tali Walters Darcy Walters-Robles Brent Walth

Anne Walther Per and Kathleen Walthinsen Linda Walton◊ Mary Wang Paul and Grace Wang Helen Warbington Elizabeth Ward James and Mary Ward Sarah Ward John and Nancy Wardin Susan Ward-McCurdy Eric Warn Brian Warner Janis and Scott Warner John Warner William Warner Deborah Warren and Thomas Allen Elizabeth Warren Eura and Paul Washburn Elizabeth and James Wassom Takahiro Watabe Suwako◊ and Osamu Watanabe Paulette Watanabe Crawshaw◊ and Larry Crawshaw◊ Julie Watkins◊ Bertha and Leverne Watson Shannon Watson◊ Anne◊ and Philip Wax Cheryl and Stan Way Frederick Wearn and Maureen KerriganWearn Burton and Ann Weast Brenda Weaver Carolyn and Craig Weaver Sandy Webb Beverly Weber Cliff Weber Yvonne Weber Maria Webster Joan Weed Ellen◊ and Eric Weeks Stephen Weeks Lucinda Wegener Kurt Wehbring Bonnie Wei Margaret and Robert Weil Delia and John Weinheimer Grace Weinstein George Weirick Sylvia Weisbard Peter Weisel John Weisenberger

Robert Weisenberger Erika and Alexander Weisensee David Weislogel William Weissert Morris Weitman Gary and Barbara Welander Amy and Michael Welch Hilda and Bill Welch Joan Welch Jeannine Welding Irene Weldon Jack Weldon Phillip and Shelley Welke Charlotte Wells and Doug Kaiser Inge Wells Jennifer Wells Madeleine Wells Scott◊ and Leah Wells Lynn Wendt Donald and Diane Wenzel Michael Wenzelhumer David and Judith Werner Michal Wert Laura Wesely Kristen Wessel Brian and Peggy West Gary West Richard West Shannon West Deeanne Westbrook Edward and Lenora Westbrook Marcella Westcott Mary Westfall Gail Westlin Jack Westman Claudia Weston◊ Laura West-Vanderpool◊ and Robert Vanderpool Charles and Mary Wetherell Marilee and John Wetten Brian and Deborah Whalen Diane and Bill Whalen Tom Wharton Anne Wheeler Elaine Wheeler Katherine Wheeler Lesa Wheeler Pamela and James Wheeler Ted and Katrina Wheeler James Whinston Paula and R. Whistler Cassy Whitaker

Susan and John Whitcher James and Ruth Whitcomb Adele White Anthony and Karen White Darla White Diana◊ and James White Gary and Jean White Roland and Karen† White Ruth White Stephen White Vera White Mary Whiteford Tristan Whitehead John Whitehurst Dennis Whitlock Barbara Whitmore Douglas and Gwendolyn Whitmore James Whittemore Becky and Norman Whitten John Whittle Jason Wick Joanne Wickham Kelly and Allen Wickham Judith Widen Clarence and Linda Widerburg Harry and Mardelle Widman Jerzy Wieczorek Barbara Wiegele◊ Jesse Wiesenfeld Jay Wilcox Michaelene Wilcox Bill Wilde Chip Wilder Doni and Leroy Wilder Matthew Wilding Boyd Wiley Cameron and Peggy Wiley Matt Wilkening Cheryl Wilkerson Jennifer Wilkerson◊ Jerry and Lucille Wilkins Linda Wilkins Lindsey Wilkinson◊ Steven Wilkinson Cheryl and Scott Williams Janet Williams and G. Bates Jennifer Williams Jo Williams Juliet and Richard Williams Kurt Williams Maurice Williams Michael Williams

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Rebecca Williams Robin Williams Rosalie Williams Spencer Williams M. Millicent Williamson Brenda and Darryl Willis Margaret and David Willis Sally Willis Matthew Willman Kimberly Willson-St. Clair◊ and Jeffrey St. Clair Brenda Wilmarth Amy Wilson Christina and Reed Wilson Claudine and Geoffrey Wilson DJ Wilson Doc Wilson Elizabeth Wilson Julia Wilson Maryann Wilson Robert Wilson Tuck Wilson Vincent Wilson William Wilson◊ Sarah Wilt Nancy Winbigler David Winchester and Claudia Gallison Margaret Winczewski Teri Wingard◊ Karl and Kathleen Winkler Donald and Marlene Winn Jennifer Winn Kristen and Richard Winn Susan Winn Donald and Kathleen Winner Thomas Winterrowd Leslie Winton Doris and Robert Wirtz Douglas Wise Joseph Wiser Ronald and Jan Wismer Thomas and Kathryn Withycombe George Wittemyer Dolores Wittke Susan Wladaver-Morgan◊ and David Morgan◊ Keith and Jacque Wochnick Susan Wohld Mary Woiccak Thomas and Cheryl Wolbrecht Myra and Roger Wolcott Ella Wolf

Alumni |

Faculty/staff |


Greg Wolf◊ Susan Wolf David Wolfe Lynn and Dee Wolfe Pat Wolfe Gregory Wolleck David and Sara Wolpin Amy Wong Rose Wong Hyeyoung Woo◊ Andrea Wood Arland Wood Barbara Wood David and Leslie Wood David Wood Dixie Wood Loreta and Wilbur Wood Robin Wood Walter Wood LaVonne Wood Treat James and Katherine Woodburn David Woodford Kari Woodman Deanna Woods James Woods◊ Katherine Woods-Morse Claire Woodward Elizabeth Woodward Natasha Woodward Ryan Woolf Michael Woolfolk Rossitza Wooster◊ Joann and Leonard Workman Robert and Marsha Worlock Owen Wozniak Leila Wrathall Robert and Donna Wrenn Ronald Wridge Corey Wright George and Betsy Wright Jeff Wright Kathleen Wright Kenneth and Virginia Wright Laurie Wright Marshall and Virginia Wright Steven Wyatt Tracy Wygant Joseph and Mary Wykowski Sandy Wyllie-Echeveria Sharon and David Wynde Catherine and Charles Wyrick Carole and Dick Wyscaver

Rafaela Yamin Guang Jun Yang Liu-Qin Yang Glory and Jerry Yankauskas Daniel Yates Diane Yates Frances and Clifford Yates Lan Yates Sanford and Alice Yates Susan Yaun Azadeh Yazdani William Yee and Barbara Hargrove Apuroopa Yerramilli Jennifer Yocom Rachel Yoder Rachelle and Mitch Yoder Ritsuko Yogo Kay Yokoyama Selena Yokoyama Clayton Yonce Lyndee Yoneishi Nick Yonko Gretchen Yost Jessie Young Loretta Young Michael Young and Halah Shaheen Cynthia Young-Bolek Catherine† and Wade Younie Yasmin Youssef Nanette Yragui and Gary Slone Hyong and Hey-Kyung Yu Jeannine and Richard Zachary Seana Zagar Karen Zagona Christopher Zahas Eric and Linda Zahl Mary Zahner Daniel Zambrano Ryan Zamudio Carol Zancanella Thomas and Stephanie Zandoli Paula Zaninovich Michael Zech Don and Manette Zehrung Robert Zeigen Christine Zeiner Janet and Alan Zell Neil Zellick Judy and Leslie Zettergren Yujie Zhan Maggie Zhang Ming Ran Zhang

Weidong Zhou Jonathan and Merrie Ziady Susan Ziglinski Susan Zike Mark and Janet Zimmerdahl Bruce Zimmerman Craig and Mary Zimmerman Kristi Zimmerman Lin Zimmerman Bartholomew and Tukata Zimmermann Angela Zinsli Jenny Zitek Eileen Zneimer Dennis Zoet Babak Zolfaghari-Azar Erika Zoller Dennis and Victoria Zollman Dorothy Zornman Sherry Zuccarello Arleen Zucker Greg Zurbrugg Nancy and Robert Zurcher Martin Zwick◊ and Elinor Langer Madeleine and Daniel Zywicki

Annual Giving from Corporations, Foundations and Organizations We thank the following organizations whose contributions during 2010 made it possible for Portland State University to “let knowledge serve the city.” $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 a n d up Ames Family Foundation Anonymous The Autzen Foundation Burns Brothers, Inc. Cameron Foundation Cisco Systems/The Cisco University Research Program Fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation Clear Channel Communications, Inc. Sue D. Cooley Trust Daniels Family Foundation Eubanks Memorial Trust Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund FMR, LLC Foundation for Jewish Culture

Halloran Family Foundation Hoffman Corporation Howard S. Wright Constructors IBM Corporation Inspirators, Inc. Intel Corporation/Intel Foundation JFR Foundation The JYN Foundation Max Kade Foundation, Inc. KPFF Consulting Engineers Kroger Mentor Graphics Corporation Oracle Corporation The Oregon Community Foundation Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Portland General Electric Company/PGE Foundation Precision Castparts Corporation The Renaissance Foundation Robbins, Geller, Rudman & Dowd, LLP Saudi Arabian Oil Company Scan Design by Inger & Jens Bruun Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation The Standard Stanford University Peter W. Stott Foundation Tektronix, Inc./Tektronix Foundation Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Architects, LLP $10,000 to $24,999 3M, Inc Agilent Technologies, Inc. American Association of Retired Persons Anonymous The Boeing Company Carolyn McKnight Fund Chiles Foundation City Center Parking City of Portland Jeannine B. Cowles Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund EC Company ESCO Corporation FirstTrust Bank Frances A. Staten Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation GBD Architects, Inc. Gerding Edlen Development Google, Inc.


pa r k b l o ck s s o c i e t y


Gray Family Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Harrelson Group Harsch Investment Properties The Impact Foundation The Intermec Foundation Jubitz Family Foundation KPMG Foundation/KPMG LLP Kurdistan Regional Government-Liaison Office-USA Sid Lezak Legacy Project The Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund Massiah Foundation, Inc. Samuel T. and Mary K. Naito Foundation National Electrical Contractors Association National Geographic Society Education Foundation NIKE, Inc. NW Natural Jacqueline Rayot Olsson Charitable Foundation Oregon Transfer Company Polygon Northwest Portland Art Museum Portland Business Alliance Portland Metro Association of Building Owners & Managers Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon/Regence Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Safeway, Inc. Schwenn Family Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Skanska USA Building, Inc. Spirit Mountain Community Fund StanCorp Mortgage Investors, LLC The Stoller Group, Inc./Stoller Family Foundation Turner Construction Company University of Oregon/University of Oregon Foundation US Bancorp-US Bank/US Bancorp Foundation Vatheuer Family Foundation, Inc Wells Fargo/Wells Fargo Foundation Wessinger Foundation Western Association of Food Chains Western Family Foods, Inc. Weston Investment Company Wheeler Foundation Williams / Dame and Associates

Xerox Corporation USA Juan Young Trust $5,000 to $9,999 A-dec, Inc. Alaska Tanker Company, LLC Alaskan Brewing Company ALLEX, Inc. Charles Hill Anderson Trust Anonymous Ball Janik, LLP Birke Charitable Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of L.A. Burgerville The Ed & Olive Bushby Scholarship Fund The Cheerful Tortoise Cinetopia, LLC Cogan Family Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Fund The Counselors of Real Estate Foundation Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP DKS Associates Evergreen Community Development Foundation Ferguson Wellman Capital Management FocusMicro Frito-Lay, Inc. Geffen, Mesher & Company P.C. Genentech Goethe Institute Doug and Lila Goodman Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Fund Grace Bio-Labs, Inc. Green Building Services, Inc. Gresham Sanitary Service, Inc. Group Mackenzie Henningsen Cold Storage Company HPnorthwest IAP2 Cascade Chapter IBEW 48 Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles Keybank Foundation Lease Crutcher Lewis Builds Leupold & Stevens, Inc./Leupold & Stevens Foundation MacLaren & Whearty, LLP Myers Family Properties Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance

Jerry and Corrine L. Nothman Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Fund Office Max Corporate Headquarters Oregon Health & Science University/ OHSU Foundation Perkins & Company Robert and Rita Philip Family Fund of Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Philips Color Kinetics Lighting Portland Opera Guild Powell’s Books Psychiatric Care, P.C. R & H Construction Company Red Bull North America, Inc. RMLS The M.H. and Bernice Rosencrantz Memorial Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation Schlacter Family Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Simon Fraser University Society for Information Management SolarWorld Industries America Solus Lighting Stewart Sokol & Gray, LLC STMicroelectronics, Inc. Stoel Rives LLP Norman A. and Helen V. Stoll Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Tauman Family Fund of the Oregon Jewish Community Fund THA Architecture, Inc. United Way of the Columbia/Willamette University of Valencia Vestas World Headquarters Washington Trust Bank Bill and Julie Young Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation $1,000 to $4,999 AAA Oregon/Idaho Aequitas Capital Management Affinity Insurance Services Affinity Property Management, LLC AIG Alderbrook Resort & Spa Alta Planning + Design Alternative Transport Service American Heart Association

American Society of Photogrammetry, Columbia River Region Anonymous Aon Foundation Apex Real Estate Partners, LLC The Applied Materials Foundation Aramark Ashforth Pacific Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs Azad, Inc. Bank of America Corporation/Bank of America Foundation Becker Capital Management, Inc. Benson Industries, Inc. Berkshire Hathaway Bill Naito Company Bi-Mart Bimbo Bakeries, USA Frank & Margaret Bitar Foundation Black and Company Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Black Helterline Law Offices Boora Architects, Inc. Capstone Partners, LLC Cascade Microtech, Inc. Cascade Technical Sciences Cascadia Foundation Century 3, Inc. CFA Society of Portland The Chalkboard Project Charles Schwab Corp. Chemeketa Community College Clean Copy, Inc. Coca-Cola Company Collins Medical Bertram W. Coltman Jr. Foundation Columbia Sportswear Company Columbia Theatre Association Consulate General of Canada Con-Way, Inc. Cosgrave, Vergeer & Kester, LLP Covanta Energy Corporation Daimler Trucks North America, LLC Davis Hibbitts & Midghall, Inc. Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP Domaine Serene DP Partners Dunn Carney Allen Higgins & Tongue Edison International EnergyTrust of Oregon, Inc. Equity Foundation, Inc.

Esterline Technologies Corp. Foundations for a Better Oregon Bob and Peggy Fowler Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Fraser Commercial Properties Heather, Evan, and Alta Freedman Charitable Fund of Vanguard Gard Communications Garvey, Schubert & Barer Robert D. Geddes and Cameron G.R. Geddes Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation General Distributors Gladys and George, LLC Glumac International Grant Thornton Foundation Greater Oregon Chapter, Appraisal Institute Groen Brothers Aviation USA, Inc. Karen and Harry Groth Charitable Fund Grubb & Ellis Company Halton Foundation Hanlon Brown Design, Inc. Hanna Andersson Corporation Harris Family Foundation Arthur Honeyman Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation IBM Intel Interface Engineering, Inc. Irving Levin and Stephanie Fowler Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Italian Businessmen’s Foundation, Inc. J. J. Henri Co., Inc. Johnson Controls The Samuel S. Johnson Foundation Steven Kaufman Philanthropic Fund Kathryn Keller and Mary Anne Gard Fund of the Equity Foundation, Inc. Keen Footwear The Kingston Bar & Grill Kismet Fund at the Seattle Foundation Knowledge Universe Kobie Hewett, Inc. Korea Foundation Eva Kripalani Fund Kuni BMW Lane Powell Legacy Health Systems Lila Lea Leonard Fund of the Marin Community Foundation Li Ning Sports USA, Inc.

pa r k b l o ck s s o c i e t y

Livingston Foundation Lockhart Realty, LLC Locology, LLC Neil V. Lomax Trust Marylhurst University McEwen Gisvold, LLP McKinstry Company Melvin Mark Capital Group, LLC Meyer Memorial Trust Microsoft Corporation Miller Nash, LLP Morley Foundation Moss Adams, LLP/Moss Adams Foundation NAIOP Oregon Chapter Nathan Family Charitable Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation New Belgium Brewing Co., Inc. Norris, Beggs & Simpson Northwest Education Loan Association Northwest Employee Benefits, Inc. Northwest Surgical Specialists, P.S. NW Automotive Press Association OEM Fabrications OHSU Foundation Okulitch Tresidder Government Relations Opto 22 Oregon Association of Realtors Oregon Business Association Oregon Pacific Investment Development Company Oregon SAE Oregon State University Foundation OTAK, Inc. Pacific Northwest College of Art Pacific NW Sales and Marketing Group PacifiCorp/PacifiCorp Foundation PacTrust Pepsico, Inc./Pepsico Foundation, Inc. Perkins Coie, LLP Perseverance, LLC Persimmon Country Club Pfizer, Inc. PGE Pi Lambda Theta Portland Metropolitan Chapter Piece of Cake, Inc. Pine Haven Investment Counsel, Inc. Platt Electric Supply PNC Foundation Portland Community College Portland Development Commission

Alumni |

Faculty/staff |


Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. Principal Financial Group Foundation Promote Oregon Leadership PAC PSU Alumni Association Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club Q10 | National Mortgage Company Qwest Communications International, Inc./Qwest Foundation The Regence Group The Regional Arts & Culture Council The Rhines Foundation Rider Levett Bucknall Richard & Mary Rosenberg Charitable Foundation Allen Ray Sandstrom Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Ralph and Bunny Schlesinger Foundation Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt, P. C. The Seattle Foundation SEIU Local 503 - Oregon Public Employees Union Shokookai of Portland Shorenstein Realty Services, LP Sign Wizards, Inc. SIOR Oregon, Inc. Society for Science & The Public Interest Sockeye Creative, Inc. Sorenson Photography Specht Development, Inc. Squires & Barnett, P. C. St. Mary’s Academy Supervalu, Inc. Syracuse University Tarbell Family Foundation Telecare Recovery Center Patrick and Susan Terrell Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation Ticor Title Insurance Tillamook County Creamery Association Mary Ausplund Tooze Trust Trailblazer Food Products Trammell Crow Services, Inc. Triquint Semiconductor, Inc. Tufts University UBS Financial Services, Inc Umpqua Bank Unico Properties, Inc. Uniglobe Spectrum Travel United Fund Advisors University of Oregon/University of Oregon Foundation

University of Washington USGS Vestas-American Wind Technology, Inc Walsh Construction Company West Coast Bank Western Partitions, Inc. Westview High School Wieden + Kennedy, Inc. Willamette Management Associates, Inc. Xerox Corporation USA Yost Grube Hall Architecture Zehntbauer Foundation Jay and Diane Zidell Charitable Foundation $500 to $999 A&K Designs Incorporated American Association of University Women Amiguitos! Preschool Apollo Construction Services ASHRAE Oregon Chapter ASME, Oregon Section Aspen Mitzvah Fund of Oregon Jewish Community Foundation AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Ater Wynne, LLP Barton & Strever, P.C. Beyond Victory Ministries Box One, Inc. Buell Family Gift Fund of The US Charitable Gift Trust Columbia Services, Inc. Commercial Realty Advisors NW, LLC Coraggio Group Council of Filipino American Associates Culver Glass Company Decisions Decisions ECONorthwest edVenture Partners Exxon Mobil Foundation General Service Admission Geological Society of the Oregon Country Integra Realty Resources Jeffrey Long & Associates Jeffrey S. Johnnie Insurance Agency, Inc. Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago JGP Wealth Management Group of WF Advisors

Just Give Kayak Tillamook Kidder Mathews Kyungnam University Lifeways, Inc. Lincoln High School Alumni Association Lockheed Martin Magnacorp Financial Group Margulies Family Fund of Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Metro Mr. Formal, Inc. Murray, Smith & Associates Inc N By NE Health Center Nachtigal, Eisenstein and Associates National Frozen Foods Association, Inc. Network for Good Norris & Stevens, Inc. Northwest Bank Orca Capital Corporation Oregon Chapter Counselors of Real Estate Oregon Mortgage Lenders Association Oregon Section ASCE Overton Pearl II, LLC Pacific NW Chapter of the Medical Library Association Peter Meijer Architect, LLC PGP Valuation, Inc. Polk Family Charitable Fund Pope Family Trust Portland Beavers and Timbers Portland Bureau of Planning & Sustainability Portland Children’s Levy Portland Public Schools Retired Associates of PSU Robinson Jewish Health Center Sawai Consulting, LLC ScanlanKemperBard Companies Seniors Serving Oregon Coalition, Inc. Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel Sparling Sunset Athletic Club Unitus Community Credit Union US Bancorp Foundation The US Charitable Gift Trust Wachovia Foundation Wedge Investment Wells Fargo Foundation Xerox Foundation

$250 to $499 Accukraft, Inc. Action Without Borders American Association of University Women American Institute of Physics American Iranian Friendship Council American Society of Civil Engineers, Oregon Section AMSTED Industries Foundation Amy & Ralph Risch Charitable Fund of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Antic Clothing, LLC Archery Summit Auto Buy and Leasing Azumano Travel Barbara & Jack Schwartz Fund of Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Beacon Rock Golf Course Bradley-Angle House Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers Local 29 John and Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation Carcraft Auto Appearance Center Conan Elliott ‘s Golf School at Camas Meadows Conan Elliott Teacher of Champions Golf Schools Congregation Nevah Shalom Cornforth Consultants, Inc. D.A. Davidson & Company Davis Enterprises, Inc. Fitzgerald Consulting Group, Inc. Fort Vancouver Good Sams Frank Bashor Supplies Friends of Richard Devlin Garnish Apparel Gary McGee & Co, Certified Public Accountants Grand Central Restaurant and Bowling Lounge Halloran Family Foundation of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Hotel Deluxe Hotel Modera Ingram Micro Community Relations Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Korean Society of Oregon Mandate Media Martin, Bischoff, Templeton, Langslet & Hoffman, LLP


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McMenamins Pub & Breweries Miller Consulting Engineers Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC Multnomah County National Council of Jewish Women Nghia Nippers USA NIRSA Services Corporation Oregon Area Jewish Committee The Original Dinerant Pacific Power Foundation Pfizer Foundation Pi Sigma Alpha Port of Portland Quagga Quest Diagnostics Rebound Orthopedics and Neurosurgery Riverside Golf and Country Club Rouz Marketing, LLC Rusty Vineyard Seattle Mariners Shipley & Associates, Inc. Sistere, Inc. Standard TV & Appliance Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth Tomodachi Foundation UWAJIMAYA, Inc. Variousworks Washington County Democratic Central Committee Watson Chiropratic, P.C. Young Enterprises, Inc. $1 to $249 10th Avenue Athletic Club 4 R Sustainability Abbott & Rinehart/Gembanc Abundant Health Nutrition Action Research & Evaluation, LLC Advanced Massage & Bodywork AEE Columbia River Chapter Albany Animal Hospital Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe Alpha Delta Master Amalfi’s Italian Restaurant & Catering, Inc. American Association of University Professors American Express American Rock Art Research Association Anderson Consults Corporation Anderson Roofing Company

Apollo Language Services Aspen Lakes Golf Course Asula Chiropractic and Wellness Atlas Landscape Architecture Automatic Data Processing Foundation B P Management Barre3 Bask in the Sun Tanning BMB Property Management Body Elements Chiropractic Clinic, LLC The Boys & Girls Aid Society of Oregon Carrillo Insurance, Inc. Carson and Whitehead Family Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Cascade Cleaning Cavanaugh, Levy, Bilyeu, LLP The Children’s Course CHOC Children’s Foundation City Home Improvement, Inc. City of Beaverton Claremont Golf Club Clay Nelson’s Dance Studio Comfort Inn and Suites Tualatin The Community Foundation of Louisville, Inc. Computek, Inc. Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians Cooper Industries Foundation Coquille Indian Tribe Corbett Fish House Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians Cupcake Jones Davis Therapeutic Laser Company, Inc. DelHart, LLC Dockside Saloon and Restaurant Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital Dovey Cornwell Giving Account of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund DP Wireless Communications Dr. Nona International Drain Away Rooter The Dussin Group Dusty Cover Books Eagle Landing Golf Course Eleni’s Estiatorio Estes Men’s Clothing, Inc. Family Service & Community Mental Health Center Family Support Network Fil-Am Friendship Club of Oregon Fisher Farms

FM Global Foundation Forever Art Full Sail Brewing Company Glendoveer Golf Course Goby Walnut Products Good 4U, Inc. Goose Hollow Inn Grey Barn Enterprises Gulf Coast Teaching Family Services H & B Jewelry & Loan Co. Healthy Roots Counseling Heiser Farms High Desert Trading, Inc. Hoda’s Middle Eastern Cuisine Homestead Ranch Huff Osher Consulting, Inc. Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization Independent Gemological Services, LLC Indian Creek Golf Course The Inn at Crippen Creek Farm InSTATS Iron Horse Restaurant The J. Neal Cox Family Fund of Schwab Charitable Fund Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe John and Anne Marks Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Johnson-Bell Art NW Kalakendra Limited Keith Lawton Consulting, Inc. Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub Kelvin Brown & Associates NW, Inc. Kenneth Neal & Associates KGW-TV, Channel 8 Kutsch & Renyer Family and Cosmetic Dentistry La Castita Restaurant Lake Oswego Corporation Lane PR Language Fusion Le Bistro Montage Limo Peruvian Restaurant Lincoln Beach Thriftway Macadam’s Bar and Grill Magic Industries Magnum Opus The Marietta F. Miick Trust Marine Discovery Tours Marrakesh Moroccan Restaurant Marriott Springhill Suites Downtown Seattle

McMahon Group MEFI Engineering Merck Partnership for Giving Merina & Company, LLP Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation Military Lane, LLC Montage Restaurants, Inc. Mountain Spring Health Clinic, LLC Myrtle Creek Golf Course Nationwide Foundation Neil Brown Consulting, Inc. New Perspectives Center for Counseling and Therapy Night Flight, LLC Noodles Restaurant Northrop Grumman Foundation Northwest Power and Conservation Council Number 14 Sports Enterprise, Inc. Oak Grove Center On Deck Sports Bar and Grill One Green World Oregon Amateur Golf Tour, LLC Oregon Best Oregon Columbia IABC Oregon Culinary Institute Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation Board of Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Oswego Crest Financial Group, LLC Pacific Historical Review Pacific Interpreters PAE Consulting Engineers Paloma Clothing Pambiche, LLC Pan Pacific Brokerage, Inc. Physical Therapy Partners - South Reno Pietka Consulting, Inc. Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Pipe Dreams Place Revocable Living Trust The Portland Ballet Portland Professional Forum Portland Sailing Center Portland Spirit Portland Women’s Club Quail Run Golf Course Rainrock Treatment Center Ralph M. Cohen Consultancy Rockfort Systems, Inc. Rocking R Enterprises

Russ Taggard Company The Russian Gallery, Inc. Sah-Hah-Lee Golf Course & Driving Range Santa Fe Taqueria Shaer Family Dentistry Shilo Inns Shogun’s Gallery Sisters of the Holy Names Sisterspirit SKG Sourcing, Inc. Smart Caregiver Corporation Society of Sisters of the Holy Names Spirit Mountain Casino Stash Tea Strategic Resources, LLC Stumptown Coffee Division Sultan’s Kitchen Switch Shoes Symantec Tax Services, Inc. Thomas M. Payne Mfg. Jewelers Thompson Conservation Laboratory Tokatee Golf Club The Toledo Telephone Company, Inc. Tom Tom Deli & Market Trevin Webb Insurance Agency, Inc. Tri-Met Typhoon, Inc. Union Pacific Corporation Valley Bowling Lanes Value Dental Venoco, Inc. Verizon Communications/Verizon Foundation Verizon Foundation Verizon Wireless The Vita Cafe Volunteers of America of Oregon, Inc. Walt Disney Company Foundation Wholistic Peace Institute Wildhorse Resort Golf Course Yoo Chang, Inc., dba Paldo Youth Exploring Science

Miller Grant = Sustainable Solutions In September 2010, Robert Costanza joined the faculty of Portland State University as the first director of the Institute for Sustainable Solutions, which stewards the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation’s transformational $25 million, ten-year grant. Costanza, a world-renowned expert in the field of ecological economics and editor-in-chief of the Solutions journal, explained the institute’s focus: “We’ve spent many years identifying the environmental problems of our era. Now, it’s time to design the solutions, by taking a creative, interdisciplinary approach and working collaboratively to envision the future we want for our world.” That was the spirit behind one of Costanza’s first projects at PSU, a campus-wide visioning day on Saturday, November 6. Over 120 students, faculty, PSU neighbors, and civic leaders spent the day thinking and talking about what the University of the future should look like, and what steps PSU should take – from its buildings to its energy flows to its curriculum – to achieve it. The day-long workshop was followed by online surveys and discussion groups totaling over 400 participants, sparking conversation around campus and throughout the city. You’ll see the results popping up everywhere, from the new roof gardens on campus, to the student-driven EcoWiki online newsletter, to the open floor plan in the Sustainability suite in PSU’s Market Center Building, to planning for the new Portland Sustainability Center – a “living building” that will be one of the world’s greenest. The Miller Foundation’s support of this vital initiative connects the University to the city and region – enhancing Portland’s green reputation and helping to create the future we envision.

Robert Costanza, director of the Institute for Sustainable Solutions

An enduring resource for returning students When he retired after a long career at Qwest, Jim Woodruff decided to return to college and complete his degree. He enrolled at Portland State University, graduating with a B.S. in science in 1999. Jim’s wife, Lynn, also returned to college later in life, completing a nursing degree at University of Portland in 2001. While Jim and Lynn were students, they were struck by the many single parents who were trying to complete degrees in order to provide a better life for their families. “We saw firsthand their financial need and the obstacles they struggled with,” Woodruff recalled. “Most of these students worked at minimum wage jobs in order to pursue their educations. Their work schedules competed with their own study time, and the time they had available to spend with their families.” Jim and Lynn decided to help. They have included PSU in their estate plans, with a bequest that will fund the Monahan/Woodruff Endowed Scholarship in perpetuity. The awards from the endowment will go to students who have had their university studies interrupted and have overcome significant obstacles in order to resume their educations. “After talking it over, we decided to leave a bequest in our will. It’s a great feeling to know that the scholarships will make the path to a college degree a little bit easier for hardworking students in the future.”

Jim Woodruff and Lynn Monahan

Endowments sustain PSU’s excellence far into the future Endowments are a powerful tool for Portland State University because they provide a stable, permanent source of funding. Your gift to establish an endowment is an investment in the future, one that makes a real difference in the lives of our students and faculty. Donors may choose to use outright or deferred gifts to establish named endowed funds. We will work closely with you to prepare customized guidelines to ensure that your endowment fulfills the purpose you intend. Establishing an endowed fund is easy. With a minimum gift of $25,000 (or pledge of that amount paid over time) you can establish an endowment to benefit Portland State University. For more information about creating an endowment to support students, faculty, programs or facilities, contact Kristin Coppola, assistant vice president, Major Gifts, 503-725-8799.

Stephen E. & Ferne M. Epler Society The following individuals have made estate plans benefiting students, faculty and programs at PSU. Named for Portland State’s founder, the Epler Society began in 1996 to honor individuals whose foresight and generosity will assure the University’s success far into the future. Leslie and Stephen Aaron Nora Abramovitz† Jory and Gerald Abrams Alice Alexander† Marcia Allen Jan Ande Wilna Anderson Gene and Muriel† Arnold Nobuko and George Azumano Sharon Baker Michelle Banks Connie Barnes Ted and Celia Brandt Virginia and Channing† Briggs Patricia Brod Lester and Pat Brown Wayne and Judy Brown Keren Brown Wilson and Michael DeShane Carol◊ and Larry Burden Shirley Buxton Roger and Jan Capps Ronald◊ and Jane Cease Nancy Chapman◊ Rhoda Clapperton Judy Clark Tanya Collier Kristin Coppola◊

Alumni |

Faculty/staff |


David and Wilma† Cox Gerry and Gloria Craig Scott Davis Lan Do◊ Richard Fink Tom and Marilyn Fink Tobie Finzel Analyne Flanagan Reka and Ferenc Gabor Robert Gleason William Gordon† Joann Griffin-Honeyman Mary Grossenbacher Patricia Haas William Hale and Judith Matthies Robert Handy and Janet Ward Birgit Hanssen Debra Harris◊ Helen Hathaway Robert Hormel Robert and Shirley Hunter Robert and Ceil Huntington Dennis and Judy Isaacson Arthur and Sandy James Amanda Jarman◊ and Robert JL Thompson Raymond◊ and Marilyn Johnson Alan and Jill Jones Sherrie and Michael Kaiel Marvin Kaiser◊ and Betsy Stewart-Kaiser Eva Kripalani Edmin† and Maxine Kristovich E. Kimbark and Leeanne MacColl Duane and Barbara McDougall Camila Morrison Bob and Jane Morrow Sylvia◊ and Roger◊ Moseley James Nattinger† Jerry and Elinore† Nudelman

John and Martha O’Malley Linda Ostomel Jerry and Sandy Parsons Aaron Pearlman◊ Donald Peck Elizabeth Perris Tom◊ and Ann Pfingsten Richard Pugh◊ L. Wayne and Janice Purdy Judith Ramaley◊ Katrina Ratzlaff◊ and Rick Adams Bob Rawson Norman and Joanne† Rose Fred† and Jane Rosenbaum Verne† and Marjorie Rupp Allen Sandstrom Gayle◊ and William Schneider Scott and Jill Shoen Hildegard Shook◊† Linda and David† Smeltzer Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft Peter and Julie Stott Cleo† and Douglas† Strain Eugene and Bonnie† Taylor Gayle Thieman◊ Ralph and Margaret Thomas Ken and Marta Thrasher Gloria Tipton C.† and Lois Tupling Marie Ann and Eugene† Valerio Homer Wadsworth and Sherry Sheng Bill and Janet Walker Ann Weikel◊ David Wirtz† Sandra Wiscarson◊ Gary and Katie Withers James Woodruff and Lynn Monahan David and Janice Yaden

(left to right): Great-grandchildren of School of Social Work Founding Dean Gordon Hearn; Donna Beegle; President Wim Wiewel; Student Nate Salazar; Dean Kristine Nelson; Marta Thrasher; and Al Jubitz.  

New home for Social Work In April 2010, the School of Social Work celebrated the grand opening of its new home on the sixth floor of the Academic and Student Recreation Center. The space brings all of the social work academic programs together, including the Bachelor in Social Work Program, the Child and Family Studies Program, the Master of Social Work, (including four distance education sites in Ashland, Bend, Eugene, and Salem) and the newly inaugurated John Longres PhD Suite for doctoral students, staff, and faculty. The Donna Beegle Community Classrooms were dedicated in the ribbon cutting photo above, and a beautiful new mural covers the walls outside of the classrooms with Esteban Camacho’s rendition of the Vanport flood, Native American people in the Celilo Falls Sacred Fishing Site, and Oregon’s long history of dependence on natural resources. We send our heartfelt thanks to the donors who made this vision a reality. If you haven’t toured the space, please visit soon. To visit or support the School of Social Work, contact Aaron Pearlman, director of External Relations, at 503-725-8020.

Alumna, professor, donor Gayle Thieman EdD ’00 knows Portland State’s Graduate School of Education from both the student and the faculty sides of the desk. She’s an alumna with a doctorate in educational leadership who went on to become a respected associate professor in the school’s Curriculum and Instruction Department. In appreciation of this lifetime relationship with PSU, Thieman recently established two endowments as part of her estate planning. The first will support research to promote education for democracy and civic engagement, and the second will provide scholarships for prospective secondary classroom teachers. She is supporting these awards with annual gifts until her endowment begins. “One of my core values is to support family,” she said, “and the Graduate School of Education is part of my family.”

As an undergraduate student and full-time mother, Thieman experienced firsthand the financial obstacles that teacher education students face. Now, in her work advising and teaching other students, she continues to be struck by the high number of worthy candidates who lack sufficient funds to cover the cost of their education. Because Thieman benefited from scholarship assistance when she was in school, she regards supporting scholarships as her way of “paying it forward.” Thieman believes passionately that we need outstanding educators who can effectively teach the diverse population of today’s – and tomorrow’s – schools. “These endowments are a legacy of scholarship and an example of stewardship to my own children. Making a planned gift is something that anyone can do now. You don’t have to wait.” For more information about including PSU in your estate plan, contact Mary Anne Rees, director of Gift Planning at 503-725-5086.

Gayle Thieman, EdD ’00

In honor and in memoriam In honor of…

In memory of…

Gifts were made to Portland State University in 2010 in honor of the following individuals

Gifts were made to Portland State University in 2010 in memory of the following individuals

Hasll Askin Joan Austin Ellie Booth Shirley Buxton Sydney Carlson◊ Ronald Cease◊ Edward Cogan Jeannine Cowles Scott Dawson◊ Howard Ellias John Erdman◊ Dick Fink Robert Glasgow Linda Hummer† Dick Knight Clement Lausberg† Erik Lawrence Robert Liebman◊ Cheryl Livneh◊ Jon Mandaville Roger Moseley Sally Petersen Bud Pierce Thomas Powell Family Wallace Ratzlaff Family Jim Rippey Barbara Roberts Gayle Schneider◊ Zachary Smith Helen Spalding Joshua Stampfer Paula Stanovich◊ Dee Thompson◊ Torden Wall Vincent Williams Tyson Winner Tim Zadina

Lauren Banasky† Clarke Brooke† Charlotte Brown† Judith Burnett† Kenneth Butler† Virginia Cain† Linda Christianson† Justin Eyerly† David Fitzpatrick† Carol Franks◊† Trena Gillette† Eugene Hakanson◊† Milton Hanson† Sandra Harada† J. Joy Henson† William Horner† Linda Hummer† Richard Hunter◊† Thomas Hutchins† Clement Lausberg† Barrett MacDougall† Sheldon Maron† Kamelia Massih† Wendelin Mueller† Deborah Murdock◊† Doryl Pierson† Katrina Pongracz-Bartha† Michael Provant† Leland Ratzlaff† Fred Rosenbaum† Astrid Schlaps† Mary Jane Sills† Willard Spalding† Milan Svoboda† Makoto Takeo† Michael W. Tichy† Enid Tosi† Franklin West† Edward Westerdahl† Dorothy Wille† Craig Wollner◊† Janet Wright◊†

From Medford to Jerusalem Southern Oregonian Megan Dyer said that if she were to write her memoir, she’d title it “From Medford to Jerusalem.” The 25-year old graduated from Portland State in 2010 with a degree in English and a minor in Judaic studies. A first generation college student, Dyer said she took a Jewish and Israeli literature class “on a whim” and for a reason familiar to many students—it fulfilled a requirement. “I found it really fascinating and became more interested in Jewish literature and history.” She became especially absorbed in courses with professor Michael Weingrad, chair of the Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Studies, and assistant professor Natan Meir. These teachers, she says, “are satisfyingly challenging. They have high expectations.” Despite finishing a bachelor’s degree last year, Dyer is continuing full-time coursework in Judaic Studies. Professor Weingrad encouraged Dyer to apply for the Sara Glasgow Cogan Memorial Scholarship, created in 2007 by PSU professor emeritus Nathan Cogan in memory of his wife, a PSU alumna. Many Portland State alumni and friends contributed to the scholarship, which also offers its recipients an internship in a local Jewish community organization. Dyer won the scholarship and immersed herself in archival work for the Oregon Jewish Museum’s popu-

Megan Dyer, ‘10

lar exhibit, Jews@Work, 1850-1921. She has written biographies about members of Oregon’s early Jewish community—learning a lot about both her home state and her own academic passions. Thanks to her work at PSU and the Oregon Jewish Museum, Dyer sees her future path clearly. With the help of a scholarship through PSU’s Middle East Studies Center, she’ll spend the summer in Israel in intensive Hebrew study. Then it’s off to graduate school. She contemplates a career in teaching and research, or perhaps as a Judaica librarian. “Southern Oregon in general is not Jewish,” Dyer reflects. “Israel is on the other end of that spectrum. It’s going to be quite a change, but a worthwhile one.” We’ll look forward to her memoir. To support the Judaic studies program and students like Megan, please contact Jenn Knudsen, associate director of Development, at 503-725-2305.

Winners once again This season, PSU’s volleyball team won the Big Sky tournament for the second time in three years. With a 14-2 mark, the Viks took the regular season title, won the tournament on its home court, and went on to the NCAA tournament. Also leaders off the court, the team landed a program record by adding ten players to the Big Sky Conference Fall All-Academic team. The conference recognizes student athletes who have maintained a 3.20 GPA or higher during the season. VIKING ATHLETIC FUND: Gifts from individuals and businesses to the Viking Athletic Fund (VAF) support Portland State’s broad-based intercollegiate athletics program, serving over 300 student athletes each year. 46

In 2010, 800 individuals, corporations and organizations donated over $600,000 to the VAF. Interested in donating to the Viking Athletic Fund? Contact Zack Wallace, director of Development, at 503-725-5607.


Giving to PSU in 2010

Contributions to support Portland State’s students, faculty, academic programs, research, facilities, and community partnerships totaled $11,970,000.

Corporations, Foundations, and Organizations, 56% Friends of PSU, 24%

Over 900 promising Portland State undergraduate and graduate students received a total of $1,491,593 in scholarship support from funds contributed by generous donors.

Alumni, 16% Faculty and Staff, 3% Parents, 1%

The PSU Foundation’s permanent endowment grew to $37,904,126 as of December 31. 84% of donors who renewed their gifts in 2010 gave as much or more than they gave in 2009. In 2010, 2,229 donors gave to PSU for the first time.


Allocations of funds College/Department Support, 33% Other Programs, 27% Capital Projects, 15%

The President’s Circle has continued to grow both in total dollars raised and number of members since its inception. These gifts enable President Wiewel to support areas of greatest need and take advantage of opportunities that advance PSU.

Student Scholarships, 13% Unrestricted, 8% Faculty Support, 2% Research, 2%

There are many ways to give Ou t r i gh t g i f t s :

O n l i n e d o n at i o n s a r e e a s y a s 1 , 2 , 3 !

C o n tac t a D e v e l o p m e n t Off i c e r

An outright gift of cash goes to work immediately for PSU, either as a one-time resource for current University needs or as an endowment to produce ongoing income. These gifts have an instant impact and are simple to arrange.

Step 1: Designate your gift to your favorite college, program or scholarship

Department of Athletics Zack Wallace 503-725-5607 [email protected]


Step 3: Make your gift

Step 2: Tell us about yourself so that we can credit your gift properly

School of Business Administration Kristin Mihalko 503-725-3766 [email protected]

By spreading payments over a period of time, pledges allow you to make larger commitments at a manageable pace.

G i f t s o f A pp r e c i at e d P r o p e r t y:

c o n tac t u n i v e r s i t y d e v e l o p m e n t

Sometimes called gifts-in-kind, these contributions can take many forms, including real estate, art, equipment or books.

Vice President for University Advancement Françoise Aylmer 503-725-5037 [email protected]

Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Debbie Hutchins 503-725-8135 [email protected]

Associate Vice President for Development Catherine Faris 503-725-8797 [email protected]

School of Fine and Performing Arts Judith Minton 503-725-3396 [email protected]

Assistant Vice President, Major Gifts Kristin Coppola 503-725-8799 [email protected]

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Paul Mortimer 503-725-9894 [email protected]

48 Mat ch i n g g i f t s :

You may qualify to double your gift to PSU with help from your employer. Many companies match employees’ gifts to nonprofit organizations. Check with your employer’s human resources department to see if they offer this type of program. Planned giving:

Many opportunities to leave a legacy also enable you to increase your income and reduce your tax liability. Planned gifts include charitable bequests provided in a will, gifts of life insurance, annuities, trusts and gifts of IRA’s. T r i bu t e + M e m o r i a l g i f t s :

Gifts made through any of the methods described above are a thoughtful way to honor or memorialize a loved one.

Director of Annual Giving Melinda Petersen 503-725-8212 [email protected] Director of Gift Planning Mary Anne Rees 503-725-5086 [email protected]

Graduate School of Education Sandy Wiscarson 503-725-4789 [email protected]

University Library Jennifer Wilkerson 503-725-4509 [email protected] School of Social Work Aaron Pearlman 503-725-8020 [email protected] College of Urban and Public Affairs Trish Hamilton 503-725-5209 [email protected]


We’ve got references B EST NEI G H B OR U NI V ERSITY


Portland State was ranked ninth among the top 25 in a survey naming the Best Neighbor colleges and universities in the United States. The Saviors of Our Cities ranked academic institutions that have demonstrated and documented longstanding cooperative efforts with community leaders to rehabilitate the cities around them, to influence community revitalization and cultural renewal, and to encourage economic expansion of the local economy, urban development, and community service.

Enrollment for fall 2010 29,818 Degrees awarded 2009-2010 5,207 Alumni 126,000+ (60 percent reside in the Portland metro area)

bu s i n e s s s ch o o l h o n o r e d b y p r i n c e t o n r e v i e w


PSU’s School of Business Administration is one of the 16 graduate schools of business chosen by the Princeton Review for its list, “Business Schools Best for ‘Green Business’ Education.” Princeton Review surveyed 325 graduate schools of business on their academics, curricula, campus policies and student services related to sustainability, social responsibility and the environment. U P - A ND - C OMIN G

Portland State was ranked seventh among Up-and-Coming national universities to watch by U.S. News & World Report in its America’s Best Colleges edition. TO P G R A D U ATE S C H OOL

The U.S. News & World Report’s Best Graduate Schools includes top-50 rankings for five graduate programs at Portland State: Environmental Policy and Management (#13), City Management and Urban Policy (#17), Rehabilitation Counseling (#23), School of Social Work (#36), and Public Affairs (#49). B EST C OLLE G E F OR U NDER G R A d u ATE ED U C ATION

The Princeton Review’s “The Best 376 Colleges: 2012 Edition” will include Portland State University as one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduate education. In their opinion, “these are the cream of the crop institutions for undergraduates in America.”

Research expenditures $58.2 million (2009-2010) Community partners 1,000+ Economic impact $1.4 billion contribution (2009-2010) Campus acreage: 49 buildings: 50

University Advancement – New name, new mission On September 1, 2010, Portland State welcomed Françoise Aylmer, vice president for University Advancement, to campus to lead the University’s development and alumni relations efforts. She is charged by President Wim Wiewel with promoting the University’s mission, building relationships and generating external support for programs throughout campus. Aylmer came to PSU from California State University, San Bernardino, where she directed development, alumni affairs and legislative relations. One of Aylmer’s first actions at Portland State was to refocus the mission and identity of her division. The new Office of University Advancement is responsible for building a culture of philanthropy both inside and outside of the University to increase private funding. “Every dollar contributed to PSU creates an opportunity and changes a life,” said Aylmer. “Now, more than ever, we need to find people who understand that connection and are willing to invest in education.” Aylmer’s vision for University Advancement calls for large numbers of the University’s constituents to move to extraordinary levels of engagement, advocacy and financial support, a goal she sees as eminently achievable. “I have met incredibly dedicated donors, alumni, volunteers, and staff since coming to Portland State. It is a privilege to be part of such a vibrant, progressive campus, and I am excited to lead a team which will sustain PSU’s excellence through increased and critically needed private support.”

Françoise Aylmer, Vice President for University Advancement

Thank you Portland State University is grateful for every donation, large and small. Your support makes a difference to our students, faculty and staff every day. If you would like more information about giving to PSU, please visit our website at or call 503-725-8212. This annual Honor Roll of Donors is based on gifts received between January 1 to December 31, 2010.


We do our very best to ensure the accuracy of all names listed in our annual report, and we sincerely apologize if we have inadvertently misspelled or omitted the name of any donor. If we have made an error, please let us know by calling 503-725-5078; accuracy is important to us, and we greatly appreciate the opportunity to correct our records. Due to space limitations, we are unable to list the names of all of the individuals and organizations who contributed to Portland State in the 2010 calendar year. We are pleased to list all of our donors at

Volunteer leadership Portland State University is profoundly grateful for the dedication of our volunteer leadership. Their expertise, advocacy and vision benefit all those we serve.

Douglas Goe Partner in charge Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

Pete Nickerson Co-founder and Director Growth-Link Overseas Company

Ray Guenther, ‘83 Community Leader

P S U F o u n d at i o n B o a r d

Tom Imeson Public Affairs Director Port of Portland

John Petersen President Melvin Mark Capital Group, LLC

Susan Alterman Attorney Folawn Alterman & Richardson LLP

Eva Kripalani, ‘83 Consultant and Attorney

Peter Andrews Broker Melvin Mark Brokerage Company

Erik Lawrence Senior Vice President of Investments Paulson Wealth Advisors

Hadi Asgharzadeh President and CEO AZAD, Inc.

Senka Lenn Director of Real Estate and Facilities Management The Regence Group

Tracy Bean, ‘82 Principal Mercer Human Resource Consulting Kimberly Cooper President and CEO Fortuna Group, Inc. Gary Eichman, ‘71 President Oregon Transfer Company Les Fahey, ‘68 Partner Fahey Ventures LLC Tom Fink, ‘71 President Magnacorp Financial Group Marc Fovinci Principal Ferguson Wellman Capital Management

Dolores Leon, ‘70 Community Leader Jack Loacker, ‘67 & ‘77 Community Leader Don Mazziotti Community Development Director City of Beaverton

Azam Qayum, ‘92 President Cascade Property Services, Inc. Jeff Reaves Architect Group Mackenzie Mark Rosenbaum Managing Partner Rosenbaum Financial, LLC David Shafer, ‘72 & ‘78 Retired Partner Ernst & Young Steve Stadum Chief Operating Officer OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Skip Stanaway Vice President and Branch Manager A & I Distributors

Mike McKeel, ‘67 Owner Dr. Michael McKeel, DMD

Peter Stott President Columbia Investments, Ltd.

Mark Miller CEO Miller Family Holdings, LLC

Kenneth Thrasher Chairman Compli Corporation

Jon Mitchell, ‘69 President and CEO Acumentra Health

PSU Alumni A s s o c i at i o n B o a r d Ron Adams, ‘60 Gary Barth, ‘86 Business and Economic Development Director Clackamas County, OR Sarah Bracelin, ‘01 Marketing Consultant Steve Brannan, ‘57 Professor Emeritus, PSU Chris Cooper, ‘06 Project Manager The Standard Aubré Dickson, ‘98 Acquisitions Manager National Equity Fund, Inc. Alan Al” Fitzpatrick, ‘83 Nicole Gallagher, ‘01 Accounts Receivable Manager Martin and Bischoff Jerry Gordon, ‘68 Eric Graham, ‘87 President Montgomery and Graham, Inc. Linda Hamilton, ‘90 Director of Engergy Marketing Shell Engery North America Richard Helzer, ‘62 Attorney Helzer Cromar, LLC

Behzad Hosseini, ‘96 & ‘97 Director of IT Strategy Portland General Electric Shelby Kardas, ‘96 Vice President of Administration World Affairs Council of Oregon David Keys, ‘81 & ‘92 Executive Vice President Norris & Stevens Bill Lemman, ‘47 & ‘05 Executive Vice Chancellor Emeritus Oregon University System Gina Leon, ‘95 Vice President U.S. Bank 53

Karen McCarty, ‘06 Community Volunteer Kendal McDonald, ‘02 Office Manager Applied Archaeological Research Inc. Dan McDonald, ‘91 Senior Program Manager PECI Krishnakumar Regupathy, ‘99 Engineering Technology Development Manager Intel Corporation Rick Watson, ‘00 Consultant Wychus Consultants, LLC John Whearty, ‘91 Attorney MacLaren & Whearty, LLP

University Advancement Portland State University Market Center Building 1600 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 730 Portland, Oregon 97201