Jun 2, 2015 - findings Reichheld and Sasser (1990), a 5 percent increase in customer ... Moreno Melendez (2011) with Sean's model (2005) to develop a ...
ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
The impact of internal marketing on the three-dimensional model of organizational commitment Employees (case study: Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town) Page | 366
Mohammad Heydari, "Corresponding Author", Master of Business Administration in International Business student orientation, Payame Noor University, International Center of Assaluyeh, Iran, Postcode: 3168144444, Telephone number (09195286393, 021_65350056), Mehdi Heydari, Master of Business Administration in International Business student orientation, Payame Noor University, International Center of Assaluyeh, Iran Habibollah Danai, PhD in Business Administration and Professor, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. Zahra Hashemi, Master of Business Administration in marketing student orientation, Payame Noor University, Unit of Tehran West, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: The aim of this study examined the relationship between internal marketing and organizational commitment of on three-dimensional model chain store staff in Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town thought to be one of the factors affecting the quality of services and satisfaction of our customers. In terms of aim of this study is an applied research that data collected is a descriptive survey research. The population of this research is staff in Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town. The present data collected through interviews and questionnaires. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of that values obtained 0/8967. Furthermore, due to the lack of cooperation from the community in response to the questionnaire, only 43 staffs completed questionnaires and were analyzed. Therefore, all analysis was performed on the 43 questionnaire. The questionnaire contains 39 questions. The results showed that the internal marketing and affective commitment and continuous commitment in chain store's Hami in andisheh new town employees thought there was a significant positive correlation but in the latter, hypothesis should be noted that the statistical test result is a trail that leads to the rejection of H0 is the independence of the internal marketing variables and commitment of employees from each other cannot be normative. Keywords: Customer satisfaction, internal marketing, product quality, commitment, chain stores Hami 1. Introduction Committed human forces within an organization besides reducing absences, delays and displacements, caused a significant increase in performance of the organization, mental freshness of the staffs and manifesting both organizational admirable targets and personal goals will be. DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015
ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
Lack of commitment or a low level, negative consequences for the individual and organization had a job, and organizational commitment is an important attitude in recent years the fields of organizational behavior and psychology of particular interest to many researchers in social psychology (RokniNejad, 2007). Furthermore, considering the recent developments in the field Page | 367 of business, including corporate downsizing and mergers have led each group of experts to declare the effect of organizational commitment in the field of management on other important variables such as turnover, absenteeism, unwillingness to stay in organization, deduction in the trust of clients and decrease in income. (Saghrvany, 2009). Internal marketing1 and internal marketing trends in the diagnosis and arouse desires and needs of employees as the prerequisite demands and the needs of the clients. (Lings, 2004) Similarly, Davis (1993) focused on front line staff and the impact of their actions on the quality of service provided to external customer's measure. The results of internal marketing to job satisfaction, improve efficiency and effectiveness and increase organizational commitment to be named. In recent years, organizations have paid much attention to the customer by offering more varied services, the behavior of its employees and to attract and acquire new customers have done which ultimately leads to more profit as well as the survival of most companies or organizations. Along with increased awareness by consumers of telecommunication services in organizations, as well as its affiliated organizations are increasingly sensitive to the quality of service received show. In order to maintain long-term relationships with satisfied customers contacts should know how the factors that attract customers provided. (sanaei2007) Competition in the market due to increased customer focus on revenue and profit. Government in the area of customer service honoring customers with legal requirements, directives or issue instructions is considered. While in the Sale and exclusive services that today there are a lot of social interactions essential customer human dignity and spiritual motives. It is necessary that the neglect of human dignity is tarnished suppliers. (Yahyaeiiliyeh, 2003) What organizations today are up to the customer with intense competition in the business. Failing that as an organization could vanish forever from the competition and impose heavy losses on it. The exclusive services, although earn much easier and somehow guaranteed however, the needs of many customers whom they will be determined assuming the rights of clients. Customer with the backing of faith is not limited to time and at all times, especially in the Islamic civilization by Muslim merchants and traders have been considered. As far as the cultural values of Islam, a branch of science called "Makasib" for people who have shaped economic activity, and attention has been paid. The definition of Islamic attitude of the customer stated: the customer is trying to meet the demands of customers relying on divine law, truth1
Internal marketing (IM)
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ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
oriented, consensual deal, no harm and fairness. Islamic business is customer satisfaction and satisfaction than through the hypocrisy and deception of God and fortunately there is no possibility of achieving it; But customers from the competition began when the supply of goods and services to the growing demand due to mass production. John Meeker owner of a department Page | 368 store in Philadelphia America for the first time in their advertising the phrase "The customer is right" to do that in a short time, it was a good result and British businessmen similar terms such as "customer is king" into space their business. (Yahyaeiiliyeh, 2003) Scientific and business development with the various definitions of customer provided that one of the definitions is as follows: customer orientation and the supply of goods or provision of services with a focus on the production in order to satisfy their customers' needs by providing practical, emotional and applicants logical.According to the definition, it seems that the centrality of the inalienable and inviolable core customers and organizations should strive to reach their goals by providing practical, emotional and logical attract applicants for their consent. (Sajjadi, 1998) Overall, this study seeks to answer these questions: 1. Does the domestic marketing and triangular model of organizational commitment in supporting the new chain store employees thought to be one of the factors affecting the quality of services and satisfaction of customer relationship there? Research questions: The main research question: 1. Did the domestic marketing and emotional commitment of employees store chain support new ideas and there is a significant positive relationship? Secondary research questions: 1. Is the internal marketing staff chain and continuous commitment in supporting new ideas and there is a significant positive relationship? 2. Does the domestic marketing chain and normative staff support new town thought there was a significant positive relationship? Research hypotheses: The main hypothesis of the research: 1. Between internal marketing and emotional commitment of employee's Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town and there is a significant positive relationship. Secondary research hypotheses: DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015
ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
1. Chain between internal marketing staff and continuous commitment employee's Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town there is a significant positive relationship. 2. Chain between internal marketing and normative employee's Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town thought there was a significant positive correlation. Page | 369
2. theory and literature: 2.1 literature: A review of the literature suggests that defines Internal Marketing and Internal Marketing activities contradictory to refer all there. Some content company strives to satisfy the needs of employees, "influencing customers know. (Barry et al., 1976)And others to manage it more effectively serve and communication between colleagues who know the value chain. (Gummesson, 1987)Another issue that arises in connection with IM is that there are many uncertainties in the literature, such as the IM What? What to do? How this will be done and who is supposed to do that? (Rafiq and Ahmed, 2000)for this reason, some organizations have used this concept in action. For Ahmed and Rafiq (2000), internal marketing effort is plannedwhich can be used in marketing as an approach to organizational resistance to change and overcome the alignment, to motivate staffand the strategy to implement effective organizational and functional coordination and coherence between the work of natureup through the process of creating incentives and customer-centric staff to achieve customer satisfaction. Barry (1987) found that everything we know about external applications, such as the use of internal marketing is marketing. Out of the five trends in marketing that managers follow them, and these trends will affect their activities.These trends include production trends, product trends, sales trends, marketing trends and social marketing trends (Kotler, 1931). The Lnyngz in their study (2004) concept of internal marketing trends by looking at the marketing trends as the Internal Marketing Orientation1. Internal marketing trends, such as the orientation of its foreign counterpart is based on three pillars: to gain insight into an internal market, between employees and supervisors to publish this vision and accountability through appropriate strategy's Internal Marketing (Gounaris, 2004)Lings these numbers this explains the tendency of domestic marketing, collection-related activities such as identifying employee's awareness of market value changes in the staff, understanding the labor-market conditions, identify the specific internal division's personable staff and the different needs and designing strategies for domestic customers.Distribution and publication of more communication between managers and employees, on the one hand, and on the other hand, depend on the communication between managers and different organizational levels. The purpose of this communication is twofold: first goal to connect the new marketing 1
Internal Marketing Orientation (IMO)
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ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
strategies and strategic objectives of the company to employees.The second objective is to create an understanding of the needs of employees in the company's managers.Finally response so insight into design jobs in accordance with the needs of employees, adjusted for the bonus scheme according to which, forcing the management to further consider the needs of Page | 370 employeesand provide the necessary training to improve the skills and capabilities required in their job descriptions are concerned. (Lings, 2004) As Gounaris (2004) has a commitment to generating value for its employees through effective management of relationships between employees, supervisors and management refers to the tendency of internal marketing (IMO) organization. It should be noted that increasing the IMO is not a barrier to external orientation or the company's focus on customers. Organizational commitment, like another organizational behavior has been defined in different ways. The most common way of dealing with organizational commitment, that commitment to consider an emotional attachment to the organization. According to this method, a person who is deeply committed to the organization's identity, the organization and membership participation, and it blends really enjoyed it (Saruqi, 1996).Porter et al. (1974), organizational commitment and acceptance of the values of the organization and get involved in their organization and its measurement includes motivation, willingness to proceed and accept the organization's values. Oreilly and Chatman (1968) commitment to support meaningful and emotional continuity objectives and values of an organization, the organization and the values it means (the means to achieve other goals) define (Ranjbarian, 1996). Organizational commitment is a positive or negative attitudes toward the organization (not jobs) that are engaged in work. The strong sense of loyalty to the organization's commitment and through which their organization is recognized (estrone, 1998). Sheldon'scommitment defines the attitude or orientation of the identity of the person associated or affiliated organization. Commitment to counter the social actors willing to grant power and allegiance to the social system knows (From the comment and said Ismaili, 2001).According to Salansyk commitment in the human condition in which a person by their actions and through these actions will believe that to sustain activities.Buchanan's commitment and fanatical kind of emotional attachment to the values and goals of the organization knows, the dependence on the role of the individual in relation to the values and goals of the organization itself apart from its instrumental value (ibid.). It Luthansand Shaw (1992), organizational commitment as a strong desire to stay organized is the attitude, the willingness to exert extra effort for the organization, a strong belief in the values and goals (Iraqi, 1994).Common definition is that the relationship between a person's mental state committed organizations working to determine, decided to stay in the organization or leave it implicit in it (Saruqi, 1996).
DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015
ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
Salajegheh (2001) the most important factors in creating and maintaining organizational commitment in the form of three different levels of job satisfaction, health factors and environmental factors and their relationship with organizational commitment contract test. His findings showed that job satisfaction, health maintenance factors and environmental factors, on Page | 371 the one hand, and the commitment of managers, on the other hand, there is a positive linear relationship. A significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment there. Allen (1996) showed that the members of the delegation on organizational commitment and job decisions are effective. Hrrisonand Hubbord (1998) primary factors in the formation of employee commitment have confirmed. Their results showed that staff face job challenges that managers have been designed by a substantial role in increasing organizational commitment. Who is the customer? Below are a few common definitions of customer is provided:
In the individual customer market culture has the ability and the talent to purchase goods or services have the ability and talent for both the person, and the act of buying is done.The customer perspective of the intelligent and wise people who needs to make a good studyAnd with valuation and taking his talents to select features and deals. The customer is our reason for being employed. The client is a person or entity that directly or indirectly, goods and services to the market. (Mousavi, 2005)
Without a doubt, we can say customers are the most important asset of most organizations. Clients for direct communication with the actions of an organization are a valuable source of opportunities, threats and operational questions related to their respective industry. Today, for economic growth and stay competitive, organizations must important customer and their relationship with the buyers of the goods further increase.New business processes, gain the critical role in customer satisfaction targets allocated to companies, and senior management knows their success in achieving business goals; customer satisfaction is at stake.The role of the banking system as one of the most important economic sectors in society and guidance in relation to absorb liquidity,Providing services to people and clients, active participation in economic development, the distribution of saving's depositors in the form of facilities, etc. It's no secret.Banks, financial services and products to customers, while a host of risks associated with fluctuations in currency and interest rates, credit, capital adequacy and liquidity, and operational risk management, etc. as well. Customer Orientation DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015
ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
The transaction-driven marketing principle's belief that the independence of choice between market participants, a more effective system for creating and distributing marketing provides value. Industrial organizations and policy makers believe that the independence of market participants to choose their trading partners and their freedom to make these choices based on Page | 372 their individual interests in their decisions.This leads to the ability to buy at the lowest cost through bargaining and bidding. However, this belief has been challenged recently in the economic sphere. According to this belief, every transaction, including transaction costs such as search, negotiation and other related activities that rather than reducing the cost of the increase and therefore, productivity for companies involved in the transactions, they fall in productivity associated with. Implementation of relationship marketing believers believed that mutual dependencies reduced transaction costs and improved the quality.In short, better quality at lower cost through mutual dependence among value chain participants is achieved. The purpose of relationship marketing, improve marketing efficiency by achieving effectiveness and merit. Today we are witnessing a fundamental transformation in the way we organize top companies from product-oriented to customer-oriented organizational structures that change is the main factor driving this change is the emergence of the phenomenon known as customer relationship management1. Customer relationship management roots can be traced in relationship marketing. Based on the findings Reichheld and Sasser (1990), a 5 percent increase in customer retention rates can average 35 to 95 percent, resulting in increased customer lifetime value. Reichheld said the following reasons maintenance customers will have benefits for organizations:
Customer acquisition costs may be high, so customers will not be profitable, unless they are preserved for a longer time than now to buy. The result of profits earned from customer retention and loyalty, will help the company cover its costs. With purchases of corporate customers, increased revenues and greater efficiency in providing services to consumers, thus reducing costs. Customers happy and keep (the faithful) will attract other potential customers for the company. Relationships with customers is valuable to them and therefore, loyal customers are less sensitive to price.
Service quality as one of the most important factors determining the success of service organizations in the competitive environment has been seriously. Any decrease in customer satisfaction due to poor quality of service, creating concerns for service organizations. (Haj Karimi, 2009). As one of the most important criteria for evaluating the quality of services is a 1
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
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ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
broad concept that different parts of the organization are committed to it. It aims to raise the efficiency of the entire organization is at minimal cost to enhance competitiveness, so that the entire range of features needed to accommodate customer.Thus, providing quality service to customers in the private and public sector is of strategic issues. The leaders of service Page | 373 organizations recognize that best quality leads to best performance and benefits such as customer loyalty, meet their needs, market share growth and productivity for organizations brings. Quality of services as a lever to create competitive advantage in their work. This would be achieved if the organization knew how customers perceive the quality of their services. The importance of service quality in the company or organization's ability to meet the needs and demands of customers is evident.Companies can through the provision of best practices in order to maintain the quality of services, will benefit from achieving a competitive advantage that could lead to customer satisfaction. This can result in various benefits for the company guarantee. Many companies and organizations, such as the creation of a strong relationship between company and customer, providing a good basis for the activities of repurchase; to encourage customer loyalty, improve and develop the company by word of mouth, making the company's good reputation the minds of customers, increase company profits through advertising in mind. Therefore, companies must recognize the strategic importance of service quality. Continuous improvement of quality is expensive in the long run. It's an investment that will create more profits (Hussain et al, 2014). Key indicators of success Moreno Melendez (2011) with Sean's model (2005) to develop a comprehensive model focused on customer relationship management. They both used the same criteria for measuring the success of CRM is the key to success: financial results and marketing results. Customer relationship management can be considered part of relationship marketing that deals with the management of interactions with customers. The first step to implementing customer relationship management in the assessment of organizational issues related to customer relationship management, otherwise every effort to establish customer relationship management in the organization will be futile. The term Customer Relationship Management has become a slogan of the day; however, there are different views about customer relationship management.Study of numerous texts that any of researchers have studied it from a certain point of view, for example, breast and others believe customer relationship management at the tactical level is considered as database marketingat the strategic level and contribute to the preservation of clients in the harvest, and at the theoretical level, a marketing research paradigm is emerging.In recent years, companies are paying more attention because they understand the concept of customer relationship management, customer relationship plays a key role in their success. Customer Relationship Management on Customer Knowledge Management, to better understand our customers and provide better service to them.Identify valuable customer knowledge is a complex task because of the large volume of knowledge-based customer DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015
ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
relationship management processes and, as one of the fundamental processes that determine the ability of learning and organizational innovation. The enterprises to implement successful customer relationship management required a redesign of the organization and implementation of its value chain with demand. The organizational factors such as strategy, structure and Page | 374 business processes for the implementation of customer relationship management are all in need of transformation.Sin and et al say many customer-centric activities would not be possible without the appropriate technology. In fact, technology companies to provide customized services with higher quality and lower cost enabled. Since the purpose of customer relationship management offering continuous improvement to the customer and the customer relationship management is one of the most important issues in management research. The most important aspects of customer relationship management are: customer orientation, knowledge management and technology to establish a customer relationship management. In other studies the addition of macro-organizational factors mentioned. Customer orientation as well as the focus on key clients, including marketing and customer-centric, customer lifetime value, product customization and interactive marketing (to maintain long-term relationships with the buyer).The customer-centric, focusing on key customers, customization, long-term relationships with buyers,knowledge management (KM), customer relationship management (CRM) technology and organizational macro factors as the success of customer relationship management in the organization have been identified. Today, behavior and communication with the customer in every organization and institution of commerce and trade, and strengthen effective step to keep pace with scientific advances and new achievements of mankind, to achieve prosperity and success in work, customer satisfaction, increase staff morale and, ultimately, business school is profit for a financial institution or business. Without a doubt, we can say customers are the most important asset of most organizations.Clients for direct communication with the actions of an organization, a valuable source of opportunities, threats and operational questions related to their respective industry. Thus, it is necessary to organize a system to attract and retain customers is to design and implement a system that can manage a good relationship between the organization and customers. Therefore, customer relationship management, has the capabilities to keep organization's competitive edge and achieve the competitive advantage. Today's competitive advantage lies in having more customers; more profitable, more loyal and more knowledgeable and successful presence in dynamic markets should also be considered customers, so understanding the process of gaining competitive advantage through customer relationship management as an organizational effort necessary. It seems.Despite the emergence of Customer Relationship Management or CRM from the 90s, this issue continues to be a key tool for business management is (Ngai, 2005), as well as research on CRM significantly increased in the past few yearssuccessful After reviewing the literature on the concept of CRM can be no consensus on the conceptual framework of the concept of CRM is not specified. Despite the numerous benefits that CRM offers but still a large number of studies have shown a high rate of success in implementing this type of strategy (St. Martin et al., 2015). The DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015
ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
need to review key aspects of CRM includes manufacturing, CRM, and customer-oriented organizational factors that determine the successful implementation of CRM there. In summary, it can be said: CRM deployment is not easy! Not fast! Not cheap! However, it is not optional! Page | 375
So what is certain is that in today's world due to the role of the customer in the world, need to properly manage customer relationships in organizations makes more sense than ever. Putting the customer at the center of all its activities had been feeling. According to Cutler, the client part of the intangible assets of organizations that are not financial balance sheets and led to neglect their organization's managers and executives. As always, less than the demand and supply in the market, in the process of the market, the manufacturer and seller would play a major role and what was of interest to the buyer, his expectations and preferences;Today, with the competitiveness of this industry is changing to the customer.According to customer care as one of the critical elements of a company's customer relationship management focus to this element can be considered for the following reasons the use of CRM in the company's needs: to improve service, customer satisfaction, reduce costs and communicate person to person, even with millions of customers. Providing better customer satisfaction not lose. New business processes, gain customer satisfaction important place in their assigned targets companies with regard to the importance of customer satisfaction and loyalty in most of the market share, customer relationship management as a tool for organizations looks forward to increasing their profitability. The customer relationship management, enabling organizations to provide better service to customers through automated and integrated processes for collecting and processing customer data is actually three customer service management, marketing and sales management information to each other makes.
Moreno Melendez (2011): The two researchers integrated framework of factors affecting the success of customer relationship management (not only knowledge but also technological factors, organizational factors, customer focus and experience (CRM) with respect to the mediating role of organizational factors. Sin et al (2011): The purpose of development measure was valid for CRM, in particular, to examine four key dimensions of CRM include: customer focus, organization, knowledge management and CRM technology began. Components intended for the customer are: customer-focused marketing, identifying key customer lifetime value, personalization and interactive marketing. Organizational structure, commitments of resources and human-resource management as a key component of the organization were considered. Learning and knowledge creation, dissemination and sharing of knowledge and knowledge as well as the accountability component of knowledge management was introduced. The three investigators to examine the results of financial and marketing aspects of their CRM implementation.
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Page | 376
2.2 Background Research: 1. Papasolomou (2006) in a study as how internal marketing bureaucratic structures showed that the effects of internal marketing bureaucratic structures may be reversed. 2. Papasolomou and Vrontis (2006) as the impact of internal marketing on brand management showed that internal marketing could create a distinctive brand. 3. Hwang and Chi (2005) in a study entitled impact on employee satisfaction and organizational performance showed that internal marketing, internal marketing and significant positive effect on satisfaction and performance. 4. Keller, Lynch, Ellinger, Ozment, and Calantone (2006) of the bed as the impact on employee satisfaction and customer-oriented internal market showed a significant positive effect on the internal market and the customer is satisfied. 5. Rafiq Ahmad and year (2003) in a study entitled impact of internal marketing on organizational performance that merits a mediator between internal marketing and performance.
3. Develop hypotheses and model: Emotional commitment represents the emotional attachment people to identify with the organization and engaging in corporate activities. The results indicate that the third commitment affective commitment is more related to a desire to increase its turnover, and the turnover rates tend to be lower. (Tett RP & Meyer JP, 1993 Summers)
Emotional commitment
Improve and develop
Internal Marketing
Continuous commitment
Normative commitment
Figure 1: conceptual model DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015
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4. Methodology: The aim of this study is an applied research that has been gathering data descriptive survey. The Page | 377 population of the investigation staff supporting the chain of thought is new. The present data collected through interviews and questionnaires.Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the reliability of the values obtained 8967/0, which indicates that the questionnaire is of good reliability. Furthermore, due to the lack of cooperation from the community in response to the questionnaire, only 43 staffs completed questionnaires and were analyzed. Therefore, all analysis was performed on the 43 questionnaire.
5. Data analysis In the present study, the variables into two categories exogenous variables (internal market) and endogenous variables (organizational commitment) are divided. Confirmatory factor analysis shows second internal marketing, and observer, there is a correlation between latent variables. Amount equal to 4/15 andRoot Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA1) index value is equal to 0/274. As a result, the validity of the questionnaire in relation to the dimensions and internal marketing is confirmed.
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
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Figure 2: The standard estimate exogenous variable Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the first-order variable emotional commitment between latent variable emotional commitment and observers that there is a correlation. Amount equal to 5/4 and RMSEA index value is equal to 0/324.
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Figure 3: The standard estimate Emotional commitment Confirmatory factor analysis variable first continuous commitment shows that the correlation between latent variable continuous commitment and observers there. The amount is 4/4 times more than RMSEA index value is equal to 0/285.
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Page | 380
Figure 4: The standard estimate Continuous commitment Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the first-order variable normative commitment latent variable normative commitment and observers that there is a correlation. The amount is 4/5 times more than the value of RMSEA is equal to 0/307.
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Figure 5: The standard estimate Normative commitment
6. Conclusion In summary, the results of research hypotheses were as follows: The main hypothesis of the research: "Between internal marketing and emotional commitment of employee's Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town and there is a significant positive relationship." KendallandSpearmancorrelation0/208to0/287andthepvalue0/031.Bothstatisticsshowapositivecorrelationordirect,soitcanbeconcludedthathighemotional commitmentorviceversabetweenthecomplianceandinternalmarketingtrendforthepair.There.Inothe rwords,whatevertheinternalmarketmoreemphasisoncomplianceisexpectedtobeemployeesoftheorg anizationhaveahigheremotionalcommitment.However,thepossibilityofsequenceinthetwotestswasg reaterthan0/05andtheresultisnotstatisticallysignificant,butbothteststoshowpositiverelationship. Secondary research hypotheses: "Chain between internal marketing staff and continuous commitment employee's Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town there is a significant positive relationship."
DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015
ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
Kendall and Spearman correlation 0/347 to 0/466 and the p-value 0/002. Both statistics show a positive correlation or direct, so it can be concluded that between the internal marketing compliance and continuing commitment above trend for a couple or vice versa. There. In other words, is a much stronger company in the domestic market also improved employee continuous Page | 382 commitment and internal marketing. However, are weaker than Thdmstmr employees will be lower. "Chain between internal marketing and normative employee's Chain stores Hami in andisheh new town thought there was a significant positive correlation." Kendall's correlation equal to -0/045 and Spearman correlation -0 / 074 and the p-value 0/704. Statistical Results of the above leads to the rejection of H0 are not. The test sequence will have the same result and having Kendall's correlation against -0/045 and Spearman correlation -0 / 074, and the p-value 0/352 can be a reason for rejecting the assumption of independence and internal marketing variables H0 there is no normative commitment. Statistical test results are a trail that leads to the rejection of H0 is the independence of the internal marketing variables and commitment of employees from each other cannot be normative. Suggestions: Given the direct relationship and Emotional commitment and confirmed positive internal marketing and internal marketing and Continuous commitment of the organization should be two-way relationshipby focusing on aspects of internal marketing and staff actions and outputs and in particular the commitment.Among the actions that can be used to strengthen domestic marketing of value changes in staff awareness, understanding labor market conditions,understanding the internal divisions based on characters and asked staff and design of strategies for internal clients.According to the vision also makes the staff quality services to individual and organizational performance is seen as a target and try to take steps to improve it.It should be noted that Improve and develop employees' ability to provide appropriate services affected employees and staff skills and the ability to provide appropriate services in line with customer needs seen to move.It also makes targeted rewards and increases the reward that staff providing good service to customers and communicate with customer's pleasure and also the perception of being able to provide effective services. References: A. G. Moreno, A. Padilla-Meléndez, (2011). Analyzing the impact of knowledge management on CRM success: The mediating effects of organizational factors, International Journal of Information Management, 31, 444-437.
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ISSN: 2277-5536 (Print); 2277-5641 (Online)
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DAV International Journal of Science Volume-4, Issue-2 June 2015