tHe ImPaCt of organIsatIonal Culture on ProduCtIVItY

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Department of Operations Management. Tshwane University of ..... The reliability for all forty-six ..... analysis. 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Hartnell, C.A., Ou, Y. & Kiniki, A. 2011. ... documents/publication/wcms_337069.pdf. Jagoda, K.
THE IMPACT OF ORGANISATIONAL CULTURE ON PRODUCTIVITY: A CASE STUDY IN THE CABLE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY T.T. Munyai Department of Operations Management Tshwane University of Technology Pretoria, South Africa K.S. Nyakala Department of Operations Management Tshwane University of Technology Pretoria, South Africa C. Mbohwa Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment University of Johannesburg Johannesburg, South Africa ABSTRACT Organisational culture literature has long argued that productivity improvement is a key strategic requirement of successful manufacturing organisational performance. It is argued that managers can provide key information to employees to assist them to make better decisions, and ensure improvement in operations and customer satisfaction. This paper sought to identify and establish the impact of organisational culture support towards improving productivity in the South African cable manufacturing industry. The study focused on the impact of organisational culture success factors such as productivity, competitiveness, values and beliefs, organisational performance, traditional manufacturing practices and knowledge management. The research adopted a quantitative survey research method. A survey was conducted with 81 respondents from South African cable manufacturing organisations, employing a survey instrument validated in previous research. Shop-floor employees and managers of cable manufacturing organisations who were directly involved in cable manufacturing processes were the respondents in this study. The results offer a deeper understanding of the organisational culture strategies for improving productivity. Descriptive statistics were analysed using percentages, frequencies, standard deviations and arithmetic

means. Multiple regression analysis were was also used to identify the impact of organisational culture as applied to cable manufacturing processes for improvement of productivity and indicated a significant effect of p=0.000 0.80) (Hair, continuous improvement; team work, knowledge Black, Babin & Anderson, 2010). Organisational transfer; transparency openness and trust; risk culture and performance Factor-Items show a taking, innovation, employee relationship with high inter-correlation, and Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of determination, R-Square value of measurement of reliability, relevancy and validity. 69.1% as shown in in Table 5, regression model summary below. The results under Table 3, Multiple regression analysis and analysis of Summary of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), variances the resulted in Ho is rejected in favour of H1, Application of the F-test was conducted using statistically significant, with p-value of less than Analysis of Variance with productivity as the 0.05 support the relation between productivity and dependent variable and organisational culture organizational culture. The coefficients effective as the independent variable (Values and communication, continuous improvement, belief, Communication, Commitment to set team work, knowledge transfer, are found to be goals, Continuous improvement, Team work, significant in the model based on p-value of less Knowledge transfer, Transparency, openness than 0.05 depicted in Table 4. Even though other and trust, Risk taking, Innovation, Employee factor relating to cable manufacturing culture are relationship) from the rotated component matrix. not significant statistically, they form part of the The significance level of the F test of p