The Impact of the Mountain Pass Theory in Nonlinear ...

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kvtk И 1 and hjY vti hx├Y vti Y for any j P Bg└ea2 and for every x├ P W(t). Hence, for each x├ P W(t), hx├Y vti ! sup. jPBg└ea2. hjY vti И g └ ea2 X. Since W ...
Bollettino U. M. I. (9) III (2010), 000-000

The Impact of the Mountain Pass Theory in Nonlinear Analysis: a Mathematical Survey PATRIZIA PUCCI - VICENTÎIU RAÆDULESCU Dedicated to Antonio Ambrosetti on the occasion of his 65th birthday

Abstract. - We provide a survey on the mountain pass theory, viewed as a central tool in the modern nonlinear analysis. The abstract results are illustrated with relevant applications to nonlinear partial differential equations.

1. - Introduction. The mountain pass theorem of A. Ambrosetti and P. Rabinowitz [2] is a result of great intuitive appeal which is very useful to find the critical points of functionals, particularly those that occur in the theory of ordinary and partial differential equations. The original version of A. Ambrosetti and P. Rabinowitz corresponds to the case of mountains of positive altitude. Their proof relies on some deep deformation techniques developed by R. Palais and S. Smale [25, 26], who put the main ideas of the Morse theory into the framework of differential topology on infinite dimensional manifolds. H. Brezis and L. Nirenberg provided in [5] a simpler proof which combines two major tools: Ekeland's variational principle and the pseudogradient lemma. Ekeland's variational principle is the nonlinear version of the Bishop-Phelps theorem and it may be also viewed as a generalization of Fermat's theorem. The case of mountains of zero altitude is due to P. Pucci and J. Serrin [28, 29, 31]. In many nonlinear problems we are interested in finding solutions as stationary points of some associated ``energy'' functionals. Often such a mapping is unbounded from above and below, so that it has no maximum or minimum. This forces us to look for saddle points, which are obtained by minimax arguments. In such a case one maximizes a functional f over a closed set A belonging to some family G of sets (a rigorous definition of this set of ``paths'' G will be provided in relation (3)) and then one minimizes with respect to the set A in the family. Thus, it is natural to define …1†

c ˆ inf sup f (u) : A2G u2A



Under various hypotheses, one tries to prove that this number c is a critical value of f , hence there is a point u such that f (u) ˆ c and f 0 (u) ˆ 0. Indeed, it seems intuitively obvious that c defined in (1) is a critical value of f . However, this is not true in general, as showed by the following example in the plane: let f (x; y) ˆ x2 (x 1)3 y2 . Then (0; 0) is the only critical point of f but c is not a critical value. Indeed, looking for sets A lying in a small neighborhood of the origin, then c > 0. This example shows that the heart of the matter is to find appropriate conditions on f and on the family G. One of the most important minimax results is the so-called mountain pass theorem. In this result one considers a function f : X ! R of class C 1 , where X is a real Banach space. It is assumed that f satisfies the following geometric conditions: (H1) there exist two numbers R > 0 and c0 2 R such that f (u)  c0 for every u 2 SR :ˆ fv 2 X; kvk ˆ Rg; (H2) f (0)5c0 and f (e)5c0 for some e 2 X with kek > R. With an additional compactness condition of Palais-Smale type it then follows that the function f has a critical point u0 2 X n f0; eg. With critical value c  c0 . In essence, this critical value occurs because 0 and e are low points on either side of the mountain SR , so that between 0 and e there must be a lowest critical point, or mountain pass. Condition (H2) signifies that the mountain should have positive altitude. P. Pucci and J. Serrin [28, 29] proved that the mountain pass theorem continues to hold for a mountain of zero altitude, provided it also has nonzero thickness. In addition, if c ˆ c0 , then the ``pass'' itself occurs precisely on the mountain. Roughly speaking, P. Pucci and J. Serrin showed that the mountain pass theorem still remains true if (H1) is strengthened a little, to the form (H1)0 there exist real numbers c0 ; R; r such that 05r5R and f (u)  c0 for every u 2 A :ˆ fv 2 X; r5kvk5Rg, while hypothesis (H2) is weakened and replaced with (H2)0 f (0)  c0 and f (e)  c0 for some e 2 X with kek > R. The geometrical interpretation will be roughly described in the sequel. Denote by f the function which measures the altitude of a mountain terrain and assume that there are two points in the horizontal plane L1 and L2 , representing the coordinates of two locations such that f (L1 ) and f (L2 ) are the deepest points of two separated valleys. Roughly speaking, our aim is to walk along an optimal path on the mountain from the point (L1 ; f (L1 )) to (L2 ; f (L2 )) spending the least amount of energy by passing the mountain ridge between the two valleys. Walking on a path (g; f (g)) from (L1 ; f (L1 )) to (L2 ; f (L2 )) such that the maximal altitude along g is the smallest among all such continuous paths connecting



(L1 ; f (L1 )) and (L2 ; f (L2 )), we reach a point L on g passing the ridge of the mountain which is called a mountain pass point. As pointed out by H. Brezis and F. Browder [3], the mountain pass theorem ``extends ideas already present in Poincare and Birkhoff''. We refer to the books by A. Ambrosetti and A. Malchiodi [1], M. Ghergu and V. RaÆdulescu [16], Y. Jabri [18], A. KristaÂly, V. RaÆdulescu, and Cs. Varga [21], J. Mawhin and M. Willem [24], P. Rabinowitz [35], M. Schechter [39], M. Struwe [41], M. Willem [42], and W. Zou [43] for relevant applications of the mountain pass theory. This survey paper is organized as follows. In the next section we prove the mountain pass theorem with arguments relying on the deformation lemma. Section 3 contains a proof of Ekeland's variational principle, a central tool in a more recent proof of the mountain pass theorem, which is due H. Brezis and L. Nirenberg [5]. Section 4 is devoted to the mountain pass theorem in a nonsmooth setting. We start this section with some basic properties of locally Lipschitz functionals, such as directional derivative and Clarke generalized gradient. Next, we are concerned with the proofs of the mountain pass theorem both for positive altitude and for mountains of zero altitude. In this respect we deduce by means of variational arguments the Ambrozetti-Rabinowitz, the Pucci-Serrin, and the Ghoussoub-Preiss theorems. Section 5 includes three relevant applications to PDEs of the mountain pass theorem: the subcritical LaneEmden equation, a perturbed Lane-Emden equation with sign-changing solution, and a bifurcation problem.

2. - A deformation approach of the mountain pass theorem. We start with a simplified approach of the original setting of the mountain pass theorem, as introduced by A. Ambrosetti and P. Rabinowitz [2]. It relies on a version of the deformation lemma. Let X be a real Banach space and assume that f : X ! R is a function of class C 1 satisfying the following assumption: there exists an open neighborhood N of some e0 2 X and there are e1 62 N and c0 2 R such that …2†

maxff (e0 ); f (e1 )g5c0  f (u)

for all u 2 @N :

Next, we consider the family P of all continuous paths p : [0; 1] ! X joining e0 and e1 , that is, p(0) ˆ e0 and p(1) ˆ e1 . Denote …3†

c :ˆ inf max f (p(t)) : p2P t2[0;1]

Since each path p 2 P crosses the boundary of N , we have max f ( p(t))  c0 , t2[0;1]

hence c  c0 . In fact, in the original version of the mountain pass theorem it is



assumed that the mountain has positive altitude, that is, …4†

c > maxff (e0 ); f (e1 )g :

The number c defined by relation (3) is an ``approximate critical value'' of the functional f . The sense of this notion appears in the following version of the mountain pass theorem. THEOREM 1. - Assume that f 2 C 1 (X; R) satisfies condition (4). There there exists a sequence (un ) in X such that …5†

f (un ) ! c and

k f 0 (un )kX  ! 0

as n ! 1:

We refer to Figure 1 for a geometric illustration of Theorem 1.

Fig. 1. - Mountain pass landscape between ``villages'' e0 and e1 .

In order to assert that c is really a critical value of f it has become very standard to assume the following compactness condition, originally introduced by R. Palais and S. Smale [26]: the function f is said to satisfy the Palais-Smale condition (PS)a at level a 2 R provided that ( any sequence (un ) in X such that f (un ) ! a and k f 0 (un )kX  ! 0 has a convergent subsequence. If we now assume that Palais-Smale condition (PS)c is fulfilled with c defined in relation (3), we obtain the following version of the mountain pass theorem with compactness assumption.



THEOREM 2. - Assume that f 2 C 1 (X; R) satisfies conditions (4) and (PS)c . There the number c defined in (3) is a critical value of f . The proof of Theorem 1 relies on a version of the deformation lemma, which is obtained by applying the following pseudo-gradient lemma. LEMMA 1. - Let M be a metric space and assume that F : M ! X  n f0g is a continuous function. Then, for any e > 0, there exists a continuous function v : M ! X such that for all x 2 M, …6†

kv(x)k  (1 ‡ e) kF(x)k

and hF(x); v(x)i  kF(x)k2 :


PROOF. - Fix x 2 M. Then there exists z 2 M such that kzk5(1 ‡ e) kF(x)k and hF(x); zi > kF(x)k2 : Now, for fixed z and using the continuity of F, we deduce that these relations S N x . Thus, by hold true for a whole open neighborhood N x of x. But M ˆ x2M

Theorem 5.3 in Dugundji [11], there exists a locally finite subcovering Uj of M with associated zj . Set rj :ˆ dist (x; M n Uj ). Then the mapping rj is continuous, rj  0 on M n Uj , and (Wj ) is a partition of unity associated to the covering (Uj ), where rj (x) : Wj (x) :ˆ P rk (x) k

Then the mapping v : M ! X defined by X v(x) ˆ Wj (x)zj j

satisfies relations (6) and (7).


If F : X ! R is an arbitrary function and a 2 R, we set Fa :ˆ fu 2 X; F(u)  ag : The key point in the proof of Theorem 1 is the following deformation lemma.



LEMMA 2. - Let X be a real Banach space and assume that f : X ! R is a function of class C 1 . Assume that there exist c 2 R, e > 0, and d > 0 such that k f 0 (u)k  d


for all u 2 X with f (u) 2 [c

e; c ‡ e]:

Then there exists a continuous deformation h : [0; 1]  X ! X such that …9†

h(0; u) ˆ 0


for every u 2 X;

h(t; u) ˆ u for every (t; u) 2 [0; 1]  X with f (u) 62 [c h(1; fc‡e=2 )  fc



e; c ‡ e];


PROOF. - Set M :ˆ fu 2 X; c

e5f (u)5c ‡ eg

and M0 :ˆ fu 2 X; c

e=2  f (u)  c ‡ e=2g :

The continuous function h : X ! [0; 1] defined by h(u) :ˆ

dist (u; X n M) dist (u; X n M) ‡ dist (u; M0 )

satisfies h  1 on M0 and h  0 on X n M. 6 0g ! X. According to Lemma 1, there is a pseudo-gradient v : fu 2 X; f 0 (u) ˆ Define the vector field V : X ! X by 8 < h(u) v(u) if u 2 M V (u) :ˆ kv(u)k2 : 0 if u 2 6 M: Then V locally Lipschitz on X and, for any u 2 X, kV (u)k  1=d. Thus, for any fixed u 2 X, the problem ( if t > 0 h0 (t) ˆ V (h(t)) h(0) ˆ u has a unique solution h(t) ˆ h(t; u), defined for all 0  t51. Moreover, h(t; u) ˆ u for all t  0 and every u 2 X n M. We can assume without loss of generality that e 2 (0; 1=4). Then, for all (t; u) 2 [0; 1)  X, 1 h(h(t)) : f 0 (h(t)) ˆ h f 0 (h(t)); V (h(t))i  4 The mapping h has all the required properties.




We now have all ingredients to prove Theorem 1. Arguing by contradiction, we assume that there is no sequence (un ) in X satisfying (5). Thus, there exist e > 0 and d > 0 such that k f 0 (u)k  d

for all u 2 X with c

e5f (u)5c ‡ e:

We can assume without loss of generality that e  1=4, f (e0 )5c e, and f (e1 )5c e. Using the definition of c given in relation (2), we deduce that there is a path p 2 P such that f ( p(t))  c ‡ e=2

for all t 2 [0; 1]:

Thus, by Lemma 2, there is a continuous deformation h satisfying relations (9)(11). Define the path q(t) ˆ h(1; p(t)) for all t 2 [0; 1]. Since q(0) ˆ h(1; e0 ) ˆ e0 , q(1) ˆ h(1; e1 ) ˆ e1 , we deduce that q 2 P. On the other hand, by Lemma 2, q(t) 2 fc e=2 for all t 2 [0; 1], which contradicts our basic assumption (4). This concludes the proof of Theorem 1. p A straightforward argument shows that the conclusions of Lemma 2 still remain true provided that assumption (8) is replaced with the weaker hypothesis: there exist e > 0 and d > 0 such that …12†

(1 ‡ kuk) k f 0 (u)k  d

for all u 2 X with f (u) 2 [c

e; c ‡ e]:

This enables us to show that the conclusion (5) of Theorem 1 can be strengthened to the following Cerami compactness condition (see [6]) …13†

f (un ) ! c


(1 ‡ kun k) k f 0 (un )kX  ! 0

as n ! 1:

More generally, the same conclusions remain true if (1 ‡ kuk) is replaced in relations (12) and (13) with c(kuk), where c : [0; 1) ! [1; 1) is a continuous function satisfying 1 dt ˆ 1: q c(t) 0

3. - Ekeland's variational principle. The following basic theorem is due to I. Ekeland [12, 13]. THEOREM 3. - Let (M; d) be a complete metric space and c : M ! ( 1; 1], c 6 1, be a lower semicontinuous function which is bounded from below. Then the following properties hold true: for every e > 0 and for any z0 2 M there exists z 2 M such that (i) c(z)  c(z0 ) e d(z; z0 ); (ii) c(x)  c(z) e d(x; z), for any x 2 M.



PROOF. - We may assume without loss of generality that e ˆ 1. Define the following binary relation on M: yx

if and only if


c(x) ‡ d(x; y)  0 :

We verify that ``'' is an order relation, that is, (a) x  x, for any x 2 M; (b) if x  y and y  x then x ˆ y; (c) if x  y and y  z then x  z. For arbitrary x 2 M, set S(x) ˆ fy 2 M; y  xg : Let (en ) be a sequence of positive numbers such that en ! 0 and fix z0 2 M. For any n  0, let zn‡1 2 S(zn ) be such that c(zn‡1 )  inf c ‡ en‡1 : S(zn )

The existence of zn‡1 follows by the definition of the set S(x). We prove that the sequence (zn ) converges to some element z which satisfies (i) and (ii). Let us first remark that S(y)  S(x), provided that y  x. Hence, S(zn‡1 )  S(zn ). It follows that, for any n  0, c(zn‡1 )

c(zn ) ‡ d(zn ; zn‡1 )  0 ;

which implies c(zn‡1 )  c(zn ). Since c is bounded from below, it follows that the sequence fc(zn )g converges. We prove in what follows that (zn ) is a Cauchy sequence. Indeed, for any n and p we have …14†

c(zn‡p )

c(zn ) ‡ d(zn‡p ; zn )  0 :

Therefore d(zn‡p ; zn )  c(zn )

c(zn‡p ) ! 0 ;

as n ! 1 ;

which shows that (zn ) is a Cauchy sequence, so it converges to some z 2 M. Now, taking n ˆ 0 in (14), we find c(zp )

c(z0 ) ‡ d(zp ; z0 )  0 :

So, as p ! 1, we get (i). In order to prove (ii), let us choose an arbitrary x 2 M. We distinguish the following situations. CASE 1. - x 2 S(zn ), for any n  0. It follows that c(zn‡1 )  c(x) ‡ en‡1 which implies that c(z)  c(x).



CASE 2. - There exists an integer N  1 such that x 62 S(zn ), for any n  N or, equivalently, c(x) c(zn ) ‡ d(x; zn ) > 0 ; for every n  N : Passing at the limit in this inequality as n ! 1 we find (ii).


COROLLARY 1. - Assume the same hypotheses on M and c. Then, for any e > 0, there exists z 2 M such that c(z)5 inf c ‡ e M

and c(x)  c(z)

e d(x; z) ;

for any x 2 M :

The conclusion follows directly from Theorem 3. The following consequence of Ekeland's variational principle is of particular interest in our next arguments. Roughly speaking, this property establishes the existence of almost critical points for bounded from below C 1 -functionals defined on Banach spaces. In order words, Ekeland's variational principle can be viewed as a generalization of the Fermat theorem which establishes that interior extrema points of a smooth functional are, necessarily, critical points of this functional. COROLLARY 2. - Let E be a Banach space and let c : E ! R be a C 1 function which is bounded from below. Then, for any e > 0, there exists z 2 E such that c(z)  inf c ‡ e

kc 0 (z)kE?  e :



PROOF. - The first part of the conclusion follows directly from Theorem 3. For the second part we have kc 0 (z)kE? ˆ sup hc 0 (z); ui : kukˆ1

But hc 0 (z); ui ˆ lim


c(z ‡ du) c(z) : dkuk

So, by Theorem 3, hc 0 (z); ui  Replacing now u by


u we find hc 0 (z); ui  e ;

which concludes our proof.




We point out that in the setting of Corollary 2, the Ekeland variational principle can also be proved by using the deformation lemma, as in the Willem's book [42]. We give in what follows a variant of Ekeland's variational principle in the case of finite dimensional Banach spaces. We also state an alternative proof, which relies on elementary arguments. THEOREM 4. - Let c : RN ! ( 1; 1] be a lower semicontinuous function, c 6 1, bounded from below. Let xe 2 RN be such that …15†

inf c  c(xe )  inf c ‡ e :

Then, for every h > 0, there exists ze 2 RN such that (i) c(ze )  c(xe ); (ii) kze xe k  h; e (iii) c(ze )  c(x) ‡ kze h by

xk, for every x 2 RN .

PROOF. - Given xe satisfying (15), let us consider W : RN ! ( W(x) ˆ c(x) ‡

e kx h

1; 1] defined

xe k :

By our hypotheses on c it follows that W is lower semicontinuous and bounded from below. Moreover, W(x) ! 1 as kxk ! 1. Therefore there exists ze 2 RN which minimizes W on RN , that is, for every x 2 RN , …16†

c(ze ) ‡

e kze h

xe k  c(x) ‡

e kx h

xe k :

By letting x ˆ xe we find c(ze ) ‡

e kze h

xe k  c(xe ) ;

and (i) follows. Next, since c(xe )  inf c ‡ e, we deduce from the above inequality that kze xe k  h, that is (ii) holds. We infer from (16) that, for every x 2 RN , c(ze )  c(x) ‡

e …kx h

xe k


which is exactly the desired inequality (iii).

xe k†  c(x) ‡

e kx h

ze k; p

The above result shows that, the closer to xe we desire ze to be, the larger the perturbation of c that must be accepted. In practise, a good compromise is to p take h ˆ e. It is striking to remark that the Ekeland variational principle characterizes the completeness of a metric space in a certain sense. More precisely, we have the following property.



THEOREM 5. - Let (M; d) be a metric space. Then M is complete if and only if the following holds: for every lower semicontinuous function c : M ! ( 1; 1], c 6 1, which is bounded from below and for every e > 0, there exists ze 2 M such that (i) c(ze )  inf M c ‡ e, (ii) c(z) > c(ze ) e d(z; ze ), for any z 2 M n fze g. PROOF. - The ``only if'' part follows directly from Corollary 1. For the converse, let us assume that M is an arbitrary metric space satisfying the hypotheses. Let (vn )  M be an arbitrary Cauchy sequence and consider the function f : M ! R defined by f (u) ˆ lim d(u; vn ) : n!1

The function f is continuous and inf f ˆ 0, since (vn ) is a Cauchy sequence. In order to justify the completeness of M it is enough to find v 2 M such that f (v) ˆ 0. For this aim, choose arbitrarily e 2 (0; 1). Now, from our hypotheses (i) and (ii), there exists v 2 M such that f (v)  e and f (w) ‡ e d(w; v) > f (v) ;

for any w 2 M n fvg :

From the definition of f and the fact that (vn ) is a Cauchy sequence we can take w ˆ vk for k large enough such that f (w) is arbitrarily small and d(w; v)  e ‡ h, for any h > 0, because f (v)  e. Using (ii) we obtain that, in fact, f (v)  ek . Repeating the argument we may conclude that f (v)  en , for all n  1 and so f (v) ˆ 0, as required. p

4. - Nonsmooth extensions of the mountain pass theorem. We give in this section several generalizations of the mountain pass theorem in the framework of locally Lipschitz functionals. We are concerned with many nonsmooth extensions of this celebrated result, including in the cases of finite and infinite dimensional linking, presence of symmetries, etc. Theorems 6, 7, and 8 were proved in RaÆdulescu [36]. We start by recalling some basic properties of locally Lipschitz functionals defined on real Banach spaces.

4.1 - Basic properties of locally Lipschitz functionals. Throughout this section, X denotes a real Banach space. Let X  be its dual and, for every x 2 X and x 2 X  , let hx ; xi be the duality pairing between X  and X.



DEFINITION 1. - A functional f : X ! R is said to be locally Lipschitz provided that, for every x 2 X, there exists a neighbourhood V of x and a positive constant k ˆ k(V ) depending on V such that j f (y)

f (z)j  k ky


for each y; z 2 V . The set of all locally Lipschitz mappings defined on X with real values is denoted by Liploc (X; R). DEFINITION 2. - Let f : X ! R be a locally Lipschitz functional and x; v 2 X, v 6ˆ 0. We call the generalized directional derivative of f in x with respect to the direction v the number f (y ‡ h v) f (y) : f 0 (x; v) ˆ lim sup y!x h h&0

We first observe that if f is a locally Lipschitz functional, then f 0 (x; v) is a finite number and …17†

j f 0 (x; v)j  k kvk :

Moreover, if x 2 X is fixed, then the mapping v 7! f 0 (x; v) is positive homogeneous and subadditive, so it is convex continuous. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, there exists a linear map x : X ! R such that for every v 2 X, x (v)  f 0 (x; v) : The continuity of x is an immediate consequence of the above inequality and of (17). DEFINITION 3. - Let f : X ! R be a locally Lipschitz functional and x 2 X. The generalized gradient (Clarke subdifferential) of f at the point x is the nonempty subset @f (x) of X  which is defined by @f (x) ˆ fx 2 X  ; f 0 (x; v)  hx ; vi; for all v 2 Xg : We point out that if f is convex then @f (x) coincides with the subdifferential of f in x in the sense of the convex analysis, that is @f (x) ˆ fx 2 X  ; f (y)

f (x)  hx ; y

xi; for all y 2 Xg :

We list in what follows the main properties of the Clarke gradient of a locally Lipschitz functional. We refer to [7, 8, 10] for further details and proofs. a) For every x 2 X, @f (x) is a convex and s(X  ; X)-compact set. b) For every x; v 2 X, v 6ˆ 0, the following holds f 0 (x; v) ˆ maxfhx ; vi; x 2 @f (x)g :



c) The multivalued mapping x 7! @f (x) is upper semicontinuous, in the sense that for every x0 2 X; e > 0 and v 2 X, there exists d > 0 such that, for any x 2 @f (x) satisfying kx x0 k5d, there is some x0 2 @f (x0 ) satisfying jhx x0 ; vij5e. d) The functional f 0 (; ) is upper semicontinuous. e) If x is an extremum point of f , then 0 2 @f (x). f) The mapping l(x) ˆ min kx k x 2@f (x)

is well defined and lower semicontinuous. g) @( f )(x) ˆ @f (x). h) Lebourg's mean value theorem (see [22]): if x and y are two distinct points in X then there exists a point z situated on the open segment joining x and y such that f (y)

f (x) 2 h@f (z); y

xi :

i) If f has a GaÃteaux derivative f 0 which is continuous in a neighbourhood of x, then @f (x) ˆ ff 0 (x)g. If X is finite dimensional, then @f (x) reduces at one point if and only if f is FreÂchet-differentiable to x. DEFINITION 4. - A point x 2 X is said to be a critical point of the locally Lipschitz functional f : X ! R if 0 2 @f (x), that is f 0 (x; v)  0, for every v 2 X n f0g. A number c is a critical value of f provided that there exists a critical point x 2 X such that f (x) ˆ c. Note that any minimum point is a critical point. Indeed, if x is a local minimum point, then for every v 2 X, 0  lim sup h&0

f (x ‡ h v) h

f (x)

 f 0 (x; v) :

We now introduce a compactness condition for locally Lipschitz functionals. This condition was used for the first time, in the case of C 1 -functionals, by H. Brezis, J.M. Coron and L. Nirenberg [4]. DEFINITION 5. - If f : X ! R is a locally Lipschitz functional and c is a real number, we say that f satisfies the Palais-Smale condition at the level c (in short, (PS)c ) if any sequence (xn ) in X, satisfying f (xn ) ! c and l(xn ) ! 0, contains a convergent subsequence. The mapping f satisfies the Palais-Smale condition (in short, (PS)) if every sequence (xn ), which satisfies ( f (xn )) is bounded and l(xn ) ! 0, has a convergent subsequence.



4.2 - Mountains of positive altitude. Let f : X ! R be a locally Lipschitz functional. Consider K a compact metric space and K  a closed nonempty subset of K. If p : K  ! X is a continuous mapping, set P ˆ fp 2 C(K; X); p ˆ p on K  g : By a celebrated theorem of Dugundji [11], the set P is nonempty. Define …18†

c ˆ inf max f ( p(t)) : p2P t2K

Obviously, c  max f (p (t)). t2K

THEOREM 6. - Assume that c > max f (p (t)) :



Then there exists a sequence (xn ) in X such that i) ii)

lim f (xn ) ˆ c;


lim l(xn ) ˆ 0.


For the proof of this theorem we need the following auxiliary result. 

LEMMA 3. - Let M be a compact metric space and let W : M ! 2X be an upper semicontinuous mapping such that, for every t 2 M, the set W(t) is convex and s(X  ; X)-compact. For t 2 M, denote g(t) ˆ inff kx k; x 2 W(t)g


g ˆ inf g(t) : t2M

Then, for every fixed e > 0, there exists a continuous mapping v : M ! X such that for every t 2 M and x 2 W(t), kv(t)k  1


hx ; v(t)i  g


PROOF. - Assume, without loss of generality, that g > 0 and 05e5g. Denoting by Br the open ball in X  centered at the origin and with radius r then, for every t 2 M we have Bg


\ W(t) ˆ ; :

Since W(t) and Bg e=2 are convex, disjoint and s(X  ; X)-compact sets, it follows from the separation theorem in locally convex spaces (Theorem 3.4 in W. Rudin [38]), applied to the space (X  ; s(X  ; X)), and from the fact that the dual of this



space is X, that: for every t 2 M, there exists vt 2 X such that kvt k ˆ 1

hj; vt i  hx ; vt i ;


for any j 2 Bg e=2 and for every x 2 W(t). Hence, for each x 2 W(t), hx ; vt i  sup hj; vt i ˆ g j2Bg

e=2 :


Since W is upper semicontinuous, there exists an open neighbourhood V (t) of t such that for every t0 2 V (t) and all x 2 W(t0 ), hx ; vt i > g

e: S Therefore, since M is compact and M ˆ t2M V (t), there exists an open covering fV1 ; . . . ; Vn g of M. Let v1 ; . . . ; vn be on the unit sphere of X such that hx ; vi i > g


for every 1  i  n, t 2 Vi and x 2 W(t). If ri (t) ˆ dist(t; @Vi ), define z i (t) ˆ

ri (t) n P rj (t)


v(t) ˆ

n X

z i (t)vi :



A straightforward computation shows that v satisfies our conclusion. This completes the proof of Lemma 3. p PROOF OF THEOREM 6. - We apply Ekeland's variational principle to the functional c( p) ˆ max f (p(t)) ; t2K

defined on P, which is a complete metric space if it is endowed with the metric d( p; q) ˆ max kp(t) t2K

q(t)k ;

for any p; q 2 P:

The mapping c is continuous and bounded from below because, for every p 2 P, c( p)  max f (p (t)) t2K


c ˆ inf c( p); p2P

it follows that for every e > 0, there is some p 2 P such that …20†


c(p) ‡ ed(p; q)  0;

for all q 2 P ;

c  c(p)  c ‡ e :




B(p) ˆ ft 2 K; f ( p(t)) ˆ c( p)g :

For concluding the proof it is sufficient to show that there exists t0 2 B(p) such that l(p(t0 ))  2e : Indeed the conclusion of the theorem follows then easily by choosing e ˆ 1=n and xn ˆ p(t0 ). Applying Lemma 3 for M ˆ B( p) and W(t) ˆ @f (p(t)), we obtain a continuous map v : B( p) ! X such that, for every t 2 B(p) and x 2 @f ( p(t)), we have kv(t)k  1 where


hx ; v(t)i  g


g ˆ inf l(p(t)) : t2B( p)

It follows that for every t 2 B( p), f 0 ( p(t); v(t)) ˆ maxfhx ; v(t)i; x 2 @f ( p(t))g ˆ

minfhx ; v(t); x 2 @f ( p(t))g 

g ‡ e:

By (19) we have B(p) \ K  ˆ ;. So, there exists a continuous extension w : K ! X of v such that w ˆ 0 on K  and, for every t 2 K, kw(t)k  1 : Choose in the place of q in (20) small perturbations qh of the path p: qh (t) ˆ p(t)


where h > 0 is small enough. We deduce from (20) that, for every h > 0, …21†



c(qh )

c(p) h


In what follows, e > 0 will be fixed, while h ! 0. Let th 2 K be such that f (qh (th )) ˆ c(qh ). We may also assume that the sequence (thn ) converges to some t0 , which, obviously, is in B(p). Observe that c(qh )

c(p) h



hw) h


f (p(th )

hw(th )) h

f (p(th ))


It follows from this relation and from (21) that hw(th )) f (p(th )) h f ( p(th ) hw(t0 )) f (p(th )) f (p(th ) ‡  h


f (p(th )

hw(th ))

f (p(th ) h

hw(t0 ))




Using the fact that f is a locally Lipschitz map and thn ! t0 , we find that lim

f (p(thn )


hn w(thn )) f ( p(thn ) hn

hn w(t0 ))

ˆ 0:

Therefore e  lim sup

f (p(t0 ) ‡ zn


where zn ˆ p(thn )

hn w(t0 )) hn

f (p(t0 ) ‡ zn )


p(t0 ). Consequently,

e  f 0 (p(t0 ); w(t0 )) ˆ f 0 (p(t0 ); v(t0 )) 

g ‡ e:

It follows that g ˆ inffkx k; x 2 @f (p(t)); t 2 B(p)g  2e : Taking into account the lower semicontinuity of l, we deduce the existence of some t0 2 B(p) such that l( p(t0 )) ˆ inffkx k; x 2 @f (p(t0 ))g  2e : This concludes the proof.


COROLLARY 3. - If f satisfies the condition (PS)c and the hypotheses of Theorem 6, then c is a critical value of f corresponding to a critical point which is not in p (K  ). The proof of this result follows easily by applying Theorem 6 and the fact that l is lower semicontinuous. p The following result generalizes the classical mountain pass theorem of A. Ambrosetti and P. Rabinowitz. COROLLARY 4. - Let f : X ! R be a locally Lipschitz functional such that f (0) ˆ 0 and there exists v 2 X n f0g so that f (v)  0. Set P ˆ fp 2 C([0; 1]; X); p(0) ˆ 0 and p(1) ˆ vg and c ˆ inf max f ( p(t)) : p2P t2[0;1]

If c > 0 and f satisfies the condition (PS)c , then c is a critical value of f . For the proof of this result it is sufficient to apply Corollary 3 for K ˆ [0; 1], K  ˆ f0; 1g; p (0) ˆ 0 and p (1) ˆ v. p



COROLLARY 5. - Let f : X ! R be a locally Lipschitz mapping. Assume that there exists a subset S of X such that, for every p 2 P, p(K) \ S 6ˆ ; : If inf f (x) > max f (p (t));



then the conclusion of Theorem 6 holds. PROOF. - It suffices to observe that inf max f (p(t))  inf f (x) > max f ( p (t)) :

p2P t2K



Then our conclusion follows directly.


Using now Theorem 6 we may prove the following result, which is originally due to H. Brezis, J.-M. Coron, and L. Nirenberg (see Theorem 2 in [4]): Ãteaux differentiable functional such COROLLARY 6. - Let f : X ! R be a Ga that f 0 : (X; k  k) ! (X  ; s(X  ; X)) is continuous. If f satisfies (19), then there exists a sequence (xn ) in X such that i) ii)

lim f (xn ) ˆ c ;


lim k f 0 (xn )k ˆ 0 :


Moreover, if f satisfies the condition (PS)c , then there exists x 2 X such that f (x) ˆ c and f 0 (x) ˆ 0. PROOF. - Observe first that f 0 is locally bounded. Indeed, if (xn ) is a sequence converging to x0 , then sup jh f 0 (xn ); vij51; n

for every v 2 X. Thus, by the Banach-Steinhaus theorem, lim sup k f 0 (xn )k51 : n!1

For h > 0 small enough and w 2 X sufficiently small we have …22†

j f (x0 ‡ w ‡ h v)

f (x0 ‡ w)j ˆ jhh f 0 (x0 ‡ w ‡ h u v); vij  C h kvk ;

where u 2 (0; 1). Therefore f 2 Liploc (X; R) and f 0 (x0 ; v) ˆ h f 0 (x0 ); vi, by the continuity assumption on f 0 . In relation (22) the existence of C follows from the local boundedness property of f 0 .



Since f 0 is linear in v, we obtain @f (x) ˆ ff 0 (x)g : To conclude the proof, it remains to apply Theorem 6 and Corollary 3.


A very useful result in applications is the following variant of the saddle point theorem of P. Rabinowitz. COROLLARY 7. - Assume that X admits a decomposition of the form X ˆ X1  X2 , where X2 is a finite dimensional subspace of X. For some fixed z 2 X2 , suppose that there exists R > kzk such that inf f (x ‡ z) > max f (x) ;




K  ˆ fx 2 X2 ; kxk ˆ Rg :

Set K ˆ fx 2 X2 ; kxk  Rg; P ˆ fp 2 C(K; X); p(x) ˆ x if kxk ˆ Rg: If c is chosen as in (18) and f satisfies the condition (PS)c , then c is a critical value of f . PROOF. - Applying Corollary 5 for S ˆ z ‡ X1 , we observe that it is sufficient to prove that, for every p 2 P, p(K) \ (z ‡ X1 ) 6ˆ ; : If P : X ! X2 is the canonical projection, then the above condition is equivalent to the fact that for every p 2 P, there exists x 2 K such that P( p(x)

z) ˆ P(p(x))

z ˆ 0:

To prove this claim, we use an argument based on the topological degree theory. Indeed, for every fixed p 2 P we have P  p ˆ Id on K  ˆ @K : Hence d(P  p

z; Int K; 0) ˆ d(P  p; Int K; z) ˆ d(Id; Int K; z) ˆ 1 :

Now, by the existence property of the Brouwer degree, we may find x 2 Int K such that (P  p)(x) which concludes our proof.

z ˆ 0; p



4.3 - Mountains of zero altitude: the Pucci-Serrin theorem. It is natural to ask us what happens if the condition (19) fails to be valid, more precisely, if c ˆ max f ( p (t)) : t2K

The following example shows that in this case the conclusion of Theorem 6 does not hold. EXAMPLE 1. - Let X ˆ R2 ; K ˆ [0; 1]  f0g, K  ˆ f(0; 0); (1; 0)g and let p be the identic map of K  . As locally Lipschitz functional we choose f : X ! R;

f (x; y) ˆ jyj :

Then f satisfies the Palais-Smale condition and c ˆ max f (p (t)) ˆ 0 : t2K

However, f has no critical point. In the smooth framework, the mountain pass theorem in the zero altitude case was proved by P. Pucci and J. Serrin [29] for a functional J : X ! R of class C 1 satisfying the following geometric conditions: (a) there exist real numbers a, r, R such that 05r5R and J(u)  a for every u 2 X with r5kuk5R; (b) J(0)  a and J(v)  a for some v 2 X with kvk > R. Under these hypotheses, combined with the standard Palais-Smale compactness condition, P. Pucci and J. Serrin established the existence of a critical point u0 2 X n f0; vg of J with corresponding critical value c  a. Moreover, if c ˆ a then the critical point can be chosen with r5ku0 k5R. Roughly speaking, the mountain pass theorem continues to hold for a mountain of zero altitude, provided it also has non-zero thickness; in addition, if c ˆ a, then the pass itself occurs precisely on the mountain, in the sense that it satisfies r5ku0 k5R. The following result gives a sufficient condition so that Theorem 6 holds even if (19) fails. THEOREM 7. - Assume that for every p 2 P there exists t 2 K n K  such that f ( p(t))  c. Then there exists a sequence (xn ) in X such that i) ii)

lim f (xn ) ˆ c ;


lim l(xn ) ˆ 0 :




Moreover, if f satisfies the condition (PS)c , then c is a critical value of f . Furthermore, if (pn ) is an arbitrary sequence in P satisfying lim max f ( pn (t)) ˆ c;

n!1 t2K

then there exists a sequence (tn ) in K such that lim f (pn (tn )) ˆ c



lim l(pn (tn )) ˆ 0 :


PROOF. - For every e > 0 we apply Ekeland's variational principle to the perturbed functional c e : P ! R; where

c e (p) ˆ max ( f (p(t)) ‡ ed(t)) ; t2K

d(t) ˆ minfdist (t; K  ); 1g :

If ce ˆ inf c e (p); p2P

then c  ce  c ‡ e : Thus, by Ekeland's variational principle, there exists a path p 2 P such that for every q 2 P, …23†

c e (q)

c e (p) ‡ ed( p; q)  0;

c  ce  c e (p)  ce ‡ e  c ‡ 2e : Denoting Be (p) ˆ ft 2 K; f ( p(t)) ‡ ed(t) ˆ c e (p)g; it remains to show that there is some t0 2 Be (p) such that l( p(t0 ))  2e. Indeed, the conclusion of the first part of the theorem follows easily, by choosing e ˆ 1=n and xn ˆ p(t0 ). Now, by Lemma 3 applied for M ˆ Be (p) and W(t) ˆ @f ( p(t)), we find a continuous mapping v : Be (p) ! X such that, for every t 2 Be (p) and all x 2 @f ( p(t)), kv(t)k  1


hx ; v(t)i  ge

where ge ˆ inf l(p(t)) : t2Be ( p)

On the other hand, it follows by our hypothesis that c e ( p) > max f ( p(t)) : t2K





Be (p) \ K  ˆ ; :

So, there exists a continuous extension w of v, defined on K and such that wˆ0

on K 


kw(t)k  1;

for any t 2 K :

Choose as paths q in relation (23) small variations of the path p: qh (t) ˆ p(t)

h w(t);

for h > 0 sufficiently small. In what follows e > 0 will be fixed, while h ! 0. Let th 2 Be (p) be such that f (q(th )) ‡ ed(th ) ˆ c e (qh ) : There exists a sequence (hn ) converging to 0 and such that the corresponding sequence (thn ) converges to some t0 , which, obviously, lies in Be (p). It follows that e 

e kwk1  f (qh (th ))

c e (qh )


f ( p(th )) h

c e ( p)



f (qh (th )) ‡ ed(th ) h

f (p(th )

h w(th )) h

c e ( p)

f ( p(th ))


With the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 6 we obtain the existence of some t0 2 Be ( p) such that l(p(t0 ))  2e : Furthermore, if f satisfies (PS)c then c is a critical value of f , since l is lower semicontinuous. For the second part of the proof, applying again Ekeland's variational principle, we deduce the existence of a sequence of paths (qn ) in P such that, for every q 2 P, c e2n (q)

c e2n (qn ) ‡ en d(q; qn )  0

and c e2n (qn )  c e2n ( pn )

en d(pn ; qn ) ;

where (en ) is a sequence of positive numbers converging to 0 and (pn ) are paths in P such that c e2n (pn )  c ‡ 2e2n : Applying the same argument for qn , instead of p, we find tn 2 K such that c

e2n  f (qn (tn ))  c ‡ 2e2n



and l(qn (tn ))  2en : We argue that this is the desired sequence (tn ). Indeed, by the Palais-Smale condition (PS)c , there exists a subsequence of (qn (tn )) which converges to a critical point. The corresponding subsequence of ( pn (tn )) converges to the same limit. A standard argument, based on the continuity of f and the lower semicontinuity of l shows that for all the sequence we have lim f (pn (tn )) ˆ c



lim l( pn (tn )) ˆ 0 :


This concludes our proof.


COROLLARY 8. - Let f : X ! R be a locally Lipschitz functional which satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. If f has two different minimum points, then f possesses a third critical point. PROOF. - Let x0 and x1 be two different minimum points of f . 1 CASE 1. - f (x0 ) ˆ f (x1 ) ˆ a. Choose 05R5 kx1 x0 k such that f (x)  a, 2 for all x 2 B(x0 ; R) [ B(x1 ; R). Set A ˆ B(x0 ; R=2) [ B(x1 ; R=2). CASE 2. - f (x0 ) > f (x1 ). Choose 05R5kx1 every x 2 B(x0 ; R). Put A ˆ B(x0 ; R=2) [ fx1 g.

x0 k such that f (x)  f (x0 ), for

In both cases, fix p 2 C([0; 1]; X) such that p (0) ˆ x0 and p (1) ˆ x1 . If K  ˆ (p ) 1 (A) then, by Theorem 7, we obtain the existence of a critical point of f , which is different from x0 and x1 , as we can easily deduce by examining the proof of Theorem 7. p With the same proof as in Corollary 6 one can deduce the following mountain pass property which extends the Pucci-Serrin theorem [29, Theorem 1]. ÃteauxCOROLLARY 9. - Let X be a Banach space and let f : X ! R be a Ga differentiable functional such that the operator f 0 : (X; k  k) ! (X  ; s(X  ; X)) is continuous. Assume that for every p 2 P there exists t 2 K n K  such that f ( p(t))  c. Then there exists a sequence (xn ) in X so that i) ii)

lim f (xn ) ˆ c ;


lim k f 0 (xn )k ˆ 0 :




If, furthermore, f satisfies (PS)c , then there exists x 2 X such that f (x) ˆ c and f 0 (x) ˆ 0.

4.4 - An extension due to Ghoussoub and Preiss. We recall that if f : X ! R is a locally Lipschitz functional, K is a compact metric space, K  is a closed nonempty subset of K, p : K  ! X is a continuous mapping, then c ˆ inf max f ( p(t)) : p2P t2K

We have defined P ˆ fp 2 C(K; X); p ˆ p on K  g : The following result is a strengthened variant of Theorems 6 and 7. The smooth case corresponding to C 1 -functionals is due to N. Ghoussoub and D. Preiss [17]. THEOREM 8. - Let f : X ! R be a locally Lipschitz functional and let F be a closed subset of X, with no common point with p (K  ). Assume that …24†

f (x)  c;

for every x 2 F;

and …25†

p(K) \ F 6ˆ ; ;

for all p 2 P:

Then there exists a sequence (xn ) in X such that i) ii) iii)

lim dist (xn ; F) ˆ 0;


lim f (xn ) ˆ c;


lim l(xn ) ˆ 0 :


PROOF. - Fix e > 0 such that e5 minf1; dist (p (K  ); F)g : Choose p 2 P so that max f ( p(t))  c ‡ e2 =4: t2K

The set K0 ˆ ft 2 K; dist (p(t); F)  eg



is bounded and contains K  . Define P 0 ˆ fq 2 C(K; X); q ˆ p on K0 g : Set h : X ! R;

h(x) ˆ maxf0; e2

e dist (x; F)g :

Define c : P 0 ! R by c(q) ˆ max ( f ‡ h)(q(t)) : t2K

The functional c is continuous and bounded from below. By Ekeland's variational principle, there exists p0 2 P 0 such that for every q 2 P 0 , c(p0 )  c(q) ; …26†

d( p0 ; q)  e=2;


c(p0 )  c(q) ‡ e d(q; p0 )=2:

The set B(p0 ) ˆ ft 2 K; ( f ‡ h)( p0 (t)) ˆ c(p0 )g is closed. To conclude the proof, it is sufficient to show that there exists t 2 B(p0 ) such that …28†

dist (p0 (t); F)  3e=2;


c  f (p0 (t))  c ‡ 5e2 =4;


l(p0 (t))  5e=2:

Indeed, it is enough to choose then e ˆ 1=n and xn ˆ p0 (t). PROOF OF (28). - It follows by the definition of P 0 and (25) that, for every q 2 P 0 , we have q(K n K0 ) \ F 6ˆ ; : Therefore, for any q 2 P 0 , c(q)  c ‡ e2 : On the other hand, c(p)  c ‡ e2 =4 ‡ e2 ˆ c ‡ 5e2 =4: Hence …31†

c ‡ e2  c(p0 )  c(p)  c ‡ 5e2 =4:



So, for each t 2 B(p0 ), c ‡ e2  c(p0 ) ˆ ( f ‡ h)( p0 (t)): Moreover, if t 2 K0 , then ( f ‡ h)( p0 (t)) ˆ ( f ‡ h)( p(t)) ˆ f (p(t))  c ‡ e2 =4: This implies that B( p0 )  K n K0 : By the definition of K0 it follows that for every t 2 B( p0 ) we have dist ( p(t); F)  e: Now, the relation (26) yields dist (p0 (t); F) 

3e : 2

PROOF OF (29). - For every t 2 B( p0 ) we have c(p0 ) ˆ ( f ‡ h)( p0 (t)): Using (31) and taking into account that 0  h  e2 ; it follows that

c  f (p0 (t))  c ‡ 5e2 =4:

PROOF OF (30). - Applying Lemma 3 for W(t) ˆ @f ( p0 (t)), we find a continuous mapping v : B(p0 ) ! X such that for every t 2 B( p0 ), kv(t)k  1: Moreover, for any t 2 B(p0 ) and x 2 @f (p0 (t)), hx ; v(t)i  g



g ˆ inf l(p0 (t)): t2B( p0 )

Hence for every t 2 B( p0 ), f 0 (p0 (t); v(t)) ˆ maxfhx ; v(t)i; x 2 @f ( p0 (t))g ˆ

minfhx ; v(t)i; x 2 @f ( p0 (t))g 

g ‡ e:

Since B(p0 ) \ K0 ˆ ;, there exists a continuous extension w of v to the set K such that w ˆ 0 on K0 and kw(t)k  1, for all t 2 K. Now, by relation (27), it follows that for every h > 0, …32†

e  2

e c( p0 kwk1  2

h w) h

c( p0 )




For every n, there exists tn 2 K such that c(p0

w=n) ˆ ( f ‡ h)( p0 (tn )

w(tn )=n):

Passing eventually to a subsequence, we may suppose that (tn ) converges to t0 , which, clearly, lies in B(p0 ). On the other hand, for every t 2 K and h > 0 we have f (p0 (t) Hence n‰c(p0

h w)

h w(t))  f ( p0 (t)) ‡ h e:

h c( p0 )Š  n f (p0 (tn )

w(tn )=n) ‡

e n

i f ( p0 (tn )) :

Therefore, by (32), it follows that 3e  n‰c( p0 (tn ) 2

w(tn )=n)

f (p0 (tn ))Š

 n‰c( p0 (tn )

w(t0 )=n)

f (p0 (tn ))Š

‡ n‰ f ( p0 (tn )

w(tn )=n)

f (p0 (tn )

w(t0 )=nŠ:

Since f is locally Lipschitz and tn ! t0 we deduce that lim sup n‰ f ( p0 (tn )

w(tn )=n)

f (p0 (tn )

w(t0 )=n)Š ˆ 0:

3e  lim sup n ‰ f (p0 (t0 ) ‡ zn 2 n!1

w(t0 )=n)

f (p0 (t0 ) ‡ zn )Š ;



where zn ˆ p0 (tn )

p0 (t0 ). Hence 3e  f 0 (p0 (t0 ); w(t0 ))  2


g ‡ e:

g ˆ inffkx k; x 2 @f ( p0 (t)); t 2 B( p0 )g  5e=2: Now, by the lower semicontinuity of l, we find t 2 B( p0 ) such that l(p0 (t)) ˆ

which concludes our proof.


x 2@f ( p0 (t))

kx k  5e=2; p

COROLLARY 10. - Assume that the hypotheses of Theorem 8 are fulfilled and, moreover, f satisfies the Palais-Smale condition (PS)c . Then c is a critical value of f .



REMARK 1. - If inf f (x ‡ z) ˆ max f (x);



then the conclusion of Corollary 7 remains valid, with an argument based on Theorem 9. COROLLARY 11 (Ghoussoub-Preiss Theorem). - Let f : X ! R be a locally Ãteaux-differentiable functional such that f 0 : (X; k  k) ! Lipschitz Ga   (X ; s(X ; X)) is continuous. Let e0 and e1 be in X and define c ˆ inf max f (p(t)); p2P t2[0;1]

where P is the set of continuous paths p : [0; 1] ! X such that p(0) ˆ e0 and p(1) ˆ e1 . Let F be a closed subset of X which does not contain e0 and e1 and f (x)  c, for all x 2 F. Suppose, in addition that, for every p 2 P, p([0; 1]) \ F 6ˆ ;: Then there exists a sequence (xn ) in X, such that i) ii) iii)

lim dist (xn ; F) ˆ 0 ;


lim f (xn ) ˆ c ;


lim k f 0 (xn )k ˆ 0 :


Moreover, if f satisfies (PS)c , then there exists x 2 F such that f (x) ˆ c and f 0 (x) ˆ 0. PROOF. - Using the arguments in the proof of Corollary 6 we deduce that the functional f is locally Lipschitz and @f (x) ˆ ff 0 (x)g: Applying Theorem 8 for K ˆ [0; 1], K  ˆ f0; 1g, p (0) ˆ e0 , p (1) ˆ e1 , our conclusion follows. The last part of the theorem follows from Corollary 10. p

5. - Applications of the mountain pass theorem. We are concerned in what follows with some relevant applications of the mountain pass theorem in the framework of nonlinear partial differential equations. We mainly refer to the paper by Brezis and Nirenberg [5], which develops pioneering directions for the qualitative analysis of nonlinear elliptic equations by means of the mountain pass theorem. We also refer to the books by



Ambrosetti and Malchiodi [1], Ghergu and RaÆdulescu [16], Schechter [39], Struwe [41], and Willem [42] for related results and further extensions. In this section p denotes a real exponent, with 15p5(N ‡ 2)=(N 2), if N  3, and 15p51, if N ˆ 1; 2.

5.1 - The subcritical Lane-Emden equation. Consider the nonlinear elliptic boundary 8 p > < Du ˆ u ; …33† u > 0; > : u ˆ 0;

value problem in V in V on @V :

This equation was introduced by Emden [14] and Fowler [15]. Existence results for problem (33) are related not only to the values of p, but also to the geometry of V. For instance, problem (33) has no solution if p  (N ‡ 2)=(N 2) (if N  3) and if V is star-shaped with respect to some point (say, with respect to the origin). This property was observed by Rellich [37] in 1940 and refound by Pohozaev [27] in 1965, and its proof relies on the Rellich-Pohozaev identity. More precisely, after multiplication by x  ru in equation (33) and integration by parts we find  2   N N 2 p‡1 1 @u up‡1 u …34† (x  n)ds(x): dx ˆ q q p‡1 2 2 @n V


Because V is starshaped with respect to the origin, then the right-hand side of (34) is positive; hence, problem (33) has no solution if N=( p ‡ 1) (N 2)=2  0, which is equivalent to p  (N ‡ 2)=(N 2). We point out that a very general variational identity was discovered in 1986 by P. Pucci and J. Serrin [30]. The situation is different if we are looking for entire solutions (that is, solutions on the whole space) of the Emden-Fowler equation either in the critical or in the supercritical case. For instance, the equation Du ˆ u(N‡2)=(N


in RN ; (N  3);

admits the family of solutions uC (x) ˆ


p !(N N(N 2) C 2 ‡ jxj2



for any C > 0. If V is not star-shaped, Kazdan and Warner [20] showed in 1975 that problem (33) has a solution for any p > 1, provided V is an annulus in RN . We also point



out that if V  RN is an arbitrary bounded domain with smooth boundary, then the perturbed Emden-Fowler problem 8 p 1 > in V; < Du ˆ juj u ‡ lu u 6 0 in V; > : uˆ0 on @V has a solution, if l is an arbitrary real number and 15p5(N ‡ 2)=(N 2) if N  3 or 15p51 if N 2 f1; 2g. The proof combines the mountain pass theorem (if l5l1 ) and the dual variational method (if l  l1 ). We refer to the pioneering paper by Clarke [9] for the dual action principle and its applications to the existence of periodic solutions to Hamilton's equations. As usually, l1 denotes the first eigenvalue of D in H10 (V). Our aim here is to prove the following result. THEOREM 9. - There exists a solution of the problem (33), which is not necessarily unique. Furthermore, this solution is unstable and of class C 2 (V). PROOF. - We first establish the instability of an arbitrary solution u. So, in order to argue that the first eigenvalue m1 of ( D pup 1 ) is negative, let W > 0 be an eigenfunction corresponding to m1 . We have DW

pup 1 W ˆ m1 W ;

in V :

Integrating by parts this equality we find (1

p) q up W ˆ m1 q Wu ; V


which implies m1 50, since u > 0 in V and p > 1. Next, we prove the existence of a solution by using two different methods. The first proof uses variational techniques, which are then replaced by tools relying on the mountain pass theorem. 1. A VARIATIONAL PROOF. - Let 8 9 < = m ˆ inf q jrvj2 ; v 2 H10 (V) and kvkLp‡1 ˆ 1 : : ; V

First step: m > 0 is achieved. Let (un )  H10 (V) be a minimizing sequence. Since p5(N ‡ 2)=(N 2) then H10 (V) is compactly embedded in Lp‡1 (V). It follows that q jrun j2 ! m V

as n ! 1



and, for all positive integer n, kun kLp‡1 ˆ 1 : So, up to a subsequence, un * y ;

weakly in H10 (V)

and strongly in Lp‡1 (V) :

un ! y ;

By the lower semicontinuity of the functional k  kL2 we find that q jryj2  lim inf q jrun j2 ˆ m n!1



which implies s jryj2 ˆ m. Since kykLp‡1 ˆ 1, it follows that m > 0 is achieved by y. V

We remark that we have even un ! y, strongly in H10 (V). This follows by the weak convergence of (un ) in H10 (V) and by the fact that kun kH1 ! kykH1 . 0


Second step: y  0 a.e. in V. We may assume that y  0 a.e. in V. Indeed, if not, we may replace y by jyj. This is possible since jyj 2 H10 (V) and so, by Stampacchia's theorem, rjyj ˆ (sign y) ry ;

if y 6ˆ 0 :

Moreover, on the level set [y ˆ 0] we have ry ˆ 0, so jrjyjj ˆ jryj ; Third step: y verifies every w 2 H10 (V),

a.e. in V :

Dy ˆ m yp in the weak sense. We have to prove that for q ryrw ˆ m q yp w : V


Put z ˆ y ‡ ew in the definition of m. It follows that q jrzj2 ˆ q jryj2 ‡ 2e q ryrw ‡ e2 q jrwj2 ˆ m ‡ 2e q ryrw ‡ o(e) V





and q jy ‡ ewjp‡1 ˆ q jyjp‡1 ‡ e(p ‡ 1) q yp w ‡ o(e) V


V p

ˆ 1 ‡ e(p ‡ 1) q y w ‡ o(e) : V



Therefore 0

12=( p‡1)

kzk2Lp‡1 ˆ @1 ‡ e(p ‡ 1) q yp w ‡ o(e)A

ˆ 1 ‡ 2e q yp w ‡ o(e):



Hence 0


ˆ m ‡ 2e @ q ryrw

m q yp wA ‡ o(e) ;

m ‡ 2e q ryrw ‡ o(e) V

m ˆ q jryj2 

1 ‡ 2e q


yp w

‡ o(e)




which implies q ryrw ˆ m q yp w ; V

for every w 2 H10 (V) :


Consequently, the function u ˆ ma y, where a ˆ the problem (33).

1=( p

1), is a weak solution of ?

Fourth step: regularity of u. Until now we know only that u 2 H10 (V)  L2 (V). In a general framework, assuming that u 2 Lq (V), it follows that up 2 Lq=p (V), that is, by the Schauder regularity and the Sobolev embeddings, u 2 W 2;q=p (V)  Ls (V), where 1=s ˆ p=q 2=N. So, assuming that q1 > (p 1)N=2, we have u 2 Lq2 (V), where 1=q2 ˆ p=q1 2=N. In particular, q2 > q1 . Let (qn ) be the increasing sequence we construct in this manner and set q1 ˆ lim qn . Assuming, n!1

by contradiction, that qn 5Np=2 we obtain, passing at the limit as n ! 1, that q1 ˆ N( p 1)25q1 , a contradiction. This shows that there exists r > N=2 such that u 2 Lr (V) which implies u 2 W 2;r (V)  L1 (V). Therefore u 2 W 2;r (V)  C k (V), where k denotes the integer part of 2 N=r. Now, by the HoÈlder continuity, u 2 C 2 (V). 2. SECOND PROOF. - The below arguments rely upon the mountain pass theorem. Set F (u) ˆ

1 q jruj2 2 V

1 q (u‡ )p‡1 ; p‡1

u 2 H10 (V) :


Standard arguments show that F is a C 1 functional and u is a critical point of F if and only if u is a solution to the problem (33). We observe that F 0 (u) ˆ Du (u‡ )p 2 H 1 (V). So, if u is a critical point of F then Du ˆ (u‡ )p  0 in V and hence, by the maximum principle, u  0 in V.



We verify the hypotheses of the mountain pass theorem. Clearly, F (0) ˆ 0. On the other hand,  Ckukp‡1 : q (u‡ )p‡1  q jujp‡1 ˆ kukp‡1 Lp‡1 H1




Therefore F (u) 

1 kuk2H1 0 2

C kukp‡1  r > 0; H10 p‡1

provided that kukH1 ˆ R is small enough. 0 Let us now prove the existence of some v0 such that kv0 k > R and F (v0 )  0. For this aim, choose an arbitrary w0  0, w0 6 0. We have F (tw0 ) ˆ

t2 q jrw0 j2 2 V

tp‡1 p‡1 q (w‡  0; 0) p‡1 V

for t > 0 large enough. To complete the existence of a weak solution to problem (33), it remains to argue that the associated energy functional F satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. For this purpose, let (uk ) be a sequence in H10 (V) such that …35†

sup jF (uk )j5 ‡ 1 k

and lim kF 0 (uk )kH



1 (V)

ˆ 0:

Relation (36) implies that for all W 2 H10 (V), …37†

p q ruk  rW dx ˆ q (u‡ k ) W dx ‡ o(1) kWk : V


Next, we apply this estimate to obtain a bound for kuk k. Indeed, taking W ˆ uk in relation (37) we find …38†

p q jruk j2 dx ˆ q (u‡ k ) uk dx ‡ o(1) kuk k : V


Combining now relations (35) and (38) we deduce that p

1 2

p q (u‡ k ) uk dx ˆ O(1) ‡ o(1) kuk k :


Using now again relation (35) and taking into account the expression of the energy functional F , we conclude that (uk ) is bounded in H10 (V). This guarantees that, up to a subsequence, (uk ) is weakly convergent in H10 (V).



Next, we claim that any bounded sequence (uk ) in H10 (V) that satisfies relation (37) has the remarkable property that contains a strongly convergent sequence in H10 (V). By relation (37) and using the fact that ( D) 1 is a linear and continuous operator from H 1 (V) into H10 (V), it suffices to prove that a subsequence p 1 of (u‡ k ) converges in H (V). By Sobolev embeddings, this is achieved by p 2N=(N‡2) (V), which is the dual showing that a subsequence of (u‡ k ) converges in L 2N=(N 2) (V). We first observe that, up to a subsequence, uk converges space of L a.e. to u 2 L2N=(N 2) (V). Applying Egorov's theorem we find that for any d > 0, there exists a subset A of V with jAj5d and such that uk converges uniformly to u in V n A. Thus, it is enough to prove that the quantity p q j(u‡ k)

(u‡ )p j2N=(N‡2) dx


can be made arbitrarily small. On the one hand, by Young's inequality, q j(u‡ )p j2N=(N‡2) dx  C q (j(u‡ )p j2N=(N A


‡ 1) dx :


Hence, by choosing d > 0 arbitrarily small, the right hand-side of the above relation can be made as small as we desire. On the other hand, we have p 2N=(N‡2) q j(u‡ dx  e q juk j2N=(N k) j A


dx ‡ Ce jAj :


Applying now the boundedness of (uk ) in H10 (V) combined with Sobolev embeddings, we deduce that the right hand-side above is bounded by e C ‡ Ce jAj, which can be made arbitrarily small. This completes the proof of the PalaisSmale property. p Theorem 9 can be extended to the following more general class of LaneEmden equations. Consider the nonlinear problem 8 in V > < Du ‡ a(x)u ˆ g(x; u) ; …39† u > 0; in V > : u ˆ 0; on @V : where g : V  R ! R is a smooth function satisfying the following hypotheses: …40†

jg(x; u)j  C (1 ‡ jujp )

where as usual p5(N ‡ 2)=(N …41† …42†

for all (x; u) 2 V  [0; 1);

2) if N  3 and p51 if N 2 f1; 2g;

g(x; 0) ˆ gu (x; 0) ˆ 0; 05mG(x; u)  ug(x; u)

for u > 0 large enough and some m > 2;




where G(x; u) :ˆ s g(x; t) dt. We point out that hypothesis (42) is frequently 0

referred as the Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz growth condition. We also assume that a : V ! R is a smooth function and there exists C > 0 such that   …43† for all v 2 H10 (V): q jrvj2 ‡ a(x)v2  C kvk2H1 (V) V


We observe that condition (42) implies that the nonlinear term g has a superlinear growth at infinity, in the sense that there are positive constants C1 and C2 such that for all (x; u) 2 V  [0; 1), g(x; u)  C1 um


C2 :

We also remark that condition (43) means that the linear operator D ‡ a(x)I is coercive in H10 (V). The counterpart of Theorem 9 in this general setting is the following. THEOREM 10. - Assume conditions (40)-(43) are fulfilled. Then problem (39) has at least one solution. The proof relies on the same ideas as for Theorem 9.

5.2 - The dual variational method versus mountain pass. We are now concerned with a linear perturbation of the Lane-Emden equation. Consider the problem


8 Du ˆ jujp 1 u ‡ lu ; > > < u 6 0 ; > > : u ˆ 0;

in V in V on @V ;

where 15p5(N ‡ 2)=(N 2) if N  3 and 15p51 if N 2 f1; 2g. By Theorem 10, problem (44) has a positive solution, provided that l5l1 , where l1 > 0 denotes the first eigenvalue of D in H10 (V). The basic assumption l5l1 is used to check the existence of the valley condition in the mountain pass theorem. Next, we observe that problem (44) does not have any positive solution if l  l1 . This conclusion follows easily after multiplication with the first eigenfunction W1 in (33) and integration over V. Moreover, the assumption l  l1 implies that problem (44) does not have a mountain pass geometry. This means



that the associated energy functional  1  E(u) ˆ q jruj2 lu2 2 V

1 q jujp‡1 p‡1 V

does not fulfill the valley condition of the mountain pass theorem near the origin. The next result shows that problem (44) has a nontrivial solution, which, in view of these remarks, changes sign. THEOREM 11. - Assume that l  l1 . Then problem (44) has at least one solution. PROOF. - The case where l is an eigenvalue is more difficult to handle. That is why, for simplicity, we assume that l is not an eigenvalue of the Laplace operator. The proof combines the dual variational method with the mountain pass theorem. This is not applied to the original energy E (we have already observed that this does not satisfy the mountain pass theorem). For this purpose we first introduce a new unknown v, defined by v ˆ jujp 1 u. Thus, u ˆ jvjq 1 v with q ˆ 1=p51. Problem (44) becomes …45†

u ˆ Kv;

where K denotes the linear operator K ˆ ( D l I) 1 . We observe that K is well-defined, since l is not an eigenvalue of D. Problem (45) can be rewritten as jvjq 1 v ˆ Kv :


Thus, any solution of problem (44) is also a solution of problem (46) and conversely. All solutions of problem (46) are critical points of the functional F (v) ˆ

1 q jvjq‡1 q‡1 V

1 q vKv : 2 V

We prove the following basic properties of F : (i) F is well-defined and of class C 1 on Lq‡1 (V). Indeed, the operator K maps Lq‡1 (V) into W 2;q‡1 (V)  Lp‡1 (V), since p5(N ‡ 2)=(N 2). (ii) F satisfies the assumptions of the mountain pass theorem. Indeed, since q ‡ 152 then the dominant term of F near the origin is (q ‡ 1) 1 s jvjq‡1 . Next, V

assuming that v0 is an eigenfunction of D associated with an eigenvalue larger than l, then s v0 Kv0 > 0, which shows that F (tv0 )50, provided that t > 0 is large V enough. (iii) F satisfies the Palais-Smale condition. Indeed, let us assume that the sequence (vn )  Lq‡1 (V) verifies …47†

sup jF (vn )j51 n


and …48†

F 0 (vn ) ! 0


 in Lq‡1 (V) ˆ Lp‡1 (V):

Thus, by relation (48), jvn jq 1 vn


Kvn ! 0

in Lp‡1 (V):

Now, multiplying relation (49) with vn , integrating, and comparing with (48), we deduce that the sequence (vn ) is bounded in Lq‡1 (V). Thus, up to a subsequence, vn ! v

weakly in Lq‡1 (V):

Since K : Lq‡1 (V) ! Lp‡1 (V) is a compact operator and the embedding W 2;q‡1 (V)  Lp‡1 (V) is compact, we conclude that Kvn ! Kv in Lp‡1 (V), hence vn ! v in Lq‡1 (V). Using (i), (ii), (iii), and applying the mountain pass theorem, we deduce that F has a critical point v0 and, moreover, F (v0 ) > 0. This concludes the proof of Theorem 11. p

5.3 - A bifurcation problem. Let us consider a C 1 convex function f : R ! R such that f (0) > 0 and f (0) > 0. We assume that f has a subcritical growth, that is, there exists 15p5(N ‡ 2)=(N 2) such that for all u 2 R, 0

j f (u)j  C(1 ‡ jujp ) : We also suppose that there exist m > 2 and A > 0 such that u

m q f (t)dt  uf (u) ;

for every u  A :


A standard example of function satisfying these conditions is f (u) ˆ (1 ‡ u)p . Consider the bifurcation problem 8 in V > < Du ˆ lf (u) ; …50† u > 0; in V > : u ˆ 0; on @V : The implicit function theorem implies that there exists l? > 0 such that for every l5l? , there exists a minimal and stable solution u to the problem (50). THEOREM 12. - Under the above hypotheses on f , for every l 2 (0; l? ), there exists a second solution u  u and, furthermore, u is unstable.



SKETCH OF THE PROOF. - We find a solution u of the form u ˆ u ‡ v with v  0. It follows that v satisfies 8 in V < Dv ˆ l[f (u ‡ v) f (u)]; …51† v > 0; in V : v ˆ 0; on @V : Hence v fulfills an equation of the form Dv ‡ a(x)v ˆ g(x; v) ; where a(x) ˆ

in V ;

lf 0 (u) and g(x; v) ˆ l[f (u(x) ‡ v)

f (u(x))]

lf 0 (u(x))v :

We verify easily the following properties: (i) g(x; 0) ˆ gv (x; 0) ˆ 0; (ii) jg(x; v)j  C(1 ‡ jvjp ); v

(iii) m s g(x; t)dt  vg(x; v), for every v  A large enough; 0

(iv) the operator D lf 0 (u) is coercive, since l1 ( D lf 0 (u)) > 0, for every l5l? . So, by the mountain pass theorem, the problem (50) has a solution which is, a fortiori, unstable. p Acknowledgements. P. Pucci was supported by the Italian MIUR project titled ``Metodi Variazionali ed Equazioni Differenziali alle Derivate Parziali non Lineari''. V. RaÆdulescu acknowledges the support through Grant CNCSIS Æ Îsi aplicatÎii". This PCCE-55/2008 ``Sisteme diferentÎiale Ãõn analiza neliniara work has been completed while V. RaÆdulescu was visiting Universite de Picardie ``Jules Verne'' at Amiens in February 2010. He would like to thank Prof. Olivier Goubet for invitation and useful discussions. REFERENCES [1] A. AMBROSETTI - A. MALCHIODI, Nonlinear Analysis and Semilinear Elliptic Problems, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, vol. 104, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007. [2] A. AMBROSETTI - P. RABINOWITZ, Dual variational methods in critical point theory and applications, J. Funct. Anal., 14 (1973), 349-381. [3] H. BREZIS - F. BROWDER, Partial differential equations in the 20th century, Adv. Math., 135 (1998), 76-144. [4] H. BREZIS - J.-M. CORON - L. NIRENBERG, Free vibrations for a nonlinear wave equation and a theorem of Rabinowitz, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 33 (1980), 667-689. [5] H. BREZIS - L. NIRENBERG, Remarks on finding critical points, Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 44 (1991), 939-964.



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