The Industrial Cloud is set to enable a new wave of digital ... Machines produce different types of data, which consumer
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The Industrial Cloud explained #4 : A Buyers’ Guide to the Industrial Cloud The Industrial Cloud is set to enable a new wave of digital manufacturing in the UK – but as with any emerging technology, it pays to ensure there is the right fit between the capabilities your business requires – and the functionality offered by a potential Industrial Cloud provider.
We believe this checklist enables you to evaluate whether the Industrial Cloud on offer to you is the Industrial Cloud you need!
Buyers’ Checklist
Asset Connectivity
Scalability for Machine Data
Does the provider deliver advanced connectivity-as-a-service for these industrial assets, combining proprietary technologies with global telecommunications partners to enable rapid provisioning of sensors, gateways and software-defined machines
Machines produce different types of data, which consumer cloud services are not built to handle. Is the solution purpose-built to store, analyse, and manage the variety, volume, and velocity of industrial data?
£ Governance
Security + Compliance Is the solution designed with the most
Is the solution designed to streamline
advanced security protocols available,
governance and drive down compliance
including customised, adaptive security
costs for each individual user, while
solutions for industrial operators and
respecting national data sovereignty
developers? What track record of
regulations globally? Does the provider
operational security and information
have a track record of delivering value in
security does the provider have?
highly-regulated industries?
Gated Community
Many cloud platforms trap users in
Public cloud services are open to any
large silos with limited access to other
individual or organization, exposing
solutions. Ask any potential provider
manufacturers to unnecessary risk.
whether their solution will operate
Ask whether a provider can offer a
seamlessly with applications and
‘gated community’ model that ensures
services running in a broad spectrum of
tenants of the cloud all belong to the
cloud environments. You need
industrial ecosystem.
optimised security and data structure offerings - while maintaining and interoperating within existing solutions.
Developer Insight Does the platform enable developers to have visibility into their operating environments and every actor connected to it?
Introducing Predix
GE knows industrial machines and related data analytics better than anyone, and its Predix Industrial Cloud platform is “an OS for Clickhere. here. industry”. To find out more about Predix, click