The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the geometric dimensions, cost and efficiency of the synchronous generator Elisabeta Spunei/ Eftimie Murgu University
Nicoleta Gillich/ Eftimie Murgu University
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Reşiţa, Romania
[email protected]
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Reşiţa, Romania
[email protected]
Ion Piroi/ Eftimie Murgu University Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Reşiţa, Romania
[email protected]
Abstract—In the designing of the synchronous generator, a size that characterizes the requests magnetic is the stator yoke induction magnetic, Bj1. The value of this size depends on the stator yoke type (with or without ventilation channels), the stator shape and size notch, the size of the inner diameter, D, and the external, De one, of the stator. In this paper, we propose to analyze the influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the geometric dimensions, the total cost and its efficiency. This analysis is based on a classic designing program and an optimal designing program, achieved with MathCad software for synchronous generator of 300 kVA. Behind the running of the optimal designing program and the comparison of results with those obtained from the classical designing we drew computer graphs, from which can be extracted conclusions regarding the influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation upon the dimensions, the cost and efficiency of the synchronous generator. Keywords-component; computer graphics; magnetic flux density; optimization methods; costs
The current problem of designers, in the designing of synchronous generators is to obtain a prototype generator with high technical performance and a minimal cost. Using the materials with improved characteristics, led to increased performance and reduced the cost of the synchronous generator. Currently, trying through an optimal designing, combined with use of the materials with the performance characteristics, as to obtain a generator that would fulfill a specific objective function, required by the beneficiary. Based on these considerations, we designed a 300 kVA synchronous generator using two methods: the classical method and the optimal method performed using MathCad
software in two methods, having as objective function, a low cost of the generator design. The nominal data of the designed and analyzed synchronous generator are: nominal power Sn = 300 kVA; nominal voltage Un = 400 V; speed n = 1000 rot./min.; power factor cosφ = 0.9. In this paper we propose to analyze the influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the geometric dimensions of the generator, upon the cost and upon to his efficiency. Following the comparing the results obtained from the classical designing with those of the optimal designing, we constructed graphs through which are analyzed, for on number of 200 values around from classical designing, variation of different sizes of interest [4]. II. THE ANALYSSIS OF THE STATOR YOKE MAGNETIC INDUCTION VARIATION, BJ1, UPON THE GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONS The magnetic induction of the stator yoke, Bj1, is a pretty significant size, which defines the magnetic synchronous generator request. That size is dependent on the inner diameter, D and the external one, De, of the stator, the existence and size of ventilation channels, the size and shape of the notch. The values of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, must be between 1 ÷ 1.3 [T] for the generators without ventilation channels, they can reach up to 1.8 [T] in the case of ventilation channels [1], [3]. At the design stage, after determining the amounts of the electromagnetic requests (the current blanket, A, and the air gap magnetic induction, Bδ), the inner diameter size, D and external, De, it is chosen the type of notch and related isolations, it is determined the number of conductors, their section, width, bc and height hc of notch, it is calculated the
height of the stator yoke, hj1, ant it is calculated the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, with relation [2]:
B j1
2 k Fe lFe1 hj1
where Φ is the magnetic flux at full load, kFe is the packing coefficient of the core, lFe1 is the length of the stator iron, h′ j1 is the stator yoke height calculation. For the generators without axial ventilation channels h′j1 is equal to the height stator yoke hj1. The calculated value within the limits specified above must be checked. The value of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, resulted from the classical designing, has the value Bj1g = 1.21 [T], and following the optimal designing, it has the value Bj1 opt = 1.569 [T], that is approximately 30% higher. A. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the external diameter of the stator and the total length of the generator. The geometric dimensions of the synchronous generator is represented by external diameter, De, of the stator and the total length of the generator, Le, which depends on the stator iron geometric length, lg (the package of sheet and radial ventilation channels) and the length of the front heads, lfa, of the windings. Because in the relation for calculating of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, the height value of the stator yoke, hj1, is involved it results that the value of the external diameter, De, of the stator is influenced by the value of the magnetic induction from the stator yoke.
decreased by 4.845% towards the value obtained by classical design. Following of the optimal design it results a small decrease in the value of the stator external diameter, while its length remains constant. III. THE ANALYSIS OF THE STATOR YOKE MAGNETIC INDUCTION VARIATION, BJ1, UPON THE COSTS OF THE SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR The cost of the synchronous generator, Ct, consists of the manufacturing cost, Cf, and the operating cost, Ce, throughout its normed life. In the manufacturing cost of the synchronous generator, the largest share is the mass of the active materials and its total mass. The operating cost is preponderantly influenced by the active material losses which are the largest total losses. A. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the mass of the synchronous generator The total mass, mt, of the synchronous generator is composed from the active mass of iron, mFe, the stator winding copper mass, damping and excitation windings, mCu, and the mass of the related components (bearings, roller, mounting plates, etc.). The influence of magnetic induction variation of the stator yoke, Bj1, upon the active masses and the total mass is shown in Fig. 2.
In Fig. 1 we present the influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the external diameter, De, of the stator and upon the total length of the generator, lFe. The values obtained are reported in units [u.rap], to the values obtained from the classical designing. From the analysis we found that the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, does not influence the length of the synchronous generator.
Figure 2. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction upon the mass of the synchronous generator
In comparison with the values obtained from the classical designing, for the optimal designing has led to a decrease of about 8% of the total mass, mt, of the synchronous generator. The mass of copper, mCu, showed a slight increase (2.25%) and the iron mass, mFe, presents a decrease with 10.67%. For values of the stator joke magnetic induction smaller than that resulted by classical method, the copper mass remains aproximatively constant, while the iron and total mass increase. Figure 1. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction upon the geometric dimensions of the synchronous generator
We notice that the value obtained by induction from the stator yoke optimal design, the external-diameter, De,
These increases are determined by the increase of the stator external diameter, previously analyzed. In this graph the reported units [u.rap] are used.
B. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the synchronous generator losses The total losses pt, from the generator are composed by iron losses pFe, copper losses pCu and supplementary losses in a smaller degree.
For the optimal value of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1opt = 1.569 [T], it results a decrease of the manufacturing cost, Cf, with 7.9%, a very small increase of the operation cost, Ce, with 0.46% and a .decrease of the total cost, Ct, with 2.3% over the costs result from classic design, when the stator yoke magnetic induction value was Bj1g = 1.21 [T].
Iron losses pFe, depend on the square value of stator yoke magnetic induction, given by relation: 1,3
f p j1 k j pst B j12 m j1 50
where: kj coefficient of yoke losses increase, pst specific losses in stator sheet plate, f real frequency and mj1 stator joke mass. In the Fig. 3 we present the influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the iron loss, pFe, the losses in copper, pCu, and the total losses, for the synchronous generator, unit sizes being reported, [u.rap.] . Figure 4. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction upon the costs of the synchronous generator
For the optimal value of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1opt = 1.569 [T], it results a decrease of the manufacturing cost, Cf, with 7.9%, a very small .increase of the operation cost, Ce, with 0.46% and a .decrease of the total cost, Ct, with 2.3% over the costs result from classic design, when the stator yoke magnetic induction value was Bj1g = 1.21 [T]. IV. THE ANALYSIS OF THE STATOR YOKE MAGNETIC INDUCTION VARIATION, BJ1, UPON THE COSTS OF THE SYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR Figure 3. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction upon the losses of the synchronous generator
Compared to the classical value of the stator yoke magnetic induction (Bj1g = 1.21 [T]), following the optimal design (Bj1 opt = 1.569 [T]), the iron losses, pFe, increased by approximately 18.2 %, so it is a substantial increase. In comparison with the same reference data, the copper losses, pCu, increased by 1.36% and the total losses, pt, increased by 2.9%.
The main performance of the synchronous generator the efficiency is calculated with the relation [2]:
S N cos S N cos pt
where Sn is the generator apparent power, cos φ is the power factor and pt are the total losses of generator.
The values of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, smaller than those result from classic design lead to a significant decrease of the iron losses and a lower decrease of the total losses of the synchronous generator. C. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the costs of the synchronous generator Because after the optimal design, the total mass of the generator decreased, we expect that the manufacturing costs, Cf, to be lower than the results of the classical designing. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation, Bj1, upon the cost of manufacturing, Cf, the operating cost, Ce, and the total cost, Ct, is shown in Fig. 4, The values are in reported units, [u.rap.], reported to the values resulted from the classical design.
Figure 5. The influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction upon the efficiency the synchronous generator
Fig. 5 presents the influence of the stator yoke magnetic induction variation Bj1, upon synchronous generator relative efficiency the values are in reported units [u.rap.] calculated as
ratio between that obtained by the proposed method and the classical one. For the optimal magnetic induction value of stator joke, Bj1opt = 1.569 [T], occurs a diminished efficiency diminish with 0.165% comparing to the one obtained by classic design, Bj1g = 1.21 [T]. V.
Analyzing the graphs presented in this paper it can be concluded that the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, as main input variable in the design process, influence the geometric dimensions, cost and efficiency of the synchronous generator. Hence, higher values of the stator yoke magnetic induction, lead to a constant maintaining of synchronous generator length and a reduction of stator’s external diameter De. Considering as analysis domain for the stator yoke magnetic induction, the interval 1÷1.569 [T], decreases of the external diameter, De, of the stator, is of approximative 9%.
Thus, for the domain of analysis 1 ÷ 1.569 [T] of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, the iron losses pFe, increase approximately 30%, the total losses, pt, increase approximately 4.2%, while the copper losses, pCu, have an insignificant increase. The optimal value of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, led to a lower decrease of the total cost of the generator, and on the entire range of analysis, the decrease is approximately 4.1%. The increase of the value of the stator yoke magnetic induction, Bj1, leads to lower efficiency, but the decrease is insignificant (0.165 %). It follows that, to achieve the chosen objective function (cost of the synchronous generator as small) the value of the stator yoke magnetic induction must be large. Through this analysis, we contribute to restricting the range of variation of the stator yoke magnetic induction in the range 1.2 ÷ 1.57 [T], the maximum values ensuring the successful achievement of the objective function. REFERENCES
The decrease of stator’s external diameter De, leads to a significant decrease, especially of the iron mass.
However, an important mass reduction for the whole assemble is attended (8%).
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On the entire domain of analysis above mentioned, the mass of iron, mFe, presents a decrease of approximately with 20%, the total mass, mt, decreas approximately with 16.2%, while the mass of copper, mCu, increases with 2.26%. But the increase of stator joke magnetic induction value Bj1 has negative influence upon losses, conducting to increased values especially for iron losses.
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