The instrumentalisation of the MOOCS vector of

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Dec 10, 2016 - 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02972-9. The instrumentalisation of ... value of the solutions carried toward a continuous improvement of the .... Cahiers pedagogies, 312, 35–37,. 1990. [11] Meyer R.
Communication, Management and Information Technology – Sampaio de Alencar (Ed.) © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02972-9

The instrumentalisation of the MOOCS vector of educational innovation and consecration of the academic training quality A.T.A. Yalid Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Analytic, Ben M’Sik Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco

M. Bassiri Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials, Ben M’Sik Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco

M. Moussted & M. Talbi Laboratory of Physical Chemistry Analytic, Ben M’Sik Faculty of Sciences, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco

ABSTRACT: The new technologies of information and communication constitute a lever drawing strategic development put forward by the national pact for the industrial emergence. This new orientation aims to sustain the industrial competitiveness of the country. Jointly the system of higher education appears in this perspective, that puts devices of open massive formation in place from a far of which the stake of massification and educational innovation Bernard [Majoie] [1]. Of this fact the quality of the trainings mediatized [Chanier98] [2] depends of the instrumentalisation of this virtual environment. This numeric revolution constructs the circuit court of basis of a real impact of development of the formation courses professionalizing, that permits the exercise of the profession of the adult learner, the appropriation of expertise technological and the autonomy in the construction of the disciplinary and transverse knowledge [Naymark][3]. In this setting The MOOC is the subject of numerous studies of research that appears mainly in the field of integration of the NTIC again as vector of development of expertise [P mayen.1998a ][4]. However, like all human activity these mediatized environments can also be feared under the angle of engineering of the systems of information and formation, especially as he/it modifies a some numbers of the innovating educational and didactic scripts [PAQUETTE, CREVIER & AUBIN 97] [5] in relation to the classic formation from afar (CMOOC and XMOOC). The object of this survey explorative is to determine a methodological tool of work and organization of the steps from afar educational technical of formation [DIONNE & et al. 99] [6]. This new orientation permits to construct and to conceptualize devices of formation taking in account the requirements of the platforms computerized and the needs of the adult learners [KNOWLES, Malcolm 2005] [7]. He/it appears interesting to underline that the higher education didn’t stop renovating and to create his/her/its academic pedagogy in occurrence the emergence of the technical and technological practices of teaching, notably in the domain of the hybrid teaching [8] and of software genius. In the same way the acceleration of the dynamics of the needs and the development of the mediation tools and of connected generated within the virtual systems of the tools “open source” of which the stake of optimization of computerized training resources. These activities praxeologique reveal a dynamics of interactive formation (technological mediation pedagogy and intelligent guidance) that contributes to solve the problematic of dwindle of the on line formation and to complete the one of the presently in order to remedy the challenges of the massification and the democratization of access the knowledge, as well as the improvement of the quality of the technological and methodological expertise acquired (to solve the problem of functional illiteracy of the apprenticeship academic). Keywords: instrumentalisation of the MOOC, educational innovation, Quality of training, engineering andragogique and educational


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tool of piloting efficient of instrumentalisation of the MOOCS appears in the general gait of development of expertise professionalizing.


To “learn, it is to become aware and no to follow a way all drawn the best she was”. Jean Piaget Today, the famous MOOCS (massive open online courses), disembarks to Morocco as allowing the academic students to reach the course in a click, without taking into account the spatiotemporal constraints (synchronous and asynchronous), this new politics educationally will permit to change the paradigm and the methods radically educational support of teaching. This flat shape of educational mediation meet a large success by the techno pedagogue and psych pedagogue like source of incentive and training. The main goal of the on line open a formation is to permit the accessibility and interactivity intelligent collaborative (system of mediation tutorial) [9]. Our objective will have for vocation to put in value of the solutions carried toward a continuous improvement of the design of the environments of virtual training and the modelling of the objects of formation for the processes referentialization of the academic formation courses. Our incentive appears in a dynamics that centers itself more on an anthropological and humanist approach of the learning topics and their previous experience like source of training. These research aim to understand the relations between the features of the learners, the teaching aid and the specificities of the on line training context. In this setting, the continuous improvement of the technology of the communication and information incited at the universities to move toward a new perspective of instrumentalisation of the systems of information specified to the training that touches the dimension of the autonomy, the responsibility and the independence, however the environment of training plays a fundamental role of which the creation of an educational training space [10] adequate to the young adult learner. The central question of our research tries to verify the two coins following questions, Q1° quelle correspondence is necessary her to build between the instrumentalisation of the educational design and the quality of the trainings [11] of the learners adult in a MOOC context, Q2° face to the on line formation unhooking, what device of instrumentalisation is necessary it to put in place in order to create the favorable conditions of innovation and educational renovation. Otherwise the hypothesis of research has the tendency to verify the assumption according to which: the conception and the formalization of the academic formation courses as well as the different fashions of educational engineering of the MOOC devices [12] as vector of innovation. In other words, the recourse to the gait of formation engineering as



The setting of reference: who served to the analysis of our survey understands three main measurements: − Modeling of the systems of information “Modeling profession” [13] in term of structure, obeys some rules as the distribution of the activities, of the powers according to relations and ties that coordinate them. − the steps of engineering of the formation and educational integrating in the instrumentalisation of an on line formation device. − the engineering andragogique and educational − the management by quality total of the formation system.



In relation to the methodology of research we want to adopt a systemic approach [La pointe, 1993] [14] that takes as a basis on the crossing of the contributions descended of the sciences managerial of the quality of the academic trainings and the methods of engineering of the systems of information and formation of the learners on line adult. Of this fact the instrumentalisation of the platform marked and referenced with “educational design”, that permits to have a system of procedures for the development and the implementation of the coherent and reliable (Gustafson and Branch) formation programs (2007) [15] “free translation”. This methodological gait of research of development and continuous improvement, refer here to the conciliation between the productive activities of the deliverable numeric and the activities of scenarisation encouraging the development of the quality of the formation via MOOC. The retrospective analysis of the activities of instrumentalisation makes itself of way conscientisante and actualizing regrouping two important points. First the analysis of the formation activity that requires the instrumental mediation inciting the inventor to make resorts to a hypothetical interpretation of the objects of study and the activities supports of formation. Then the techno-pedagogue is going to be able to confirm then or to invalidate this interpretation proposed to adapt it according to the context and the population. It is one of the essential roles of conceptualization curricular of the MOOC.


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Figure 1.


N°1 grid: Instrumentalisation of objects of study scenarios and didactic-pedagogic activity.

while leaning on a setting of reference (Linard01) [16] that integrates in a coherent global system the actors and their activities, the nature of the contents and the circumstances of the tasks orchestrated, as well as the integration of the technological and educational innovations to create the favorable conditions of investment and engagement in the realization of the different activities of trainings proposed. He/it appears important to keep to conclude that the instrumentalisation of the MOOC opens an opportunity favorable to the university to create his/her/its pedagogy and to contribute to the quality of the formation courses, to which the educational


Conceptualization and the instrumentalisation of the MOOC appears in a gait of consecration of the quality of the computerized trainings academic via a platform mediatized of type efficient and efficient collaborative. The object of this research survey is to permit the follow-up of the adult learner in his/ her/its progression of training, in the continuity of his/her/its theoretical formation and in the enrichment of his’s/her’s/its’s professional expertise’s. The present research is a survey explorative and descriptive of the standards of formalization of the platforms of the open formation from afar


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and scientific community puts the focal on the NTIC as model of edition of the knowledge. The MOOC makes an artifact of intelligibility of the offers of devices of formation of the professionals thus in term of communication collaborative, of rich and varied (MondadaPekarek00) interactivity [17], of scénarisation of the contents in real time and in deferred time. He/it centers himself/itself thus on the quality of the trainings professionalizing and on the mission of his/her/its opening on his/her/its socio-economic and cultural environment. It would be about interrogating the nature of the knowledge and the functional expertise’s constructed facing a context of demanding more and more competitive work the profitability, the quality and technology. The main result of this gait of instrumentalisation puts the focal on the hold in account of the modelling and the educational differentiation and of training in the on line formation, of the personalization of the formation courses in the objective to answer the needs of every adult learner and to optimize his/her/its process of training in a perspective social constructivist and interactional learning. The determination of a methodological tool of conception and organization allows us to systematize the interactions and the activities of trainings so that the adult learners. The instrumentalisation of the computerized environments of training appears as being especially capable to take in account the heterogeneity of the units of formations adapted then to resources of the learners and the diversification of the collective, individual progress personal of training but especially the piloting and the management of this together by the slant of the systems information and process transactional intelligent tutorial for the optimization of the environments virtual of training.

[5] [PAQUETTE, CREVIER & AUBIN 97] Paquette G., Crenier F., Aubin C., Méthode d’ingénierie d’un système d’apprentissage (MISA), Revue Informations In Cognito, numéro 8, 1997. [6] [DIONNE & al. 99] Dionne, M., Mercier J., Deschênes A.-J., Bilodeau H., Bourdages L.,Gagné P., Lebel C. et Rada-Donath A., Profil des activités d’encadrement comme soutien à l’apprentissage en formation à distance, Revue du Conseil Québécois de la Formation à Distance 3, 2, p 69–99, 2003. [7] KNOWLES, Malcolm, 2005. The Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development. Boston: Elsevier. [8] Ross, B., Gage, K. Bonk, C., Graham (Éd.) (2006). «Global perspectives on blended learning: Insight from WebCT and our customers in higher education». The handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs, p. 155–168. Pfeiffer, San Francisco, CA. [9] Médiation comme «opérateur d’interconnexion entre des séries dont le parcours confère du sens rospectivement à ces séries. Elle est clairement, du même coup, une construction de l’analyste au même titre que les séries qu’il identifie» (Simon, 1993, p. 57). Concernant l’objet de notre recherche, la médiation permet de construire un lien entre le champ de l’offre technique et le champ éducatif. [10] Giordan A., Apprendre, comprendre, s’approprier l’environnement. Cahiers pedagogies, 312, 35–37, 1990. [11] Meyer R. (1997). Value-added indicators of school performance: A primer. Economics of Education Review, 16 (3). [12] Paquette, G. (2002). L’ingénierie pédagogique: Pour construire l’apprentissage en réseaux. Sainte-Foy, Canada: Presses de l’Université du Québec. [13] Reigeluth, C. M. et Carr-Chellman, A. A. (dir.). (2009). Instructional-design theories and models: Building a common Knowledge base (vol. III). New York, NY: Routledge. [14] Lapointe, J. (1993). L’approche systémique et la technologie de l’éducation. Éducatechnologiques, 1(1). [15] Gustafson, K. et Branch, R. (2007). What is instructional design? Dans R. A. Reiser et J. A. Dempsey (eds), Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (2e éd., p. 11–16). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall. [16] [Linard01] Linard, M. (2001). «Concevoir des environnements pour apprendre: l’activité humaine, cadre organisateur de l’interactivité technique». Sciences et techniques éducatives (STE), vol. 8. pp. 211–238. [17] [MondadaPekarek00] Mondada, L. & Pekarek Doehler, S. (2000). «Interaction sociale et cognition située: quels modèles pour la recherche sur l’acquisition des langues?» Approches interactionnistes de l’acquisition des langues étrangères, Aile, no 12. pp. 147–174.

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