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THE JAH JERRY SCHOLARSHIPS APPLICATION. Please read this form carefully and answer each question completely. Your application will not be processed ...
THE JAH JERRY SCHOLARSHIPS APPLICATION Please read this form carefully and answer each question completely. Your application will not be processed if all of the questions are not answered in full. Mark N/A for items not applicable. Your application must be typewritten. PERSONAL DATA Full Name: -------------------------------------------- Email: ------------------------------------------------Address: ----------------------------------------------- Telephone # -----------------------------------------City State: ---------------------------------------------- Zip --------------------------------------------------Full Name and Address of Parents or Guardians: Father --------------------------------------------------- Mother -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Name of Local Newspaper ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION High School ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------High School Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------City State Zip Where do you plan to attend college? ----------------------------------------------------------------------College or University address -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you currently applied for admission? --------------------- Been accepted? ----------------------Proposed major? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is your cumulative grade point average? ----------------- Class rank ----------------------------If available, highest ACT or SAT score -------------------------------------------------------

HONOR/AWARDS Please list

____________________________________ Applicant’s Signature

____________________________________ Date

Eligibility Requirements

1. Graduating high school seniors from a school in Jamaica who will attend college or university in Jamaica, specifically, University of the West Indies(Mona Campus) or University of Technology; or 2. Graduating high school senior from a school in New York state who will attend at college or university in the United State of America; 3. Proof of Acceptance to a college; 4. Submit letter of recommendation from a teacher or school.

** Please be advised that on1ine education studies are not eligible. *** Scholarships will be awarded for only one year with the possibility to renew. The number of grant will be based on the funds raised during the calendar year. The amount of each grant will be determined by available funds