May 31, 2016 - Beginner Pilates. Studio 1. 4.15pm. Kids Street Dance (4 - 8 years) Studio 2. 5pm. Kids Street Dance (8 y
The Laura Trott Leisure Centre MONDAY 9.15am 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.45am 11.45am 1pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 7pm 7pm 7.30pm 8pm 8pm 8.15pm
WEDNESDAY Aqua Aerobics Legs, Bums and Tums Bodypump Fitball Synrgy PiYo Pilates Yoga Synrgy Legs, Bums and Tums Trim and Tone Fitball Bodypump Aqua Aerobics ▲ Synrgy BodyAttack Step Workout
Pool Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Gym Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 1 Gym Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Pool Gym Studio 1 Studio 2
Leisure 50s Pre/Post natal BodyAttack Legs, Bums and Tums Bodypump Synrgy Pilates Cardiac Rehab Cardiac Rehab Intro to Dance (4-8 year olds) Intro to Dance (8+ year olds) Synrgy Trim & Tone Step Workout Fitball Stretch and Core Circuits Aqua Aerobics ▲ Pilates HIIT Cardio Synrgy Zumba Pilates
Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Gym Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 1 Gym Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Sports Hall Pool Studio 1 Studio 2 Gym Court 2 Studio 1
TUESDAY 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 11.30am 12.30pm 2.30pm 4.15pm 5pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7.30pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 8pm 9pm
6.30am 9.15am 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 11.30am 12pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 7pm 7pm 8pm 8pm
Synrgy Aqua Aerobics All Over Body Workout Cardio Combat Pilates HIIT Cardio Synrgy Kettle Bell Workout Yoga Legs, Bums and Tums Synrgy Pilates Trim and Tone Step Workout BodyAttack Synrgy
Gym Pool Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Gym Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Gym Studio 1 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 2 Gym
All Over Body Workout Step Workout Pilates on the Ball Bodypump Synrgy Zumba Pilates Beginner Pilates Kids Street Dance (4 - 8 years) Kids Street Dance (8 years+) Cardio Groove Insanity Synrgy HITT Cardio Bodypump Circuits Aqua Aerobics ▲ Pilates Synrgy Kettle Bell Workout
Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Gym Court 2 Studio 1 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Gym Studio 1 Studio 2 Sports Hall Pool Studio 1 Gym Studio 2
FRIDAY 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.45am 12noon 1pm 6pm 6pm 6.30pm
Leisure 50s, Pre/Post natal BodyAttack Fitball Bodypump Synrgy Zumba Pilates Yoga Legs, Bums and Tums Synrgy Yoga
9am 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.45am 11.30am 11.30am
Synrgy Trim & Tone Bodypump Cardio Combat Legs, Bums and Tums Yoga Synrgy
9.30am 10.30am 6pm 7.30pm
WEDNESDAY RPM Beginner Spinning Spinning Spinning
RPM Spinning RPM Spinning
TUESDAY 9.30am 10.30am 6pm
6.45am 10.30am 6pm 7.30pm
RPM Spinning RPM
Fit&Well Members
9.30am 10.30am 7pm 8.15pm
RPM Spinning Spinning RPM
Members can enjoy unlimited classes at both centres. Members can also book classes seven days in advance for a guaranteed place. Please ask at reception for a whole range of other benefits.
Gym Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Gym
9.15am 10am 10.15am 11.15am 12.30pm 6.15pm 7.15pm 7.30pm 8.30pm
WEDNESDAY Ab Attack Aqua Aerobics HIIT Cardio Pilates Cardiac Rehab Bodypump Circuits BodyAttack PiYo
Studio Pool Studio Studio Studio Studio Sports Hall Studio Studio
Pilates Aqua Aerobics BodyAttack Bodypump All over body workout Pilates
Studio Pool Studio Studio Studio Studio
9am 10am 10.15am 11.30am 11.30am
10am 11am 5.30pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.30pm
Synrgy Yoga Bodypump HIIT Cardio Synrgy
Gym Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 2 Gym
All over body workout Bodypump Leisure 50s Cardiac Rehab Kids Street Dance (4 - 8 years) Kids Street Dance (8+ years old) Bodypump Insanity Zumba Trim and Tone Aqua Zumba Fitball
FRIDAY Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Sports Hall Studio Pool Studio
9.15am 10.15am 11.30am 12.45pm 3.45pm 4.30pm 5.15pm 6.30pm 7pm 7.30pm 7.45pm 8.30pm
9am 9.15am 10.15am 11.15am 12.45pm 5.15pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 8.30pm
Aqua Aerobics Legs, Bums and Tums Circuits All Over Body Workout Cardiac Rehab Yoga BodyAttack Bodypump Pilates
Pool Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio Studio
10am 11am 11.15am 12.15pm 6pm
Bodypump Aqua Aerobics Legs, Bums & Tums Weigh up and Workout Kettle Bell Workout
Studio Pool Studio Café Studio
SATURDAY 8am 9.15am 9.30am 10.15am 11.15am 12.30pm
Bodypump Fitball Insanity BodyAttack Trim & Tone Pilates
Studio Studio Sports Hall Studio Studio Studio
Step Workout All Over Body Workout Legs, Bums and Tums
Studio Studio Studio
SUNDAY 9.00am 10.15am 11.15am
WEDNESDAY RPM Spinning (30 mins) Spinning
6.30am 10.15am 6.30pm
9.15am 5.30pm
9.30am 7.30pm
Spinning Spinning and Abs RPM Spinning
RPM (45 mins) Spinning and Abs
TUESDAY 9.15am 10.15am 6.30pm 7.30pm
Spinning RPM Spinning (30 mins)
Spinning (30 mins) Spinning
SUNDAY 9.30am
Spinning (30 mins)
All exercise classes are 55 minutes long unless otherwise stated, except Aqua Aerobics classes which are 50 minutes long.
Studio 1 Studio 2 Studio 1 Studio 2 Gym Court 2 Studio 1 Studio 1 Studio 2 Gym Studio 1
THURSDAY 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.45am 12.30pm 1.30pm 4.15pm 5pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7.30pm 8pm 8pm 8.15pm
The John Warner Sports Centre
FRIDAY 6.15am 9.30am 10.30am
SATURDAY 9.30am 10.30am
Spinning Spinning
SUNDAY 9am 10.30am
RPM Spinning
6.45am 11.30am 5pm
Studio Coach Tour Coach Tour Coach
Fast Class
Tour Coach Tour Coach Studio Coach
Fast Class
Fast Class
TUESDAY 6.45am 7pm 8pm
WEDNESDAY 9.30am 5pm
Studio Coach Studio Coach
Fast Class
11.30am 6pm
Tour Coach Tour Coach
TOUR COACH Speed interacting (ride as you see it) terrainfocused footage from all over the world, paired with chart quality music and world class voice over coaching.
Studio Coach
50 minutes or 30 minutes (fast class)
Tour Coach
STUDIO COACH On-screen world-class coaching to music. 50 minutes or 30 minutes (fast class)
SUNDAY 11.30am
Fast Class
Tour Coach
If you do not attend a class or cancel within four hours of the start time you will be charged the full activity fee. Please refer to the cancellation policy found online at To cancel an exercise class for: The Laura Trott Leisure Centre telephone 01992 623345, text 07746 028406 or email
[email protected]. The John Warner Sports Centre telephone 01992 445375, text 07707 093953 or email
[email protected]
Exercise class timetable
Class descriptions
Aqua Aerobics* A low-impact, fun and energetic workout using woggles and water resistance to work the whole body. Please note: For the Laura Trott Leisure Centre aqua aerobics includes a swim. Aqua Zumba A fusion of Aqua aerobics and Zumba dance moves in the comfort of the pool. BodyAttack A sports inspired cardio workout to build strength and stamina. This high energy interval training class combines athletic, aerobic movements with strength and stabilising exercises. HIIT Cardio The HIIT session is here! Designed to take your body to its limit High Intensity Interval Training aims to work you hard over a sort period to give you amazing results, fast. Results are quick as you can expect to tap into fat stores to become lean, toned and super fit. Insanity High intensity workout using body weight, you will need to dig deep for this class. RPM High intensity interval training, on the spin bikes, set to tunes that’ll get your pulse racing. Get results fast. Ride hard. Spinning Spinning gives your upper and lower body a fantastic workout similar to cross country mountain biking. Zumba* Using Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves, Zumba is a one-of-a-kind fitness programme. AEROBIC FITNESS AND TONING Circuits* An intense cardiovascular workout combining stamina and bodyweight training to improve fitness and muscle tone.
Cardio Combat Energetic, motivating and intense cardio workout. A martial arts inspired class designed to work your entire body.
PiYo Combines the core firming benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility of Yoga movements, all in one class.
Cardio Groove* An intense fat burning cardio and toning workout offering a fusion of the latest dance moves. It’s fun and improves flexibility.
Yoga* Restorative, tones muscles, promotes suppleness and improves spinal flexibility whilst exploring relaxation and meditation techniques.
Legs, Bums and Tums* Aerobic warm up and stretch, followed by the most effective way to shape up your legs, bums and tums. Leisure 50s Pre/Post Natal A low impact class ideal for beginners, over 50s, pre and post natal mums. Spinning and Abs Combining Spinning and Abs - this is a great workout for those new to exercise or those who wish to improve their fitness level. Synrgy The innovative piece of multi-functional training equipment is a solution for sports enthusiasts of all fitness levels, offering core training, weight loss, strength training and sport specific training options. Trim & Tone High energy, fun class with a range of exercises to trim you down and tone you up. Incorporating weights and bars to hit those hard to reach places.
Tuesday 31 May – Sunday 4 September 2016 The Laura Trott Leisure Centre Windmill Lane, Cheshunt EN8 9AJ Telephone: 01992 623345
The John Warner Sports Centre @ BroxbourneBC Stanstead Road, Hoddesdon EN11 0QG Telephone: 01992 445375
@ BroxbourneBC
SPECIALITY Cardiac Rehab An exercise programme focusing on flexibility, strength and cardiovascular conditioning. Attendance by referral only. Weigh up & Workout Track you weight and get some advice followed by a brisk outdoor walk. Don’t worry if it’s raining, sessions will go ahead in the gym area. Kids Street Dance An upbeat class based on jazz dance themes including choreography to the latest chart tunes. TONING AND STRENGTH Abs Attack A session of pure abdominal work. Bodypump The original weights class that builds strength, tones your body and pushes you to the limit every time. Be strong.
Step Workout If you like a plain straight forward step class without too much choreography, then this is for you.
Fitball* A non impact conditioning class featuring core stability exercises and low impact aerobics.
RELAX AND RE-ENERGISE Pilates* Focusing on inner core, strength, balance and stability (mat work). Designed to give you longer and leaner muscles to improve posture.
Stretch and Core Full body advanced stretching / pilates class. Designed to hit superficial and deep muscles whilst stretching, incorporating abdominal and back protection - great for your posture.
Pilates on the Ball* A Pilates class using the fitball.
*Suitable for those aged 14 + years (no weights). All other classes are suitable for those aged 16 years and above.
Kettle Bell Workout An all-over body workout with classic kettle bells.
AEROBIC FITNESS All Over Body Workout A cardio workout with muscle toning exercises, designed to work your entire body. A dynamic class using a combination of training techniques.