Other studies have shown that toothpicks impregnated with fluoride increase the ... the use of a fluoride-impregnated toothpick or floss (not the test floss in this ...
An Electronic Reprint From
The Journal of Dental Hygiene
Copyright © 2006 American Dental Hygienists' Association. Electronic Reprint generated by Ingenta, www.ingenta.com.
Source: Journal of Dental Hygiene, Vol. 82, No. 2, April 2008 Copyright by the American Dental Hygienists' Association
Effects of a Stannous Fluoride-Impregnated Dental Floss on in vivo Salivary Fluoride Levels Casey C Flatt, RDH, Donna Warren-Morris, RDH, MEd, Steward D Turner, PhD and Jarvis T Chan, DDS, PhD Casey C. Flatt, RDH, practicing dental hygienist and a graduate from The University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston; Donna Warren-Morris RDH, MEd, associate professor; Steward D. Turner, PhD, associate professor; Jarvis T. Chan, DDS, PhD, professor. Flatt and Warren-Morris are from The University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston; Turner and Chan are from The University of Texas Medical School at Houston.
Purpose. The aim of this in vivo pilot study was to determine the concentration of fluoride retained intra-orally in saliva after flossing with dental floss impregnated with stannous fluoride (SnF2). Methods. Participants flossed their teeth ad libitum with 2 premeasured lengths of fluoridated dental floss. Expectorated saliva samples were collected in vials before flossing (PF), immediately postflossing(IPF), at 30 minutes (30), and 1 hour (60) after flossing for analysis with a fluoride-specific electrode and an Orion millivoltmeter. Postflossing samples were compared to the preflossing samples using ANOVA and Tukey's HSD. Results. Differences between the PF and IPF group means were found to be statistically significant at p;54(5 Suppl 1): 304-9. Ingram GS, Agalamanyi EA, Higham SM. Caries and fluoride processes. J Dent. 2005;33: 187-191. Modesto A, Souza I, Codeiro P, Silva L, Primo L, Vianna R. Fluoride uptake in situ after the use of dental floss with fluoride. 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