Jul 26, 2011 - ing software modules that resemble the relations between corresponding ... position mechanisms, usually in terms of keywords. To over-.
The Keyword Revolution Promoting language constructs for data access to first class citizens Steven te Brinke, Lodewijk Bergmans, and Christoph Bockisch University of Twente – Software Engineering group – Enschede, The Netherlands
{brinkes, bergmans, c.m.bockisch}@cs.utwente.nl
ABSTRACT An ongoing trend is to develop new mechanisms for composing software modules that resemble the relations between corresponding problem-domain entities and thus enable a natural decomposition of software for an increasing number of problem domains. However, we have observed that today’s programming languages hard-wire a fixed set of composition mechanisms, usually in terms of keywords. To overcome this limitation, we have proposed the Co-op approach enabling developers to implement an open-ended number of composition mechanisms as first-class citizens. Extending our previous prototype which focused on the composition of behavior, this paper reports on our prototype Co-op/II which facilitates implementing composition mechanisms for data access. We show that our approach is sufficient to realize several styles, e.g., of sharing data between sub classes, of controlling visibility, and of behavioral modifiers like synchronization of data access, converting or persisting data.
To be able to properly decompose a software system into modules which correspond to the entities of the problem domain, sufficient mechanisms must be provided to compose the modules into a running system again. There is a continuous trend [10] in software engineering research to develop programming languages with composition mechanisms that map to relations between problem-domain entities. Thus a natural decomposition of software is enabled for an increasing number of problem domains. The key to these composition mechanisms is abstraction: Program elements can use others without explicitly referring to their implementation; typically, multiple implementations of an abstraction exist and the execution environment selects one according to well-defined rules. A popular example of a composition mechanism is inheritance, where the behavior of a child class is composed with the behavior of the parent. Already for this well known example, many different variants exist [11]. Examples of other
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composition mechanisms are delegation, predicate dispatching, aggregation, pointcut-advice, etc. The number of existing composition mechanisms is immense and shows that there is a need for a variety of such technology. On the other hand, the fact that research in this area is going on and producing ever new composition mechanisms shows that every programming language which just provides a fixed set of such technologies will always be limiting. However, this is what current programming languages do: They offer a limited number of composition mechanisms from which developers can choose. It is still possible to emulate other mechanisms by using specific coding styles or design patterns. But applying these has many drawbacks: Implementing patterns requires training, especially when multiple composition mechanisms are combined; coding discipline is required to keep the code understandable; re-usability of modules is impaired as they are polluted with pattern implementations. In previous work [6], we have presented the Co-op concept of a programming language that allows freely implementing composition mechanisms. In Co-op, composition mechanisms are implemented as first-class objects that operate on compositions embodied as message sends; such objects are called composition operators in Co-op. We have implemented this concept prototypically in the language and execution environment Co-op/I [6] and have proved our approach feasible for composing behavior. Especially, we have made a case study showing our approach powerful enough to model different design patterns [7] and different semantics for inheritance. But composition techniques like inheritance do not only control the composition of behavior, but also the composition of data. For instance, access modifiers control from where data fields can be accessed. For example, only by method definitions contained in the same class as the field declaration; or also by methods defined in classes inheriting from the one declaring the field. Thus, in this paper we report on the second prototype of a Co-op language and execution environment, Co-op/II. In this prototype, additional to function calls, also data accesses are reified as messages being sent and composition operators can reason about and influence such messages. Throughout this paper, we will illustrate our approach and discuss the feasibility of implementing different composition mechanisms for data access.
We have implemented the concepts of Co-op in the language Co-op/II. The syntax of this language is inspired by
class-based languages like Java and C++. Nevertheless, it has no constructs for inheritance, is dynamically typed, and aims to avoid many keywords and language constructs for expressing specific semantics. For instance, keywords like public, private, protected and static are avoided. We introduced keywords to syntactically distinguish the four kinds of members: var, method, binding and constraint. This section will present some examples, which work with the current Co-op/II prototype. To start with, a simple class can be defined as follows: 1 class Person { 2 var name; 3 var title; 4 5 method talk() { 6 return ”What should ” + this.title + ” ” + this.name + ” say?”; 7 } 8 9 method new(name, title) {...} // returns a new, initialized, instance 10 }
The Co-op object model is based on the manipulation of messages that are being sent between objects. In Co-op/II, the dot specifies a message send, thus, the following example contains three message sends: the creation of a new person (Bob), requesting what he has to say, and printing this. 1 2
var bob = Person.new(”Bob”, ”Doctor”); System.println( bob.talk() );
A binding selects which messages it applies to and how they should be rewritten. Bindings can be defined by any class; such a class is then referred to as a composition operator, since—through the bindings—it affects how interacting objects are composed. The defaultBinding is the only built-in binding and all messages are eventually dispatched through this binding. It handles a message by dispatching it to the method specified by the message properties name and targetType. In the diagram below, we see the generated message for bob.talk() and—a selection of—its properties. In this example, the message is processed by the default binding which succeeds. messageKind = ”Call” name = ”talk” target = bob targetType = Person this = bob
Each message has a set of properties, which can be added, removed, changed and used by any binding. Some properties, e.g. the ones in the previous figure, are special in the sense that an initial value will be assigned to them when a message is sent. Besides that, there is no difference between these properties and any other property.
Inheritance is a common technique for composing classes. Here we use the Smalltalk inheritance style to illustrate the implementation of a composition operator. Smalltalk inheritance allows for overriding methods along a single inheritance hierarchy. As an example, we introduce the following class as a subclass of class Person: 1 class Student { 2 method study() { 3 return ”Is that necessary?”; 4 } 5 }
The inheritance relation is not specified through a built-in language construct, but through composition operators, as shown in the following code, which could e.g. be part of the main() method of the application: 1 2 3 4
SmalltalkStyleInheritance.subclassOf(Student, Person); var alice = Student.new(”Alice”, ”Bachelor”); System.println( alice.study() ); System.println( alice.talk() );
In the case of inheritance, it may be more intuitive (and in fact, appropriate), to specify inheritance within the subclass itself: this can be achieved in Co-op either by writing it in the class initializer of Student, or to express it through an annotation on the class declaration, such as class @Inherits( Person)Student, but the latter is not supported by the current prototype. The key point of our contribution is that the inheritance specification is no longer part of the language syntax, and the location where to specify it can now be determined to provide the best design trade-off. Further, in this example, the inheritance behavior is in fact composed of two composition operators: one for method inheritance, and one for field inheritance. These are created in respectively line 3 and 4 of the following listing. The definition of FieldInheritance takes a third parameter, here class LocalFieldAccess, which defines the policy for field access. To express Smalltalk-like inheritance, we want fields to be accessible only locally, and not from subclasses: 1 class SmalltalkStyleInheritance { 2 method @ImplicitParameters([]) subclassOf(childType, parentType) { 3 MethodInheritance.subclassOf(childType, parentType); 4 FieldInheritance.subclassOf(childType, parentType, LocalFieldAccess); 5 } 6 }
In this section we first illustrate how method inheritance can be expressed using Co-op/II, which is similar to that in Co-op/I. The execution of alice.talk() (i.e., invoking an inherited method) involves more steps than the execution of bob.talk() we saw in section 2: messageKind = ”Call” name = ”talk” target = alice targetType = Student this = alice MethodInheritance.virtualBinding messageKind = ”Call” name = ”talk” target = alice targetType = Person this = alice defaultBinding
succeeds Alice is an instance of Student, and the talk() method is implemented in Person, so Alice cannot execute this behavior directly. To express inheritance, the virtualBinding rewrites messages sent to a Student to address a Person. The composition operator that specifies this binding is defined as follows: 1 class MethodInheritance { 2 var childType; 3 var parentType; 4 // Binding for virtual method lookup 5 binding virtualBinding = (messageKind == ”Call” 6 & targetType == this.childType) {
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 }
because field values are instance properties, whereas method behavior is a property of the type. Now, we can use field inheritance as shown in the example below. First, we create a relation between the parent and child type and then we can access all fields of the parent type also through any instance of a child type, which the method study() does.
targetType = this.parentType; } // virtualBinding is applicable only if the default binding fails constraint bottomUpResolution = skip(defaultBinding, virtualBinding); // initialize the instance variables and activate binding. method subclassOf(childType, parentType) {...}
Each instance of MethodInheritance defines an inheritance relation between the childType and parentType. The virtualBinding in this example selects all calls to the childType and reroutes these to the parentType, effectively specifying virtual method lookup. This virtual lookup only takes place if regular lookup fails, specified by the constraint bottomUpResolution: If the default binding succeeds, the virtualBinding is skipped.
1 2 3 4
Languages like Java and C++, which enable inheritance of fields, also provide mechanisms to let the developer select fields which are not accessible through subtypes. We have modeled this using the SelectiveFieldInheritance composition operator, which can replace the InheritedFieldInheritance. This operator only enables inheritance for fields that are selected explicitly. Its use is as follows:
Defining the availability and accessibility of fields from superclasses is needed for expressing various inheritance- (and other composition-) semantics. Our previous version of the Co-op language, Co-op/I, did not support this; this paper explains the application of controlling field composition semantics for the first time. For example, the Smalltalk style inheritance we have defined earlier, also creates FieldInheritance. Even though the fields of a Person are not directly accessible from its subclass Student, they are still addressable through methods defined in the class Person. Thus, upon creation of a child class, also all fields in its superclasses must be created. That is what the composition operator FieldInheritance does. FieldInheritance also creates a relation between an instance of the child class, and an instance of its superclass1 . For Smalltalk style inheritance, this relation is created using the LocalFieldAccess operator, which allows private field access only. Now, consider you do not want field access to be limited to the declaring class only, but you want them to be also addressable through the child classes. For example, allowing us to write the following implementation of Student: 1 class Student { 2 method study() { 3 return ”Is that necessary for ” + this.title + ” ” + this.name + ”?”; 4 } 5 }
The field accesses in the method study() address fields defined in the super class, just like the way we can address methods defined in the super class. Therefore, defining a binding which realizes accessing fields through child classes can be done in a similar way to defining it for methods: 1 class InheritedFieldAccess { 2 var child; 3 var parent; 4 // Binding for field lookup in parent type 5 binding inheritFields = (messageKind == ”Lookup” 6 & target == this.child) { 7 target = this.parent; 8 targetType = System.classOf(this.parent); 9 this = this.parent; 10 } 11 // inheritFields is applicable only if the default binding fails 12 constraint bottomUpResolution = skip(defaultBinding, inheritFields); 13 // initialize instance and activate binding 14 method initDispatch(child, parent) { ... } 15 }
The most notable difference with MethodInheritance is that in this case we have a parent and child instance instead of type, 1 This does not involve specific and optimized memory layouts for objects
MethodInheritance.subclassOf(Student, Person); FieldInheritance.subclassOf(Student, Person, InheritedFieldAccess); var alice = Student.new(”Alice”, ”Bachelor”); System.println( alice.study() );
1 2 3 4 5 6
MethodInheritance.subclassOf(Student, Person); var selectiveInh = SelectiveFieldInheritance.new(); selectiveInh.initDispatch(Student, Person); selectiveInh.addField(”name”); var alice = Student.new(”Alice”, ”Bachelor”); System.println( alice.study() );
Since this example allows subclasses of Person only access to the field name, the implementation of Student shown in the beginning of this section will yield a runtime error. However, the following implementation of Student is correct when this selective inheritance is applied: 1 class Student { 2 method study() { 3 return ”Is that necessary for ” + this.name + ”?”; 4 } 5 }
Traditional programming languages allow programmers to add access rules to fields or methods by adding a modifier to their declaration. To enable a similar programming style, Co-op allows the addition of annotations to field and method declarations. Using reflective capabilities to access these annotations—which are not yet possible in the Co-op/II prototype—allows implementing the FieldInheritance composition operator in such a way that it, for example, only applies to fields with the @Inherited annotation: 1 class Person { 2 var @Inherited name; 3 var title; 4 }
In most (OO) programming languages, there are many keywords and fixed language constructs to manipulate the way that data is, or can be, accessed. We mention a few examples: • Access modifiers in Java, C++ and C# are public, protected, and private. A language like C++ adds a friend keyword to express yet another form of access rights on data (as well as behavior). Note that there is a wide range of possible access modifiers, when including the notion of package-level protection, or the distinction between class-level vs instance-level protection. • The Java, C++ or C# keyword static controls whether all instances of a class share a field, or each has its own copy.
• The keywords final in Java, const in C++ or readonly in C# declare special semantics to the usage of the variable (i.e., the variable may be assigned only once). For every new keyword or feature that is introduced in a language, it must be considered carefully how this interacts with all possible combinations of other language constructs. This can be very challenging, and also tends to make the evolution of the language over time very difficult. As a result, creating new language constructs to address all the desired features in one language is not feasible. One of the possible work-arounds is the adoption of design patterns [5], which document and standardize solutions to common design problems. However, implementing design patterns requires code changes and additions in multiple locations, with the concept and identity of the adopted design pattern being lost [14, 8]. Our proposal, as illustrated in the previous sections, is to aim for a simple object model, and a single mechanism for expressing a wide range of behavioral modifiers for fields. Examples of modified composition semantics, which can be expressed with the proper composition operators in Co-op/II, are: access modifiers, static, synchronized, final, and so forth, but also more conceptual constructs such as automatic conversions, checking of validity constraints, persistence, transactions, or expressing roles. Composition operators supporting these semantics can be provided by reusable libraries. In [1], larger complementary examples of behavioral composition are presented.
Ostermann and Mezini argue in [8], fully in line with our reasoning that “[..] often non-standard composition semantics is needed, with a mixture of properties, which is not as such provided by any of the standard techniques.”. To address this, they propose a small design space of properties of composition languages, of which Overriding of members, Transparent redirection of access to pseudovariables, and Acquisition, or transparent forwarding of access. This design space specifically covers the range of compositions from object aggregation to inheritance, but is unable to express other types of compositions, such as predicate dispatch, aspects, andsoforth. A key technique proposed in their work are Compound References, which are exploited to express various alternative visibility and sharing styles for data fields. Our approach differs among others in the ability to express crosscutting abstractions, and the ability to influence field access (dynamically) based on predicates. Open classes [3], later called inter-type declarations in AspectJ [15], allow for flexibly extending classes with additional fields, expressed separately from the original class definitions. This allows for application-specific extension of classes with additional fields. Using advice on field read or write join points, it is also possible in aspect-oriented languages or frameworks to implement conceptual modifiers for field accesses. Examples are adding persistence2 or defining access permissions in the style of multilevel security for fields [9]. There is no notion of generalizing such extensions to an application-independent composition operator. On another note, aspect-oriented languages like AspectJ do not only allow for influencing field access and adding 2 See the SourceForge project “Java Persistence Aspect” at http://sourceforge.net/projects/jpa/.
fields to classes; they also introduce the new mechanism of implicit object instantiation which is controlled by so-called aspect instantiation policies. Such policies declare when new aspect instances are shared between different (implicit) invocations and when a new instance has to be created. Compose* [4] extends this concept and supports instantiation policies per field in an aspect instance. In Co-op, we believe, all these mechanisms can be realized uniformly as composition operators. In [2], Bracha and Lindstrom discuss that the class construct (in languages with inheritance) has many different roles (nine, when ignoring type-related issues). They propose to adopt a very simple model of classes, which can then be enhanced by applying operators over modules, to express a wide range of inheritance semantics. As such it has similar aims as Co-op, but focuses only on inheritancelike semantics (e.g. it is not able to express aspects), and it differs in its mechanism which is purely static; JIGSAW is a module manipulation language, where our composition operators express various composition semantics through firstclass modules (expressed in the same language). Reflex [12] is a reflection-based kernel for AOP languages. It also supports structural aspects, which may involve addition (and possibly modification) of members. In [13], structural aspects are discussed, focussing on the detection of interactions between multiple, additive, and structural aspect expressions. Reflective languages and systems in general offer low-level constructs for influencing, among others, the message dispatch process. However, for application programmers, they lack the abstractions provided by Co-op such as bindings and constraints that enable the structured and composable expression of reusable composition operators. Nevertheless, fully reflective languages can be a suitable means for implementing languages like Co-op on top of them, or for implementing a meta-object protocol which offers comparable abstractions.
The Co-op approach enables developers to freely define and use operators realizing composition mechanisms in their programs. This is facilitated through the simple object model and the concept of declarative bindings defined in normal classes which can rewrite message sends. Because of this first-class nature of composition operators, they can be reused and composed again to enable a decomposition of software most natural to its problem domain. The contribution of this paper is the representation of field accesses as message sends in Co-op/II and thus exposing field accesses to composition operators. To demonstrate the appropriateness of this approach we have expressed a wide range of composition mechanisms for fields, like different access policies for shared data in class hierarchies or behavioral modifiers for fields3 . An example which is not described in this paper is static field access. There are several challenges for such a composition operator technique; firstly, expressiveness: the technique should be able to express the desired semantics. This puts requirements on the language for expressing the composition behavior, as well as on the access to the internals of the program (say, its representation and execution by an underlying vir3
See the SourceForge project “Co-op” at co-op.sf.net
tual machine). For example, some level of reflection is a necessity. Secondly, composability: a key question is whether multiple composition operators, in particular when applied to the same location (e.g. same field), will still yield the desired behavior. From our experience with Co-op we distinguish several issues for composing composition operators: • Multiple operators should be applicable to the same program location. • The semantics of co-located operators should be compatible: this may require a proper design of the composition operator library. • The order of applying composition operators may make a difference. • Some operators are by design incompatible. • Hence one needs to express ordering, exclusion and coexistence constraints between operators. These can be general constraints, or application-specific constraints. We plan to perform additional case studies of implementing composition mechanisms in Co-op/II and to improve our prototype in several ways. As mentioned already in section 3, often developers depend on specific compositional semantics for program elements like classes, methods and fields they define. For instance, it may be relevant that one class inherits from another or that a certain field can only be accessed locally. For reasons of good readability the composition mechanism should be declared together with the definition of the program element then. One possibility to achieve this while staying flexible and independent of keywords is to use annotations that can be accessed by composition operators. Co-op/II does not yet have full support for annotations on method and field declarations, but can only use a few hard-wired ones. To enable the full benefit of annotations, we intend to further extend Co-op/II’s reflective capabilities to access annotations in the definition of bindings. Currently, the only supported condition that can be used in constraints is whether a named binding is applicable or not. But sometimes, it is necessary to disable a binding when a certain predicate is satisfied. Consider for example the SelectiveFieldAccess composition operator which is supposed to disable the binding that realizes to share fields between the super and the sub class. In our implementation we had to use a workaround which is to define a binding in SelectiveFieldAccess that is applicable when the sharedFieldBinding should be ignored and then define a constraint between these two. We plan to improve the expressiveness of conditional constraints in Co-op/II.
[11] [12]
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